Nuclear Fusion Energy

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Nuclear fusion


People have heard about

nuclear centers and how they
have been polluting for years.
We are sure you have heard
about Chernobyl, but, what if we
told you that nuclear energy has
been reinvented? These are the
nuclear fusion centers.

How do they work?

When will we be able to have this energy?
Would it pollute?
Would it be better? Why?
How do they work?
The nuclear energy we know is nuclear
fission, but today, we are going to talk
about nuclear fusion. We make this
type of energy using fusion reactors; a
machine to produce electrical power
from the energy released in a nuclear
fusion reaction. The difference of the
nuclear fission is that Whereas nuclear
fission is to take a big atom and break
it, nuclear fusion is to take two small
atoms and combine them to make a
slightly bigger atom.

They work joining together two light atomic nucleus. They are usually two
hydrogen isotopes, deuterium and tritium, which are the smallest atoms. They
are fuse together to make a slightly bigger atom, the second smaller, helium.
This make the helium to be very unstable so it colapse shooting out an electron
and releasing a lot of energy.

When are we going to be able

to use this energy?
A team of engineers say that
they could get a nuclear fusion
reactor capable of producing
power for use by 2026. They
say that their technology is
"the least expensive and
compact". They affirm that is a
risky way that will work
according to “high fidelity
Will be polluting?
It ensures the supply of electricity and the stability and operation of the
electrical system. It is environmentally friendly and helps mitigate climate
change. These process produce helium which is the second element most
abundant in the universe, it isn't bad either for your health or for the plants
and environment.

And better?
We are also facing a safe process, which is very
unlikely and will produce a nuclear explosion or
catastrophe, which can happen with fission.

We can get much more energy with fusion than

with fission. approximately 3-4 times more, and we
get this energy using hydrogen atoms, (the atom
most is in the universe) instead of using uranium
and plutonium like in the fission energy, which
means that we could get inexhaustible energy.

It’s true that Fusion cannot be maintained for a very

long period of time with a positive energy balance
(more energy is obtained) in a completely
controlled way, but, it can get a lot of energy with
this type of resource.

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