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Testing of Difference of Two Testing of Difference of Two

Means Means cont.
Here n1, n2 or both are small (<30) and the 4. Set up the level of significance,  and the critical value say ttab at
population variances are unknown but equal and n1 + n2 – 2 degrees of freedom.

two populations follow normal distribution. 5. Compute the test statistic as tcal.

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Example-5 Example-6
The following are the number of sales with a Measuring specimens of nylon yarn taken from
sample of 6 sales people of gas lighter in a city A two machines, it was found that 8 specimens from
and a sample of 8 sales people of gas lighter in first machine had a mean denier of 9.67 with a
another city B made over a certain fixed period of S.D. of 1.81 while 10 specimens from a second
time: machine had a mean denier 7.43 with a S.D. 1.48.
City A: 63, 48, 54, 44, 59, 52 Assuming the population are normal, test the
City B: 41, 52, 38, 50, 66, 54, 44, 61 hypothesis H0: μ1-μ2=1.5 against H1: μ1-μ2>1.5
Assuming that the population sampled can be at 0.05 level of significance.
approximated closely with normal distributions
having the same variance. Test H0: μ1=μ2
against H1: μ1≠μ2 at the 5% level of significance.
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Paired t-Test Paired t-Test cont.

1.Let (x1, y1), (x2,y2),…., (xn,yn) be n pairs of 4. Set up the level of significance and critical
observations from a bivariate normal population, and value (t tab).
the values of x and y are not independent, i.e., they
5. Decision:
are correlated.
2. H0 : μx = μy H1 Reject H0, if
3. H1: μx  μy or μx > μy or μx < μy μx > μy tcal > ttab i.e., t, n – 1
4. Statistic : Let di = xi – yi for the i-th pair (i = 1, 2,
…., n)
μx < μy tcal < - ttab i.e., -t, n – 1
and d =  i , s 2 = ∑( di - d ) 2 / n
μ x  μy tcal > ttab i.e., t/2, n – 1
d or, tcal < - ttab i.e., -t/2, n – 1
Then t  follows t-distribution with (n – 1) degrees of freedom
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Example-7 Testing of a Single Variance

An I.Q. was administered to 5 persons before
and after they were trained. The results are
given below:
I.Q. before training 110 120 123 132 125
I.Q. after training 120 118 125 136 121

Test whether there is any change in I.Q. after

the training program. (use 1% level of

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Testing of a Single Variance

cont. Example-8

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Testing of Equality of Two Testing of Equality of Two

Variances Variances cont.
L et X i , i = 1, 2, … , n 1 a nd Y j , j = 1 , 2, … , n 2 b e tw o in de p end ent ra n do m s am ples w ith
m e an x and y respective ly d raw n fro m no rm al po pulatio ns w ith the sa m e v arian ce.
Here consider the null hypothesis H0: The two samples
have been drawn from normal populations with the
1 n1
1 n2
same variance.
 ( x i  x ) 2 an d S y 2  n  1 
L et S x  ( y j  y)2
n 1  1 i 1 2 j 1
Then we compare the calculated value of F with its
tabulated value.
T h e F -statistic is define d b y the relatio n If the calculated value of F exceeds F0.05 for
2 (n1-1, n2-1) degree of freedom, we say that the
ratio is significant at 5% level and the
2 2 2 2
F  2
, (S x  S y ) or F  2
, (S y  Sx )
Sy Sx
hypothesis may be rejected.
In th e first case , w e sa y th at F has (n 1 -1, n 2 -1) degree o f freedo m and in the second cas e
w e sa y that F has (n 2 -1 , n 1 -1) d e gre e o f freedo m . If the calculated value of F is less than F0.05 the
hypothesis may be true and we conclude that
N o te: T h e grea ter of th e tw o va lu es Sx 2 a nd S y is ta k en in th e nu m era to r, w hile
the samples could have come from two
calcu la tin g F.
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normal populations with the same variance. 12



Example-9 of FIT TEST)
This test was given by Karl Pearson in 1900 for testing the significance of the discrepancy
 between theory and experiment. It enables us to find if the deviation of the experiment from
theory is just by chance or due to the inadequacy of the theory to fit the observed data.

If Oi, i = 1, 2, …,n is a set of observed (experimental) frequencies and Ei, i = 1, 2, …,n is

the corresponding set of expected (theoretical or hypothetical) frequencies then Chi Square
is defined by

(O i  E i ) 2
2  [
i 1 Ei

 2
is defined above is said to have (n-1) degree of freedom.

If the calculated value of  2 is less than the tabulated value of  2 at 5% level of

significance, then the fit is considered to be good i.e. the deviation between actual and
expected frequencies is attributed to fluctuation of simple sampling.

If the calculated value of  2 is greater than the tabulated value of  2

at 5% level of
significance, then the fit is considered to be poor.

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A random sample of 220 students in a college were
asked to give opinion in terms of yes or no about the
winning of their college cricket team in a tournament,
The following data are collected. Test whether there is
any association between opinion and class in college
(use 5% level of significance).
Class in College
1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
Yes 43 20 37
No 23 57 40

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