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P.O. Box 276, Chiangmai 50000, Thailand Nhtoi : 26th August, 2011


Hkawp hkungga ai, Thai mungdan kaw shanu nga ai myitsu ni yawng hpe shana dai nngai. Ya du na September shata kawn, Kachin Center, Chiangmai Thailand kaw nna lit la let, Hpyen yen Tsinyam hte seng ai shi laika hpe shabra ya na re lam ndau dat ga ai. Ndai shi laika gaw, Laiza e daju ai, Hpyen Yen Lakawn Lanawn Jinghkri (Relief Action Network for IDP and Refugee) kaw nna, lit la shapraw na shi laika rai nga ai. Shanhte kawn garum matsun wa ai hte maren, anhte Kachin Center, Chiangmai-Thailand hku nna, shi laika shabra ai magam bungli hpe du na September shata kaw nna ta tut lit la mat wa na re. Shi Laika mying gaw Simsa Shingran nga re. Ndai shi laika hta Jinghpaw Mung, Dingdung Sam Mung hte Miwa Mung ni kaw shingbyi nga ai hpyen-yen ni hte seng ai shiga ni, hpyen yen hte lakawn lanawn shiga (snr.) shinggyim nau na hte seng ai shiga (humanitarian news) ni lawm na re. Ndai shi laika gaw manu jahpu la ai hku dut na nre ai, hkawp myitsu ni kawn alu ja gumhpraw bang let shi laika hpe hti n gun jaw la ga. Lu la ai alu gumhpraw ni hpe, Hpyen yen tsinyam hkrum masha ni hpe garum na matu matut shalai ya na re. Hpyen yen lakawn lanawn Jinghkri kaw nna shata mi hta (2) lang shapraw mat wa na re ai hte maren, hkungga ai myitsu ni yawng mung alu ja gumhpraw ni hte jawm garum shanglawm let madi shadaw mat wa ga. Kaji htum ai ni hpe garum ai magam bungli gaw, Yesu hkritsu ra sharawng awng ai magam bungli nan rai nngai law.

Shana ai, Kachin Center Chiangmai Thailand

Email, ph: +66(0) 810310230, +66(0) 806765383

P.O. Box 276, Chiangmai 50000, Thailand

Date: 26th August, 20011

Announcement Letter

TO: Kachin People in Thailand With respect, we, Kachin Center would like to announce that from the beginning of September, 2011, Kachin Center, Chiang Mai-Thailand will take distribution accountability of kachin refugee update newscast. The main update news will be the printing news of Relief Action Network for IDP and Refugee (Hpyen Yen Lakawn Lanawn Jinghkri) which is currently based in Laiza, Kachin state. As stated by Relief Action Network for IDP and Refugee, We, Kachin Center, Chiang Mai-Thailand will take duty of distribution of their broadcast news start from coming September, 2011. The Name of printing newscast is Simsa Shingran (imaginary peace) In the bulletin, the news of refugee sheltering in kachin state, southern Shan state and China, news of caring refugee as well as humanitarian news will be included. It will not be published for any beneficial purpose but to encourage you reading our update news and support our tasks by donating. All the endowment money will be passed to refugee for help. The news will be published twice a month by Relief Action Network for IDP and Refugee and we would like you to participate in our mission by donation and reading our updated news. The undertaking of helping minority is the commission of our Jesus Christ.

Announced by, Kachin Center Chiang Mai-Thailand.

Email, ph: +66(0) 810310230, +66(0) 806765383

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