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Corte 2 – Task 1

Short Stories – “Wh – Questions”

Juan José Martínez Mojica, Magnolia Fajardo Carmona y William

Martínez Guzmán

Licenciatura En Educación Infantil

Fundación Universitaria Colombo Germana

Ingles A1-1

Docente Bulent Ozdemır

Marzo 05, 2023

Short Stories – “Wh – Questions”

Use the words from the box to complete the story.

Mother Ann three layers yesterday Father Bobby

Ann’s Birthday today Mother’s birthday kitchen park house

Ann is having a birthday party. She is six-years-old _______.

______ today Ann told her
mother she would like a very special cake for her sixth birthday. She said she
layers a large layer on the bottom, a
three ______:
wanted a birthday cake with ______
medium-sized layer in the middle and a small layer on top. Her ________
kitchen She is very happy because her mother baked her cake
went into the _______.
exactly like she wanted.

Ann is
1) Who is having a birthday?_____ having a birthday
her _________
2) Who baked her birthday cake? _____ mother
3) What was special about Ann’s cake? __ cake had three layers

4) When is Ann’s birthday? _____
in the kitchen
5) Where did mother bake the cake? ______ ________

for _________
6) Why did mother bake a cake? ___ her birthday

Ann’s Father roller skates yesterday Ann’s grandparents beach ball

Barbara today Mother’s birthday to the beach to the park Bobby

Ann's party was so much fun. Ten of her classmates came today. They gave her
beach ______
wonderful gifts. The one she loved the best was a big _______ ball that her friend
Barbara gave to her. She plans to take it on vacation when she goes __
________ to the
________. roller
Ann's grandparents also came. They gave her a new pair of _____
skates ann's
_______. grandparents
______ ________ loved her birthday cake and took a picture of it.

1) What did her grandparents give her?___ skates
2) What was Ann’s favorite gift? _____ ball
3) Who gave Ann her favorite gift? ____ __________
4) Who took a picture of Ann’s cake? ____ ______
to the
5) Where will Ann go on vacation? ____ beach
6) When was Ann’s party? _____

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