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The environmental

impact of industries in
Team 4
Group: 350
Members Enrollment
Brayan Eduardo Decuir Trujillo 2098533
Karol Valeria Guerrero Luna 2098163
Aranza Maldonado Bocanegra 2098049
Gael Antonio Rivera Diego 2098502
Samantha Lizeth Valles Pérez 2098237
In this evidence we decided to talk about the environmental impact of industries in Mexico,
since it is a very important topic, and above all that interested the whole team, it is a topic
of which there is a lot of information and helps us to be more informed of what could be the
consequences in the present and in the future.
In this work we talk about the great problem of the industries in our country and the
environmental impact they have, about all the pollution and all the measures that are
taken to reduce it.
Theoretical framework
With the information researched and collected, I can say that this problem
affects our state at a national level, both to living beings and to animal
and flora biodiversity. In addition, the EIA establishes the conditions to
which the works and activities that can cause ecological imbalance must
be subjected, corresponding to this they help to maintain the balance and
stability to avoid or minimize their negative effects on the environment,
especially those carried out by the oil, petrochemical, chemical, steel,
paper, sugar, electricity and cement industries.
Overexploitation of renewable and
non-renewable natural resources; in
the case of renewable resources, if
exploited in excess it makes their
renewal impossible, while non-
renewable resources lead to their
depletion, trying to use reason and
awareness so that industries in this
case do not make irresponsible use of
natural resources, and if this
continues, our resources will soon be
During the last decade, Mexico has been
even more affected by pollution, which
comes from anthropogenic actions,
especially from the industrial field, due
to the polluting gases they emit, since
as we know these substances are
discharged into our ecosystems.
Testing the hypothesis
The accelerated growth of industrial activity in many countries, the
poor management of many chemical substances, and the improper
disposal of toxic waste have increased the exposure of the
population and natural ecosystems to potentially toxic substances,
according to SNIARN.

According to INE, it is estimated that only 12% of the hazardous

waste generated in Mexico is treated, recycled or deposited
in special sites.
Between 2004 and 2017, the 115 158 registered companies generated
2.45 million tons of hazardous waste
Estimated generation of PR reported to the PGRP by type, 2004-2017.

Source: Dirección General de Gestión Integral de Materiales y Actividades

Riesgosas, Semarnat. México. Marzo 2018.
According to data from SEDEMA (Secretaría del Medio Ambiente de la
Ciudad de México), automobile emissions have decreased in recent
years, while those generated by companies have increased.
Conclusion general
We concluded that our hypothesis was true, it really is a topic which we have
seen before so we had some knowledge about it, so thanks to that previous
knowledge we could deduce that industries cause a great impact on our
ecosystems due to the polluting gases they emit, we conducted the
documentary research and we could realize that we were right, and that really
the industries have a great negative impact on both air and water, that due to
both polluting gases and waste from them, causing enormous damage to
both animals and us humans, considering that we are to blame for all that
happens we should find a way to produce less polluting gases and to make
companies responsible for their waste, so we can reduce the impact on our
Importance of a
sustainable lifestyle.
The planet's resources are running out and a
respectful and healthy model is urgently
needed to ensure the future of new
generations. Leading a sustainable lifestyle
is more than achieving responsible
consumption, it is about living based on a
commitment to the environment and can be
achieved by introducing small actions in our
daily lives.
According to the ONU "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs".
Taking this into account, we have to be aware of what measures to take regarding both
responsible consumption and sustainable production and management of natural
resources, give clues on what to do and how to act in order to lead a sustainable lifestyle.

We have to avoid bad decisions in the creation of housing, as well as avoid the excessive use of
fossil fuels, reduce our levels of consumerism, have a responsible use of energy, avoid in
any way, purchase products that take a long time to degrade, consume natural products
that we can plant in our own homes, use renewable energy, these and other actions.

Many times we will ask ourselves and why is it so important to lead a sustainable lifestyle?
Well, in a few words, we will end up with what we know as our home, there will be extreme
weather phenomena, states will collapse and there will be many natural catastrophes. It is
really not complicated to lead a sustainable lifestyle, and we would save our planet from
many situations which could cause it to collapse.
- Informe del medio ambiente. (s. f.). Gobierno de México. Recuperado 8 de noviembre de 2022,

Hvac&R, R. M. (2016b, marzo 16). Impacto ambiental de la industria en México: avances,

alternativas y acciones inmediatas.

Contaminación industrial: causas y maneras de evitarla | Chubb. (s. f.). Recuperado de

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