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Self Introduction

 Name
 Age
 Place of origin
 Residence
 Interest / hobby
 Job

 Hello
 Hi
 Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening
 What’s up !
 How’s it going ?
 It’s nice to see you
 It’s good to see you
Ask for personal Information:

 Name :
- What’s your name ?
- May I know your name ?
- Could you tell me your name ?
- Are you Mr. Jack ?
 Address / Residence :
- Where do you live ?
- What’s your address ?
- Do you live in Bekasi ?
- Whereabouts in Bekasi do you live ?

 Occupation
- What’s your job ?
- What do you do ?
- What’s your present occupation ?
- What kind of work are you in ?
- Are you a student ?
 Hobby / Interest :
- What’s your hobby ?
- How do you spend your leisure time ?
- Are you interested in sport ?
- What do you do for fun ?

 Place of Origin :
- Where are you from ?
- Where do you come from ?
- Where were you born ?
- Do you come from west Java ?
Responses of:
 Name :
- I am Jack Anderson
- My name is Siti Julaiha
- My friends call me Ahmad

 Occupation :
- I am a student
- I am a lecturer
- I work as a nurse in a hospital
 Place of Origin:
- I come from Jogja
- I’m from Bandung

 Address :
- I live in Bekasi
- I live at Jl. Mawar 5
- My address is Jl. Semeru 2, block B.5
No. 7, Taman Jatisari Permai,
Examples of Self
 Assalamualaikum,wr,wb. I would like to
introduce myself. My name is Danang
Sutanto. My friends call me Danang.
Originally, I am from Bekasi, west java. But
now I live in Jakarta. I like doing sport in
my free time. Now I live on Jl. Ahmad Yani
no.56 central Jakarta.
o Hello, good afternoon, May I introduce
myself ? My name is Arya Yudha. I’m
from Nagasaki, Japan. I am a nurse and
I work in Nagasaki Hospital. On Sundays I
usually do jogging. My address is on
Nagasaki street 12. thank you.
o Hello, My name is Aulia Salsabilla. At
home my mother calls me Salsa. I study
at PHI Nursing Academy in the first
semester. I live on Jl. Masjid 2 no. 11
Bekasi. I usually spend my leisure time by
watching movie with my friends. It’s nice
to know you all.
Personal Information Items
Name Jack

Nickname -

Place of Texas
Occupation Doctor

Address Orchid
road 5
Phone 085286285
Hobby Playing
 Create a video of introducing
yourself, then send it by what’s up
in personal chat!

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