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George has once has a Dad.

The dad is dead now. He died last year.

Can I have a befitting poem for George's dad?

He was a hardworking man who loved his family. He taught his children to be hardworking and he was
quite sacrificial for his family.

He always warned George never to be lazy and own up to his responsibilities. He was and still is one of
George's few greatest influence in life and family matters.

He worked as a motorcyclist at the time he died and George thinks of him as a scarlet rider because he
drove as someone who is younger. I want this poem to incorporate this fact but I don't want the word
'motorcyclist' to be used or included in the poem.

It's been one year since George's dad died but everyone still miss him a lot because he holds his family
well, even in death. His nickname is 'Apalara' transliterated to 'the arm is family'

Use a lot of imagery in this poem.

1. Dirge

In memory of my dad, I mourn,

A man of toil and sweat, now gone,

A life well-lived, a legacy adorned,

A father, friend, now forever gone.

He rode his bike with fire and speed,

A scarlet rider on the road he'd lead,

A journey to the end, he'd surely heed,

A lesson in life, he'd always teach.

He worked hard, day and night,

For his family, his heart's delight,

A love that shone with radiant light,

A devotion that kept his family tight.

He instilled in me a work ethic rare,

A legacy that still lingers in the air,

A message that urged me to always care,

A father's love that I would always share.

Now, a year has passed since he's gone,

But his memory still lingers on,

A man who never did his family wrong,

A dad whose love will forever belong.

So, I mourn and shed a tear,

For a man who lived a life so dear,

A father whose love I'll always revere,

A memory that'll stay forever near.

2. Ballad

In a land of golden fields and hills,

Where the sun sets and the wind stills,

Lived a man of strength and will,

A father who loved and taught us still.

He rode his bike with passion and pride,

A scarlet rider with a heart so wide,

A father whose love we couldn't hide,

A love that'll never fade or subside.

He worked hard with his hands and heart,

A provider who'd never let us fall apart,

A father whose love was like a work of art,

A love that'll never depart.

He taught us to be strong and true,

To face life's challenges, and see them through,

A father whose love was a beautiful hue,

A love that'll always be with us, anew.

Now he's gone, but his love remains,

A legacy that'll never fade or wane,

A father whose love we'll forever maintain,

A love that'll always ease the pain.

So, let us raise our voices and sing,

A ballad of love for a father so king,

A man whose love would always ring,

A love that'll forever be our everything.

2. Elegy

In the stillness of the night, we mourn,

For a father who has now gone,

A man of strength and love, forever born,

Whose memory will forever live on.

He rode his bike with a daring soul,

A scarlet rider on a quest to reach his goal,

A man of purpose, whose heart was whole,

A father whose love would always console.

He worked with his hands and his heart,

A provider who'd never let his family fall apart,

A father whose love was a work of art,

A love that'll always be with us, from the start.

He taught us to be strong and brave,

To face life's challenges, and never cave,

A father whose love would always save,

A love that'll forever be our shining pave.

Now he's gone, and the tears fall,

For a father who loved us all,

A man whose love would forever call,

A love that'll always be our all-in-all.

So, let us grieve, and let us weep,

For a father whose love we'll always keep,

A man whose memory will forever seep,

Into our hearts, where his love will forever reap.

4. Apalara, The Scarlet Rider

The wind roars and the road unfurls,

Beneath the wheels, a world in swirls.

A rider in scarlet, young and free,

Guides his metal horse with glee.

He is a man who lives for his own,

Yet a father who gives all he's known.

His family his rock, his driving force,

His love a flame, a never-ending source.

Apalara, the arm of the family,

Holds them tight, with love and bravery.

His hard work and sacrifice pave the way,

For his children to thrive, day by day.

He taught his son to never be lazy,

To own his life, and all its crazy.

To be a rider in scarlet, young and strong,

To chase his dreams, and never go wrong.

Though the rider is gone, his love remains,

His spirit rides on, in the wind and rains.

His family still feels his loving embrace,

And remembers his smile, his grace.

The scarlet rider, a symbol of hope,

A memory of love, an endless scope.

Apalara, the arm of the family,

Forever alive, in hearts and memory.

5. Ode to Apalara, the Scarlet Rider

Oh, Apalara, the arm of the family,

Your love and sacrifice, a true rarity.

Your legacy lives on, in hearts and minds,

A father, a friend, one of a kind.

Your scarlet rides, a symbol of youth,

A spirit unbroken, a heart full of truth.

The wind in your face, the road at your feet,

Your family's love, a never-ending beat.

You worked hard, to provide and to guide,

Your love, a force that could not be denied.

You taught your son, to never be lazy,

To own his life, and to be true and crazy.

Your nickname, a testament to your worth,

Apalara, the arm of the family, since birth.

Your family held close, in life and in death,

Your love, a bond that will never lose breath.

Though you are gone, your spirit lives on,

In the laughter and love, that never is gone.

The scarlet rider, forever in our hearts,

Your memory, a symbol that never departs.

So here's to you, Apalara, the Scarlet Rider,

A man of love, a true provider.

Your family is strong, because of your care,

Your spirit lives on, in the love that we share.

6. A speech for my dad's funeral

My fellow family members and friends, we have gathered here today to honor and remember the life of
a great man, my father, Apalara, who was more than just a father to me. He was a mentor, a role model,
and a friend. He was a hardworking man who loved his family deeply and taught us the values of hard
work, sacrifice, and responsibility. His influence in my life and the lives of my siblings is immeasurable.

My father was a true father in every sense of the word. He took care of us, provided for us, and made
sure we were always safe and secure. He was always there for us, even when things got tough. He was a
man who knew the value of hard work, and he instilled that value in all of us. He taught us to be
responsible, to take ownership of our lives, and to always do our best.

He was a man who never hesitated to put his family first. He worked as a scarlet rider, and although it
was not an easy job, he did it with pride and passion because he knew it was for the good of his family.
He never complained, he never gave up, and he always pushed himself to be the best he could be. His
strength and determination were truly inspiring.

My father was a man of few words, but his actions spoke louder than any words could ever do. He
showed us what it meant to be a good man, a good husband, and a good father. He taught us that family
comes first, and that we should always be there for each other, no matter what. He was always there for
us, even when we didn't realize it, and for that, we will always be grateful.

In his death, we mourn the loss of a great man, but we also celebrate his life and the legacy he leaves
behind. He will always be remembered as a loving husband, a dedicated father, and a true friend. He
may no longer be with us in person, but his spirit and his memory will live on in our hearts forever.
To my father, Apalara, I say thank you. Thank you for being the best father any child could ever ask for.
Thank you for your love, your guidance, and your unwavering support. You will always be missed, but
you will never be forgotten. We love you, and we honor you today and always.

7. Oh, noble Apalara, the arm of the family,

A true father, a loving friend, a mentor of chivalry.

His scarlet rides, a symbol of youth and strength,

His heart full of love, his life full of length.

He taught his children to be hardworking and true,

To always be responsible, and never to eschew

Their duties to family, to friends, and to life,

To stand tall in the face of trouble and strife.

His love knew no bounds, his sacrifice great,

He gave his all to ensure his family's fate,

And though he may be gone, his memory lives on,

In the hearts and minds of those he shone upon.

Oh, Apalara, the arm of the family,

Your legacy will stand the test of eternity.

A father, a friend, a true gentleman of grace,

Your life a tribute to all that's good in the human race.

We honor you today, and forevermore,

And cherish the memories of the love you bore.

May your soul find peace, and rest in tranquility,

Oh, noble Apalara, the arm of the family.

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