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Nursing English Subject 1

Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

By Syahril, S.Pd., M.Pd


a. Informal Meeting and Greetings

It is usual for a third person to perform introductions in English. He will say:
 This is Mr. Willgo … This is Miss Winy Joli (at the same time indicating each
person with his hands).
How do you do? – How do you do?
 May I introduce you to Mr. Joko?..… This is Mr.Tatang.
How do you do – how do you do. or Pleased to meet you Pleased to meet you,
too. (especially in the USA). Remember that “How do you do” is only used after
intro ductions, and cannot be used for later meetings.

If there is no third person to introduce you, you can say:

 May I introduce myself? My name is (‘s) Doni.
How do you do? My name is (‘s) Mary.


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

 Men do not call themselves Mr. They use either their christian name and surname
as above, or just their surname. Women normally use both christian name and
surname; they may add Mrs, or Miss to avoid confusion.
Introducing a speaker:
 If you are introducing a speaker you should say (indicating the speaker with your
Ladies and gentlemen, Professor Iwan.
 Ladies and gentlemen, I have great pleasure introducing our guest speaker.
General Brown.
b. Times
The next time you meet:
 For the next and later meetings, to people whom you know, you can say:
 Good morning (until about lunch-time-12 midday).
 Good afternoon (till tea-time or just after – 5 to 6 p.m.).
 Good evening (till 12 midnight).
 The answers are the same.
 Do not say Good day, except in Australia.
 Do not used Good evening when leaving. Here Good night is used.
 When you know the person a little better, you may say:
How are you? I’m fine thanks.
The answer will be:
 Fine, thanks; or : Very well, thank you.
 Remember that the thank you or thanks should end the phrase, not begin it.
 If you are not well and wish to make this known, say: Not very well, or : Not too
well, I’m afraid.
 It is essential to use rising intonation in “I’m afraid”.
 Most English people only shake hands when they are introduced, or when
meeting after not seeing each other for a long time. They do not how for


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023



a. Subject pronouns and Object pronouns.


I Me
You You
He Him
She Her
It It
We Us
You You

a) I speak English. a) Joko knows me.
b) You speak Indonesian b) Joko knows you.
c) She speaks Arabic c) Joko knows her.
d) He speaks Dutch d) Joko knows him.
e) It starts at 8.00. e) Joko knows it.
f) We speak English f) Joko know us.
g) You speak English g) Joko know you.
h) They speak Japanese h) Joko knows them.

b. Possessive pronouns (kata ganti kepunyaan) and Reflexive pronouns

Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

Subject Possessive pronouns Reflexive pronouns

I My Myself
You Your Yourself
He His Himself
She Her Herself
It Its Itself
We Our Ourselves
You Your Yourselves
They Their Themselves

a. This is my college.
a) I myself saw the boy in the Mall.
b) This is your money.
c) You yourself broke the windowpane.
d) That is his new car.
e) He himself cooked the rice.
b. Complete the sentences by using pronouns.
1. Rita has a new book. ... bought ... last week.
2. I know the new students, but Tony does not know .... yet.
3. I write a letter, but I can not send ....because I don’t have stamp.
4. Tomy is in studying at a university.
5. Siska is my neighbour. I talk to ….every day.
6. I have two pictures on my bedroom. I like….very much.
7. My wife and I have new car. ……got…… last month.
8. Judy and Vina go to Bali to have honeymoon. ...stay in Hard Rock Hotel for a
9. Nia lives in my dooroom. I eat breakfast with …. every morning.
10. Dony and Dina have a dinner invitation. Mr. and Mrs. Black want…….to came
dinner at ……


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

a. Synonyms – adjectives.
 Write down a synonym for each of the words on the left. Choose from the ones on
the right.
 glad happy silent
 nice …… happy
 wonderful …… amusing
 awful …… boring
 strange …… rude
 very big …… inexpensive
 optimistic …… good-looking
 funny …… terrible
 handsome …… marvellous

Make sentences (ten sentences) by using the words above.

 She is a funny artist.
 Jean is a diligent student.

b. Verb, Adjective, and Noun,

Verb Adjective Noun
1. prevent accurate director
2. cure successful expert
3. defend skilful secretary
4. pay attention to sophisticated marksman
5. suffer reliable politician
6. cultivate responsible scholar
7. suffice durable scientist
8. relate capable actor
9. conserve advantageous artist
10. describe impossible moviegoer

 Command Requeat
 Sit down, please!
 Stand up, please!


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

 Turn around, please!

 Bend down, please!
 Lay down, please!
 Look up, please!
 Raise your arm, please!
 Move your head, please!
 Lift your leg.
 Arch your back.

(+) Subject + Was/Were + Verb (Ing) + Object
(-) Subject + Was/Were Not + Verb (Ing) + Object
(?) Was/Were + Subject + Verb (Ing) + Object
Time clauses: when, while, after, before
1. Betty was sleeping when I visited her.
2. When the teacher came, the students were playing chess.
3. I met my friends while I was walking.
4. After I graduated from Academy of Nursing, I got good Job.
5. Before I left home, I kissed my mother.
I was very unhappy when I first went to movie. I went there with some friends
when I was six years old. At first the teather was very bright and there was lovely
music. I felt quite happy then, however, when all the light went out. I felt afraid. Then
the movie began and I saw a train on the screen. The train was coming towards me. I
shouted out in fear and go down under my seat. All my friends strated to laugh when
they saw me. I felt ashamed and sad back in my seat. I watched the movie until the
end but I was glad when the movie ended.
(+) Subject + Verb 1 + s/es + Object
(-) Subject + Do/Does + Not + Verb 1 + Object


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

(?) Do/Does + Subject + Verb 1 + Object

1. Mr. Joko is very smart. He speaks four languages.
2. Rosa drink four cups of tea a day.
3. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
4. Susi is a teacher. She teach English to young children.
5. Peter wash his hair everyday.
Exercise :
Nurse Rosa is my favorite nurse, She cares all patients in the ward very
carefully. She is a very good nurse. She always speak calmly and explains about the
progress of patients diseases clearly, she is beautiful and smart. Every morning she
always smails and says hello to all patients in the ward. But sometimes she is angry
with patients when the patient do not follow the instruction. She always controls all of
the patient’s condition. At 10 o’clock in the morning she often takes vital signs of
patients. And sometimes she gives us medicines to take. When she has night shift,
she always controls all patients in the ward in the midle of night. If there is something
with her patient, she usually calls and reports to docter in charge at emergency room.
Nurse Rosa lives in hospital dormitory. So she doesn’t need a trasportation to go to
her dormitory. All patients in the ward like nurse Rosa very much.


(+) Subject + was/were + complement
(-) Subject + was/were + not + complement
(?) Was/were + subject + complement

 Adver af time simple past test:

Yesterday, yesterday morning, last night, last week, last month, las year, five
minutes ago, two minutes ago, last summur, last Monday.etc.
1. I was a student nurse at Yarsi Mataram in 1998. (noun person)
2. Mr. Soeharto died in 2005. He was a famous president in Asia. (Noun person)
3. They were in Udayana park last night. (adverb of place)
4. We were in class yesterday morning. (adverb of place)


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

5. Mr. Tony was very happy two days ago. (adjective)

Jany was going to campus this morning, a car knocked her down. Her right leg
was broken just below the knee. Some people who saw the accident laid her in
compertable position on the pavement and telephoned for an ambulance. The driver
of the car that knocked Jany down covered her with a coat and tried to comfort her.
When the ambulavce arrived, Jany was lifted into a stretcher. Put into ambulance
and driven to a hospital that was not far away. When she arrived at the casualty
department, she was admitted. The nurse was admitted her gave an injection of
morphine to combat the stock and the pain. The doctor who examined her compforted
her and told her everything will be all right. While the doctor was examining her, the
nurse who has admitted her took her and blood pressure. As Jany’s wound was
lacerated and contused, she was given an antibiotic to prevent the onset of infection.
She was taken to X-ray department, while the X-ray examining was being carried out.
Jany’s parents arrived at hospital. The doctor who examined Jany told them that Jeny
had sustained a compound fracture at tibia and fibula. He explained that an operation
was necessary and asked Mr. Joko to sign a consent form. While Mrs. Joko was
giving Jany’s particulars and previous medical history to the nurse. Before Jeny’s
parents left hospital, they were told when they could visit her and were given a list of
things that she would needed.


(+) Subject + am/is/are + going to + verb 1
(-) Subject + am/is/are + not + going to + verb 1
(?) Am/is/are + Subject + going to + verb 1

1. She is going to prepare the instruments.
2. We are going to come to Miss. Jeany’s party tomorrow.
3. We are going to go to swimming tomorrow night.
4. She is going to go to the doctor tomorrow morning.
5. I am going to buy a new shoes next week.


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

This Sunday I am going to Jogyakarta. I am going to travel by airplane. My
plane will arrive early on Monday morning. I am going to stay in a small hotel in the
city center. After I arrive at my hotel, I am going to go to see the brobudur temple. In
the afternoon I am going to see the Prambanan temple and in the evening, I really
want to go to Malioboro for dinner. I am going to go bed right after dinner because I
will be very tired by that time. On Monday morning after I have breakfast, I am going
to see the Sultant’s palace for one hour. Then I am going to go to Malioboro for
some shopping. I will buy shoes for my boyfiend / girlfriends/classmate /son, a bag
for my doughter. In the afternoon I will pack my suitcase and return to Mataram by
plane again. Then I get back, I will probably need a day off.


a. How to Introduce yourself in Good English?

A : Let me Introduce myself / I’d like to introduce myself to you, sir / mam.
B : My name’s.... / I’m can call me....I’m from / I come from....I was born in
Mataram 1st January.....I live at Langko street No. 35 Mataram. Now I’m 24 years
old. My hobbies are reading books and play volly ball and sometimes I like
travelling around the world.
A : Ok that sound interesting.
B : Bye bye.

A : What’s your name? Would you like tell me about yourself?
B : My nama’s Jony Siregar, you can call me Jon. / My complate name’s Jony
Siregar and everybody call me Jony and I graduated from STIKES YARSI
Mataram in 2018.
A : Do you have Job experiences?
B : Yes I do.


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

A : What’s that?
B : Yech, I’ve been working in hospital during one year.
A : What’s your motivation?
B : My big motivation, I want to improve my Nursing Skills in the hospital.
A : Oh...thats great sound.
B : Alright thank a lot sir.


a. Dialog in English between a nurse and a patien.

Key Vocabulary in phrase
 to take someone’s blood pressure: to check someone’s blood pressure (verb phrase).
 operation: surgical procedure (noun).
 fever: the temperature that is much higher than normal (noun).
 to check someone’s forehead: to put your hand between the eyes and hair to check
for a temperature (verb).
 slight fever: a body temperature that is slightly higher than normal (adjective + noun)
 thermometer: instrument used to measure a temperature (noun).
 to raise/lower the bof ed: putting the bed up or down in a hospital (verb).
 controls: the instrument that allows a patient to move the bed up or down (noun).
 pillow: a soft object that you put under your head when sleeping (noun).
b. Making an Appointment Phrases
 Make an appointment: schedule a time to see the doctor.
 Have you been in before?: used to ask if the patient has seen the doctor before.
 Physical examination: yearly check-up to see if everything is okay.
 Pull up a file: find a patient’s information.
 Not feeling very well: feel ill or sick.
 Urgent care: similar to an emergency room, but for everyday problems.
 A slot: an available time to make an appointment.
 Is there anything open?: used to check if there is an available time for an
 Pencil someone in: to schedule an appointment.

Key Vocabulary


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

 Medical billing specialist:  a person who processes charges to insurance

companies (noun);
 Insurance provider: a company that insurances people for their health care
 Medicare: a form of insurance in the US for people over 65 (noun)
Co-payment/ co-pay: partial payment of your medical bill (noun)
 Medication: medicine (noun);

Dialog 02 :
Helping a Patient
Patient : Nurse, I think I might have a fever. It’s so cold in here!
Nurse : Here, let me check your forehead.
Patient : What do you think?
Nurse : You feel a bit warm. Let me get a thermometer to check.
Patient : How do I raise my bed? I can’t find the controls.
Nurse : Here you are. Is that better?
Patient : Could I have another pillow?
Nurse : Certainly, Here you are. Is there anything else I can do for you?
Patient : No, thank you.
Nurse : OK, I’ll be right back with the thermometer.
Patient : Oh, just a moment. Can you bring me another bottle of water, too?
Nurse : Certainly, I’ll be back in a moment.
…………. later (coming in the room)…………
Nurse : I’m back. Here’s your bottle of water. Please put the thermometer under
your tongue.
Patient : Thank you.
...............(puts the thermometer under the tongue) ..........
Nurse : Yes, you have a slight fever. I think I’ll take your blood pressure as well.
Patient : Is there anything to worry about?
Nurse : No, no. Everything’s fine. It’s normal to have a bit of fever after an
operation like yours!
Patient : Yes, I’m so glad everything went well.
Nurse : You’re in good hands here! Please hold out your arm.


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

 Patient : Nurse, I think I might have a fever. It’s so cold in here!
 Nurse : Here, let me check your forehead.
 Nurse : You feel a bit warm. Let me get a thermometer to check.
 Patient : How do I raise my bed? I can’t find the controls.
 Nurse : Certainly, Here you are. Is there anything else I can do for you?
 Nurse : OK, I’ll be right back with the thermometer.
 Patient : Oh, just a moment. Can you bring me another bottle of water, too?
 Nurse : I’m back. Here’s your bottle of water. Please put the thermometer under
your tongue.
 Nurse : Yes, you have a slight fever. I think I’ll take your blood pressure as well.
 Patient: Is there anything to worry about?
 Nurse : No, no. Everything’s fine. It’s normal to have a bit of fever after an
operation like yours!

c. Part of the body

Ankle pergelangan kaki 
Arm lengan 
Artery pembuluh 
Back kembali 
Beard jenggot 
Belly perut 
big toe ibu jari
Blood darah 
Bone tulang 
Breast payudara 
Buttocks pantat 
Calf betis 
calf (plural: calves) betis 
Cheek pipi 
Chest dada 
Chin dagu 
Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

Ear telinga 
Elbow siku 
Eye mata 
Eyebrow alis 
Eyelash bulu mata 
eyelash, lash bulu mata, bulu 
Eyelid kelopak mata 
Finger jari 
Fingernail kuku tangan 
Fist kepalan tangan
foot (plural: feet) kaki  
Forehead dahi 
Hair rambut 
Hand tangan 
Head kepala 
Heel tumit 
Hip panggul 
Jaw rahang 
Joint Sendi
Knee lutut 
Knuckle tulang buku jari
Leg kaki 
Lip bibir 
lower leg tungkai bawah 
Moustache kumis 
Mouth mulut 
Muscle otot 
navel / belly button Pusar
Neck leher 
Nose hidung 
Nostril lubang hidung 
Rib tulang rusuk 
Shoulder bahu 
Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

Skin kulit 
Skull tengkorak 
Spine tulang belakang 
Stomach perut 
Sweat berkeringat 
Thigh paha 
Throat tenggorokan 
Thumb jempol 
Toe kaki 
Toenail kuku jari kaki 
Tongue lidah 
tooth (plural: teeth) Gigi
underarm, forearm ketiak, lengan 
upper arm lengan atas 
Vein pembuluh darah 
Waist pinggang 
Wrist pergelangan tangan 


Brain Otak
Liver Hati
Heart Hati
Lungs paru-paru
Kidneys Ginjal
Intestines Usus


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023


Smell Penciuman
Touch Menyentuh
Sight Penglihatan
Hearing Pendengaran
Taste Perasa


a. Interview Peoploe about Personal Information:

A: Hi girls... I need your help. My teacher gave me an assignment. I have to interview

some people tomorrow, but I don’t really know how to ask the questions.
B: Well.. it depends. What kind of information do you need?
A: Personal information, like name.
A: Well.. you can ask (1.a) what’s your name? My name’s...
B: Yes.... If you want to be more formal, you can say (1.b) may I know your
A: How about addresses?
B: Well, you can ask (2a.) where do you live or (2b) what is your address?
A: I see. And how do I ask about the person’s job?
A: (3a.) What do you do?
B: (3.b) What’s your present occupation?
A: guys are great.
B: Ofcourse we are. What else do you want to know?
A: Hobbies....
B: (4a) What are your hobbies? My hobbies are....
D: Are you interested in sports?
B: What do you do for fun?
A: Slow down...slow down...Last but not least.
D: You can say....(5a) Where do you come from? Or Where are you from?


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

A: Wow....I should study with you guys more often.

D: We don’t mind.
B: If you promise to buy “BAKSO” for us later.
A: Never mind.

b. Interview phrase:
Wawancara Sebagai Perawat
A: Hello. Good afternoon. I am Mr. Syahril and I will be the one interviewing you today.
Are you ready?

B: Of course. Good afternoon, sir. How are you? A: I’m good, thank you. Let’s start with
the most basic question. Could you tell me a little bit about yourself?

B: Of course. I graduated from Yarsi with nursing major in 2018. I have been working at
a local hospital for two years as a nurse and enjoying every second of it.

A: So you love being a nurse? Why did you first decided that you wanted to be a nurse?

B: I do, I really love being a nurse. I actually have dreamed of becoming a nurse since I
was in elementary school. (Benar, saya sangat suka menjadi perawat. Saya
sebenarnya telah bercita-cita menjadi perawat sejak SD.

A: Alright. You also mentioned that you have worked for 2 years as a nurse. During
your experience, have you ever come across a patient that wasn’t satisfied with your

B: Of course. I believe it’s a normal thing to encounter in this line of job. But what I did is
I try to assess what went wrong. Maybe they act like that because of their own
problem, or maybe it’s because of me. If it’s because of me I would take time to
reflect and try to be more understanding towards my patients.

A: Okay. So, last question. Tell us why we should hire you?

B: I believe that I could contribute a lot to your hospital and that all of my energy and
care would totally be focused on helping and taking care of my patients.

A: Alright. That’s about it. Do you have any question?


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

B: Maybe I would just like to ask about the work hours?

A: We work in shift here, so there’s 3 shifts, day, evening, and night. Your shift will
rotate every week.

B: Understood. Thank you so much for having me.

A: You’re welcome. We will let you know the result by the end on this week. Have a
good day.

c. Dokter dengan Pasien dan Perawat

Compersation 1:
Doctor : Good morning Cindy, Are you feeling better? Is there any progress with your
condition? Sel
Patient : Yes sir, I am feeling better. But sometimes I really feel weary, whereas I feel really
healthy before that. Is it normal or not doctor?
Doctor : Yes that is really normal. That symptom indicates you will be healthy. May I check
your body temperature and blood pressure please?
Patient : Yes, of course doctor. Ya, tentu saja dokter.
Doctor : After I checked, your body temperature is 38o C and your blood pressure is 120/
80. I can diagnose that your healthy is getting better, your blood pressure has
been normal, but your body temperature is still high. You need to have more rest
to make it better.
Patient : How about the medicine sir? I have to consume the new medicine or the previous
medicine? Bagaimana dengan obatnya dok?
Doctor : You have still to consume the previous one. The nurse will give the medicine that I
recommend. By the way, how’s about the service here? Is there any problem
about that?
Patient : I am satisfied about the service. The nurse is very friendly and the facility is very
well. They also keep my room sanitation. So I am very comfort being cared here.
Doctor : Okay I have to visit the other patient, if there is complaint about your condition.
Just call me. I will come to your room. Get well soon and good morning.
Patient : Ok doctor. Thank you for checking me today. Good morning. Ok dokter.

d. Dr. Joko schedule in the Public Hospital.


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

Mrs. Jenny : Good morning, Nurse.

Nurse : Good morning, is there anything...I can do for you, mom?
Mrs.Jenny : Yes, I am looking for schedule of dr. Joko in this hospital.
Nurse : Let me see the schedule first, which one is dr. Joko, the tall one or the
short one.
Mrs.Jenny : The tall one.
Nurse : The tall one, is he a surgeon, Mam?
Mrs.Jenny : Yes, that’s right, he is a surgion.
Nurse : Well mam, dr. Joko’s schedule is on Monday, Wednesday, and
Mrs.Jenny : In the morning or in the afternoon, Nurse?
Nurse : For Monday and Saturday, his clinical hours is at 9.00 to 11 in the
Mrs.Jenny : What about on Wednesday?
Nurse : For Wednesday, he has schedule in this hospital is at 5.00 until 8.00
Mrs.Jenny : I see, and by the way, where is dr. Joko’s room?
Nurse : dr. Joko’s room is on the third floor, room number 3.
Mrs.Jenny : Thanks a lot.
Nurse : No problem.


a. Practice in Dialoqes
A : Susi, did you see my slippers?
B : Where did you leave them?
A: Well, I think I left them in the common room. Remember? The ones with long ears?
They look like heads of rabbits.
B: Somebody must have taken them. They really look fancy.
Look Like + Noun
a. Look like is an expression of comparison describing resemblance / kemiripan to
someone or something. In referring / menunjuk to people, who is used.
 Who does Tony look like? (mother)
He looks like his mother.
Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

 Who does Anna look like? (father)

She’s looks like her father.
 Who do you look like? (uncle)
I look like my uncle.

b. Referring to things.
 What does an airplane look like? (a big bird).
It looks like a big bird.
 What does your house look like? ( Mr. Bowo).
Its looks like mr. Bowo’s house.
c. Look like can ask for a description. Note that what, in this case, is used for both
people and things. In the answers, an adjective or a descriptive phrase is used
instead / sebagai gantinya of a noun.
 What does Yosy look like?
She’s tall and beautiful.
 What does Mataram town look like?
It’s very clean and beautiful.


a. Percakapan Pasien Rawat Jalan (Outpatient Patients)

Admission : Good afternoon Mam. How can I help you?
Patient : I want to check up. I have a headache. Where should I go?
Admission : Here we have a GP (General Practitioners) and a specialist. Which one do you
want to choose, Mam?
Patient : I want to see a general practitioner.
Admission : As you can see, there is still a line. Please take queue first. We will call you
later. Please take a seat and wait patiently.
Admission : Queue No. 23. (Calling the patient). Excuse me Mam, have you been here
before or is this for the first time?
Patient : This is the first time.


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

Admission : If this is the first time, may I borrow your Passport / Identity Card, Mam?
Patient : This is my ID.
Admission : Thank you Mam. I borrow this ID to be copied. Here Mam I return your ID.
Please don’t lose it. After that, please fill in this form.
Patient : Alright, here it is.
Admission : Thank you Mam for filling out the form. Please wait a moment, I will input the
data first. This is the evidence of the registration, please take it to the
general polyclinic. Later you will be called according to queue number.
Please go to the 2nd floor then turn right.
Patient : Alright, thank you.
Percakapan 2: Pasien Rawat Inap (Inpatients).
Admission : Hello good afternoon. How may I help you, Sir?.
Patient : Good afternoon. I was advised by a doctor for hospitalization.
Admission : Okay Sir. There is currently a queue. You can pick up the queue first and
then I will call you. Queue No. 18. (Calling the patient). Excuse me Sir, are
you here through the general patient line or using insurance?
Patient : I use insurance.
Admission : Well sir, may I know what the name of the insurance is?
Patient : The insurance is HELP Insurance.
Admission : For your information, please inform the insurance company if we do not
cooperate directly with overseas insurance. We have cooperation with
some third party insurance, such as Health Assistance, 123 Assist, Nature
Medica, and so on. Please contact your insurance first to inform that you
are hospitalized in this hospital.
Patient : Okay, I’ll call now.
Admission : Sorry sir, do you want to stay in hospital here without waiting for a guarantee
or wait for the guarantee given first then agree for hospitalization?
Patient : I will wait for the guarantee given first.
Admission : Alright Sir.

b. Having Medicine at the Hospital

What is the problem? Ada masalah apa?
What seems to be the problem? Apa yang sepertinya menjadi masalah?


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

What's the matter? Ada apa?

How may I help you? Bagaimana saya bisa membantu Anda?
Apa yang membuat Anda datang hari
What have you come in for today?
I'd like to schedule/ I'd like to make an
Saya ingin membuat jadwal / janji.
Pernahkah Anda berobat ke rumah sakit
Have you been to this hospital before?
ini sebelumnya?
Can I get your name?/ May I have your name? Bisakah saya tahu nama Anda?
I haven't been feeling very well. Saya masih merasa tidak enak badan.
How long have you been having the pain? Berapa lama Anda sudah merasa sakit?
Berapa lama punggung Anda terasa
How long has your back been bothering you? mengganggu?
Where does it hurt? Yang mana yang sakit?
How long has it hurt? Sudah berapa lama sakitnya?
Apakah Anda telah melakukan atau
Have you done or eaten anything unusual in the
makan sesuatu yang tidak biasa dalam
last few days?
beberapa hari terakhir?
Let's check your blood pressure, pulse, and Mari kita periksa tekanan darah, denyut
temperature. nadi, dan suhu tubuh Anda.
Anda butuh suntikan dan saya akan
You need an injection and I'll give you
memberi Anda resep untuk pil pereda
aprescription for pain pills.
Can't I have a pill instead, I hate shots. Tidak bisakah saya mendapat pil saja,
saya benci suntik.

Making an Appointment

Receptionist : Good evening! How may I help you?

Mary White : Hello! I’m Mary White. I’d like to make an appointment to see Dr. Ryan.
Recepsionist : Certainly. What seems to be the problem?
Mary White : I’d like to have my annual check-up.


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

Recepsionist : I’d be happy to do that for you. Have you been here before?
Mary White : Yes, I have. My last check-up was one year ago.
Recepsionist : When would you be available to come in to see Dr. Ryan?
Mary White : Any day next week in the evening would be great.
Recepsionist : How about the day after tomorrow at 7 pm?
 Mary White : That sounds fine. Thank you.
 Recepsionist : We’ll see you soon, Mrs. White. Good bye.


Doctor : Good afternoon! What’s recently. 

Doctor : Do you have any serious history of joint problems?
 Patient : No, this is the first time.
 Doctor : Are you taking any medicine at the moment?
 Patient : No, just an aspirin from time to time to kill the pain.        
Doctor : Okay. Let me have a look at your knees.


Pharmacist : Good morning, may I help you?

Patient : Yes, I need this prescription filled.
Pharmacist : OK, it would be ready in a few minutes.      
Patient : I also need some good band-aids. Could you recommend me
Pharmacist : The band-aids on aisle 3, the good ones are on the top shelf.
Patient : Thanks.

c. Asking the Security about the ward

Woman : Excuse me. Can you help me, please?

Security : What can I do for you?
Woman : I want to go to the ward room number 404. But I can’t find it.
Security : The ward is in the 4th floor, Ma’am. The room you’re looking for is the
fourth room from the elevator.


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

Woman : How can I get to the 4th floor? Can I use the elevator?
Security : You can take the stairs or the elevator for visitor.
Woman : Alright. Thank you. Wanita:
Security : You’re welcome.

d. Registering to the hospital’s clinic

Nurse : Good morning! How may I help you?

Girl : I’m here to check up on my stomachache.
Nurse : Certainly. Have you been here before?
Girl : Yes, I have been here before.
Nurse : I need to check your identity first. What is your name?
Girl : My name is Jen Wither. Nama saya Jen Wither
Nurse : Can you spell your name, please?
Girl : Jen Wither. J-E-N W-I-T-H-E-R. Jen Wither. J-E-N W-I-T-H-E-R.
Nurse : Of course, Ms. Wither. You’re registered on the database.
Girl : When is Dr. Mayer available?
Nurse : Dr. Mayer will be available today in around half an hour. You can wait on the
waiting room and we will inform you when it’s your turn.
Girl : Sure. Thank you.
Nurse : You’re welcome.

e. Asking the nurse about the doctor’s visit

Woman : Excuse me.
Nurse : Yes, Ma’am. How can I help you?
Woman : I am from ward room number 404.
Nurse : Oh, you are Mr. Ryan’s family, then?
Woman : Yes, right.
Nurse : What can I do for you?
Woman : When is the next doctor’s visit?
Nurse : If it’s gastroenteritis patient, then it will be Dr. Narpy.
Woman : When will Dr. Narpy visit?


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

Nurse : Please wait within today. He will visit around 5pm to 7pm or you can inform me
again later. Mohon tunggu dalam hari ini.
Woan : Of course. Thank you.
Nurse : No problem.

f. Asking doctors about the patient’s condition

Doctor : Hello, Ms. Wither.

Girl : Hi, Dr. Mayer.
Doctor : So, we are going to talk about your last checkup.
Girl : Could you tell me my test results? How was it?
Doctor : This is your test result. I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.
Girl : So, basically, I am okay?
Doctor : Your stomachache is due to irregular eating schedule.
Girl : Thank God.
Doctor : At first, I’m afraid you might have GERD but there wasn’t any other symptom.
Girl : So, what was the cause?
Doctor : Aside from irregular eating schedule, you also ate to much spicy food. Try to
restrain yourself from any spicy food from now.
Girl : Certainly.
Doctor : I’ll write you a prescription for your stomachache.
Girl : Thank you, Doc.

g. At the Emergency Room (Di IGD)

Man : Please help! Somebody!

Doctor : What’s the problem?
Man : I think she broke her arm. I helped her on the street.
Doctor : What happened to her?
Man : She had a motorbike accident.
Doctor : Ma’am, where are you feeling the pain?
Woman : My left arm.
Doctor : Can you move it? Can you feel anything?


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

Woman : I can’t feel my arm.

Doctor : We should do an X-ray first.
Man : Is it bad, Doc?
Doctor : We need further diagnose. Please call her family or relative.
Man : Sure. I can look for her contacts.

h. Asking doctor about an surgical procedure

Woman : How is my arm, Doctor? Is it bad?
Doctor : We need to perform a surgical procedure on your left arm.
Woman : Is it broken?
Doctor : Yes, we saw a fracture on your X-ray result.
Woman : Oh my God. That’s awful.
Doctor : It is just a small fracture. Don’t worry.
Woman : How’s the procedure?
Doctor : We will physically move the bones back into place to align the bones correctly.
Woman : Is it dangerous?
Doctor : No. Really, it’s a standard surgery that common people receive. You’ll be
perfectly okay.
Woman : How long is the recovery?
Doctor : Recovery time can vary depending on every patient’s condition. But you will get
better after six weeks or so.
Woman : Do I need to wear a cast?
Doctor : A half cast will be applied and will be removed around three weeks after the
Woman : Okay, then. Thank you for helping me.

i. At the Hospital Cashier

Girl : Good evening.
Cashier : Good evening. May I help you?
Girl : I’d like to make a payment in the name of Jen Wither.
Cashier : Could you wait a second please.
Girl : Sure.


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

Cashier : Here’s the bill for your doctor’s visit today. The amount is Rp 15000. Do you want
to pay in cash or by health insurance?
Girl : Do you accept Medi Care health insurance?
Cashier : Yes, we do.
Girl : I’d like to pay with my health insurance then. Here’s my card.
Cashier : Please, hold on while we pull up your file.
Girl : Great.
Cashier : This is for your partial payment. The remaining amount is Rp 5000.000,-
Girl : Here it is.
Cashier : This is your receipt. Thank you very much. Hope you get well soon!

j. At the hospital’s pharmacy

Pharmacist : Hello! How can I help you?
Girl : Hi, I’d like to pick up a prescription.
Pharmacist : Okay, give me the doctor’s note.
Girl : Here it is.
Pharmacist : One moment please. I’ll have it ready for you shortly.
Girl : Certainly, thank you.
Pharmacist : Here’s your meds. Take the green tablet 45 minutes before meal, three
times a day. And then, take this blue and white capsule one each, after
meal three times a day.
Girl : Alright, thank you, Sir.

k. Please say the following words into the right pronunciation and find the
meanings of it.
1. Attack-Terserang
2. Subside-
3. Persist-Bertahan Hidup
4. Swell-
5. Soreness- Sakit
6. Irritation-
7. Analgesic-Meringankan nyeri
Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

8. Antipyretics-Penurun Panas
9. Birth-
10. Feverish-Merasa Demam
11. Track-
12. Contagious-Menular
13. Shrink-
14. Protuberance-Bengkak/ (n) Pembengkakan

l. Dialogue (Understand the meaning then practice it with your friends)

Shinta sends her classmate Dina, who’ve just got accident to the emergency unit of Graha
Husada Hospital. “Soon after arriving there”

Shinta : Help…. Help…… nurse….. she is injure.

Dina : Ouh….. I feel pain on my leg.

....A nurse comes to them....

Nurse : What’s the matter?

That will be alright.

Get in, please…

....Shinta and the nurse move Dina to the stretch....

Nurse : Not too strong….

Calm down, please.

Shinta : Yes, of course.

Dina : Oh my Got…… it’s so painfull.

....Nurse let them to take pethidine and some gauze....

Nurse : You will be alright, miss....


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

Dina : Thank you, Nurse.

Shinta : Does she have a serious injure, nurse?

Nurse : Let me call the doctor first....

....A doctor comes....

Doctor : No, matter on your leg. That will be fine.

....Doctor touches Dina’s leg...

Dina : It’s so pain, doctor.

Doctor : You have got fracture.

...Nurse, schedule it for her operation?!...

Nurse : Yes. Doctor.

Dina : Excuse me, have I got operation doctor?

Shinta : Yes alright, Dina.

Dina : No… God….. Help me.

Nurse : Be calm down Dina..

...You will be better soon....

Dina : But nurse…..

Doctor : Don’t take it not too serious…. this is only minor operation.

....So, are you ready?...

Dina : If it is must, I will… Please do your best doctor….?!

Doctor : Yes, surely…..No worry....


Nursing English Subject 1
Designated by : Syahril,M.Pd
@right_Maret 2023

Bradley, R. (2008). English For Nursing and Health Care . Mc Graw Hill:New York,.
Cox, K & Hill, D (2004). English For Academic Purposes. Pearson Longman : Australia
Easwood, J (1999). Oxford Practice Grammar. Oxford University Press: China
Kerr. R. & Smith, J., (1982) . NUCLEUS. English for Science and Technology.
Longman:USA Redaksi PM (2012). Buku Jagoan Cepat Menguasai Grammar. Pustaka
Makmur : Jakarta Salina, S & Mastura,M (2008). Nursing Your English. Pearson Prentice
Hall : Malaysia Soars,L & John (…) New Headway English Course. Oxford University
Press: OxfordNurusshobah & Wahyudiantari,P,W,N. 2014. Practice Your Vocabulary
Mastery. Bandung: Mujahid Press
York Associates. 1999.English for Meeting. England: York Associates
York Associates. 1999.English for Presentation. England: York Associates


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