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Compression of granular materials

Gholamreza Mesri and Barames Vardhanabhuti

Abstract: Compression data on over 100 sands were examined to clarify the role of particle rearrangement through inter-
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particle slip and rotation and particle damage on primary compression, including the yield stress, secondary compression,
and coefficient of lateral pressure at rest. During the increase in effective vertical stress, mechanisms such as tighter pack-
ing that promote particle locking and interparticle slip and particle damage that promote particle unlocking together deter-
mine the relationship between void ratio and effective vertical stress. Three levels of particle damage together with
interparticle slip and rotation determine three types of compression behavior and a yield stress at the abrupt onset of par-
ticle fracturing and splitting. The ratio of secondary compression index to compression index is independent of whether
compression results from overcoming interparticle friction through interparticle slip, from overcoming particle strength
through particle damage, or both; and therefore it is a constant independent of the effective stress range. The coefficient of
lateral pressure at rest of an initially dense sand starts with a value defined by the Jaky equation and the maximum friction
angle and remains constant up to the abrupt onset of particle fracturing and splitting, at which point it begins to increase
with an increase in effective vertical stress.
Key words: sand, compression, yield stress, secondary compression, coefficient of earth pressure at rest.
Résumé : Des données de compression de plus de 100 sables ont été examinés afin d’éclaircir le rôle du réarrangement
des particules par glissement et rotation inter-particulaire et du dommage sur les particules lors de la compression primaire,
incluant la limite d’écoulement, la compression secondaire, et le coefficient de pression latérale au repos. Pendant l’aug-
mentation de la contrainte verticale effective, les mécanismes tels que le serrage qui entraı̂ne le blocage des particules, et
le glissement inter-particules et le dommage qui entraı̂nent le déblocage des particules, déterminent ensemble la relation
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entre l’indice des vides et la contrainte verticale effective. Trois niveaux de dommage aux particules, en plus du glisse-
ment et de la rotation inter-particules, déterminent trois types de comportement en compression ainsi que la limite d’écou-
lement au moment où il y a fracture et séparation des particules. Le ratio entre l’indice de compression secondaire et
l’indice de compression est indépendant de l’origine de la compression, que ce soit le surpassement de la friction entre les
particules par glissement inter-particulaire ou le surpassement de la résistance des particules par du dommage, ou les deux,
alors ce ratio est une constante indépendante de l’intervalle des contraintes effectives. Le coefficient de pression latérale
au repos d’un sable initialement dense est premièrement définit par l’équation de Jaky avec l’angle de friction maximal, et
demeure constant jusqu’au moment où les particules commencent soudainement à fracturer et à se séparer; à partir de ce
point le coefficient de pression latérale commence à augmenter avec l’augmentation de la contrainte verticale effective.
Mots-clés : sable, compression, limite d’écoulement, compression secondaire, coefficient de la pression des terres au re-
[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Introduction particle slip and rotation. In some soils, particle rearrange-

In all soils, one-dimensional compression and isotropic ment is also facilitated by overcoming particle strength
compression are achieved through particle rearrangement through particle damage as in granular soils. Particle dam-
into a tighter packing. In some soils, particle rearrangement age may be quantified as level I damage (abrasion or grind-
is accompanied by particle deformation, such as bending ing of particle surface asperities), level II damage (breaking
and particle compression, as in fibrous peats. In all soils, or crushing of particle surface protrusions and sharp particle
particle rearrangement into a more compact configuration is corners and edges), and level III damage (fracturing, split-
achieved by overcoming interparticle friction through inter- ting, or shattering of particles) (Roberts and de Souza 1958;
Hendron 1963; Marsal 1967; Hardin 1985; Rahim 1989;
Coop 1990; Pestana and Whittle 1995; Nakata et al. 2001a,
Received 13 March 2008. Accepted 5 December 2008. 2001b; Chuhan et al. 2002, 2003).
Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on Compression, i.e., more intimate packing of particles, pro-
3 April 2009.
motes locking, including engaging surface roughness, among
G. Mesri.1 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, soil particles and increases the stiffness of a granular aggre-
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 205 North Mathews gate (Vesic and Clough 1968; Lambe and Whitman 1969).
Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801, USA. However, interparticle slip and especially particle damage
B. Vardhanabhuti. Department of Civil Engineering, Kasetsart are unlocking mechanisms that decrease the stiffness of a
University, 50 Phahonyotin St., Ladyao Jatujak, Bangkok 10900, granular mass. During compression of granular materials,
both unlocking and locking mechanisms operate simultane-
1Corresponding author (e-mail: ously. The net effect determines the shape of the void ratio

Can. Geotech. J. 46: 369–392 (2009) doi:10.1139/T08-123 Published by NRC Research Press
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Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrographs of the surface of three particles of Ottawa sand (a–c) and three particles of Lake Michigan sand (d–f).
a, 1401; b, 21552; c, 5000; d, 560; e, 1647; f, 835.
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or volumetric strain versus effective stress relationship and, improved locking through denser particle packing and M de-
in the case of one-dimensional compression, the behavior of creases with an increase in s v0 . An equal balance behavior is
the tangent-constrained modulus (M ¼ Ds v0 =D3v ) versus ef- also possible when unlocking and locking effects are equal
fective vertical stress (s v0 ) relationship, where 3v is the verti- and M remains constant with s v0 .
cal strain. When the locking effect of more intimate packing One-dimensional and isotropic compression of all soils
dominates over the unlocking effect of interparticle slippage can be interpreted in terms of primary compression that oc-
and particle damage, a net locking behavior develops and M curs during the increase in effective stress and secondary
increases with an increase in s v0 (Chuhan et al. 2002, 2003). compression that follows at constant effective stress. One-
A net unlocking behavior results when the unlocking effects dimensional compression is observed in a laterally con-
of particle damage and interparticle slip exceed the effect of strained condition in response to an increase in s v0 , and

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Fig. 1. (continued). Scanning electron micrographs of the surface of three particles of Niigata sand (g–i) and three particles of Toyoura sand
(j–l). g, 2364; h, 1674; i, 3700; j, 40000; k, 7500; l, 1200.
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isotropic compression is observed under an equal all-around tive horizontal stress, is determined by the nature of par-
pressure (p’) in response to an increase in p’. The mecha- ticles, nature and history of particle packing, and particle
nisms that facilitate compression during an increase in effec- damage.
tive stress continue with time during secondary compression. In this paper, we utilized data from 182 oedometer tests
An inherent manifestation of internal friction is the frac- on 98 sands and 17 isotropic loading tests on six sands re-
tion of the vertical force that is transmitted to the vertical ported in the literature (Vardhanabhuti 2005) to examine
planes under the laterally constrained deformation condition. and clarify the role of particle rearrangement through inter-
The angle of friction that is mobilized in one-dimensional particle slip and rotation and particle damage on primary
compression, and therefore the behavior of the coefficient compression including the yield stress, secondary compres-
of lateral pressure at rest Ko ¼ s h0 =s v0 , where s h0 is the effec- sion, and coefficient of lateral pressure at rest. This paper

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Fig. 2. Type A compression behavior of a loose Ottawa sand (data from Roberts and de Souza 1958). CU, uniformity coefficient; Dr, rela-
tive density; D50, mean grain size; Mmax, tangent constrained modulus at the first inflection point; Mmin, tangent constrained modulus at the
second inflection point; ðs v0 ÞMmax , effective vertical stress at the yield point defined at the first inflection point; ðs v0 ÞMmin , effective vertical
stress at the yield point defined at the second inflection point; ðs v0 ÞMC , effective vertical stress at the yield point defined at the point of
maximum curvature.
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Fig. 3. Type A compression behavior of a dense Ottawa sand (data from Roberts and de Souza 1958). eo, initial void ratio.

does not consider compression resulting from vibration of soils comes from oedometer tests in which a soil specimen
granular materials (Mesri and Vardhanabhuti 2007). is subjected to laterally constrained vertical loading and
from triaxial tests in which a soil specimen is subjected to
equal all-around pressure. Most laboratory tests on granular
Primary compression
soils have been conducted on dry (and less frequently on sa-
Laboratory information on the compressibility of granular turated), reconstituted specimens using incremental or con-

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Fig. 4. Type A compression behavior of Toyoura sand (data from Nakata et al. 2001a).
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Fig. 5. Type A compression behavior of Ottawa sand (data from Pestana and Whittle 1995).
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tinuous loading. Because of the dry condition or high per- (e.g., 0.01 mm/min in oedometer tests by Nakata et al.
meability of saturated granular soils, primary consolidation 2001b). The compression data are interpreted either in terms
of a laboratory specimen essentially is completed as soon as of EOP void ratio versus effective vertical stress or EOP
the load is applied, and the end-of-primary (EOP) void ratio void ratio versus the logarithm of effective vertical stress
or volumetric strain for incremental loading is defined at (log s v0 ). Most of the existing data on primary compression
several seconds or minutes past the application of the load of granular soils can be summarized in terms of type A, B,
increment. The EOP void ratio or volumetric strain some- or C void ratio versus effective stress relationships.
times corresponds to a relatively fast constant rate of load- Type A void ratio e versus s v0 behavior (such as that
ing (e.g., 0.01 MPa/s in oedometer tests conducted by shown in Fig. 2) displays three distinct stages of compres-
Chuhan et al. 2002, 2003) or constant rate of compression sion (Chuhan et al. 2003). During the first stage, small par-

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Fig. 6. Type A compression behavior of mono-quartz sand (data from Chuhan et al. 2003).
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Fig. 7. Type A compression behavior of a quartz sand (data from Nakata et al. 2001b).
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ticle movements further engage particle surface roughness the aggregate framework, allowing larger interparticle move-
and enhance interparticle locking. There is minor to small ments, and M begins to decrease with an increase in s v0 . The
level I and level II particle damage (e.g., Vaid et al. 1985; first inflection point in the e versus s v0 relationship marks
Yudhbir and Rahim 1987; Rahim 1989); however, improved the beginning of the second stage at an effective vertical
locking dominates over unlocking effects, and M increases stress ðs v0 ÞMmax , and a second inflection point at ðs v0 ÞMmin
with an increase in s v0 . The second compression stage begins marks the end at which major particle fracturing and split-
with level III particle damage, i.e., fracturing of the heavily ting are substantially complete (Nakata et al. 2001a,
loaded particles and collapse of the load-bearing aggregate 2001b). Figure 1 shows examples of sand particle surface
framework (Cundall and Strack 1979; McDowell 2002; roughness that is further engaged during small interparticle
McDowell and Harireche 2002). Particle fracturing unlocks movements of the first stage of compression and is disen-

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Mesri and Vardhanabhuti 375

Fig. 8. Type B compression behavior of Ganga sand (data from Rahim 1989).
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Fig. 9. Type B compression behavior of Wabash River sand (data from Hendron 1963).

gaged during large interparticle movements of the second concentration and a decrease in the void ratio, and the asso-
stage of compression. During the third compression stage, ciated relative movement among grains is small (DeBeer
the stiffness gain from improved particle packing exceeds 1963, 1965; Hagerty et al. 1993; Lade et al. 1996; Bopp
the unlocking effect of level I, level II, and some level III and Lade 1997; Nakata et al. 2001a, 2001b; Chuhan et al.
particle damage (to both original particles and new angular 2002, 2003). Examples of type A e versus s v0 behavior are
fragments) and interparticle slip, and M continuously in- shown in Figs. 2–7. Type A compression behavior is most
creases with an increase in s v0 . During this stage, particle commonly, but not exclusively, observed for clean well-
damage may decrease with an increase in the uniformity co- rounded, strong (high degree of hardness) coarse particles
efficient as a result of particle fragmentation and particle (Nakata et al. 2001b; Chuhan et al. 2002).

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Fig. 10. Type B compression behavior of Mol sand (data from DeBeer 1963).
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Fig. 11. Type B compression behavior of Feldspar sand (data from Pestana and Whittle 1995).
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Type B e versus s v0 behavior (such as that shown in nates and M gradually increases with an increase in s v0 . Dur-
Fig. 8) represents a transition between type A and type C ing the second stage, improved packing just balances the
compression behavior. It is similar to type A compression unlocking produced by level III particle damage, and M re-
behavior, as it displays three stages of compression; and to mains constant with s v0 . During the third stage, improved
type C compression behavior, as M never decreases with an packing dominates over the effects of particle damage and
increase in s v0 throughout the compression. During the first interparticle slip, and M gradually increases with an increase
compression stage, starting at low stresses, there is level I in s v0 (Nakata et al. 2001a, 2001b; Chuhan et al. 2003). Ex-
and level II particle damage, but improved locking domi- amples of type B e versus s v0 behavior, which is less com-

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Fig. 12. Type C compression behavior of Quiou sand (data from Pestana and Whittle 1995).
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Fig. 13. Type C compression behavior of carbonate sand (data from Chuhan et al. 2003). D60, grain size at which 60% of the sample is

mon than type A and type C behavior, are shown in Figs. 8– et al. 2003). The locking effect of improved gradation and
11 where vertical line segments mark the effective vertical packing dominates over unlocking effects of gradual particle
stress range where M remains constant. damage and interparticle slippage, and M continuously in-
In type C, e versus s v0 behavior of granular soils (such as creases with an increase in s v0 (e.g., Pestana and Whittle
that shown in Fig. 12) significant level I and level II particle 1995). Examples of type C e versus s v0 behavior are shown
damage begins early at low effective stresses and continues in Figs. 12–17. Type C compression behavior is especially
with or without gradual level III particle damage at higher observed for angular weak (low degree of hardness) par-
effective stresses (Coop 1990; Coop and Lee 1993; Chuhan ticles such as carbonate sands, in the presence of platy par-

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Fig. 14. Type C compression behavior of silty sand (data from Huang et al. 1999). FC, fines content passing number 200 US standard sieve.
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Fig. 15. Type C compression behavior of mono-quartz sand (data from Chuhan et al. 2003).

ticles of mica or clay minerals, or for very fine granular ma- damage is not a factor, the yield stress in oedometer loading,
terials for which particle damage is a minor factor (Hardin called preconsolidation pressure (s p0 or s pI 0
for isotropic
1985; Chuhan et al. 2002, 2003). loading; Terzaghi et al. 1996), defines the boundary between
the recompression range where compressibility is small and
Yield stress the compression range where compressibility is much larger.
Yield stress traditionally has been considered to mark the Recompression results from particle deformation and minor
abrupt onset of increased deformability or increased com- interparticle slip; and therefore the preconsolidation pressure
pressibility as in the present case. For soils where particle marks the onset of major interparticle slip, which is quite

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Fig. 16. Type C compression behavior of Ganga sand (data from Rahim 1989).
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Fig. 17. Type C compression behavior of silica-2 sand (data from Nakata et al. 2001b).

abrupt for the ‘‘bonded’’ clays such as those from eastern nomenological definition of the yield stress, as it corre-
Canada (Terzaghi et al. 1996). sponds to the abrupt onset of level III particle damage. The
The yield stress for granular materials has been assumed values of ðs v0 ÞMmax for 61 oedometer tests on 57 sands in
to signal the abrupt onset of particle fracturing and splitting Fig. 18 show that the yield stress may range from less than
and associated particle rearrangement (e.g., Coop and Lee 0.3 MPa for an angular biogenic carbonate sand to near
1993; McDowell and Bolton 1998; Nakata et al. 2001a). 30 MPa for a well-rounded quartz sand. (The ‘‘other’’ sands
Therefore, ðs v0 ÞMmax defined at the first inflection point of category corresponds to the mixtures of quartz, carbonate,
the EOP e versus s v0 relationship best conforms to the phe- and other minerals.) Figure 18 also shows that the net un-

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Fig. 18. Data on ðs v0 ÞMmax and ðs v0 ÞMmin for 42 sands. Fig. 20. Comparison of ðs v0 ÞMC and ðs v0 ÞMmin .
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Fig. 19. Comparison of ðs v0 ÞMC and ðs v0 ÞMmax . of the data in Figs. 18–20 correspond to type A e versus s v0
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behavior. For type B behavior, the values for ðs v0 ÞMmax and

ðs v0 ÞMmin were taken as the beginning and end, respectively,
of the s v0 range where M remains constant. However, as
there is no abrupt onset of compressibility change (no inflec-
tion point) for type C e versus s v0 compression behavior, a
‘‘yield stress’’ determined at ðs v0 ÞMC is only an artifice of a
semilogarithmic plot (e.g., Figs. 12, 16).
The values of tangent compression index
Cc ¼ De=Dlog s v0 as a function of effective vertical stress
are summarized in Fig. 21 for three groups of sands, namely
quartz sands, quartz sands with 10%–20% fines content, and
carbonate sands. In the effective vertical stress range of
0.001–1000 MPa, the values of Cc are in the range of
0.002–1.0. However, the values of the compression index of
sands at an effective vertical stress range beyond ðs v0 ÞMC are
in the range of 0.1–1.0. In addition to sand particle mineral-
ogy and aggregate relative density, the value of Cc at the
low effective stress range is determined by sand particle
shape and surface characteristics.
The degree of abruptness of the onset of level III particle
damage may be characterized in terms of the magnitude of
Mmax/Mmin (e.g., Figs. 2, 3). The highest values are observed
for well-rounded coarse uniform strong particles. The transi-
locking effect of major fracturing and splitting for different
tion from the first stage to the second stage is most sudden
sands is substantially complete at about 2–5 times the effec- in uniformly graded sands when yielding is a manifestation
tive vertical stress at which level III particle damage begins. of the fracturing of the largest particles that form the aggre-
The yield stress for compression of granular soils has gate framework. The transition is not as sudden in well-
been previously determined at the point of maximum curva- graded sands because of the higher particle concentration
ture in the e versus log s v0 relationship, ðs v0 ÞMC (Hagerty et and because fracturing begins with smaller particles that
al. 1993; McDowell et al. 1996; Nakata et al. 2001a, does not cause as dramatic an unlocking of the aggregate
2001b; McDowell 2002; Chuhan et al. 2003). Figures 19 structure (McDowell and Bolton 1998; Nakata et al. 2001b).
and 20 compare ðs v0 ÞMC with ðs v0 ÞMmax and ðs v0 ÞMmin , respec- The onset of level III particle damage takes place at
tively. The values of ðs v0 ÞMC =ðs v0 ÞMmax and ðs v0 ÞMC =ðs v0 ÞMmin higher effective stresses in isotropic compression than in
are in the range of 0.7–2.5 and 0.3–0.8, respectively. Most one-dimensional compression, as illustrated by a comparison

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Fig. 21. Data on Cc for three groups of sands.

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of Toyoura sand data in Figs. 4 and 22 (Kwag et al. 1999; density and particle characteristics, a well-graded sand is ex-
Nakata et al. 2001a). This is because shear stresses in one- pected to display a higher ðs v0 ÞMmax than a uniformly graded
dimensional compression contribute to particle damage sand (Hall and Gordon 1964; Lade and Yamamuro 1996;
(DeBeer 1963; Bishop 1966; Lee and Farhoomand 1967; Nakata et al. 2001b). An increase in particle angularity pro-
Coop and Lee 1993; Pestana and Whittle 1995). Compres- motes level I and level II particle damage during the first
sion data in Figs. 4, 5, 6, and 22 show that, in general, level stage of compression, leads to higher normal and shear
III particle damage occurs at higher ðs v0 ÞMmax or ðp0 ÞMmax as stresses at interparticle contacts, and results in lower values
initial relative density increases, where ðp0 ÞMmax is the all- of Mmax/Mmin and ðs v0 ÞMmax (Kjaernsli and Sande 1963; Hag-
around pressure at the yield point defined at the point of erty et al. 1993; Lade and Yamamuro 1996; McDowell and
maximum curvature of e vesus p’. This behavior is a result Bolton 1998).
of a larger number of interparticle contacts, and therefore
lower contact stresses at a higher relative density (Roberts
and de Souza 1958; DeBeer 1963; Hendron 1963; Coop and
Secondary compression
Lee 1993; Hagerty et al. 1993; Lade et al. 1996; Nakata et Secondary compression is a continuation of the processes
al. 2001a). For the same reason, at a given initial relative that begin during an increase in effective stress. All mecha-

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Fig. 22. Type A compression behavior of Toyoura sand in isotropic compression (data from Kwag et al. 1999). ðp0 ÞMC , equal all-around
pressure at the yield point defined at the point of maximum curvature of e versus log p’; ðp0 ÞMmax , equal all-around pressure at the yield point
defined at the first inflection point of e versus p’; ðp0 ÞMmin , equal all-around pressure at the second inflection point of e versus p’ defining the
end of the second stage of compression.
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Fig. 23. Data on Ca versus Cc for 17 granular materials (from Mesri Fig. 24. Data on the ratio Ca/Cc for Antelope Valley sand in one-
et al. 1990). dimensional and isotropic compression (data from Lade and Liu

Souza 1958; Lee and Farhoomand 1967; Mesri and Godlew-

ski 1977; Mejia et al. 1988; Lade et al. 1997; Mesri 2001).
The term creep should not be used to refer to secondary
compression observed under drained, laterally constrained,
one-dimensional loading or drained, equal all-around load-
nisms of compression (including particle rearrangement ing. The term creep should be reserved for time-dependent
through interparticle slip and rotation and through particle deformation that may develop under both drained and un-
damage) and particle deformation (including bending and drained conditions when a soil is subjected to external shear
compression) that operate during primary compression con- stresses (e.g., Mesri et al. 1981; Murayama 1983; Murayama
tinue into the secondary compression. In other words, all et al. 1984). A major distinction is that time-dependent de-
phenomena playing a role in compression are time- formation due to creep may lead to global failure, whereas
dependent (e.g., Terzaghi and Peck 1948; Roberts and de secondary compression does not.

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Fig. 25. Compression behavior of silica sand used to study secondary compression (data from Yet 1998).
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Fig. 26. The Ca/(1+eo) and Cc/(1+eo) data for silica sand (data from Table 1. Computed and measured s 0pI for test IC-8-1 of Lade and
Leung et al. 1996 and Yet 1998). Liu (1998).

Preconsolidation pressure in
isotropic compression, ppI (kPa)
Pressure Equal all-around
No. pressure, p’ (kPa) Measured Computed
1 50 70 61
2 100 121 120
3 197 246 250
4 393 500 500
5 785 — 1004

De/Dlog t is the slope of the e versus log t relationship

(Mesri and Godlewski 1977; Mesri 1987, 2001; Mesri and
Castro 1987; Mesri et al. 1994, 1997). Mesri et al. (1990)
previously summarized data on Ca versus Cc for granular
soils, as shown in Fig. 23. These data, which suggest a Ca/
Cc range of 0.01–0.03 for granular soils, were obtained in
the s v0 range of 0.05–3 MPa. In fact, most of the data were
observed in the s v0 range of less than 1 MPa on sands with
The Ca/Cc law of compressibility (where Ca is the secon- strong particles. In this stress range, particle rearrangement
dary compression index and Cc is the compression index) in- during both primary and secondary compression mainly oc-
dicates that Ca/Cc is a constant at all instances during curs by interparticle slip and rotation. In addition to the
secondary compression. At any instant (e, s v0 , t, where t is references cited in Fig. 23, secondary compression of granu-
the time) during secondary compression, Cc ¼ De=Dlog s v0 lar soils, including rock fill, has been reported by Roberts
is the slope of the e versus log s v0 relationship, and Ca = and de Souza (1958), Holestol et al. (1965), Sowers et al.

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Fig. 27. Behavior of Ko for normally consolidated young loose Wabash River sand with Dr = 5% (data from Hendron 1963). K , slope of s h0
versus s v0 ¼ Ds h0 =Ds v0 ; Kop, coefficient of earth pressure at rest in normally consolidated young loose sands.
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(1965), Lee and Farhoomand (1967), Leung et al. (1996), isotropic and one-dimensional compression tests were car-
Lade and Liu (1998), Yet (1998), and Takei et al. (2001). ried out on saturated, reconstituted specimens in a triaxial
Terzaghi and Peck (1948, p. 59) observed that compres- cell in the pressure range of 0.05–1.5 MPa. The laterally
sion of a sand is not instantaneous but continues over a con- constrained condition for one-dimensional compression was
siderable period of time: ‘‘if the process of loading is realized through ‘‘proportional loading’’ (i.e., axial strain =
interrupted, the void ratio decreases at constant load. . .’’ volumetric strain). Consistent with secondary compression
Terzaghi and Peck (1948) illustrated the time-dependent be- behavior observed for soft clay and silt deposits (e.g., Mesri
havior by secondary compression of a loose silica sand at an 1987), Ca/Cc has the same value for both isotropic and one-
effective vertical stress 60% of the pressure at which ‘‘. . . dimensional compression despite the fact that EOP e versus
the grains begin to crush. . .’’ Incidentally, the Terzaghi and the logarithm of effective stress relations for isotropic and
Peck (1948) data suggest Ca/Cc = 0.028 for their silica sand. one-dimensional compression are different. Lade and Liu
Takei et al. (2001) reported secondary compression at s v0 (1998) reported that 20% of the particles passed the number
equal to 1.11, 2.34, 4.82, 9.95, and 20 MPa for a granular 200 US standard sieve after a compression test, whereas
soil consisting of 2.00–4.75 mm angular quartz particles. none of the sand passed this sieve before testing.
The values of Cc/(1+eo) from an EOP e versus log s v0 rela- A comprehensive series of one-dimensional compression
tionship defined at 10 s, where eo is the initial void ratio, tests with secondary compression measurements have been
and reported values of Ca/(1+eo) lead to Ca/Cc = 0.012 ± reported by Leung et al. (1996) and Yet (1998) on a uni-
0.002 for this granular material. form, subangular, fine (D50 = 0.2 mm) silica sand with
Figure 24 shows the compressibility data interpreted from CU = 2.4, emax = 0.9820, and emin = 0.5904. Reconstituted
laboratory measurements reported by Lade and Liu (1998) specimens were prepared in a relative density range of
for a subangular 0.075–0.250 mm micaceous Antelope Val- 37%–77% and tested in a s v0 range of 0.05–37 MPa. A ser-
ley sand, with eo = 0.96, void ratio in the loosest state emax = ies of EOP compression curves are shown in Fig. 25. All
1.24, and void ratio in the densest state emin = 0.98. Both three initial relative densities display type A compression

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Fig. 28. Behavior of Ko for normally consolidated young dense Wabash River sand with Dr = 71% (data from Hendron 1963).
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behavior with ðs v0 ÞMmax values of 13.5, 18.0, and 20.0 MPa that Ca/Cc for a given sand is a constant, independent of
for Dr of 37%, 52%, and 77%, respectively. The end of the whether compression is facilitated mainly through interpar-
second stage of compression for the specimen with Dr = ticle slip or predominantly through particle damage (in-
37% was reached at ðs v0 ÞMmin = 26.5 MPa; however, ðs v0 ÞMmin cluding levels I, II, and III).
was beyond the s v0 range used for the Dr = 52% and 77% Lade and Liu (1998, p. 912) concluded that (i) the amount
specimens. In the one-dimensional compression tests on this of secondary compression ‘‘increases with confining pres-
silica sand, particle rearrangement at very low stress levels sure, particularly after crushing becomes important at high
was facilitated by interparticle slip and rotation; however, stresses’’; and (ii) loose sands and sands consisting of weak
level I and level II particle damage started at relatively low particles generally exhibit more time-dependent deformation
stress levels (*1 MPa), as suggested in Fig. 25b by the than dense sands or sands with strong particles. These con-
gradual transition from the first to the second compression clusions are correct to the extent that, for any one sand, Ca/
stage (e.g., Mmax/Mmin = 1.22 for Dr = 37%). Therefore, the Cc is a constant and Ca is directly related to Cc, which does
compression that started at low stress levels with interpar- take the highest values when particle damage becomes im-
ticle slip and rotation was facilitated through level I, level portant and for loose sands with weak particles. However,
II, and subsequently level III particle damage in the s v0 for both initially loose and initially dense conditions in
range that was utilized in these tests. some sands, Cc takes the same value at a certain range of
The Cc/(1+eo) values at each value of s v0 were evaluated pressure, and both particle damage and Cc begin to decrease
from the EOP e versus log s v0 curves and together with cor- at very high pressures, as is shown by the data in Fig. 21.
responding values of Ca/(1+eo) from Fig. 16 of Leung et al. The Ca/Cc law of compressibility predicts not only the
(1996) are shown in Fig. 26. It is apparent that for any one magnitude of Ca but also the behavior of Ca with time in
sand of grain mineralogy, grain size, grain shape, and grada- terms of the shape of the EOP e versus log s v0 relationship.
tion, Ca/Cc is a constant, independent of initial relative den- The magnitude of Ca is expected to increase, remain con-
sity and the effective stress level. The latter factor suggests stant or decrease with time, respectively, in the range of s v0

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386 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 46, 2009

Fig. 29. Behavior of Ko for normally consolidated young dense Pennsylvania sand with Dr = 63% (data from Hendron 1963).
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Ca =Cc
at which Cc increases, remains constant, or decreases with s p0 t r =Cc
an increase in s v0 . The shape of most EOP e versus log s v0 ½1 ¼
s v0 tp
relationships for granular soils includes increasing Cc, con-
stant Cc, and at very high pressures (e.g., Yamamuro et al. where s p0 is the preconsolidation pressure resulting from
1996) decreasing Cc with an increase in s v0 . secondary compression, s v0 is the effective vertical stress at
The increases in Ca/(1+eo) with an increase in time are which secondary compression takes place, Cr is the recom-
plotted in Fig. 26, based on secondary settlement observa- pression index, t is the age of the sand, and tp is the duration
tions for about 100 h by Yet (1998) on silica sand speci- of primary compression. As an example, Table 1 compares
mens with an initial Dr = 75% at effective vertical stresses values of preconsolidation pressure observed by Lade and
of 15.4 and 37.4 MPa at which Cc/(1+eo) increases with an Liu (1998) after secondary compression under equal all-
increase in s v0 (Fig. 25). The increase in Ca/(1+eo) with an around pressure with values computed according to eq. [1],
increase in time at 15.4 MPa is shown by points a and b 0
with Ca/Cc = 0.026 and Cr/Cc = 0.1. The s pI values pre-
and that at 37.4 MPa it is shown by points c, d, and e. The dicted using eq. [1] agree well with the measured values.
values of Cc/(1+eo) at points a and c were determined from
the EOP e versus log s v0 curve at 15.4 and 37.4 MPa, re- Coefficient of lateral pressure at rest
spectively. The Cc/(1+eo) values corresponding to points b,
d, and e, which show the observed increase in Ca/(1+eo) The coefficient of lateral pressure at rest, Ko ¼ s h0 =s v0 , of a
with an increase in time, were computed using Ca/Cc = normally consolidated, young, loose sand starts at
0.018 for the silica sand. 0
½2 Kop ¼ 1  sin fcv
Secondary compression is an important aging mechanism
for granular soils (Mesri et al. 1990). The preconsolidation 0
where fcv is the constant-volume friction angle. Kop is the
pressures resulting from secondary compression can be com- coefficient of earth pressure at rest in normally consolidated
puted using the following equation (Mesri 1987; Mesri and young loose sands and remains constant with s v0 (Jaky 1944,
Castro 1987): 1948; Mesri and Hayat 1993; Vardhanabhuti and Mesri

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Mesri and Vardhanabhuti 387

Fig. 30. Behavior of Ko for normally consolidated young dense Pennsylvania sand with Dr = 74% (data from Hendron 1963).
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For personal use only.

2007). This is illustrated by the oedometer test result in K ¼ Kop by the end of the second stage of compression.
Fig. 27 for Wabash River sand with Dr = 5%. During
 type B For the Minnesota sand (a well-rounded quartz sand) with
e versus s v0 compression behavior, the slope K ¼ Ds h0 =Ds v0 Dr = 89% in Fig. 31, K starts at a value significantly less
remains constant and equal to Kop = 0.44. On the other hand, than Kop = 0.41 and remains constant in the entire range of
the coefficient of lateral pressure of an initially dense sand s v0 up to 23 MPa of the oedometer test, during which no in-
starts at (Mesri and Hayat 1993) flection point is observed. In other words ðs v0 ÞMmax is greater
 than 23 MPa for this sand specimen.
½3 K ¼ 1  sin f0 In summary, these data suggest that, for initially loose,

where f0 is the maximum friction angle. The value of K , young, and normally consolidated granular materials, Ko
which is less than Kop, remains constant until the onset of starts at Kop and remains constant with s v0 . On the other

level III particle damage, at which point it begins to in- hand, for initially dense granular materials, Ko starts at a K ,
crease. Level III particle damage disengages particle inter- which is less than Kop, remains constant until ðs v0 ÞMmax , and
locks, leading to an increase in s h0 =s v0 . This type of behavior then begins to increase with an increase in s v0 toward Kop.
is observed in Fig. 28 for a Wabash River sand with Dr = Laterally constrained compression tests in the triaxial cell
71% and in Figs. 29 and 30 for Pennsylvania sand with 
were conducted by Coop (1990) on Dogs Bay biogenic car-
Dr = 63% and 74%, respectively. In all of these cases, K is bonate sand (D50 = 0.29 mm, CU = 2.07, relatively unbroken
initially less than Kop, however, K begins to increase at angular shells) by keeping the measured volumetric strain
ðs v0 ÞMmax . There is some evidence to suggest that, 
even for a equal to the axial strain (Bishop 1958). An initially loose
normally consolidated young loose sand with K ¼ Kop dur- specimen of Dogs Bay sand displayed a type A e versus s v0
ing the first stage of compression, which displays dramatic compression behavior; however, both ðs v0 ÞMmax ¼ 0:04 MPa
type A e versus s v0 behavior with high Mmax/Mmin (i.e., and ðs v0 ÞMmin ¼ 0:25 MPa were small. For this carbonate
abruptly destructured

by level III particle damage), starting sand, level I, II, and III particle damage began at low effec-
at ðs v0 ÞMmax , K may temporarily increase, returning to tive stresses and gradually continued with s v0 . The laterally

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388 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 46, 2009

Fig. 31. Behavior of Ko for normally consolidated young dense Minnesota sand with Dr = 89% (data from Hendron 1963).
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For personal use only.

constrained compression stress paths reported by Coop al. 1975) and displays fcv = 438, a Kop = 0.31 was directly
(1990) suggest that, beyond about s v0 = 0.3 MPa, measured (Diaz-Rodriguez et al. 1992) and is very close to
Ko ¼ s h0 =s v0 remained constant in the entire stress range of the value according to eq. [2] (Mesri and Hayat 1993). It ap-
the test up to 5 MPa. The measured value of Ko = 0.51, pears from the following that the constant-volume friction
however, was significantly higher than Kop = 0.36, according angle of granular materials is independent of the level of
0 particle damage, ranging from none to level III: (i) the be-
to eq. [2] with fcv = 408, which was independent of effec-
tive stress level. Coop (1990) observed an increase in Ko havior of fcv of Dogs Bay carbonate sand, which was inde-
during secondary compression, concluding that Ko values pendent of effective stress level; (ii) the observed behavior
obtained from triaxial tests are likely affected by the speed of Kop of initially young loose sands, in which Kop remains
of testing. Because the Bishop (1958) method previously constant with s v0 (e.g., Fig. 27); and (iii) constant
has been used successfully to measure Kop corresponding to a ¼ sin fcv , independent of initial relative density in the
the end of primary compression, the high value of Ko deter- Schmidt (1966) equation for the Ko of overconsolidated
mined by Coop (1990) for a sand consisting largely of skel- sands unloaded from a stress level greater than ðs v0 ÞMmin
etal bodies apparently included the increase in coefficient of (Mesri and Hayat 1993) (for a further examination of this
lateral pressure resulting from secondary compression. Mesri issue, reference is made to Yamamuro and Lade (1996) and
and Hayat (1993) have suggested an equation to estimate the Lade and Yamamuro (1996)).
increase in Ko during secondary compression. For a nor- Yamamuro et al. (1996) inferred the lateral pressures dur-
mally consolidated, initially loose granular material ing one-dimensional compression from measurements of ra-
 Ca =Cc dial strain of a thick-walled oedometer confining ring. For a
t uniform angular quartz sand and a uniform rounded Cambria
½4 Ko ¼ Kop
tp sand of intermediate hardness, they inferred values of Ko &
0.4, which remained constant in the s v0 range from 50 to
Incidentally, for Mexico City clay, which contains a sig- 850 MPa. For a soft uniform gypsum sand, the inferred Ko
nificant proportion of siliceous skeletal fragments (Mesri et increased at a decreasing rate to values in the range of 0.7–

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Mesri and Vardhanabhuti 389

0.9 at s v0 = 850 MPa. Yamamuro et al. (1996) attributed the level I and level II particle damage begins at low ef-
increase in Ko with an increase in time to plastic deforma- fective stress and continues with or without gradual le-
tion of the soft gypsum sand particles. Yamamuro et al. vel III particle damage, displays a net locking effect
(1996) reported an increase in Ko during secondary compres- throughout the effective stress range.
sion for both the Cambria and gypsum sands. However, the (7) A yield stress for type A and type B compression be-
measurements, which extended over a period of only havior is defined at ðs v0 ÞMmax , which marks the abrupt
30 min, suggest a rate of increase in Ko with an increase in onset of particle fracturing and splitting. The values
time, which is less than that predicted by eq. [4] with Ca/Cc of ðs v0 ÞMmax range from less than 0.3 MPa for an angu-
in the range of 0.01–0.03. lar biogenic carbonate sand to near 30 MPa for a well-
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rounded quartz sand.

Conclusions (8) The effective stress that marks the end of the second
stage of compression, ðs v0 ÞMmin , is two to five times
The following conclusions are based on a review and in- the value of ðs v0 ÞMmax .
terpretation of data from 182 oedometer tests on 98 sands (9) The yield stress commonly defined at the point of
and 17 isotropic loading tests on six sands. maximum curvature of void ratio against the logarithm
(1) In granular soils, subjected to static loading, particle of effective vertical stress, ðs v0 ÞMC , is 0.7–2.5 times the
rearrangement into a more compact configuration is value of ðs v0 ÞMmax and 0.3–0.8 times the value of
achieved by overcoming interparticle friction through ðs v0 ÞMmin .
interparticle slip and rotation, by overcoming particle (10) All mechanisms of compression, including particle re-
strength through particle damage, or both. arrangement through interparticle slip and rotation and
(2) Particle damage may be level I damage (abrasion or particle damage, that operate during primary compres-
grinding of particle surface asperities), level II damage sion continue into secondary compression.
(breaking or crushing of particle surface protrusions (11) Secondary compression of granular materials follows
and sharp particle corners and edges), and level III da- the Ca/Cc law of compressibility, with Ca/Cc in the
mage (fracturing, splitting, or shattering). range of 0.01–0.03.
(3) Particle rearrangement into more intimate packing pro- (12) The Ca/Cc for any one granular material is indepen-
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motes locking, whereas interparticle slip and espe- dent of the mechanism that facilitates particle rearran-
cially particle damage are unlocking mechanisms that gement. Therefore, Ca/Cc is a constant independent of
decrease the stiffness of the granular mass. effective vertical stress range. For any one sand, Ca/Cc
(4) During compression, both unlocking and locking me- has the same value for both one-dimensional compres-
chanisms operate simultaneously, and the net effect sion and isotropic compression.
determines the shape of the void ratio or vertical strain (13) The Ca/Cc law of compressibility also correctly pre-
versus effective vertical stress relationship and the be- dicts the behavior of Ca with time: when Cc increases
havior of the tangent constrained modulus with effec- with an increase in s v0 , Ca increases with an increase
tive vertical stress, M ¼ Ds v0 =D3v . in time; and when Cc is constant with s v0 , Ca remains
(5) When locking through tighter particle packing domi- constant with time.
nates over the unlocking effect of interparticle slip (14) The coefficient of lateral pressure at rest of a normally
and particle damage, the constrained modulus in- consolidated young loose sand starts at
creases with an increase in effective vertical stress, Kop ¼ 1  sin fcv and remains constant with an in-
whereas when unlocking produced by level III particle crease in effective vertical stress.
damage and interparticle slip exceeds the locking ef- (15) The coefficient of earth pressure at rest of an initially

fect of denser packing, the constrained modulus de- dense sand starts with K ¼ 1  sin f0 , which is less
creases with an increase in effective vertical stress. than Kop, and remains constant up to ðs v0 ÞMmax , at
(6) Three types of end-of-primary (EOP) void ratio versus which point the onset of level III particle damage de-
effective vertical stress relationship have been ob- structures the aggregate framework  and K begins to
served. Type A compression behavior, which is most increase, however, returning to K = Kop by the end of
common for clean well-rounded strong medium to the second stage of compression.
coarse sands, consists of three stages of compression. (16) In summary, it is possible to provide a rational expla-
A net locking first stage during which M increases nation of the observed primary compression, including
with an increase in s v0 is followed by a net unlocking yielding of the aggregate framework, secondary com-
second stage as a result of an abrupt onset of level III pression, and lateral pressure in constrained compres-
particle damage with M decreasing with an increase in sion, of granular materials in terms of particle
s v0 . This is followed by a locking third stage. Type B rearrangement facilitated through interparticle slip and
compression behavior also consists of three stages of rotation and particle damage.
compression. Net locking behavior during the first
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392 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 46, 2009

Mmax tangent constrained modulus at the first inflection f0 maximum friction angle
point of s v0 versus 3v or p’ versus 3v fcv constant-volume friction angle
Mmin tangent constrained modulus at the second inflec- s h0 effective horizontal stress
tion point of s v0 versus 3v or p’ versus 3v s p0 preconsolidation pressure
p’ equal all-around pressure s pI preconsolidation pressure in isotropic compression
(p’)MC equal all-around pressure at the yield point defined s v0 effective vertical stress
at the point of maximum curvature of e versus log ðs v0 ÞMC effective vertical stress at the yield point defined at
p’ the point of maximum curvature of e versus log s v0
ðp0 ÞMmax equal all-around pressure at the yield point defined ðs v0 ÞMmax effective vertical stress at the yield point defined at
at the first inflection point of e versus p’ the first inflection point of e versus s v0
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ðp0 ÞMmin equal all-around pressure at the second inflection ðs v0 ÞMmin effective vertical stress at the second inflection
point of e versus p’ defining the end of the second point of e versus s v0 defining the end of the second
stage of compression stage of compression
t time
tp duration of primary consolidation
3v vertical strain; volumetric strain
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