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Special Report

Green hydrogen in Indian refineries – challenges &


Highlights of COP26 countries and six major vehicle manufac- SUDHIR K KASHYAP
he UN Climate Change Con- turers set out their determination for all E-mail:
ference (COP26), held in the new car and van sales to be zero-emission S.N. SHESHACHALA
year 2021 in the Scottish city of vehicles by 2040 globally and 2035 in S. SRIRAM
Glasgow, stressed the need for immedi- leading markets. Private financial institu-
Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd. (HPCL)
ate cut in global greenhouse gas emission tions and central banks announced moves
to preserve a livable climate. This con- to realign trillions of dollars towards 22 countries have announced the net
ference was described as the last chance achieving global net zero emissions. zero target and 52 countries have pro-
to combat the climate crisis before it is posal for net zero target. These com-
too late. In the COP26, the countries Highlights of COP27 mitments by countries are testimony
reaffirmed the Paris Agreement goal COP27 was held in Sharm of the potential climate crisis envis-
of limiting the increase in the global el-Sheikh, Egypt in Nov, 2022. In the aged by the countries in near future, if
average temperature to well below 2°C summit, the countries, after two weeks unattended.
above pre-industrial level and pursuing of hard-fought negotiations, estab-
efforts to limit it to 1.5°C. Countries lished a ‘loss & damage fund’ to aid During COP26, Indian Prime Minis-
also stressed the urgency of action “in countries facing severe damage from ter Narendra Modi committed India to a
this critical decade” when carbon diox- climate change. The countries were net zero carbon emission target by 2070.
ide emissions must be reduced by 45% also expected to make Global Goal on As part of the net zero strategy, he pre-
to reach net zero around mid-century. Adaptation which is the Paris Agree- sented ‘panchamrit’ (five elixirs) or goals
The countries agreed to a provision ment’s equivalent to the 1.5°C target that would help the country to achieve
calling for a phase-down of coal-based for mitigation. However, it fell short its target for net zero emission by 2070.
power and a phase-out of “inefficient” of defining the goal and instead estab- Building upon Prime Minister’s pledges
fossil fuel (oil and gas) subsidies. The lished a framework to guide its formu- at COP26, including the target of net-
Glasgow conference also reaffirmed the lation, which will be considered and zero emissions by 2070, India updated its
pledge and urged developed countries adopted at COP28 this year in Dubai. Nationally Determined Contribution
to fully deliver on the US$100-bn goal The developing countries expressed (NDC) in August 2022 as follows:
urgently. It called for a doubling of finance dissatisfaction with the way finance Meet 50% of India’s cumulative
to support developing countries in adapt- is being provided, including the large electric power installed capacity
ing to the impacts of climate change and percentage coming as loans, increasing from non-fossil sources by 2030;
building resilience. The countries agreed the debt burden in already debt-stressed Reduce the emission intensity of
to strengthen a network – known as San- countries, and the lack of accountabi- GDP by 45% below 2005 levels by
tiago Network – that connects vulnera- lity and transparency. This required re- 2030; and
ble countries with providers of technical form in the climate finance. Put forward and further propagate
assistance, knowledge and resources to a healthy and sustainable way of
address climate risks. Net Zero target by countries living based on the traditions and
There are several countries who values of conservation and moder-
During the COP26 conference and have either enacted law, made policy ation, including through a mass
outside too, there were many significant documents, announced net zero targets movement for LiFE – Lifestyle for
deals and announcements. 137 countries or are in proposal stage of doing so. Environment – as a key to combat-
took a landmark step forward by com- According to the ‘Net Zero Tracker’ ing climate change.
mitting to halt and reverse forest loss and of the Energy and Climate Intelligence
land degradation by 2030. 103 countries, Unit (Feb 2023 status), eight countries India’s actions on Net Zero
including 15 major emitters, signed up to have self-declared net zero or carbon In Jan. 2023, the Ministry of New
the Global Methane Pledge, which aims neutrality and 21 countries have en- and Renewable Energy, Government
to limit methane emission by 30% by acted law for net zero target. 82 coun- of India released a ‘National Green
2030, compared to 2020 levels. Over 30 tries have policy document in place, Hydrogen Mission’ document. The objec-

192 Chemical Weekly February 28, 2023

Special Report

tive of the Mission is to make India a are: (a) blue hydrogen; and (b) green Challenges for green hydrogen in
global hub for green hydrogen produc- hydrogen. For Indian petroleum refin- Indian refineries
tion, usage and export. The Mission eries, blue hydrogen has its own per- Introduction of green hydrogen in
is expected to lead to significant de- ceived challenges. The challenges are Indian refineries has several challenges.
carbonization of the economy, reduce technologies for CO2 capture; space Some of these are:
dependence on fossil fuel imports and constraints for retrofitting within exist- Higher production cost of green
enable India to assume technology and ing SMR; high capital and operating hydrogen as compared to grey
market leadership in green hydrogen. cost for CO2 capture section; CO2 pipe- hydrogen;
Among various other specific objec- line & transportation’ availability of Possibility of non-realisation of
tives of the Mission, one objective is dry well nearby refineries for sequestra- benefit of low renewable energy
to replace grey hydrogen with green tion or availability of wells in vicinity cost in future;
hydrogen in petroleum refining and for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) etc. Round-the-clock (RTC) availability
fertilizer industries gradually. CO2 capture section has significantly of reliable power;
high power consumption. It is also be- Additional plot area requirement;
Hydrogen requirement in Indian lieved that additional power require- Constraints in utility sourcing;
petroleum industry ment for CCUS section needs to be ful- Idling of existing grey hydrogen asset;
At present, Indian petroleum refin- filled from green source; otherwise, it Higher capital investment require-
eries have total 1.4-mtpa of hydrogen may not truly reduce CO2 from overall ment, as compared to SMR; and
production from the Steam Methane hydrogen production unit point of view. Several water electrolyser technolo-
Reforming (SMR) process. This pro- Considering this, blue hydrogen lacks gies still under development.
duction is expected to reach 2.6-mtpa the buzz in Indian refineries.
by 2030 owing to new facilities & Higher production cost of green
hydro-processing units being added. Green hydrogen production can hydrogen as compared to grey hydrogen
In addition to SMR, Continuous Cata- be done through installation of water In India, at present, green hydrogen is
lytic Reformer (CCR) is another major electrolysers. It is independent of exist- estimated to cost around US$4.0-6.5/kg,
unit producing hydrogen as by-product. ing SMR and has zero CO2 emissions. while grey hydrogen costs around
In a few refineries, there are hydrogen Power for water electrolyser has to US$1.6-2.2/kg. Considering 10% re-
recovery units from hydrogen-rich fuel be sourced from renewable power. placement of grey hydrogen with green
gas and offgas generated from hydro- India is poised at advantageous position hydrogen, Indian refineries need to
processing units. These hydrogen re- with respect to solar energy due to its incur additional cost of US$377-mn
covery units are predominantly based geographical location. In near future, annually at present hydrogen consump-
on Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA). renewable power is expected to be sig- tion. This cost will further increase to
Considering that hydrogen production nificantly cheaper than power produced US$695-mn per annum in 2030 due to
from CCR and recovery from PSA are from thermal power plants. Consider- increase in hydrogen consumption.
minor contributors to the overall hydro- ing this, adoption of green hydrogen is
gen production, requirement of new comparatively easier in Indian refineries In green hydrogen production,
SMR in India is significant, i.e., 1.2-mtpa than blue hydrogen. 77-90% of the operating cost is attribut-
from now to 2030. This is 86% of the able to green power. The balance cost
current SMR capacity installed. Biomass gasification, which is pertains to other utilities such as feed
another method of producing green water, repair & maintenance, cyclical
SMR based on natural gas or naphtha hydrogen, is not considered for bulk cost of cell stack replacement, etc. Any
is major contributor to carbon dioxide hydrogen production due to several reduction in green hydrogen cost will
(CO2) in petroleum refining industry. challenges related to aggregation of require reduction in green power cost;
One kg of hydrogen production can biomass, higher capex, maturity of other cost may not make significant impact.
emit 8-10 kg of CO2. Hence, hydrogen overall process, etc.
production from naphtha or natural gas Possibility of non-realszation of
is first unit to be targeted for decarboni- Transitioning of Indian refineries benefit of low renewable energy cost
zation in refineries. from grey hydrogen to green hydrogen in future
provides several challenges as well as For any new green hydrogen faci-
The technological options for de- some opportunities. These are dis- lity, agreement with renewable power
carbonization of hydrogen production cussed in next section. provider needs to be established for

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Special Report

sourcing the required green power. RE has certain challenges with lithium, nickel, cobalt, etc. Although
Most of the renewable power providers respect to its round-the-clock avail- PSP system is being gradually adopted
require to tie-up with refineries (user) ability. Due to its variability, sustained in India, the requirement is huge. Cur-
for long-term duration for supplying power supply to the industrial users is rently, India has only ~3.3-GW of PSP
power, say 20-25 years. Usually, renew- challenge. system under operation.
able power providers ask for fixing the
power tariff for the complete duration As per a study, India’s Capacity Therefore, due to variability of RE
of the contract. This is due to upfront Utilization Factor (CUF) of solar photo- resources and non-availability of ade-
capital investment by renewable power voltaic is anywhere between 15-23% quate energy storage system, avail-
providers for installing the power infra- depending on average radiation and ability of RTC power is a challenge for
structure for current requirement. ambient conditions of the location. sustained green hydrogen production at
In most locations CUF is 18%. This industrial scale.
In future, renewable power cost is means that power actually generated
expected to fall for new installations from the plant will be only 18% of the Additional plot area requirement
due to economy of scale, better tech- installed plant capacity. One of the major Over the years, most of the Indian
nologies, efficient supply chain and limiting factors for this is availability of refineries have undergone several
experience gaining by the providers. solar radiation only during daytime, expansions in terms of crude capacity,
However, benefit of these measures typically 11 am to 4 pm. fuel quality improvements, etc. Many
and consequent lower power tariff will refineries have further capacity expan-
not be available for the current green Similarly, wind power generation sion plans to meet the growing need of
hydrogen facilities. Due to this reason, is dependent on wind speeds, which is fuels in the country. In addition, Indian
green hydrogen cost for the current dependent on climatic patterns. Normally, refineries are also eyeing diversifica-
installation is not expected to decrease monsoon period is considered as peak tion of their business into petrochemi-
during its complete life cycle. period for wind power generation in cals and specialty chemicals for margin
India. Seven States in the southern and improvement & sustenance over a lon-
At present, renewable power is western parts of the country contribute ger period of time. These projects have
estimated to cost ~ Rs. 4 – 5.5/kW. In ~95% of India’s wind energy output. significantly occupied the plot area
future, the same is estimated to drop This concentration is primarily due to available within refinery.
gradually, depending on maturity of the their geographical locations, due to
sector. which they experience a large number Installation of water electrolyser at
of healthy wind days in a year. In 2020, mega-scale capacity requires signifi-
Round-the-clock (RTC) availability of wind energy generation in India was cantly higher plot area, which is a chal-
reliable power 24% lower in June, July, August and lenge for already plot-constrained refin-
India has primarily four types of September, as compared to the same eries. Considering 10% green hydrogen
renewable energy (RE) installed: solar, months in 2019. The primary reason for out of total hydrogen requirement,
wind, bio and hydro. As of Jan. 2022, this reduction was lower wind speed in Indian refineries need to install ~1,100-MW
the total RE installation in India stands the region. of water electrolyser plants at present,
at 152-GW, which is 38.6% of the over- which will further increase to 2,000
all installed power in India. The contri- To overcome the issue of vari- MW by 2030 due to increase in hydro-
butions of solar, wind, bio and hydro ability of RE sources, energy storage gen consumption. A 100-MW of water
in the overall RE output are 26%, 33%, systems such as Pumped Hydro Stor- electrolyser plant is estimated to require
7% & 34% respectively. age (PSP) system and Battery Energy total ~20,000-m2 of plot area including
Storage (BES) system are being con- auxiliary facilities.
The Government of India is targeting sidered. PSP has multiple benefits such
about 450-GW of RE capacity by 2030. as: higher ramping capability; capabi- As hydrogen is colourless, odour-
Out of this, 280-GW (~60%) is targeted lity to smoothen the fluctuations in RE less and highly flammable gas, instal-
from solar and 120-GW (25%) from generation; support for frequency and lation of water electrolyser plant too
wind. The balance 50-70 GW is expected voltage deviations in the grid; etc. BES far from refineries and transportation
from hydropower and others. Solar and has several challenges such as shorter through pipeline may not be feasible
wind are the two prominent RE being lifespan; higher capital cost; require- due to safety & economic reasons. It
considered in India for installation. ment of expensive materials such as is essential to locate the plant either

194 Chemical Weekly February 28, 2023

Special Report

within the refinery or in its vicinity for need to scout for alternate mechanism system due to significant energy
safe operation. Also, locating the plant to utilize the idle asset. Considering transition measures being considered
near to refinery will reduce hydrogen 10% green hydrogen in the total hydro- by various organisations.
compression & transportation costs and gen requirement, 140-ktpa of current
the plant can be operated in sync with SMR capacity will be idle at present. Higher capital requirement for a
hydroprocessing units’ requirement green hydrogen facility will put finan-
with convenient co-ordinations among Refiners have the opportunity to cial stress on the refiners unless support
the crew. utilize the idle asset for following pur- from the government is availed.
Therefore, plot availability for Meet future hydrogen requirement Several water electrolyser technologies
green hydrogen plant within refinery of the refinery for any expansion or still under development
may pose challenge to the refineries new hydro-processing unit in case There are four main types of water
and/or limit their other expansion or mandate for increasing the green electrolyser technologies available for
value added project plans. hydrogen percentage in the overall green hydrogen production: Alkaline;
hydrogen requirement does not Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM);
Constraints in utility sourcing increase significantly in future. This Solid Oxide; and Anion Exchange
Water electrolysers require various scenario is unlikely considering Membrane (AEM). Out of these,
utilities such as feed water, cooling the net zero target of the individual Alkaline and PEM are industrialiaed
water, instrument air, nitrogen, etc. As per refiners and overall country. and installed for commercial uses.
an estimate, a 100 MW-plant requires For producing other chemicals from Solid Oxide and AEM are still under
20-28-m3/hr of feed water. Requirement syngas and diversify product port- development and yet to be deployed at
of other utilities depends on the water folio. The idle capacity of the SMR industrial level.
electrolyser technology selected. Water can be utilised to produce of metha-
is a scarce utility and there are various nol, ammonia etc. Refiners need While Alkaline is the oldest tech-
refineries in India that are operating to make separate techno-economic nology for hydrogen production, there
with very limited water availability. analysis for these products. Refiners are several challenges with respect to
There have been instances of partial will require government assistance the technology such as higher plot area,
shutdown of a few facilities or on in policy and viability gap funding lower current density, lower operating
the verge of it due to water scarcity. for making these projects attractive pressure, lower hydrogen purity, cor-
Additional water requirement for green for the refiners. rosion, susceptibility to power fluc-
hydrogen production will put additional tuations, etc. However, this is the most
stress on the already water-constrained Higher capital investment requirement widely used technology at present and
refineries. Coastal refineries have as compared to SMR has lower capital cost requirement as
opportunity to consider a seawater For future capacity expansion compared to other technologies.
desalination plant for availing feed and hydro-processing units’ require-
water though at higher cost, resulting ments, refiners will essentially need PEM is an emerging technology and
in higher green hydrogen cost. Land- to consider green hydrogen signifi- being considered at lower scale, i.e.,
locked refineries will find certain chal- cantly. Water electrolysers are sig- 2-10 MW. It has several benefits over
lenges with respect to water availability nificantly costlier than SMR plants Alkaline technology in terms of plot
for feeding the water electrolysers. for the same capacity. For 50-ktpa area, current density, operating pres-
of hydrogen production, SMR is sure, hydrogen purity, etc. However, it
Idling of existing grey hydrogen asset expected to cost US$110-mn, whereas is yet to be competitive with Alkaline
Indian refineries have already the same capacity of water electroly- technology if compared over complete
invested in SMR for meeting their cur- ser is expected to cost US$440-mn. life of the water electrolyser system.
rent hydrogen requirement. Use of cer- Although cost of water electrolysers
tain percentage of green hydrogen in is expected to reduce significantly Solid Oxide has high electric effi-
the overall hydrogen requirement will in future due to economy of scale, ciency, which means higher hydrogen
leave the existing hydrogen asset to be the same needs careful observation. production for the same amount of
partially unutilized. To compensate for There are apprehension of increas- electricity consumed by other technolo-
the loss on return on investment for the ing commodity prices and higher gies. However, as Solid Oxide oper-
idle capacity of the asset, refiners will demand of the water electrolyser ates at very high temperature, material

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used as components are thermally chal- used in shipping and transportation to be overcome. Challenges such as
lenged. Also, it has complex fabrication industries. It can also be used in manu- higher cost of green hydrogen, non-
and relatively higher cost. facturing industries such as steel and realization of benefit of low RE cost in
chemicals, where it can be used as future, round-the-clock RE availability,
AEM is claimed to be an alternative raw material and/or fuel. Induction of plot & utility constraints, idling of
to PEM technology with lower cost due green hydrogen by Indian refiners will existing hydrogen assets, higher
to usage of steel in place of titanium. provide them first mover advantage, capex requirements, etc., need to be
and the experience gained will be of overcome to meet the target. Green
Solid Oxide and AEM are claimed immense help in utilizing it for other hydrogen adoption by refineries also
to be advanced technologies compared industries. provide them opportunities such as
to Alkaline and PEM, however, further decarbonization of the sector, first
development and adoption of these Conclusion mover advantage, and diversification
technologies at industrial scale is yet to Indian refiners are already in the of the business.
be done. process of net zero announcements and
framing strategies to achieve the same. For initial kick-off and catalysing
As of now, Indian refiners have limi- Green hydrogen is one of the most the adoption of green hydrogen by
ted choice of Alkaline and PEM tech- important levers to achieve net zero refiners, government needs to help in
nologies for green hydrogen produc- by the refineries. Adoption of green suitable policy structuring and bridging
tion at mega scale to meet their huge hydrogen by Indian refiners has certain the financial viability gap for at least
requirements. These technologies are challenges on the ground that need the short term.
having some deficiencies or require
higher capital cost that need to be over-
come with better and economical tech- ABOUT THE AUTHORS
Sudhir K Kashyap is the Chief Manager – Commissioning,
Opportunities for green hydrogen in at HPCL, Visakhapatnam. He has more than 15 years of experi-
Indian refineries ence in refinery project execution involving conceptualisation and
While there are several challenges strategy, feasibility studies, technology selection and evaluation,
for consideration of green hydrogen basic engineering, project execution and commissioning of refinery
in Indian refineries, there are several units. Kashyap holds a BS degree in Chemical Engineering from
opportunities as well. Consideration of BIT Sindri and a post-graduate degree in oil and gas management from UPES,
green hydrogen will help in decarboni- Dehradun.
zation of the refining industry. Indian
refineries are already setting target
to become net zero much earlier than S.N. Sheshachala is a General Manager, R&D, at HPCL’s
the country’s net zero target of 2070. Green R&D Center in Bengaluru. He has more than 30 years of
Activities in the direction of net zero by experience in operations, economics and production planning
Indian refiners will help in abating the at HPCL’s Visakh Refinery, as well as corporate functions like
climate risk for shareholders, without crude procurement, refinery-wide optimization, R&D, process
disruption of returns in the long term. It engineering, modelling and simulation. He earned a BS degree in
also leverages benefits of higher reputa- Chemical Engineering from Bengaluru University. Sheshachala holds patents
tion for serving climate conscious cus- in the area of PSA and rotating packed beds for gas treating applications.

Green hydrogen adoption by Indian S. Sriram is Head – R&D, at HPCL’s Green R&D Center in
refiners provides opportunity to diverse Bengaluru. He has more than 30 years of experience in refinery
the business towards green. The fuel projects, process safety and environment, operations and process
products can be labelled partly green analysis and design divisions. Sriram holds a BS degree in Chemi-
with usage of green hydrogen. cal Engineering from TKM College of Engineering, Kollam,
Green hydrogen is proposed to be

196 Chemical Weekly February 28, 2023

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