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Developing a transparent shading device as a daylighting system

Article  in  Building Research and Information · April 2009

DOI: 10.1080/09613210902723738


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2 authors:

Svetlana Olbina Yvan Beliveau

University of Florida Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University


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Developing a transparent shading device as a daylighting system

Svetlana Olbina a; Yvan Beliveau b
M. E. Rinker, Sr. School of Building Construction, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, US b Myers-Lawson
School of Construction, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, US

Online Publication Date: 01 March 2009

To cite this Article Olbina, Svetlana and Beliveau, Yvan(2009)'Developing a transparent shading device as a daylighting
system',Building Research & Information,37:2,148 — 163
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/09613210902723738


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BUILDING RESEARCH & INFORMATION (2009) 37(2), 148 – 163


Developing a transparent shading device

as a daylighting system

Svetlana Olbina1 and Yvan Beliveau2

M. E. Rinker, Sr. School of Building Construction, University of Florida, 322 Rinker Hall, PO Box 115703,
Gainesville, FL, 32611, US
E-mail: solbina@u£.edu
Downloaded By: [University of Florida] At: 20:41 27 February 2009

Myers-Lawson School of Construction,Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 250 South Main
Street, Suite 300 (0156), Blacksburg,VA, 24061, US

A transparent shading device is developed as an alternative to opaque or translucent materials. The objectives are to
create a new design of transparent blinds with improved daylighting performance and to simulate its daylighting
performance. The application of a triangular cross-section for the slats and the use of clear plastic and a silver
reflective coating as the materials for the new blinds utilize the principles of optics in this design. A case study
analyses and compares the daylighting performance of the new transparent blinds, commercially available opaque
blinds, and the previously patented transparent blinds. Results from a limited simulation of the three systems indicate
the interior illuminance and daylighting performance are best for the new blinds.

Keywords: alternative technology; daylight autonomy; daylighting; facade design; illuminance; optics; shading device;
simulation; useful daylight illuminance

Un dispositif pare-soleil transparent a été mis au point comme alternative aux matériaux opaques ou translucides. Les
objectifs sont de créer des stores transparents de conception nouvelle présentant des performances améliorées en
éclairage naturel et de procéder à une simulation des performances de ce dispositif en éclairage naturel. Ce design fait
appel aux principes d’optique dans l’application d’une section transversale triangulaire aux lamelles et dans
l’utilisation d’un plastique transparent et d’un revêtement réfléchissant argenté comme matériaux de ces nouveaux
stores. Une étude de cas analyse et compare les performances en éclairage naturel de ces nouveaux stores
transparents, des stores opaques disponibles dans le commerce, et des stores transparents déjà brevetés. Les résultats
d’une simulation limitée des trois systèmes indiquent que les performances concernant l’éclairement intérieur et
l’éclairage naturel sont meilleures avec les nouveaux stores.

Mots clés: technologie alternative; autonomie en lumière du jour; éclairage naturel; conception de facades; éclairement;
optique; dispositif pare-soleil; simulation; éclairement naturel utile

Introduction provides protection from direct sun (Bilgen, 1994;

The shading device is an important component of any Klems and Warner, 1997; Galasiu et al., 2004) and
conventional facade system, as well as single- and overheating in summer, thus reducing the cooling
double-skin curtain wall systems. The shading device loads for the building (Inoue et al., 1988; Pfrommer
Building Research & Information ISSN 0961-3218 print ⁄ISSN 1466-4321 online # 2009 Taylor & Francis
http: ⁄ ⁄ ⁄journals
DOI: 10.1080/09613210902723738
Developing a transparent shading device as a daylighting system

et al., 1996; Sciuto, 1998; Selkowitz and Lee, 1998; needs to control solar gain. A transparent shading
Kuhn et al., 2000; Breitenbach et al., 2001; Athienitis device, as a window component, can help in the trans-
and Tzempelikos, 2002). The shading device is also mission, reflection, and absorption of sunlight. As a
used to provide privacy (Tzempelikos, 2008) and pro- result, a transparent system can provide a sufficient
tection from glare (Klems and Warner, 1997; Kuhn amount of daylight in the space and protect the
et al., 2000; Athienitis and Tzempelikos, 2002; space from overheating.
Galasiu et al., 2004; Selkowitz and Lee, 2004). The
venetian blind, as an optically complex shading
device, transmits, reflects, and scatters direct sun. It Problem statement
also diffuses skylight and reflected light from the Commercially available shading devices are usually
ground (Lee et al., 1998; Sciuto 1998; Tzempelikos, used for protection from overheating in summer, for
2008). glare protection, and for providing privacy.
Commercially available conventional shading devices
Proper application of the shading device is particularly are also occasionally used as part of a daylighting
important for preventing the greenhouse effect and system. For example, venetian blinds can perform
overheating as well as for controlling the glare in poorly with respect to daylight levels (Moeck, 1998).
buildings with curtain walls used as facade systems However, the shading device may be designed to redir-
(Selkowitz and Lee, 2004). Large glass areas are ect sunlight to spaces where daylight is needed, such as
broadly used in contemporary architecture since glass those that are a great distance from the window.
Downloaded By: [University of Florida] At: 20:41 27 February 2009

provides direct visual contact between the inside and

the outside (Inoue et al., 1988; Klems and Warner Shading device slats are usually made of non-transpar-
1997; Selkowitz and Lee, 1998; Kuhn et al., 2000; ent materials. If these slats are in a closed or nearly
Tzempelikos, 2008), which has a significant psycho- closed position, the direct view to the outside can be
logical effect on building occupants (Inoue et al., partly obstructed (Vine et al., 1998; Kuhn et al.,
1988; Athienitis and Tzempelikos, 2002; Selkowitz 2000; Ruck et al., 2000), and consequently visual
and Lee, 2004). Glass also contributes to achieving a transparency of the facade is more difficult to
transparent appearance of the building. Glass trans- achieve. Installed transparent shading devices are
mits daylight which contributes to the well-being of usually custom designed and made for a particular
the building occupants and provides energy savings building. Mass-produced transparent systems are not
for the building. However, the use of conventional yet available on the market. Several transparent
shading devices in windows can obstruct the view to shading devices are previously patented, but they are
the outside and limit the amount of daylight that pene- not yet in production for the market.
trates into the interior space (Illuminating Engineering
Society of North America (IESNA) 1999; Kuhn et al., There is also a problem associated with the control
2000; Kischkoweit-Lopin, 2002). A shading device systems used to adjust the blinds’ tilt angle. A
designed as a daylighting system that also provides a shading device is usually controlled manually by the
view to the outside can mitigate this problem. building occupants based on the occupants’ personal
Daylighting systems redirect diffuse or direct preferences, which often do not meet requirements
sunlight (Kischkoweit-Lopin, 2002), that is, they for thermal and daylighting performance (Lee et al.,
provide dynamic control of transmitted luminous flux 1998; Selkowitz and Lee, 1998; Kuhn et al., 2000;
to improve light distribution and reduce cooling Ruck et al., 2000; Guillemin and Morel, 2001; Athie-
loads in the space (Selkowitz and Lee, 1998; Beck nitis and Tzempelikos, 2002). For example, problems
et al., 1999; Kuhn et al., 2000; Breitenbach et al., occur if the occupants are absent from the room
2001). Therefore, if a shading device is designed and when the blinds need to be adjusted (Lee et al., 1998;
utilized as the daylighting system, it can help in the Selkowitz and Lee, 2004). Also, occupants very often
distribution of the daylight into room areas that close the blinds completely to protect space from over-
are far away from the windows and, therefore, do heating and glare, but at the same time the amount of
not have a sufficient amount of daylight. In addition daylight in the space is reduced and the use of electrical
to redirecting daylight deeper into a space and lighting is increased (IESNA, 1999). As a result, the
controlling solar gain, a daylighting system can also cooling loads are also increased. A balance between a
control glare, provide energy savings, and enhance sufficient amount of daylight and maximum overheat-
privacy (Ouderkirk et al., 1999; Kischkoweit-Lopin, ing protection is difficult to achieve without the appli-
2002). cation of automatically controlled systems (Inoue
et al., 1988; DiBartolomeo et al., 1996; Klems and
A transparent shading device is a shading system Warner, 1997; Lee et al., 1998; Selkowitz and Lee,
made of a transparent material such as glass or 1998, 2004). However, some level of user adjustment
plastic. Along with providing transparency to the of the automated control is needed to avoid user rejec-
wall, which is one of the design goals when using a tion of the control (DiBartolomeo et al., 1996; Vine
curtain wall system, a transparent shading device et al., 1998).
Olbina and Beliveau

The purpose of this research is to study daylighting per-
formance of a transparent shading device as part of a
window system. Objectives of the research are as follows:

. design a new shading device system that would do

the following:

. function as a daylighting system

. be made of transparent material

. be feasible for mass production

. use an automatic control system

Figure 1 The Berlaymont Building in Brussels, Belgium, with
. analyse the daylighting performance of this new moveable glass louvers as the outside facade layer. Source:
transparent shading device Architects Pierre Lallemand & Steven Beckers/Berlaymont
Downloaded By: [University of Florida] At: 20:41 27 February 2009

Existing transparent shading devices
Shading devices made of transparent materials, such as
glass or plastic, can have a useful application since they
provide an opportunity for creating transparency of
the windows and glass facades. A review is conducted
to understand the principles of their design and per-
formance. Knowledge about the installed transparent
shading devices and the previously patented transpar-
ent shading devices is the background for the develop-
ment of the new shading device system. Transparent
materials, such as glass and plastic, and their proper-
ties, are studied to investigate the possibility of their
use for the manufacture of blinds (Callister, 1985).
There is a viable potential for manufacturing transpar-
ent blinds based on the appropriate design of the
chemical and physical structure of the material and
the blinds’ manufacturing process. Figure 2 The Gartner Design O⁄ce building in Gulden¢ngen,
Germany, with moveable glass louvers. Source: Facade
Installed systems GARTNER, Josef Gartner GmbH.
Existing installed transparent shading systems tend to
be custom made, designed, and manufactured only . The new design office for the Gartner Cladding Co.
once for a specific building. The following building in Guldenfingen, Germany, has glass louvers
applications are a few examples that represent installed along the north and south elevations
installed, custom-made transparent shading devices: (Compagno, 2002; Wigginton and Harris, 2002;
Koster, 2004). These louvers are an example of
. The Berlaymont Building in Brussels, Belgium the custom-designed and custom-made transparent
(Figure 1), has moveable glass louvers that are shading device (Figure 2). The glass louvers are
installed as the outside layer of the double-skin used to redirect daylight onto the ceiling, protect
facade. The louvers’ position is adjusted based on space from direct sunlight, and provide visual
the sun’s position. The louvers control heat gain contact with the outside (Compagno 2002;
in summer and heat loss in winter, and act as the Wigginton and Harris, 2002). The louvers are
light shelves allowing daylight penetration into moveable and automatically controlled.
the building (European Commission (DG TREN),
2005; Roger-France, 2005; Deneyer et al., 2008). . Avax S.A. headquarters building in Athens, Greece,
The average daylight factor is around 6% and has the transparent blinds installed on the east-
uniform daylighting is provided in the back of the oriented facade (Tombazis and Preuss, 2001).
6 m-deep office. The louvers also provide views These blinds are another example of the custom-
to the outside (Roger-France 2005). designed and custom-made transparent shading

Developing a transparent shading device as a daylighting system

performance level. The following examples present a

few of the investigated systems:

. The shading device patented by US Patent

4,517,960 consists of a plurality of slats that are
made of a light, permeable material (Bartenbach,
1983). The slats have a flat, non-reflective base
surface on a side oriented to the sun and a prismatic
structure on the opposite side oriented away from
the sun (Figure 4). The prismatic rods are parallel
to the longitudinal axes and have two non-reflective
surfaces that work only by total internal reflection.
This shading device improves light transmittance
and provides effective protection from sunlight.
For the south orientation, this shading device does
not require adjustment of the slat inclination
during the day and requires little adjustment
throughout the year (Bartenbach, 1983).
Downloaded By: [University of Florida] At: 20:41 27 February 2009

. A prismatic transparent shading device patented by

US Patent 4,773,733 blocks direct sun rays enter-
ing the space, permits the passage of indirect sun
rays into the space, and permits a view through
the shading device from the interior to the
outdoor space (Murphy and Campbell, 1988).
The shading device has a form of venetian blind
comprised of prismatic, reflective, slatted panels
that are rotatable depending on the sun’s move-
ment (Figure 5). The prismatic slats are made
from a light transmissive material with an index
Figure 3 Avax S.A. headquarters in Athens, Greece, with
moveable glass panels/blinds as the outside facade layer.
of refraction of approximately 1.5, such as glass,
Source: Avax S.A. headquarters; Architects: A. N. Tombazis and acrylic, and polycarbonate. The slats have two
Associates Architects, Athens. Image courtesy: Nikos Daniilidis. faces: the front flat face is oriented to the sun and

device. Vertical shading devices consist of double

laminated glass panels with a silk screen printed
surface (Figure 3). These vertical blinds create an
outside layer of the double-skin facade and are auto-
matically controlled based on solar radiation. Figure 4 Previously patented transparent shading device (US
Patent 4,517,960; Bartenbach, 1983): cross-section through the
prismatic slat.
Previously patented systems
Previously patented transparent shading devices are
investigated to obtain an understanding of their per-
formance. An understanding of the design principles,
such as the optics used and explained in the patented
solutions, help in the design of a new transparent
shading device, which is proposed by this research.
The analysed systems offer a sufficient amount of day-
light in the space and protection from glare and over-
heating (Seeger, 1969; Bartenbach, 1983; Murphy
and Campbell, 1988; Lorenz, 2001; Koster, 2002).
Some analysed systems do not essentially limit the
view to the outside (Murphy and Campbell, 1988;
Lorenz, 2001). Two basic types were analysed – move-
able (Seeger 1969; Bartenbach 1983; Murphy and
Campbell 1988; Moench 1991) and fixed (Boyd Figure 5 Previously patented transparent shading device (US
1957; Wirth et al. 1998; Koster 2002) – to find out Patent 4,773,733; Murphy and Campbell, 1988): partial cross-
whether or not fixed blinds can achieve a required section through the three-faced prism.

Olbina and Beliveau

the rear face oriented away from the sun. The rear since the tooth side exposed to the sun has a deflection
face has reflective prisms for total internal reflec- function, while the shaded tooth side has a dimming
tion of sunrays that strike the front face of the function (Koster, 2002). The shaded tooth side,
slat at a 308 angle from a normal to the front rather than the irradiated side, is seen from the interior
face (Murphy and Campbell, 1988). space, and the shaded side becomes darker since it is
not irradiated by the sun. No glare effect will occur
. The transparent shading device patented by US when looking at the lamellae (Koster, 2002).
Patent 6,367,937 has reflective lamellae that do
not produce glare in the interior or exterior
spaces and avoid multiple reflections that lead to Daylighting performance of shading devices
overheating of the lamellae and, therefore, to This research focuses only on the daylighting perform-
heating of the interior space (Koster, 2002). The ance of the shading devices, specifically illuminance,
slats in this shading device are not moveable and daylight autonomy (DA), and useful daylight illumi-
the blinds are not retractable. Each slat consists nance (UDI), obtained by the application of transpar-
of the following portions (Figure 6): ent shading devices. Daylight has an important effect
on the occupants of the buildings, particularly their
. one portion of teeth, close to the outside space, behaviour and well-being in the space (Ruck et al.,
reflects the sun’s radiation back to the outside 2000; Galasiu and Veitch, 2006). As one of the sustain-
space by a single reflection for high sun incidence able strategies, daylight contributes to energy savings
Downloaded By: [University of Florida] At: 20:41 27 February 2009

angles, such as in the summer, and works in by reducing the use of electric lighting, which decreases
favour of thermal comfort the cooling loads in the building (Lee et al. 1998).
Daylighting also has a significant aesthetic effect on
. a second portion of teeth, close to the interior the interior space. The appropriate use of shading
space, illuminates the interior space for low sun devices can improve the daylight level in the space
incidence angles, such as in the winter, and (Selkowitz and Lee, 1998; Kuhn et al., 2000;
works in favour of visual comfort by reflecting Breitenbach et al., 2001; Kischkoweit-Lopin, 2002).
light into the interior For these reasons, daylight performance parameters
(illuminance, DA, and UDI) are used for the evaluation
Each individual tooth has two sides: one exposed to the of the new transparent shading device proposed by this
sun’s radiation, and a shaded side. Glare is avoided research.

Figure 6 Previously patented transparent shading device (US Patent 6,367,937; Koster, 2002): perspective section through three
sun-protection lamellae.

Developing a transparent shading device as a daylighting system

Illuminance is a measure of the quantity of light in a values from 100 to 500 lx, while daylight alone is suf-
space. Illuminance levels in a space decrease asympto- ficient for the illuminance levels from 500 to 2000 lx
tically as the distance from the window increases (Mardaljevic, 2006).
toward the depth of the space. By definition, ‘illumi-
nance is the density of luminous power’ (Stein and
Reynolds, 2000, p. 1054) or ‘the luminous flux inci-
dent on a surface per unit area’ (Ruck et al., 2000, Methods
p. 8– 4). The unit of measure used to quantify lumen In order to accomplish the research objectives, the fol-
per square metre is lux (lx). The distribution of light lowing methodology is applied:
illuminance shows ‘how lighting varies from point to
point across a plane of surface’ (Ruck et al., 2000, . in the process of designing a new shading device:
p. 3 –5). Illuminance is measured across a horizontal
work plane at a height of 0.8 m above the floor. The . principles of optics are used to control daylight
illuminance distribution in a room resulting from the
application of the venetian blind is a complex function . the simplest possible geometry for the slats is
of the solar conditions and the slat tile angle (Klems applied in order to achieve an economically
and Warner, 1997; Lee et al., 1998). viable and uncomplicated manufacturing process

To evaluate the daylighting performance of a shading . transparent material and reflective coating are
Downloaded By: [University of Florida] At: 20:41 27 February 2009

device, actual values of illuminance in the space used for the slats
obtained by the application of the shading device on
a specific building need to be compared with values . in the process of analysing the daylighting perform-
recommended by the standards and the literature ance of the proposed transparent shading device:
(Nabil and Mardaljevic, 2006; Reinhart et al., 2006).
The International Standard ISO 8995, CIE S 008/E, . a case study is performed for the particular type
gives recommended maintained illuminances over the of building at the specific location
task area on the reference surface, which can be hori-
zontal, vertical, or inclined. These values provide for . daylight simulation is performed for the three
visual safety at work and needed visual performance shading device systems installed at the proposed
(Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE) building: a commercially available opaque system,
Central Bureau, 2001). The ANSI/IES RP-1-1982 a previously patented transparent system, and a
standard for office lighting recommends illuminance new transparent system proposed by this research;
categories based on the area/activity, ranges of illumi- the software Autodesk VIZ 4 TM (Autodesk, Inc.,
nance categories and types of activity, minimum values 2004) that calculates actual illuminance levels in
of illumination for safety, and weighting factors to be the space as a result of the application of the specific
considered in selecting specific illuminance (IESNA, types of the blinds in a proposed space is used
. the results of daylighting simulation for the three
Reinhart et al. (2006) recommended the use of types of blinds are compared to understand the
dynamic daylighting performance metrics, such as performance and advantages of a new transpar-
DA and UDI to evaluate the daylight performance of ent shading device
shading devices. Both DA and UDI are based on
work plane illuminances (Reinhart et al., 2006). DA Case study
is defined as the percentage of the occupied times of In order to analyse the daylighting performance of the
the year when the minimum required illuminance proposed new transparent shading device, a case study
level at the sensor point is provided by daylight only is conducted. The proposed office building used in the
(Reinhart and Walkenhorst, 2001; Architectural case study is located in Roanoke, Virginia, US (latitude
Energy Corporation, 2006). Nabil and Mardaljevic 378, longitude 798), which has a moderate climate.
(2006) defined UDI as a measure that determines
when illuminance levels are useful for the occupant,
that is, more than 100 lx (not too dark) and less than
2000 lx (not too bright). UDI is expressed as percen-
tages of the occupied times of the year when it is
achieved (100– 2000 lx), not sufficient (less than 100
lx), or exceeded (more than 2000 lx) (Reinhart et al.
2006). Mardaljevic (2006) suggested dividing achieved
UDI into autonomous UDI (500– 2000 lx) and sup-
plementary UDI (100– 500 lx). Supplementary electric Figure 7 Perspective view of the o⁄ce building used in the case
lighting may be needed for the daylight illuminance study. Source: authors.

Olbina and Beliveau

Figure 8 Perspective view of the interior space of the o⁄ce building used in the case study. The window and facade are located on the
Downloaded By: [University of Florida] At: 20:41 27 February 2009

left-hand side. Source: authors.

A simple office space, 18.3 m wide, 12.2 m deep, and oriented facade at 12.00, 14.00, and 16.00 hours).
3.0 m high, is simulated for south and west facade Simulations were conducted for three different sky
orientations (Figure 7). The single-skin curtain wall conditions: clear, partly cloudy, and cloudy. The
has an area of 55.7 m2, with a transparent/window following shading device systems were tested:
area of 29.3 m2. The window assembly has two
parts: lower (1.41.5 m) and upper (1.40.5 m) . Commercially available opaque system: mini-
(Figure 7). The window sill height is 0.9 m. The venetian blinds comprising slats with a curved
office space is divided into separate work spaces by cross-section were tested. The slat width is
cubicles, that is, by interior partitions 1.5 m high. 25 mm and its thickness is 0.2 mm. The distance
Each cubicle contains an office desk, a chair, and a between the slats is 25 mm. The blinds are made
computer. Shelves and cabinets line the interior walls of grey vinyl with a reflectance of 40% (value
(Figure 8). The reflectance values of the interior sur- given by the manufacturer), and they are non-
faces and furniture are shown in Table 1. transparent for light. The blinds are in the horizon-
tal position relative to the window and are installed
Simulations are performed for one day each season (21 on the inside of the window (Figure 9). The blinds
March, 21 June, and 21 December) and three times per are controlled manually by the occupants. The
day at two different orientations (south-oriented blinds are retractable. However, only the slat tilt
facade at 11.00, 12.00, and 15.00 hours; and west- angle is modified in this research. The slats’ tilt
angle is adjusted based on sun and sky conditions
and the occupant’s need for privacy. Three basic
Table 1 Re£ectance values of the interior surfaces and slat tilt angles are tested: completely open (08 tilt
furniture used in the case study angle), nearly closed (458 tilt angle), and comple-
tely closed (908 tilt angle). A slat tilt angle is
Element Material Re£ectance defined as an angle from the horizontal plane
with the slats inclined downwards to provide a
view of the ground from the interior space.
Ceiling Light grey paint 84
Walls Light grey paint 2 55
Floor Green carpet 42 . Previously patented transparent system: the
Columns White wood 77 shading device patented by US Patent 6,367,937
Interior ¢nish of curtain wall White wood 77 (Koster, 2002) is simulated as an example of a
Curtain wall mullions and Metal ^ bronze 48
transoms, window frame
patented system (see the section titled ‘Previously
Interior doors Wood bass 99 patented transparent shading device systems’ and
Interior cubical partitions Beige fabric 82 Figure 6). The slats are made of clear plastic with
O⁄ce cabinets Wood burl oak 53 a transmittance of 100% and an index of refraction
O⁄ce desks Wood-oak 64 of 1.5. The blinds are simulated for a horizontal,
O⁄ce shelves Wood bass 99 fixed, and completely open position (08 tilt
O⁄ce chairs Beige fabric 82 angle), and are installed in the cavity between
two panes of glass.
Developing a transparent shading device as a daylighting system

Simulation engine
The simulations were performed by using Autodesk
VIZ 4 software (Autodesk, Inc., 2004). VIZ 4 calcu-
lates the illuminance levels as a result of the application
of the specific type of shading device. It integrates two
lighting algorithms in order to model lighting in the
space: ray-tracing and radiosity. In VIZ 4, radiosity is
used to render diffuse-to-diffuse inter-reflections,
while ray-tracing is used for specular reflections. The
user’s input includes the following data:

. three-dimensional geometry of the space and

elements in the space

. materials for the interior and exterior finishes and


. sun position and sky conditions

Downloaded By: [University of Florida] At: 20:41 27 February 2009

The sun angles (azimuth and altitude) as well as sun

intensity depend on geographic location, date, and
time. Autodesk VIZ 4 calculates daylight that derives
from skylight that is scattered through the atmosphere.

In Autodesk VIZ 4 the sky is modelled as a dome of

infinite radius placed around the scene. Daylight com-
putes the illumination of a point in the scene with refer-
Figure 9 Commercially available opaque shading device ence to all directions around the point where the sky is
system used in the case study which consists of vinyl light-grey visible. The sky’s brightness is not constant over the
blinds. Source: authors.
sky dome, but rather it changes depending upon the
position of the sun (Autodesk, Inc., 2004).

The output of Autodesk VIZ 4 is a photorealistic three-

dimensional image of the space with illuminance levels
defined by the range of colours. Pseudo Color
Exposure Control as a lighting analysis tool maps illu-
minance values to pseudo-colours.

Testing process
The testing process for the three analysed blind systems
consists of the following tasks.

Task 1: Making an input for the simulation

Input for the simulation consists of independent,
dependent, and shading device variables. The follow-
ing independent variables are used in the simulation:
date, time of day, building location, sun angle, sky con-
ditions, building type, and site. Dependent variables
used in the simulation are building spaces geometry,
Figure 10 New transparent shading device proposed by the facade type, and window type. Shading device vari-
present research: three-dimensional view. The silver re£ective ables such as the slats’ geometry, width and thickness,
coating is applied on the hypotenuse of the slat. Source: authors.
distance between the slats, applied materials and coat-
ings, and the slats’ tilt angle are also prepared as an
input for the simulation.
. New transparent system proposed by this research
and further discussed in the section titled Task 2: Simulation of daylighting performance
‘Description of the new shading device system’ Simulations of illuminance in the space are performed
(also Figures 10 and 11). by using Autodesk VIZ 4 software. Input parameters

Olbina and Beliveau

prepared in the first step are used to test the daylighting standards as well as the recommendations of Reinhart
performance of the three shading devices. Testing is et al. (2006) and Nabil and Mardaljevic (2006). The
repeated individually for each type of shading device required illuminance values range from a minimum
to find out how the application of these shading of 500 lx to a maximum of 2000 lx. The actual illumi-
devices in the building affects illuminance levels in nance values are then used to calculate the values of
the space. For each type of shading device multiple DA and UDI for each shading device. DA and UDI
simulations are performed since the analysis is per- values are found for the two different facade orien-
formed for different dates and different times per tations (south and west) and two sensor positions. An
day, as well as for various sky conditions. If the example of the calculated values of DA per year is
blinds are adjustable (for example, the commercially presented in Table 6. DAs per year and UDIs per
available blinds and new blinds), then the shading year for three types of blinds are compared to analyse
device is tested for various blind tilt angles from com- the blinds’ performance and to understand the advan-
pletely open (08 tilt angle), to nearly closed (458 tilt tages of the proposed transparent shading device
angle), and finally to completely closed (908 tilt (Tables 7– 10).
angle). This testing is helpful in establishing a control
strategy for a shading device for different sun and sky
conditions to maintain the required illuminance levels
in the space. The following parameters are modified Limitations
in the simulation process: This research was conducted only for a proposed office
Downloaded By: [University of Florida] At: 20:41 27 February 2009

building located in Roanoke, Virginia, US. Only one

. time parameters: date and time of the day type of shading device, that is, horizontal venetian
blinds, was tested for climate conditions only on three
. climate parameters: sun angle and sky conditions days: 21 March, 21 June, and 21 December. The
blinds were tested only for three times of the day:
. shading device variables: blind type (geometry and 11.00, 12.00, and 15.00 hours for a south orientation;
material) and slat tilt angle and 12.00, 14.00, and 16.00 hours for a west orien-
tation. The blinds were analysed only for two orien-
The values of the remaining input variables are selected tations: south and west. Only one view of the three-
only once and remain constant in the simulation process. dimensional space was drawn by using Autodesk VIZ
4, that is, only one fixed camera position at a task
level was used in the simulation process. Only illumi-
Task 3: Presentation of the output of the simulations nance at the two sensor positions was measured by the
The output of the computer simulation is the actual simulations. Only two daylight performance par-
values of illuminance levels in the space as a result of ameters, DA and UDI, were calculated based on the illu-
the application of the specific shading device. In the minance values. The research does not analyse the
third step of the testing process the output information occurrence of glare in the space. In this research, only
is gathered, organized, and prepared for analysis. The theoretical testing of three blind systems, that is, compu-
output values of the illuminance are calculated for ter simulation by Autodesk VIZ 4 software, was con-
different combinations/values of the input variables. ducted. The objective of future research is to conduct
Since the output values are given in the format of the experimental testing of the blinds to see how the exper-
three-dimensional images, illuminance level measure- imental testing of the blinds corroborates with theoreti-
ments are read at the two sensor positions in the cal validation, that is, with the computer simulation of
space from these images and recorded in the format the blinds. The results and conclusions of this research
of matrixes of the data. The two sensor positions are were made on the basis of a small data set.
as follows (Figure 8):

. sensor positions 1 in the front of the room: the top

of the office desk at a distance of 2.4 m from the Results
facade New shading device system
The result of accomplishing the first research objective
. sensor positions 2 in the back of the room: the top was a new transparent shading device system. The
of the office desk at a distance of 8.7 m from the main purpose of this system was to provide a sufficient
facade amount and quality of daylight for the interior space.
The principles of optics were used in the design of
The height of the top of the desks’ surfaces is 76 cm. the new blinds. Light reflection, refraction, and total
The distance between the two sensor positions is 6.3 m. internal reflection in the glass prism were applied
in the design of these blinds. The physical, thermal,
The required values of illuminance in this office space and chemical properties of transparent materials,
are determined based on the ANSI/IES and ISO such as light transmission, refractive index, U-value,
Developing a transparent shading device as a daylighting system

expansion coefficient, and maximum working temp- the silver coating to the upper part of the room – the
erature, were analysed when selecting the appropriate ceiling – and from the ceiling to the depth of the
material for the blinds. The characteristics of the room, or are reflected to the outside space (Figure
manufacturing process were investigated in order 11). For example, in winter and at the 08 tilt angle,
to produce the blinds simply and inexpensively. Trans- the sun’s rays are first refracted through the prism,
parent blinds, with a silver reflective coating applied on then reflected from the silver coating and then refracted
one surface of the blind, were designed and tested again and redirected to the interior space (Figure 11).
(Figure 10). These silvered blinds were developed to Thus, the slats help improve daylight levels in the
redirect incident light to the ceiling (Papamichael space. If the tilt angle of the slats changes to 908 in
et al., 1994, cited in Selkowitz and Lee, 1998). The the winter, the sun’s rays are first refracted through
slat had a right triangular shape in cross-section. The the prism and then reflected either by the silver
hypotenuse dimension was 25 mm, the triangle legs coating or by total internal reflection and redirected
were 18 mm, and the distance between the slats was to the outside space (Figure 11). Therefore, the slats
25 mm (Figure 11). The blinds were installed protect the interior from direct sun.
between two panes of glass. The blinds were designed
for south orientation, thus, they were in a horizontal The blinds are controlled automatically. They are not
position relative to the window. However, in this retractable and only the slat tilt angle can be modified.
research the blinds were also tested for a west orien- The control system adjusts the slats’ tilt angle based
tation to investigate the opportunity of the application on the sun’s position, the solar irradiance on the
Downloaded By: [University of Florida] At: 20:41 27 February 2009

of blinds on west-oriented facades. The slats were facade, outside temperature and outside illuminance,
made of clear plastic with a transmittance of 100% the occupants’ presence in the room, and the occu-
and an index of refraction of 1.5. A silver reflective pants’ wishes for the inside illuminance levels, inside
coating, with a thickness of 0.5 mm and an internal temperature, and a view to the outside. The blinds
reflectance (that is, the reflectivity for radiation are activated by sensors that evaluate changes in
hitting the coating from the plastic prism) of 94%, ambient conditions and supply this information to
was applied on the hypotenuse outside surface. the controllers for decision-making purposes. For
example, the control system measures the actual illu-
Daylight rays that strike the slats are first refracted minance level and computes the difference between
through the plastic prism. Depending on the incident the actual and desired illuminance to form a control
angle of the sun and tilt angle of the blinds, the action. Control action is initiated by the controllers
refracted rays are additionally either reflected from and performed by an actuator, such as a DC motor.

Figure 11 New transparent shading device proposed by the present research: cross-section. The silver re£ective coating is applied on
the hypotenuse of the slat. Light-re£ecting and -refracting situations are shown for three di¡erent slat tilt angles and for two sun angles of
incidence. Source: authors.

Olbina and Beliveau

The DC motor adjusts the blinds’ position to drive the . three types of blinds (commercially available, pre-
actual illuminance level back toward the set point. viously patented, new)
The user input for an automated control of the
blinds includes the following parameters: the . one facade orientation (south)
minimum and maximum work plane illuminance
levels, the movement/adjustment frequency rate, . a particular time (12.00 hours)
and the degree to which the blinds can be opened
and closed (DiBartolomeo et al., 1996). If the . three sky conditions (clear, partly cloudy, cloudy)
blinds are in the completely closed position, the
direct view to the outside can be obstructed by . two sensor positions in the space (sensor position
the silver coating. 1: front of the room; and sensor position 2: back
of the room)
The blinds were simulated for three slat tilt angles
in this research (Figure 11): . optimized blind tilt angles, that is, the tilt angles
that provide the best daylighting performance for
. 08 tilt angle (completely open blinds): the hypote- the blinds, that is, illuminance values within the
nuse is parallel to the horizontal and the triangle recommended range
legs are oriented upwards
Downloaded By: [University of Florida] At: 20:41 27 February 2009

Tables similar to Table 2 are created for the simulation

. 458 tilt angle (nearly closed blinds): the angle results obtained for 11.00 and 15.00 hours for the
between the hypotenuse and the horizontal is 458 south orientation.
and the triangle legs are oriented to the outside
space Table 3 presents the number of clear, partly cloudy,
and cloudy days for each month that is simulated.
. 908 tilt angle (completely closed blinds): the angle These numbers are obtained from the weather statisti-
between the hypotenuse and the horizontal is 908 cal data for Roanoke, Virginia. The output results
and the triangle legs are oriented to the outside space recorded in the matrixes of data (Table 2) and values
from Table 3 are used to calculate daily, monthly,
and annual values of DA and UDI. It is assumed that
the user adjusts the tilt angles for the commercially
Simulation results available blinds and the automated control adjusted
Table 2 presents one example of the matrix of data that the tilt angle for the new blinds. Thus, the optimized
includes actual values of illuminance in the space tilt angles of the blinds, that is, the angles that
measured by simulations for the following: provide the recommended illuminance levels at the

Table 2 Actual illuminances (lx) measured by simulations at 12.00 hours for the south orientation and optimized slat tilt angles

Date Sky conditions Sensor position Illuminance (lx)

Commercially Previously New blinds

available blinds patented blinds

21 December Clear 1 ^ Front 600 1600 1100

2 ^ Back 650 850 700
Partly cloudy 1 ^ Front 850 1100 950
2 ^ Back 700 850 700
Cloudy 1 ^ Front 450 400 600
2 ^ Back 400 450 500
21 March Clear 1 ^ Front 1000 1600 1300
2 ^ Back 900 900 900
Partly cloudy 1 ^ Front 1300 1600 1300
2 ^ Back 1000 1000 1100
Cloudy 1 ^ Front 500 550 700
2 ^ Back 600 500 550
21 June Clear 1 ^ Front 1300 1300 1100
2 ^ Back 1300 1300 1000
Partly cloudy 1 ^ Front 1300 1800 1500
2 ^ Back 1600 1700 1700
Cloudy 1 ^ Front 600 500 1000
2 ^ Back 550 550 650

Developing a transparent shading device as a daylighting system

Table 3 Number of days per month for various sky conditions December, March, and June for the three types of
for Roanoke,VA, US the blinds and two sensor positions.

Month Sky conditions Number of days . The annual values for DA are calculated as the
average of the monthly values for DA. Table 6
June Clear 7 shows the annual values for DA for the three types
Partly cloudy 12
of the blinds, two sensor positions, and south orien-
Cloudy 11
December Clear 9 tation. The monthly values of DA from Table 5 are
Partly cloudy 8 used for the calculations of the annual DAs.
Cloudy 14
March Clear 8
Partly cloudy 9 The daily, monthly, and annual values for DA for the
Cloudy 14
west orientation are normalized in a same way as the
values for DA for the south orientation.

UDI is calculated by using the following method. Any

sensor positions, are used in the calculations of DA and hour that falls in one of the following categories: insuf-
UDI. The blind systems are compared for these opti- ficient (UDI,100 lx), achieved-supplementary (UDI
mized slat tilt angles rather than the identical angles. 100 –500 lx), achieved-autonomous (UDI 500– 2000
Downloaded By: [University of Florida] At: 20:41 27 February 2009

lx), and exceeded (UDI . 2000 lx) accounts for

DAs are calculated by using the following method. Any 100% daylight for that particular category. For the
hour that exceeds the minimum required illuminance remaining three categories the hour accounts for 0%
(500 lx) counts as 100% daylight, while any hour daylight. For example, if the illuminance at the
that does not provide a minimum illuminance (500 sensor position for a specific hour is 650 lx, it falls in
lx) counts as 0%. The daily, monthly, and annual the category UDI 500 – 2000 lx and that hour accounts
values of DA for the south orientation are normalized for 100% daylight. For the categories UDI , 100, UDI
as follows: 100 – 500, and UDI . 2000 lx, this specific hour
counts for 0% daylight. The daily, monthly, and
annual values of UDI are normalized in a same way
as the DA values are normalized. These values of UDI
. The daily values for DA are calculated as the are presented in the format of tables (similar to
average of the hourly values for DA. For Tables 4– 6).
example, Table 4 presents the daily values for DA
for 21 December for the three different blinds,
three sky conditions, and two sensor positions. Table 5 Daylight autonomy per month (%)
Tables similar to Table 4 are also created for 21
March and 21 June. Blind type Sensor Daylight autonomy per
position month (%)
. The monthly values for DA are calculated as the
average of the daily values for DA, taking into con- December March June
sideration the number of clear, partly cloudy, and
cloudy days for the specific month. For example, Commercially 1 ^ Front 70.0 70.0 100.0
Table 5 shows the monthly values for DA for available 2 ^ Back 55.0 70.0 100.0
Previously 1 ^ Front 45.3 70.0 87.7
patented 2 ^ Back 55.0 70.0 100.0
New 1 ^ Front 100.0 100.0 100.0
Table 4 Daylight autonomy per day (%) (an example for 21 2 ^ Back 70.0 100.0 100.0

Blind type Sensor Daylight autonomy per day

position (%) on 21 December Table 6 Annual daylight autonomy (%)

Clear Partly Cloudy Blind type Sensor Annual daylight

sky cloudy position autonomy (%)

Commercially 1 ^ Front 100.0 100.0 33.3 Commercially available 1 ^ Front 80.0

available 2 ^ Back 100.0 100.0 0.0 2 ^ Back 75.0
Previously 1 ^ Front 66.7 100.0 0.0 Previously patented 1 ^ Front 67.7
patented 2 ^ Back 100.0 100.0 0.0 2 ^ Back 75.0
New 1 ^ Front 100.0 100.0 100.0 New 1 ^ Front 100.0
2 ^ Back 100.0 100.0 33.3 2 ^ Back 90.0

Olbina and Beliveau

Discussion values of UDI500 – 2000 in the front than in the back of

The annual DA and annual UDI are compared for: the room.

Values for the different daylighting performance par-

. the three types of blinds – to understand which ameters for the west orientation are shown in Table 9.
blind seems to have the best daylighting The ratings of the three blind types for the west
performance orientation according to the different daylighting
performance parameters are shown in Table 10. The
. the two sensor positions in the room (for a specific rating criteria used for the west orientation are
blind type and facade orientation) the same as the rating criteria used for the south
. the two orientations (for a specific blind type and
sensor position) The results show that the new blinds also scored
highest in all five performance parameters for the
west orientation. The previously patented blinds
Values of the different daylighting performance scored higher than the commercially available blinds
parameters for the south orientation are shown in in four performance parameters. The new blinds
Table 7. The ratings of the three blind types for the provide sufficient daylight levels (DA) in the front of
south orientation according to the different daylighting the room for 95% of the time, that is, approximately
Downloaded By: [University of Florida] At: 20:41 27 February 2009

performance parameters are shown in Table 8. The fol- 20% longer than commercially available blinds and
lowing criteria are used for the ratings. The higher the the previously patented blinds. The new blinds also
values for DA and UDI500 – 2000, the higher the rating of provided the highest values of UDI500 – 2000 for almost
the blinds. The lower the values of UDI, 100, UDI100 – 90% of the time in the front of the room; that is,
500, and UDI. 2000, the higher the rating of the blinds. approximately 15% more time than commercially
If a performance parameter leads to different ratings available blinds and 20% more time than the pre-
for the front and the back sensor position, the mean viously patented blinds. The new blinds do not
results for both sensor positions are compared. control daylight adequately for approximately 6– 7%
of the time of the year when there is too much light
The results show that the new blinds (Figures 10 and in the room (the UDI is above 2000 lx levels). Also,
11) scored highest in all five daylighting performance the new blinds do not provide useful daylight levels
parameters for the south orientation. The commer- 13% of the time of the year in the back of the room
cially available blinds (Figure 9) scored higher than and 5% of the time in the front of the room.
the previously patented blinds (Figure 6) in four per-
formance parameters. The new blinds provide suffi- Comparison of the daylighting performance par-
cient daylight levels (DA) in the front of the room ameters for the two sensor positions in the room (1 –
100% of the time, that is, 20% more time than com- front and 2 – back) with the west orientation shows
mercially available blinds and 32% more time than that the new blinds have approximately 10% higher
the previously patented blinds. The new blinds also values of both the DA and UDI500 – 2000 (that is, they
provide the highest values of UDI500 – 2000 for 100% provide a sufficient amount of daylight/useful daylight
of the time in the front of the room, 15% more time illuminance for a 10% longer period of time) for the
than commercially available blinds, and 32% more front than for the back of the room. The commercially
time than the previously patented blinds. There is available blinds have 5% higher values of DA at the
never too much daylight in the room as a result of front of the room, while the value of their UDI500 –
the new blinds’ daylight control (that is, the UDI 2000 is 18% higher in the front than in the back of
never exceeds 2000 lx). The new blinds do not the room. The previously patented blinds have 6%
provide useful daylight levels for 10% of the time lower values for DA and 2% lower values of
(UDI100 – 500 ¼10%) during the year in the back of UDI500 – 2000 in the front than in the back of the room.
the room.
A comparison of the daylighting performance par-
A comparison of the daylighting performance par- ameters for the two facade orientations shows that
ameters for the two sensor positions in the room (1 – the new blinds and commercially available blinds
front and 2 – back) with the south orientation shows perform better at the south than with the west orien-
that the new blinds and commercially available tation (considering the values for DA and UDI500 –
blinds have approximately 10% higher values for 2000). For example, the new blinds have a 5% higher
both DA and UDI500 – 2000 (that is, they provide a suffi- value for DA and a 10% higher value for UDI500 –
cient amount of daylight/useful daylight illuminance 2000 for the south orientation than for the west orien-
for a 10% longer period of time) for the front than tation. This was expected because horizontal blinds
for the back of the room. The previously patented perform better with the south orientation, while verti-
blinds have 8% lower values of DA and 12% lower cal blinds perform better with the west orientation.
Developing a transparent shading device as a daylighting system

Table 7 Values of the annual daylight performance parameters (%) for the south orientation

Venetian blind type: Commercially available Previously patented New

Sensor position 1 ^ Front 2 ^ Back 1 ^ Front 2 ^ Back 1 ^ Front 2 ^ Back

Daylight autonomy 80.0 75.0 67.7 75.0 100.0 90.0

UDI, 100 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 0.0 0.0
UDI100 ^ 500 10.0 20.0 24.1 15.0 0.0 10.0
UDI500 ^ 2000 85.0 75.0 67.7 80.0 100.0 90.0
UDI. 2000 0.0 0.0 3.2 0.0 0.0 0.0

Note: UDI, useful daylight illuminance.

Table 8 Ratings of the three blind types for the south orientation

Performance Rating
Downloaded By: [University of Florida] At: 20:41 27 February 2009

First Second Third

Daylight autonomy New Commercially available Previously patented

UDI, 100 New Commercially available/previously Commercially available/previously
patented patented
UDI100 ^ 500 New Commercially available Previously patented
UDI500 ^ 2000 New Commercially available Previously patented
UDI. 2000 New/commercially New/commercially available Previously patented

Note: UDI, useful daylight illuminance.

Table 9 Values of the annual daylight performance parameters (%) for the west orientation

Venetian blind type: Commercially available Previously patented New

Sensor point 1 ^ Front 2 ^ Back 1 ^ Front 2 ^ Back 1 ^ Front 2 ^ Back

Daylight autonomy 74.8 69.8 75.9 82.1 95.0 87.1

UDI, 100 10.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
UDI100 ^ 500 15.2 20.2 19.1 12.9 0.0 7.9
UDI500 ^ 2000 74.8 56.7 69.8 72.2 89.2 79.8
UDI. 2000 0.0 13.1 6.1 9.9 5.8 7.3

Note: UDI, useful daylight illuminance.

Table 10 Ratings of the three blind types for the west orientation

Performance parameter Rating

First Second Third

Daylight autonomy New Previously patented Commercially available

UDI, 100 New/previously patented New/previously patented Commercially available
UDI100 ^ 500 New Previously patented Commercially available
UDI500 ^ 2000 New Previously patented Commercially available
UDI. 2000 New/commercially available New/commercially available Previously patented

Note: UDI, useful daylight illuminance.

Olbina and Beliveau

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