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Paleech Water Balloon Games

Team Name Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Total

Adiyogi Promoters Retire Royal

Bokdia Funding Kings

GVR Home Automation Kings

Stickers India Leo Warrios

Paleech Panthers

Rish Ray Energizers

Paleech Water Balloon Games Rules and Points Structure
Game Name of the Game Rules Points Structure
1. Two members stand 5 ft away from each other.
Throw Ball 2. First member throws the water balloon (WB) at the other member.
3. The other member has to catch the WB and throw back.
Game 1 4. If both members catch the WB, they go to next round. +5 Points
2 Members 5. Members stand 5 more feet apart and continue step 1-4 .
6. When the WB Bursts, or catch is dropped twice, game ends. max 25 points

1. Total 3 members are required in this game.

2. Two members (A & C) stand in Bay 1 (starting Line)
3. One Member (B) stands in Bay 2 (Finishing Line)
4. Each Runner holds a plate in hand with 2 WB on it.
Relay Race 5. Each Runner should start from their Bay and reach the other Bay.
Game 2 6. If A starts and Hands over the plate with the 2 WB succesfully to B + 10 Points
3 Members 7. If B starts and Hands over the plate with the 2 WB succesfully to C +20 Points
8. If C starts and completes the race with plate and the 2 WB succesfully +30 Points
9. If any member drops the ballon once -5 Points
10. If both balloons break No more points will
11. Timer will be set to 100 seconds. Total time (in secs) for 3 members to
100 (minus) time
1. One Member stands in the center. 2 members stand outside 15ft radius
2. Centre member is blindfolded and throws the WB at his team mates.
3. If WB falls within the 15 ft radius. 0 points
Game 3 4. If WB goes outside the 15 ft radius, but team mates don’t catch +10 points
5. If WB goes outside the 15 ft radius, and team mate(s) touch the WB +20 points
Blind Throw 5. If WB goes outside the 15 ft radius, and team mate(s) catch w/o breaking +100 points

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