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Lessons 15-16 Workshop


Directions: Match the columns and form an idiom.

1. Fiona is as stubborn ____ a) as a daisy

2. Brandon is as blind ____ b) as a feather

3. Chelsea is as busy____ c) as a mule

4. Lindsay is as light____ d) as a bee.

5. Burt is as old____ e) as a bat

6. Luella is as fresh____ f) as the mountains

Directions: Underline the correct meaning of the idiom.

1. If you want to fix the problem you have to take the bull by the horns.

a) Face the problem directly no matter what.

b) make the correct decision

c) make the worst decision

2. Cooper be sure to take an umbrella. It’s raining dogs and cats.

a) It’s started to rain b) It is raining heavily c) It’s snowing

3. When you go to the bank please pay the phone bill. That way you can kill two birds with one stone.

a) to go hunting for birds b) to get things done efficiently. C) to do two things at the same time.

4. No o one in the family talks about Dwight, because he’s the black sheep of the family.

a) the stubborn one b) the irresponsible one c) the family member with a bad reputation

5. Kimberly, would you please keep an eye on my house while I’m at work?

a) to take care b) to watch for anything unusual c) to look at the garden

Directions: Fill in the gaps using the correct form of the verb. FOUR

1. Everybody ________(be) at Jennifer’s party.

2. Nobody _________(like) Indian food in my family.

3. The baseball team _______(have) a new member.

4. Your feet ____________(have) almost half of your bones.

5. The crowd ______(be) eagerly waiting for the concert to begin.

Directions: Write C if the sentence is correct and I if the sentence is incorrect.

1. ____Cheetahs and antelopes love to run.

2. ____One of the rings are missing from the jewel box.

3. ___Algebra are hard to master.

4. ___ The local news are in channel 7.

5. ____Every student in the classroom knows that the use of cellphones are forbidden.

Directions: Complete the sentences using a gerund or an infinitive.

1. My wife likes ________her bills with her credit card. (pay)

2. Therese likes ___________to the movies with her friends. (go)

3. I like ___________swimming in the evening. (go)

4. Darling you must ________ this novel. (read)

5. It’s not easy _______ a good cook nowadays. (get)

6. The Smiths are___________ a barbeque next Saturday. (have)

7. I don’t mind __________the laundry. (do)

8. Jason wants ________a new car in December. (buy)

9. I learned _______when I was five years old. (swim)

10. Cheryl asked me how _______to the new restaurant.

Directions: Circle the Infinitive or the Gerund that completes the sentence correctly.

1. Bob hopes to get/getting a new computer soon.

2. I would like to buy/buying a new car.

3. The trucks engine keeps to leak/leaking oil.

4. You have to take/taking the car to the auto shop.

5. The blender has stopped to work/working.

Directions: Write a sentence or a question using an infinitive.

1. it/learn/Russian/hard ____________________________.

2. Portuguese/is/understand easy? _______________________________.

3. exam/this /difficult/answer ____________________________________.

4. impossible/master/It’s/the lesson_________________________________.

5. promised/she /wash /dishes/the__________________________________.

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