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As one of the oldest higher teaching and learning of both
education institutions, Universitas national and foreign lang-
Pendidikan Indonesia or UPI has uages through coordination
been running various international with departments in UPI
programs for years to bring the  Translating textbooks and
university into a world-class uni- other materials from foreign
versity in education sector. Balai languages to Indonesian or
Bahasa UPI or the Language Center vice versa
of UPI aims to be a nationally and  Administering standardized
internationally re-cognized center language testing whether by
of excellence for language studies developing instruments or by
and services, including Indonesian cooperating with other insti-
language training program for non- tutions
native speakers.
Services of Balai Bahasa UPI
 providing training of the
national language or BIPA or
foreign languages for faculty
members, administrative
staff, students, international
students, expatriates, and the
general public
 Developing materials, me-
thods, and teaching media for
A student from Japan winning the
the teaching of national and first place in an Indonesian language
foreign languages speech contest for international
 Undertaking research and students.
development in the field of
Goals of BIPA Program known, in the Participants
long run we from
With the increasing number of will benefit
international communities coming both
to Indonesia to learn Indonesian
language and culture, it has always
been UPI’s aim to reach out more
international partners and to Countries
obtain worldwide recognition.
Thus, Bahasa Indonesia Bagi Pe-
nutur Asing (BIPA) or Indonesian Program Objectives
for Speakers of Other Languages is
one of the university’s efforts to BIPA program is aimed at
tighten the cooperation with the introducing Indonesian Language
international world through wel- and cultures to international
coming international participants communities and nurturing a
to learn Indonesian language and positive image of Indonesia in the
share it with its rich culture international communities. More
throughout the globe. specifically, by joining BIPA
In this era of globalization, course, participants are expected
Indonesian language and cultures to be able to:
should not only function as • communicate in spoken and
national identities, but also should written Indonesian language
improve public diplomacy of the at both formal and informal
nation in the world. With situations
Indonesian diverse cultures be- • appreciate diverse Indonesian
coming more internationally well culture, and
• use Indonesian language skills
to reach a better future.

Teaching Staffs Study Buddy/ Mitra Bahasa
Teaching staffs for BIPA In addition to classroom
Program in Balai Bahasa UPI are learning process, participants of
bachelor and master’s graduates some programs are accompanied
of Indonesian Language and English by mitra bahasa or study buddies
education study programs from that will give more encouragement
notable universities in Indonesia, to practice Indonesian language
mainly from Universitas Pendidikan skills and share more information
Indonesia, where national BIPA on everyday expressions and some
program was initiated, and has cultural aspects. Participants may
been established as a field of study also invite mitra bahasa for some
in the Faculty of Indonesian other activities outside those
Language Education. Years of arranged in the program design.
teaching experience and creative In particular conditions,
pedagogical approaches are of our participants may consult
teachers’ plus points. difficulties encountered in their
Many of them are actively learning Indonesian language to
involved in training, seminar, or their teachers after the class.
research in BIPA area, and some of Alternatively, extra tutorial
them have experience of teaching sessions with more flexible time
Indonesian language in other and place can be provided.
countries, including Australia,
Germany, China, Japan, South
Korea, Thailand, and the
Philippines. If necessary, guest
lecturer(s) can be invited,
especially to deliver extra
materials from other languages or
subjects, such as Business English,
bahasa Sunda, foreign investment,
Indonesian history, traditional
music, or traditional dances.

BIPA participants and a class

teacher after performing an
Indonesian traditional dance
Current Students
In the last few years, almost or more than one hundred participants
joined BIPA program in Balai Bahasa UPI annually. The participants came
from different countries and learned Indonesian language with different
arrangements and purposes. Table below illustrates the countries of
origin and the number of participants during the academic years of 2016–

1 Armenia 1 19 Peru 4
2 Australia 59 20 Poland 2
3 Azerbaijan 2 21 Russia 1
4 Bangladesh 1 22 Slovakia 1
5 Canada 1 South
23 90
6 China 16 Korea
7 Egypt 1 24 Taiwan 1
8 Germany 5 25 Tajikistan 3
9 Italy 1 26 Tanzania 1
10 Japan 39 27 Thailand 15
11 Kazakhstan 2 The
28 1
12 Laos 4 Philippines
13 Madagascar 1 29 Ukraine 1
14 Mexico 1 30 USA 4
15 Morocco 1 31 Vietnam 3
16 Namibia 1 32 Zimbabwe 2
17 Nigeria 1 Total 267
Papua New
18 1

A participant from Italy receiving the training

certificate from the head of the language center of
UPI, also with the presence of the vice rector and
head of the international office of UPI

General Program
The general program is academic, social, or other
designed for participants who more specific purposes. Table
wish to learn Indonesian below shows two schemes of
language or develop their the training; regular program
ability to communicate in and private program.
Indonesian language for

Regular Program Private Program

Number of Participants 3-10 persons 1-2 persons

50 hours (Level 1-4) 30 hours (Level 1-4)

Length of Study (per term)
60 hours (Level 5-6) 40 hours (Level 5-6)

January, May,
Class Period Start Any time of the year

Class Frequency 2-3 sessions/ week 2-5 sessions/ week

Mid-term test Mid-term test*

Evaluation and Assessment
Final term test Final term test*

 Candidate participants with  Only participants who take
some experience in learning mid-term and final-term tests
or using bahasa Indonesia deserve to receive an
need to take a placement test academic transcript and a
to identify a suitable level for certificate of completion.
them more accurately.

 Mid-term and final-term tests

cover all language skills
(listening, reading, speaking,
and writing) and grammatical

Group discussion in a BIPA class

Learning topics and materials competence of BIPA course
for both programs are relatively participants as outlined by the
similar, ranging from daily use government of the Republic of
expressions and survival language Indonesia. We believe that this
in early levels, to more academic step will positively lead to better
or complex topics in higher levels. quality training and outputs.
The lesson will be more than on
the language, since some cultural In-Country Training (ICT)
notes are included as Program
complementary knowledge for
topics covered in the course In-Country Training (ICT)
modules. Program is a tailored program
Currently, the curriculum and aimed to provide an opportunity to
materials for BIPA program in Balai learn and use Indonesian language
Bahasa is being developed to meet in for more specific purposes
the national standards of through practical activities in real
situations in order to survive in
Indonesia by communicating and
interacting with native speakers of
Indonesian language in a variety of
situations. Participants may
choose to find their own
accommodation, or to take a
homestay since being involved in
the daily activities of local
residents will be one of valuable
Visiting a traditional market;
experiences obtained from that
a practical experience in BIPA scheme.
program The design and characteristics
of the program can be adjusted
and customized based on
participants’ needs. The program
may be focused on learning bahasa
Indonesia for daily communication,
professional or academic purposes,
or it may also include some
cultural sessions or activities, such
as traditional music or dance class.
The intensity of the program will
not drain away participants’
enthusiasm since the materials are
delivered through various methods
BIPA participants with Mitra Bahasa and the program may also include
(Study buddies) excursions arranged as a part of
the learning process, such as:

 Bandung city tour under a six-months contract with
 Batik workshop an institute from South Korea by
 Watching performing arts conducting an intensive language
 Cooking Indonesian food training program for a number of
 Learning Indonesian Martial participants that will be employed
Arts (Pencak Silat) in multinational companies in
 Playing Indonesian traditional Indonesia. Another one is a
games cooperation program with an
 Visits to museums, tourism, Australian association which
and cultural sites delegates some of its members to
study BIPA in Balai Bahasa UPI in
 Etc.
two weeks in order to have
experience of learning the
The activities are especially
language in its home-country and
intended to find out about local
using it in real-life situations.
cultural and tourism potentials and
bring new experience to the
participants. In
addition, participants of
this program may be
accompanied by mitra
bahasa or study buddies
to support the success
of the program.
The most current
ICT Programs organized
by Balai Bahasa UPI is
The closing ceremony of BIPA
training cooperation with
a South Korean institute
For further information, please contact us:
BALAI BAHASA Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229
UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN Bandung – West Java 40154
Telephone/Fax: +62-22-200-0022

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