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Configuring ProStream CAS Services

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Table of Contents
NMX CAS Introduction .................................................................................................... 1

NMX CAS Configuration Overview .............................................................................. 1

Before You Start .......................................................................................................... 3

CAS from the NMX Designer GUI................................................................................ 3

Step-by-Step Examples ............................................................................................... 5

Setting Global Options .................................................................................................... 7

Setting CAS Options ....................................................................................................... 7

Setting CAS Descriptor Options ...................................................................................... 8

Configuring the Network Group ..................................................................................... 11

Creating the Network Group.......................................................................................... 11

Adding the ECMG and EMMG Device Icons ................................................................. 11

Configuring and Connecting the ECMG ........................................................................ 12

Configuring and Connecting the EMMG ........................................................................ 15

Setting the ProStream Device Properties ...................................................................... 17

Example: NG ................................................................................................................. 18

Configuring Services ..................................................................................................... 19

Configuring CAS Services Using Excel ..................................................................... 19

Configuring CAS Services from NMX Designer ......................................................... 21

Input Tree .................................................................................................................. 22

Output Tree—Standard View..................................................................................... 22

Output Tree—Conditional Access View ..................................................................... 22

Configuring the Input ..................................................................................................... 23

Configuring ProStream CAS Services

Adding the Input Transport and Program................................................................... 23

Adding the ECM Stream ............................................................................................ 23

Adding the EMM Stream............................................................................................ 25

Adding the CAT Stream ............................................................................................. 27

Example: Input Tree ...................................................................................................... 28

Configuring the Output .................................................................................................. 28

Creating the Output Transport in Standard View ....................................................... 29

Creating the SCG in Conditional Access View .......................................................... 30

Example: Output Tree ................................................................................................... 33

Viewing CAS in Spreadsheet View ............................................................................... 34

Connecting Services to the Network Group .................................................................. 35

Connecting Input Services to the Network Group ...................................................... 35

Connecting Output Services to the Network Group ................................................... 35

Activating the Service .................................................................................................... 36

Managing CAS Services ............................................................................................... 39

Suspending and Resuming Scrambling ..................................................................... 39

Suspending Scrambling on the Server ...................................................................... 39

Suspending Scrambling for an SCG .......................................................................... 39

Extracting CAS Data ..................................................................................................... 40

Understanding CAS Alarms .......................................................................................... 41

NMX CAS Introduction
You can configure Conditional Access System (CAS) services on ProStream® devices,
using the NMX™ video network management application.

Important: After you have set your CAS global options and configured your CAS
network group, you can configure CAS services in two different ways:

 By exporting a CAS configuration from NMX Designer into Excel, altering it for
your new configuration, then importing it
 Or by adding and configuring services field by field from NMX Designer > Service

Tip: Using Excel, with its easily added and duplicated rows and cells, considerably
shortens your CAS configuration time.

NMX CAS Configuration Overview

Conditional Access Systems allow service providers to control who views content, and
when they view it. The method employs scrambling services (encryption) and then
descrambling (decryption) for viewers with the correct privileges.

Term Description
A proprietary value used by the CAS vendor to specify access
privileges. The AC is included in the encryption request data
sent to the ECMG.
In NMX, the Access Criteria is included in the ECM properties
and thus is added to SCG along with the program/stream to
which it corresponds.
Control Word /Control Word Generator. A CWG generates a CW
which is sent with the request for encryption to the ECMG. In
this implementation, the CW is generated internally by the SCS
Event Information Scheduler. An EIS manages SCG requests to
the ECMG for scrambling. The EIS functions can be performed
by an external module, but in this implementation they are
performed by NMX.
Entitlement Control Message Generator. The ECMG receives
the encryption request from the ProStream Element Manager for
a given SCG. The encryption request includes the Control Word,
the Program ID, and the Access Criteria.
EMMG The Entitlement Management Message Generator. The EMMG

Configuring ProStream CAS Services

provides viewing authorization information in the form of an

EMM (Entitlement Management Message). The EMM contains
private Conditional Access information which specifies the
authorization levels or the services of specific decoders. The
EMM may be addressed to individual decoders or to groups of
Scrambling Control Group. The SCG is a container for the
programs/streams that use the same Control Word (CW).
Simulcrypt Synchronizer. The SCS resides in the ProStream
device. It receives the scrambling encryption request from the
EIS (in this case, NMX), adds the AC and sends the request on
to the ECMG.

NOTE: NMX support for CAS configuration has changed in NMX 7.0. If you are
upgrading CAS services from a previous version of NMX, you will find that the
CAS/SCG configuration stored in the Automation Server catalog is migrated to the
NMX catalog. All CAS SCG configuration is performed and stored in the service

The CAS implementation discussed in this guide includes:

 SCS and scrambler managed internally by the ProStream device

 SCG configuration managed by NMX
 External ECMG and EMMG modules that communicate with the ProStream

The instructions in this Setup Guide show the ProStream 9000. The setup for the
ProStream 1000 is identical.


NOTE: While it is possible to implement CAS using external EIS and SCG in a
network managed by NMX, these options are not discussed in this guide.

Before You Start

Gather the necessary information from the CAS vendor. You will need:

 The ECMG IP address and port number

 The EMMG IP address and port number
 The Super CAS ID (for the EMMG and EMM this is called the Client ID)
 The Access Criteria

CAS from the NMX Designer GUI

The steps to configure CAS:

Configuring ProStream CAS Services

1. Set the global options to Options > Conditional Access > SCG Managed by
NMX and set the CA Descriptor creation defaults in Options > Services >
Descriptor Management.
2. Add the ProStream scrambler device to the NG, with input, output, and PSI
input (optional).
3. Add the ECMG and the EMMG as input to the ProStream device in the NG, and
configure the ECMG and EMMG entries for each. Connect them to the

4. Set the CAS—specific settings in the ProStream device properties page. You
can only access these properties after you have connected the ECMG and EMMG to
the ProStream.
5. Create the service plan:


NOTE: The Access Criteria is defined in the ECM properties.

NOTE: The Schedule Activation is defined in the SCG properties.

Step-by-Step Examples
The following topics provide a CAS configuration example, with details about
configuration steps and properties. The table below shows the example tasks in order,
and the NMX module in which they are performed.

Task NMX Module

Setting Global Options

 Setting CAS Options Options

 Setting CAS Descriptor Options
Configuring the Network Group

 Creating the Network Group NMX

 Adding the ECMG and EMMG Device Icons
 Configuring and Connecting the ECMG

Configuring ProStream CAS Services

 Configuring and Connecting the EMMG

 Setting the ProStream Device Properties
Configuring Services

 Overview NMX
 Configuring the Input
Configuring the Output
Connecting Services
 Connecting the Services to the Network Group Designer
Activating the Service
Managing CAS Services

 Suspending and Resuming Scrambling NMX

 Extracting CAS Data
 Understanding CAS Alarms

Setting Global Options
The first step in CAS configuration is to set the global defaults that control NMX
behavior for CAS services.

These tasks are performed in the Options pages.

Setting CAS Options

You will need to set options in the Options > Conditional Access page, and the
Options > Services > Descriptor Management page.

1. Open the Options > Conditional Access page. The server must be stopped to
make any changes to the settings in this page.
2. Make sure that the NMX SCG check box is selected. This setting enables the
ProStream to support internal management of SCG and the EIS functions. It
enables the configuration of the Conditional Access settings in the Service Plan
output tree.

3. The Redundancy Parameters For Scramblers settings are applied to both

primary and backup devices. Set these as required for your CAS implementation.
The EIS Port is only used when connecting with an external EIS—it does not
apply to the implementation discussed in this guide.
4. Click OK to save the settings and close the Options page. Click the link Manage
CA System Descriptors to jump to the Options > Services > Descriptor
Management page. You can save your changes there.

Configuring ProStream CAS Services

Setting CAS Descriptor Options

1. Open the Options > Services > Descriptor Management page.

TIP: There is a hyperlink to this page in the Conditional Access page.

2. Set the defaults for creating CA descriptors for the ECM. You can direct NMX to
add CA descriptors to the output transport automatically, and control how the CA
descriptors are added and removed.

In this example the selection is:

Auto Create CA System Descriptor — This means that NMX adds/removes CA

descriptors to the output transport automatically.

Managed by SCG — The automatic descriptor creation depends on the SCG.

The SCG must contain an ECM and a program to trigger the creation of the CA

CA Descriptor Location is set to Program — CA descriptors are added only at

the program level.

The CA descriptors are displayed in the Standard View of the output transport.
See the NMX online help for descriptions of each of the global settings in this

Setting Global Options

When you are satisfied that the global settings are correct, you are ready for the next
step in CAS configuration.

Configuring the Network Group
The next step is to configure the CAS-specific settings in the network group (NG).

These tasks are performed in NMX Designer > Network tab.

Creating the Network Group

This example starts with a very simple NG which includes a ProStream 1000 or 9000
device with input, output, and PSI input (optional).

In this tutorial, we assume that you know how to create the NG, configure the
communication parameters for these devices, and connect them.

The CAS-specific properties for the ProStream device are only available after the
ECMG and EMMG are added to the group—therefore setting those properties is
described later in the chapter.

Adding the ECMG and EMMG Device Icons

To define an ECM source (ECMG) and an EMM source (EMMG), you add a device icon
to the NG to represent a source generator, then set its properties, and connect it to the

Configuring ProStream CAS Services

ProStream device(s). In the properties for the source icon, you can define multiple
ECMG or EMMG sources.

1. To create the ECMG, select Network > Logical Devices > ECM Source.

2. Click on the Network Map view pane again to place the device on the map and
open its properties page. Click OK to accept the default settings.
3. To create the EMMG, and select Network > Logical Devices > EMM Source.
4. Click on the Network Map view pane again to place the device on the map and
open its properties page. Click OK to accept the default settings. The ECM
Source and EMM Source icons are added to the NG.

Configuring and Connecting the ECMG

You will need some information from the CAS vendor to configure the ECMG.

1. Open the ECMG Configuration dialog box by double-clicking the ECM Source
icon, or by clicking the button in the ECM Source properties page.

Configuring the Network Group

2. The ECMG Configuration dialog box contains a table of all the ECMG connection
entries for all the scrambling devices in the same NG. If you have multiple
scramblers in the NG, you can connect this ECMG device icon to all of them.

3. Click the site icon button to create a new connection entry. The example shows
one entry in the table.
4. Enter the settings as appropriate to your system:
Name. The ECM Generator name. For example, NDS 960 or Nagra Aladin.

ECMG IP Address. The ECMG IP address for communication with NMX.

ECMG Subnet Mask. The ECMG subnet mask.

IP Port Number. The port number over which the ECMG sends data to the SCS.

Super CAS ID. A 32-bit hexadecimal number that consists of the 16-bit CA vendor
ID and an additional 16-bit number that distinguishes one ECM generator from
another for the same CAS vendor.

The service ECM with a matching Super CAS ID uses this ECMG. In this way, the
Super CAS ID determines which access criteria is coupled with each ECMG.

Service ID Seed. The seed, or base, for the identifier the SCS uses to
communicate with the ECMG. Each device that tries to connect to the ECMG uses
an increment of this number. This insures a unique Channel ID for the ECMG to
SCS connection, as required by many ECM generators.

Configuring ProStream CAS Services

For example, assume 1x1 hot backup redundancy is configured for the SCS
device. You enter a Service ID Seed of 100. The service ID for the devices is
assigned as follows:

The primary device is 101 (Service ID Seed +1).

The secondary device is 102 (Service ID Seed +2).

Control Word Generation. Specifies whether the CW is generated internally (by

the ProStream device), or externally (by the ECMG). Because we are configuring
NMX SCG in this example, the Contol Word Generation must be set to Internal.

Simulcrypt Version. Simulcrypt is the name of the protocol the ECMG uses for
communicating with the SCS. Select the protocol version supported by the CAS

Priority. If you configure multiple ECMG entries with the same Super CAS ID, you
must assign a unique priority to each one.

The ProStream uses the priority when attempting to connect to an ECMG. It tries
to connect first to the ECMG with the highest priority, and then to the next highest,
and so on. The highest priority is 1.

For example, assume the SCG contains an ECM with a Super CAS ID of 0x1000.
The encryption request is sent to the ECMG with the same Super CAS ID. If more
than one ECMG has the Super CAS ID of 0x10000, then the request is sent to the
entry with the highest priority first. If connection fails, it tries the next highest
priority, and so on.

5. Connect the ECM source to the ProStream device. NMX makes the obvious
connections for you. In the Edit Connections dialog box, click the Show/Hide Edit
Connections toggle to view and edit the connections. You see that NMX has
connected the ECM Source to the SCS in the ProStream device.

Configuring the Network Group

6. Click Apply to make the connection. The map view shows the link from the ECM
Source to the ProStream device.

Configuring and Connecting the EMMG

Open the EMMG Configuration dialog box by double-clicking the EMM Source icon, or
by clicking the button in the EMM Source properties page.

1. The EMMG Configuration dialog box contains a table of all the EMMG
connection entries for all the scrambling devices in the same NG. If you have
multiple scramblers in the NG, you can connect this EMMG device icon to all of

2. Click the site icon button to create a new connection entry. The example shows
one entry in the table.
3. Enter the settings as appropriate to your system:
Name. The EMM generator name.

Port Number. The TCP/UDP port number the device should listen on to accept an

Configuring ProStream CAS Services

Client ID. A 32-bit hexadecimal number that consists of the 16-bit CA vendor ID
and an additional 16-bit number that distinguishes one EMM generator from
another for the same CAS vendor. The service EMM with a matching Client ID
uses this EMMG.

In the ECMG/ECM this ID is called the Super CAS ID.

EMMG IP Address. The IP address of the EMM generator.

EMMG Subnet Mask. The subnet mask of the EMM generator.

Control. Specifies whether the connection is TCP or broadcast.

Sect Ts Packet. Identifies whether data is coming in as MPEG sections or

transport packets.

Data ID. Identifies the source of the data.

Data Format. Identifies the protocol used, either EMMG<>MUX or PDG<>MUX.

For this example, it should be EMM. Note that this setting must match the object
type that you add to the input transport under the Inserted Data > Ethernet CAS
Data Group, as described in Adding the EMM Stream.

4. Connect the EMM source to the ProStream device. NMX makes the obvious
connections for you. In the Edit Connections dialog box, click the Show/Hide Edit
Connections toggle to view and edit the connections. You see that NMX has
connected the ECM Source to the SCS in the ProStream device.

5. Click Apply to make the connection. The map view shows the link from the EMM
Source to the ProStream device.

Configuring the Network Group

Setting the ProStream Device Properties

Now that the ECMG and EMMG are connected to the ProStream, you can set CAS
properties specific to the device.

1. Open the ProStream device properties page.

2. Set the CAS properties. In this example, we use the default settings.
Scrambling Mode. Specifies the scrambling algorithm. The device supports DVB

ECM Configuration Mode. Specifies which entries in the ECMG table to use with
this device. By default, all entries are available to the device. In Custom mode,
you select individual entries in the ECMG table to work with this device.

Customize ECM Configuration. Opens the ECMG Configuration dialog box,

where you define the ECMG entries. The dialog opens in Default or Custom
mode, according to the ECM Configuration Mode setting. You also can access the
ECMG Configuration dialog box by double-clicking the ECMG icon on the NG

EMM Configuration Mode. Specifies which entries in the EMMG table to use with
this device. By default, all entries are available to the device. In Custom mode,
you select individual entries in the EMMG table to work with this device.

Customize EMM Configuration. Opens the EMMG Configuration dialog box,

where you define the EMMG entries. The dialog opens in Default or Custom
mode, according to the EMM Configuration Mode setting. You also can access the
EMMG Configuration dialog box by double-clicking the EMMG icon on the NG

Configuring ProStream CAS Services

Selective Encryption. Specifies scrambling for TS packets containing PES

header information. When set to True, TS packets containing PES header
information are not scrambled and the scrambling control bit (ox for unscrambled)
is not updated. When set to False all packets are scrambled.

Crypto Period Duration. Specifies how often the ECMG generates a new
encryption key.

Control Word Conformance. Determines the CW length. When enabled, theh

device supports 48 bit CW encryption. When disabled, 64 bit CW encryption.

Example: NG
This concludes the tasks for configuring CAS in the NG. The NG map view should look
like this:

You are ready to configure the services that flow through the device.

Configuring Services
Now you are ready to configure the services that flow through the NG. All CAS service
configuration is included and stored in the service plan. Any NMX feature that supports
editing, importing, exporting, or synchronizing of the service plan includes the CAS

The following instructions assume familiarity with creating services in the NMX GUI.
Only the CAS-specific steps are given in detail. After you have set your CAS global
options and configured your CAS network group, you can configure CAS services in two
different ways:

 By exporting a CAS configuration from NMX Designer into Excel, altering it for
your new configuration, then importing it.
 Or by adding and configuring individual services field by field from NMX Designer
> Service Plan

Tip: Using Excel to configure CAS services, with its easily added and duplicated rows
and cells, considerably shortens configuration time.

Configuring CAS Services Using Excel

Quickly add and configure CAS services by exporting an existing CAS configuration to
Microsoft Excel, altering it, then importing the new configuration.

Note: After exporting services to Excel, do not make configuration changes or

stop/start NMX Domain Manager until after you have made your changes and
imported the Excel file.

1. From the NMX Designer > Services tab, under Inputs, select an existing CAS
service plan.
2. Click Export > CAS Config To Excel (.xlsx).
3. Enter the path for the saved file, then click Save.
4. Open the exported file in Excel. It takes a moment for all the features to load.
5. At the top of the Excel ribbon menu, click the NMX CAS tab. In the NMX CAS
tab, you can perform CAS operations on the tabs at the bottom of the Excel

Configuring ProStream CAS Services


6. At the bottom of the Excel spreadsheet, the exported file contains the following
 Summary: (read-only) The exported Data summary, for example, which
Network Group and Service Plan was exported, number of devices,
streams, etc., and a summary of Excel shortcuts
 ECM_Streams
 EMM_Streams
 ECMG: (read-only) For reference only.
 EMMG: (read-only) For reference only.

Configuring Services

5. The Summary tab shows shortcuts for using Excel.

6. On the ECM_Streams tab, add/edit the appropriate fields.

7. On the EMM_Streams tab, add/edit the appropriate fields.

8. On the SCG tab, add/edit the appropriate fields.
9. Save the changes.
10. From the NMX CAS tab in the Ribbon menu, click Validate Configuration to
validate your changes.
11. If the changes are validated, in NMX Designer, click Import > CAS Config from
Excel (.xlsx).
12. Browse to and select the edited file to import.
13. Import the changes.

You can also export a CAS Configuration from NMX Operator > Home tab > Export >
CAS Config to Excel (.xlsx).

Configuring CAS Services from NMX Designer

Configuring ProStream CAS Services

CAS services are configured on the Inputs and in the Standard view and the Conditional
Access view of the Outputs.

In this example, the service objects we create in the service plan are:

Input Tree
 Broadcast Transport
 Program containing video, audio
 Inserted Data ECM Group
 ECM with Super CAS ID and Access Criteria
 Inserted Data Ethernet CAS Data Group
 EMM with Client ID
 PSI Internal

Output Tree—Standard View

 Broadcast Transport with Scrambling enabled
 Program from input
 ECM from input
 EMM from input
 CAT from input

Output Tree—Conditional Access View

 Scrambling Control Group (SCG)
 Program from output transport
 ECM from output transport

Configuring Services

Configuring the Input

On the input tree, add the transport, program, ECM, and EMM as described in the
following sections.

Adding the Input Transport and Program

In this example, we show a very simple service containing one program, called Metro

1. On the Input tree, add a Broadcast transport.

2. Add a Program. In this example, it’s called Metro Movies and it includes 1 video,
2 audio and 1 data stream.

Adding the ECM Stream

You add the ECM to the Inserted Data node.

1. Create an ECM group as a container for all the ECM stream objects. On the
Inserted Data node, select Add ECM Group.

Configuring ProStream CAS Services

The Select Input Type Of New Insertion Data Group dialog box opens.

2. In the Count field, enter the number of ECM streams to add. In this example, 1.
The Group is added to the input tree, with one ECM stream object beneath it.

3. Open the ECM properties page, and set the properties.

Configuring Services

Super CAS ID. A 32-bit hexadecimal number that consists of the 16-bit CA vendor
ID and an additional 16-bit number that distinguishes one ECM generator from
another for the same CAS vendor. It associates this ECM to the ECMG with the
matching Super CAS ID. In this way, the Super CAS ID determines which access
criteria is coupled with each ECMG.

In this example we have only one ECMG Configuration table entry, so we set the
Super CAS ID to match the Super CAS ID in the ECMG entry, 0x10000.

ECM ID. An ID for the ECM.

Bitrate. The bitrate of the stream used by NMX for internal calculations, to prevent
overflow on the transport. This value should match actual ECM input maximum

Private Data. The ECM/private data to be sent on this circuit PID. The maximum
length that is supported for this entry is 100 bytes, any subsequent bytes are

4. Click OK to save your changes and close the properties page. In a real service,
you could create many ECM streams in this way. In this example, we create only one.

Adding the EMM Stream

You add the EMM to the Inserted Data node.

1. Create an Ethernet CAS Data Group as a container for all the EMM stream
objects. On the Inserted Data node, select Add Ethernet CAS Data Group.

Configuring ProStream CAS Services

The Select Input Type Of New Insertion Data Group dialog box opens.

2. Select the check box next to EMM. In the Count field, enter the number of EMM
streams to add. In this example, 1. The Group is added to the input tree, with one
EMM stream object beneath it.

3. Open the properties page and set the properties.

Configuring Services

Client ID. A 32-bit hexadecimal number that consists of the 16-bit CA vendor ID
and an additional 16-bit number that distinguishes one EMM generator from
another for the same CAS vendor. This associates the EMM to the EMMG with
the same Client ID.

In the ECMG/ECM this ID is called the Super CAS ID.

In this example, there is only one EMMG Configuration table entry, so set the
Client ID to match the ID in the EMMG entry, 0x10000.

Backup Client ID. The Client ID of a backup EMMG. Configuring a backup client
allows two separate EMM generators to send the same EMM PID (not

Data ID. An ID for the EMM.

Maximum Bitrate. The bitrate of the stream used by NMX for internal
calculations, to prevent overflow on the transport. This bitrate should match the
actual EMM input maximum bitrate.

Private Data. The EMM/private data to be sent on this circuit PID.

4. Click OK to save your changes and close the properties page.

Adding the CAT Stream

The Conditional Access Table (CAT) includes the location of the EMM stream. You add
the CAT to the PSI Internal node.

1. On the PSI Internal node, select Add PSI/CAS > Add CAT.

Configuring ProStream CAS Services

2. In the Add dialog, enter a name for the CAT and click OK. The CAT is added to
the tree.

Example: Input Tree

This concludes the additions to the input. The Input tree now looks like this:

There is a program on an input transport, with the ECM, EMM and CAT objects
configured under the Inserted Data node. Configuration of the input tree is complete.

Configuring the Output

There are three output tree views: Standard, Pools, and Conditional Access.

Create the output transport with the program, EMM, and ECM in the Standard view. Add
the SCG, program, and ECM in the Conditional Access view.

Configuring Services

Creating the Output Transport in Standard View

1. Click on the Standard tab in at the bottom of the output tree panel. On the
Output tree, add a Broadcast transport.

Scrambling is indicated by a key icon next to the transport entry.

2. Add the program from the input tree. In this example, we drag the program
Metro Movies to drop it in the transport. The Select Service Type dialog box opens. In
this example, we select Regular Service as the Service Type for the program.

3. Add the CAT and the EMM to the output transport. This includes the EMM in
any output services on this transport. The EMM corresponds to the EMMG with a
matching Client ID. A CA Descriptor for the EMM is added to the transport when you
add the EMM.
4. Add the ECM to the output transport. It can be added at the transport level or at
the program level. Since it is most commonly added to the program, we add it to
the Metro Movies program.

NOTE: NMX automatically assigns a unique PID to all streams in the output
transport If you want to designate the ECM PID, edit the Stream PID value in the
ECM properties page.

Configuring ProStream CAS Services

The output tree Standard view now looks like this:

NOTE: In this example, the CA Descriptor for the ECM is not added to the output
transport yet. This is because we set the global option in the Options > Services >
Descriptor Management page to Autocreate CA System Descriptors > Managed
by SCG. The descriptors will only be created when you add the program and ECM
to the SCG, as described in the following sections.

Creating the SCG in Conditional Access View

1. Click on the Conditional Access tab in at the bottom of the output tree panel.

2. Expand the Service node to show the scrambling transport (the transport you
added in the output tree standard view). Only the scrambling transports are available in
the Conditional Access view.
3. Add a Scrambling Control Group (SCG) to the transport.

Configuring Services

4. Open the SCG properties page, to configure scheduling.

SCG ID. A unique identifier for the SCG. This ID is generated by NMX.

Reference ID. A unique ID generated by NMX for internal use.

Schedule Activation. Enables scrambling schedule activation for this SCG. Use
the calendar tool to set the scrambling start date and time. Once scrambling has
started, the services continue to be scrambled until you select Clear for this SCG,
or suspend scrambling globally.

NOTE: On active services, the schedule activation time applies only to services
that are not already being scrambled. For example, when you first add the SCG
and set an activation time, any programs you add to the SCG are scrambled at the
activation time. If you have actively scrambled services and you want to add more
services to the SCG, you can set a new activation time for the new services. The
existing scrambled services will not be affected. For inactive services: once
activated, all services in the SCG obey the scrambling activation time. Likewise,

Configuring ProStream CAS Services

for batch scheduling in Automation Server—all services in the SCG obey the
scrambling activation time.

5. Add a service or stream to the SCG node. In this example, we add a service.

The Select Outputs dialog box opens, showing you the available programs on the
output transport (from the Standard view). You can add a service or its streams to
only one SCG.

In this example, only one service is present, the Metro Movies program. Select the
service and click OK to add the service to the SCG.

6. Next, add the ECM to the SCG.

Configuring Services

The Select Outputs dialog box opens, showing the available ECM entries on the
output transport (from the Standard view). In this example, only one ECM is
present, the Metro Movies ECM. Select the ECM and click OK to add the ECM to
the SCG.

Example: Output Tree

This concludes the additions to the output. The output tree Standard and Conditional
Access views now look like this:

The output transport contains the EMM. The output program contains the ECM. The
SCG contains the program and the ECM. Note that the CA descriptors are now present
under the program in the output transport Standard view. As specified in the Options >
Services > Descriptor Management page, they are added automatically when the
program and ECM are added to the SCG. The CA descriptor at the transport level is
added automatically for the EMM.

This completes the CAS configuration in the service plan. Next, you connect these
services to the hardware in the NG, and activate them.

Configuring ProStream CAS Services

Viewing CAS in Spreadsheet View

NMX contains spreadsheet views dedicated to CAS. You can access the spreadsheets
by navigating Service > Spreadsheet and selecting CAS View for input CAS streams
or SCGs.

Connecting Services to the Network Group
The NG contains the ECMG and the EMMG, and the service plan contains all the
services necessary to carry services and perform scrambling requests. The next step is
to connect the services to the NG and activate them.

These tasks are performed in NMX Designer.

Connecting Input Services to the Network Group

1. Navigate to the Flow tab in NMX Designer.
2. Select the appropriate input service for the input device.
3. Drag the input service and drop onto the input port in a Network Group.

 Drag the input transport to the Input 1GbE port.

 Drag the PSI-Internal to the PSI Source 1 PSI Port.
 Drag the ECM Group to the ECM Source 1 ECM port.
 Drag the Ethernet CAS Data Group (which contains the EMM) to the EMM
Source 1 EMM port.

The connection will look something like this:

4. Click Apply Changes to establish the connection.

TIP: The red exclamation mark disappears once the connection is established.

Connecting Output Services to the Network Group

1. Select the appropriate output service for the output device.

Configuring ProStream CAS Services

2. Drag the output service and drop onto the output port in a Network Group.
 Drag the output transport to the Output 1 GbE port.

The connection will look something like this:

3. Click Apply Changes to establish the connection.

TIP: The red exclamation mark disappears once the connection is established.

Activating the Service

In a real service, with input to the device and live connections to the ECMG and EMMG.
you are ready to activate the services. CAS services will begin at the date and time
indicated for each SCG.

1. Click on the Activate Service Plan button under the Flow tab.

Connecting Services

2. NMX activates the service.

Your services are now flowing.

Managing CAS Services
NMX provides the following options for managing and monitoring scrambled services.

These tasks are performed in NMX Operator > Home.

Suspending and Resuming Scrambling

You can suspend/resume scrambling as follows:

 At the server level—affects all scrambled services managed by the NMX server.
 At the SCG level—affects only the scrambled services in the SCG.

Suspending Scrambling on the Server

To suspend all scrambled services, click the Suspend Scrambling/Resume
Scrambling toggle on the ribbon menu.

When you resume scrambling, the activation time in the SCG affects all services in the

NOTE: When you suspend scrambling at the server level, you only see the
scrambling status on the toggle icon—either Suspend or Resume. The GUI does
not change the scrambling status on the individual services as it does when you
suspend scrambling at the SCG level. For example, it does not remove the key
icon on output transport icon in the Standard view, or italicize the SCG node in the
Conditional Access view.

Suspending Scrambling for an SCG

You suspend scrambling for a given SCG as follows:

1. Right-click the SCG and select Clear.

Configuring ProStream CAS Services

Scrambling is halted for this SCG. The SCG name entry in italics, and the key icon
indicator does not display on the output transport in the Standard View when
scrambling is halted.

2. To resume scrambling, right-click the SCG and select Scramble. Scrambling

resumes, the SCG name is shown in a normal font, and the output transport in
the Standard view shows the key icon indicator.

Extracting CAS Data

The CAS Data Extraction tool gives you an overall look at your NMX CAS configuration.
You must have live input to see extracted CAS data.

To view EMMG, ECMG, and SCG status in the CAS Data Extraction tool:

1. In NMX Designer, in the Network Map view, select the ProStream device and
from the right-click menu choose Extract CAS Information.

The CAS Data Extraction from <device> dialog box opens. It will look something
like this:

Managing CAS Services

If you have successfully configured CAS you should see No Error for all SCG entries.

Understanding CAS Alarms

The following alarms are raised by the ProStream device. For other CAS alarms that
may be raised by NMX, see the online help.

Alarm Explanation Recovery Tips

Alarm is asserted in primary
Backup is not device when there isn't TCP Check the network connection
connected connection between the primary between the two devices.
and backup.
The ECM/ECMs in one or more
All ECMs in all SCG messages
ECM is missing in SCG messages are missing
should be present in the ECM
the configuration and are not provisioned from
configuration (EcmAlloc).
The total number of spooled
ECM Spooling There is a failure in ECM
tables should not exceed 128
Error spooling.
tables per Transport Stream.
Check the ECM logs, the AC,
This alarm is related to the
ECM Stream Error and/or the error number reported
ECMG machine.
by the ECMG.
Indicates that the actual Change the EMM bitrate in the
EMM bitrate streaming rate of the input input EMM properties page. The
exceeded EMM PIDs is higher than the bitrate should match the actual
configured rate in NMX. EMM input maximum bitrate.
Indicates the input EMM PID is Verify the PID and ensure the
EMM PID Missing not streaming or is EMM that attached to output
misconfigured. transport is streaming.
PID to scrambled is Indicates that the input PIDs Verify the PID and ensure the
missing in the are missing from input source ECM or A/V PID that is attached
configuration or misconfigured with the actual to the SCG is streaming.

Configuring ProStream CAS Services

source PIDs.
SCS CP less than Raised when the crypto period
Change the CP or DS values.
Delay Start is less than the delay start.
The connection between SCS Check the ECMG properties, the
and ECMG is not established. Ethernet network, and the ECMG.
The ECMG connection has
been disconnected for 10 Check the ECMG properties, the
seconds. Services may not be Ethernet network, and the ECMG.
encrypted properly.
SCS ECMG Check the Ethernet port 2 link.
Connection Failure
Connection to the ECMG has
Check ECMG definitions in the
failed and services may not be
web client. Make sure all
encrypted properly.
parameters match the properties
of the CAS system in use.


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