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Javier Royal

Communication Studies
In this reflective piece I hope to educate the audience on the average abortion experience and to
showcase the mindset of a woman who is about to have an abortion.

The intended audience are ranges from teenagers to middle age adults. This is because these group of
people will be the affected by the abortion discourse as they are in their stage of life where they are
able to and might be considering having children.

The reflective piece can be published as a short story or it can be verbally dictated to an audience of
young adults in an abortion seminar.

Reflective Piece
Martha walked up to the front door and knocked. She waited with baited breath, until the door swung
opened in front of her.” A wah tak yuh so long?! Jane exclaimed as she jested Martha to enter the
house. ”Oh I don’t have a car so I had to walk all the way here”, Martha responded. “Before yuh leave
ask somebody to drive yuh home, cant travel like that at night, but while yuh here enjoy the party”, Jane
said before walking off into kitchen filled with people.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe that I’m at the jane Parks party”, Martha squealed to herself as she walked
towards the table with drinks filled with refreshments. Martha couldn't believe her good fortune. She
was at Jane Parks' home. Jane was regarded as a very popular young lady at school. “I can’t believe she
invited a loser like me just because I did her French homework, it wasn’t even that good”, she mused to
herself as she filled up a drink.

Due to Martha being lost in thought, she didn’t notice the boy that had come up to her. “Hey mah name
iz johnny”, the boy said. Martha jumped a bit in shock at declaration.” Sorry didn’t notice you there”,
Martha apologized. “It alright”, johnny replied, “ do yawl want sumbody tuh keep yawl company for
tonight”?. “Sure why not”, Martha replied as she filled and handed him a cup of tequila. “So are you
from around here, I haven’t seen you at school before”, Martha asked. ” Oh Ah’m visitin' sum family in
town, though Ah come spend sum time with cousin at this party but shay ran awf with sum guy”, johnny
responded. “Oh, how unfortunate at least you have me to keep you company”, Martha said. “Ah guess
tonight won’t bay so bayud with uh petty girl lahk yawl around ”, johnny complemented. “Well thank
you, you’re not too bad yourself”, Martha replied.

They proceeded to chat for around three more hours until Johnny said he wanted to leave. “Hey can you
drive home, I don’t want to take the bus this late while I’m this tipsy”, Martha asked. “Shore thang,
where iz your house ”, johnny answered. “Oh it’s just down street, ill tell you when I see it”, Martha
responded. They then got into his car and drove to Martha house. Johnny held Martha as she drunkenly
stumbled towards her house door. As Martha inserted the keys to get inside the house she asked” Hey
do what come inside and hangout a bit”?. “Well shore Ahv time ”, johnny responded. They then went
inside and proceeded to have unprotected sex on the floor of Martha bedroom as she did not want to
ruin her sheets. Johnny left in the early morning. It was an okay but unremarkable experience therefore
Martha did not think about the consequences of what happened that night until she missed her period.
She took a pregnancy test that confirmed her worst fears.

Two weeks later Martha waited in a room among other random girls. “None of them appeared very
healthy”, Martha thinks to herself. Her thoughts are cut short as she fights back the rising vomit
between her lips. She forced back. Though it's possible that she was experiencing morning sickness, she
felt like her body may have been pleading with her conscience to prevent her from descending any
farther into the territory where guilt was the only feeling possible. Martha after regaining her
composure gathered the bravery to approach the receptionist. Martha let out a sharp breath and gave
herself a tight hug.

The receptionist, Martha noticed, appeared to have not seen the sun in months. She appeared forlorn,
shriveled, and gray. “You need to fill the form, do you have any guests who might be joining you in the
office”?, inquired the receptionist. “No I’m here by myself”, replied Martha. To that answer the
receptionist smiled sympathetically.

Martha filled in the spaces with her neatest handwriting she could muster as if doing that would cancel
out the dimmish the impact of the decision she made. “I’m finished”, Martha said as she handed the
clipboard back to the receptionist. ”just wait until it your turn to go in”, responded the receptionist.
While Martha waited she saw lots of girls go through the metal doors. She wondered if any of the other
girls had backed out or changed their minds. She wondered if she would. Her name was called. It
sounded foreign and fuzzy in her ears. Then with one foot in front of the other she crossed the room
and walked through those doors just as many other girls that day had.

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