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From SIRS to Septic Shock

SIRS/Sepsis Severe Sepsis Septic Shock

What you see: What you see: What you see:

• Temp < 36 C or > 38 C • Hypotension is a SBP < 90 mmHG or a MAP of • Ongoing and profound
<60 mmHg
• HR > 90 bpm hypotension despite fluid and
• Hyperglycemia in the absence of diabetes
• RR > 20 bpm or pCO2 < 32 • Altered mental state antimicrobial administration
mmHG • Hypoxemia, 02 sat < 92% • Profound metabolic acidosis
• WBC < 4,000 or > 12,000 • Acute oliguria < 0.5 ml/kg/hr • Decreasing LOC or coma
• Coagulopathy, INR >1.5, PTT > 60s, or platelets • Risk of losing airway
• Patient will feel unwell and < 100
look somewhat sick, hot, and • Serum Lactate > 2 mmol/L (some literature says • Patient looks awful, pale, cool,
diaphoretic 4 mmol/L). edematous, and unresponsive
• Patient looks really sick and feels horrible, may
be cool to touch now

What is happening: What is happening: What is happening:

• Infection is no longer localized • Inflammatory mediators • Patient’s compensatory
• Systemic response to continue to be produced mechanisms are overwhelmed
circulating cytokins, toxins, • Coagulation cascade now • Out-of-control
TNF, etc results in systemic inflammatory/immune reaction to
vasodilation and decreased • Further decrease in CO, infection.
end organ oxygenation, and blood • Multiple organ failure in progress
perfusion/oxygenation: body shunting away from most • Metabolic demands extremely
responds by increasing RR organs high
and HR to compensate for this • Capillary leakage worsening, • Unable to maintain
• Metabolic demands increasing metabolic acidosis airway/oxygenation needs
• May have mild metabolic • Compensatory mechanisms • Refractory vasodilation
acidosis fully taxed • Clotting factors used up, patient
• Profound systemic may bleed (DIC)

What needs to be done: What needs to be done: What needs to be done:

• ABC’s- may need O2 therapy • ABC’s-will need oxygen • Maintain ABC’s, VS q15 mins,
• Inform the physician team • IV fluid bolus’s, more than one constant O2 sat monitoring
• VS q2-4H, H2T assessment IV site is needed • Assist critical care team as patient
• Blood, urine, sputum cultures • VS q1h at least is prepared for transfer to ICU
• Make sure the IV’s are at least • Serum INR&PTT, liver • Patient may need to be intubated
20G and patent enzymes, ABG’s, CK, etc on the ward.
• Serum lactate, CBC, renal • H2T assessment q4h, focused • Give accurate and thorough report
profile, CBG’s assessments of CVS/Resp to ICU RN
• Prepare for antimicrobials q1H • Notify patient/family members of
• Keep patient/family informed • Insert foley catheter, monitor transfer
urine output q1H
• Keep patient/family informed

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