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I have a friend who is reserved with her emotions and less expressive.

Deep down she has a caring heart but doesn't make it obvious in her words. She loves to face challenges
on her own and choose not to ask for help.

I want a Shakespearean sonnet that can persuade her that life and love gets better and interesting when
we express our affections to one another in our speech. Let her know that it is in the nature of man to
need help. I also want her to know she's beautiful and intelligent.

Let this sonnets be full of figures of speech, especially imageries of a soldier. This sonnet should also
incite admiration.

Sonnet 1

My dearest friend, with heart so full of care,

Thy strength and courage doth the soldier share,

But listen, fair one, to my humble plea,

For words unspoken will ne'er set thee free.

Thy beauty and thy wit doth shine so bright,

Yet hidden they remain from others' sight,

For fear of showing weakness or of need,

But let thy guard down, and thy heart will heed.

As soldiers do not march alone to war,

Nor do we journey through life's trials and more,

The bonds we make with words and deeds so true,

Will make us stronger, help us see anew.

So let thy heart be free, thy voice be heard,

For love and life are more when they're conferred,

And know that in thy strength, beauty, and mind,

A soul like thine, this world can seldom find.


There once was a friend so reserved,

Emotions, she hardly observed,

But life is more fun,

When love is begun,

And expressions are more than just words!


Oh friend, with heart so pure and true,

Thy strength and poise are known to few.

With words unspoken and emotions reserved,

Thou show thy courage, never perturbed.

Thy beauty, like a rose in bloom,

Doth shine so bright, in every room.

Thy intelligence, like a guiding light,

Doth inspire us, and bring us might.

Yet, in thy heart, thou keeps a space,

For solitude and calmness, in every place.

But let thy heart be free, my dear,

And let thy emotions, be ever so clear.

For life is more vibrant, when we express,

Our love and feelings, without duress.

And know, dear friend, that thou art admired,

For thy strength, beauty and heart so inspired.

So, let thy heart be filled with glee,

And let thy emotions flow, so free.

For in thy true nature, we find,

A friend so rare, and one of a kind.


Reserved friend so true,

Emotions kept deep inside,

Heart shines like the moon.

In times of old, when warriors bold,

Marched forth with shields and swords to hold,

A friend I knew, with heart so true,

Stood firm and tall, no fear to ensue.

She faced each challenge with courage and might,

Her will unbroken, her spirit so bright,

And though she asked for help so few,

Her strength and skill saw her through.

In battles fierce, she stood her ground,

With grace and poise, she astounded,

And foes did falter, their spirits downed,

By her prowess, both strong and sound.

But though she shone in battles fought,

Her heart was hidden, her love untaught,

So I say to thee, my friend so true,

Let thy heart be open, let love ensue.

For life is not just battles won,

But moments shared, with everyone,

And in thy strength, and beauty rare,

A heart so warm, and love to spare.

So let thy heart be free to feel,

And let thy love be truly real,

For in thy courage, and thy might,

A friend so loyal, and so bright.


Come listen to the tale I tell,

Of a friend so true and just as well,

She walked this world with steady pace,

And met each challenge with smiling face.

Her beauty shone like sun at dawn,

And all who met her were drawn,

To her kind heart, so pure and bright,

And to her laughter, warm and light.

She faced each test with courage high,

And never once did she deny,

That life is hard, and trials come,

But with good friends, we can overcome.

Her heart was strong, and yet so tender,

And all who knew her did surrender,

To her gentle ways, and gracious smile,

That lit up rooms for many a mile.

So here's to thee, my dear friend,

With whom my heart and soul doth blend,

May our friendship be ever true,

And may all thy dreams come anew.


My friend, so quiet and reserved,

Keeps her heart and feelings hidden,

With strength and courage, she faces life,

And every challenge, she meets with grace,

Yet, in her heart, I know there's more,

A beauty and love that she keeps in store.

She walks this world with steady pace,

A soldier strong, with silent face,

And though she hides her heart so well,

I sense a warmth that she won't let out,

But like a flower, waiting to bloom,

Her love and beauty, will one day consume.

For in this world, so hard and cold,

We all need someone to hold,

And though my friend is brave and true,

I know her heart is longing too,

To share her love and warmth with all,

And break free from this lonely thrall.

So let us hope that soon she'll see,

That in her heart, lies beauty so free,

And let it out, for all to know,

That life is more than just a show,

And in her courage, strength and grace,

Her heart can find a loving place.


My friend, so guarded, hides her heart,

A beauty rare, kept deep inside,

Afraid to show, a love that's art.

She faces life with strength and smart,

A soldier strong, with steady stride,

My friend, so guarded, hides her heart.

Yet, in her eyes, a warmth does start,

A gentle soul, with love to guide,

Afraid to show, a love that's art.

I long to see her love impart,

And break free from this lonely side,

My friend, so guarded, hides her heart.

For life is short, and we must start,

To share our love, with nothing to hide,

Afraid to show, a love that's art.

So let us hope, that soon she'll chart,

A course towards love, with nothing to chide,

My friend, so guarded, hides her heart,

Afraid to show, a love that's art.

Free Verse

My friend, a wonder to behold,

A rare gem, shining bright and bold,

She walks this world with grace and poise,

A beauty rare, that nothing destroys.

Her heart, a treasure deep and pure,

A gentle soul, with love so sure,

And though she keeps her feelings in,

Her spirit soars, like bird on wing.

She faces life with strength and might,

And stands her ground, in every fight,

With steady hand, and clear mind too,

My friend, she knows just what to do.

And though she hides her heart so well,

I sense a warmth that she won't tell,

A love that's deep, and rich, and true,

A gift that shines, like morning dew.

So here's to thee, my wonderful friend,

A loyal soul, until the end,

May thy heart be free to feel,

And may thy love be ever real.

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