Pre Taskday 2 OLC

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P R E - T A S K S (Day 2)
Asynchronous Learning

1. Prepare a sample for each Campcraft Certificate requirement:

a. Camp Daily Schedule

b. Day-to-Day Camp Program
c. Camp Budget
d. Camp Menu

2. Make a program of activities for a 3-day Troop Camp.

3. Make a sample of the following & paste them on a bond paper;

Square Knot
b. Clove Hitch
c. 2 Half-Hitches

 Enumerate at least 3 Kinds of Whistle Signal

Demonstrate at least 3 Kinds of Hand Signal

6. Make a Menu Plan for a 3-day Troop Camp. Follow the necessary guidelines and
priorities in meal planning. Take note of all the characteristics of food in a camp

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