IPMSM Velocity and Current Control Using MTPA Base

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Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (2017) 896–908

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an International Journal
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Full Length Article

IPMSM velocity and current control using MTPA based adaptive

fractional order sliding mode controller
Sayed Hamed Hosseini, Mohammad Tabatabaei ⇑
Department of Electrical Engineering, Khomeinishahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents a two-loop approach for velocity and stator currents control of an Interior-type
Received 29 October 2016 Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (IPMSM). In the outer loop, the reference torque obtained from
Revised 20 March 2017 a conventional PI controller gives two-axis stator reference currents based on Maximum-Torque per
Accepted 22 March 2017
Ampere (MTPA) strategy. In the inner loop, an adaptive fractional order sliding mode controller is
Available online 29 April 2017
designed to reach the two-axis stator currents to their reference values obtained from the MTPA method.
To achieve this idea, fractional order sliding surfaces and an adaptive controller with adjustable param-
eters are employed. The adaptive controller is designed to increase the robustness of the proposed
Fractional order sliding mode controller
method against the uncertainties in stator resistance and inductances. A Lyapunov based adaptation
Interior-type permanent magnet mechanism is proposed for adjustment of the controller parameters. The optimal value of the fractional
synchronous motor (IPMSM) orders are obtained by optimization of an integral time absolute error performance index. The simulation
Adaptive control results show the robustness of the proposed method against the uncertainties in stator resistance and
stator inductances.
Ó 2017 Karabuk University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction an IPMSM based on fuzzy-approximation has been proposed.

Moreover, a reduced-order observer-based adaptive fuzzy
High torque and power to current ratio, high efficiency and tracking controller for chaotic PMSM drive system has been
robustness make extensive use of Interior-type Permanent magnet presented [8].
synchronous motors (IPMSM) in industrial applications. Nonlinear Robust and adaptive nonlinear approaches have been utilized in
dynamic of IPMSM, the presence of electrical and mechanical IPM motor control, too. Adaptive backstepping controller has been
uncertainties and the external load disturbance leads to utilize used for IPMSM control [9,10]. In [11], a combination of MTPA
advanced newly methods in IPMSM control applications [1]. based integral backstepping controller and an adaptive high gain
A variety of intelligent methods have been employed in this observer have been employed for sensorless control of IPMSM.
area. In [2], a neural network based PI controller considering two An adaptive parameter estimator with MTPA strategy has been
well-known control strategies (Maximum Torque per Ampere or proposed, too [12]. In [13], a Lyapunov-based adaptive controller
MTPA and Flux Weakening or FW) has been proposed for velocity for position control of IPMSM has been presented. In [14], a novel
control of IPMSM. In [3], a neural network-based adaptive dynamic robust model reference adaptive system for speed estimation of an
surface controller for PMSM has been introduced. In [4], a dynamic IPMSM has been proposed. Moreover, a MTPA based adaptive
backpropagation neural network controller with the Levenburg- input-output state feedback linearization approach has been intro-
Marquardt algorithm for speed control of IPMSM has been duced for sensorless IPMSM control [15].
presented. Moreover, Fuzzy logic controllers and genetic Sliding mode controllers have been widely used for control of
algorithms have been employed in IPMSM drive applications, too interior permanent magnet synchronous motors. In [16], first, an
[5,6]. In [7], a discrete-time adaptive position tracking control for input-output linearization technique has been employed to lin-
earize the IPMSM model and then a chattering-free sliding mode
controller has been proposed to increase the robustness of the con-
⇑ Corresponding author at: Islamic Azad University, Khomeinishahr Branch, troller against the modelling errors. A sensorless torque/flux slid-
Daneshjoo Boulvard, Manzarieh, Khomeinishahr, Isfahan, Iran. ing mode controller has been presented for IPMSM [17]. A MTPA
E-mail addresses: hosseini.shmd@gmail.com (S.H. Hosseini), tabata- based sliding mode controller with a sliding-mode observer for
baei@iaukhsh.ac.ir (M. Tabatabaei).
rotor speed estimation has been presented [18]. In [19], a new
Peer review under responsibility of Karabuk University.

2215-0986/Ó 2017 Karabuk University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
S.H. Hosseini, M. Tabatabaei / Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (2017) 896–908 897

sliding mode observer has been designed for rotor speed estima- 3. Main concepts in fractional calculus
tion of the IPMSM.
Utilizing non-integer derivatives and integrals in the controller Utilizing non-integer derivatives and integrals as a generaliza-
structure yields the so-called fractional order controllers that leads tion of their corresponding integer order operators is the basis of
to more flexibility and performance in the controller design proce- the fractional calculus. This results in infinite-dimensional systems
dure [20,21]. Fractional order sliding mode controller with frac- that could describe real plants more precisely. Moreover, utilizing
tional order sliding surface has been considered in the literature. the fractional order controllers with higher degrees of freedom
In [22], a fractional order adaptive sliding mode controller for increases the system performance and flexibility comparing with
multi-input multi-output systems has been proposed. In [23], a ordinary controllers. The Riemann-Liouville (R.L), the Grunwald-
sliding mode controller with fractional order sliding surface has Letnikov and the Caputo definitions are three popular definitions
been introduced in which the sign function has been replaced with that have been introduced for fractional order derivative in the lit-
a fuzzy logic controller to decrease the chattering effect. The per- erature. The fractional order derivative of a constant function isn’t
formance of a fractional order sliding mode surface for robust con- zero according to R.L definition. But, it is zero in accordance with
trol of Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems subject to a wide range the Caputo definition. This is the reason why the Caputo definition
of disturbances has been verified, too [24]. Fractional order sliding is mostly used in engineering applications. The fractional order
mode controller has been used for control real plants. A fractional derivative of the function f ðtÞ in the sense of Caputo (0 Dat f ðtÞ)
order sliding mode controller has been implemented for a DC/DC (which is utilized in this paper) is defined as follows [20]
buck converter [25]. Fractional order sliding mode controllers for Z
t ðnÞ
speed control of PMSM have been utilized, too [26,27]. In [28], a a 1 f
0 Dt f ðtÞ ¼ ds; ðn  1 6 a < nÞ; n 2 N
fractional order sliding mode controller has been presented for Cðn  aÞ 0 ðt  sÞaþ1n
position control of PMSM. ð4Þ
As far as we know, the fractional order sliding mode controller
hasn’t been employed to control IPMSM drive systems. This paper where a is the fractional order derivative, n is an arbitrary integer
employs this method to control IPMSM drive system. Considering number, N is the set of natural numbers and Cð:Þ is the common
the reference speed, a PI controller is used to calculate the torque Gamma function defined as
reference that is utilized to obtain the two-axis stator reference Z 1

currents based on MTPA approach. A fractional order sliding mode CðxÞ ¼ ez zx1 dz: ð5Þ
controller with a Lyapunov-based adaptation mechanism is
employed to reach the d-q stator currents to their corresponding
reference values. Employing fractional orders in the sliding sur- 4. The proposed control approach
faces will improve the transient response and robustness. Simula-
tion results show the effectiveness of the proposed method under A two-loop controller is employed for velocity control of the
change in stator winding parameters such as resistance and IPMSM based on the MTPA strategy. In the first step, the reference
inductances. torque is calculated through a conventional PI controller with
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The mathematical transfer function kp þ ksi . The PI controller parameters are tuned
model of IPMSM is given in Section 2. Section 3 presents some nec- with trial and error such that a good command following and good
essary relations related to fractional calculus. Section 4 describes load torque rejection capability will be obtained. In the second
the proposed control design method. The simulation results and step, the two-axis stator reference currents are determined
discussions are given in Section 5. Finally, section 6 concludes through a maximum torque per ampere strategy. Finally, the
the paper. two-axis stator reference voltages are calculated so that the differ-
ence between the two-axis stator currents and their reference val-
2. Mathematical model of IPMSM ues obtained from the MTPA block tend to zero. It is achieved using
an adaptive fractional order sliding mode control approach. Fig. 1
The IPMSM model in the rotor rotating (d  q) reference frame shows the overall control block diagram. It is obvious that the
could be written as [29] inner loop (current loop) should be much faster than the outer loop
(speed loop). The details of the proposed control method are illus-
v d ¼ Rs id þ Ld didt  PLq xr iq
d trated in the forthcoming subsections.
v q ¼ Rs iq þ Lq didt þ PLd xr id þ Pxr km
4.1. Fundamentals of the MTPA approach

where v d and v q , are the d and q axis stator voltages, id and iq are the
In the MTPA strategy, the two-axis stator reference currents are
d and q axis stator currents, Rs is the stator resistance, Ld and Lq are calculated so that the maximum torque per ampere will be
the d and q axis stator inductances, xr is the rotor angular velocity, achieved. This means that
P is the number of pole pairs and km is the permanent magnet flux
T ref
linkage. max : : ð6Þ
The electric torque (T e ) could be obtained in terms of the stator
currents as follows If the reference torque (T ref ) is assumed to be constant, then the
stator reference current (isref ) should be minimized. The stator ref-
T e ¼ 1:5Pðkm iq þ ðLd  Lq Þid iq Þ: ð2Þ
erence current could be calculated in terms of the two-axis stator
The following equation gives the relation between electric tor- reference currents as follows
que and the rotor speed qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2 2
isref ¼ ids þ iqs ð7Þ
T e ¼ Jx
_ r þ Bxr þ T L ð3Þ
where ids and iqs are the d and q axis stator reference currents,
where J and B are the moment of inertia and the viscous friction respectively. These values are related to each other by the torque
coefficients, respectively. The load torque is represented with T L . Eq. (2). This means that
898 S.H. Hosseini, M. Tabatabaei / Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (2017) 896–908

Fig. 1. The MTPA based IPMSM control block diagram.

1 2T ref where the fractional orders ad and aq belong to ð0; 1. Moreover, cd
ids ¼  km : ð8Þ
ðLd  Lq Þ 3Piqs and cq are arbitrary positive constants. ed and eq tend to zero
through the sliding surfaces (15). Increasing the value of cd and cq
Substituting (8) in (7), yields the stator reference current in
decreases the settling time of ed and eq , respectively. Now, the
terms of the q-axis stator reference current
two axis stator voltages (v d and v q ) should be appropriately calcu-
2 1 2T ref 2 lated to drive the state trajectories to the sliding surfaces in (15) or
isref ¼ 2
 km þ iqs : ð9Þ the following sliding surface reaching conditions should be satisfied
ðLd  Lq Þ 3Piqs
sd s_ d < 0; sq s_ q < 0: ð16Þ
To minimize the stator reference current, the following equa-
tion should be satisfied Theorem 1 gives the appropriate relations for vd and vq to
2 ensure the reaching conditions in (16).
¼ 0: ð10Þ
@iqs Theorem 1. If the following two axis stator voltages are considered,
Incorporating Eqs. (9) and (10) gives the following equation then the reaching conditions in (16) will be fulfilled
2 2T ref 2T ref v d ¼ Ld  PLq xr iq þ Rs id þ cd Ld D1ad ed þ kd sgnðsd Þ: ð17Þ
2iqs þ  km ¼ 0: ð11Þ dt
ðLd  Lq Þ2 3Piqs 2
Simplifying (11) leads to the following fourth-order equation v q ¼ Lq þ PLd xr id þ Rs iq þ Pkm xr þ cq Lq D1aq eq þ kq sgnðsq Þ:
4 ð18Þ
9P2 ðLd  Lq Þ2 iqs þ 6PT ref km iqs  4T 2ref ¼ 0: ð12Þ
where kd and kq are arbitrary positive numbers and sgnð:Þ denotes the
Numerically solving Eq. (12) yields the q-axis stator reference sign function defined as
current. Notice that only real solutions giving minimum stator ref-
erence current are acceptable. Substituting the resultant q-axis sta- jxj
sgnðxÞ ¼ : ð19Þ
tor reference current in Eq. (8), gives the d-axis stator reference x
Proof. according to (15), we have
4.2. Fractional order sliding mode controller design for IPMSM
s_ d ¼ e_ d þ cd D1ad ed
In this subsection, the two-axis stator voltages are obtained : ð20Þ
s_ q ¼ e_ q þ cq D1aq eq
according to a fractional- order sliding mode control approach.
Let us define the difference between the two axis stator currents Considering relations (14), (17) and (18), Eq. (20) could be sim-
and their corresponding reference values acquired from the MPTA plified as
method with ed and eq , respectively. i.e.
kd kq
ed ¼ ids  id ; eq ¼ iqs  iq : ð13Þ s_ d ¼  sgnðsd Þ; s_ q ¼  sgnðsq Þ: ð21Þ
Ld Lq
Incorporating Eqs. (1) and (13) yields According to relations (19) and (21), the left-side of inequalities
8   (16) could be written as
< e_ d ¼ Rs e þ iLds þ didtds  L q xr iq  vL d
d PL



 : ð14Þ kd kq
> v sd s_ d ¼  jsd j; sq s_ q ¼  jsq j: ð22Þ
: e_ q ¼ Rs e
þ P x r
L d id
þ km
 Lqq Ld Lq

To tend the two axis stator current errors to zero, the following It is obvious that the right-sides of expressions (22) are negative
fractional order sliding surfaces are defined (considering positive values for kd and kq ). Therefore, the reaching
conditions (16) are satisfied. This completes the proof.
sd ¼ ed þ cd Dad ed This means that the stator currents id and iq will tend to their
sq ¼ eq þ cq Daq eq reference values ids and iqs obtained from (12) and (8) through
sliding surfaces (15). h
S.H. Hosseini, M. Tabatabaei / Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (2017) 896–908 899

4.3. Adaptive fractional order sliding mode controller design for >
> h_ 1 ¼ c sd didtds þ Psq id xr þ cd sd D1ad ed
h_ 2 ¼ c sq dtqs  Piq sd xr þ sq cq D1aq eq ð25Þ
The electrical parameters Rs , Ld and Lq could vary slowly with >
h_ 3 ¼ cðsd id þ sq iq Þ
time. Therefore, an adaptive control strategy should be established
to compensate the effect of uncertainties in these parameters. To where c is the adaptation gain parameter.
achieve this goal, the two-axis stator voltages should be changed as
v d ¼ h1  Ph2 xr iq þ h3 id þ cd h1 D1ad ed þ kd sgnðsd Þ: ð23Þ Proof. Consider the following Lyapunov candidate function
1 2 1 2 ðh1  Ld Þ2 ðh2  Lq Þ2 ðh3  Rs Þ2
V¼ Ld s þ Lq s þ þ þ : ð26Þ
diqs 2 d 2 q 2c 2c 2c
v q ¼ h2 þ Ph1 xr id þ h3 iq þ Pkm xr þ cq h2 D1aq eq þ kq sgnðsq Þ
If the slowly varying parameters Ld and Lq could have only pos-
itive values, then the function V defined in (26) is a positive func-
where h1 , h2 and h3 are the adjustable control parameters that tion which could be considered as a Lyapunov candidate function.
should be adapted according to an appropriate adaptation mecha- The time derivative of (26) is calculated as
nism which is proposed through the following Theorem.
ðh1  Ld Þ dh1 ðh2  Lq Þ dh2 ðh3  Rs Þ dh3
V_ ¼ Ld sd s_ d þ Lq sq s_ q þ þ þ :
Theorem 2. Employing the stator voltages (23) and (24) with the
c dt c dt c dt
following adaptation mechanism ensures that the state trajectories ð27Þ
tend to the sliding surfaces defined in (15) and stay on them Substituting equations (23) and (24) in the error dynamics (14)
considering electrical parameters uncertainties. gives

Fig. 2. The control signals of the adaptive fractional order sliding mode controller. To minimize the chattering phenomena, the sign function (19) could be replaced with the
following saturation function.
900 S.H. Hosseini, M. Tabatabaei / Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (2017) 896–908

Fig. 3. The detailed block diagram of the adaptation mechanism.

ðh3  Rs Þ 1 dids Pðh2  Lq Þ Table 1

e_ d ¼ id  ðh1  Ld Þ þ xr iq IPMSM specifications.
Ld Ld dt Ld
 ðcd h1 D1ad ed þ kd sgnðsd ÞÞ:
Features Values
Ld Rated Power 2.5 KW
Rated Voltage 250 V
ðh3  Rs Þ 1 diqs Pðh1  Ld Þ Rated Frequency 60 Hz
e_ q ¼ iq  ðh2  Lq Þ  xr id Stator Resistance (Rs ) 0.2 X
Lq Lq dt Lq
Number of Pole Pairs (P) 2
 ðcq h2 D1aq eq þ kq sgnðsq ÞÞ:
d-Axis Stator Inductance (Ld ) 8.5 mH
Lq q-Axis Stator Inductance (Lq ) 10 mH
Permanent Magnet Flux Linkage (km ) 0.175 V/rad/s
According to relations (20), (28) and (29), Eq. (27) could be Moment of Inertia (J) 0:089 kg m2
rewritten as Viscous Friction Coefficient (B) 0.005 Nm/rad/s
  Nominal Angular Velocity 1800 RPM
1 dh1 dids
V_ ¼ ðh1  Ld Þ
Full Load Torque 13.26 N.M
 sd  sd cd D1ad ed  Psq xr id
c dt dt
  1 dh2 diqs
þ h2  Lq þ Psd xr iq  sq  sq cq D1aq eq
c dt dt Table 2
  Controller parameters.
1 dh3
þ ðh3  Rs Þ  sd id  sq iq  kd sd sgnðsd Þ  kq sq sgnðsq Þ:
c dt Features Values Features Values
ð30Þ Proportional Gain (kp ) 0.1908 kd 60
Integral Gain (ki ) 0.089 kq 90
If the adaptation mechanism (25) is utilized, then relation (30) cd 4 cq 1
becomes c 0.001 r 3
ad 0.97 aq 0.62
V_ ¼ kd jsd j  kq jsq j: ð31Þ

It is obvious from (31) that V_ is a negative semi-definite func-

tion. This means that sd and sq , h1 , h2 and h3 are bounded. However,
Fig. 2 shows the block diagram corresponding with the control
according to the Barbalat’s Lemma [30], lim VðtÞ _ ¼ 0. Thus, sd and
t!1 signals (relations (23) and (24)). The detailed block diagram of the
sq tend to zero. Consider that the control parameters h1 , h2 and h3 adaptation mechanism (relation 25) is shown in Fig. 3. To realize
do not converge necessarily to their true values. Therefore, the the fractional order operators, the Non-integer MATLAB toolbox is
state trajectories reach to the sliding surfaces in a finite time. This employed [31]. In this toolbox, the fractional order operators are
completes the proof. approximated with high-order integer transfer functions.
S.H. Hosseini, M. Tabatabaei / Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (2017) 896–908 901

Fig. 4. The IPMSM angular velocity and the velocity error by applying 100% load.

Fig. 5. The two-axis stator currents (id ; iq ) and their reference values (ids ; iqs ).

Fig. 6. The two-axis stator voltages vd and vq with 100% load.

902 S.H. Hosseini, M. Tabatabaei / Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (2017) 896–908

Fig. 7. The IPMSM angular velocities by applying 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% load.

Fig. 8. The IPMSM electric torques by applying 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% load.

The optimum values for fractional orders ad and aq and the 5. Simulation results
sliding mode gains kd and kq are calculated to minimize the
following performance index (The normalized integral time abso- In this section, the performance of the proposed method is ver-
lute error) ified. Consider an IPMSM with the parameters given in Table 1 [2].
The adaptive fractional order sliding mode controller is applied to
RT RT this motor. The controller parameters obtained from the optimiza-
tjed ðtÞjdt tjeq ðtÞjdt
J ¼ R 0T þ R 0T ð32Þ tion approach are shown in Table 2. Consider that initial conditions
tjids ðtÞjdt 0
tjiqs ðtÞjdt for two-axis stator currents and adaptation parameters are consid-
where T is the settling time of the transient response of stator cur- ered as zero. The sampling period is consider as 0.0001.
rent errors. Fig. 4 shows the IPMSM angular velocity and the velocity error
8 x when the full load torque (T L ¼ 13:26 N:M) is applied to the motor.
< r if : jxj 6 r
> As could be seen, the load torque effect is eliminated and the motor
satðxÞ ¼ 1 if : x > r ð33Þ could track the reference velocity (xref ¼ 1800 RPM). The two-axis
1 if : x < r stator currents and their reference values in the presence of 100%
load torque are shown in Fig. 5. The stator current track their ref-
where r is the boundary layer width. Increasing r could cause the erence values (obtained from the MTPA block), rapidly. The two-
steady state error while decreasing it could increase the chattering axis stator voltages in the presence of 100% load are shown in
effect. h Fig. 6. Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 show the obtained IPMSM angular velocities
To show the effectiveness of the proposed control method, and the electrical torques when 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% of the
some numerical simulations are presented in the next section. nominal load torque are applied to the motor shaft (in 10 s).
S.H. Hosseini, M. Tabatabaei / Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (2017) 896–908 903

Fig. 9. The three-phase stator currents by applying the 100% load.

Fig. 10. The two-axis stator currents in the stationary rotating reference frames.

Fig. 11. The two-axis stator current errors ed and eq for 30% change in Ld .
904 S.H. Hosseini, M. Tabatabaei / Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (2017) 896–908

Fig. 12. The two-axis stator current errors ed and eq for 30% change in Lq .

Fig. 13. The two-axis stator current errors ed and eq for 30% change in Rs .

Fig. 14. The two-axis stator current errors ed and eq for 30% change in J.
S.H. Hosseini, M. Tabatabaei / Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (2017) 896–908 905

Fig. 15. The two-axis stator current errors ed and eq for 30% change in B.

Fig. 16. The angular velocity and the electrical motor torque for 30% change in Ld .

Fig. 17. The angular velocity and the electrical motor torque for 30% change in Lq .
906 S.H. Hosseini, M. Tabatabaei / Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (2017) 896–908

Fig. 18. The angular velocity and the electrical motor torque for 30% change in Rs .

Fig. 19. The angular velocity and the electrical motor torque for 30% change in J.

Fig. 20. The angular velocity and the electrical motor torque for 30% change in B.
S.H. Hosseini, M. Tabatabaei / Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (2017) 896–908 907

Fig. 21. The d-axis stator current errors ed for integer and fractional order controllers.

Fig. 22. The q-axis stator current errors eq for integer and fractional order controllers.

Fig. 7 shows that that the load torque effect is eliminated, quickly. pare the d and q axis stator current errors obtained with the opti-
The three-phase stator currents when 100% load is applied in 10 s mum fractional orders and the ordinary sliding mode controller.
are shown in Fig. 9. The two-axis stator currents in the stationary The superiority of the fractional order controller to the integer
rotating reference frames (including reference and actual ones) order one is obvious form Figs. 21 and 22 (considering both the
(ia ; ias ; ib ; ibs ) are shown in Fig. 10 (with 100% load). steady state and transient responses).
To verify the robust performance of the proposed method, all Moreover, the performance index obtained from (32) is
the electrical and mechanical parameters are changed 30% than J ¼ 0:0104 for integer order controller and is J ¼ 0:0043 for frac-
their nominal values. Figs. 11–15 show the two axis stator current tional order controller. The advantage of the fractional order con-
errors obtained with 30% change in Ld , Lq , Rs , J and B, respectively troller is evident from these performance indices.
(in the presence of 100% load). These figures demonstrate the
robustness of the proposed fractional order control approach 6. Conclusion
against the electrical and mechanical parameters uncertainties.
The IPMSM angular velocities and the electrical torques A MTPA based two-loop adaptive fractional order sliding mode
obtained with 30% change in Ld , Lq , Rs , J and B are shown in approach is proposed to control the velocity and stator currents of
Figs. 16–20, respectively (in the presence of 100% load). These fig- an IPMSM. The Lyapunov based adaptation mechanism is utilized
ures demonstrate the robustness of the proposed method. to guarantee the closed loop system stability under the uncertain-
Now, the results obtained with integer order sliding mode con- ties in IPMSM electrical parameters. The fractional order sliding
troller are compared with the corresponding ones obtained with mode controllers with fractional order integrals in their sliding
the fractional order sliding mode controller. Figs. 21 and 22 com- surfaces give superior performance comparing with the ordinary
908 S.H. Hosseini, M. Tabatabaei / Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (2017) 896–908

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