Reproductive Behaviour of Spadefoot Toads Ages and Physical Condition - Eggert y Guyétant, 2003

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Reproductive behaviour of spadefoot toads

(Pelobates fuscus): daily sex ratios and males’
tactics, ages, and physical condition
Christophe Eggert and Robert Guyétant

Abstract: In anuran competition over mates, disadvantaged (i.e., less competitive) males are generally known to be the
smallest ones, but ages of those males have rarely been documented. In the context of a high level of male competition
for mates, disadvantaged males were expected to use alternative mating tactics. To test for alternative tactics in a terri-
torial toad (the spadefoot toad, Pelobates fuscus, Pelobatidae), daily breeding migration patterns were observed during
3 consecutive years. Relationships between migration pattern, operational sex ratio (OSR), and male’s age (inferred
from skeletochronological analysis), size, and mass were analysed. During 2 of the study years, OSRs were highly
male-biased at the beginning of the breeding season and then gradually decreased when male numbers increased. Males
with a low body condition index (CI) tend to arrive later and to lose relatively more mass than males with a higher CI.
There was a negative relationship between percent mass loss per day and CI as well as length of stay in the breeding
area, which suggests that a high energetic cost tactic was adopted by males with a higher CI. A negative relationship
between length of stay and age was also observed. We conclude that based on competition for mates, male P. fuscus
seem to adopt reproductive behaviour that differs according to body condition and age.
Résumé : Chez les anoures, dans la compétition qui oppose les mâles les uns aux autres pour des partenaires, il est
bien connu que les mâles les plus petits sont désavantagés (i.e., ils sont des compétiteurs moins efficaces), mais l’âge
de ces mâles a rarement été signalé. Au cours d’une compétition intense entre des mâles, on s’attendrait à ce que les
mâles désavantagés utilisent des stratégies d’accouplement différentes. Pour vérifier cette hypothèse, nous avons ob-
servé les patterns quotidiens de migration de reproduction chez un crapaud territorial, Pelobates fuscus (Pelobatidae),
durant 3 années consécutives. Nous avons analysé les relations entre ces patterns, le rapport des sexes opérationnel
(OSR), l’âge des mâles (déterminé par analyse squeletto-chronologique), leur taille et leur masse. Au cours de 2 des
années de l’étude, le rapport des sexes opérationnel avantageait fortement les mâles au début de la saison de la repro-
duction, mais diminuait graduellement par la suite à mesure que le nombre de mâles augmentait. Les mâles dont le
coefficient d’embonpoint (CI) est faible ont tendance à arriver plus tard et à perdre une plus grande partie de leur
masse que les mâles à coefficient d’embonpoint plus élevé. Il y a une relation négative entre, d’une part, le pourcen-
tage de masse perdu chaque jour et, d’autre part, le coefficient CI ainsi que la durée du séjour dans la région de la re-
production, ce qui reflète probablement l’utilisation de tactiques de coût énergétique élevé chez les mâles à coefficient
CI plus élevé. Nous avons également trouvé une relation négative entre la durée de séjour des mâles en territoire de re-
production et leur âge. Nous concluons que, selon l’intensité de la compétition pour des partenaires, les crapauds mâles
de cette espèce semblent adopter des comportements reproductifs distincts en fonction de leur âge et de leur coefficient
[Traduit par la Rédaction] 51
Introduction ble competition occurs, and male mating success depends
Eggert and Guyétant
greatly on the ability to locate females and to stay paired
Anuran reproduction patterns range from explosive (short- with them until the eggs are laid (e.g., Davies and Halliday
duration) to prolonged breeding (Wells 1977a). We assume 1979). In prolonged breeders, males attract females with ad-
that in a particular species, the type of male–male competition vertisement calls (see Gerhardt 1994) and (or) may defend
for mates and females’ mating preferences depend greatly on oviposition sites (Wells 1977b; Howard 1978), therefore fe-
the temporal and spatial pattern of reproduction. Hence, in male choice (and males’ ability to attract females) is a deter-
explosive breeders, when male density is high, intense scram- minant of male mating success (Ryan 1980, 1983; Arak
1983a; Sullivan 1985; Roberston 1986; Marquez and Tejedo-
Received 30 April 2002. Accepted 19 November 2002. Madueno 1990). This leads to vocal competition or the de-
Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at fence of individual territories. Thus, for a given male, the on 5 February 2003.
probability of obtaining a mate could depend on such factors as
C. Eggert1 and R. Guyétant. Laboratoire de Biologie des the patterns of arrival of other males and females in breed-
Populations d’Altitude, Unité Mixte de Recherche 5553, ing ponds, other males’ age, size, or density, the operational
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Centre sex ratio (OSR, the ratio of potentially receptive females to
Interdisciplinaire Scientifique de la Montagne, Université de males) and also the time spent at the breeding site (reviewed
Savoie, F 73376 Le Bourget du Lac, France. in Halliday and Tejedo 1995; Sullivan et al. 1995).
Corresponding author (e-mail: It is expected that when mating competition is severe, dis-
Can. J. Zool. 81: 46–51 (2003) doi: 10.1139/Z02-224 © 2003 NRC Canada

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Eggert and Guyétant 47

advantaged males will use alternative mating tactics to en- side of the fence opposite to that on which they were caught,
hance their mating probabilities (Perrill 1984; Andersson where they could bury themselves in the ground.
1994; Lucas and Howard 1995). For example, one of the Skeletochronological analysis was conducted on the sec-
best known alternative behaviours of chorusing anurans is ond phalanx of the third toe on the right forelimb using the
the “satellite tactic” (silent males surround callers), which methods described in Eggert and Guyétant (1999). Age esti-
has been modelled as a dynamic game (Waltz 1982; Lucas mation was based on counting rest lines, or lines of arrested
et al. 1996). Low energetic cost tactics are expected to be growth (LAG), which correspond to hibernation periods (see
adopted by disadvantaged, i.e., youngest or smallest, males Castanet and Smirina 1990; Miaud et al. 1993). Age was es-
(Waltz 1982; Krupa 1989; Lucas and Howard 1995). timated with a maximum of 1 LAG error, mainly because
Skeletochronological techniques allow reliable individual the spacing between the outermost LAGs in the oldest indi-
age estimation in amphibians (see Castanet and Smirina 1990), viduals was small.
but only a few studies of amphibians have dealt with mating To analyse phenological patterns, we considered the first
success in relation to age (e.g., Höglund and Säterberg 1989; recorded entry into the fenced area and the last recorded de-
Cherry and Francillon-Vieillot 1992; Howard and Young 1998). parture for each individual. We do not consider that the only
In many other amphibian studies, the extent to which the ob- male which stayed less than 2 nights inside the encircled
served competitive or mating advantages enjoyed by larger area was taking part in the reproductive process; it was evi-
males depended on size (or mass) or age is not known. dent that he fell into the closest trap after being released, and
The spadefoot toad, Pelobates fuscus, is a nocturnal fossorial did not reach the water. Since all captured toads entering or
species that lives in sandy ground during the daytime, and leaving the ponds were measured and marked, we could de-
reproduces in quite large ponds (up to 80 m2) (Eibl-Eibesfeldt termine the number of individuals in the breeding area on a
1956; Nöllert 1990). In most cases males were just deep given date. Some individuals were only caught leaving and
enough in the water to be not visible from the bank. Their were presumed to have been inside the encircled area before
secretive breeding activity occurs from late March to late the fences were installed. Others were only caught entering
May (Nöllert 1990). During this prolonged breeding period, and were presumed to be still inside after the study had
males defend territories and exhibit site attachment and in- ended.
tolerance of intruders (Eibl-Eibesfeldt 1956; Müller 1984). As already observed in P. fuscus (Jehle and Hödl 1998)
An average of 80-cm spacing is maintained between two males and Scaphiopus holbrooki (Dodd 1991), we assumed that
using two types of territorial calls (Müller 1984). Moreover, some individuals may have dug under the fence at the end of
males emit an underwater mating call (or courtship call) their nocturnal activity and come out at the other side of the
whose dominant frequency is inversely related to male body fence the following night. As the bottom of each fence was
size, providing the opportunity for female choice based on buried in the ground and particular care was taken to avoid
body size (Müller 1984). rodent tunnels or cavities under or against it, we presumed
Because severe mating competition was observed in this that the level of trespassing had been low and did not signifi-
species (based on territoriality, courtship call, and male-biased cantly influence our results. However, an unknown portion
OSR), we tested for age-, size-, or mass-based differential of the individuals that were assumed (by analysing individ-
reproductive tactics by observing breeding migration pat- ual captures) to have been inside the enclosed area before
terns in a wild population for 3 years. We predicted that the fences were installed simply entered by trespassing across
small and (or) young males would optimize their probability the fences. Nonetheless, because there is no reason to as-
of mating by adjusting their breeding phenology so as to sume that males trespassed across the fences at a higher rate
avoid strong competitors. than females, the observed breeding sex ratio was probably
Length of stay and percent mass loss were log-transformed
to avoid violation of the assumption of normality. To analyse
Material and methods relationships between individuals’ traits and migration pat-
terns, we transformed arrival and departure dates by sub-
The study area was located in northeast France (described
tracting each from its respective annual median. To avoid
in Eggert and Guyétant 1999, 2002; Eggert 2002). Four tem-
autocorrelations we eliminated data from individuals that
porary ponds situated close together were surrounded with
were observed for several years, and for these we kept only
drift fences, with pitfall traps on both sides of each fence
the year having the most complete dataset. Following Jehle
(see Gibbons and Semlitsch 1982). The drift fences were
and Hödl (1998), CI was calculated as (mass (g)/size3 (cm)) ×
45–50 cm high and buried 10–15 cm in the ground. De-
100. In our analysis we did not consider males who gained
pending on the water level, the fences were situated between
mass during the breeding period, as we cannot assume that
0 and 20 m from the water. Hence, an nonflooded area was
they participated in breeding activities.
always present inside the enclosed area. Pelobates fuscus
were caught in traps during nocturnal breeding migrations
on 94 consecutive days in 1996, 67 in 1997, and 65 in 1998. Results
Passive integrated transponders were slipped under the
skin to allow identification of individuals. Snout–vent length During the three seasons, 261 males were caught; we esti-
was measured with a caliper to the nearest 0.1 mm (with an mated the year of birth of 211 of them. Because of recap-
accuracy of ±5% between two successive measures) and mass tures between years, our samples represented 176 estimates
(empty bladder) with an electronic balance (accuracy 0.1 g). from 227 individuals. The total breeding sex ratio was
After monitoring, animals were immediately released on the significantly male-biased in all 3 years (Table 1). The daily
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48 Can. J. Zool. Vol. 81, 2003

Fig. 1. Daily sex ratios (males/females) and numbers of male spadefoot toads (Pelobates fuscus) in the breeding area in 1996 (dotted
line), 1997 (thin solid line), and 1998 (thick solid line). Day zero is the annual median day of arrival.

Table 1. Breeding sex ratios in the population of Table 2. Lengths of stay in the breeding area by
spadefoot toads (Pelobates fuscus) studied. male P. fuscus.
Year Sex ratio χ2 P Year Mean SD Range
1996 3:1 29 <0.0001 1996 18.1 (n = 21) 17.1 2–68
1997 1.66:1 10.37 <0.002 1997 18.7 (n = 23) 13.4 4–48
1998 1.62:1 6.14 <0.02 1998 17.3 (n = 14) 6.7 8–30

sex ratio in the ponds varied greatly during the breeding peri- 0.48, P < 0.0002). Length of stay was also correlated with
ods (Fig. 1) and was always male-biased. In 2 (1996, 1998) date of arrival (R = –0.45, P < 0.001) and date of departure
of the 3 years, the sex ratio in the breeding area was strongly (R = 0.60, P < 0.001). That is, “short breeders” arrived later,
male-biased during the first weeks of observation and the left earlier, and lost mass at a faster rate than “long breed-
bias declined as the season progressed. ers”. Moreover, younger males tended to stay longer at the
Toads whose dates of both first immigration and last emigra- breeding location (Table 3). No significant relationship was
tion were known were used to compare interannual lengths found between age and CI (P = 0.67).
of stay (Table 2). There were no significant differences be-
tween the 3 years for length of stay (ANOVA, F[2,55] = 0.87, Discussion
P = 0.42), relative day of entering the ponds (F[2,55] = 0.39,
P = 0.68), or relative day of leaving the ponds (F[2,55] = 0.47, Unlike American Pelobatidae, whose reproduction lasts a
P = 0.63). Therefore, we combined the 3 years for further few days (see Wells 1977a; Woodward 1982), P. fuscus is
analysis. not a typical explosive breeder, and because breeding activ-
Multiple regression analysis of the effects of age and CI ity could last more than a month, we categorized this species
on migration pattern revealed that CI had a significant nega- as a prolonged breeder. We observe that, in at least 2 of the
tive effect on mean day of arrival, relative mass loss, and 3 study years, competition for mates due to a biased sex ra-
daily rate of mass loss over the season and a significant pos- tio gradually decreased during the course of the breeding
itive effect on absolute mass loss (Table 3). That is, for any season in P. fuscus, when numbers of males in the ponds in-
given age, males with a high CI tend to arrive earlier and to crease. Males with the lowest CI were observed to arrive
lose a larger amount of energy at a slower rate than other later. These males may optimize their breeding migration
males. Nevertheless, they leave the ponds having lost less phenologically in order to reduce intrasexual competition ac-
mass relative to their mass at arrival than males with a low cording to the sex ratio. Nevertheless, the number of males
CI do. Total mass loss was not related to length of stay or to was higher at this period and territories may have been more
day of arrival or departure (all P > 0.1), but a significant difficult to find. Whatever their CI, males that arrived during
negative effect of length of stay on relative rate of daily this period spent less time but engaged in more vigorous tac-
body mass loss (percent mass loss per day) was observed tics, based on relative daily mass loss. By arriving earlier,
(Fig. 2). Mass loss was also related to mass at arrival (R = males with a higher CI encounter a more biased sex ratio

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Eggert and Guyétant 49

Table 3. Multiple regression summary of the effects of age, body-condition index (CI) on
the day of arrival, day of departure, length of stay in the breeding area, and mass loss in
P. fuscus.
Variable Effect R t P
Day of arrival (n = 98) Age 0.14 1.50 0.14
CI –0.30 –3.04 0.003
Day of departure (n = 47) Age –0.15 –1.02 0.31
CI –0.11 –0.73 0.47
Length of stay (n = 47) Age –0.33 –2.32 0.03
CI –0.16 –1.11 0.27
Mass loss (n = 47) Age 0.07 0.53 0.59
CI 0.35 2.53 0.02
Percent mass loss (n = 47) Age –0.19 –1.30 0.20
CI –0.34 –2.34 0.02
Percent mass loss per day (n = 47) Length of stay –0.65 –5.05 <0.001
Day of arrival 0.13 1.01 0.32
Age –0.14 –1.10 0.28
CI –0.26 –2.27 0.03
Note: Significant P values are in boldface type.

Fig. 2. Relationship between relative daily mass loss (RDML; sonal mass loss in P. fuscus, which suggests that large males
mass loss per day relative to initial mass) and breeding-site engage in vigorous mating tactics more often than smaller
attendance for male P. fuscus. RDML = 0.0353 – 0.009935 ones do. Empirical studies have shown that in other amphib-
log(day of entry into pond); R = 0.731. ian species, smaller males may be less competitive because
they are less attractive (e.g., Forester and Thompson 1998;
Howard and Young 1998) or because they cannot not allo-
cate enough energy to advertisement calls (e.g., Krupa 1989;
Tejedo 1992). Larger males invest more often than smaller
males in high-cost reproductive tactics such as fights (pref-
erentially against smaller paired males; Tejedo 1988) or call-
ing activity (see Sullivan and Sullivan 1985; Höglund and
Robertson 1988; Marquez and Tejedo-Madueno 1990).
In many amphibian species, length of stay in a breeding
pond is correlated with the probability of obtaining a female
by random mating (e.g., Reading and Clarke 1983; Semlitsch
et al. 1993) and is a major determinant of male mating suc-
cess (reviewed in Halliday 1987). Multiple mating by males
occurs in some species (e.g., Arak 1983b; Sullivan 1985;
Roithmair 1994), but is probably rare in P. fuscus because
males that have reproduced do not call anew, and sexual re-
gression starts right away and ends 10 days after mating
and expend more energy during the breeding period, but the (Müller 1984). Wesenberg-Lund (1922) observed that males
cost seems to be lower, based on relative mass loss. Also, as well as females left the pond immediately after egg lay-
in some Bufonidae, larger males arrive at the pond earlier ing. As a result we assume that a longer stay in the breeding
(Gatz 1981; Loman and Madsen 1986), and this has even location probably does not result in multiple mating.
been observed in P. fuscus (Hildenhagen 1986) and Pelobates In our study, older (i.e., experienced) males tend to stay
cultripes (Lizana et al. 1994). However, the fact that earlier fewer days in the breeding area, which suggests that they
arrival of smaller males was also observed in Bufo bufo em- succeed more quickly in finding a mate. Experience should
phasizes the flexibility of mating systems (Gittins et al. 1980). therefore be an advantage. Few studies have examined age
In theoretical studies (Lucas and Howard 1995; Lucas et and reproduction patterns or reproductive success in amphib-
al. 1996), important predictions dealing with male age, en- ians. The mating success of yearling male bullfrogs (Rana
ergy stores, and mating tactics have been made. High ener- catesbeiana) was lower when the number of old males was
getic cost mating tactics are expected to be used more often high (Howard 1984). No differential age-based mating suc-
by males with large energy stores. Males with small energy cess was observed in Bufo pardalis (Cherry and Francillon-
stores will only engage in vigorous mating tactics later in Vieillot 1992), and Forester and Thompson (1998) argued in
the season if they did not breed earlier. Furthermore, the favour of age-linked alternative tactics (“gauntlet behaviour”)
smallest males were expected to show less reduction in en- in Bufo americanus, but they based their hypothesis on a
ergy stores over the season than larger males. We observed size-based analysis. In some species, young males may not
this last predicted relationship between mass or CI and sea- be sexually mature at the start of the breeding season, and

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50 Can. J. Zool. Vol. 81, 2003

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