Instant Lessons Int Are You Green

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vw re nM , ° Writing: & Lessons 11-20 11 Are you green? Aim “To activate vocabulary connected with the environment and green issues by completing the writing of a questionnaire and answering a letter. Preparation Copy the handout on page $1 - one copy per student. Introduction (5 minutes) Introduce the subject of conservation/ecology by saying that today you are green! Give a few examples of what you have done, for example: bought some recycled paper, cycled to school, etc. to help them to work out what this means. Then brainstorm for vocabulary on the topic, writing all the words and expressions on the board; for example: waste, recycle, energy, resources, etc. ‘Then write up the question: How green are you? and the answers: T'm very green = 1 Tim not very green 1... /I don't .. Students work briefly with a partner to ask each other the question. Listen to some of the answers as a class. Presentation and Practice 1 (30 minvies) Give each student a copy of the questionnaire. Explain that this is going to be put in a ‘magazine to sce how green the readers are, but the journalist writing it has had to go out on a big scoop and the deadline is fast approaching! They are going to work together in small groups to finish it off and test it on one another. Point cout that the questions need finishing as well as the scoring system and the score comments. Read through question 1 as an example, pointing out the structure, Le. a situation followed by a question followed by three possible answers. Work as a class to give each answer points - § for the best answer, 3 for the next best and 1 for the worst. Divide the class into small groups (between three and five students) and try to mix the abilities so that the more able can help the others, Their task is now to complete the questionnaire and its scoring, discussing it together and then filling in their own sheet. While they work, circulate to help with any problems. If necessary, allow students to add a fourth category: none of these. Once the questionnaires are ready, pair students ‘up with someone from another group so that they can ask each other the questions and note down the scores. End this part of the activity with a whole class round-up to see who are the greenest students ~ and, perhaps, the least green! Practice 2 (10 minutes) Present the following letter to the class either by reading it as a dictation, by writing it up on the board or by using an overhead projector. Dear Green Magazine, Twant to help the environment but I don’t know how. I'm fifteen and I live in a flat in a big city so can't cycle to school or grow vegetables. I don’t have ‘a car, go shopping or have much money. So what can 1 do? ‘A worried student Give them 5 minutes to write a short reply ‘working individually. When they have finished, put them into groups to read one another's letters and choose the best. The ones chosen by each group are read out to the whole class. Conclusion (5 minutes) Working as a class, try to decide on the three most important actions the students can take to help their own immediate environment. You might end by asking how many ways they could use/re-use the photocopied questionnaire! Homework Students could expand and write up their reply from Practice 2, or they could write a short questionnaire for you to fill in. The he he son mnp mow ue ODE TE TE TE TE TLL TMT Ua za 11 Are you green? Here is a questionnaire to find out! TL You tike magazines and read two or three a week. What do you do with your old magazines? (1) Give them to your friends to read. (2) Burn them in the garden. (3) Take them to the paper bank to be recycled 2 You buy food at your local shop. How do you carry it home? (1) Ask the shop for a cardboard box to carry it in. (2) Ask the shop to deliver it. (3) Bring your own bag with you. 3 You have bought some smart new clothes. What do you do with the old clothes that you don't wear any more? (1) Sell them and buy more clothes with the money. (2). Give them to a charity like the Red Cross, or to the church. 8) —___ A, You live 5km from the place where you work or study. How do you get there each day? Q) (yee, (2) Go ina friend's car to save petrol. @) - You've just spent a lovely day having a picnic on the beach. What do you do with the food you haven't eaten? (1) Throw it in the sea for the birds and fish to eat. @ — @) 6 - on ANSWERS: 1(1)= (2)= 2(1)= (2)= 3 (= (2)= 4 (= (= 5(1)= (2)= 6 (1)= @-= iwwayd 0€-02 juaaib aynb axe no, java 10N 02-0T “FaH2q 9q 0} OP UeD NO yeYM NOge HULYL {Ud—L6 Alan OU aIe MOA ION HO OT-O $au0IS From Instant Lessons 2 Intermediate edited by Peter Watcyn-Jones © Penguin Books 2000, 51

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