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20 outlines for VSTEP

1. attend college or university

+ career preparation:
_ job market is competitive
_ students can learn new skills, increase opportunities
+ new experience
_ get away from home => meet new people, live on one’s own
_ see what life is like in a different city

Sample answer:
 There are several reasons why students should attend college or university. Firstly, job
market is more and more competitive, therefore, it requires workers to have higher
qualification. Studying at college or university means students can learn new skills,
knowledge related to future career and increase their job opportunities. Secondly,
students may have new experience when they get away from home such as meeting new
people, living on their own. Besides, they might have a chance to see what life is like in a
different city.
 Modal verbs: may/might; can/could; shall/should; will/would
 Appear to + v = seem to + v: có vẻ như là ; tend to + V = sb have a tendency to + V: có
xu hướng

2. parents are the best teacher?

+ parents may be too close to their children emotionally
_ limit a child’s freedom in the name of safety
_ think that going to big city or going camping is too dangerous
+ parents expect children’s interests to be similar to their own
_ force children to love science like them
_ force children to take part in sports instead of art
+ parents want to pass on their values to their children
_ children are growing up in a different world.
_may have negative opinion about racism and internet
=>parents are important teachers but not the best teachers.

Sample answer:
 In my point of view, parents are important teachers but not absolutely the best teachers.
To begin with parents may be too close to their children emotionally and sometimes limit
a child’s freedom in the name of safety when they think that going to big city or going
camping is too dangerous. Another reason is that parents expect children’s interests to
be similar to their own, for example, they force their children to love science like them
and take part in sports instead of art. In addition, parents want to pass on their values to
their children who are growing up in a different world.

3. Easier food preparation improved our lives?

+ Microwave ovens make food quickly.
_ people are now busy working, caring for families, travelling, playing sports..
_ with microwave ovens, we have item to enjoy meals and do many other things
+ Fridges keep food fresh.
_ eat fruit & vegetable from far away
_ always have food available
+ modern transportation methods
_ fresh food & veges are available all year round.
Sample answer:
It is true that modern kitchen appliances easily prepare food that is more convenient,
healthier, various. In the first place, people are now busy working, caring for their families,
travelling, playing sports and so on, with microwave ovens, we can make food quickly, enjoy
good meals and do many other things. Secondly, fridges keep food fresh and so we can eat
fruit & vegetables from far away. Furthermore, with modern transportation methods fresh
food and vegetables are available all year round.

4. Knowledge from books or real experience?

+ learn from classmates in primary school
_ how to make friends
_ how it feels to succeed, what to do when we fail
_what should or shouldn’t do
+ Skills in adult lives learned in university classes
_ learn to make decision
_ learn to take responsibilities.
_ learn to get along with our classmates, roommates, workmates
+ Experience in adulthood
_ triumphs & disasters teach how to improve careers, relationships

It is true that knowledge of people come from books or real experience that they go
through every day. In the first place, students could learn from classmates in school such
as learning the way to make friends and learning to feel the success or failure in order to
know what they should or should not do. Besides, learners could learn numerous skills in
adult lives in classes or in the real life. For instance, they can learn to make a decision,
take responsibilities and get along with their classmates, roommates or workmates.
Moreover, people also can learn the experience in adulthood therefore triumphs and
disasters teach them how to improve careers and social relationships.
5. Advantage and Disadvantage of building a factory/hospital/…
+ Cause smog => dirty air, everything will be covered with dust, pollute rivers and streams
+ More jobs will be created => population will grow quickly many new homes, stores
will be built
+ lots of traffic fast grow causes more harm than good
+ Our city will change a lot, from a safe and quiet city

Recently, people tend to build numerous factories in order to serve the living’s demand.
However, this causes several benefits and drawbacks. In the first place, almost factories
cause smog which makes air pollution and everything will be covered with dust which
pollute rivers and streams. Besides, the increase of jobs, population, and traffic will also
make the increase quickly many houses and stores. Our city will change a lots / massively /
devastatingly, from a safe and quiet city to noise with bustle and hustle.

6. what you would change about your hometown

change the fact that there is no sense of community
+ ppl here don’t feel connected to the community
_ ppl come and go a lot, change jobs frequently and move on
_ they don’t join & get involved in community
_ don’t try to beautify the neighborhoods.
+ ppl don’t try to support others
_ don’t watch out for others’ children or check in on elderly neighborhoods
_ they may not know if a neighbor loses a loved one
+ ppl don’t get to know each other
_ when neighbors go on vacation, no one watches their house for them
_ there’s no friendly or casual way of mentioning when others’ children have problem

Nowadays, every hometowns isare going to develops and changes a lot. In the first place,
people change the fact that there is no sense of community because they can not feel
connected to the community. Besides, people in everywhere come and go so that the jobs
have been changed frequently and move on and people do not join and get involved in
community and they even not try to beautify the neighborhoods. Moreover, citizens are also
afraid to get to know each other and they will have no one friendly or casual way of
mentioning when other’s children have problem.

7. How movies or TV or social network influence ppl’s behavior?

+ makes ppl more violent
_ The more we see violence on television, the less sensitive we become to it
_ Sometimes we confuse that with reality and we forget that killing someone is permanent.
+ makes ppl less active
_ watching TV requires no activity
_ forget about other activities
+ don’t exercise our imagination
_ all the films are told for us
_ don’t have to imagine anything
have negative effects: encourage to accept violence, inactivity, unimaginative

Recently, watching television or streaming a movie have several influences on people’s

behavior. Firstly, this activity makes people become more violent because the more they see
violence scenes on television, the less sensitive we become to it. Moreover, sometimes we
may confuse that with reality and we can forget that killing someone is permanent. Secondly,
people could become less active when they watching TV because it requires no activity, they
will feel very lazy and forget about other activities. Last but not least, watching TV also
makes people feel hard to exercise their imagination when everything are happening in the
movie so they could not imagine anything.

8. TV or social network has destroyed communication among friends and family?

+ TV programs give us things to think and talk
_possible to hear up-to-the minute news and famous movies
_ discuss news, movies with others
+ understand others better
_ everyone has access to the same TV programs
_ when u meet new ppl, u will be familiar with at least some of the same TV programs =>
give st to talk, begin new friendships
+ helps us share interests
_ ppl like sports always watch sports
_ ppl like to cook watch cooking show.

It is believed that TV has destroyed communication among friends and family . Firstly, it is
possible for people to hear up to the minute news and famous movies which have numerous
news and movies. Secondly, watching TV help ppl understand others better because
everyone has access to the same TV programs so when they meet each other or new people,
they might feel familiar with at least some of the same TV programs in order to give
somethings to talk and begin new friends. Last but not least, TVv also helps people share
interests for example people like sports always watch sports and people like to cook watch
cooking shows.

9. live in small or big town.

+ better transportation
_ many buses, taxis and subways.
_ no public transportation in small town
+ life is more exciting
+ better healthcare services
_ lack of modern hospital in small town
_ in the city, hospitals are everywhere, with new curing method and modern equipment.

Recently, people prefer living in a big town to a small town. Firstly, in a big town, the
transportation is better. For example, there are numerous buses, taxis and subways in order
to serve the living standard of citizens. Moreover, many researches show that the life in big
town is more exciting because of the diversified entertainments and better healthcare service.

10. luck has nothing to do with success?

+ luck helps ppl invent new things
_ columbus first prepared to make trip to india, but it is because of luck that he
found the americas
+ luck helps ppl become famous
_ many ppl work hard to learn how to act, work at small, low-paying jobs.
_ Brad Pitt was first a taxi driver, it is because of luck that he now becomes a famous actor.
+ luck helps ppl find jobs.
_ A person may spend weeks writing and sending off resumes, looking at help wanted
ads, and going on job interviews
_ because of luck that a job hunter may meet the person who will give him job
=> It is certainly difficult to be successful without hard work, but hard work also needs
to be helped by a little luck

11. Uni should give the same amount of money to their sports as libraries
+ sports have students to relax
_ studying in uni is very stressful
_ students can together play sports after classes to relax and increase health status
+ sports make the uni more diversed and attractive
_ more and more students care not only about uni’s academic but also uni’s lives
_ good sports facilities and varsity will attract good students
+ sports make students more active and friendly
_ sitting in classes and libraries make students more inactive and reserved
_ only sports where they can play and discuss together.

It is true that universities should give the same amount of money to their sports as libraries
because sports bring numerous benefits. In the first place, sports help students feel relax
because of studying in university with several subjects is very stressful. From that point,
students can together play sports after classes to relax and increase health status.
Furthermore, sports make the universities more diversified and attractive in order to attract
many students with good facilities and varsity. Last but not least, sports make students more
active and friendly, they can play sports together.

12. Why ppl visit museums?

People visit museums for a number of reasons.
+Point 1: Learn about the culture of a place
_Examples: History Art
_ Lack of museums
+Point 2: Have fun
_ Example: Hands-on exhibits
+ Learn about unusual subjects
_ potato museum

It is true that people should spend time to visit museums for a number of reasons. Firstly,
people can learn about the culture of a place such as history, art or music which help them to
gain numerous knowledges about their country and also the world. Secondly, people come to
museums to have fun because they can learn about unusual subjects and hands-on exhibits in
some types of museums such as potato museum, fossil museum or animal museum.

13. Eat at home or restaurants?

+ Don’t know how to cook
_ waste of food
_ waste of money and effort
+ Cooking takes alot of time
_ time spent on shopping for the food, cleaning dishes and kitchen
+ Eating out is economical
_ Food stands and small restaurants provide good food for little cost
_ This type of restaurants are located near the university and very convenient for students.
=> for the life of a student, eating out is the only practical choice

There are several ideas which encourage people to eat at restaurant rather than at home. In
the first place, many people unable to cook by themselves making the money consuming and
wasting of food. Secondly, cooking also makes time consuming because people have to
spend a lot of time on shopping, cooking and cleaning. Moreover, eating out is economical
that food stands and small restaurants provide good food for little cost and this this types of
restaurants are located near university and very convenient for students.

14. university students should be required to attend classes

+ receive the benefit of the teacher’s knowledge
_ best teachers do more than just go over the material
_ best teachers draw students into discussion of the material
_ best teachers present contrast views, provide additional info
+ student can learn how to work with other
_ in class, students have to present, defend idea to their classmates
_ students have to learn to work in groups to complete class projects.
+ Attending classes teaches students responsibility.
_ responsibility in having to be in class and to do assignments on time.

15. quality of good neighbors

+ respects your property.
_ asks for permission before doing something that may affect you.
+ willing to lend a hand when you need help
_ lends some milk if you run out
_ gives you a ride if your car breaks down
_ let’s your children stay at his house if you get stuck working overtime.
+ volunteer to help if you go through a crisis
_ prepare a few meals
_help you get through the sadness of a funeral.
=> a good neighbor is someone who respects you and supports you as he can.
16. New restaurant.
+ more work available
_ many ppl in our neighborhood got no job
_ more work helps reducing the criminal rates
_ more work helps lives of many ppl easier
+ more choice of eating available for the neighbor
_ lack of good restaurants in the neighborhood
_ ppl in the neighborhood have more chance to go for dinners.
+ make the lifestyle more interesting
_ ppl have many places to go after working hard
_ a big and unique restaurant will attract many visitors
=> as long as the restaurants brings great potential to the neighborhood, it will be

17. To have a teacher is better than learn by themselves

+ Teachers help you find the way you learn best
_ teachers understand that different people have different learning styles
_ a book can give you only one way of learning something.
+ Teachers help you focus on what you are learning.
_ They can show you the most important points in a lesson
_ lf you study on your own, it is difficult to keep your attention or to know which parts are
most important.
+ Teachers bring their own knowledge and understanding of the topic to the lesson
_ the teacher can add more info other than a book
_ The teacher might also have a different point of view from the book
=> There is nothing wrong with studying on your own. For the best possible learning,
though, a teacher is the biggest help you can have.

18. qualities of good supervisors (bosses)

+ good supervisor is fair.
_treats all employees with equal respect
_uses the same set of criteria to evaluate each employee s performance.
+ good supervisor gives clear and understandable directions
_doesn't constantly change her mind about what she wants employees to do
_ doesn't get angry when an employee is confused and needs more explanation.
+ good supervisor sets the standards for her el1?ployeesby her own behavior
_ works hard and acts responsibly and gets her work done. on time.
_ expect her employees to act professionally if she acts professionally,

19. spend money on public transportation

+ depletion of natural resources
_ gas and gasoline are non-renewable resource
_ using public transportation cost less than using private cars
+ reduce cars pollution.
_high amount of air pollution causes health problems for the ppl.
_ public transportation => fewer car => less polluted.
+ increase the communication between ppl
_ Cars tend to isolate people from each other
_ using public transporttation encourages ppl to get to know each other
20. It is better for children to grow up in a big city.
+ have the opportunity to learn about different kinds of people
_ In the countryside, children have limited opportunities to see and learn about things
_ In the city, they see people working in different kinds of jobs => make better choices
for future.
+ there are many opportunities to attend cultural events
_ In the city there are movies and theaters, museums, zoos, and concerts.
_ In the city children can attend cultural event severy weekend
+ easily access good education
_ many schools and pros in the city, while country lacks
_ have better sense of competition in studying and working

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