Lesson Plan Impact Through Art - Global Citizens

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Lesson Plan: Impact Through Art- Global Citizens

Highschool Adv.VA:Cr2.3-Demonstrate in works of art or design how visual and

students material culture defines, shapes, enhances, inhibits, and/ or empowers
9-12 people’s lives.

Objectives Students will be able to research and identify current events in a

country outside their own and through research, create
representational artwork using mixed media elements.

Supplies: Laptop, mixed media supplies recycled materials, pen, paper, pencils.

Introduction of lesson

Instructor will introduce the topic of

Global Citizens.
“What does it mean to be a global
Where throughout history do we see
examples of artists making an impact for
social change?
Art does more than cause us to find it
beautiful. It can make us feel emotions,
happy, sad, angry, and confused. We
feel these things because of our own
experiences. We as artists have the
power to make a change and its our
duty to think beyond ourselves and
become more worldly giving awareness
to what happens everywhere else in the

Teacher asks students to get out their Students get out laptops

Body of Lesson

Teacher says: Students begin research on their chosen

“Today you will be researching a country country and filling out the worksheet.
outside of our own and you will be
tasked with the follow:
Identify a few different cultures that
interest you- it may be because there is
strife in their country or their culture is
very different from your own.
Learn about current events in their
country, something about their culture
that stands out to you.
Decide what will be the focus of your
artwork. You must be able to answer the
question- how will your artwork make a
Look for things to celebrate about their
culture, look for things to promote, and
protect. Look for the injustice that can
be rectified.
Use your passion for their lives to put
energy into your art.”

Teacher passes out a worksheet for to

guide their research.

Teacher will be assessing their research

by walking around the room and guiding

Conclusion of Lesson

Teacher says “You will be expected to Students take home worksheet and
start your artwork by next class. You will continue researching until next class.
be writing a reflection on your research
and artwork experience and why you
designed your artwork they way you
Research Worksheet Name__________________________

Research 3 different countries and 2 current events in each country. After

completing the worksheet circle the one you will be doing and get it approved
by your teacher.

1. Country_____________________________________
○ Current event
○ Current event
○ Local cultural symbols- (animals, art, food, music, dance
○ Significant colors, textures
○ Mood_____________________________________________
2. Country_____________________________________
○ Current event
○ Current event
○ Local cultural symbols- (animals, art, food, music, dance
○ Significant colors, textures
○ Mood_____________________________________________
3. Country_____________________________________
○ Current event
○ Current event
○ Local cultural symbols- (animals, art, food, music, dance
○ Significant colors, textures
○ Mood_____________________________________________

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