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Antonia Clare + J) Wilson » Stephanie Dimond-Bayir Intermediate Workbook with key GLOBAL SCALE of English VOCABULARY Ts HISTORY HYPOTHETICAL CONDITIONAL: PAST 1 A Find nouns in the word square that match 2 Circle the correct option to complete the sentences, meanings 1-10. ‘Accomplete change either in the way people think or in a country’s political system The time when an important change begins to happen (two words) ‘An event that changes a situation, or the process of growing or changing When something increases and affects more people Any change, discovery or invention that makes the world better ‘Aggroup of people that works to achieve an aim Amachine, tool, system, etc, made for the first time The basic idea or principle behind something Something that someone learns about when it was not known before Change that improves something. T 6 alelmloligiulmaase -|ee |s|z|-[=[e[lelelolelz T D e v E L ° P M E N T| le B Underline the correct alternative. 1. History books say Alexander Fleming was responsible for the foundation/discovery of penicillin, The internet has helped the turning point/spread of their ideas. After finishing the research, we'll begin work on the development/advance of the product, James is making a lat of progress/iscovery in all his schoo! subjects. There have been amazing advances/spreads in technology in the last few years. She was a member of the early feminist progress/movervent. Only a foundation/revolution wil destroy this government. I think the whee! is the greatest invention/movement in history 1 They would have said something if we the rules, a) were broken 1b) would have broken ©) had broken iO you, | would have said hello a) fd see 1b) Ive seen ©) Iidseen He ifthe ambulance hadn't come, .a) would died Ib) would have died '©) would have been died Iffd known a ticket cost €100, | a) wouldn’t have come b) would have carne +€) not would have come Ifthe government hadn't lent the company a million pounds, it a) had closed 1b) would close ©) would have closed ‘They would have had a picnic ifit a) hadn't rained 'b) had rained not ©) had been rained 3 Write a sentence with if for situations 1-6, 1. Early travellers invented boats. Cross-continental ‘travel became possible, ‘continental travel wouldn't have become possib ‘Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated, World War I started, People from Sumer needed permanent records. ‘They invented writing ‘William the Conqueror invaded England in 1066, ‘The English language changed. ‘Charles Darwin travelled to South America. He ‘developed the theory of evolution. Sailors on the Titanic didn't see the iceberg and 11595 people died. A [B)94 Listen and add two missing contractions to each sentence. @ would ve 1 if Aknown you were coming, | { waited. 2 fi waited, | been late. 3. If been late, | missed the show. 4 IF missed the show, | wasted my money. 5 IF wasted my money, I been angry. B Listen again and repeat the sentences, Pay attention to the pronunciation of had and would have, LISTENING 5 A [2192 Look at 1-5 below and think about the question: Where and when were these things First used? Listen and complete the answers. Invention When? 1 toothpaste 1,600 2 biological weapons 3 football 4% central heating 5 umbrella years ago years ago years ago years ag0 years ago 5 Whatis the connection between the inventions in Exercise 58 and pictures A-E below? Listen again © Read these extracts from the listening in Exercise 5A and find words to match definitions a)-e) below, 1 Wasit the same as modern toothpaste? Definitely not. Ancient Greek toothpaste used ingredients like crushed bones and oyster shells. Some generals would even throw dead bodies at the ‘enemy or into the enemy's river. Inthe eighteenth century, one way American Indians were killed was through using infected blankets given to them by the Europeans who were colonising America ‘rich banker installed itn his house so that he ould grow grapes in Englands cold weather! Interestingly, itseems that only kings or very Important people had umbrellas in these sculptures. So thay were a symbol af high social class 4) the people that your country i fighting against ina war by) something that represents a special quality or situation ©) placed somewhere and connected ready to be used ) containing dangerous bacteria which spread disease @) pressed very hard sa itis broken into extremely small pieces ‘A SHORT ESSAY; LEARN TO STRUCTURE PARAGRAPHS 6 A ead the introduction to a short essay and choase the best tile. a) Sumerian Culture b) The History of Writing ©) Business throughout History In 5200 nc, Sumerians invented writing. For these people, who were located in the area we now call Iraq, there was nothing poetic about it. They didn’t write to fire the imagination or to tell beautiful stories. Instead, they wrote because twas a way to Keep business records. While previous generations had relied on their memory for the details of deals and the things they owned, the new generation decided to make permanent records. As a result, early ‘writing’ looks like a very simple type of drawing, B Read the introduction again and: 1 Circle the topic sentence. 2 Underline a linking word (one has already been underlined) 3. Underline one linking expression (three words) © Read the notes and finish the essay (120-150 words). [Acliret = pictures of animals, body parts, trees birds, everyday tools ‘Then later symbols = for ideas ‘Then later symbols = for sounds Could be read left vo right or right to lefi— picture of ahead (human or animal) at beginning of line showed readers the direction to read in =— On walls of temples anel on papyrus (early paper) 99% of people «literate - only religious leaders! scholars read: Start of writing = start of ‘history’ — ideas and other info passed down through time CEG PLT NTT ONG ACTIVE VERSUS PASSIVE PERIODS OF TIME ‘© A Read the text and correct five mistakes 3 Replace the underlined phrases with the phrases in the box. with passives, i the generation over a quarter-century millennium: justover acenturyago ere half acentury over seven decacles just over a fortnight cis [Na A The eighteen century was get period a ime Milena misery and how og overt formuse oa Sammi generator stews bo bo nthe 199s an wes Neleon Mandela sent twenga6ven years prison, ‘brought up in @ world of social media, technological progress and globalisation. Sam has a university education, @ good standard i Bec + pemeb en me very eater Aare oar in 1908, Geronimo, the Native American Ider, ec ta recent research, unhappiness Is be felt more often by ths = oe i ‘generation than the previous one. ‘We are in the first stage of a new thousand-year Serr frrensre my eam Sov reap spencer ee eorex eens Louis ule Fane for seventy-o years Tres vy esr een by or 100 pape an —___—— Talons estes ayo have her cn Noe an eae wo lof wenology norma for hase people Gene aion Howster ese rere bers ih wae bornin the 19908 have been faced by young people for a long time. nsteaci some RTs Rad a dina el Sfertveesors ae oo sete yrs aaa the Jack ero wate On te Road 9 das navel feats mat genraton exc ae sr one pas out 19605 reedominaboit eighteen days did and are disappointed when thay con't get it. While generation X hoped for a. secure job, generation Y expect the job to be asesng owe sn Sooo, gnastonY bento toloveln heneches, fatty sexonosncas ace) nthe fast yeas or works ston noma ae oneraion (ia ney seus hives merageert eo wear ao yee ost or eles Wsthesedlsencsbxvoan sxpctaton andl i that maka ‘generation Y less happy then thelr parents. So haw can someone COLLOCATIONS Ite Yomneaton 8 happy neo way rots ron Grou tutto wrest hat oes paar ef ‘suiccass will probably Only to Ibe achieved by years of hard work. Fidel Castro led Cuba for nearly Fifty years 4A complete phrases 1-16 with come, give, have or make, Use each verb four times. _agood time 9__ rections progress 10 rouble talk 11 back naturally 12 amess 5 Read the text again and underline five correct examples of the passive. 2 A Rewrite sentences 1-6 using passives. Do not say break 3 mea call who did the action. ____adream 14 a profit 1 People give the Institute a million euros a year. first 15 by car The Institute’ given o milion euros @ year 8 instructions 18 __a decision 2 One day they wil discover a cure for cancer. © Complete 1-5 using two collocations with the same verb, Make sure you use the correct tense atm with this report. It's really difficult to write.| think 4 They took these photos at the end of the war. a and finish it later In 2009 the company a 5 The searchers have Found the missing people. toclose its European offices, After two years, It a of over $1,000,000, 6 Someone cleans the paintings once a year Gan you mea when you get this message? Ineed youto sme to your house. fm completely lost! 1B [F)9.3 Listen and check. What happens to the Drawing didi tome. It pronunciation of the auxiliary verbs are, were, has(nt) took me years to become good at it, but ast year | been and have been? Listen again and repeat. in an art competition, The bossis going to a tothe employees. He wants to ‘on how to use the new software. 3 Someone stole the files last year. Look at the table, What information do you think goes in gaps 1-6? Read the text below and check your ideas, Name oo Gna The Lost Generation | Baby Boomers after World War I Generation x 19605 and 19705 Millennials (Generation ) Great Generation Gertrude Stein, a writer, named them. The baby boom’ (high birth rates) Comins Millions died in World War | ag14-1918) Being successful {in USA) ‘A book: Miflennials Rising: The Next Generations and Generalisations "Young peoole these days!They contradict thet parents, hatter in the company of guests, eat their food too quidly and ae tudo to their teachers! Wo said this? Vas ita ibd stressed twenty-first century parent? No. These words were ‘aid by Socrates in Athens two and a hall thousand years ‘ago. It s8ems that every generation complains about the ‘ext generation. But now theres another element: in th ‘wenbeth century we began naming each generation. Fest cameTThe Lost Genoraton fborn around 1880-1896), ‘was the generation which fought in Woeid War {1914-1916}, in which over fiteen millon people were Kked, ‘American weiter Gertrude Stein is famous for narring the Lost Generation, but actualy twas her French car mechanic {she lived in Paris) who first used! tha expression. He ‘complained that the young mechanics who worked for him were useless at their jobs and he dascried ther as line génération perduie— a lost generation! Stein borrowed the expression. tor the Second Word, there was the Boomer Generation, o the Baty Boomers. This was the generation born between 1945 and about 1860, a period when bith rates increased throughaut the world. In tie USA, t Baby Boomers are seen a8 the great, euccesstul neation which made their country th Complete the questions. Q What did ‘Young people these days! They contradict thelr parents, chatter in the company of guests, eat their food too quickly and are rude to their teachers! @ When did we A; In the twentieth century @ How many A Over fifteen milion. @ What happened ‘Birth rates increased throughout the worl. @ Who ‘A: Neil Howe and William Strauss @ How many —__} ‘A: Twenty-five percent of the world’s population. The next gonoration was caledl Generation X.The name was popularised by Canschan writer Douglas Caupland in his 1991 hovel, Generation X Tales for an Accelerated Cufture, People from Generation X born in the 1960s and 19708 — rebelled against ther parents! values, They didn’t went to work for the sarne company their whole te and they spent thee time listening to ‘grunge’ music or playing video games. The next ganoration has two names: Generatany and the Millenricls. Generation Y was frst descibedin dealin 2000, when Neil Howe and Willam Strauss wrote Milennias Fising- The Next Great Generation. Generation Y -psaple who vere Dom in the 1960s and 1990s ~ is known forts ave of technology: iPods, mobile phones, digital carneras, digtal everything. They are amazing netwroskars, constantly online anal great mulitagkers. They ean read (web page|, listen (wo music on their Pods) and write (instant Messages) all atthe But are these generational names correct? Can we realy describe @ whole generation as having similar habits and {qualties? How sirlar are the lives of teenagers in New York ta the ives of teenagers tural China er Peru? in 2010, only ‘8 quarter ef the world’s population Used the internat. Only 2 small percontage of those had Pods. So can wo say this ‘eneration lowes tadinology? ‘Are we really taking about generations or generalisations? Match words 1-6 with definitions a)-f) contradict (line 1) chatter (line 2) birth rate (line 22) popularise (line 26) networkers (line 38) rmultitaskers (line 39) 8) make something known and liked by many people ) people who spend a lot of time communicating and sharing information with others ) the numberof children born ina particular yearfplace d) talk quickly ina friendly way about unimportant things €) disagree, saying that the opposite is true #) people who can do latsof things at the same time HISTORY NOW MAGAZINE acimire Ranulph Fen xplorer es He walked to both the uthand North Pole croteed Antarct on foot, and climbed Mount Everest whan he was sixty-five. He Lost fingers and toes ant sl kept exploring, You have to be b__v_todothat He's very shortlatto play James Bord, but Roger Moore gotthe part instead! Fiennes’ Life has been Yox_______yroneot his greatest achievesberits that he as raised aver 5 miluen pounds for chant acrine Wangar Kenyan activst who founded The Green Belt Movement, an organisation tat protects th also been very rights movernant She was the fist African ‘woman ta win the Nobel Peace Prize, whi orwomen all over the world, Is absclutel ee eS that wornen in poor counties can makea difference: (Umunyano, teacher) ich ly _heshows Girectok werng today val Tages cb oer he has and people fying Unough the aig east compared to mast Hellywond Fume. His fis are always eally hv tee tke Brokeback Mauniain, Who could imagine a story about gay cowboys becoming classic? (Mark, climber) Wel N TWN DESCRIBING PEOPLE Read the text and complete words 1-8 FUNCTION EXPRESSING UNCERTAINTY Circle the correct option to complete the conversations. 1 :: When were the first Glympic Games? a) have no idea, b) [haven't got an idea Do you know who invented the machine gun? 3 a) haven't the clue. b) Ihaven'ta clue, : What's the world's biggest country? a) I'm not a hundred percent certain and it might be Russia, b) Im not. hundred percent certain but it might be Russia ‘A: Do you know when the first emails were sent? a) I'm Fairly sure it was In the 1970s, ) im fair sure twas in the 1970s. :: Who's the current President of South Africa? a) It’s definitely but not Thabo Mbeki b) Its definitely not Thabo Mbeki :: Which country has reached the World Cup final the most times? a) [don't know but 'm sure it isn't England. ) Idon't know but I've sure it isnt England. : What year did Yuri Gagarin fly into space? B: a) don't can remember b) Ican't remember. t: What's the name of that French woman wha lived to 122? 2) I've forgotten. Bb) I'm forgotten (Hoe Jin, film student) LEARN TO REACT TO INFORMATION Complete the conversations. A: Marisa had her baby yesterday. & ‘she? What wonderful news! A; Iimdoing an online project about Minecrof : Oh really? ' interesting. His cousin was an Olympic boxer. he? Wow! My sister doesn't eat meat. she? OK, ll cook fish, | think we need to go down this road here. That's café love Lady Gaga you? I think she's crazy, Did you know that dolphins have names for each other? That's My parents have never been here. they? When are they going Hl remember that to vist? Jake was the number one student in the country. Really? | John's got the car Weil have to travel by bus know that ‘we? Oh, that’s annoying, 9.4. Listen and check. Then listen again and shadow B's part. Try to copy the intonation, THE ENVIRONMENT 2 A Read the text about Earth Hour. Can you LA Match the words and phrases in the box with ees definitions 1-10. processed on standby packaging organic energy-saving second-hand double glazed recycled pre-prepared _insutated 1 not switched off, but ready to be used when needed 2: wide or doo Wl pon Ts oa food with substances added toi in-order to preserve it, improve its colour, ete. covered with a material that stops electricity, sound, heat, etc from getting out grown without chemicals food which has already been washed, prepared, cooked, etc. so that tis ready to eat the bags, boxes, etc. that 3 product is sold in using less electricity than normal ‘glass or paper, etc. which has been processed so that it can be used again not new, has been owned by someone else © Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 14, 1 We don't use chemicals. All our fruit and vegetables are - 2. dont buy new clothes ~ | buy everything From shops. Allthe windows are so we can't hear the noise outside. lf we changed to light bulbs, our electricity bills would be cheaper. | don't have time to cook in the evenings, sol buya meal on the way home. Everything in the café is fresh and natural. We don't use any food All the paper and plastic from the office is in these bins. Dontleave the Von Turn it off when you go to bed. | don't buy fruit in the supermarket because they use too much which cant be recycled. The house is much warmer now that we have the roof. EARTH HOUR: HOW SMALL ACTION CAN HaveA BIG IMPACT Earth Hours a global event where people around the ‘world switch off the In their houses, offices and at other important landmars, ike the in Paris and the* in Egypt. Hstated in 2007 in ‘Australia, as a protest against imate” ‘and has grown into a worldwide ‘event. But not everyone thinks its a gaod idea - people have® _ opinions about what an event lke Earth Hour cam achiew., B (2)10.1 Listen to a radio phone-in programme about Earth Hour and see if you were right. JA Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false statements, 1 In 2007, twenty-two million people across Sydney switched off their lights for Earth Hour, 2 12010, thousands of cities in 128 countries took part in the event. 3 Organisers say that they want to show what people can do to save energy. 4 Everybody agrees that the event is a good way to help people understand the problem. '5 Amy and her children had dinner by candlelight. 6 Jay-Jay thinks that the event helps people to change thelr everyday behaviour, 1B Complete the phrases in bold so that they ‘mean the same as the phrase in brackets, 1 One city decided to take a climate change. (protest against) 2 Earth Hour quickly went across the world) 3 In 2010, thousands of cities in 128 countries took (participated) ‘The Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Egyptian Pyramids, New York's Empire State Building and Syciney Harbour Bridge were alt __ into darkness, (made to go dark quickly) Organisers want to draw tothe problem of climate change. (make people notice) Isita good way to awareness about the problems the world is facing? (increase the number of people who know about something) 7 I thinkit's complete oftime. (not a good way to use time) against » (spread anh oy e) REPORTED SPEECH © complete the reported sentences. 1 ‘Idon't understand why yout always late She said that she was always late ‘We'te meeting outside the gym at 6.15” Bill told the others Bill said that they the gym at 6.15 ‘Tye eaten plenty already, thank you He said that he eaten plenty already ‘My jb finished last week’ she told jm. She told Jim that job had finished the week before. ‘Tllsee you tomorrow; said Adam. ‘Adam said that he would see us the day “its my favourite programme’ Luis told his mother that it was favourite programme. - ‘Well meet you atthe airport’ They told her that they the airport ‘Are you enjoying the trip? the tour leader asked. The tour leader asked them If were enjoying the trip. ‘understand why | meeting outside meet her at 5 A Ali (A) is talking to a travel agent (7) about booking a holiday. Put their conversation in the correct order. A:__No,| haven't, but it's a good idea. |__| want to go to Spain because Ive never been there before. OK {im thinking of going by pane. That sounds great! ‘No, | haven't. Could you show me what accommodation is available? t Have you thought about taking the train instead? t How are you planning to travel? r There's an eco-farm near Valencia where you «an stay for free ifyou help the farmer pick his olives. t {t's cheaper than flying. Ill show you some of the train routes, Have you decided where you want to stay? B Complete the sentences reporting the conversation in Exercise 5A. Write one word in each gap. Contractions are one word. 1 Allsaid that she __wonted_togo to Spain because The travel agent totravel She said that of going by plane. He asked her if the train instead Ali sid that about taking » but that _a good idea, ‘The travel agent said that it was cheaper than flying and that he some of the train routes. He asked her if she where To stay, She said that She asked him to show her what accommodation was available, He sald that there was an eco-farm near Valencia where she for free if she the farmer pick his olives. 10 Ali said that Wel TWN STIS WORD BUILDING: PREFIXES G Add prefixes un-, dis-, under-, mis-or re-to the words in bold to complete the sentences. 1 1____understood his directions and got completely ost Discipline is very important to us, We don't like the children to obey the teacher Shall | throw these boxes away or can we use them forsomething else? Itsavery usual situation. Nothing like this has happened before. I estimated how long the journey would take: it took an hour longer than | expected The old man walked around the comer and appeared, We never saw him again, I don't know how you find anything in this office. t's 0 tidy! Ihave to because it has expired, ‘They use children in thelr factories, which find completely ethical. Tim afraid | have to that's ight at all new my driving licence agree. | don't think VOCABULARY REPORTING VERBS Circle the correct option to complete the reported statements, 1 ‘Can | give you a hand? He tohelp. a) invited b) refused ©) offered ‘im afraid the fist train leaves at 6308.m. she that the first train leaves at 630a.m. 2) offered —b) explained «) suggested “don't believe you! He ‘to believe me, a) refused —b) promised @) offered “Come in and have something to eat: she us in for something to eat 2) offered —b) warned @) invited “Don't go there. irs dangerous’ He us not to go there a) warned b) suggested ¢) invited "buy you a diamond ring, He ‘to buy mea diamond ring 4) explained b) promised @) suggested “Why don't we go fora walk? He ‘going fora walk a) warned 6) offered ©) suggested @ Read the article and match pietures A-E with paragraphs 1-5, A TASTE OF YOUR LIFE BOD ne 286 0: shaw seis Tse of ty Li TV chet Nia Sas ‘aks to celebrites about thei strongest food memories and particular Se ee ‘eminigces about the contrast between bland meat and two eee eee ‘Lawson ory rah memory eh mectatit gemeed Con pesenenor ote seed oie eee! EJ tiresto be boited eges with soldiers, My mum used to ve thes to us kes The egg should be soft-boled othe yolk is tl runny and the-toast is spread wth melted butter and eut into tha strips (tall and straight, ke fers), which yeu can held and ip inte the top of the exe Now | ive my Keds and they love i is healthy and | hope wl ge therm the sare happy memories ‘Clave UK 3 rin ‘able every day| can remeriner her laying ut the pastain the roming when | got up for breakfast. Nowadays, people hve pasta machines, bist she would el out the pasta by hane. and when we came home from schook there was aways plate of fresh tagllatelle war for us. The dry pasta you buy inthe shops jst doesn taste the ame Marla, aly Tortla. Whenever Ife! lie Tm missing my heme country, | cook a tortila ltSakind of omelette made wth potato and enion and you can fied it in all the tapas bars in Span. But of course, the one | make at home i the best have so man Fappy memories of extrg tori, They goal though iy ie, rom when | was a cid. astudert at university eating with fends, Torta everywhere, couldnt ive without Jorge, Spa EY Wren go back to Perr (Malays), go straight toa hawker (rect sell) and order a bow of Penang Hokkien Mee (prawn noodle soup) Its one ish | always miss There is something about the combination of the prawns and the chill inthe soup with the noodles. just love t. You can make it at home too butt tastes better when you ext ft out cn the street. Theres an atmosphere, with the heat, and the noise ofthe trafic and people shouting Its more than just a deh — it an experience. And | always lock forward te t. Penang feed iepart of my ite. hn fet, Iden think you can fi the same taste anywhere: rene, US Read the article again and answer the questions. Who has happy memories of the dish from different stages of their life? Who likes to eat this dish when they return to a special place? Who feeds her children a dish which her mother fed her as a child? Who describes how the dish should be prepared? Who remembers eating this dish when they came home from school as a child? Who thinks the dish tastes better when you eat in on the street? Underline the correct alternative for these words and phrases ‘from the article. 1 reminisces: talk or think about pleasant/terrible events in your past boiled: cooked in o/water yolks the yellow micdle/shell of an eg runny: hard’soft liquid tagliatelle:a type of pastoysoup miss: feel sad because you haven't got/happy because you have got something you like GRAMMAR VERB PATTERNS 5 Complete the email with verb patterns which include the verbs in brackets, You may need to add personal Pronouns (e.g, us, me). Hi Francesca, How are things? We've just had a great weekend. Ali and Grog are oer from New Zealand, sowe '_decidled (Gecide/meet) up. They wanted to see London, 801 {suggestispend) @ couple of ivtelstay) dayethere Loue= at her place, which made things easiex She aso + trae) some time off work, 99 she could show us around te sighs, She (explain) ease to travel around with someone who knows where everthing is We were planning to at an organised bus tou ut Louise ((eeommendivare by curselves onthe buses ard Underground. was 2 great wey to see the ly. There were so many things we all wanted to see butwe’_______(agreslchoose) on or wo things each. was real Keen fo gp onthe London Eye, but Louse" (warina 9) up because the weather wasbad, We saw ois of ther things though, tke Big Ben andthe Tae Modern — (promises) and tel you all about Next tne, you rust come, oo! Hope yuo wel Take car. Matt WRITING ‘A RESTAURANT REVIEW; LEARN TO LINK IDEAS. A. Read the review. Does the writer recommend the restaurant? Why/Why not? Tittitey 8 A colleague of mine recommended Tiffany's. Perla | should just say that | won't be Following his recornimendations any tore. As | walked in, the first things | noticed were the large flat-screen TVs all over the restaurant, each one shoving a different football game. My first reaction was to walk straight out, but there were quite alot of peaple ther and we avere hungey, so we decided to stay anid see what the Food was lke. First of all, we ordered drinks. waite haa fargotter ice and For about reappeared, we t when she dida't When they arrived, the the water, none oF the drinks had We dide’t see the waitress again jventy rninutes, When she finally cd to order sore food. | was arnazed write down our order n sorry, but a good waiter or waitress Willalvays wile down what you want The starters arrived, but they were very 5 tate it, but it was nothing special IfyouTre looking for somewhere nice to eat then | wouldn't choose Tiffany's, A Complete the second sentence so that it has the ‘same meaning as the firs. Use the correct form of the words in capitals, Use between two and five wards. 1 ‘Tm nnot coming with you, said Gina, REFUSE Gina "Ml definitely call you later’ he said, PROMISE He me later “Lets go out fora meal; they said. DECIDE They out for a meal, “OK. We won't go on holiday this year’ they sad. AGREE They on holiday this year. ‘ita very expensive restaurant,’ she told us. WARN She the restaurant was very expensive. ‘James, why don’t you come to the theatre with us on Friday?'they asked, INVITE They with them on Friday “The children grow vegetables in the garden’ EXPLAIN The teacher ‘grow vegetables in the garden. “You should buy your fruit at the market RECOMMEND He ‘our fruit atthe market, ‘with us. to the theatre 3) 10.2 Listen and check, Then listen and repeat. What happens to the words to, for, at and that in the sentences? Are they stressed or unstressed? Complete phrases a)-e) with the words in the box. ‘Then match them with gaps 1-5 in the review. unless such so while although that ‘8)_ one of the glasses was dirty that we sent it back by _the nai Was fied and not ) __you d) She thought she had ‘courses were a litle better, aritled as | hac asked for t want to enjoy the football ‘a good en she svould remember everything ° the décor was bright and fun: Tooking, the atrnosphere was uniniting and the chairs weren't comfortable at all ‘A Read the review again and tick the information it gives, Which information is not given? 1 information about the price 2 information about the menu and type of food served 3. details of the restaurant (name, location, phone number etc) 4 information about the service 5 information about the atmosphere © Write a review of a restaurant that someone has recommended to you (180-220 wards). Try to include all the information in Exercise 84. WoT ANTON AIRPORTS Add vowels to complete the words in the texts. “1 was traveling from Italy to Seockholen for work. Ina hurry, | picked up my 'p_ssp_rt and ticket and left for the airport without cheeking them, When | went to ?ch_ck _ mi my bags, instead of asking me if | wanted an?__sl_ or awindow seat and giving me my ‘b__rd_ng. _rd, the lady behind the desk PO told me | was at the wrong aifport! How was lto know that there were two aieports in Mian? Iwas in the wrong one, ' couldn't believe what was happening when | tried te fly to Houston with my son last month, We had just been through the'Xr_y m_ch_n when we were stopped by security guards and told we were not allowed eb thee The reason? My son's name, Matthew Gardner, was on a list of wanted criminals. The unbelievable thing fs that my som is ewo years old. Apparently he was ‘wanted’ in connection with a shooting!” ‘While waiting fora connecting Aight at Hong Kong airport, | decided to do some shopping. Uhad a’pe_ ety b__rd_og card, but forgot to keep my eye con the departure boards. One minute before my fight was due to leave, | realised to my horror thatthe message on the deparcure board read ‘Fight XYZ to London ~Prease tpe_¢ dt gt n_mb_+ 143, Final cal | grabbed my‘h_nd |_ge_g_andranto the gate ke a marathon runner ‘When | boarded the plane, everyone was staring at me. Asif that wasn't bad enough, when rally found my seat, realised Idle my shopping bag with my new $250 camera nit in the duty-free shop!” Aoi eT GIVING ADVICE/WARNINGS 2 Gircle the correct option to complete the advice/warnings. 1 Watch river i full oF them. a) up b) out eat Don't walk around outside without a surat sunstroke, a) orto get ) or you will getting ) orelse you'll get Make___plenty of water with you. Youll be thirsty by the time you get tothe top a) sure you take b) sure of taking ©) be sureto leave your bags here and wwe'lbring them up for you a) Youwill better b) You'd better 6) You're better IF Lwere you, the airport to see if the Fight has been delayed, a) imealling—b) Flcall¢) Tcall book a taxi to pick you up from the airport. a) Dorit forget b) Don't forget to Do you forget dont forget your phrasebook. You'll need itif you cant speak the language a) Whatever you do b) What you do ©) Everwhat you do for crocodiles. The LEARN TO MAKE GENERALISATIONS Match 1-6 with a)-f) to make generalisations. 1 Italians have a tendency 2. Generally, people eat 3. English people often 4 In Turkey, its common to find 5 On the whole, grandparents in China 6 InLatin cultures, the family tends to a) later in Spain. b) be very important. ©) to drink coffee, not tea 4) different styles of cooking in different parts of the country ) are very involved in bringing up their grandchildren. f) complain about the weather. tA e-re ee) PENTA History ‘© Complete the words in these sentences. 1 The government was removed during the rev The change to farming communities was history's greatest tur P. Rich countries should help poor countries in their economic dev. Because people lived close together, the disease quickly spr Inthe fight to cure cancer, the result of this research isa great adv ‘She was one of the most important people in the women’s mov, The personal computer was the twentieth century's best inv The invention of the wheel provided the fou for most machines. The 3,000-year-old body found in the mountains wasa great dis 10 Inthe debate about climate change, we haven't made much pro (EITM HYPOTHETICAL CONDITIONAL: PAST 2 compete the weimerices with the correct tormior the verbs in brackets. IF Xiutin (not help) us, we (not finish) the projeet on time. They (G0) for a picnic if it {hot rain), I (study), ' (not fail the test. My wife (eel) meif she (have) a problem, Thierry not score) that goal, we (not won), What {you/do) if you (miss) the plane? CEI Active versus passive 3 Rewrite the sentences using the passive. We sell chairs and tables here, Chairs and tables They don't produce coffee in England Coffee They are building a new school A new school ‘Someone assassinated the President. The President Samuel Beckett didn't write Ulysses, Ulysses No one has told us anything about the exam. we * DTEUIGTA Penions oF IME 4 Underline the correct alternative, 1 There wasa big party to celebrate the new millenium/fortnight/seventies 2. I stayed for the eighties/o generation/a decade, arriving in 1989 and leaving in 1999. 3. Inthe first part of July, we spent an era/a fortnight/the century in Greece, on holiday. 4 She worked in the same schaol for nearly ‘on age/the nineties/a quarter-century 5 War was a way of life for my grandfather's sgeneration/decade/age. 6 I grewup in a century/an era/the nineties. RSTEEDIUGYA PLus coLLOCATIONS WITH COME, GIVE, HAVE AND MAKE 5 Cross out the word which is not possible. 1 The team came first/by car/well 2 listened while Sam gave directions’ ‘adiscussion/instructions. 3. William made project/progress/a messin his art class Ihad a dream/homework/good time lastnight. My ability to speak French came naturally/forward/ back to me. She's going to give a tall/me a call/arablem today. “The-company has to make a profit/money/deecsion. 8 She sometimes has progress/trouble/a break while doing her homework. DSTSETENNA Descrisinc PEOPLE & Put the letters in bold in the correct order to complete the sentences. 1 ike tearceiv own ideas, 2. Shewasn't very igotirna were nothing new. 3. Like most great leaders, he's very arceisahtmi Her life, spent helping others, was xaeeyplrm 6 She had some nnvwvatiioe about design Like many soldiers, he was extremely reaby My boss splirtitnnaa follows him, Jackson isthe most nefliunati in the team people who have their her ideas ~ everyone player GEUNTATIEY EXPRESSING UNCERTAINTY Make sentences with a word or phrase from each section, Ive a) sure inner. So) forge Im fairly oa Irs vit Fim sure @) no Ihave #) definitely i) clue. n't Elizabeth iil its Jane. iv) not Sarah, ‘W)_ her name, wi) idea [EANNESME REACT TO INFORMATION 8 Underline the correct alternative. 1A This film is very similar to his last one. B: | was about just/just about to say that. 2 A: Jeanette Winterson isthe one who wrote The Passion. B: Does/ts she? | didi't know that 3. A: ILtook over a hundred years to complete the building B: Did it? That's interesting/too interesting. 4 Re Whole Lotta Love was written by Led Zeppelin. B: | knew that. just don‘/couldn't remember. RITE THE ENVIRONMENT '& complete the sentences with the words in the box. packaging dauble glazed recycled energy-saving| pre-prepared on standby processed insulated organic second-hand 1 We try not to eat too much _processee!_food and wwe graw aur own vegetables. 2 We are very conscious ofthe environment: we use light bulbs and the house is We don't waste energy. Our windows are and we make sure our computers are or switched off. We rarely buy food. The is such a waste of plastic. All of our clothes are furniture is, and most of our iA ee) ee |) R5 EREEIEEE Reporren speech 10. Complete the conversations, B always remembers that A said the opposite earlier 1A: That book is very good, B: Oh? | thought you said that book waso't very good 2 Ae Iknow the answer. B: Oh? | thought you said A: haven't been to Germany. B: Oh? | thought you said A leant sui. B: Oh? | thought you said Im going to urive B:-On? | thought you said ‘A: | wontt be there on Monday. ‘On? | thought you said Ae Milbeable to help. ‘On? | thought you said A: I spoke to Kevin, B: Oh? | thought you said LA. Find and correct five mistakes in the reported questions below. He asked me when started the game, He asked me if do play any instruments She asked me where my husband was. She asked me if worked at horn. He asked me why was |crying. She asked me if slept my baby all night, She asked me if they did speak English RUSTSCUETATIIO Word BUILDING: PREFIXES 12 Add prefixes to two words in each sentence. 1. An,| { understood the instructions;! thought it was un [usual enekepssea for fone ratte He judged the cooking time and left the food in the oven too long: now its cooked. ‘The results of his diet are believable; he used to be weight but now he looks fit ‘The kitchen was tidy so I told her to put things in order but she obeyed me and went out We use plastic plates instead of throwing them away and we cycle food packaging. | approved of Dr Kim's behaviour because it's ethical to give bad advice to patients. Don't estimate the time it takes to new a passport: mine took over two months. He was living here, then he suddenly appeared; at the moment his location is known. VOCABULARY. REPORTING VERBS Underline one incorrect verb in each sentence. Which sentence does it belong to? David promised us to his birthday party, The tour guide refused us about poisonous spiders. The doorman suggested to let me into the club because I was wearing jeans. explained to take her for dinner to say ‘thank you The teacher invited the grammar clearly so everyone understood. My dad warned to buy me an ice cream if | behaved well 7 Minty offered going to Greece for our holiday. CIEE vers parrerns Underline the correct alternatives. WORLD FOOD RESTAURANT A friend suggested for metho lime to go to World Food and explained ?me/thotif would love the coo} relaxed atmosphere and the outstanding menu. He warned "me tolthat If ‘me expecta big bill atthe end but promised ‘mejtofwhich that it was worth it. | arrived at 7.28 for a 7.30 reservation and the receptianist told me Swaiting/wait/to wait in the bar. | waited for thirty-five minutes before a waiter, with no apology offered *for tate/ taking/to take me to my table. The decor was horrible ~ grey paintings that looked like somethig yout 60a might bring home ~ and Iwas seated under a speaker playing loud music | asked the waiter ‘give/for give/to give mea better seat. At first he refused *to move/movina/move me, saving the restaurant was full but finally he agreed *for/that he/to give me a window seat. After the terrible service | feared the worst bout the foot! was excellent, My friend had recommended "to try trying/trying the salman in teriyaki sauce. It was a great choice, 2s was the apple pie | had for dessert. All World Food needs is a new attitude cooking is outstanding. RTSETIEA arrorrs 3. Match 1-8 with a}-h) to make sentences you hear at anairport, a) to gate number 62 2) seat, sic cord, please? 4) your passport, please? ) luggage, madam? #) number yet inthis bag? W) board at 248. May Ise Please proceed Isthishand Would you like tocheck 15D isan aisle Your flight will Can | see your boarding We dontt have a gate GUISE Givinc ADVICE/WARNINGS; MAKING GENERALISATIONS 1.5 Put the words in italics in the correct order to complete the sentences. I'm exploring the Amazon fora few weeks, Cam you give me some advice? @ OK, things she important tomost_—____ prepared. Read about the Amazon firs. Regarding clothes, ‘sure bring you make raincoat as it's very wet Obviously, ts really wild so snakes watch forout Tine truth is “common not very I for people to die from snakebitesin the Amazon, butit does happen. @ !'m climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Any tips? @ Kilimanjaro isa tough climb, soTy0u, ifseart Fd were____"_preparing physically four months before the trp. Also, "bring to need you_________areally good pair of hiking boots, Finally, cl atohaye you puck don’tdo, Whatever too much. You'll have to carry mountain, nbsers ‘brio tendency ‘too much stuff. tall up the I’m travelling around India. Can you give me some advice? @ fHesuy, your ee sore amazing sights, 50 "Bring forget don't to. acamera, Secondly, "wile theon Indian food is wonderful but "et crea boty only fon that has een prepared propery natn. Abo, "ome take beter (os era st conse aero becontisinated. (ere Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. We never eat food. 1 The of penicilin was an accident. 8) processed) process €) reused a) discovery B) discoverer ¢) discover She said she to talk to her bos. Because of the internet, ideas a) was going) going ©) would quick. You told me you Bill for years, a) revolution by invent © spread a) haven't tose b)don't see ¢) hadn't seen He wouldn't have survived if he He asked me when in the country, medicine a) lative b)Idarrived @)I'marrive a)took byhadnit taken ¢) hasmit taken She asked ifwe how to get to Ifyou had seen her, what ? Bristol 2) did you say 6) would you said ¢) would you a) are knowing b) did know —¢) knew have said \ the question. ifr that itwas so hard, | would have a) disunderstood Bb) not understand asked for help. 6) misunderstood a) would have known b) knew ¢) ‘dknown ' to pay the bill but she refused She would famous if she'd been a) offered b) explained _¢) invited bor in another generation She _ “them thatthe water was, a)have be b) have been ¢) had been dangerous. Allarticles by our board of editors. a) refused b) warned ¢) suggested a) arediscussed b) discussed @) bediscussed The man refused me the gun. why about this problem? a)giving b)forgive e)togive 1a) wasn't! told) was! told not) wasnt told The guide recommended the The money will tomorrow. museum, a) collect b)tobecollected —¢) be collected a) visiting b) tovisit @) visit The 1980s was my Favourite My mother suggests carly as it gets a)century b) millennium —¢) decade crowded. We are ria, all the time a) that we are gob) that wego ¢) usto go a) movement b) progress ¢) advance warmed you thet Lu Us directions to her house. a) not doing b)nottodo ¢} to not do add Dene had Itook it on the plane as hand ‘She was a very musician. a) luggage b) cases c) bags a) influencing b) inspiration ¢) influential i ack some spare shoes. t have what to do. a) were you, you should b) were you, Id a)aclue b)noidea ¢) ideas smn yout ma hundred percent of the answer. Please make _you sign your name. a) noning. ') certaliy Qeeriain 2) definite b) sure «) certainly 28] AUDIO SCRIPTS Recording 2 vali lights high street housing estate sports centre Industrial estate car park supermarket language schoot shopping cenre one-way street tevraced houses outdoor market sit shop primary school [ITT Recording 3 The website which we bull is too sow. Those people who are always working, dont enjoy life The ratings site, which I check every day is growing fast. Those students who do online courses love studying, ‘Near my fat, where youte staying, there's a supermarket, COTM Recording 1 IF known you were coming, | * eileen {1 waited, | would've been late, 1 1 been late, | wouldve missed the show, | id missed the show, | would've wasted my money. 1 td wasted my money, wouldve been angry [ITEM recording 2 Hell and welcome to ‘Fascinating Fact Today we're poing to take a look at some ‘of those ‘modern inventions which turn ‘out tobe... well, not quite so modern atalll Let’ start with toothpaste. So you think, “hmm, toothpaste - when was that Invented?’ A hundred years ago? Maybe two hundred? But we find that actually, toothpaste has been around for sixteen hundred years. People from Egypt used it ‘and then the Ancient Greeks and Romans Used it, Was itthe same as modem toothpaste? Definitely not. Ancient Greek toothpaste used ingredients like crushed bones and oyster shells Of. another invention for you: biologisl weepons. Again you think, biological weapons must bea twentieth century invention: Wrong again, Blologal \weapoas have been used fr over tree thousand years. Probably beginning in Ancient Greece it was common forone siete polson ther every water supply during a war Some generals woud even throw dead bodies atthe enemy or into the enemy’river One leader ealed Hannibal even put poisonous snakes into pots and trey them onto an enemys Ship the eighteenth century, one wayAmercan Indians were killed was ‘through using infected blankets given to them by the Europeans who were colonising Ameren Next tope football Just how olds the game? The answer we done realy fon But we do kno that forme of were played in Cina over tw thousand Years ago. And it also seems thatthe game developed by chance indifferent Darts ofthe word, Wherever European fxplores went they severed that native people already played some kind of football Aborigines in Austra the Inu n Greenland, Japan and the Americas. Sol suppose trea isthe peoples game: fight. Central heating. ts been a wonderful thing for us in cold countries and helps us get through the winters. fut mos of us dont resizes very old invention, Once again the Ancient Greeks were the first in Europe, ower two thousand years ago although there was 2 similar system in Korea, oth ofthese Chilsations had pipes and controled fires under te lors to keep the bulsings warm In England, one ofthe first examples of central heating was in the 1830 A rich banker installed tin his house so that he cou! grow grapes in England’ cold weather ‘The ial invention wee going to lock at todays the good old umbrella. fe \cok ats numberof ancient sculptures from Egypt and Persia, which snow called an its ler that the umbrella has been around fora long, long ime, Cenainy more than two thousand years. Interestingly, seems that ony kings or very impartant pope had umbrels in these sculptures, So they were a sybol of high social lass But what were they fr? tn Europe we toad to think of urbrelas stings to protec us from the ain But historia they protected Deople from the sun and later they became a fashion em Recording 3 The Institute is given a milion euros ayear One day a cure for cancer Il be discovered The files were stolen last year. These photos were taken atthe end of the war. ‘The missing people have been found, The paintings are cleaned once a year. TEM Recording « 1 2 A: Marisa had her baby yesterday Did she? What wonderful news! ''m doing an ontine project about Minecrft (really? That's interesting. His cousin was an Glympic boxer Was he? Waw! My sister doesn't eat meat, 3 Doesrit she? OK, Il cook fish think we need to go down this road here, That’ fight! | remember that café love Lady Gagal Do you? I think she's crazy. Did you knaw that dolphins have names for each other That’ interesting. My parents have never been heee. Haven't they? When are they going to visit? A: Jake was the number ene student in the country B: Really? I didn't now that ‘Johns got the car Well have to travel by bus. Bs Will we? Oh, thats annoying, Recording 1 P= Presenter AAmy,]=Jay 57 P: In 2007, one city decided to take 9 stand against climate change. 22 milion people across Sydney switched off teirlightsforan event that would become known across the worl as Earth Hour Earth Hour quickly went slobal spreading across the worl, and in 2010, thousands of cities in 128 counties took part. Glabal landmarks tke the Eifet Tower in Pars, the Egyptian Pyramids, New York’s Empire State Bulding and Sydney Harbour Bridge all plunged into darkness as milons of people around the word Switched their lights of to protest, against climate change. (Organisers say that they want to demonstrate what people can do to reduce their carbon featprint and save energy, and thus draw attention tothe problem of climate change However crites describe the event meaningless. In today's programme, ‘wee asking what you think Can Earth Hour really make a difference? ts ita 00d way to raise awareness about the problem the werd is faing? Have you taken pat inthe switeh-of? Firstan the line, we have Am. Ay. can you tell us what you think? : | think Earth Hour is a great idea. Isa realy simple way for people to show that they care about the environment and want something to change So. did you do anything for Earth Hour last year, Army? Yes, did. was at home with my two children, who ace eight and thirteen years old, and we switched the lights off athome and hag our dinner by candlelight ‘And how di you find that? What did the chlsen think? Ik was brilliant, The children loved it and we enjoyed really quiet hour, with no television or music. We talked, actually And well be doing i again ‘this year, defintely AUDIO SCRIPTS Ps Thank you, Amy. Thanks for calling (Now, we've got JayJay on the line. jaye Jay. what do you think of Earth Hour? J: Uthinkit’s a complete waste of time. | can't belive it : Wow And why is tha, Jaylay? What's theprablem? J: don't understand how anybody can think that tucning off your lights for ‘one hour i really ing to make any difference. 's just a way for people to do something which makes them feel better They turn thee lights off for an ‘hour and then they think they've done something about climate change. And then they can carry on as they were before, What we need is for people to relly change how they behave every day, not just for an howe They need to tuse less electricity, not drive around intheir cars everywhere, We need governments to make big changes and turing your lights off... well, ts just sil. : But don’t you think, JayJay that itis ‘a symbol. gesture that helps to get ppeoplearound the werld thinking ‘about the problems? Yes, you're right But the main problem isnot to get people thinking, ‘about it, but to get people to actually change the way that they live, and that’s not easy, 2 You're right about that. | suppose: [TBECN Recoring2 Gina refused to come with us. He promised toca me later, “They decided to go out fora meal “They agreed not to go.on holiday this year ‘She warned us that the restaurant was wwery expensive “They invited James to go to the theatre with them on Friday, ‘The teacher explained that the children grow vegetables in the garden He recommended buying our fruit at the market. 2ND EDITION ‘Speakout 2nd Edition is a comprehensive six-Level general English course For adults that has been developed in association with BBC Worldwide and BBC Learning English. The course integrates authentic video from papular BBC programmes into every unit and builds the skills and knowledge Learners need to express themselves confidently ina real English-speaking environment The Speakout 2nd Edition Workbook contains a wide variety of practice exercises that review all the language areas covered in the Students’ Book: + Grammar, vocabulary and functional Language exercises help to consolidate and extend new Language Extra practice in reading, writing and listening extends Learners’ skills Regular review sections reinforce key language and allow learners tocheck their progress Compo + Students’ Book with DVD-ROM + Students’ Book with DVD-ROM and MyEnglishLab + Class Audio CDs Workbook with Audio (with and without key) Teacher's Book with Resource and Assessment Disc ActiveTeach Student's online video and audio resources at: ISBN 978-1-4479-7686-8 [rwmine | Learn about the Global Scale of English at

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