Punctuation Marks by MSc. Aykhan Huseynzade

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Punctuation Marks

By MSc. Aykhan Huseynzade

Period (.) - used to indicate the end of a sentence. It is also used in abbreviations.
Example: I went to the store to buy some groceries.
Abbreviation example: Mr. Smith will be here soon.

Comma (,) - used to separate items in a list, separate clauses in a sentence, and set off
introductory words or phrases.
Example (items in a list): My favorite colors are red, blue, and green.
Example (separating clauses in a sentence): She went to the store, but she forgot her wallet.
Example (setting off introductory words or phrases): In the morning, I like to drink coffee.

Question mark (?) - used at the end of a sentence to indicate a direct question.
Example: Where is the nearest gas station?

Exclamation mark (!) - used at the end of a sentence to show strong emotion.
Example: I can't believe I won the lottery!

Colon (:) - used to introduce a list or explanation.

Example (introducing a list): My favorite hobbies are: reading, hiking, and cooking.
Example (introducing an explanation): The reason for my absence is simple: I was sick.

Semi-colon (;) - used to separate two closely related independent clauses in a sentence.
Example: She likes coffee; he prefers tea.

Dash (-) - used to separate words or phrases in a sentence, or to indicate a pause or change in
Example (separating words or phrases): My favorite fruits are apples - especially Granny
Smith apples - and bananas.
Example (indicating a pause): I was going to go to the store - but then it started raining.

Quotation marks (" ") - used to indicate a direct quote.

Example: He said, "I will be there soon."

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