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Area 1 Evaluation Rating Sheet for Content: Self Learning Modules (Quarters 3 and 4) Individual/Team Evaluation Rating Sheet

Quarters 3 and 4 Self Learning Modules

Code Nos.:
Learning Area:
Artists from Neoclassical and Romantic Periods


1 Examine carefully the SLMs (SLM for Quarter 3 is separate from Quarter 4) for compliance to standards indicated in the six (6) Factors listed in the Indic

Briefly describe in column 3 any deficiency or error found in each criterion item.
3 Cite the quarter, lesson number, the specific page, paragraph, and line number where it is found in columns 4 to 6. Give your recommendations to addre

4 Indicate the number or percentage of error or deficiency found in column 8.

5 Write your rating for each criterion item in column 9 (where 5 is the highest and 1 is the lowest). If the SLM does not get a rating of 5 in Factor 1, Item 1,
higher ratings in the other factors. If the criterion item is Not Applicable, write NA.

6 Get the total score for each factor by adding all the ratings given in each criterion item under each factor.
7 To compute for the weighted rating for each for factor, use the following formula:

8 Add all the computed weighted rating for each factor to get the overall rating for this area of evaluation.
9 To PASS in this area of evaluation, the set of SLMs shall garner 100% total overall rating. Total overall rating of 61% to 99% is categorized as CONDITIO

(4 to 6)
(1) (2) (3) Specific Part of the Page
Standards / Criterion Items No. Description of Error/Deficiency Found (Module, Lesson, Page, Paragraph, Line

Factor I. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) 40% Note: Use the Matrix in Determining Pecentage of Compliance of S
Area 1 Evaluation Rating Sheet for Content: Self Learning Modules (Quarters 3 and 4) Individual/Team Evaluation Rating Sheet
1.    The SLM covered the targeted Most
Essential Learning Competencies
(MELCs) intended for the quarter. Please refer to the accomplished Matrix in Determining Percentage of Compliance of SLMs

2. The SLM sufficiently developed the

targeted Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELCs) intended for the Please refer to the accomplished Matrix in Determining Percentage of Compliance of SLMs

Note: Perfect Score is 10. If the SLM does not get a rating of 5 in item 1, the submitted SLM shall be considered as failed.
Area 1 Evaluation Rating Sheet for Content: Self Learning Modules (Quarters 3 and 4) Individual/Team Evaluation Rating Sheet
Factor II. Instructional Design and Organization (20%)
Encode the

(5) (5)
(1) (2) (3) (4) Lesson Page, Paragraph, & Line
Standards / Criterion Items No. Description of Error/Deficiency Found Module No. No.)
1. SLM has learning objectives that are
anchored on the MELCs.
Encode the Total Number of Lessons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total
2. SLM uses a variety (at least 3) of self- 1
directed techniques, learning tasks, and
formative assessments. 2
Encode the Total Number of Lessons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total
3. SLM has content that is logically
developed and organized , i.e., 1
lessons/activities are arranged from
simple to complex, from observable to
abstract. 2
Encode the Total Number of Lessons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total
4. SLM contains essential instructional
design elements that contribute to the
achievement of learning objectives. 1
page 12 line 9, page 16
Personal Mission Statement 2 5 line 31
Encode the Total Number of Lessons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total
5. SLM allows for review, comparison, 1
and integration with previous lessons (if
applicable). 2
Encode the Total Number of Lessons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total
6. SLM uses various motivational 1
strategies (i.e., advance organizers,
puzzles, games) to hook the target 2
user’s interest and engagement.
Area 1 Evaluation Rating games)
Sheet to hook Self
for Content: the target
Learning Modules (Quarters 3 and 4) Individual/Team Evaluation Rating Sheet
user’s interest and engagement.
Encode the Total Number of Lessons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total
7. SLM uses process questions and 1
activities which require different levels
of cognitive domain to achieve desired 2
learning outcomes. 3
Encode the Total Number of Lessons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total
8. SLM has written and performance
tasks that are differentiated based on 1 Pagpapaliwanag ng Pagpapasya 1 5 Paragraph 2
target user’s multiple intelligences,
learning styles, and readiness levels.
Encode the Total Number of Lessons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total
9. SLM develops 21st century skills and
higher order cognition (i.e., critical
thinking, creativity, learning by doing, 2
problem solving).
Encode the Total Number of Lessons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total
10. SLM integrates desirable values and
Encode the Total Number of Lessons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total
Note: Perfect Score is 20

Factor III. Instructional Quality of Text and Visuals (20%)

Indicate (5) (6)
(1) (3) (4)
"1"for Lesson Page, Paragraph, Line
Criterion Item Description of Error/Deficiency Module
each No. No.
error No.

1. All contents in the SLM are accurate.

2.  The SLM is free from any social

content violations.
Tuklasin: mga larawan (Kalusugan & page 11 line 26-38 page
Mabuting pagkatao) 2 4 13 Line 20-21
Area 1 Evaluation Rating Sheet for Content: Self Learning Modules (Quarters 3 and 4) Individual/Team Evaluation Rating Sheet

3.   The SLM has free from factual errors.

4. The SLM is free from computational

errors (if applicable).

Note: Perfect Score is 20

Area 1 Evaluation Rating Sheet for Content: Self Learning Modules (Quarters 3 and 4) Individual/Team Evaluation Rating Sheet

Encode the

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (5)

Lesson Page, Paragraph, & Line
Standards / Criterion Items No. Description of Error/Deficiency Found Module No. No.)
1.     The SLM provides sufficient
assessment activities that will help the
learner track his/her progress and 1
mastery of the target competencies

Note: There should at least 3 2

assessment activities in a module..
Encode the Total Number of Lessons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total
2.     SLM has assessments that are
aligned with the specific objectives and 1 hindi nabibilang sa isang mabuting
pagpapasya 1 2 page 7 line 9
contents (i.e., lesson / topic).
Encode the Total Number of Lessons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total
3. The SLM provides variety of
assessment types.
Note: There should at least 3 2
assessment types in a module.
Encode the Total Number of Lessons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total
4. The SLM contains assessments that 1
have clear demonstrations / examples,
instructions, and/or rubrics to serve as 2
guide on how these will be used. 3
Encode the Total Number of Lessons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total
5. The SLM has assessment activities 1
that ensure active engagement of the
learners. 2
Encode the Total Number of Lessons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total
Area 1 Evaluation Rating Sheet for Content: Self Learning Modules (Quarters 3 and 4) Individual/Team Evaluation Rating Sheet
6. The SLM has answer keys that 1
provide exact answers for objective-type
assessments and discussion points for 2
non-objective types.

Encode the Total Number of Lessons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total
7.The SLM has pre- and post- 1
assessment items that are constructed
differently. 2
Encode the Total Number of Lessons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total
Note: Perfect Score is 35

Factor V. Readability (5%)

Indicate (5) (6)
(1) (3) (4)
"1"for Lesson Page, Paragraph, Line
Criterion Item Description of Error/Deficiency Module
each No. No.
error No.

1. Vocabulary used in the SLM is

appropriate to the target user’s level of
comprehension and experience.

2. Length and structures of sentences

in the SLM are suited to the
comprehension level of the target users,

3. Paragraph structures in the SLM

ffacilitate smooth flow of ideas and

4. Topics and ideas presented from one

lesson to the next are coherent and
integrated with each other.

5.Instructions, discussion points,

questions, and activities are clear to the
target users.
Area 1 Evaluation Rating Sheetand
questions, for activities
Content: are
to theModules (Quarters 3 and 4) Individual/Team Evaluation Rating Sheet
target users.

Note: Perfect Score is 25

Factor VI. Referencing and Source Citation (5%)

Indicate (5) (6)
(1) (3) (4)
"1"for Lesson Page, Paragraph, Line
Criterion Item Description of Error/Deficiency Module
each No. No.
error No.

1.        The copyrighted texts and visuals

are accurately cited on the page where
they are presented (i.e., primary and/or
orginal sources are cited) containing the
- Title of the work
- Name of creator
- Title of source
-Title of source where the work is
included, and/or publication details

2. The references are properly cited in

the Reference List containing the
 Name of creator
 Title of source
 Publication details; publisher, location
of publisher, date of publication, etc.

Note: Perfect Score is 10

Other Comments


Area 1 Evaluation Rating Sheet for Content: Self Learning Modules (Quarters 3 and 4) Individual/Team Evaluation Rating Sheet
Actual Score Perfect Raw Score
Factor 1: 10 divided by 10 X
Factor 2: 48 divided by 50 X
Factor 3: 19 divided by 20 X
Factor 4: 35 divided by 35 X
Factor 5: 25 divided by 25 X
Factor 6: 10 divided by 10 X
Total Overall Weight
NOTE: Adjust the perfect score of the Factor if there is a Criterion Item indicated as Not Applicable (NA).


0 PASSED (100% Weighted Rating)

/ CONDITIONALLY PASSED (61% to 99% Weighted Rating)

0 FAILED (60% and below Weighted Rating)

I FAILED (Less than 100% MELCs Coverage)

Area 1 Evaluation Rating Sheet for Content: Self Learning Modules (Quarters 3 and 4) Individual/Team Evaluation Rating Sheet

ters 3 and 4 Self Learning Modules

Grade Level : _9_________________________

Quarter No.:___3______________________

ance to standards indicated in the six (6) Factors listed in the Indicators in Rating the Criterion Items for Content.

it is found in columns 4 to 6. Give your recommendations to address this deficiency or error in the appropriate column.

e lowest). If the SLM does not get a rating of 5 in Factor 1, Item 1, the submitted SLM is considered Failed despite having

under each factor.

rea of evaluation.

ting. Total overall rating of 61% to 99% is categorized as CONDITIONALLY PASSED

(7) (8) (9)

Percentage of
Recommendation Error/Deficiency

Note: Use the Matrix in Determining Pecentage of Compliance of SLMs to MELCs)

Area 1 Evaluation Rating Sheet for Content: Self Learning Modules (Quarters 3 and 4) Individual/Team Evaluation Rating Sheet

mplished Matrix in Determining Percentage of Compliance of SLMs to MELCs 100.00 5

mplished Matrix in Determining Percentage of Compliance of SLMs to MELCs 100.00 5

d SLM shall be considered as failed. Total Rating 10

Area 1 Evaluation Rating Sheet for Content: Self Learning Modules (Quarters 3 and 4) Individual/Team Evaluation Rating Sheet

Encode the Total Number of Lessons: 20

(7) Percentage of (9)
Recommendation Error/Deficiency Rating

100.00 5

ons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total number of errors in a lesson)

100.00 5

ons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total number of errors in a lesson)

100 5

ons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total number of errors in a lesson)

mas mainam na ito ay isasalin sa tagalog

(Personal na Tungkulin sa Buhay)or Personal na 100 4
Pahayag na Tungkulin sa Buhay

ons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total number of errors in a lesson)

100 5

ons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total number of errors in a lesson)

100 5
Area 1 Evaluation Rating Sheet for Content: Self Learning Modules (Quarters 3 and 4) 100 5 Individual/Team Evaluation Rating Sheet

ons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total number of errors in a lesson)

100 5

ons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total number of errors in a lesson)
Maghanap ng Bantog na babae manlalaro
ng chess psra may GAD issues
100 4

ons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total number of errors in a lesson)

100 5

ons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total number of errors in a lesson)

100 5

ons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total number of errors in a lesson)
Total Rating: 48

(7) Total No. of
Recommendation Errors/Deficiencie

0 5

maaring gawin dalawang tao sa isang box para 1 4

may GAD issues
Area 1 Evaluation Rating Sheet for Content: Self Learning Modules (Quarters 3 and 4) Individual/Team Evaluation Rating Sheet

0 5

0 5

Total Rating: 19
Area 1 Evaluation Rating Sheet for Content: Self Learning Modules (Quarters 3 and 4) Individual/Team Evaluation Rating Sheet

Encode the Total Number of Lessons:

(7) (9)
Percentage of
Recommendation Rating

0 5

ons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total number of errors in a lesson)

mas mainam na palitan and salita kasi

nababangit na sa line 8
0 4

ons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total number of errors in a lesson)

0 5

ons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total number of errors in a lesson)

0 5

ons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total number of errors in a lesson)

0 5

ons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total number of errors in a lesson)
Area 1 Evaluation Rating Sheet for Content: Self Learning Modules (Quarters 3 and 4) Individual/Team Evaluation Rating Sheet

0 5

ons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total number of errors in a lesson)

0 5

ons w/ Errors:(Note: Count it as 1 demerit regardless of the total number of errors in a lesson)

Total Rating: 34

(7) Total No. of
Recommendation Errors/Deficiencie

0 5

0 5

0 5

0 5

0 5
Area 1 Evaluation Rating Sheet for Content: Self Learning Modules (Quarters 3 and 4) 0 5 Individual/Team Evaluation Rating Sheet

Total Rating: 25

(7) Total No. of
Recommendation Errors/Deficiencie

0 5

0 5

Total Rating: 10


Area 1 Evaluation Rating Sheet for Content: Self Learning Modules (Quarters 3 and 4) Individual/Team Evaluation Rating Sheet
Assigned Weight of Factor Weighted Rating
40 40.00
20 19.20
20 19.00
10 10.00
5 5.00
5 5.00
Total Overall Weighted Rating: 98


Cs Coverage)
Area 1 Evaluation Rating Sheet for Content: Self Learning Modules (Quarters 3 and 4) Individual/Team Evaluation Rating Sheet
Matrix in Determining Percentage of Compliance of Self Learning Modules to Most Essential Learning Competencies

Learning Area:__________MAPEH_________ Grade Level: _____9________ SLM Quarter No._______3______

Using the given list of MELCs for the quarter in each learning area, list down the code of each MELC in the first column. Determine if each MELC is Sufficiently Developed (SD), Insu
Developed (ID), or Not Developed at all (ND) by encoding “1” in the appropriate column. Indicate the lesson number, line and page number in the appropriate columns where the MEL
developed, or where it can be developed. Include a brief description of findings and your recommendations on how to address the findings.

Most Essential Learning Part of the Module with Insufficient

No. Competencies (Indicate SD ID ND Development Description of Findings
MELC Code No.)
Line and Page
Module No. Lesson No.

Art elements during Neo

1 A9ELIIIb-1 1 1 1 25 page 7
Classical and Romantic Period

Artists from Neoclassical and
Romantic Periods were
A9ELIIIa-2 1 2 2 20 pages 6-8 identified
Elements and Principles of Arts
in Neoclassical and Romantic
A9ELIIIa-3 Periods are enumarated and
discussed properly

1 3 3 24 pages 7-8

4 1
Technique and Style of Arts in
Neoclassic and Romantic
Period and its Influence to
A9PLIIIh-1 4 4 21 pages 6 Philippine Art were compared

5 The Influence of Neoclassic and

Different ArtistsTechniques
on the and
Evolution ofofArt
Processes Forms were
Neoclassic and
A9PLIIIh-2 1 5 2 21 pages 5-8 artistically
Romantic presented
Artistic ConceptTraditions were
and Ideas of
6 A9PLIIIh-3 1 6 3 21 pages 7 also identified
Neoclassic andclearly
Romantic Art
7 A9PLIIIh-4 1 7 4 21 pages 6 Traditionsfor
Artworks were compared.
Exhibit were
8 A9PRIIIc-e-1 1 8 1 20 pages 16 presented
9 A9PRIIIc-e-2 1 8 1 20 pages 14 Whats new!
10 A9PRIIIc-e-3 1 8 2 20 pages 4 What is It?
11 A9PRIIIf-4 1 8 3 20 pages 13 Build Me up
12 A9PRIIIf-4 1 8 4 20 pages 8 What I Have Learned
13 A9PR-IIIg -7 1 8 4 20 pages 14 Do some Research

TOTAL 10 3 0
(SD+ID+ND) 13

Total MELCs Required: 13

Total Number of MELCs Covered: 13
Total Number of MELCs
Sufficientlly Developed:
Percentage of MELCs Covered: 100.00 % (Answer to Area 1 Factor 1.1)
Percentage of MELCs Sufficiently
76.92 % (Answer to Area 1 Factor 1.2)

Note: Use these formulas to compute the following:

Total Number of MELCs Covered = LCs Sufficiently Developed (SD) + LCs Insufficiently Developed (ID)
Percentage of MELCs Covered = Total No. of MELCs Covered x 100%
Total No. of MELCs
Percentage of MELCs Sufficiently Developed = _ Total No. of MELCs Sufficiently Developed x 100%
Total No. of MELCs covered
Matrix in Determining Percentage of Compliance of Self Learning Modules to Most Essential Learning Competencies

h MELC is Sufficiently Developed (SD), Insufficiently

mber in the appropriate columns where the MELC has been


More samples of NeoClassical and

Romantic Arts

Additional artworks of artist

Lesson were almost completely


Arts from NeoClassic and Romantic

Period were influenced to Philippine Arts

More sample of Arts in Neoclassic and

Romantic Period for the Evolution of Art
Kindly write the main idea at the center
so learners
More will beof
comparison guided.
NeoClassic from
Exhibit moreArtsartworks
during NeoClassic
and Romantic
Kindly write thePeriod
big idea sa topmost blank
to guide the learners
Identify different artworks
Make individual artworks
Neoclassical and Romatic Arts
Neoclassical and Romatic Arts
Code Nos.: A9ELIIIb-1 (A9ELIIIb-1:A9PR-IIIg -7)
(Please affix your e-signature below.)

I certify that this evaluation report and recommendation are my own and have been made without any undue influence from others.

Evaluator (s): PASCUA Signature (s):
Name (Printed)

Date: ###
Quarters 3 and 4 Self Learning Module


1 Examine carefully the set of SLMs ( SLM for Quarter 3 is separate from Quarter 4
(6) Factors listed below.
2 Rate the SLM using the prescribed criterion items and the corresponding rubrics o
3 Encode each error or deficiency in a row (i.e., 1 error is equal to 1 row). In Factor
errors or deficiencies while indicate series numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) for Factors II an
2nd or 3rd rows) for every additional comment in a criterion item so that the formu

4 Briefly describe in column 3 any deficiency or error found in each criterion item.
5 Cite the module number, lesson number, the specific page, paragraph, and line n
Give your recommendations to address this deficiency or error in column 7.

6 Validate computations in column 8. For Factors I, II, IV, errors or deficiencies are
III, V, & VI number of errors and deficiencies are totalled. Numbers will appear im

7 Factor II and IV
a Indicate the required total number of lessons in the row after the label for Factor I
the said rows (Total number of lessons is 20) revise the "20" with the actual numb
b In each criterion item, count the number of lessons with errors or deficiencies. Re
found in a lesson, these should be given 1 demerit (equivalent to 1 lesson) for the
- Examples:Criterion Item 2, comments are found in:

Module 1: Lesson 1: 4 errors = 1 demerit

Module 1: Lesson 2: 5 errors = 1 demerit
Module 2: Lesson 1: 6 errors = 1 demerit
Total number of lessons with errors/deficiencies in criterion ite

c Since, the total number of the lessons with errors/deficiencies is not in formula, en
criterion item also in column 8. The totals are also link to column 8 in the middle r
compute the percentages of the lessons with errors/deficiencies.

Total number of lessons - Total number of lessons with errors or defici

d Check the results in column 9. The percentages are linked to the formulae in colu
criterion items.
8 Recompute to validate the total score for each factor by adding all the ratings give

9 To compute for the weighted rating for each for factor, use the following formula:

10 Add all the computed weighted rating for each factor to get the overall rating for th
the Factor if there is a Criterion Item indicated as Not Applicable (NA).

To PASS in this area of evaluation, the set of SLMs shall garner 100% total overa
Self Learning Modules


eparate from Quarter 4) for compliance to standards indicated in the six

corresponding rubrics or the Indicators in Rating the Criterion Items for

ual to 1 row). In Factors III, V,VI indicate "1" in column 2 for each row of
3, etc.) for Factors II and IV. Insert additional rows at the middle (e.q.,
n item so that the formulae in columns 8 & 9 will not be deleted.

n each criterion item.

, paragraph, and line number where it is found in columns 4, 5 & 6.
error in column 7.

rrors or deficiencies are computed in percentage (%) and for Factors

Numbers will appear immediately, check if formulae are not deleted.

er the label for Factor II and IV in column 8. An example is encoded in

0" with the actual number of the lesssons in your assigned SLMs.
ors or deficiencies. Regardless of the number of errors or deficiencies
lent to 1 lesson) for the specific criterion item.
are found in:

= 1 demerit
= 1 demerit
= 1 demerit
iciencies in criterion item 2 is 3

ies is not in formula, encode the said total in the last rows of each
olumn 8 in the middle rows of the specific criterion item, these will
ons with errors or deficiencies / Total number of lessons X 100
to the formulae in column 9 these are the ratings for the respective

ding all the ratings given in each criterion item under each factor.

the following formula:

the overall rating for this area of evaluation. Adjust the perfect score of
cable (NA).

arner 100% total overall rating. Total overall rating of 60% to 99% is categorized as CONDITION

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