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Nombre: Ali Mendoza Cruz Matrícula: 2982437

Juan David Vázquez Perez 2961249

Nombre del curso: Nombre del profesor:
Sistemas integrados de Manufactura Felipe de Jesús González Lucero
Módulo: Actividad:
Modulo I Tarea 4
Fecha: 03/03/2023
procesos-de-un-sistema operativo#:~:text=La%20planificaci%C3%B3n%20de


First, read the next chapter of the textbook and answer the questions in the review question
section, click here:Groover, M. (2018). Automation Production System and Computer
Integrated Manufacturing (5th ed.). United States: Pearson.

Chapter 25. Production Planning and Control Systems

2.1 What is manufacturing?

Manufacturing process of a product, which means Manual manufacturing and machines

also interact

2.2 What are the three types of basic industry categories?

Mining, fishing and agriculture

2.3 What are the differences between consumer goods and capital goods?

Capital goods are those used to produce other goods. Consumer goods are not used to
produce other goods. They are used or consumed by the consumer and do not assist in

2.4 What is the difference between process operations and assembly operations?
Process operation we are going to use energy to modify physical properties and add value
to the material.

Assembly operation we are going to join more than two pieces in the same segment to form
a piece with greater value

2.5 Names the four categories of forming operations, based on the initial state of the raw

Material Handling

Inspection and test

Processing and assembly operations

Coordination and control

2.6 Assembly operations can be classified as permanent joint methods and mechanical
assemblies. What are the four types of permanent unions?

Screws, Press Fits, Welding, Rivets

2.7 What is the difference between a variety of solid products and a variety of soft

Solid type: processed, live or animal products. Soft Type: stable or unstable

2.8 What type of production is done in a job shop?

Adjustments, assemblies, roughing, repairs, finished part

2.9 With which of the following layouts are the production lines associated?

a. Cellular Layout,

b. Fixed position layout.

c. Layout by process.

d. Layout by product

2.10 What is the difference between a single model production line and a mixed model
production line?
The assembly of a single model and production of the product is developed, on the other
hand, the mixed model has the capacity to produce several products.

2.11 What does the term technological processing capacity refer to?

It is the production process in all its stages of development

2.12 What does lean production mean?

Its objective is to improve production and that there are not so many downtimes and that
activities are fully developed

2.13 In lean production, what is the just-in-time delivery of parts?

Effective production and gives us the ability to reduce costs

2.14 How do workers participate in lean production?

They are on the production line as a laborer type

2.15 In lean production, what does continuous improvement mean and how is it usually

It is the study of processes and how to change idle times so that they are productive

Based on the explanation of the topic, write a summary with the main concepts on the
fundamentals of process control.

Process control allows us to have the process within the limits of acceptance at all times, as
well as to control that the product specifications or requirements of the service offered are
met, and to work on the continuous improvement of the process.

Then, design a list of possible applications for sequential control and the feedback control

Implementation of a traffic light.

Stepper motor.

Coffee vending machine.

Programmable logic controllers

Next, answer and justify the following questions:

How do you think they should interact with the CAPP system?
Link between design and manufacturing in a computer integrated manufacturing (CIM)
environment. Typically used by manufacturing engineers, CAPP can be used to develop a
product manufacturing plan based on projected variables such as cost, lead times,
equipment availability, production volumes, possible material substitution routes. And
testing requirements.

What would be the situation of a complex manufacturing system without CAPP and

It would be more complicated because we would not have precise values and our sequential
system would not be well structured either because without a computer the tasks will be
more difficult to do but you also have to become familiar with the programs

Finally, prepare a report with the development of the task and upload it in the
corresponding section within the digital platform.


It was an interesting activity since we saw the manufacturing issue in depth as well as a bit
of sequential control.

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