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Streamline video production and distribution

What is Ooyala Flex? 4

Core 6

Workflow 8

Objects 9

MAM 10

Reviewer 11

Panels 12

Analytics 13

Transfer 14

What is Ooyala Flex?
Ooyala Flex is a media logistics platform that reduces the cost and
complexity creating, managing and distributing content. Our flexible
and configurable platform provides control of end-to-end asset and
metadata management, workflow orchestration and operational
insights, transforming video content operations.


Video production teams are under im-
mense pressure to create and deliver more
“Media Logistics Platform”
content as audiences continue to fragment is a term coined by UK-based
across platforms, formats and devices, and research firm Ovum to define a new
video production migrates from legacy class of customisable, end-to-end
systems to IP-based workflows. With siloed media management software.
production teams and dissimilar technolo- MLPs are designed to handle the
gies used day to day in video production, mass-production and distribution
the need for an integrated platform has of content in the new data-driven,
personalized TV marketplace.
never been greater. Ooyala Flex orches-
trates every element in production and
distribution workflows — your existing
tools and systems, technical processes,
and manual tasks — and makes it easier to
adapt as the market changes.

With Ooyala Flex You Can…
Streamline and automate workflows Seamlessly integrate existing
Automate workflows and manage tasks technology
to speed up and simplify your operations. With Rest APIs, scripting, and an open
Then, integrate your existing systems plugin framework, you can integrate with
and production tools to tame tedious and existing systems and production tools and
error-prone manual work. quickly adapt as needed.

Gain real-time visibility across the Manage business and asset data
video supply chain Ooyala Flex provides the single source of
Maximize the ROI of your current invest- truth about your video operations. It unifies
ments and get the information you need to data from workflows, assets and systems
optimize and streamline video production into a single comprehensive view.
and distribution.
Get comprehensive analytics
Identify and resolve bottlenecks and insights
With complete visibility into your content Monitor your operations and optimize
processes and user activity, you’ll have the your workflows with real-time operational
data you need to identify bottlenecks and analytics, business activity monitoring and
opportunities to increase efficiency. per-user customizable dashboards and
Increase collaboration across
teams and regions Deploy your way
Connect disparate departments and Ooyala Flex is configurable, scriptable and
regions and help them work, share and extensible. Deploy it in the cloud, on-prem-
modify assets, and communicate within ise or in hybrid deployments; update at a
a single system. pace that suits your needs, and configure
every element.


Core is an automated media logistics engine, utilized by all other

Ooyala Flex modules. Core is the backbone of your media oper-
ations and supports enterprise application integration, process
automation, business-to-business communications and message
brokering, all in one place.

Scalable and highly flexible, Core orches- Core is event-driven and scriptable, mean-
trates all of your media and business critical ing integration with your wider enterprise
processes — covering users, assets, data, is a breeze. If you need deeper integration
storage, transcode, QC, job scheduling, or wish to build your own applications on
messaging, access control and more. top of Ooyala Flex, Core offers powerful
It offers a completely “composable” runtime REST APIs, SDKs, scripting to adapt Flex
via its web-based UI and API, so every ele- behavior and a plugin framework, as well
ment of the platform can be configured and as a multitude of robust media and data
scripted from first principles to be perfectly services.
aligned with your media logistics needs.
The fine-grained access control, quotas
Once you’ve set it up, the real-time dash- and object-oriented nature of Core mean
boards give you complete insight into your you can create multiple accounts, roles
media logistics workflow operations while and groups to partition access to assets,
tracking all user activity and seamlessly resources and data.
managing 3rd party resources.

♦♦ Advanced asset service: Support to ♦♦ Advanced data designer: To create
create, store, aggregate, search and multiple hierarchical metadata
categorize millions of assets and schema. Support for validation, access
associated metadata, comments control, auditing and commenting on a
and keyframes per-field level

♦♦ Resource service with plugins for ♦♦ Messaging and event filtering to

all leading transcode, QC, delivery, generate, repurpose and send event
storage and HSM solutions from data to other systems and services,
vendors such as Aspera, Amazon including Analytics
Web Services, Elemental, FileCatalyst,
♦♦ Scriptable message templates for
Harmonic, Oracle DIVArchive and
generating custom HTML email or
SMS messages
♦♦ Clustered job scheduler: Supporting
♦♦ Profile templates to support scripted
hundreds of job types from transcode
transcode and content validation
and QC to packaging and delivery.
Create your own scripted plugins and
timers with Ooyala Flex’s API ♦♦ Advanced REST API: For building your
own web-based products and services
♦♦ Fine-grained access control:
Supporting accounts, groups, roles, ♦♦ Scalable and highly available: Can be
users and integration to Active deployed on public or private cloud
Directory and supports clustering and DR


Workflow helps you put your technology and staff to work in the
most operationally efficient way and orchestrate I.T. resources and
people all over the world.

Extending the capabilities of Core, Features

Workflow lets you compose and automate
♦♦ Browser-based workflow designer
any business process, from ingest and QC
to review and approval, on-premise or in ♦♦ Support for plugins
the cloud.
♦♦ Orchestrate machine and human tasks
Ooyala Flex’s advanced workflow engine
♦♦ Work order and task list management
offers a perfect blend of media processing
and business process management, so ♦♦ Track workflows in real-time
you can efficiently orchestrate assets, peo-
♦♦ Scriptable
ple, data and enterprise resources in the
same workflows. Ooyala Flex’s automatic ♦♦ Support for assets and other objects
content recognition means your workflows
can carry out intelligent decision-making
based on media type, metadata values,
QC results or external look-ups.


In an increasingly data-driven and personalized TV market, the abil-

ity to model, gather and manage data at every stage of the value
chain is key to extending audience reach and increasing profits.

Objects provides a more natural way of Features

modelling and tracking your wider busi-
♦♦ Advanced modelling
ness data and sharing it with people, 3rd
party systems and also your own work- ♦♦ Custom fields
flows. With Objects, you can say goodbye
♦♦ Automatic form creation
to complex database integration. You
don’t need a separate database of ♦♦ Dynamic data-mapping
business data or an external work order
♦♦ Field-level commenting
management system.
♦♦ Scriptable fields
Objects offers a new dimension to media
logistics and complements Ooyala Flex’s ♦♦ Access control and collaboration
workflow capabilities. Create completely
♦♦ Integrated search and indexing
new data objects with their own data fields.
Model relationships between existing ♦♦ Workflow integration
objects and your own object types (pro-
♦♦ Advanced REST API
ductions, episodes, work orders, locations,
facilities etc.) and search, update and
securely share them.


MAM is an HTML5-based application that enables non-technical

users or creative teams to easily upload and organize assets,
search for and update metadata, perform rough cut edits, and
review assets.

Say goodbye to your monolithic media Features

asset management solution. MAM is highly
♦♦ HTML5 application
configurable and can be tailored to match
your unique workflows and business pro- ♦♦ Timeline commenting
cesses. And since MAM connects directly
♦♦ Asset tagging
into Core, Workflow and Objects, it allows
you to customize your metadata defini- ♦♦ Clip creation and rough cut editing
tions, define the relationships between
♦♦ Media and group asset support
assets and automate tasks like encoding,
transcoding and QC. ♦♦ Collections
With MAM, your production teams focus ♦♦ Wizards and tasks
only on the tasks that add value and cre-
♦♦ Fine-grained access control
ativity to productions.
♦♦ Initiate workflows from MAM
♦♦ Headless API-based integration


Reviewer lets you review, approve, and submit time-coded

comments on selected content from anywhere, at any time,
securely and effortlessly.

Reviewer is seamlessly integrated with Features

Ooyala Flex’s workflow and asset manage-
♦♦ HTML5 browser-based UX
ment components. This means you can
create a new Reviewer session manually or ♦♦ Timeline commenting
from a workflow and invite existing Ooyala
♦♦ Workflow triggered approvals on a
Flex users to participate, while tracking the
per-user basis
entire process.
♦♦ Fine-grained access control to assets
and asset fields

♦♦ Active Directory integration


Panels allow editorial staff to easily add metadata to their video

files directly from within the Adobe Premiere and Prelude.

Metadata can be automatically populated Features

and new metadata can be validated on input,
♦♦ Two way interaction between Ooyala
without risking costly input errors, or missing
Flex and Adobe Prelude and Premiere
fields. Panels also ensures that as projects
are being worked on with Adobe Premiere, ♦♦ Login with Ooyala Flex credentials
they match back to the production structure
♦♦ Retrieve and display XMP metadata
within the Flex platform in the background.
from current Clip or Sequence
Prelude users can capture, log and ingest
♦♦ Retrieve and process sequence data
content into Ooyala Flex without leaving
including temporal data
the Prelude environment. Required fields
are loaded from Ooyala Flex and present- ♦♦ Edit metadata and transfer into
ed inside Prelude Panels. Ooyala Flex’s Ooyala Flex
metadata framework supports the concept
♦♦ Export current sequence via Adobe
of mandatory fields so that data can only
Media Encoder
be submitted once the minimum set of
fields has been provided. ♦♦ Trigger Jobs and Workflows in
Ooyala Flex, directly interact with the
Further, as media is ingested and logged
exported media
into Prelude, all technical metadata, includ-
ing bit rate, frame rate, aspect ratio and
more, is automatically extracted, collected
and catalogued into Flex.


Analytics is a real-time analytics and business activity monitoring

platform. It stores and processes event data generated from all
Ooyala Flex modules and also gathers data from external systems.

With Analytics you can track assets, Features

workflows, tasks and user activity at every
♦♦ Gather data on every activity in every
stage of your supply chain — from commis-
Ooyala Flex module
sioning and production to distribution
and consumption. ♦♦ Create customized dashboards to
visualize information in real-time
For the first time you can correlate the
cost of producing and managing your ♦♦ Store and process external data
TV content with its performance across
♦♦ Configure event filters and handlers
multiple platforms. This “feedback loop”
helps you isolate bottlenecks, identify ♦♦ Open access for external systems
key trends and use Ooyala Flex to further
optimize your production and distribution

Analytics can store and process billions

of data points. It allows you to search,
aggregate and visualise your data in
custom dashboards.


Transfer ingests content from your preferred internal and

external sources using file acceleration tools, plain FTP or
HTML5 upload technologies.

Users log in to Transfer’s secure HTML5 Features

Transfer Portal and upload from any inter-
♦♦ Scheduled and partial uploads
net connected device.
♦♦ Support for FTP or HTTP
Ooyala Flex also integrates seamlessly with
industry-leading production technologies ♦♦ Seamless integration with Adobe
such as Adobe Prelude and Adobe Pre- Prelude and Premiere
miere so you can ingest straight into Ooyala
♦♦ Form-based metadata pre-entry
Flex with all of your logged metadata.
and sidecar file support

♦♦ HTML5 based transfer portal

Your end-to-end media logistics platform

International and Toll Free: +1 (877) 366 9252
EMEA: +44 (0)20 7494 6200
US: +1 (650) 965 8920
Asia: +65 31633282
ANZ: +61 (2) 8574 7981
LATAM: +52 (55) 8526 4249 |

Ooyala helps deliver content that connects. A US-based subsidiary of global telecommunications and IT
services company Telstra, Ooyala’s comprehensive suite of offerings includes one of the world’s largest
premium video platforms, a leading ad serving and programmatic platform and media logistics solution.
Built with superior analytics capabilities for advanced business intelligence and a strong commitment
to customers’ success, Ooyala’s industry-leading end-to-end solutions help large-scale broadcasters,
operators, media companies, enterprises and brands build more engaged and more profitable audiences,
and monetize video and TV with personalized, interactive experiences across any screen. ESPN, Univision,
NBCUniversal, Star India of 21st Century FOX, Sky Sports (U.K.), ITV Studios (U.K.), RTL Group (Germany),
M6 (France), TV4 (Sweden), Mediaset (Spain), America Television (Peru), and Media Prima (Malaysia): these
are just a few of the hundreds of broadcasters and media companies who choose Ooyala. Headquartered
in Silicon Valley, Ooyala has offices in New York, Dallas, London, Chennai, Stockholm, Sydney, Tokyo,
Singapore, Cologne, Madrid, Paris and Guadalajara, and sales operations in many other countries across
the globe. For more information, visit

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