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Herd Health - Common Diseases

Meat Goat Herd Health

Common Diseases
Melanie Boileau and Lionel J. Dawson
Oklahoma State University
Introduction labeled with animal number and date) always suggested
While goats are normally very healthy animals, to be taken include:
they can succumb to disease just like other domestic 1. Fetus – fresh, maintain chilled if delivery to a
livestock species. Diseases can be very serious and result diagnostic lab is delayed (≤ 2 days).
2. Placenta - as above.
in lost productivity, reduced reproduction, or even death.
3. Blood collected at the time of abortion - if
Some diseases are contagious and can spread quickly to possible, allow blood to clot at room temperature
humans. It is essential for goat producers to have basic and collect the serum (pale yellow luid that rises
knowledge of the diseases most likely to afect their above the clot) and freeze.
animals. his knowledge should include how a disease 4. Blood collected 2 to 4 weeks after the abortion
is transmitted, its signs and symptoms, how it can be - as above.
treated and, most importantly, how it can be prevented It is important to remember that many of the
and controlled. While basic knowledge of diseases will diseases causing abortion in goats are zoonotic and can
assist a producer, a veterinarian is the appropriate person be transmitted to humans. Gloves, protective clothing,
to provide proper diagnosis and to prescribe appropriate and boots should always be worn when collecting samples
drugs and treatment regimes. from the abortion and hands should be cleaned carefully
after handling potentially infectious material. Pregnant
Reproductive Disease: women or immunocompromised people should not assist
Infectious Abortions with kidding or handling of aborted material.
General In general, it is safest to assume that all abortions
Of all the disease problems which can afect a herd are caused by contagious organisms. Always isolate the
of goats, those causing abortion and reproductive failure doe and dispose of all aborted material (fetus, placenta,
are always the most costly. Estimates for expected preg- and luids) by burning or burying. Contact a veterinarian
nancy wastage in goats are in the range of 2 to 5% per to determine a course of action and potential treatment
year. his value is calculated by dividing the number of programs.
females aborting by the number of females diagnosed
pregnant (or at least exposed to the male). Abortion levels
greater than 5%, occurring in high number within a Chlamydia is a common cause of infectious abortion
short period of time (2 weeks) or localized to a speciic in goats. In chronically infected herds, almost 50% of
location (pen, lot, or farm), should be of concern and abortions are the result of infection with these bacteria
warrant investigation. Abortion epidemics could reach (Chlamydophila abortus). Infected does may also give birth
greater than 80% of the pregnant does. Abortions can to weak kids. Chlamydia can cause conjunctivitis (pink
be due to many factors including infectious disease, eye), and polyarthritis (arthritis in multiple joints), though
malnutrition, environmental factors such as extreme the exact strains of chlamydia causing these diseases difer
heat, hormonal imbalance, stress, and trauma. Abortions from those causing abortion, and is frequently shed in the
can also be secondary to a clinical illness that occurred feces. Goats become infected with chlamydia from direct
in the dam before or during pregnancy or even after a contact with an aborted fetus and/or placenta, infected
previous abortion. Abortions due to infectious causes vaginal discharge, or orally by ingesting contaminated
that may spread throughout the herd have the potential feed. Infected bucks may also transmit the infection.
to be the most devastating. Clinical signs
When faced with an animal that aborts, appropriate A history of late term abortions, stillbirths, and birth
procedures must be followed if a diagnosis is to be made. of weak kids is always suggestive of chlamydiosis. he
Record the animal ID, date, and any other important aborted fetus may be fresh or decomposed in appear-
information about the abortion. Four samples (clearly ance. he time from infection to abortion may vary but
is typically long, ranging from 60 to 100 days. Female

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kids infected with the organism at birth may abort in been contaminated with cat feces and prevent cats from
their irst pregnancy. Does exposed to the bacteria in the defecating in feeders, on hay bales, water troughs, bedding,
irst half of gestation may abort in the last trimester of etc. here are no vaccines available in the U.S. for toxo-
that pregnancy. Does exposed in the last half of gestation plasmosis. Feeding decoquinate or monensin throughout
usually abort in the subsequent pregnancy. Once abortion pregnancy has been shown to have some protective efect
has occurred, does appear to have immunity as afected and may reduce the incidence of abortion.
animals seldom abort more than once due to chlamydia. Properly cook all goat meat and pasteurize all goat
Although immune, they can shed the bacteria in vaginal milk to be consumed, particularly that fed to infants.
secretions when in heat, potentially infecting other does Pregnant women or immunocompromised people should
that may be pregnant at the time. not assist with kidding or handling of aborted fetal tissues
Treatment, prevention, and control as toxoplasmosis is zoonotic and can be transmitted to
Isolate aborting does from the herd for at least 3 humans. Wear protective gloves when handling a fetus,
weeks. he aborted placenta and fetus should be removed placenta, and cat feces.
and burned or buried. To minimize exposure, ensure Q fever
that all feed and water sources are protected from fecal Q fever is a bacterial infection (Coxiella burnetii) that
contamination. Treating all does in an abortion outbreak causes fetal resorption, stillbirths, and late term abortions
with tetracycline may reduce additional abortions by up (rate within a herd will vary from 5 to 35%), often with
to 50%. Consult your veterinarian for drugs, dosage, retained placentas. It is transmitted through the air and
and milk and meat withdrawal information. here is a inhaled or is consumed via infected aborted material,
vaccine approved for sheep available as a single antigen. feces, urine, milk, or grazing contaminated pastures.
Consult your veterinarian for potential use in goats. Tick bites may also be a source of transmission. Q fever’s
Serology testing can be done to identify does that may primary signiicance is its zoonotic potential, i.e., that
be carriers of chlamydia. the disease can be transmitted to humans.
Toxoplasmosis Clinical signs
Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that can Q fever infects a wide range of hosts including cattle,
infect goats and is second in importance only to chla- goats, sheep, pigs, cats, dogs, and wildlife. Most infected
mydia as a major cause of infectious abortion. Cats are goats will be carriers of the disease without showing any
the primary host for toxoplasmosis, becoming infected signs. Carrier animals will shed the disease in milk and
by eating infected rats and mice. he parasite matures in in birth luids at parturition. Signs include stillbirths
the intestine of the cat and infective eggs or oocytes are and late-term abortion. Some aborted goats will have a
passed in the feces which, when consumed, can infect retained placenta.
goats and other animals. Other than cat feces, the only
Treatment, prevention, and control
source of infection for does is by consuming the infected
placenta or birth luids from aborting does. Younger cats Although there has been conlicting information on
are more of a threat to spread the disease than older cats. whether treating pregnant does during a Q fever abor-
Cats develop immunity as they mature and persons who tion storm has an efect on the course of the disease,
want cats should use neutered adult males and females as tetracycline is still the drug of choice and should be used
they are less likely to be a source of infection. under veterinary supervision. he aborted placenta, fetus,
and birth luids should be buried or burned. Manure
Clinical signs should be composted for at least 5 months and spread
Does infected early in pregnancy may reabsorb the only on still, non-windy days. he organism is resistant
fetus or abort a mummiied fetus. Infections later in to drying which means it aerosolizes and can be inhaled.
gestation can result in abortion and stillbirth. Diagnosis Q fever is a zoonotic disease meaning it can be contracted
is usually made based on the appearance of the placenta. by humans so a mask should be worn when scraping
White to yellow focal “rice grain” lesions are typically manure or sweeping areas where infected does aborted.
found on the cotyledons. Another common inding is Colostrum and milk have high levels of organisms so
brain abnormalities in stillborn or weak kids. all milk should be pasteurized before drinking. here is
Treatment, prevention, and control currently no efective vaccine available.
Remove and isolate afected does from the herd Brucellosis
for a minimum of 4 weeks. Bury or burn all aborted Brucellosis is a bacterial disease of mammals that
material. During gestation, all cats should be kept away can afect goats causing abortions in does and inlam-
from pregnant does. Remove all feed which may have mation of the testicles in bucks. While brucellosis in

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goats is usually caused by Brucella melitensis, they can Musculoskeletal Diseases

also become infected with Brucella abortus which is the Caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE)
brucella of cattle. Historically, the number of Brucella Caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE) is caused by a
melitensis abortions has been extremely low in North retrovirus and can afect all breeds of goats but is most
America, but more recently, sporadic outbreaks have common in the dairy goat industry. Up to 80% of all
been reported in goats in Texas and Colorado. Brucella dairy goat herds tested have infected animals compared
abortus is rare in the U.S. If Brucella enters a herd, there with only up to 10% of meat goat herds. he CAE virus
is usually an abortion storm. Brucellosis is an important is transmitted from an infected adult goat to kids through
zoonotic disease and is known as Malta fever, Bang’s consumption of colostrum and milk. here is also evidence
disease, or undulant fever in humans. It is characterized to suggest that CAE can be transmitted directly from
by recurrent lu-like symptoms and high fever. goat to goat possibly through saliva, nasal secretions,
Clinical signs urine, feces, venereal transmission from infected bucks,
Abortion in late pregnancy, stillbirths, and birth and through mechanical transmission (needles, tattooing
of weak, infected kids are all possible signs. Does may equipment, etc.). While generally not a deadly disease,
develop systemic illness and show fever, depression, diar- CAE can result in lost production, particularly in older
rhea, lameness, mastitis, and weight loss. goats. here is no evidence that CAE afects humans
Treatment, prevention, and control and milk and meat from CAE-infected animals is safe
here is no efective treatment for brucellosis and for human consumption.
infected animals should be slaughtered. Wear protective Clinical signs
gloves, clothing, and boots when assisting with birthing here are four forms of the disease, a central nervous
problems or abortions. Burn or bury all aborted materials. system or “CNS” form that afects kids, an arthritic form
Consult your veterinarian if brucellosis is suspected. Any that afects adults, a pneumonia form, and a mastitic form.
brucellosis cases must be reported to State Veterinarians. he arthritic form in older goats is most commonly seen.
Additions to the herd can be tested for the presence of In the CNS form, young kids (2 to 4 months of age)
serum antibodies against the bacteria. his disease is spread develop a weakness in the rear legs, stumble, and inally
to humans by direct contact or by drinking unpasteurized cannot rise. he unused leg muscles lose strength and
milk or consuming products made from infected milk. terminally afected kids are unable to sit up and can only
Other abortion-causing diseases lie on their sides. hroughout the course of the disease,
Campylobacter (vibriosis) and leptospirosis are two kids remain bright and alert and will continue eating
other diseases that can cause late-term abortions; however, and drinking with assistance.
these diseases are rarely seen in goats. Campylobacter is In the arthritic form, goats will have one or more
transmitted via ingestion of feces, and is present in vaginal swollen joints. he knee joints are most frequently afected
discharge, aborted fetus, and placenta of infected does. followed by the hocks and stiles. Initially, joint swell-
A common sign is a bloody, pus-like vaginal discharge ing may wax and wane and lameness is minimal. As the
before or after abortion. Leptospira is usually transmit- disease progresses, afected goats gradually lose weight
ted by the urine of infected animals that can be goats and condition, have poor hair coats, swollen knees (golf
but more commonly are rodents. Ensure that feed and ball to grapefruit size), and have signs of joint pain and
water sources are not contaminated with feces or urine. lameness, particularly during cold weather. Afected
Control rodents and other animals that may be vectors goats may eventually walk on their knees. he pneu-
for these diseases. monia form is usually seen during advanced pregnancy
Listeriosis, caused by Listeria monocytogenes, can cause when the animal is stressed. he mastitic form occurs
mid- to late-term abortions. It can also cause “circling in adult does and is also known as “hard bag.” At the
disease” and is discussed later in this chapter. Salmonel- time of parturition the udder is swollen and very irm
losis can cause mid- to late-term abortion, infection of but contains very little milk.
the uterus, and systemic illness in does. Does become Treatment, prevention, and control
infected following ingestion of the bacteria which is shed here is no treatment. Infected animals can be
in the feces of various animals including cattle, birds, assisted by good nutrition, nursing care, and pain relief
dogs, cats, rodents, and some wildlife. For these abor- with anti-inlammatory drugs.
tion diseases which have the potential to be transmitted
Prevention and control consist of purchasing CAE-free
to humans, consult a veterinarian for treatment regimes
animals, culling infected animals, raising CAE-free kids,
and possible vaccination protocols if deemed necessary.
and preventing potential goat-to-goat transmission. Blood

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tests can detect CAE and animals should be tested prior infected early in the course of the outbreak tend to stay
to purchase. Periodic blood testing is required to monitor infected for long periods of time while those infected late
herd CAE status as animals will seroconvert (meaning in the outbreak typically recover spontaneously in a short
they will blood test positive for the disease) at diferent period. Resistance can be enhanced by selective breeding
times. An animal may test negative and 3 months later for footrot resistance, vaccination, maintaining feet in a
test positive. Once an animal tests positive, it will not dry condition, routine foot trimming, and administering
revert to negative status (once infected, always infected). zinc to animals deicient in that element.
Repeated annual or biannual testing and strict culling is Clinical signs
necessary to keep a herd CAE-free. Both a mild (benign) and a severe (virulent) form of
To raise CAE-free kids, remove them from afected footrot may occur. In the mild form, often called foot
dams at birth and feed pasteurized colostrum and milk, scald, skin between the hooves will be inlamed, swollen,
feed bovine colostrum and milk, or feed commercially and damaged. here may be some secretions and the skin
available artiicial colostrum replacer. Colostrum can be may have a “cooked meat” appearance. Lameness is mild
heat-treated by raising the temperature to 133°F (56°C) and the problem responds readily to treatment and usually
for 60 minutes or 165°F (74°C) for 15 seconds. Milk is disappears spontaneously when the feet are exposed to
pasteurized by treating at 145°F (63°C) for 30 minutes or dry conditions. Usually only a few animals are afected.
161°F (72°C) for 15 seconds. he temperature is critical
for colostrum because a higher temperature will denature
colostral proteins that provide disease immunity and a
lower temperature will not kill the virus. Pasteurization
can be accomplished using a water bath heated by an
electric frying pan or by equipment purchased for the
task. It is probably not safe to feed kids unpasteurized
milk from test negative does.
Finally, because there is evidence that any body luid
from an infected goat is a possible source of the disease,
separating infected from uninfected animals is impor-
tant. Disinfect anything that could transmit body luids
(milk, saliva, feces, blood, or nasal discharges) between
goats and after each use. his includes milking machines,
tattoo needles, etc.
Contagious footrot
Footrot in goats is caused by infection with two
bacteria, Dichelobacter nodosus (from the feet of infected
animals) and Fusobacterium necrophorum (commonly found
in the environment). Footrot can occur throughout the
U.S. but is particularly prevalent in the southern states.
he source of D. nodosus is the hooves of chronically
infected carriers. Because of D. nodosus’ short life span Severe footrot in a goat.
outside the hoof (usually less than 4 days), pastures or
paths left alone by sheep and goats can be considered to
be noninfectious after 2 weeks in wet/warm environments Severe, or virulent, footrot is caused by strains of
and after 1 week in a dry environment. the bacteria which rapidly digest the keratinized tissues
found in the hoof wall. Initially, the foot is red, swollen,
Outbreaks of footrot occur only when pastures are
and moist and the goat experiences moderate lameness.
continually wet and average daily temperatures are above
As the infection progresses, the layers of the hoof sepa-
50°F (10°C). Wet conditions soften tissues surrounding
rate and exude a dark, foul-smelling pus. Walking on
the hoof and can lead to infection or dermatitis making
the afected foot causes movement of the separated hoof
the skin more permeable to infectious bacteria. In an
layers resulting in severe pain. As a result, the animal will
outbreak, 70 to 90% of all animals in the herd will be
limp or walk on its knees. Afected animals may have a
afected. About 10% of the animals will remain infected
fever and will lose productivity.
for life and 20% will remain uninfected. hose animals

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Treatment, prevention, and control areas when topical disinfectants are used. Do not trim
Treatment, prevention, and control generally consist of so severely as to cause bleeding. Blood stop powder can
combinations of antibiotic use, foot baths, foot trimming, help stop bleeding.
and possibly vaccination. he use of injectable antibiotics Eradication
is highly efective and penicillin, erythromycin, lorfeni- Eradicating footrot can be diicult, particularly in
col, or oxytetracyline can be given under the advice of wet, moist environments. A typical program includes:
your veterinarian. Treated goats should be kept in a dry 1. Examine the feet of all animals and trim as needed.
environment for at least 24 hours following treatment. In 2. Clean and disinfect hoof shears between animals
dry environments, topical treatment of antibiotics (5% by using dilute iodine, or chlorhexidine.
tincture of tetracycline) or antiseptics (10% zinc sulfate, 3. Run both groups through a foot bath, making
5% copper sulfate solution) is adequate for benign footrot goats stand in the solution for a minimum of 30
where small locks of animals are involved or when routine minutes to an hour, then place on clean pastures.
foot trimming is being done. hese can be applied with 4. Repeat treatment weekly for 2 to 4 weeks.
a brush or spray to ensure good, prolonged contact with 5. Cull those animals that do not respond to
infected tissues. Some commercial products for good treatment.
hoof health are also available. 6. Consult your veterinarian on a potential
vaccination regime.*
Foot baths 7. Select breeding animals that are less afected.
Large goat herds are treated more practically with foot Once the program has been completed, monitor the
baths. In an outbreak, goats should be treated weekly for 4 herd on a monthly basis and remove relapsing animals.
weeks. Separate infected from noninfected animals, treat, New additions to the herd should be checked for lesions
and then place on separate pastures. Preventive use of foot and treated appropriately. Animals returning from shows
baths during the transmission season is recommended should be foot bathed prior to re-entry into the herd.
for herds with endemic footrot. Troughs must be deep
enough to allow complete coverage of the foot and can *A multivalent vaccine (Footvax®) is available for sheep and
be made from concrete, iberglass, or plastic-lined wood. can decrease the duration, severity, and incidence of footrot. his
Foam rubber or wool can be placed in the solution to vaccine has not been available in the U.S., but there has been recent
prevent splashing of caustic substances. Goats are adept efort to make it available for use. However, because the vaccine is
at walking on small ledges so sides should be smooth. designed for footrot strains present in Australia and New Zealand,
As goats can jump long distances, foot baths should be its efectiveness is highly variable.
at least 8 to 10 feet long (~ 3 meters). Provisions should Nutritional muscular dystrophy, white muscle
be made for drainage and proper solution disposal so as disease
to prevent environmental contamination. White muscle disease is caused by a deiciency of the
Copper sulfate (5%) and zinc sulfate (10%) are mineral selenium (Se) and/or vitamin E. Kids born from
commonly used foot bath chemicals. Zinc sulfate is does consuming a Se deicient diet are most afected.
generally preferred as it does not stain hair and has less Selenium deiciency can occur when animals graze or
toxicity concerns than copper sulfate. Zinc sulfate is are fed feedstufs grown in low Se-containing soils. In
also not decomposed by organic matter to the extent the U.S., the northeast, southeast, and northwest regions
seen with copper sulfate meaning that the solution need are deicient in Se. White muscle disease afects both
not be changed as frequently. Both chemicals are slow heart and skeletal muscle, usually in young, fast-growing
to penetrate the hoof and soaking periods of an hour or animals under 6 months of age. Both Se and vitamin E
longer are necessary. Using a detergent, such as dishwash- protect cell membranes from oxidation and to a certain
ing detergent, in the solution may help penetration. Dry degree act together and substitute for one another. A
foot baths (85% limestone, 15% zinc sulfate) can also be deiciency of one or both will overwhelm the abilities of
beneicial. the remaining compound(s) to protect body cells.
Foot trimming Clinical signs
Routine foot trimming helps in the prevention Animals with the heart muscle afected will show
and treatment of footrot. Overgrown hooves provide signs of weakness, respiratory distress, and rapid heart
an anaerobic environment for D. nodosus to grow and rate. hey may collapse, particularly after exercise, or
stress the foot increasing the chance of damaging skin die suddenly. Animals with the skeletal muscle form will
and allowing entry of bacteria. In treatment, pare loose be stif, stand with diiculty, and be reluctant to move.
horn or overgrown feet adequately to expose infected Muscles, particularly in the hind legs, will be very irm

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and painful. Upon necropsy (autopsy), the heart and

skeletal muscles may have white streaks.
Treatment, prevention, and control
Treatment consists of injections of a product contain-
ing Se and vitamin E such as Bo-Se®. his can be repeated
24 hours later. During treatment and recovery periods,
keep afected animals in a stress-free environment and
limit their exercise.
White muscle disease can be prevented by providing
supplemental Se and vitamin E, particularly if soils
in your area are deicient. Supplements can be fed as
additions to the regular diet or in a mineral mixture.
Dietary concentrations of Se should be no more than
0.1 to 0.3 parts per million (ppm). Follow recommended
guidelines on Se feeding.
For additional protection, or in does with an unknown
history, Bo-Se® may be injected under the skin 3 to 4 Caseous lymphadenitis abscesses near the lungs.
weeks prior to kidding at 2.5 ml/100 lbs live weight.
and on the surface of farm equipment, feeders, and water
Skin Diseases troughs; thus, it is extremely diicult to eradicate. Once
Caseous lymphadenitis, pseudotuberculosis a goat is infected, it remains infected for life.
Caseous lymphadenitis (CL) is an extremely common Clinical signs
disease that is usually ranked as the most important disease
he most commonly seen sign is an enlargement of
goat owners have in their herds. CL is characterized by
one or more of the lymph nodes of the head and neck.
one or more abscesses involving lymph nodes, typically
he enlarged lymph nodes, ranging in size from 1½ to
associated with nodes in the head and neck. Occasion-
6 inches (3 to 15 cm), are thick-walled and illed with
ally, the organism will involve internal lymph nodes
thick, pasty, greenish pus.
and result in a wasting syndrome. Both the external and
internal forms of CL may coexist in the same animal. Treatment, prevention, and control
CL is transmitted orally, through direct contact with Afected animals should be isolated and abscesses
skin, and occasionally by inhalation. Some goats within opened and drained away from the herd and grazing areas.
a herd appear to be very resistant to CL while others are All pus and discharge should be caught and burned or
very susceptible. he causative agent, Corynebacterium buried. his disease can afect humans so gloves should
pseudotuberculosis, can live for long periods of time in soil be worn. For proper procedure, see the lancing abscesses
section of the “Meat Goat Herd Health Procedures and
Prevention” chapter. he afected goat should be isolated
from the herd until the opened abscess is completely
healed over. Goats with multiple abscesses should be
culled. Antibiotic use is not successful at clearing the
infection. However, in genetically superior or valuable
animals, the use of tulathromycin (Draxxin®) injected
either within the enlarged lymph node or under the skin
(at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg once) may temporarily reduce
the size or resolve the abscess, preventing drainage and
potential contamination of the environment. However,
this drug will not cure a goat of CL.
he best prevention is to maintain a closed herd or to
carefully screen new additions to the herd by performing
a blood test, submitting non-draining lymph node abscess
content for bacterial culture (consult your veterinarian),
Location of lymph glands. and by examining for the presence of abscesses or scars
Illustration by K. Williams.

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from old abscesses. All afected animals should be isolated

from the herd or culled. Once this disease has entered a
farm, it is diicult to eradicate. here is a vaccine avail-
able for sheep (Case-Bac™ or Caseous D-T) which may
decrease the incidence and severity of the disease. It is a
killed vaccine which requires two doses initially and an
annual booster. he vaccine has no eicacy in animals
which are already infected. As of May 2012, Texas Vet
Lab, Inc. launched the irst conditionally licensed CL
vaccine available for goats (Corynebacterium pseudotu-
berculosis Bacterin).
Contagious ecthyma, sore mouth, orf
Sore mouth is a highly contagious disease of goats
most prevalent in young kids within a few weeks of birth
or weaning. It is caused by a parapoxvirus. Some strains
of the orf virus cause more severe and extensive symp-
toms than others but the disease is usually self-limiting,
with resolution in 3 to 4 weeks. People can easily get this Kid with orf.
disease so gloves should be worn when treating afected
animals or giving vaccines. Dermatophilosis, streptothricosis, rain scald, rain
Clinical signs rot
he virus causes sores which develop usually around Dermatophilosis is a common contagious skin condi-
the mouth and can spread throughout the lips and occa- tion caused by the bacterium Dermatophilus congolensis.
sionally to the inside of the mouth. Scab-like lesions may It is usually seen in moist, humid, wet conditions. he
also develop on the teats, vulva, face, and legs of afected organism enters the body through skin abrasions and
goats. Lip lesions are extremely painful and inhibit the injury and can penetrate moist skin after prolonged
willingness of the kids to nurse or eat while does with teat contact. he ears, nose, face, and tail may be afected
sores may be unwilling to let kids suckle. his combina- beginning with a low-grade, scaly, skin infection that
tion means that without special attention afected kids spreads along the back and lanks. Lesions may be pain-
will succumb to simple starvation. Infection is spread by ful but are not itchy. he bacteria can survive in soil or
direct and indirect contact from infected animals or by dust on an animal’s skin during dry weather and are
scabs or saliva from infected animals. Immunity follow- transmitted by direct contact, infected equipment, lies,
ing disease is for less than 1 year. However, subsequent etc. Chronic ear infestation of some animals may also
outbreaks are usually less severe. spread the disease. his disease is zoonotic so care should
be taken when handling afected animals.
Treatment, prevention, and control
Treatment is to reduce pain of afected animals and Clinical signs
prevent spread of the virus. Afected animals should be Dermatophilosis starts with scabs forming around the
isolated. Lesions should be carefully cleaned with iodine ears, face, nose, lower legs, or tail. hese will later form
or chlorhexidine, and may be coated with antibiotic oint- crusty, scaly “paintbrush lesions” that can spread over
ment to prevent secondary bacterial infection. It is crucial the back and lanks of the animal. he afected areas are
to make sure that afected kids continue to eat and that also susceptible to secondary bacterial infection. Lesions
afected does don’t develop mastitis. he virus has the around the mouth may be confused with contagious
ability to live in scabs that fall from afected animal for ecthyma (orf). Infection of the feet with formation of
at least 1 year thereby being a source of later infections. large dry crusts is called strawberry footrot.
Producers with infected herds may wish to vaccinate Treatment, prevention, and control
annually against the disease. Most commercial vaccines Injectable antibiotics such as procaine penicillin G,
are labeled for sheep and are modiied live viruses. hey ceftiofur (Excenel® or Naxcel®), or oxytetracycline can be
are inoculated topically on scariied skin (like the old used in the treatment of this infection. Topical treatment
smallpox vaccine in the U.S.). options include 0.5% zinc sulfate, 0.2% copper sulfate, or
1% potassium aluminum sulfate. hese may be applied as
total body washes, sprays, or dips for 3 to 5 consecutive

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days then once a week until lesions are healed. Prevent by with inhaling foreign bodies or irritants, or injury to the
providing shelter from rain for animals on pasture and trachea although viral and bacterial diseases can occur.
ensuring good nutrition and control of external parasites. Loud breathing (stridor), sneezing, and nasal discharge
Ringworm are hallmark signs that suggest upper airway disease.
Ringworm is primarily caused by a fungus named Lower airway diseases (pneumonia) usually result from
Trichophyton verrucosum. he infection is self-limiting a disease-causing agent.
and commonly seen on the face, ears, and neck. Goats
commonly acquire it by direct contact with infected Upper Airway Diseases
animals or from the environment such as by rubbing Irritants, tracheal or pharyngeal injury
on wooden posts or mangers contaminated with fungal Constant or long-term inhalation of irritants, such as
spores. Young animals and animals living in dark, damp dust or ammonia, and tracheal damage through incorrect
environments or having nutritional or other debilitating use of balling or drenching guns can cause respiratory
diseases are most at risk. Ringworm is a zoonotic disease problems.
so care should be taken when handling afected animals. Clinical signs
Clinical signs he predominant sign is coughing and sneezing.
Goats will be itchy and have typical circular patches Animals may have nasal discharge. With simple inlam-
of hair loss on the face, ears, or neck. mation of the respiratory passages due to inhaling dust
Treatment, prevention, and control or other irritants, animals appear healthy other than the
annoying cough and sneeze. In the case of pharyngeal
Isolation of afected animals and treatment can injury, the animal may be in severe respiratory distress
limit spread in the herd and can reduce environmental and may make a snoring sound when inhaling. Other
contamination. Topical compounds such as 0.5 to 2% signs would include foul odor to the breath, of feed,
chlorhexidine, and 2 to 5% lime sulfur are efective. painful swallowing, drooling, cough, and nasal discharge.
Prevention practices include disinfecting equipment
used with goats. Treatment, prevention, and control
Remove all sources of respiratory irritants from the
Caprine Respiratory Diseases environment. Dispose of moldy hay, shake dusty hay
Respiratory diseases can afect goats of all ages. Causes away from animals or wet the hay. Environmental dust
of respiratory disease include various viral or bacterial can be eliminated by wetting the area. Ensure good
infections, irritants to the nasal passages, injury to the ventilation and maintain as clean an environment as
throat or trachea, and some lies and parasites. In kids, possible. Follow proper procedure when using balling
respiratory diseases are usually from infectious agents. and drenching guns (see the “Meat Goat Herd Health
Post-weaning, a variety of risk factors for the development Procedures and Prevention” chapter). Severe pharyngitis
of respiratory disease occur. hese include: may warrant treatment with broad spectrum antibiotic
• Changes in nutrition. and anti-inlammatory drugs. Consult your veterinarian.
• Transportation. Nasal bots
• Commingling of animals of diferent groups. Nasal bots (Oestrus ovis) are uncommon in the deep
• Loss of maternal antibodies. southern portion of the U.S. but are common elsewhere.
• Exposure to new pathogens. Sheep are the primary host; however, goats are readily
• Adverse housing conditions. infected. he gadly deposits eggs on the nostril of small
• Crowding.
ruminants. he larvae migrate to the frontal sinuses and
Dusty conditions and exposure to moldy/dusty hay or are expelled by sneezing. Human cases have been reported.
gaseous irritants (such as ammonia in a poorly ventilated Clinical signs
barn) can lead to widespread nasal and tracheal irrita-
he main clinical sign is frequent and severe sneezing
tion. When inspecting housing facilities for irritants,
in the late summer. Afected animals have a copious nasal
make sure the inspection is done at the level of a goat’s
discharge that may be tinged with blood. Some animals
nose, i.e., low to the ground. Respiratory problems due
may make a snoring sound due to nasal obstruction.
to trachea injury can arise from improper use of balling
During larval deposition, animals may be very agitated,
and drenching guns.
shaking and rubbing their head or stomping their feet. If
here are two generalized areas of concern for respi- the animal’s distress is severe, grazing activity will decrease.
ratory diseases, upper airway diseases and lower airway
Treatment, prevention, and control
diseases. Upper airway diseases are normally associated
Ivermectin will kill the larvae at any stage.

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Herd Health - Common Diseases

Lower Respiratory Tract commonly seen as a form of enzootic pneumonia. Pleu-

ropneumonia is a speciic disease caused by Mycoplasma
mycoides subspecies mycoides and is a signiicant cause of
Pasteurella pneumonia
sickness and death in does and kids. In kids, the organism
Pneumonic pasteurellosis is a killer pneumonia in is transmitted orally through direct contact, inhalation,
all livestock species afected. Pasteurella pneumonia is and contaminated milk or colostrum. Outbreaks often
caused by either Mannheimia haemolytica or Pasteurella occur when animals are stressed, such as in overcrowded
multocida. M. haemolytica pneumonia typically follows conditions. Up to 80 to 90% of afected kids may die or
an initial infection with one or several viruses such as are euthanized as a result of permanent joint damage. he
parainluenza (PI-3), adenovirus, respiratory syncytial Mycoplasma organisms are commonly isolated from the
virus, or bacteria such as Mycoplasma. Outbreaks usually ear canal of goats. It is postulated that ear mites (Raillietia
occur in feedlot conditions where animals are stressed, caprae) may be involved in transmission.
transported, and commingled. Usually several animals
will be involved. hey will be noticeably sick and of by Clinical signs
themselves. Commonly, nutritional management, ventila- he disease is highly contagious and usually involves
tion, and parasite control are less than ideal. multiple animals in the herd. Signs include:
Clinical signs • Fever.
• Cough.
With M. haemolytica infection, the irst animal is • Respiratory distress.
typically found dead then signs of pneumonia are noticed • Joint swelling.
in herd mates. Afected animals will be of feed, have a • Lameness.
moist cough, and appear depressed. he lungs will typically • Nervous system disorders.
make a wheezing or crackling sound. Young nursing kids • Mastitis.
may become weak and depressed and refuse to eat. hey Young animals are usually involved with outbreaks of
may breathe rapidly, cough, and have nasal discharge. the pneumonic or polyarthritic forms.
Other than pneumonia, P. multocida can also result in
hree clinical syndromes seen in goats include:
septicemia (blood-borne infection in kids), arthritis, ear
infections, and mastitis (blue bag). 1. Peracute illness characterized by high fever and
death within 12 to 24 hours.
Treatment, prevention, and control 2. Central nervous system syndrome with neurologic
Animals (especially young kids) exhibiting these signs signs and death within 24 to 72 hours.
are likely to need immediate care. Under the supervi- 3. Acute to subacute syndrome with high fever,
sion of a veterinarian, broad spectrum antibiotic such multiple joint arthritis, mastitis, and pneumonia.
as ceftiofur (Naxcel® or Excenel®), lorfenicol (Nulor®), Treatment, prevention, and control
or oxytetracycline (LA-200®) can be used in treatment. Treatment with antibiotics that have Mycoplasma
Anti-inlammatory drugs can help alleviate signs and spectrum of activity can assist in relieving symptoms of
symptoms temporarily. the disease but afected animals may shed the organism
To reduce incidence of Pasteurella pneumonia, for life. Consult with your veterinarian. Some animals
reduce stress and overcrowding, and maintain adequate may appear to respond to treatment but will relapse and
ventilation and sanitation. Proper kidding management be chronically poor doers.
can prevent occurrence of the disease especially in young Control is by the following program:
kids. Maternity and kidding pens should be clean, 1. Separate groups by age (adults and weanlings).
adequately ventilated, and not used to house sick animals. 2. Maintain all–in–all–out low of animals or
Ensure navels are dipped in iodine at birth and that kids quarantine all new arrivals for at least 3 to,
consume an adequate amount of colostrum. here are ideally, 4 weeks.
no Pasteurella vaccines licensed for goats. While there 3. Pasteurize milk prior to feeding. If not practical,
are a variety of cattle Pasteurella vaccines available, their feed an appropriately formulated goat milk
safety and efectiveness in goats has not been conclusively replacer.
assessed and proven. 4. Control ear mites with ivermectin.
5. Ensure optimal sanitation and air quality for
Mycoplasma pneumonia housed animals.
he Mycoplasma species are commonly involved in
pneumonias of goats, although usually more of a prob-
lem for dairy goat than meat goat producers. In general,
they cause a “cuing” pneumonia with bronchitis that is

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Verminous pneumonias Clinical signs

Verminous pneumonia is a common infection of Following an incubation period of 1 to 3 weeks (up
small ruminants on pasture caused by three types of to several months) the following signs develop:
lungworms (i.e., Dictyocaulus ilaria, Muellerius capillaris, • Muscular stifness/tremor; animal may be lying
and Protostrongylus rufescens). Young grazing animals down, unable to rise.
(weaners) are most commonly afected. hese parasites • “Sawhorse” stance.
prefer low lying, moist pastures. Some of the parasites, • Stif “pump handle” tail.
Muellerius and Protostrongylus, for example, require snails • Anxious expression of the face.
or slugs as intermediate hosts in their life cycle. Heavy • Jaw clenching, locked jaw.
• Diiculty in eating; drooling saliva.
pasture contamination with these parasites can occur
• Bloat/constipation/retention of urine.
from high stocking densities. • Death in 3 to 10 days by asphyxiation (unable
Clinical signs to breath).
Signs usually consist of persistent, chronic cough- An obvious wound may not be visible by the time
ing, especially after exercise, in kids during autumn and the clinical signs are present. External stimuli such as
winter. Animals will have increased respiratory rate and touching the animal, loud sounds, and bright light may
lose weight. he most severely afected animals will be worsen the clinical signs.
young animals on their irst full season of grazing.
Treatment, prevention, and control
Treatment, prevention, and control Wounds should be cleaned and open to the air to
Dewormers such as albendazole, fenbendazole, keep them aerobic (exposed to oxygen). Any dead tissue
ivermectin, and moxidectin can be used in treatment. should be removed and the wound lushed with hydrogen
Anthelmintics will stop parasite egg production but may peroxide. Give procaine penicillin G for 5 to 10 days.
not efectively remove the parasite. Frequent deworming Give tetanus antitoxin under the skin once a day for 3 to
with certain anthelmintics may provide the greatest cure 5 days to neutralize unbound toxin. Give tetanus toxoid
rate; however, if used herd-wide this may increase the vaccine to allow the animal to mount an immune response
rate of drug resistance by other internal parasites such and develop antibodies against C. tetani. Convulsions
as Haemonchus contortus (barberpole worm). and seizures can be controlled by sedatives given under
Prevention strategies include avoiding grazing low, the supervision of a veterinarian. Supportive treatment
wet pastures, particularly during the early morning hours consists of providing soft, deep bedding and a dark, quiet
or at night. Clean up piles of wet, rotting vegetation environment. Aggressive treatment in the early stages
where snails may live. Avoid mixing diferent age groups may be rewarding; however, many animals will die in
of animals or having young animals graze on pastures spite of proper therapy.
contaminated by adults. Prevention is usually more cost-efective than treat-
ment and consists of good hygiene and vaccination. Pens
Neurologic Diseases and barns should be clean. Routine vaccination with
Tetanus tetanus toxoid must be incorporated into the herd health
Tetanus is an important and highly fatal disease of program (see the Vaccination Schedule for Meat Goats
goats. It occurs commonly in all ages of unexposed and in the chapter on “Meat Goat Herd Health – Procedures
unvaccinated farm animals with the horse most susceptible and Prevention”) and should include:
and the cow the least. he causative agent, Clostridium • Does - third trimester of pregnancy to increase
tetani, is found in soil and feces (particularly of horses) tetanus antibodies in colostrum.
and is capable of surviving in soil for prolonged periods • Kids - 4 and 8 weeks of age.
of time. C. tetani usually enters a body through deep • All animals - annual booster.
puncture wounds and, following an incubation period, Polioencephalomalacia, PEM, cerebrocortical
produces a neurotoxin that travels to the central nervous necrosis
system. Some management practices that may increase Polioencephalomalacia (PEM) is a common nervous
the chance for tetanus infection include castration, ear disorder of small ruminants caused by inadequate thia-
tagging, disbudding, and vaccinating. Castration with mine (vitamin B1) in the animal. hiamine is a necessary
elastrator bands is particularly dangerous in predisposing component of several enzymes involved in carbohydrate
animals to tetanus. metabolism. Normally, the bacteria in the rumen produce
enough thiamine for an animal’s needs. However, under
certain conditions thiamine production may decrease

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and (or) available thiamine may be destroyed leading to environment, especially in rotting vegetation such as
a deiciency and the appearance of PEM signs. While poorly prepared silage. Infection is usually caused by
outbreaks can be seen following any major dietary change ingesting the organism through environmental or fecal
in goats of any age, animals at the highest risk for PEM contamination of feedstufs. here is the possibility of
are young goats, usually 2 months to 3 years of age, who venereal transmission. he disease is mostly seen during
either have just begun consuming high concentrate rations cool weather. It is also a disease of refrigerated foods
or are on low roughage, high concentrate (grain) diets, causing serious disease and abortions in humans.
such as in feedlots or when in preparation for shows. Clinical signs
Up to 25% of groups of feeder goats may be involved. Early signs are depression, decreased appetite,
here is little evidence to show any one factor as being decreased milk production, and fever. here are two
“the cause” of PEM and probably a variety of factors are clinical forms seen:
involved including: 1. Encephalitic form (in the brain): In this form, the
1. Inadequate thiamine in the diet (nursing kids bacteria enter through breaks in oral mucosa and
on low quality milk replacer). migrate to the brain. Signs include depression,
2. Low roughage, high carbohydrate diets increase incoordination, circling in the same direction,
the number of thiaminase (compounds that facial paralysis (one sided: upper eyelid and ear
breakdown thiamine) producing bacteria leading droop), slack jaw, diiculty eating, impaired
to inadequate microbial synthesis of thiamine swallowing, excessive salivation, keratitis (corneal
in the rumen. inlammation) due to inability to blink, and
3. Presence of thiaminase activity in forages such seizures. Limb weakness progressing to paralysis
as moldy hay and certain toxic plants including may be present if the spinal cord is afected.
Braken fern, and horsetail. Afected animals have a very high mortality rate
4. Administration of competitive antagonist of (~100%) if left untreated.
thiamine such as amprolium and levamisole. 2. Septicemic form (blood-borne): he bacteria enter
5. High levels of sulfates in the diet and/or water. through the intestines. he signs are diarrhea,
Clinical signs abortion, and death.
Signs include sudden loss of appetite, depression, Treatment, prevention, and control
muscle tremors, excitability, aimless wandering, stargaz- Successful treatment requires detection early in
ing, head pressing, blindness, and seizures. the course of the disease. Antibiotics such as penicillin,
Treatment, prevention, and control oxytetracycline, or lorfenicol are generally given for a total
hiamine (10 to 20 mg/kg body weight [BW] injected period of 10 to 14 days or longer, if necessary. During
in the neck muscle or under the skin) is given every 4 to treatment and recovery periods, the goat should be given
6 hours for a total of 6 doses. Early cases respond within luids, electrolytes, and appropriate nursing care.
6 to 12 hours with complete recovery in 24 hours. Severe Does that abort should be isolated and all aborted
cases may take close to 48 hours to recover. Absence of materials burned or buried. Kids should only be fed
response in 24 to 48 hours may suggest the need for emer- pasteurized colostrum or milk. Stop feeding poor quality
gency slaughter. Animals not recovered by 72 hours will silage and clean loors and pens. No vaccine is currently
never fully recover but with good nursing care may make available.
satisfactory pet animals. During an outbreak all animals his disease is zoonotic so take appropriate precau-
should be considered at risk and treated appropriately. tions. Human infection could result from consumption
Provide good quality roughage. Avoid sudden dietary of unpasteurized milk and milk products and from
changes. hiamine may be added to the diet at a mini- handling the placenta, fetuses, or even newborn kids of
mum rate of 3 and up to 30 mg/kg of feed. During an infected animals. Precautions include using gloves when
outbreak all susceptible goats should receive a least one handling aborted material and only consuming milk
dose of thiamine (15 mg/kg BW). products made from pasteurized milk.
Listeriosis, circling disease Scrapie
Listeriosis is caused by the bacteria Listeria monocy- Scrapie is a progressive, degenerative, fatal central
togenes and can afect all mammals including humans. nervous system disease that afects sheep and, rarely, goats.
In goats it is called “circling disease” because afected he route of transmission appears to be both horizontal
animals commonly walk compulsively in a circle. It can (from goat to goat through ingestion or contact with
also cause mid- to late-term abortions, mastitis, and infected placenta or birth luids) and vertical (from doe to
conjunctivitis (red eye). he bacteria are found in the kid in the uterus). he incubation period for the disease

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is very long and the disease is usually not seen before 2 alkalinity (high urine
years of age. Scrapie is a reportable disease, meaning that pH) found in rumi-
authorities must be notiied when afected animals are nant urine favors the
discovered. Scrapie is a member of the family of trans- formation of urinary Urethral process
missible spongiform encephalopathies of which bovine stones such as stru-
spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), commonly called vite, apatite, and
mad cow disease, is the most well-known. he zoonotic calcium carbonate. Glans penis
potential (transmission to humans) is unknown. Male goats consum-
Clinical signs ing large amounts of
Initial signs of scrapie are nonspeciic and include concentrates, such as
behavior changes, gait abnormalities, weakness, lethargy, pet or show goats, are
itching, and rubbing which may result in hair loss and commonly afected.
weight loss. As the disease progresses the behavioral It is virtually nonex-
istent in animals Prepuce
changes become more pronounced including tremors of
the head, neck, or whole body, and high-stepping with the that receive little to
front legs. Death occurs within several weeks to months no grain with the
after the clinical signs are irst seen. exception of animals
gra zing western
Treatment, prevention, and control pastures with high
here is no treatment. If scrapie is suspected, contact silica content. Total Urinary calculi, or stones, can
a veterinarian immediately. here is a National Scrapie body water balance become lodged and block the urethral
Eradication Program for goat producers coordinated by process.
plays an important Illustration by K. Williams.
United States Department of Agriculture Veterinary role in urine output
Services (USDA VS). USDA now requires that both male and concentration.
and female goats of any age be oicially identiied before When water intake decreases such as during the winter
being moved for sale, show/exhibition, and/or change or because of illness, the urine output will be decreased,
of ownership. If unsure whether a particular goat needs increasing chances of blockage.
to be identiied, tag it. More information can be found
Types of urinary calculi
in the chapter on biosecurity. Pertinent websites listing
identiication requirements and sources of ear tags are Stones regularly associated with calculi formation in and http://www.aphis. goats include complexes having calcium (Ca), phosphate (P), and(or) magnesium (Mg), silicate, calcium carbon-
ate, calcium oxalate, and ammonium phosphate called
Urinary Tract Disease struvite. While calculi can form in any geographical
Obstructive urolithiasis, urinary calculi, or region, silicate stones are generally limited to goats graz-
stones ing forages grown on western pastures that have excess
soil silica content.
Obstructive urolithiasis, urinary calculi, or stones
is a disease where crystals are irst formed in the blad- Calcium carbonate stones result from feeding rations
der then lodge in the long and narrow urethra (urinary very high in Ca, typically high legume diets (clovers and
canal) of male goats, preventing them from urinating. alfalfa) such as seen in the major alfalfa producing areas
Most common sites of obstruction along the urethra are of the U.S. Legumes contain 1 to 2% Ca and have very
the distal sigmoid lexure and the vermiform or urethral high ratios of Ca to P (Ca:P of 6:1 to 10:1). Calcium
process (a whip-like structure at the end of the penis). oxalate stones form as a result of diets high in Ca and in
Female goats are largely unafected mainly because their oxalates. Certain plants are oxalate accumulators (rape/
urethra is signiicantly shorter and wider than that of kale family, rhubarb, sugar beet tops, and pigweed).
male goats. Phosphate or struvite stones occur when feeding
here are several factors that can contribute or predis- rations having a disproportionate ratio of Ca to P (< 2:1)
pose an animal to sufering from urinary calculi. hese or high levels of Mg and P. In general, grasses are low in
include early castration, urine pH, diet, and body water Mg, Ca, and P but are balanced in terms of Ca:P ratios
balance. Early castration of ruminants, e.g., in goat kids (1.5:1 to 2:1). hus, grazing goats rarely experience urinary
less than 3 months of age, results in decreased diameter of stone problems. Rather, afected goats typically are fed
the urethra, increasing the chance of blockage. he normal high levels of grain and/or pelleted feeds. Grains are high
in P and low in Ca and have Ca:P ratios of 1:4 to 1:6.

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Clinical signs tranquilizers may help relax the muscles of the urethra
he main sign is a male goat persistently straining and facilitate natural expulsion of the stone by the pressure
to urinate but passing little to no urine. Urine may be of attempted urination. A catheter can be passed into the
blood-tinged. Drops of urine and blood or urine crystals urethra to permit infusion of sterile saline in an attempt
may be seen on the hair of the sheath. Afected animals to enlarge the urethra and dislodge the ofending stone.
will be restless, switch their tails, and kick at their bellies. However, due to the presence of the urethral diverticulum
As the blockage progresses, some goats will vocalize in (pouch like structure) in male goats, it is often diicult to
pain. Severe and complete blockage can lead to the rupture advance the catheter all the way to the bladder. In severe
of the urethra or bladder. Initially, this will alleviate the cases and especially in valuable animals, relief of urinary
discomfort felt by the animal. Swelling around the sheath obstruction will likely require more invasive treatment such
does suggest that the urethra has ruptured and urine is as surgery. Consult your veterinarian as soon as possible.
leaking into the soft tissue. Progressive distention of the For some animals, salvage slaughter may be chosen but
abdomen due to accumulation of urine may be noted if must be done prior to bladder rupture.
the bladder has ruptured. An animal with a ruptured Dietary management is the key to controlling and
bladder will quickly go of feed, become weak, depressed, preventing urinary stones. Ensure that animals have
and eventually die. access to fresh, clean water at all times. Goats are inicky
Treatment, prevention, and control drinkers and will not drink dirty, tepid, algae-infested
here are varying levels of treatment that can be water, etc. Access to loose salt may help to increase water
attempted. Overall, factors to consider include stage of consumption and subsequent urination that keeps the
the disease (partial or complete urethral obstruction, bladder lushed. Maintain a Ca:P ratio of 2:1 to 2.5:1
ruptured urethra or ruptured bladder), class of animals in the diet. Increase amount of hay and ideally do not
(commercial, breeding stock, pet), and type of stones feed excess concentrates to goats. To acidify the urine,
present. Any male goat that is completely obstructed goats receiving high grain diets can be fed ammonium
is considered to be a medical emergency. In a partially chloride up to 2% of the total ration (200 to 300 mg/
blocked goat, acidifying the urine with ammonium kg diet/day) or ammonium sulfate at 0.6 to 0.7% of the
chloride, increasing salt content of the diet, and giving ration. Ammonium chloride is unpalatable and higher
vitamin C may help dissolve the small sand-like calculi. levels will reduce intake. Alternately, feed ¼ lb/head/
If the stones are larger and lodged in the urethral process, day of Bio-Chlor®, a highly palatable protein supplement
the process should be removed either with a scalpel blade with high levels of chlorine and sulfate that is used in the
or sharp scissors. If the stones are lodged in the urethra, dairy cow industry. Urine should be acidic (pH of 5.5 to
6.5) within 1 week. Delay castration until puberty (3 to
4 months of age) if planning on keeping the animal as
an adult or do not keep early castrated males older than
1 year. If delayed castration is selected, ensure that buck
Pelvic urethra kids are separated from does of breeding age to prevent
Urethral unwanted and premature natural breeding.
Ureter Diseases of the
Urinary Gastrointestinal System
bladder Pelvis Diarrhea, scours (neonatal diarrhea complex)
Sigmoid lexure Diarrhea or scours is the most common cause of
of the penis Retractor penis disease and death in kids 1 to 30 days of age. Diarrhea
muscle is usually associated with intensive rearing of goats
under conditions of overcrowding and poor sanitation.
Extreme weather conditions during the kidding season
can predispose young kids to diarrhea. While diarrhea can
Prepuce afect meat goats, it is more common in dairy kids that
Glans penis are weaned early, group penned, crowded, and housed
Urethral process in a damp, dirty environment. Diarrhea causes a loss of
body water and electrolytes and can result in death if
he urethral diverticulum can prevent passage of a catheter into not treated quickly.
the bladder.
Illustration by K. Williams.

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Herd Health - Common Diseases

Major causes of diarrhea are dehydration, electrolyte loss, acid-

bacterial (E. coli, Clostridium perfrin- base imbalance, and hypothermia,
gens type C, salmonella), parasitic regardless of the cause. Ensure that
(coccidia, cryptosporidia, giardia), the afected kids are kept warm. If the
viral (coronavirus, rotavirus), and animals are moderately dehydrated,
noninfectious (milk replacer, anti- mildly depressed but still having a
biotics). Under most circumstances, suckle relex, they can be treated with
outbreaks of diarrhea in kids are prob- oral electrolytes designed for calves.
ably not caused by any one factor but Electrolytes can be administered by
by a combination of factors, hence, the bottle or by feeding tube (~18 to 24˝
name “neonatal diarrhea complex.” long, 3/8˝ diameter, soft feeding tube
E. coli infection usually manifests with catheter tip) if the kid will not
as either acute death or diarrhea nurse. Amount of electrolytes given
outbreak in kids between 1 to 4 days will vary depending on kid weight,
of age. his condition is associated and the severity of diarrhea but may
with high mortality if not treated range from 250 to 500 ml (8 to 16
promptly. oz) per day, divided in several small
feedings. Because most electrolyte
Cryptosporidia seems to be the
solutions designed for calves contain
most common cause of diarrhea in
sugar (glucose), they should be refrig-
kids less than a month old, and can
erated after they have been mixed
be seen as early as 5 to 10 days of age. Kid with signs of diarrhea.
and leftovers thrown away within
Infection is usually from consuming
24 hours. Removing milk or milk
fecal matter from infected animals,
replacer from the diet is not recommended. Feeding
even from a diferent livestock species. Cryptosporidiosis
high-energy, sugar-containing electrolytes alone is no
can occur alone or in conjunction with other pathogenic
substitute for milk and will result in a signiicant caloric
bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. Cryptosporidia is diicult
deicit. Electrolytes should never be mixed with milk but
to treat because there are no drugs available to control
instead be given in separate feedings. he key to success
it. It is also a zoonotic disease and can be transmitted to
is to ofer small milk feedings alternated with electrolytes
humans. Gloves should be worn and hands should be
several times a day. Electrolyte solutions may be used
cleaned after handling afected animals. A fuller discus-
until the stool returns to a near normal consistency.
sion of Cryptosporidiosis is in the section on Internal and
Injectable antibiotics such as ceftiofur products (Naxcel®
External Parasites later in this chapter.
or Excenel®) can be given to prevent the infection from
Older kids (> 1 month) are prone to diarrhea caused becoming blood-borne. Oral antibiotics are commonly
by coccidia and other internal parasites (giardia). Nutri- used to treat diarrhea and scours but their eicacy is not
tional causes of diarrhea in young kids are often associ- well proven. If the kid is severely dehydrated, depressed,
ated with husbandry and feeding practices, mainly seen has no suckle relex, and is unable to stand, intravenous
in dairy kids due to overfeeding, improperly mixed or luids will be needed. Consult your veterinarian.
poor quality milk replacers, etc.
he keys to preventing scours are to reduce exposure
Clinical signs of kids to pathogens causing the disease and to increase
Afected kids develop a loose stool. he consistency resistance of kids to the disease-causing agents. To reduce
can vary from pasty to watery. Blood may be present exposure to pathogens, ensure that kidding takes place
in the diarrhea of kids with salmonella infection. Kids on fresh pasture and on a clean, dry area. Assist with
quickly become dehydrated and depressed from loss of kidding if necessary and ensure that all navels are dipped
body luid and electrolytes and become progressively in iodine. Monitor nursing behavior and force feed colos-
weaker. As the disease progresses, kids become severely trum if no nursing is seen within 6 hours of birth. Avoid
dehydrated, cannot stand, and are unwilling to drink. congregating kids to prevent overcrowding conditions.
Terminally they go into shock, cannot maintain body Use separate kidding and nursery areas. Resistance can be
temperature (cool extremities), and die. strengthened by optimum pre-kidding maternal nutrition
Treatment, prevention, and control and following a prescribed vaccination schedule. his will
Although speciic treatments are available for some strengthen antibody production in the dam and improve
causes of diarrhea, many animals need to be treated for

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resistance gained by the kid through colostrum. Isolate Grain overload, carbohydrate engorgement,
afected animals to prevent spread of the infection. acidosis
Enterotoxemia, overeating disease Goats frequently fall victim to the disorder called grain
Overeating disease is an important and highly fatal overload that leads to acidosis. his is a condition which
disease that mostly afects young kids. It is caused by the afects all ruminants and results from the overconsump-
toxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium perfringens tion of highly fermentable carbohydrates such as cereal
type D. C. perfringens is found widely in the environ- grains (corn, wheat, barley), particularly if inely ground.
ment and in the intestinal tract in normal quantities. Other potential sources of carbohydrates include bread
Under certain conditions, the organisms proliferate in or bakery items, rice, candy, apples and other fruits, and
the intestine and produce toxins in lethal quantities. beets and potatoes. he bacteria in the rumen are respon-
his most commonly occurs when goats have a sudden sible for digesting the majority of what a goat eats. Under
exposure to grain, change in type or amount of diet, normal conditions of a steady diet these bacteria become
or large increases in the quantity of milk consumed. very specialized at their task. If the diet is changed very
At these times, the passage rate for food through the quickly, rapid, dramatic, and often fatal changes occur
intestinal tract is slowed, providing ideal conditions for within the rumen. As the excessive carbohydrates are
C. perfringens to grow. metabolized, they are broken into small particles which
Clinical signs draw water into the rumen resulting in dehydration.
As they are fermented, the rumen pH decreases from a
A typical history is a young, vigorous kid found
normal of 6.0 to 7.0 to very low (acid) levels (pH < 5.5).
dead. he afected kid has a consistent history of nursing
his acid solution kills many of the ruminal bacteria and
a heavy milking doe or being on full feed. Animals have
damages the wall of the rumen itself.
actually been observed to drop to the ground, convulse,
and be dead within a matter of minutes. hese rapid dietary changes occur from improper
feeding often as a result of two facts of goat husbandry.
Adults appear to be more resistant to the disease as a
he irst is that some goat owners extrapolate principles
result of continuous exposure; however, the resistance can
of human nutrition to their goats. While knowing that
be overwhelmed. A typical history for an older animal
humans do not sufer from eating too much corn, lour,
dying from overeating disease is that the animal was
and the like, they do not realize that this can be fatal to
sick and of feed from some other disease (e.g., parasit-
goats. he second reason is the inquisitive nature of goats
ism). As the animal recovers it quickly increases feed
and their skill at getting into places where they should
intake resulting in a mild grain overload. his allows the
not be. his allows them to gain access to grain stores
proliferation of C. perfringens type D and ultimately the
and consume them free-choice.
death of the goat.
Clinical signs
Treatment, prevention, and control
Afected goats become dehydrated, their rumens
here is usually no opportunity or time to treat
become distended with luid, and in the later stages of
animals with enterotoxemia. Speciic antitoxin (Clostridium
disease they develop diarrhea. he diarrhea can range
perfringes type C and D) is available for treatment and
from pasty-like to very watery feces, sometimes with
should be given according to label directions. Afected
small pieces of recognizable pieces of grain. he ruminal
animals should be treated with high levels of procaine
inlammation due to the acidic conditions is painful and
penicillin G (6 ml/100 lbs) and luids.
goats act uncomfortable, grind their teeth, and may vocal-
All goat herds need to have a regular vaccination ize. Severely afected animals may develop neurological
program for overeating disease. his includes annual signs such as head pressing and seizures. Generally, signs
vaccination of does roughly 30 days prior to expected develop 12 to 36 hours after the overconsumption of
parturition to protect the newborn for the irst 1 to 2 carbohydrates.
months of life. Kids are given a series of two vaccina-
Death can result from the dehydration, acidosis,
tions at 4 and 8 weeks of age. A booster dose is given at
and electrolyte disturbances associated with the disease.
the time of weaning or when going on full feed. See the
Alternatively, during the course of the grain overload, a
Meat Goat Vaccination Schedule in the “Meat Goat Herd
large amount of undigested food travels to the intestinal
Health Procedures and Prevention” chapter.
tract. his provides an ideal environment for Clostridium
perfringens type D to proliferate and produce deadly
toxins causing overeating disease (enterotoxemia). As a
sequel to acidosis, the rumen can be damaged severely

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enough that bacteria gain access to the blood circulation grazing rapidly growing legumes and small grain pastures
causing blood-borne infection (endotoxemia). It usually (wheat, barley, oats, and rye). his occurs most often
accesses the liver via the portal vein, and causes liver when goats are suddenly changed to grazing these types
abscesses. his will cause ill thrift and chronic weight of pastures with no adaptation period. Frothy bloat can
loss in afected goats. also occur when animals consume inely ground grain.
Treatment, prevention, and control Free gas bloat is caused by consumption of a diet that
In mild cases, goats should be given hay and not fed causes excessive gas production, such as a high grain
any grain or concentrate. Alkalinizing agents such as diet, or blockage of the esophagus due to choking by a
oral antacids (50 grams or 1.75 oz of magnesium oxide foreign object, swollen lymph nodes, nerve damage, etc.
or magnesium hydroxide) can be given. However, if too Clinical signs
much feed is in the rumen these will relieve the condition he gas trapped in the rumen causes the left side
only temporarily. of the animal, where the rumen is just under the skin,
In severe cases, goats should be given intravenous to swell. he goat will experience pain, discomfort, and
luids containing 5% sodium bicarbonate. Large amounts have diiculty breathing. If left untreated, the internal
of oral luids should be avoided because they will not be pressure will make it increasingly diicult to breath and
absorbed and may actually increase rumen distension the animal will die from a lack of oxygen.
and discomfort. Although not typically very successful, a Treatment, prevention, and control
stomach tube can be passed into the rumen in the attempt Treatment consists of relieving the pressure caused
to wash the content with water and the luid removed. by the gas. For mild cases, a stomach tube can be used
Alkalinizing agents can be used as in mild cases. In very to free the trapped gas. If this is not efective, remove
severe cases, surgery must be done to remove the consumed the tube and look for the presence of froth at the end.
feed. hiamine (500 mg IM, 3 to 4 times daily) has been Frothy bloat can be treated by orally giving through the
shown to be helpful in recovery. Procaine penicillin G stomach tube either:
should be given to control overgrowth of bacteria in the 1. Poloxalene (herabloat®), 30 ml or 1 oz,
acidic rumen. Anti-inlammatory drugs can be given to 2. Diocytyl sodium succinate (DSS), 30 ml or 1 oz,
make the goat more comfortable and control ruminal 3. Detergent, such as liquid hand soap or dishwashing
inlammation present. Normal rumen bacteria lora can soap, 2 teaspoons (10 ml) in 1 to 2 oz of water, or
be reestablished by transferring some rumen contents (~1 4. Mineral or vegetable oil, 3 to 4 oz or 1 to 1½ cups.
quart) from a healthy goat, or cow, into the rumen of Severe bloat should be treated using a trocar and
the sick goat. his may be done by tubing the animals cannula or very large gauge needle to pierce the left side
though it would be wise to consult a veterinarian. Various of the animal releasing the gas. his should only be done
probiotics (e.g., Biosol®) or live culture yogurt will have in extreme emergencies as animals treated in this way may
some beneicial efect. he diet for the recovering goat later encounter problems due to infection that can lead to
should be forages only for at least 3 weeks. he grain or death. If performed, antibiotics should be administered.
concentrate feedstufs can then be reintroduced into the
diet gradually, if necessary.
Prevention is by gradual adaptation of the rumen
to changes in diet. his process should take a minimum
of 3 weeks of gradually increasing grain intake. At high
levels of grain intake (feedlot, show, or dairy goats),
feed frequent small meals rather than fewer larger ones.
Maintain a rigid feeding time to avoid simple rumen
upset. All stored grains must be kept in well-secured,
goat-proof buildings.
Bloat, ruminal tympany
Bloat is the accumulation of free gas or froth in the
rumen due to the inability of goats to release gas produced
by ruminal microorganisms during the breakdown of
feedstufs. his condition is always an emergency.
here are two causes of bloat but both have the same
clinical signs and efects. Frothy bloat can be caused by
Two types of trocar and cannula for treating severe bloat.

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Prevent bloat by avoiding sudden dietary changes. If will also cause hypersensitivity to the tuberculosis test.
animals will graze lush pastures, feed hay or forage prior In order to use the vaccine you must obtain permission
to grazing to prevent goats from gorging themselves. In from your State Veterinarian.
cases where frothy bloat may be a problem, poloxalene can Eradication of Johne’s disease is diicult. Identii-
be provided in feed or mineral supplement. Ionophores cation of animals in your herd is problematic in that
such as monensin, lasalocid, or decoquinate can be fed. blood tests will give both false positive and false negative
Free gas bloat can be prevented by slow adaptation to results. Fecal culture or PCR testing will not give false
high grain diets allowing ruminal microbes to adapt. positives; however, these tests may miss up to 50% of
Paratuberculosis, Johne’s disease infected animals. Multiple tests or several diferent tests
Paratuberculosis or Johne’s disease is a chronic wasting are often required. A second problem is the contamina-
disease of ruminants caused by the bacteria Mycobacte- tion of pastures and housing. hese should be free from
rium avium subspecies paratuberculosis. he organism is diseased animals for at least 12 months before housing
capable of living on infected premises for up to a year disease-free goats. Ensure that kids are not exposed to
and the same bacterial strain can infect any ruminant. the feces of infected adults by housing them separately
his means that goats sharing pastures with infected and have fecal-free feed and water troughs, boots, and
cattle are susceptible. clothes at all times.
he primary mode of transmission is via the fecal-oral
route with kids most susceptible to infection. In general, Metabolic/Endocrine Diseases
it is safe to assume that if the doe is infected, her kids will Milk fever, parturient paresis, hypocalcemia
also be infected as the bacteria can be passed through the Milk fever is a disease commonly seen in dairy goats
placenta and milk. Infected animals shed the bacteria in with high milk production and is considered to be a medi-
their feces for months or years prior to developing clinical cal emergency. It is not a fever but is due to inadequate
signs. his results in heavy contamination of pastures amounts of calcium available in the blood stream of
before it is known that the disease is present. the doe which are insuicient to meet the high calcium
Clinical signs demands of either her developing fetuses or milk produc-
tion, especially in early lactation. When blood calcium
Signs rarely occur prior to 1 year of age with peak levels drop too low, milk fever occurs. Older does having
incidence of disease at 2 to 7 years of age. Goats will triplets or quadruplets may be more prone to milk fever.
show chronic weight loss in the face of a good appetite.
As the disease progresses, anemia and bottle jaw (swelling Clinical signs
of tissues under the jaw) may develop. Watery diarrhea is Milk fever usually occurs either in the last 2 weeks
seen in cattle but is a rare inding in goats. If present, it of gestation or up to 2 weeks after kidding. Animals will
typically shows toward the terminal stage of the disease. isolate themselves from the herd and show a wobbly gait
and muscle tremors. Some animals will be so weak that
Johne’s disease is suspected whenever a goat is losing
they will be unable to stand and, if prior to kidding, be
weight for unknown reasons. he diagnosis may be
too weak to deliver.
screened via blood tests (AGID or ELISA), but should
be conirmed by bacterial culture or PCR assay of feces, Treatment, prevention, and control
special staining of rectal scraping sample, biopsy of the Treatment consists of intravenous calcium therapy
intestines, or necropsy (autopsy). Culture of M. paratu- with 50 to 100 ml of 23% calcium borogluconate. Some
berculosis is the gold standard test which, unfortunately, veterinarians prefer to give an additional 50 ml under
takes between 8 to 14 weeks but can identify 40 to 60% the skin after the intravenous treatment. Oral calcium
of afected goats. preparations are used in mild cases.
Treatment, prevention, and control Prevent milk fever by providing a good supply of
here are no treatments available for Johne’s disease, calcium in the doe’s diet during the last 6 weeks of gesta-
so prevention and control are imperative. Prevent by not tion. Alfalfa hay provides a good source of calcium, as
allowing infected ruminants (cattle, goats, sheep, etc.) does a mineral mix containing calcium.
on your premises. Purchase animals from farms with Pregnancy toxemia, ketosis
no history of Johne’s disease and blood test all incoming Pregnancy toxemia (PT) is a metabolic disease of does
ruminants. Remove any that test positive. here is a vaccine that occurs in late pregnancy and may have signiicant
licensed for use in the prevention of paratuberculosis in economic efect. he primary cause of PT is a decline
cattle. It is apparently efective but produces large swell- in feed intake during the last 4 to 6 weeks of gestation.
ings at the injection site that last for years. Vaccination During this time fetal growth is very rapid and energy

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demands are increased; this is particularly true in does by your veterinarian will remove the negative energy
carrying multiple fetuses. Because the uterus, fetuses, and drain of the fetuses on the doe. Kids are more likely to
placenta take up an increasing amount of abdominal space survive if the dam is induced within 5 days from term
there is less and less room for feed consumption. If a doe (~145 days of gestation).
is overly fat, she also has less room to hold feed. hus, If a particular doe is very large, has a history of
feed intake decreases and the doe is forced to break down having more than two kids, or was pregnancy checked
fat stores for energy. Ketones are a chemical byproduct of and conirmed to carry two kids or more, increase her
fat breakdown. While the body can use small amounts energy intake in the last trimester of gestation. Monitor
of ketones as an energy source, excessive amounts lead high-risk late pregnant does for signs of PT. When in
to development and clinical signs of PT. doubt, conirm presence of ketones in the urine using
Predisposing factors urine dipsticks.
PT occurs in the last 6 weeks of pregnancy in goats, Avoid sudden changes in feedstuf and provide high
with peak incidence during the last 2 weeks of gestation. quality energy-dense rations and free access to a mineral
Older, especially thin or fat does carrying triplets or mixture. In late gestation, does carrying multiple fetuses
quadruplets are at risk although females carrying a single should be ofered 3.5 to 4 pounds of high quality hay
large fetus or twins may also be afected. Environmental such as alfalfa and 1 to 2 pounds of grain divided into
stressors, management changes that lead to poor feed 3 to 4 smaller feedings throughout the day to prevent
intake, going of feed because of other diseases (e.g., grain overload. Body condition scores (BCS) are helpful
footrot, parasites) or poor quantity and/or quality of in evaluating nutritional status and overall health of the
feedstufs ofered can also contribute to decreased feed lock. BCS recommendations for all production phases
intake and facilitate the development of PT. are as follows: maintenance 2 to 2.5, breeding 3, early
Clinical signs gestation 3, late gestation 3 to 3.5, kidding 3.5, and
Early signs consist of does separating themselves weaning 2 to 2.5. See the chapter on “Body Condition
from the rest of the herd, dullness, poor appetite, and Scores in Goats” for more information. Provide room to
reluctance to move. Some does may show painful swell- exercise and treat any diseases that may result in decreased
ing of their feet. Within 3 to 4 days, the signs progress feed intake.
to severe depression, teeth grinding, muscle tremors, and Floppy kid syndrome
neurological signs such as head pressing, star-gazing, and Floppy kid syndrome is associated with neonatal
blindness. Afected animals are down, unable to rise. A acidosis and is increasingly seen in healthy Boer goat kids
“fruity” or “sweet” smell to the breath may be present. less than 2 weeks of age. he exact cause is unknown.
Without treatment, severely afected animals are likely While several kids may be afected simultaneously, it is
to die. not known if an infectious agent is responsible.
Treatment, prevention, and control Clinical signs
Treatment of does that are still eating consists of Afected kids are normal at birth and develop a sudden
drenching with 2 oz of propylene glycol twice a day. onset of profound muscle weakness early in life, gener-
Drenching with a baking soda solution of ½ to ¾ oz ally from 3 to 10 days of age. Cases seem to occur most
baking soda in ¼ cup water (15 to 20 grams in 50 ml commonly late in the kidding season. Afected kids are
water), Advanced Agri Solution® (AAS) drench energy depressed and cannot use their tongues to suckle but can
malt mix (4 oz powder per 1 quart of water), calf scour swallow. he kids have metabolic acidosis, an abnormal
electrolytes alone, or a combination of the above daily acid-base balance. hey do not show other organ-speciic
may help correct luid and electrolyte deicits and acid- signs (no diarrhea or evidence of respiratory disease) and
base abnormalities. High quality feedstufs (e.g., alfalfa, may not recover, if left untreated.
concentrates) should be ofered. B vitamins and trans- Treatment, prevention, and control
faunation (transferring rumen contents from a healthy
Early detection and correction of the acid-base imbal-
goat or cow into the rumen of the PT goat via tubing)
ance as well as good supportive care are critical. Less
may help increase feed intake. Does that continue to
severe cases are most commonly treated by owners with
deteriorate despite medical therapy should be hospitalized
oral bicarbonate at the onset of signs. Two teaspoons of
and given intravenous luids with sugar (dextrose) and
baking soda and ½ teaspoon of common salt in 1 liter
electrolytes. In PT cases nonresponsive to medical therapy,
(1 quart) of water can be mixed and 2 to 3 oz given
removal of the fetuses should be considered. Inducing
orally 2 to 3 times a day. Kids may need to be fed milk
parturition or emergency Caesarian section (C-section)
by stomach tube.

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Other causes of weakness and depression in kids performance. Pregnant does may abort in late gestation
Beside loppy kid syndrome, other common causes or give birth to weak kids.
of weakness and depression in young kids include Treatment, prevention, and control
hypoglycemia (low blood sugar usually from insuicient Because iodine deiciency is the most common cause
nursing), hypothermia (clinical signs appear when rectal of goiter in goats, treatment consists of providing appropri-
temperature drops to 98°F [36.7°C]), and septicemia ate iodine levels in the diet or through supplementation.
(blood-borne bacterial infection). Both hypothermia and Requirement for iodine is 0.5 mg/kg (0.5 ppm) of dry
hypoglycemia may be attributed to severe weather, weak matter for most goats and 0.8 mg/kg (0.8 ppm) of dry
or sick kids, or dams with either poor maternal traits or matter for lactating does. Pregnant does can be drenched
mastitis. Poor to absent colostrum intake can predispose with 200 or 300 mg of potassium iodide or 2 ml of
kids to various infection (e.g., navel ill) which may lead Lugol’s iodine per week if they are at high risk for iodine
to septicemia. deiciency. Afected kids can be treated with either 20 mg
Treatment, prevention, and control of potassium iodine or 3 to 5 drops of Lugol’s solution
Treatment of hypothermia consists in warming up in the milk daily for 7 days. Iodized salts are the most
the afected kids with blankets, heat lamps, hot water common feed additives used to provide adequate iodine
bottles, or warm rice socks. In hypoglycemic kids that levels in the diet. Consult your veterinarian for accurate
are also hypothermic, Karo® or corn syrup (3 to 5 ml) diagnosis before treating to avoid iodine toxicity.
can be given by mouth (rub on the animal’s gums) to
help correct hypoglycemia until their body temperature Internal and External Parasitic
is normal (101.5 to 103.5°F, 38.5 to 40°C). Hypoglycemic Diseases
kids with normal body temperature can be given warm Coccidiosis
milk replacer (5% of body weight). Coccidiosis is a diarrhea disease caused by any one of
he keys to preventing hypothermia and hypoglycemia a number of protozoan parasites of the Eimeria species.
in kids are to protect from wind and cold weather, and Coccidiosis is likely the most common cause of diar-
ensure adequate nursing. he keys to preventing septicemia rhea in young kids but can afect older animals. Stress,
are to ensure that kidding takes place on fresh pasture in weather changes, weaning, diet changes, and kidding
a clean, dry area, and that all navels are dipped in iodine can all bring about the onset of this disease. Young kids
shortly after birth. Monitor nursing behavior and force feed 1 to 4 months of age appear most susceptible.
colostrum if no nursing is seen within 6 hours of birth. he coccidia causing diarrhea in goats are host speciic
Goiter meaning that they rarely infect other animal species. hus,
In goats, goiter is associated with enlargement of the coccidia that afect goats will not infect sheep and vice
thyroid gland and can be due either to excess, or more versa. Transmission is oral. he coccidia eggs or oocysts
commonly, insuicient iodine intake. Low iodine levels are shed in the feces and must sporulate outside of the
are found in areas with sandy soils and in alpine regions. animal to become infective. Sporulation typically occurs
Ingestion of “goitrogenic” compounds can also interfere under moderate temperatures and moist conditions. he
with iodine uptake and, consequently, with thyroid oocysts can survive a wide range of temperatures and live
hormone production. Such compounds can be found for years in the environment. he life cycle for coccidia
in various plants (cabbage), legumes (soybeans, lentils, under ideal conditions is 2 to 3 weeks.
linseed, peas, peanuts, rape, kale, white clover), mustard- Constant exposure to low levels of coccidia can
like plants (rape, kale), prunes (cherries, apricots), and provide some level of immunity to the animal. However,
some grains (sorghum). Occasionally, insuicient intake consumption of large number of coccida at one time can
by the pregnant dam results in clinical signs of goiter in overwhelm the immune system. Further, each individual
newborn kids. A hereditary congenital goiter has been species of Eimeria is independent and there is no cross-
described in Dutch, Pygmy, and Nubian goats. immunity. An animal with immunity to one type of
Clinical signs Eimeria can still develop coccidia from exposure to a
he main sign of goiter is a large swelling in the diferent species.
throat latch area. Because changes in thyroid hormone Clinical signs
levels afect several functions in the body, other signs Goats sufering from coccidosis may appear unthrifty
that may be seen include weight loss, hair loss, thick- without obvious signs of diarrhea. However, most will
ened skin, face swelling, weakness, dullness, decreased develop mild to watery diarrhea, usually without blood.
production (milk or weight gain), and poor reproductive Other signs include straining to defecate (severe cases may

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lead to rectal prolapse), decreased appetite, dehydration, pasture. he infective agent is Cryptosporidium parvum.
weight loss, and sometimes death. Unlike coccidia that need to sporulate outside the animal
Treatment, prevention, and control to become infective, cryptosporidium sporulate inside the
Treatment of coccidiosis consists in giving luids and animal. his means that the protozoa can be self-sustaining
coccidiostats in feed or water. Coccidiostats approved for in the animal resulting in severe disease. his also means
use in the U.S. include decoquinate (Deccox®, 0.5 mg/ that the feces of infected animals contain sporulated
kg body weight or 13 to 91 grams/ton feed) and monen- eggs that can directly infect other goats thereby quickly
sin (Rumensin®, 15 to 20 grams/ton feed). Amprolium spreading the disease. Further, the disease is zoonotic
(Corid®, 50 mg/kg body weight per day) is not approved (fecal-oral transmission) and people can become infected
for use in goats and can only be used in the context of a from handling afected animals.
valid veterinarian-client-patient relationship. Amprolium Clinical signs
should only be fed or added to the drinking water for Afected kids are usually less than 2 weeks old, with
periods of 3 to 4 weeks. Prolonged intake can predispose peak occurrence between 5 to 10 days of age. Diarrhea is
kids to polioencephalomalacia (PEM). Coccidiostats are bright yellow and watery and can last from 2 to 14 days.
normally fed during periods of extreme stress and wet Kids are initially bright, alert, and nursing but over time
conditions. If feeding coccidiostats for prolonged periods, become dehydrated, have decreased intake, poor growth,
fecal exams should be done to evaluate the drug’s eicacy. and are depressed. he diarrhea ranges from self-limiting
Preventing coccidiosis is accomplished by improved to very severe and fatal. Recovered animals frequently
sanitation, not overcrowding animals, minimizing stress, sufer relapses.
and ensuring a good nutrition program. Treatment, prevention, and control
Cryptosporidiosis here are no speciic drugs available to clear crypto-
Cryptosporidiosis is a protozoan-caused diarrhea sporidiosis infection so treatment is mainly supportive and
disease in kids. Occurrence is more common in kids prevention and control are imperative. Afected kids should
raised in a barn or in coninement than kids raised on be isolated from the rest of the herd, provided luids with
electrolytes, and kept warm. Any pens holding diseased
animals should be cleaned. he organism survives in
the environment and is resistant to many disinfectants;
however, a 5 to 10% ammonia solution is efective. Proper
sanitation and reduced fecal contamination of feed and
water are preventive measures. Decoquinate (Deccox®) at
2.5 mg/kg fed to does and kids may be useful in decreasing
number of afected animals and severity of the disease.
Stomach and intestinal worms
here are a number of stomach and intestinal worms
that can afect goats. he most common and devastat-
ing in terms of death, lost productivity, and cost is the
barberpole worm (Haemonchus contortus). A complete
discussion of this and other internal parasites as well as
chemical and other control methods can be found in the
chapter on “Internal Parasites of Goats.” Anthelmintic
drugs and dosages and procedure to perform a fecal egg
count can be found in the “Meat Goat Herd Health
Procedures and Prevention” chapter.
Mange is caused by mites feeding on the skin of
afected animals. hree types of mange that afect goats
in the U.S. are psoroptic, demodectic, and chorioptic.
Psoroptic mange (ear mange) is caused by the mite Psorop-
tes cuniculi and usually infests the ears but can spread to
the head, neck, and body. Demodectic mange is caused
by Demodex caprae that infests skin glands and hair
Chorioptic mange afecting rear legs and scrotum.

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follicles of the limbs, face, and back. Chorioptic mange Treatment, prevention, and control
is caused by the mite Chorioptes caprae and usually afects Treating the environment surrounding the goats
the scrotum, lower limbs, and abdomen. Transmission to try and rid the area of lice is diicult. Treatment of
is usually from animal to animal though these mites afected animals includes using dips, sprays, or dusts.
can live in the environment for limited periods of time, Commonly used products are coumaphos (0.125%
up to 3 months for C. caprae, for example. Some goats spray or 0.5% dust), malathion (0.5% spray or 4% dust),
may be unafected carriers of the mites. Saliva from mite and permethrin sprays or pour-on products (e.g., Ultra-
bites causes intense inlammatory reactions in the skin boss®). Ivermectin (Ivomec®) injection (0.2 mg/kg body
resulting in skin lesions and hair loss. weight) can be used against sucking lice. However, it has
Clinical signs limited efectiveness against biting lice. Treat animals at
In demodectic and chorioptic mange, goats will 2-week intervals for at least 2 treatments to ensure that
develop blisters or scabs on areas afected by the particular lice emerging from eggs are killed. If weather allows,
mange mite. Hair loss is common and the skin on the full body shearing (especially in Angora goats) can be
back, sides, and limbs of the animal may become crusty useful in removing more than 50% of lice population,
in appearance. Goats will scratch thereby removing scabs and allow better contact between the skin and chemical
and leaving a wound that is susceptible to secondary externally applied.
bacterial infection. In psoroptic mange, animals will
shake and scratch their head, sometimes using their Diseases of the Eye
hind foot. Hair loss around the ears is common. Mange Pinkeye, infectious keratoconjunctivitis
occurrence is most severe in fall and winter. In all cases, he term pinkeye is often used to refer to any condition
animal productivity will decline. resulting in watery, red, or cloudy eyes in goats. here are
Treatment, prevention, and control many causes of eye irritation including air-borne irritants
Isolate afected animals. Topical treatments include and foreign bodies such as dust or small hay particles;
dips or thorough sprays (coumaphos 0.3%, lime sulfur trauma to the eye such as scratching from hay, straw, or
2%, and phosmet 0.15 to 0.2%) that should be done at wire; or from an infectious agent. Common infectious
weekly intervals. Commercial products are available that agents causing pinkeye include Mycoplasma conjunctivae,
contain these ingredients. Ivermectin (Ivomec®) injections Chlamydophila pecorum, Branhamella ovis, and Listeria
(0.2 mg/kg body weight) can be done at weekly intervals. monocytogenes. Certain viruses and parasites can also
For psoroptic mange, any products approved for sheep cause this condition. In most cases, an infectious agent
will work with goats. Another alternative is to use a is responsible and even in cases of irritation or trauma
louse or ear mite external medication, such as used with treatment to prevent secondary infection by bacteria is
dogs. Lactating dairy goats should be treated only with commonly done.
lime-sulfur solution. Clinical signs
Lice Signs of pinkeye include watery eyes, redness of the
Lice infestation is most common in winter months eye, excessive squinting, swelling of the eyelids, sensitivity
when animals are closely quartered due to outside to light, and a cloudy cornea. he onset of this disease is
temperature and the feeding practices used. Both biting quick and it can spread through animal to animal contact.
lice (Bovicola caprae, B. limbata, and B. crassipes) and Severely afected animals may become blind.
sucking lice (Linognathus stenopsis and L. africanus) afect Treatment, prevention, and control
goats. L. africanus is probably the most important suck- Treatment includes the use of tetracycline based
ing louse for goats, attacking anywhere on the body. Lice antibiotic eye ointment 2 to 4 times a day, and long acting
suck blood and can cause severe anemia. hey are spread tetracycline or tylosin injections. If it is not treated early,
by direct contact or by contact with contaminated areas permanent eye damage or blindness can result.
of the environment. Isolate afected animals from the rest of the herd for
Clinical signs at least 2 weeks or ideally longer (3 to 4 weeks) to prevent
Lice infestation typically afects multiple animals in disease spread. Remove contaminated stall bedding and
the herd. Afected goats will be itchy, have patches of bare clean and disinfect water troughs and feeders. Avoid expo-
skin from hair loss, lose weight, and sufer from anemia sure to environmental irritants such as lies, dust, pollen,
in severe cases. Lice can be seen crawling on the skin of and wind. Mow pastures to eliminate long-stemmed or
the animal. Lice may be seen more easily by parting the rough weeds and grasses. Inspect all new arrivals before
hair especially in goats with heavy coat. mixing with new herd mates.

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Toxicosis Cyanide toxicity

General his condition is most commonly associated with
here are numerous toxicities that can be caused grazing on Sudan grass, Johnson grass, sorghums, and
by consumption of certain plants. Goats are generally white clover. Under conditions of drought or frost the
not as susceptible to plant toxicities as other livestock plants release cyanide. Cool growing conditions and use
because of their grazing habit. Goats are browsers and of nitrate fertilizers are also implicated. Animal symptoms
normally consume a wide variety of forage species daily include muscle tremors, labored breathing, and sudden
thereby avoiding overconsumption of any one plant. For death, often within minutes of consuming a fatal dose.
a plant to be poisonous, it must be consumed in suicient he blood of afected animals is bright red as the cyanide
quantities to cause illness in a natural grazing setting. In prevents hemoglobin from releasing oxygen. Prevent by
goats this may happen when forage is limited, such as limiting access to pastures in the conditions listed above.
during drought, and goats are forced to over consume Plants can be most toxic during early regrowth. Sorghum
plant species not normally eaten. Some ornamental plant at least 2 feet tall is generally safe. Some plants found
species can also cause toxicity. on range or pasture such as choke cherry and oleander
can also cause this problem. Contact a veterinarian for
Plant toxicities can cause a variety of signs ranging
from mild irritation to central nervous system disorders
to abortion and death. Most do not respond well to treat- Nitrate toxicity
ment and prevention is best. Activated charcoal given to Nitrates are essential for plant growth and normal
bind to or adsorb toxins is recommended for many plant concentrations are not high enough to cause problems.
toxicities. Others can be treated by chemicals that usually However, the increased use of nitrogenous fertilizers has
only a veterinarian would carry. Most plant toxicities can raised the potential for nitrate poisoning to occur from
be avoided by supplying hay (and grain) during drought not only nitrates in plants, but through contamination
or snow cover, not overstocking pastures, and preventing of water supplies. Nitrate poisoning is usually associated
access to ornamental plants and clippings. Examples of with sorghums and Sudan grass but can also occur when
plant species causing various toxicities are listed. grazing sugar beet tops, kale, Italian ryegrass, white clover,
Azalae, rhododendron, laurel poisoning and oats. Drought, recent fertilization, and retarded plant
growth can cause nitrates to accumulate in plants. Highest
Azaleas, rhododendrons, and laurels are members of
nitrate concentrations are found in stems and leaves in
the Ericaceae family. hese plants contain a toxin which
the cool, early morning. he blood of afected animals is
causes anorexia, salivation, vomiting, abdominal pain,
chocolate brown as the nitrate does not allow the blood
weakness, staggering, and death. Death usually occurs
to exchange oxygen. Signs include labored breathing,
after several days of illness. Afected goats typically
tremors, blueish coloration of the gums, increased heart
vocalize and vomit. Relatively small doses of these plant
rate, collapse, and sudden death. Contact a veterinarian
species are efective in causing clinical signs. For a mature
for treatment.
goat, a cupful of leaves would be toxic. Goats that have
consumed and recovered from eating these plants may Intoxication with alatoxins
repeatedly ingest them in large and often fatal quantities. Alatoxins are produced by a number of fungi that
Treatment is nonspeciic in nature. Mineral oil and acti- contaminate grains and soybeans. Afected animals will
vated charcoal may be given orally to bind to or adsorb go of feed, may experience bleeding, tremors, weakness,
residual unabsorbed toxin. Fluids and relief of pain are and death. Abortions and liver damage can also occur.
given as needed. Do not feed shrubbery clippings. Drought or excessively warm and moist conditions are
Fescue toxicity factors in occurrence. Identify toxins in feed and feed
toxin-free diets.
Fescue toxicosis is caused by consumption of tall
fescue infected with the endophyte Neotyphodium coeno- Photosensitization
phialum. Afected animals show poor growth. In cooler Photosensitization is a condition where photodynamic
months, the mycotoxin can cause gangrene or death of chemicals accumulate under the skin and react to sunlight
extremities like the tail and feet. Goats appear to be less on unpigmented areas of the skin. Small blood vessels in
sensitive to fescue toxicity than cattle. Do not feed tall the skin are damaged resulting in skin death and slough-
fescue to pregnant animals. If feeding to other classes of ing. Plants known to cause photosensitization include St.
animals, dilute with other forage. John’s wort, buckwheat, wild carrot, lantana, ragworts,
rape, and kale. Liver damage can also occur in some
instances. Nonpigmented skin around ears, eyes, muzzle,

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and along the back is usually afected and becomes red, depression, weakness, coma, and death. Plants causing
swollen, and irritated. Secondary infections can occur. these symptoms include locoweed, larkspur, Indian hemp,
his condition is most common in late summer and milkweed, lupines, Jimson weed, water hemlock, poison
early autumn during periods of rapid pasture growth. hemlock, nightshade, false hellebore, death camus, sneeze-
Remove the plant causing the photosensitization and weed, greasewood, horsebrush, rubberweed, rhodendron,
protect the animal from the sunlight. Prevent or treat mountain laurel, azaleas, castor bean, and horse chestnut.
secondary infections. Treat animals that have consumed these plants with one
Abortions and fetal defects pound activated charcoal to adsorb the toxin.
Some plants contain toxic substances called teratogens
that can cross placental membranes and cause fetal defor- Genetic Conditions
mities, fetal resorption, abortion, or stillbirth. Teratogens Intersex condition, male pseudohermaphrodite
may cause diferent defects depending upon the stage of he intersex condition is the most important genetic
gestation and amount consumed. he irst trimester of anomaly of goats. his condition is particularly prevalent
pregnancy is when the fetus is most susceptible. Usually, among polled goats and results in ofspring which are
restricting pregnant animals from pastures containing female in appearance but develop portions of the male
these plants during the irst third of gestation is suicient; reproductive tract including testicles. he kids have decid-
however, plants such as milk vetch and locoweed should edly male behavioral characteristics beginning at the time
be avoided throughout pregnancy. Other plants known of puberty. he actual mechanism of the development
to have these reproductive efects include broomweed, of intersex is unknown. During fetal development, the
lupine, tobacco, desert tobacco, and Veratrum californi- intersex kid is exposed to high levels of endogenously
cum called false hellebore, skunk cabbage, or corn lily. produced testosterone. his results in a masculinizing
Albendazole (Valbazen®) should not be used to deworm efect on the kid’s genotypic female reproductive tract.
does in the irst trimester of gestation. his condition has been reported to be as high as 22%
Liver damage of all ofspring in certain lines of goats.
he liver can be vulnerable to toxicosis due to its Clinical signs
role in detoxifying substances in the body. Some plants Kids should be carefully examined for abnormalities
consumed in excess can cause liver damage. Signs are in external sex organs. Testicles in intersex kids are often
usually nonspeciic and overlap with signs of other toxicities confused with the developing mammary gland. he depth
and include vomiting, diarrhea, and going of feed among of the vagina can be checked for normality. Usually, by
others. Some plants that can cause liver damage include the time of puberty, intersex goats are larger than other
cocklebur, crotalaria, lantana, sneezeweed, bitterweed, females, have masculine-appearing heads and erect hairs
rubberweed, St. John’s wort, blue-green algae, horsebrush, on their neck, and show a male-like behavior. Additional
oak, rhubarb, castor bean, and mistletoe. tests would include measurement of serum testosterone
Kidney damage levels and chromosomal typing.
Kidneys can be damaged due to plant toxicosis or Treatment, prevention, and control
certain drugs with renal failure resulting in extreme here is no treatment. he existence of the intersex
cases. Signs are nonspeciic and include depression, of trait is the primary reason why goat breeders select against
feed, decreased urine output, going down, and death. the polled trait. he polled trait is dominant to horns
Plant species implicated include lambsquarter, pokeweed, meaning that horned goats may be homozygous for the
Russian thistle, pigweed, rhubarb, oak, and ponderosa horned trait and almost always free of the intersex trait.
pine. Drugs that may cause kidney damage if given
repeatedly over the course of several days include anti- Zoonotic Diseases
inlammatory drugs (lunixin meglumine (Banamine®) or Transmission and susceptibility
phenylbutazone (“Bute”)) and antibiotics (oxytetracycline, Contact among humans results in the transmission
sulfas). Ingestion of heavy metals (arsenic, mercury, lead, of infectious agents. If you have a cold and don’t take
cadmium, zinc, copper) can also be toxic to the kidneys. precautions you may give your cold to others. For some
Central nervous system efects diseases, contact between humans and animals can result
here are many plant toxicities that have central in the transmission of infectious agents. Diseases that
nervous system signs. hese signs difer for diferent plant can sicken both humans and animals are called zoonotic
species but include one or more of the following: paralysis, diseases. his is a two-way street in that some human
muscle convulsions, tremors, incoordination, vomiting, diseases can infect goats while some goat diseases can
infect humans.

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Herd Health - Common Diseases

Zoonotic diseases can be transmitted from animals Food-borne diseases

to humans via feces, urine, saliva, blood, milk, meat, here is a growing interest in raw milk products in the
fetuses, and uterine discharges. Infection can occur by general population. Most common reasons to consume
breathing in aerosolized pathogens, ingesting them, raw milk include higher nutritional values (not proven)
or by direct contact with skin or mucous membranes. and better taste.
Touching animals and then eating before washing your
Since implementation of the Pasteurized Milk
hands puts you at risk of eating fecal material. Similarly,
Ordinance, there has been a signiicantly higher rate of
if you rub your eyes while working with your animals,
food-borne illnesses associated with raw milk consump-
bacteria may pass from your ingers to the membranes
tion compared to consumption of pasteurized milk and
surrounding your eye.
milk products. he source of pathogens found in milk is
Exposure to animal pathogens is a common occur- either through direct shedding into the milk, or through
rence for persons raising livestock. In almost all cases, our fecal contamination during or after milking. Pathogens
body’s immune system protects us from the pathogens that can be isolated from raw milk include Campylobacter
we encounter. However, the very young and the very jejuni, E. coli, Listeria monocytogenes, salmonella, and
old are persons at higher risk of possible infection with klebsiella. Other potentially zoonotic agents that can be
a zoonotic disease. Young children are highly susceptible found in unpasteurized milk and milk products include
to disease. he E. coli 0157:H7 found in animal manure Coxiella burnetii (Q fever), Mycobacterium avium subspe-
commonly produces a fatal disease in young children but cies paratuberculosis (Johne’s disease), Mycobacterium
rarely is a serious disease in adults. Elderly people need tuberculosis or bovis (tuberculosis), and Brucella melitensis
to be conscious of zoonotic diseases because immune (brucellosis).
systems lose some ability to ward of disease as a person
To prevent possible human infection, drinking raw
ages. Pregnant women need to be very careful around
milk or consumption of raw milk products should be
diseased animals as some diseases can afect the human
restricted. Pasteurization can be performed to reduce the
fetus. In addition to age and pregnancy status, other
incidence of food-borne pathogens in goat milk or milk
factors or conditions such as a compromised immune
products used for home consumption. As speciied in
system may afect an individual’s ability to ight of disease.
the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance, pasteurization can be
For example, cryptosporidia that only causes diarrhea in
performed by heating the milk to a temperature of 145°F
normal people can be fatal to persons sufering from HIV.
(63°C) for 30 minutes or 161°F (72°C) for 15 seconds.
Goat milk sold in retail packages should contain at
Use common sense and follow some simple rules
least 2.5% milk fat and 7.5% milk solids. Grade A milk
when working with animals. Wash your hands after being
should be free of drug residues and somatic cell count
with animals and particularly prior to eating or putting
should not exceed 1,500,000 per ml. Goat milk should
anything into your mouth. Wear gloves when you are
be produced according to the sanitary standards of the
handling potentially infected material including diarrhea
Pasteurized Milk Ordinance. Every milk producer, bulk
kids, aborted fetuses, etc. A “mudroom” where your work
milk hauler/sampler, milk tank truck, milk transportation
clothes and boots stay and never enter the house where
company, etc., must have a valid permit by the regulatory
a toddler may be crawling will help prevent the entry of
agency. Only a person who complies with the require-
pathogens into your home. If possible, install a washer
ments of the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance can receive
and dryer in the mudroom room so that your farm clothes
and retain such a permit.
never come in contact with household clothes.
Cuts and lacerations ofer an immediate opening Conclusion
for bacteria to enter your body. Cover all cuts with a he aforementioned diseases are by no means an
waterproof bandage and wear latex gloves if the cut is exhaustive list of all the ailments that can alict goats. A
on your hand. Keep very young children out of livestock good relationship with a qualiied veterinarian is essential
units. When they are old enough to enter, make sure in maintaining the health of a goat herd and in devising
they understand the concepts of sanitation. Help young a comprehensive herd health strategy. Producers should
children who handle animals to wash their hands or use always call a veterinarian when an animal is sick, not
disinfectant wipes. Explain and follow these procedures improving with the treatment given on the farm, or when
with visitors to your farm. a disease outbreak is suspected.
If you work with animals and become ill seek medical
help. Inform your physician that you work with animals.

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Herd Health - Common Diseases

Faerber, C.W. 2004. Small Ruminant Production
Medicine & Management (Sheep and Goats), 3rd
Edition. Animal Health Publications, Brigham
City, UT 84302. ISBN
Fthenakis, G.C. and P.I. Menzies. 2011. herapeutics
and control of sheep and goat diseases. Veterinary
Clinics of North America Food Animal Practice
2011;27(1), W.B Saunders Company, Elsevier. ISBN-
13: 978-1-4557-0522-1.
Matthews, J.G. 1999. Diseases of the Goat, 2nd Edition.
Blackwell Science Ltd. ISBN-13: 978-0-632-05167-0.
Pugh D.G, and A.N. Baird. 2012. Sheep & Goat Medi-
cine, 2nd edition. W.B. Saunders Company, Elsevier.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4377-2353-3.
Smith, M.C. and D.M. Sherman. 2009. Goat Medicine.
Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 0-7817-9643-1.
Smith, M.C. and D.M. Sherman. 1994. Goat Medicine.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN 0-8121-1478-7.
hedford, T.R. 1983. Goat Health Handbook. Winrock
International. ISBN 1-57360-001-6.
Van Metre, DC. 2001. Update on small ruminant medi-
cine. Veterinary Clinics of North America Food
Animal Practice 2001;17(2), W.B Saunders Company,
Elsevier. ISSN 0949-0720.

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Some important zoonotic diseases of goats

What is it? Bacterial disease found in the soil in certain areas and in dead carcasses.
How do you get it? Ingestion, inhalation, or skin contact.
What does it cause? Gastrointestinal form, respiratory form, and skin form.
How do you prevent it? Avoid contact with infected/contaminated animals, hides, and soil.
How do you treat it? See a physician. Antibiotic treatment.
What is it? Bacterial disease spread by cows, horses, and goats.
How do you get it? Direct contact or ingestion. Often via handling an aborted fetus or placenta, via urine or vac-
cine injection, or by splashing into eyes or mouth.
What does it cause? Abortion, inlammation of the testicles, undulant fever, headaches, weight loss.
How do you prevent it? Vaccinate all cattle if needed. Test all new entries. Wear protective clothing when dealing with
dystocias and aborted animals. Take special care with vaccine.
What is it? Bacteria causing diarrhea, fever, and abortion in livestock.
How do you get it? Fecal to oral transmission.
What does it cause? Diarrhea with fever and vomiting. Mucus and blood in stool.
How do you prevent it? Avoid getting feces from livestock in your mouth. Wash hands after handling livestock or raw
How do you treat it? Fluids, antibiotics.
Caseous lymphadenitis
What is it? Bacterial disease causing abscesses of lymph nodes especially in sheep and goats.
How do you get it? Contact with pus from abscesses.
What does it cause? Abscesses of lymph nodes both external and internal.
How do you prevent it? Remove infected animals from the herd. Use gloves to handle pus and contaminated surfaces.
How do you treat it? Antibiotics (such as Draxxin®) may help to alleviate clinical signs temporarily. This disease can-
not be cured.
Chlamydia trachomatis
What is it? Rickettsia causing abortions, conjunctivitis, polyarthritis, and pneumonia in sheep and goats.
How do you get it? Oral transmission.
What does it cause? Miscarriage, respiratory disease.
How do you prevent it? Don’t handle aborted fetus, placenta, or doe.
How do you treat it? Antibiotics.
What is it? Protozoa similar to coccidia that can infect almost any animal.
How do you get it? Ingestion of feces.
What does it cause? Diarrhea.
How do you prevent it? Hand washing. Sanitation.
How do you treat it? Self-limiting in normal people, fatal in immune suppressed individuals.
What is it? Flagellated protozoa that can infect almost any animal.
How do you get it? Ingestion of feces.
What does it cause? Diarrhea.
How do you prevent it? Hand washing. Sanitation.
How do you treat it? Fenbendazole.

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What is it? Bacteria which can infect the kidneys of goats.
How do you get it? Ingestion, through mucous membranes, and cuts in skin.
What does it cause? Renal (kidney) disease, hepatic (liver) disease.
How do you prevent it? Avoid aborted fetuses and urine of animals.
How do you treat it? Antibiotics.
What is it? Parapox virus causing skin lesions in sheep and goats.
How do you get it? Direct or indirect contact.
What does it cause? Skin lesions.
How do you prevent it? Do not handle goats with lesions on their lips or elsewhere without protective gloves.
How do you treat it? No treatment. Self-curing in one month.
Q fever
What is it? Bacteria Coxiella burnetti.
How do you get it? Inhaling aerosolized organisms.
What does it cause? Abortions in goats and humans, liver disease. Can be fatal.
How do you prevent it? Test your goats. Don’t handle aborted fetus or placenta.
How do you treat it? Antibiotics.
What is it? Viral disease of all mammals.
How do you get it? Direct contact with an infected animal (virus present in the saliva).
What does it cause? Neurologic disease with paralysis.
How do you prevent it? Avoid handling animals with suspicious behavior.
How do you treat it? Anti-serum and hospitalization. Usually fatal.
What is it? Bacteria which can infect all animals. Generally causing diarrhea.
How do you get it? Oral ingestion of feces.
What does it cause? Severe, often bloody diarrhea.
How do you prevent it? Protective clothing when handling goats with diarrhea.
How do you treat it? Antibiotics.
What is it? Bacterial disease.
How do you get it? Ingestion and inhalation.
What does it cause? Various symptoms including pneumonia, weight loss, weakness, fever, chest pain.
How do you prevent it? Avoid contact and close proximity to infected/contaminated animals. Do not drink unpasteur-
ized milk.
How do you treat it? See a physician.
Yersinia enterocolitica
What is it? Bacteria which can cause diarrhea in goats and other animals.
How do you get it? Oral ingestion of feces.
What does it cause? Severe diarrhea.
How do you prevent it? Hand washing. Sanitation.
How do you treat it? Antibiotics.

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