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Name: Chin Marie M.

Manayon Date: March 19, 2022

Section: GEC 106 – Uu5 Score:

Intermission 4: React Part 1 

Here is a situation: You posted a funny photo of yourself, and someone made a meme
out of it. Then that meme became viral and already got 200,000 shares on FB when you
discovered it! How would you react? What will you do? 
Honestly, I do not have any idea how I would react because that is something
that I could never imagine happening to myself. I always prefer to be low-key. But if ever
that's going to happen, I would become instantly famous because that's what I have
observed on everything that goes viral, it's like every single person gets curious and
jump on the bandwagon. The thought of it surprisingly makes me feel uncomfortable
because if ever I'm going to be famous, I never want it to be by being a laughingstock or
in other words, a clown to everyone else's eyes to feast upon. I would rather be popular
for being a person of substance.
However, somehow, I realized what's wrong with making others happy right? If I
made one person smile by my funny face, then that's good. What matters most is that I
leave a positive impact to people even if it may cost something from me as long as I’m
not compromising my identity in Christ. Besides, in a world filled with broken and
exhausted people, someone has to be reminded that life, even with its thorns and
ugliness, always is beautiful and that there's always a reason to smile no matter how
shallow that reason may be. If that could save someone else's day, then that's
awesome. Who doesn't want to make people feel better right? Moreover, if that would
help expand my audience, then that's even more amazing because maybe people
would listen to what I will say in their curiosity to know who I am. So, I would probably
take advantage of the situation. How? Well, it would be a great opportunity for me to
share the gospel and my testimony so that more people will come to repentance and
receive Jesus Christ in their lives. Surprising? Yes.
The truth is, the end is nearer now more than ever and yet still so many people
are lost and broken not knowing that Jesus is real and that there's a cure and healing to
every pain, there's comfort from exhaustion, there's way to satisfaction, there's more to
life than staying alive and most of all there's freedom from slavery of sin and salvation
from eternal condemnation. There is hope to Him who is the Way, the Truth, and the
Life but they cannot have that hope if no one tells them. There is a great implication of
Christ's death on the cross, that He came not only to save from hell those who will
believe in Him, but also to free them from the misery of purposeless life here on earth.
So many people are living less than the standard of God for them, and if God
would allow, I would use the opportunity to preach Him to the world. Just as I have
received Him through someone, then so shall I willingly be God's instrument for others
to return to Him. That decision will not be quite easy because that would require me to
step out of my comfort zone but if it is really God's will then it shall be done because that
is now what I'm living for, to bring glory to His name.
If I can make people happy through my funny picture, then more willingly should I
show people the Way to joy that lasts for eternity who is Jesus Christ. A meme may
make people happy but only He can give people joy. Glory to God in the highest.

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