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‘Math 2270 (Multivariable Caleulus) Final Exam Solutions Semester I - 2019/2020 L (2) Consider a given function f of two variables, + and y, i, Provide the formal definition for f to be differentiable atthe point (x0, un). PR) Fis said to be differentiable at (o,yo) if the increment of fat (eo, 90), Af(Co,to) = flto + At, + Av) — F(co.yo) can be written in the form Fa(20, yo) Ae + fy(touo)Ay + Az + ey where e, and e are functions of Ax land Ay such that ¢1 > 0 and ¢ ~+ 0 as (Az, Ay) + (0,0). . Provide the conditions for f to be continuous at (29,0). [3] {is said to be continuous at (eo, 30) ifthe following 3 conditions hold: (i) F (#0, yo) exists “ eee a gee CD gee guy £0) = Flt.) _ iil, Prove that if fis differentiable at (0,4) then f is continuous at (zr0, 40) [3] Proof: Assuming is dilferentiable at (zo, yo) it follows that f(ao + Act, yo + Ay) ~ §(20;¥0) = fe(s0, w)At + fy(o, wo)Ay + Az + ody where €; + 0 and e+ 0-as (Az, Ay) — (0,0). candi coy {eo + Aas + Ay) ~ S(20;y) = 0-+040+0=0. Letting x9 + Ax = x and yy + Ay =y then (Az, Ay) > (0,0) iff (x,y) —+ (20,40) = lity £20) = F000) ‘Therefore, f is continuous at (zo, yo) (0) Let ae 0,0) Jew 0, 36> 0 such that if0< Je = 0+ Y= OF <5 then | 5=°¥, —o| 0,16 = § > 0 such that if 0< EF Fw OF <6 ii, Justifying your answer, is f continuous at (0,0)? p) Since (him, oy feu) = 045 = F(0,0), he. | Hien, 5 £20) # £(0,0), it follows that f is not continuous at (0,0) iii, Can any conclusion be made about the differentiability of fat (0,0)? Provide a reason for your response. i} Yes, a conclusion can be made. Since f is differentiable at (0,0) —> f is continuous at (0,0) it follows that f is not continuous at (0,0) => f is not differentiable at (0,0), thus using (b)(i) since f is not continuous at (0,0), we can conclude that f is not differentiable at (0,0). (a) Let f bea function of two variables x and y, where each of these variables is a function of the variables r and 8. If f(xy) = 22y, in which 2(r,6) = r-co9d and y(r,0) = rsind, find using suitable chain rules: iZ {31 OF _ Of dx of oy 86 ~ dca0* dya0 = (2xy8)(—rsind) + (3224?) (re0s0) (20y*)(—) + (824?) (0) = n/a? — 2?) eae 3] Pf _ 8 (af\ ax, a (Af\ dy oro0 x(a) atm (ae (-2y" + 92°y*)(cos0) + (—8y? + 62°%y) (sind) = (9x? — 2y?)cos0 + xy(6x? — 8y") sind (b) Let z be a function of two variables x and y where, ety +2842ey2=1 tse implicit ierentiaton toad 35 is Oz dz 2 2 e 32? +0 +324 Fe tm (252 +2) 0 Zea +2ry) = —(2yz +32) Oz _ _ (3% + 2yz ox 32? + Qry 2 8° a (©) Find and classify the eritical point of the function g given by, 2e-6y Fld la] Thus, 22-2 and, 2y -6=0 => y= Point [ ges = 2 | dy —2 | &. ‘GeeGyy — Sey |__Conclusion_} _ 4 ‘inimam pote ] Since geodyy — 92 = 4 > 0 and ger = 2 > 0, 194) ,i8.a minimum point. Y (@) Using a suitable method, find the minimum value of the function A, H(ey.2)= 0? +y? 42? subject to the given constraint, etyt2=12. ral ‘Using the Method of Lagrange multiplier, consider the aundliary function Flayzd) = +e +2 +Aetytz—12) ‘The following set of equations must be considered, Fy = tti=052=-4 @ Fy = ytd=05y=-2 22+A=05 2 (3) atyt+z-12=0 “w At critical points F, = Fy =F, = Fy Substituting equations (1)- (3) into equation (4), ean ae =A = -8 6 Substituting equation (5) into equations (1)- (3) it follows that, x = 4,y = 4,2 = 4. ‘Thus the minimum possible value of h is 4? + 4? + 4? = 48 (a) Find the mass of the lamina occupying the region enclosed by the parabolas y = «? and z = y? with density function, (ayy) = [4] y= Ve which ‘The region occupied” by the lamina has boundaries, y = intersects at the points (0,0) and (1, 1). ‘The mass of the lamina formed, m, is given by y yexe x i sS & a & : [ese ‘Alternatively may use: (0) Find the surface area of the part of the hyperbolic paraboloid 2=y?~ 27 which les between the cylinders 2? + y® =1 and 2? +y? =4. Is] [The surface area, A(S), is given by ws - Jo@-@a den = 2 thr 8 oy BE = 2 = 49 - [vreau R Conwerting to polar coordinates, AGS) = LL (F) vara = [tao fe rar . wit fe Var =o fe VTrar (c) Using the substiution, w= 14 are, 4s) = af vate “af vadu aM], a8) = © (1tVIF—5¥8) unite? i. Derive the Jacobian of transformation for converting a triple integral from Cartesian coordinates (2,y, 2) to eylindrical coordinates (r,8, 2). 3] Letting # =r cos, y =r sind and 2 = 2, the required Jacobian of transformation be te oe -|8EE BRE ates) _ | mt rand 0 ar.0,2) — | on? reese O rcos*é — (—rsin#) sind r(sin?0 + cos*0) Evaluate the following integral by changing to eylindrieal coordinates LION fo" area dedyds (7 This is a Type 1 region. Converting to cylindrical coordinates, (IE Leo esvaue = ff [roman 2 =f (e0-2) 4 =. 7 (97? —r4) dr [,en-") (a) Consider the vector field, Ba (eye!) i+ (o%et) j+ (ete!) b Justifying your answers: i. Is F a solenoidal vector field? = 2ye* +0 +27ye* # Vin general Therefore, F is not a solenoidal vector field (since V- F # 0) . Is F an irrotational vector field? fa) | ve = (iz ig +4): ((ove i+ 5+ (ve8) = Heavy 4 Frey + 2 ore) (2%et ~ 23et) — 3 rye? — 2eye*) +i (2xe — Bre") 0 ‘Therefore, F is an irrotational vector field. (sinceV x F = 0). (0) Find the total work done by the foreefeld @=2?i—2y} in moving point mass along the quarter circle, i*= cost i+ sint j, where O df= (-sint 1+ cost jdt where r= cost and y= siné for OS t <¥ Work done [0 oot (nt (sinter = [ casintcost ae f Workione = [a 3" a - ef (©) Verify Green’s theorem in a plane for the following integral: f latae + (en ay], : whore C is the closed triangular curve with vertices (0,0), (1,0) and (0,1) traversed in the positive anticlockwise direction. 3] Let Pat =0 and Q=2y > $2 =p. Hence by Green's Theorem in a plane, fire som f (S2-S)ea- fuv-oer- fo ‘Now the considering the region enclosed by the lines y= 0, y=1—s,2=0, fou = L.lfoale ‘Alternatively: = [eats - fi a-wudy -f, w- dy - (§-¥) G [fou = 5 A 1 3 (1) ‘Now considering, f lxtae + (on ay] = J (otae + (en ty) + f (24a + (ey) ay) + f [2dr + ew ay) b a a Now, along Ci: y=0(—> dy =0) from x =0t02=1 [le de + (xy) dy] = [ae zy - Gl, 1 5 and along C2: y=1—2(—+ dy~~dr) from x=1t02=0 [etd + (ena) = [feds 20- 2a) & = [eave and along Ca: = 0( => dz = 0) from y=1 to y=0 [ede + ena] = [Pow =o e of (2!) der (eddy = E-B+0 From equations (1) and (2) it follows that forasaan~ ( ‘thus Green’s Theorem is verified in this case. END OF PAPER

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