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Nama : Ni Putu Yumika Puspita

No : 27
Kelas : XI IPS 3
Work Sheet Book Pages 9-10

Main idea #1 : I hope all is well in your new city

Supporting detail(s) : - It’s so exciting that you are moved in and ready to start college! It
must be so surreal.
- Everything here is passing by so quickly, and the summer months are almost gone.

Main idea #2 : Have you settled in already?

Supporting detail(s) : - Hope you aren’t to homesick either.
- It must be nice staying in an apartment instead of a dorm.

Main idea #3 : A reunion has already been talked about, so look forward to winter break.
Supporting detail(s) : - Location suggestions are welcome.
- We’re thinking about a road trip with a bunch of us, and it would be great if you tagged

Main idea #4 : Again, I hope all is well with you and let me know if you ever need anything.
Supporting detail(s) : - Please write back when you get this.
- We all miss you tons, Arthur!

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