Mock Exam No. 1 - 040518 PDF

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First day at school

Are the sentences true or false?

1. T​ heir teacher is a man. True False

2. ​Jing knows where the classroom is. True ​ False

Inviting someone to the cinema

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

3. Ismael is
a) ​OK, but a bit ill b) OK, but has a lot of homework c) OK, but a bit bored.
4. ​‘Light and dark’ is
a) ​a horror film. b) ​a science fiction film. c) ​a romantic comedy.
5. ​The comedy film is about
a) ​a family. b) ​shop. ​c) ​school.
6. ​Jack hates
a) ​horror films b) ​romantic films c) ​science fiction films
7. ​They decide to see a
a) ​romcom b) ​horror film ​c) ​science fiction film
8. ​They decide to meet at
a) ​7 o’clock b) half​past six ​c) ​7:30 pm

In this section of the test, you will have to choose the answer that best completes the conversation.

9. ​Hi I’m your next door neighbor. Nice to meet you.

Are you new here? What’s your name?
a) ​That’s O. K. Kimmy. b) ​I’m not. My name is K – i – m – m – y. c) ​Yes, I am. I’m Kimmy. d) ​No. I like Kim.
10. ​How old are you?
a) ​I have eighteen. b) ​I have eighteen years old. c) ​I’m eighteen. d) ​I do have eighteen.
11. ​What do you enjoy doing on holidays?
a) ​surf on the internet b) ​going to the beach c) ​to stay at home and watch TV d) ​Went on holidays
12. ​Can you play the piano?
a) ​No, I couldn’t. b) ​Yes, I can. c) ​Yes, I do. d) ​No, I play.
13. ​Where _____________ live when you were a child?
a) ​did you use to b) ​do you c) ​did you use d) did​you
14. ​I ________ start exercising and eating healthy food.
a) ​want b) ​am going to c) ​am d) ​going to
15. ​The teacher is not here, he __________ be sick because he is always on time!
a) ​shall b) ​must c) ​should d) ​will
16. ​My friend _______ for the exam since the beginning of the semester.
a) ​have been studying b) ​study c) ​has been studying d) ​have studied


20. ​Are the children finished? Yes, ______________.
a) ​they’re b) ​their are c) ​they are d) ​there are
21. ​What ________ for a living?
a) ​does Jack do b) ​do Jack c) ​Jack does do Jack does
22. ​_________ don’t like spending their holidays on the beach.
a) ​Nobody b) ​Any people c) ​Some people d) ​Anybody
23. ​My dad enjoys __________ soccer on the weekends.
a) ​to watch b) ​watching c) ​watch d) ​washing

Eating out
Are the sentences true or false?
24. ​The customers want two tables. True False
 25. ​The two customers order the same starter. True False
26. ​The customers order cold drinks. True False
Going to the cinema
27. ​Which film are Mario and Tamara going to see?
a) ​Mr. and Mrs. Jones b) ​War Games c) Robot​2075 d) ​King Robert V e) ​Forever ​f) ​Midnight Moon
28. ​What time does the film they want to see start?
a) ​12. 00 p. m. b) ​2. 30 p. m. c) ​5. 20 p. m. d) ​7. 00 p. m. e) ​7. 15 p. m. f) ​7. 30 p. m.
29. ​What time are Mario and Tamara going to meet?
a) ​12. 00 p. m. b) ​2. 30 p. m. c) ​5. 20 p. m. d) ​7. 00 p. m. e) ​7. 15 p. m. f) ​7. 30 p. m.

30. ​I have been living in Madrid _________.
a) ​since ten years b) ​ten years ago c) ​for ten years d) ​ten years
31​. This is the __________ thing I have ever done
a) ​harder b) ​hardest c) ​hard d) ​more hard
32. ​Have you finished with the newspaper ________?
a) ​still b) ​already c) ​now d) ​yet
33. ​If I study for my exam, I _______.
a) ​will pass for sure b) ​would pass for sure c) ​had to to pass for sure d) ​passed for sure
34. ​Michael is ______________ his sister.
a) ​not so clever than b) ​not as clever than c) ​not as clever as d) ​no so clever as
35. ​What _______ now?
a) ​does she b) ​you do c) ​will you do d) ​did she
36. ​He hasn’t got _______ friends.
a) ​many b) ​few c) ​a lot d) ​much
37. ​I have arranged _____________ dinner with Barb on Thursday.
a) ​to have b) ​having c) ​have had d) ​had

In this section you have to choose the best option that completes the sentences.
41. ​The classroom __________ during summer vacation.
a) ​was painted b) ​had been painted c) ​had painted d) ​painted
42. ​I got up so late that I ____________ had time to get to the exam on time.
a) ​roughly b) ​hardly c) ​utterly d) ​hard
43. ​Tom ____________ to the practice exam if he had been remembered the date.
a) ​goes b) ​may go c) ​might have gone d) ​will go
44. ​The instructor is advising that during the exam, some expected difficulties ____________
a) ​raised b) ​raise c) ​have risen d) ​have arisen
45. ​The instructor _____________ 450 exams last semester if he had had time.
a) ​should apply b) ​would have applied c) ​can apply d) ​applies

Theme Parks
Check your understanding. Do this exercise while you listen. Circle True or False for these sentences.

46. ​ ndy Wells has written a guide to theme parks around the world.
A True False
47. ​Cedar Point in Ohio has life-sized moving dinosaurs. True False
48. ​At the Islands of Adventure in Florida you can meet Harry Potter. True False
49. ​A dark ride is a ride inside a building. True False

50. ​Magic Kingdom at Disney World in Florida has

a) ​the largest area b) ​the most rides c) ​th​e biggest nu
​ mber of visitors.
51. ​Cedar Point in Ohio is introducing
a) ​​a new rollercoast​er b) ​more frightening c) ​animatronic dinosaurs.
52. ​Andy thinks a wingcoaster is
a) ​more relaxing b​) ​more frightening ​c) ​more exciting than a normal rollercoaster.

53. ​Andy thinks the tour of Hogwarts School

a) ​is better for young children ​b) ​was really well done c) ​just a way of selling magic sweets.
54. ​Lotte World, a huge park in South Korea, has
a) ​the world’s biggest indoor theme park ​b) ​the most water rides in the world c) ​has a New York street section.
55. ​China will soon have
a) ​the world’s biggest dinosaur tour ​b) ​the world’s biggest zoo c) ​the world’s tallest Ferris wheel.
For questions 56 - 59, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using​the word in
bold​. You cannot change the word in bold in ANY way. You can use only a maximum of ​FIVE​words for each space.
Example:​ ​Harry isn't here. He went to lunch twenty minutes ago.
Harry isn't here. He _____________lunch.

56. ​He doesn't have enough money to buy the computer.

The computer _______________________________________to buy.
57​. The man suddenly realized that the neighbor was watching him.
The man suddenly realized that he_____________________________________ the neighbor.
58​. We paid some people to landscape the garden for us last year.
We _____________________________________last year.
59. ​They started the company in 1997.
The company __________________________________1997.

60. ​A doctor is a person _________is skilled in the science of medicine.
a) ​who b) ​whom c) ​whose d) ​which
61. ​Peter told me that he _________ in the tutoring session to help me study.
a) ​will b) ​should be c) ​would be d) ​is
62. ​Catalan _________ in Catalonia and Galician in Galicia
a) ​is spoken b) ​speaks c) ​is speak d) ​spoke
63. ​I like all of James Bond movies. I specially like the one filmed in Mexico City.
a) ​Neither I. b) ​So do I. c) ​So am I. d) ​Neither do I.

64. ​Can you tell me where ___________

a) ​is the park b) ​is it the park c) ​the park is d) ​it is the park

Adventure Travel
Time for an Adventure?
Are you a bit bored with your nine-to-five routine? Have a look at our exciting range of holidays and decide what type of adventure you’d like.
Activity holidays. ​Our activity holidays are for everyone, people who love danger or who just like sports. We have a huge variety of water, snow
or desert holidays. We’ll take you SCUBA diving in the Red Sea or kayaking and white water rafting in the Canada. If you prefer snow, you can try
skiing or snowboarding in the Alps or even igloo-building. For those who like warmer weather, we also have sandboarding (the desert version of
skateboarding) or camel safaris.
Polar expeditions. ​Take a cruise to Antartica or the northern Artic; explore a land of while natural beauty and wonderful wildlife. Our experts will
explain everything about the two poles as you watch the penguins in Antartica or whales and polar bears in the Artic. There’s no greater
adventure than travelling to the ends of the earth. A once-in-a-lifetime experience!
Cultural journeys Our cultural journeys will help you discover ancient civilizations: India, Thailand, Egypt and many more. Visit temples, palaces
and ancient ruins – just remember to bring your camera! Get to know local ways of life by exploring markets, trying exotic foods and meeting local
Trekking tours. ​We have trekking holidays to famous places such as Machu Picchu or the Everest Base Campo Trek, as well as some nearer to
home in the Highlands of Scotland. You don’t need to be very sporty, just fairly fit. You’ll have a great time enjoying nature with a group of new
friends. Some of the holidays include camping, but we’ll transport the tents for you.
Wildlife holidays. ​We organize small group tours to get closer to nature in Africa, Asia or South America. Go on safari In Africa and watch lions
and giraffes. Meet the famous turtles of the Galapagos Islands. Look for tigers in India, or take and elephant safari in Sri Lanka. We use local
guides and stay in a range of accommodation, from tents to tree houses.

Check your understanding: multiple choice Circle all the holidays that answer the question.
65. ​On which holiday(s) can you see animals?
a) ​Activity holidays ​b) ​Polar expeditions ​c) ​Cultural journeys​d) ​Trekking tours​e) ​Wildlife holidays
66. ​On which holiday(s) do you need to be reasonably fit?
a) ​Activity holidays ​b) ​Polar expeditions ​c) ​Cultural journeys ​d) ​Trekking tours e​) ​Wildlife holidays
67. ​On which holiday(s) can you meet local people?
a) ​Activity holidays ​b) ​Polar expeditions ​c) ​Cultural journeys ​d) ​Trekking tours e​) ​Wildlife holidays
68. ​On which holiday(s) can you go camping?
a) ​Activity holidays ​b) ​Polar expeditions ​c) ​Cultural journeys ​d) ​Trekking tours e​) ​Wildlife holidays
69. ​On which holiday(s) might you go up a mountain?
a) ​Activity holidays ​b) ​Polar expeditions ​c) ​Cultural journeys ​d) ​Trekking tours e​) ​Wildlife holidays
70. ​On which holiday(s) might you need special clothes or shoes?
a) ​Activity holidays ​b) ​Polar expeditions ​c) ​Cultural journeys ​d) ​Trekking tours e​) ​Wildlife holidays
High-achieving teenagers
Check your understanding. Do this exercise while you listen. Circle the best option to complete these sentences.
71. ​Many famous and successful teenagers __________________.
a) ​have used new technology b) ​worked from an early age ​c) ​been inspired by YouTube videos.
72. ​Justin Bieber started off __________________.
a) ​singing with R&B star Usher b) ​sending videos to talent scouts ​c) ​posting videos on YouTube.
73. ​Some people say Justin Bieber is the most influential person in the world because __________________.
a) ​he has had so many number one songs b) ​he has so many followers on Twitter ​c) ​he is friends with Barack Obama.
74. ​A negative consequence of fame for Justin Bieber is __________________.
a) ​he has very little privacy b) ​people get bored of hearing about him ​c) ​people criticize his appearance.
75. ​Tavi Gevinson started a fashion blog __________________.
a) ​when she was 11 years old b) ​when she was in 11th grade in high school ​c) ​in 2011.
76. “​Rookie” means __________________.

a) ​a beginner b) ​a fan c) ​someone who is bad at something.
77. ​Style Rookie __________________.
a) ​allowed readers to post pictures of themselves ​b) ​soon had a lot of readers ​c) ​was noticed by Karl Lagerfeld.
78. ​When some people didn't believe her age, Tavi __________________.
a) ​was sad and angry at first ​b) ​decided to attack them in return c) ​completely ignored them and continued working.
79. ​Tavi employs __________________.
a) ​only teenagers b) ​writers and photographers of all ages c) ​a very small group of people.
80. ​Louise thinks __________________.
a) ​it’s difficult for Tavi to have a normal life b) ​there’s more pressure when you are a writer
c) ​there’s more pressure when you are a performer.

Read the following paragraphs which are not placed in order. After studying each paragraph, match the paragraph to the
letter that shows the order it should be in, according to the incidents. Choose one of the letters from “a” to “e” to find the
correct order in which the paragraphs should be placed.
81. ​I am happy to say that at 22 years old, I finally learnt how to ride a bike, and nothing can hold me back.
a b c d
82. ​British children generally learn how to ride a bike at a young age after being taught by their parents. I am an exception to that rule.
It’s not my dad’s fault – he tried to teach me, I remember cycling around the nearby housing estate with my stabilizers. To be honest
though, I never saw the appeal. One of my earliest memories is tumbling over the handlebars of my tricycle into a patch of dirt. I
definitely didn’t want to repeat that.
a b c d
83. ​I never felt like I was missing out until I couldn’t go on a bike ride with friends in Byron Bay because I was only confident that I could
go on a flat surface in a (generally) straight line. So when the opportunity came up to bike the wall of Xi’an, I wanted to prove to
myself that I could do it and make up for missed time. So, with a friend who has the patience of a saint by my side, I got on the bike.
Instantly nothing came flooding back to me, I had absolutely no idea how to start! Push off with one foot hard was my instruction.
Sounded simple enough but it just would not happen. Until something clicked and suddenly I was off, going in a straight-ish line on
a flat-ish surface and managing to avoid the Chinese tourists who found my excitement hilarious.
a b c d
84. ​So I stopped learning because, in fact, I did not repeat it. . My dad wasn’t going to waste his time teaching someone who didn’t
to be taught. Time passed and Iaccepted that I couldn’t ride a bike. It never affected my life in high school because I lived close
enough to walk.
a b c d
85. ​If ________ you were coming; I would have baked a cake.
a) ​would know b) ​I would have known c) ​I had known d) ​I had had known
86. ​The flight to London was ________ expensive than I thought.
a) ​more less b) ​much less c) ​more or less d) ​least
87. ​You _________ exhausted after your exam yesterday.
a) ​will be b) ​must be c) ​must d) ​could
88. ​It ____________ ages since the last time I saw you.
a) ​has been b) ​was be c) ​must have been d) ​had been
89. ​Yesterday I ____________ Indian food for lunch.
a) ​eat b) ​have eaten c) ​ate d) ​have ate
90. ​She was late for work because she ____________ to go to the doctor’s.
a) ​must b) ​had c) ​have d) ​should
91. ​I ____________ that we arrive on time. I don’t want to miss the beginning.
a) ​hope b) ​await c) ​expect d) ​wait
92. ​If we had told the truth, we could have ____________ the entire disagreeable situation completely.
a) ​escaped b) ​lost c) ​avoided d) ​missed
93. ​I had never seen it before, and ____________ I knew exactly what to do.
a) ​still b) ​yet c) ​just d) ​even
94. ​I asked my sister if ____________ a bottle of perfume for me at the airport.
a) ​she had buy b) ​she would buy c) ​she had bought d) ​he bought


The first drawings on walls appeared in caves thousands of years ago. Later the Ancient Romans and Greeks wrote their names and
protest poems on buildings. Modern graffiti seems to have appeared in Philadelphia in the early 1960s, and by the late sixties it had
reached New York. The new art from really took off in the 1970s, ​when people began writing their names, or ‘tags’, on buildings all over
the city​. In the mid-seventies it was sometimes hard to see out of a subway car window, because the trains were completely in spray
paintings known as ‘masterpieces’.

In the early days, the ‘taggers’ were part of street gangs who were concerned with ​marking their territory​. They worked in groups called
‘crews’ and called what they did ‘writing’ – the term ‘graffiti’ was first used by The New York Times and the novelist Norman Mailer. Art
galleries in New York began buying graffiti in the early seventies. But at the same time it began to be regarded as an art form, John
Lindsay, the then mayor of New York, declared the first war on graffiti. By the 1980s it became much harder to write on subway trains
without being caught, and instead many of the more established graffiti artists began using roofs of buildings or canvases.

The debate over whether graffiti is art or vandalism is still going on. Peter Vallone, head of the New York city Council, thinks that graffiti
done with permission can be art, but if it is on someone else’s property it becomes a crime. ‘I have a message for the graffiti vandals
out there,’ he said recently. ‘Your freedom of expression ends where my property begins. ‘On the other hand, Felix, a member of the
Berlin-based group Reclaim Your City, says that artists are reclaiming cities for the public from advertisers, and that graffiti represents
freedom and makes cities more vibrant.

For decades’ graffiti have been a springboard to international fame for a few. JeanMichel Basquiat began spraying on the street in the
1970s before becoming a respected artist in the ‘80s. the Frenchman Blek le Rat and the British artist Banksy have achieved
international fame by producing complex works with stencils, often making political or humorous points. Works by Banksy have been
sold for over £100,000. Graffiti is now sometimes big business.

Check your understanding. Circle the best answer to these questions.

95. ​Why was the seventies an important decade in the history of graffiti?
a) ​That was when modern graffiti first appeared.
b) ​That was when modern graffiti first became really popular.
c) ​That was when graffiti first reached New York.

96. ​What is a 'masterpiece' in graffiti?

a) ​A really high-quality piece of graffiti.
b) ​A work of graffiti showing the artist's name.
c) ​A full piece of graffiti, like those seen on subway trains.

97. ​What was the main motivation for the first taggers?
a) ​Showing which streets belonged to which gangs.
b) ​Creating a strong visual identity for their 'crew'.
c) ​Sending coded messages to other gangs.

98. ​How did things change after the first war on graffiti?
a) ​It was considered a more serious crime.
b) ​Graffiti artists had to find different places to paint.
c) ​New York looked a lot cleaner.

99. ​What does Peter Vallone say about graffiti?

a) ​Graffiti can be good for cities as long as it is tasteful and conveys positive messages.
b) ​Graffiti can be beautiful if it is done by a skilled artist.
c) ​Graffiti is a crime if the artist does not have permission.

100. ​What do the Berlin-based group Reclaim Your City say about graffiti?
a) ​Involving young people in graffiti stops them getting involved with serious crime.
b) ​Graffiti helps the public to own the streets and take control away from advertisers.
c) ​Graffiti actually increases the value of property by making the area more attractive.

Notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________


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