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CHAPTER IIL RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Type and Design According to Majid (2018), research design is procedures and guidelines that based on the evidence and data to conduct a research study. In this research, the researcher uses quantitative research. Quantitative research is an investigation. about social problems, population or certain samples by collecting numerical data and analyzes the data using mathematical method, Tresna et al, (2020). To conduct this research, the researcher uses true experimental design with the pretest-posttest control group. The) true experimental design is considered as an effective design to know about cause and effect relationship, The purpose is to compare two groups that have been chosen randomly. One of the groups become experimental group that receive a treatment meanwhile the second group doesn’t receive a treatment become ‘control group, Sharma (2019). In this study, the researcher uses two groups for comparing. The first is experimental group and control group. In this research, one class becomes an experimental class and one class becomes controlled class. Before applying the method by using Podcast, the research does the pretest in the two groups. After doing the pre test and the researcher knows the result, the researcher applies the method which is using Podcast through Spotify application as a media to improving students’ listening skill in the experimental group. Meanwhile, in the control group the researcher doesn’t apply the method because the researcher wants to know the difference between the two groups. 16 7 If there is a difference value between two groups, the experimental and the control group it means that the method is good and proper for students to improve their listening skill. At the end, podcast through spotify application can be a simple way and a media to improve students’ listening skill Group Pretest Treatment Posttest Experimental group ®)__R Oo x Or Control group (R) R os Os Figures 3. 1 Research Design ‘Sugiyono (2018) Explanation: R = experimental group and control group eleventh grade students in SMK.N 3 Jepara that chosen randomly. ; and O3 = experimental group and control group have been given the same pretest to measure their tening ability. x = treatment for experimental group which have been given podcast in spotify application as a method of teaching learning listening skill Op = posttest for experimental group has been given after applying the treatment as podcast in spotify application in listening classroom. 4 = posttest for control group is not given any treatment in listening classroom. 18 3.2 Population, Sample, and Technique Sampling Population is the researcher's target in order to do the study, Majid (2018). In this research, the researcher’s population are students of Eleventh Grade in SMK N 3 Jepara. There are several majors in SMK N 3 Jepara. The students’ population in SMK N 3 Jepara can be seen as follow: ‘Table 3. 1 Students’ Poptilation in SMK N 3 Jepara No. Majors in SMKN 3 Jepara Total of the students T XITKI1 a7 XITKI2 36 2. XIMMT 36 XT MM 2 35 3 ‘XI PSPT 34 4. XI OTEKP 36 ‘XIOTKP 2 36 5. XTAKL 1 34 XT AKL 2 36 XTAKL3 35 6 XTBDPT 36 XTBDP 2, 35 7. ‘XIPS 34 The researcher takes XI MMI and XI MM 2 with 21 students each class as samples to get involve in this study, the class and students chosen randomly by using lottery. Sample is a part of the amount from the 19 population, Sugiyono (2018), The technique sampling is a technique for researchers to take their samples to conduct a study, Sugiyono (2018). In this research, the researcher is using technique random sampling. Technique simple random sampling is a technique to take sample of the population randomly without concern anything in that sample, Sugiyono (2018). 3.3 Research Variable The research variable is an attribute or value from person or object that has variety which is it will be useful for the researcher to conduct their study, Sugiyono (2018). For the kinds of variables, there are independent variable and dependent variable. According to Sugiyono (2018), independent variable is a variable that have an influence to the dependent variable, Meanwhile the dependent variable is a variable that influenced by independent variable, It ‘means that the independent variable is the cause and dependent variable is the effect of the cause. For this research, the research variables are independent variable and dependent variable. For the independent variable is podcast through spotify application meanwhile the dependent variable is students’ listening skill on the eleventh grade of SMK N 3 Jepara, 20 Research Variables Dependent Variables Podcast through Students’ Listening Spotity Skill on the eleventh Application grade of SMK N3 Jepara Figures 3. 2 Research Variables 3.4 Method of Data Collection 3.4.1 Test The data is collected by using test. In this study, the tests are pre test and post test, There are 3 steps to collect the data the first is doing pre test for experimental group and control group. The second is applying the treatment for students’ listening skills by using podcast through spotify application in experimental group. The last is post test for experimental group and control group. According to Adom et al. (2020), the definition of test is an assessment tool that systematically measure of students’ ability by answering some questions. The purpose of a test is to determine the students” ability in certain 21 materials or demonstrate certain activities in teaching and leaning process Meanwhile according to Firman et al. (2018), the purpose of a test is to get the students’ feedback and the assessment based on the questions that have been given before. Teacher can knows the students” progress by conduct a test. Afler know the result, the teacher can evaluate and make some changes in order to get better score for students. In addition, students can know about their ability to understand the materials and the knowledge after doing a test, ‘Mahmoodi-shahrebabaki (2018), Students can eam more and try to understand materials if they get bad score in a test. 3.4.2 Pretest In this study, the researcher does a pre test in the experimental class and control class. The purpose of this pre test is to know the students” progress and their knowledge about listening skill before the researcher applies the treatment which is podcast through spotify application. This pre test for all of the students who are involve in this study. 3.4.3 Treatment ‘The researcher applies the treatment using podcast through. spotify application, The purpose is to know the effect of the podcast through spot application in students’ listening skill. The researcher applies the treatment only in the experimental group because the researcher wants to know the difference between two classes meanwhile in control group the researcher applies the conventional media, The researcher applies the treatment for 3 times for each class when teaching and learning process. 22 3.4.4 Posttest The last, the researcher does post test and the goal is to know the students’ progress and outcome after apply the treatment. All the students who are in the experimental group and control group have to do the post test in order to know their enhancement in listening skill 3.4.5 Validity Test Validity test is a test to measure the accuracy and precision of an instrument and measure what it was design to measure, to know how good an instrument fit its measuring function and how valid the instrument, Setiawan et al. (2020). The purpose of validity test is to know the proper measuring instrument to measure what will be measured. Another reference, validity test is a test that a researcher needs to do in order to measure what it should be measure. The purpose is to measure the research instrument can obtain proper result based on data and the truth, Budiastuti, Dyah dan Bandur (2018). To find out the coefficient validity the researcher uses the correlation of product moment and here is the pattern of validity test as stated by Sugiyono (2018), as follows: NYXY- (XY) VIN DX?— (EX )IIN EY? - (LY) Explanation: Try = Coeficient correlation =Total of students x =The score of the tested questions (each item) Y = ‘The score from other goals or tests being compared X2 =Total for square for each item ow? =The square ofthe total score for each item wy’ = The total of individual total score 23 After getting the coefficient correlation, then the data are interpreted using the following criteria of coefficient correlation: Table 3. 2 Criteria of Coefficient Correlation for Validity Test Coefficient Correlation Interpretation 0:90 10 1.00 Very strong correlation 0.7010 0.89 Strong correlation 0.40 to 0.69 Moderate correlation 0:10 to 0.39 Weak correlation 0:00 t0 0.10 Negligible correlation 6 Reliability Test ‘Schober etal. (2018) Afier testing the validity of the instrument, the researcher also did the reliability test for the instrument to know the concictency of the test. Reliability test is a test to find out the measuring instrument that can be trusted because of its stability, Setiawan et al. (2020). It is important to use reliability test because to make sure that the instrument can be use in different times and any conditions but do not shows a big difference in several 24 measurement results, Meanwhile according to Budiastuti, Dyah dan Bandur (2018), state that reliability test is a test that refers to stability of a measuring instrument. The purpose is to know the exact result on the same thing but in different time and measure the measuring instrument for the researchers who are involve in quantitative research, The formula of reliability test is using the pattern of cronbach alpha: Explanation: 1; = Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient k =Total question item Ys;2_ =Total variance score each item 2 =Total variance (Yusup, 2018) Then the coefficient correlation is interpreted using the coefficient reliability, such as: Table 3. 3 Criteria of Coefficient Correlation for Reliability Test Coefficient Correlation Interpretation 0.9010 1.00 Very strong reliability 0.70 0 0.89 Strong reliability 25 0.40 to 0.69 Moderate reliability 0.10 to 0.39 Weak reliability 0.00 t0 0.10 Negligible reliability Schober etal. (2018) 3.5 Method of Data Analysis 3.5.1. Scoring The definition of scoring is a result from students’ assignment or a test that shows number. The goal of scoring is interpret the assessment result of the students, Scoring in research is important because the teacher can make ranking based on the students’ score and determine the graduation limits. The term of scoring in this study: Final score = Students’ correct answers = 100% The total of questions 3.5.2 Pre-requisite Analysis a. Normality Test In this case the researcher uses One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test in SPSS. The normality test is a procedure that has a goal to find out whether the data come from population that has normal distribution or not. The aim to examine whether the variable data research distribution is normal distributed or not, Nuryadi et al (2017). 26 Another researchers Hanief & Himawanto (2017), state that normality test is a procedure that use for to perceive whether the data come from population that distributed normally. Meanwhile the definition of Kolmogorov Smirnov test is a test to find out the differences between the data that will be test for normality test and standard normal data, The following is the basis decision making in normality testing K-S, they are: > Ifthe significant value (Sig.) is higher than 0.05 so the research data is a normal distribution, > If the significant value (Sig.) is smaller than 0.05 so the research data is not a normal distribution. The formula of Kolmogorov-Smirnoy Test for normality test: D = maksimum |FO(X) - SNOO| Nuryadi et al (2017) b. Homogeneity Test Homogeneity test is a procedure that has a function to show that ‘two or more group sample data come from population that has the same variance. The purpose is to determine whether the data from each sample group has the same or different sample variance, Nuryadi et al (2017). From another reference according to Hanief & Himawanto (2017), the meaning of homogeneity test is a procedure that can indicate the data has the same variance or characteristic. The goal is to find out that the research data is equal or not, In this research, the researcher uses Levene Test to analyze the homogeneity 27 test. To determine the homogeneity ofa sample, the following formula is used by the researcher: Ho: there is no difference in variance between the two sample groups Ha: there is difference in variance between the two sample groups. The following formula is used to measure the homogeneity test with the criteria testing: Explanation: n_ =number of observation number of group Zij = {Vij Fi | Zi = group average of 3 = group average of i Z_=overall mean of Zij W = reject of Ho if W>F (a.k-1.n-k) Hanief & Himawanto (2017) 28 3.83 Test In this research the researcher uses independent sample t-test. The definition of t-test according to Gerald (2018), is a test that a researcher needs to apply because it is easier for the researcher to find out the significant of the mean of random samples and the difference between the means from those two groups. The purpose of t-test is to analyze the data, avoid the error data, and solve the problems. Independent sample t-test is.a step for researcher to test the probability of the data between the two groups that comes from the same population. The criteria of hypothesis are; 1. The null hypothesis (H,) is there is no difference between students who. learn listening skill using podcast through Spotify application and the students who learn listening skill without using podcast if the significant value is>0.05. 2. The altemative hypothesis (H,) is there is a difference between, the students who lear listening skill using podcast through Spotity application and the students who leam listening skill without using podcast if the significant value is < 0.05. The following is the formula of t-test Sugiyono (2018)

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