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P1: This is Jessica Cox. Jessica is the world’s first licensed armless pilot.

She is a
Filipino-American born without arms. However this hasn’t stopped her from doing anything she
wants to do.

P2: From driving a car, practicing taekwondo, scuba diving, and even playing the piano, she
does all this just with the use of her feet. And her greatest achievement of all, is her being the
first armless person to obtain a pilot’s license.

P3: Other than being a pilot, Jessica also travels around the world as a motivational speaker,
together with her husband, sharing her experiences and inspiring people with disabilities that
they can do whatever they want regardless of their disability.

P4: Jessica’s motivation came from other people like her, people with disabilities. When she was
17 years old, she saw a TV piece about a woman who did not have arms and shared the same
story as her. It moved her to see the life story about that woman, about her getting married,
having two sons, and changing the baby’s diaper.

P1: “Would I be able to be a mother? Would I be able to hold my baby or change my baby's
diapers and do these things?” In one instant, this media piece about the woman answered all of
Jessica’s questions.

(pwede ra diri ipakita ang vid ni Jessica, naa ra sa site ako gisend, then pagstart lang sa “I
realized from what I do as a speaker……When they see someone who doesn't have arms and
she can fly an airplane, then what is it that they can't do?” dira lang na part)

P2: Her resilience and strength also comes from her roots and her mother’s story. Her mother,
who was a Filipino, came from poverty. They had a very difficult life and struggled to get by,
however despite this, everyone in her mother’s family received a college degree. This resilience,
this story of strength, gave her the strength to rise above her own challenges of not having

P3: Being an advocate for the disabled is something she would not have imagined. Then seeing
how the people with disabilities in other countries were treated, changed her view and brought
her a new responsibility of becoming a disability advocate.

P4: Now, Jessica continues to travel the world, motivating people to overcome their challenges
and limitations with her inspirational speeches.

(while gavoice over kay magpakita lang guro ug pictures ni Jessica or iplay ang katong vids na
giinterview siya pero imute lang ang vids murag ing ana lang guro ang ikuan?)
Virata, Raymond. “Inspiring Jessica.” Positively Filipino | Online Magazine for Filipinos in the
‌Cox, Jessica.“Jessica’s History | Possible Thinking: Inspirational Speeches by Jessica
Cox.” Possible Thinking,

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