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SHARING YOUR CULTURE: As an FLTA you will act as a cultural ambassador of your country.

What do
you think it means to be a cultural ambassador? Elaborate on your answer by selecting one of these
scenarios and explaining how you would share your culture. 1) A guest lecture at your host
institution 2) An international festival 3) Volunteering at a local youth center. Please do not insert
your actual CV or resume in this section. This short essay should be your own unique ideas. It is
recommended you keep quotations and the use of outside sources to a minimum. However, if you
decide to use quotes or information from an outside source, you must include a citation for each one
utilized (this refers to websites as well). [Words Limit 700-750]
As an FLTA, being a cultural ambassador means representing and promoting the values, customs,
and traditions of my country in a positive and respectful manner. It involves sharing my knowledge
and experiences with others and creating a platform for cultural exchange and dialogue. It also
entails learning about other cultures and respecting their differences.
One scenario where I could act as a cultural ambassador is by giving a guest lecture at my host
institution. In this setting, I would share my culture by presenting a topic related to my country's
history, literature, art, or traditions. I would also use this opportunity to dispel common stereotypes
and misconceptions about my country and highlight its diversity and uniqueness. To engage my
audience, I would use multimedia resources such as pictures, videos, and music to make the
presentation more dynamic and interactive. Finally, I would encourage questions and feedback to
foster a dialogue and exchange of ideas.
Another scenario where I could act as a cultural ambassador is at an international festival. In this
setting, I would showcase my country's cultural heritage by wearing traditional clothing, preparing
authentic cuisine, and demonstrating traditional dances or music. I would also set up a booth where
visitors could learn more about my country's customs and traditions, including its language, religion,
and social norms. To make the experience more immersive, I would encourage visitors to try on
traditional clothing or participate in interactive activities such as calligraphy or folk games.
Finally, I could act as a cultural ambassador by volunteering at a local youth center. In this setting, I
would engage with young people from diverse backgrounds and share my culture through fun and
interactive activities such as cooking classes, language lessons, or storytelling sessions. I would also
use this opportunity to learn about the local culture and customs and encourage young people to
share their experiences and perspectives. Through this experience, I would aim to promote
intercultural understanding and respect among young people and inspire them to explore other
In conclusion, being a cultural ambassador is about promoting intercultural dialogue, fostering
mutual understanding, and creating a platform for exchange and learning. Whether in an academic
or community setting, it involves sharing one's culture with respect, humility, and openness and
engaging others in a meaningful and enriching way. By embracing this role, I hope to contribute to
building bridges of understanding between different cultures and promoting global harmony and

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