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com 26 Mar 2017


By Nik Peachey 26 Mar 2017


This lesson is based on an infographic
about the importance of emotional
intelligence (EI) and its role in our lives.

In the lesson students will explore the

differences between IQ and EI and develop
an understanding of how they can improve
their EI and how doing this can benefit

By Nik Peachey 26 Mar 2017


By Nik Peachey

This lesson is based on an infographic about the importance of
emotional intelligence (EI) and its role in our lives. In the lesson
students will explore the differences between IQ and EI and
develop an understanding of how they can improve their EI and
how doing this can benefit them.

• To develop students’ understanding of EI and its importance.
• To develop students’ abilities to study and research effectively
using digital tools.
• To develop students’ abilities to read and understand visual
• To develop students’ abilities to check the credibility of online
• To develop students’ abilities to carry out online research and
to represent their findings visually.
• To develop students’ abilities to extract information from
research and create informative text based on their findings.

2 26 Mar 2017

LESSON PLAN How to use this plan

The materials in this plan can be used in different
Resources ways. The first four tasks can be used
independently as a simple reading and
• Printable PDF copies of the worksheets can be discussion lesson.
found at: The final four tasks can be used selectively as
• The infographic can be accessed at: http:// follow up task or you can use all four tasks as an or by clicking or scanning ongoing project over the course of a number of
the QR code. lessons.
This lesson contains eight tasks:
• A discussion task which gets students thinking
about the differences between IQ and EI.
• A reading task which develops students’
abilities to scan read text for specific
• A reading task which encourages students to
read for deeper comprehension and to check
• A discussion task which gives students the
opportunity to reflect on the information and
apply it to their own lives.
• An online research task which gets students to
check the accuracy of the information they
• An online research task which gets students to
find out more about IQ and the origins of the
• A social research task which gets students to
create an online questionnaire to measure EI.
• A writing task which gives students the
opportunity to consolidate their learning in the
form of a blog article.

3 26 Mar 2017

Discussion task - EI vs IQ Have a short plenary session and confirm and

clarify their answers.
• The aim of this task is to get students thinking
about IQ and EI and what they represent.
Reading task - Understanding statistics
Start the lesson by putting the students into pairs Study the infographic.
or groups and giving them the discussion
questions. This should help to get the students What do these statistics refer to?
thinking, talking and sharing their knowledge of • 59%
the topic.
• 20%
Once they have finished talking you can do a
• 34%
brief plenary session with the whole group.
• 3 minutes
You could ask the students to try to decide which
they think is more important.
Discussion task - EI vs IQ
Ask and answer these questions. • 59% = Percentage of managers who said they
1. What is IQ? wouldn’t employ someone with low EI even if
their IQ was high.
2. Do you know what your IQ is?
• 20% = The reduction in formal complaints
3. How is IQ measured? following EI training.
4. What is emotional intelligence (EI)? • 34% = The increase in profit growth of
5. How do you think EI can be measured? companies hiring high EI managers.
6. How important do you think EI is in the work • 3 minutes = The amount of additional time
place? doctors needed to spend with patients talking
7. In what kinds of jobs do you think EI would and expressing sympathy in order to reduce
be more important than IQ? malpractice suits.
8. How do you think you could improve your
EI? Reading task - Facts about EI
• The aim of this task is to develop students’
ability to read for deeper understanding and to
check their assumptions.
Reading task - Understanding statistics
• The aim of this task is to develop students’ Give the students the reading task. Ask them to
abilities to scan read for specific facts and look at the statements and try to decide which
information. ones are true.

Give the students the reading task. Ask them to Once they have made their decision get them to
look at the statistics and try to find out what they look back at the infographic. Ask them to explore
refer to in the infographic. the graphic and to check their assumptions.

Once they have had some time to find the Once they have had time to check the
information, put them in pairs or small groups information, put them in pairs or small groups
and ask them to compare their answers and and ask them to compare their answers and
share what they have discovered. share what they have discovered.

4 26 Mar 2017

Have a short plenary session and confirm and Discussion task - Your response
clarify their answers.
• The aim of this activity is to get the students to
think more deeply about the information and
Reading task - Facts about EI how it relates to their own lives and to share
Look at the infographic again and find out their responses to it.
which of these statements are true or false.
Give the students the discussion task and put
1. In 2011 the majority of hiring managers them into small groups to interview each other.
placed increased emphasis on EI.
Once they have discussed the questions in their
2. EI can be improved with training. groups you might want to have a whole class
plenary session. You could also ask the students
3. The most important aspect of EI is that it
which they now think is more important EI or IQ
enables managers to lead by example. and split them into two groups.
4. EI can impact on profitability.
Discussion task - Your response
5. Doctors can reduce their number of
Ask and answer these questions in pairs.
complaints by spending at least 3 extra
minutes examining each patient. Repeat the discussion you had before you
6. People with high IQs tend not to admit to looked at the infographic.
their own mistakes or take criticism well. 1. What is emotional intelligence (EI)?
7. You can improve your EI by being more 2. How do you think EI can be measured?
aware of gestures and body language in 3. How important do you think EI is in the work
yourself and others. place?
8. Being positive is an important part of EI. 4. In what kinds of jobs do you think EI would
be more important than IQ?
Answers: 5. How do you think you could improve your
1. False. It was only 1 in 3. EI?
2. True 6. Is there any information in the infographic
3. False. The most important aspect is remaining that you disagree with?
calm under pressure. Leading by example
was 4th. 7. Who would you like to share the information
4. True. Some studies have found this to be true. with? Why?
5. False. They should spend 3 extra minutes 8. Can you think of someone you know who has
talking and sympathizing with the patient. low EI? What do they do that makes you think
6. Unclear. It’s implied that this is true because they have low EI?
people with higher EI are more likely to take
9. Would you like to have EI training? Why?
criticism and admit mistakes.
7. True.
8. True.

5 26 Mar 2017

Online research - Fact checking Research task - IQ

• The aim of this task is to develop students’ • The aim of this task is to develop students’
online research skills and to encourage them to online research skills.
follow up and check the information they find.
Ask the students what they know about the IQ
Tell the students you want them to do some test.
online research to check the information in the
infographic. Tell them you want them to do some online
research to find out more.
Ask them to start by searching through the
sources at the end of the infographic. Then ask Ask them to:
them to try to find 2 - 3 other online sources
which confirm or contradict the information. • Find a link to a free test.

Ask them to make notes and keep a record of • Take the test and see what results they get.
the sources of the information they find. • Research the background history of IQ testing.
They should include: Tell them to make notes and keep a record of the
• URL sources of the information they find.
• Name of publication Once they have completed their research ask
• Name of author them to also add some notes about their own
• Date of publication assessment of the test and how effective they
think it is.
• Their assessment of the credibility of the
source. Once they have completed this work you could
Once they have completed the research ask ask them to either create a short presentation
them to share it with the class or in small groups about IQ, a summary text or even an infographic
and compare what they discovered. to share their findings using one of these tools:
This could lead into a discussion of what makes •
a source credible. •
Online research task - Fact checking Research task - IQ
Try to check some of the facts and statistics Do some research into IQ.
presented in the infographic. See if you can find similar information to that in
Try to find sources which either support or the EI infographic.
contradict these facts. You should:
Make notes of: • Find a link to a free test.
• URL • Take the test and see what results you get.
• Name of publication • Research the background history of IQ
• Name of author
• Date of publication • Create a report to share the information you
• Your assessment of the credibility of the

6 26 Mar 2017

Social research task - Measuring EI Social research task - Measuring EI

• The aim of this task is to develop students’ Create a questionnaire to find out if someone
ability to create research questionnaires and has high or low EI.
present their results.
• Think of ten questions you will ask.
Tell the students you want them to create a • Try to offer 3 possible answers for each
questionnaire to find out if someone has a high
Tell them they should do this by creating You make a serious mistake at work. What do
questions based around the information in the you do?
a) Hope nobody finds out.
Give some examples of questions: b) Admit to the mistake and think about how
Example: you can avoid repeating it.
You make a serious mistake at work. What do c) Deny that you have done anything wrong.
you do?
a) Hope nobody finds out. • Link each answer to one of three different
personality types:
b) Admit to the mistake and think about how you
can avoid repeating it. • High EI
c) Deny that you have done anything wrong. • Moderate EI
• Low EI.
Once they have written their questions, ask them
to use the Riddle personality test: http:// • Create your questionnaire using the and create three personalities:
personality test in Riddle.
• High EI
• Share your questionnaire with your
• Moderate EI
classmates and your social media contacts.
• Low EI.
• Create a short report to show the results of
They should link the answer choices from each your research.
question to one of the personality types.

Once the questionnaires are ready they can then

share them with each other and their social
media contacts and friends.

Once they have had time to collect the data, ask

them to create a simple infographic to display
the results using one of these tools:



7 26 Mar 2017

Writing task - EI at work Writing task - EI at work

• The aim of this task is to develop students’ Write an article for a business blog about EI.
writing skills and also to pull together and
consolidate everything they have learned from Include these sections in your essay:
the lesson tasks. • A definition of EI
Tell the students you want them to write an • The importance of EI in the workplace
article for a business blog. Tell them to give it
• The importance of EI in personal
the title ’EI in the workplace ’.
Tell them to structure the article in five sections:
• How to improve EI
• A definition of EI
• Conclusion
• The importance of EI in the workplace
• The importance of EI in personal Share your draft with one of your classmates
relationships and get their feedback.
• How to improve EI
• Conclusion
Students could do the writing part of the task at Copyright © Nik Peachey
home or in class.
Once the students have done a first draft you
could give them a study partner and ask them
to peer edit their texts.
They could then review the text before
submitting it to you.
Here are some tips you could give the students
on peer reviewing:
• Be positive and look for what you like about
the text.
• Identify any spelling or grammatical errors.
• Identify anything you feel wasn’t clear.
• Think about whether the tone of the text is
consistent and appropriate for the reader.
• Has the writer avoided mixing formal and
informal styles?
• Has the writer completed the task with all five
parts of the article?

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