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+ HAZARD OBSERVATION ACTION CARD Mee crn reek tcliiicsauarn Q Put“ 1" on the behaviour / condition observed i Eyes |e ‘Pemapasan / Respiratory system [Tangan / Hand = [Badan / Body - Koki /Feet 7 [tain-lain / Others - x k sesuai dengan jenis pekerjaan/improperly tools — |Alat tidak cigunakan dengan baily Tools not used correctly L [Tidak dipenuhi / Not followed [Tidak diketahui / Not known | Jarea kerf tidak bersin/ Work area dirty [ire kere tidak rap dan teratur / Untidy work area v [Tumpanan / spi a [Bocor / Leak [Terpapar tempperatur ekstrim atau gas berbahaya / potential exposure to extreme temperatures or hazardous gas jatuhan Benda / Potential to be struck by object [Tesiepit / Could get caught in or between object [Terpeteset atau jatuh / Potential slip or fall [Kontak dengan anus listik Potential contact with electrical devices fkelelahan kerja / Potential for strain or overexertion |Mengisap atau menelan sesuatu yang berbahaya / inhale or swallow phazardous material kkematian / Fatality [Kecacatan / Severe Injury ‘erusakan proper dan aset perusahaan / Property damage

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