Exploration Quests Completed REVE-ETERNITY

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- The Sunken Treasure:

 Proceed ke Merchant
 Ke Sea of Truth cari treasure yg isinya Kaleido
Jade(lokasinya:ada di dlm dek kapal bawah laut) (Sea
of Truth,1528-964)
 Balik ke Merchant (pause di cap lv.55 baru bisa lg)
 Ke Tombstone di Calmsea(bawah, pesisir pantai)
(Yingchuan County,1023-629) ngomong sama Npc.

- The Merchant-World's Gate:

 Sambungan dari quest The Sunken Treasure
 Ngomong sama Npc Merchant
 Ke Npc Zhao Kangnian (Yingchuan County, 975-689)
 Ntr lgsg diarah balik ke Merchant, interact sama
Kaleido Seatnya
 Bakal traveled time ke 5th lalu, ke Zhao
 Ke hutan (Yingchuan County, 903-2989) ngomong
sama Npc Ping Shanhai
 Depan Ping Shanhai ada jejak ikutin aja pake scouting
sampe ketemu Changying (Yingchuan, 941-3122)
 Kalahin Ghost Wolf (Yingchuan County, 962-3136)
 Balik lg ke Changying

- The teacher:
 Harus kelarin yg Sulan Treasure, semua nya
 Ke Mr.Liang trus tinggal ikutin aja dari logbook itu.
- Childhood Promise:
 Proceed ke Sulan Port cari Yingchuan girl (Ling'er)
 Disuruh cari Daidai(Nan-Guang), kalo ga ketemu cari
aja clue (tinggal proceed)
 Lokasi Nan (Sulan County, 572-440)
 Balik ke Ling'er (Sulan, 768-319)
 Tinggal Proceed aja, photo Blessed Purple Tung (pohon
sakura yg di Calmsea)
 Abis tuh balik ke Ling'er, dari situ udah tinggal

- Recording the Beautiful Scenery:

 Fotoin Statue of Hydee, Starry Lighthouse, Conch
House, Adventure's Guild (tinggal proceed)
 Foto lg Pohon sakura yg di Tree of Fate, sama karam
kapal di pulau kecil dekat Aquatic Bay(arah jam 9 dari
map Aquatic Bay)
 Autofinding aja quest nya
 Ke Calmsea (Yingchuan County, 955-675) ngomong
sama Npc Wang Chei
 Proceed ke Misty Mash, foto Fairy Spring
 Balik ke Wang Chei
 Photo Blessed Purple Tung, Merdragon's Corridor,
Mirrorbloom Lake(Yingchuan County, 979-829) ,
Hydee Altar (Yingchuan County, 1237-806)
 Balik ke Wang Chei lg

- Sulan Treasure Hunt-Within the City:

 Proceed ke Mr.Liang cari clue (jwb puisi dari font
 Below devine beast's fins, Azure Heart
 Ke Baron Mansion, tengah2 karang biru gede

- Sulan Treasure Hunt-Sulan Port:

 Proceed ke Mr.Liang jwb puisi dari font kuning
 The goddess stared, unquenchable lamp, five step from
doorway, stand on the boat
 Ke pulau kecil deket Starlight House (Sulan County,
 Ke Mr.Liang lg buat trigger quest baru.

- Sulan Treasure Hunt-Aquatic Bay:

 Proceed ke Mr.Liang buat jawab puisi yg tulisan font
 Yilou looked back, the flower were still blooming,
When will the Red Indigo, A secret treasure can totally
 Ke pulau kecil bawah nya Sea Deity's Eye (liat
map)(Sulan County, 767-322)

- Broken Gem:
 Proceed ke Mr.Liang cari clue
 Proceed ke fishermen yg ada deket situ
 Kalo ga tau tempatnya, Proceed ke Merchant trus tanya
 Ke dlm air Sea of Deity's Eye, trus nyelam ke bawah
ada Altar disitu(di map ke tengah lingkaran nya).(Sulan
Conty, 182-519)
 Ngmng sama HanDe.
- Spirit Know-It-All:
 Trigger di Mountain Village, 159-212 ngomong sama
Npc Qian Xiao-xiao jwb pertanyaan: 2, flower spirit
 Lgsg ngomong lg ke Qian jawab pertanyaan: green
 Ngomong lg ke Qian (icon !) Buat trigger quest Cave
Exploration disuruh photo crab

- Pointless Love:
 Proceed ke Mansion (Sulan County, 680-331)
 Pake photo ectoplasma, loncat ke arah pagar, ada Npc
Su Xiao (Sulan County, 689-353)
 Pake photo ectoplasma lg deket pohon ada npc Ruan
 Kasi liat photo ke Su Xiao lg

- Mysterious Goods:
 Ke flower shop (Sulan County, 556-376) ngomong
sama Npc Yu Jie
 Kepojok belakang rumah, nguping pembicaraan (Sulan
County, 533-386)
 Proceed ke Warehouse (Sulan County, 815-306)
 Ketok pintu 3kali, jawab secret code: Inside Sulan City,
There are 3, flower spirit, dancing
 Use Quant book (bag>others>logbook) trus tinggal tap
questnya ntar Autofinding (Sulan County, 644-370)

- Huai Rou's Invitation:

 Trigger nya pas udah kelar quest The Teacher
 Proceed ke flower shop, di atasnya ada Npc Yu Jie
ngomong aja
 Pergi ke belakang rumah(belakang nya Yu Jie)
dipojokannya, nguping pembicaraan
 Proceed ke Warehouse, ketok pintu 3x trus jwb secret
code nya: Inside Sulan City, There are three, Flower
spirit, Dancing
 Use Quant Book yg ada di bag(bag> others>logbook)
 Autofinding ke Merchant

- Quarreling Couples:
 Trigger di Sulan County, 412-238
 Kasih boneka ke cowo beli di trade 9kali,99kali,999kali
 Pergi ke cewe nya (Sulan County, 430-261)
 Kasi crab meat buns 9kali, 99kali, 999kali

- Cave Exploration:
 Sulan County, 129-134 ntar transform jd kepiting biru
ambil chest dlm goa
 Photo kepiting biru
 Kasih ke Quan Xiao-xioa (Mountain Village, 159-214)

- Ocean Story:
 Trigger di Mountain Village, 192-52 pas photo spot situ
 Ke Acuatic Bay, photo Conch House waktu senja
 Balik ke Shroom Yang
 Photo patung Hydee waktu pagi
 Balik ke Shroom lg
 Audio track: Sound of Waves, Seagull Chirping,
Seafolk Music

-Aquatic Bay Blues:

 Triggernya pake scouting di area Conch House ntr
ketemu Chen Yuan (Sulan County, 293-240)
 Ke pulau kecil bawah nya Sea Deity's Eye (Sulan
County, 133-289)
 Balik lg ke Chen Yuan

- Lost Jewellery:
 Lupa triggernya gmn
 Proceed ke Starbloom, transform jd grass elves
ngomong ke Npc ChaoHe (Sulan County, 411-399)
 Trus ngomong sama little elves deket situ
 Balik lg ke ChaoHe

- Scissors paper stone:

 Trigger nya (Sulan County, 573-384)
 Udah menang pertama, pindah sini (Sulan County, 575-
 Pindah sini lg (Sulan County, 556-416)

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