Finding Faults

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Desirable association:
1. Mahat: sees others' faults as capable of being transformed into good qualities.
2. Mahattara: overlooks faults and sees the good.
3. Mahattama: magnifies small good qualities and sees no faults.
4. Ati-mahattama: sees only good qualities where there are none.
Undesirable association:
1. Asadhu: sees others' good qualities as capable of being transformed into faults.
2. Asadhutara: overlooks the good in others but sees the faults.
3. Asadhutama: magnifies small faults and sees no good.
4. Aty-asadhutama: sees only faults in others where there are none.
With examples:
1. Mahat: sees others' faults as capable of being transformed into good qualities.
Example: . Speaking harshly is a bad quality, but because it can be for someone’s benefit, it
becomes a good quality, like néma juice, which cures sickness though it is bitter.
2. Mahattara: overlooks faults and sees the good.
Example: Seeing a merchant, though a materialist, they conclude he takes care of guests nicely, and
is worthy of deliverance.
3. Mahattama: magnifies small good qualities and sees no faults.
Example: “This person has stolen my cloth because he is cold, and though he has a weapon, he
does not attack me because he is merciful. He is virtuous.”
4. Ati-mahattama: sees only good qualities where there are none.
Example: “In this world there are no bad people. Everyone is good.”
1. Asadhu: sees others' good qualities as capable of being transformed into faults.
Example: someone who wants to help others will become greedy for their assets
2. Asadhutara: overlooks the good in others but sees the faults.
Example: “This person has renounced, but he also eats a lot.” “This sannyäsé eats ghee rice to fill
his stomach. He is lusty, and should be considered fallen.”
3. Asadhutama: magnifies small faults and sees no good.
Example: “This renunciate has give up the forest and lives in the house of a married man. He only
wants to steal their money.”
4. Aty-asadhutama: sees only faults in others where there are none.
Example: “In this world no one is good. Everyone is evil.
SB 4.4.12 commentary of Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura

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