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3/14/23, 7:50 AM ENGLISH 1.

2 | Review all

ENGLISH 1.2 | Review all
15 Questions DATE  : 

1. My brother ___ his favorite TV program every evening.

A watch B is watching

C watching D watches

2. I ___ in a small apartment near the college.

A living B live

C lives

3. She ___ three languages: English, French, and Spanish.

A speaking B speak

C speaks

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3/14/23, 7:50 AM ENGLISH 1.2 | Review all

4. I ___ a very busy person. In fact, I have lots of free time.

A do not B am not

C not

5. My classmate ___ in class right now. She's in the library.

A doesn't B not

C isn't

6. I am watching TV and my brother ___ a book.

A reads B reading

C is reading

7. They ___ eating their dinner right now because their food is too hot.

A don't B not

C aren't

8. Why are we waiting? Who ___ for?

A we wait B we are waiting

C are we waiting

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3/14/23, 7:50 AM ENGLISH 1.2 | Review all

9. He usually goes for a walk at this time, but he ___ for a walk now.

A not go B isn't going

C doesn't go

10. I can see a lot of gray clouds in the sky. I think it ___ rain soon.

A is going to B goes to

C going to

11. I ___ going to ___ my homework after I finish dinner.

A is/do B am/do

C am/doing

12. (A) ___ they going to be here soon?

(B) No, they ...

A Are/won't B Are/aren't

C Do/not

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3/14/23, 7:50 AM ENGLISH 1.2 | Review all

13. I ___ go to work today because I'm sick.

A can B is

C can't

14. Denise ___ play the piano. She knows how to play it.

A is B can't

C can

15. I'm sorry, but I ___ believe in what he said! He's not telling the truth!

A can B can't

C am

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3/14/23, 7:50 AM ENGLISH 1.2 | Review all

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