Fabel Bahasa Inggris Singkat

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Frogs and Ox

One day, a group of Frogs were sitting on the bank of a river. They saw an Ox walking
by. The Frogs started to make fun of him. They said, “You are so big and strong. Why
don’t you jump into the river?” The Ox said, “I’m not afraid of the river. I can swim.” The
Frogs said, “We don’t believe you. Prove it.” So the Ox jumped into the river. But he
couldn’t swim and he drowned.
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Kelas :

The Fox and the Grapes

One day, a Fox saw some grapes hanging from a vine. He wanted to eat them, but they
were too high up for him to reach. So he jumped up and down, but he still couldn’t get
them. Then he tried to climb the vine, but it was too slippery. He gave up and went
away. As he was walking away, he said to himself, “Those grapes were probably sour
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Kelas :

The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

One day, a Wolf saw a flock of sheep. He wanted to eat them, but he knew that the
shepherd would stop him. So he thought of a plan. He put on a sheepskin and joined
the flock. The shepherd didn’t know that he was a Wolf. After a while, the Wolf started to
act like a wolf. He chased the sheep and tried to eat them. The shepherd saw him and
chased him away.
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Crocodile and Monkey

One day, a Monkey was playing by a river. He saw a Crocodile swimming towards him.
He was scared and climbed up a tree. The Crocodile said, “Don’t be afraid, I just want to
be friends.” The Monkey said, “But I’m afraid you will eat me.” The Crocodile said, “I
promise I won’t eat you. I just want to be friends.” The Monkey thought for a while and
then came down from the tree. He walked with the Crocodile to the other side of the
river. But when they got there, the Crocodile ate the Monkey.
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The Lion and the Mouse

The lion was the king of the jungle. He was big, strong, and powerful. The mouse was
tiny and weak. One day, the lion caught the mouse. He was going to eat him for lunch.
But the mouse begged for mercy. The lion said he could go free if he could do
something for him. The mouse agreed. He ran away quickly and came back with a thorn
in the lion’s paw. The lion was so surprised that the mouse had been able to do that. He
let him go free.
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Squirrels and the Chipmunk

One day, a group of Squirrels were having a meeting. They were discussing what to do
with the acorns they had stored up for winter. One Squirrel said, “We should share them
with the other animals.” But another Squirrel said, “No, we should keep them for
ourselves. We worked hard to collect them.” Then a Chipmunk came up to them and
said, “Please give me some of your acorns. I’m hungry.” The Squirrels thought for a
while and then gave the Chipmunk some acorns.

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