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sa lai. la i. alai
ada asa
a d ada
a d a s
a d a
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w1w.P
w w w w w

la i .Org la i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org

PLUS d a saTWO d a sa PHYSICS d a sa VOLUME-I (QUESTION d asa BANK) d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
ShortsAnswer a i . O Questions (Book a i .
l Back):O l a i . O l a i . O l
1. a d
Whata ais meant by quantisation
a d asa of charges? (Pg- a d
4)asa a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww 2. Write down Coulomb’s ww w w
law in vector form and mention what each term represents.(Pg-4)
w w w w
3. What are the
l a i .Orgdifferences between la i rg
.OCoulomb l a i .Org
force and gravitational force? (Pg-5)
l a i .Org
asaa short note on superposition
4. Write asa asa
principle. (Pg-9) asa as al
a d a d a d a d Pad
.PDefine ‘Electric field’.
w5. w.P (Pg-12) w.P w.P w.
ww ww ww ww ww
6. What is mean by ‘Electric field lines’? (Pg-18)
.Orfield .Org Justify. (Pg-20) .Org .Org
7. The electric
l i lines never a i
l l a i l a i al
d asa d asa d asa d asa as
8. aDefine ‘Electric dipole’.
a (Pg-21) w.P
w. Pad
ww 9. What is the general ww definition of electric wwdipole moment? (Pg-22) ww ww

l .Org
10. Definea‘electrostatic
i potential”.
l a i .O rg
l a i .Org l a i .Org
a sa a a al
P a das is an equipotential
What P a dasurface? (Pg-32) Padas P a das Pad
w. w. of an equipotential w. w. w.
ww 12. What are the propertiesww ww surface? (Pg-33) ww ww
13. Give the O
i . rg
relation between electric
i . O g and electric potential.
rfield i . O rg (Pg-33) i . O rg
l a l a l a l a sal

a asa ‘electrostatic potential
14. Define
d a d asa energy’. (Pg-34) a d asa a d asa da
w.P w.P (Pg-38) w.P w.P .Pa
ww 15. Define ‘electric flux’. w
ww ww ww ww
16. What is meant by electrostatic energy density? (Pg-58) g
i . O rg i . O rg i .Or i .Org
17. Write l a short note on ‘electrostatic
l a shielding’. l
(Pg-50) a l a al
d asa is Polarisation? a(Pg-54) d asa d asa d asa as
w .P
w.P w.P
w. Pad
ww 19. What is dielectric ww strength? (Pg-55) ww ww ww
20. Define ‘capacitance’.
rg Give its unit.rg(Pg-56)
l a i . O l a i .O l a i .Org l a i .Org
21. What
asa is corona discharge? (Pg-67)
asa asa asa s al
.P a d a d a d a d ada
wAdditional Questions: w.P ww
.P w .P
ww 1. What is Electrostatics? ww (Pg-02)
w w ww
2. What isacalled r g
.O tribo-electric charging? .Org (Pg-03) .Org .Org
a l i a l a i a l a i a l a i al
3. a
P dascharges repels. Unlike
P a dascharges attracts. PProve.a das (Pg-02) P a das Pad
w. w. ww
. w. w.
ww 4. State conservation ww of electric charges. w (Pg-03) ww ww
5. Define relative permittivity. (Pg-05)
6. State aCoulomb’s
i . O rg law in electrostatics. i . O rg (Pg-04) i . O rg i . O rg
l a al a l a l a sal
7.Pa das potential difference.
Define a d asGive its unit. d
a asa a d asa ada
w. w.P w.P w.P w . P
ww 8. Define linear charge ww density. (Pg-17) ww ww ww
9. Define surface
i . O rg charge density. (Pg-17)i Org
.(Pg-17) i .Org i .Org
10. Define l avolume charge density.
l a l a l a al
d asa a note on microwave d asaoven. (Pg-26) adasa d asa as
aWrite a
w.P(Pg-05) w.P w.P
w. Pad
ww 12. Define one coulomb. ww ww ww ww
13. State Gaussrglaw. (Pg-41) g
14. What l a
is i O
.electrostatic l a
equilibrium? i .Or(Pg-48) l ai .Org la i .Org l
sa sa sa sa asa
.P ada Pad
P a d
w w. w. w. w.
ww ww ww ww ww
B.Arokiaraj,rgM.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
rg Township, Cell:9487380576,8667656700
rg rg
sal Your Questions al ai.O al ai.O
al ai.O al
daSend da&s Answer Keys to our
dasemail id -
das das
sa lai. la i. alai
ada a d asa
a d a s
a da
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w2w.P
w w w w w

la i .Org la i .Org l a i .Org ai .Org

asa lightning, it is safer
d d a sasit inside bus than indaansaopen ground or under
to d a
sa Why? (Pg-51) dasal
.P Define electrostatic
w16. Pa
w.induction. (Pg-51) w.P
w w w w w w w w w w
17. Define dielectrics or insulators. (Pg-53)
18. What lare i rg non-polar molecules.
.Ocalled i . O rg Give examples.i.(Pg-53) O rg i . O rg
a l a al a l a l
d asa are called polar amolecules.
19.aWhat d asa Give examples. a d as(Pg-53) a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww 20. Define dielectric wwpolarization. (Pg-54)ww ww ww
21. Define electric susceptibility. (Pg-54)
i . O rg i .Org i .Org i .Org
22. Definea l a dielectric breakdown. a l (Pg-55)
a a l a a l a al
23. d a s d a s d a s d a s d a s
.PaWhat is called a capacitor?
w24. w .Pa (Pg-55)
w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa
w w w
Define energywdensity of a capacitor. w w
(Pg-58) w w w w
Long Answerrquestions g (Book Back):
1. Discuss l a i .
the O basic properties ofl a i .Org charges. (Pg-03)
electric l a i .Org l a i .Org
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
2. Explain in detail Coulomb’s .Pa law and its various .Pa aspects. (Pg-04) w.Pa .Pa
w w3. w w
Define ‘Electricwfield’ and discuss its various w w aspects. (Pg-12)w w w w
w w w
4. How do we determinerg the electric field rgdue to a continuousi.charge rg distribution? Explain. rg(Pg-16)
i . O i . O O i . O
d a sala the electric field
5. Calculate
d a salato a dipole on itsdaxial
a salaline and equatorial d a sala (Pg-23,24) dasal
6. Derive an expression for athe torque experienced.Pby a a dipole due to a uniform a electric field. (Pg-25) a
w w.P w w.P w w w w.P w w.P
w 7. Derive an expression w w
for electrostatic potential due to a point w charge. (Pg-28) w
8. Derive an expression
rg for electrostatic rg potential due to an electric
rg dipole. (Pg-30) rg
a i . O
l an expression for potential l a i . O l a i . O lai.O l

9. Obtain a a energy due to a scollection
a of three pointsacharges
a d a s
a d a s
a d a a d a a d asa
w.P which are separated P finite distances. (Pg-34) w.P w.P w.P
ww 10. Derive an expression ww for electrostatic potential ww energy of the dipole wwin a uniform electric field.(Pg-36)
11. Obtain Gauss law from Coulomb’s law. (Pg-40)
l a i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org
d a sa the expression for
12. Obtain
d a a
selectric d sa
field due to anainfinitely long chargedaswire.
a (Pg-43)
d a sal
.PaObtain the expression
w.P for electric field w w.P
due toaan charged infinitewplane .Pa sheet. (Pg-44) w.Pa
w 14. Obtain the expression w w for electric field w due to an uniformly charged w w w
spherical shell. w(Pg-46)
15. Discuss .the
l a i Orgvarious properties l a
i rg
.Oconductors in electrostatic
l a i .Org equilibrium. (Pg-48) l a i .Org
d sa the process of electrostatic
16. Explain
a d a sa d a sa
induction. (Pg-51)
d a sa d a sal
.PaExplain dielectricswin
w17. .Padetail and how an electric a
w.P field is induced .Pa a dielectric. (Pg-54)
winside w.P
w 18. Obtain the expression w w w w w
for capacitancewfor a parallel plate capacitor. w (Pg-56) w
19. Obtain the g
.Orexpression for energy rg
.Ostored in the paralleli.plate Org capacitor. (Pg-58) .Org
l a i l a i l a l a i
d sa in detail the effect
20. Explain
a d a a a dielectric placedain
sof d saa parallel plate capacitor.d a sa (Pg-59) d a sal
.PaDerive the expression
w.P for resultant capacitance,
w.P when capacitors .Paconnected in
ware w.P
w w w w w w w w w w
series and in parallel. (Pg-62,63)
22. O g
rdetail how charges are . O g
rdistributed in a conductor,. O rg and the principlei.O rg
al a a i a i a
d aslightning conductor.da sal
(Pg-65,67) d asa
d asa
d asa
.P Explain in detail the a a a a
w23. w.Pconstruction and working w.P of a Van de Graaff w.P generator. (Pg-68) ww.P
ww ww ww ww w
Additional Questions:
1. Explain l a i .Org field due to the
Electric l a i Org of point charges.
.system la i rg
.O(Pg-15) la i .Org
a s a a s a a s a a s a a s al
2. d d d d d
.PaGive the applications
w3. w .Pand
a disadvantage of capacitors.
w .Pa (Pg-58)
w .Pa w .Pa
w w List the properties w
w of electric field lines. w
w (Pg-18) w w w w
4. Explain Electrostatic
rg potential energy rg due to a point charge. rg (Pg-27) rg
lai .O l a i.O l ai.O lai .O l
ad asa as a as a asa asa
w.P w. Pad w. Pad w. Pad w. P a d
ww ww ww ww ww
B.Arokiaraj,rgM.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
rg Township, Cell:9487380576,8667656700
rg rg
sal Your Questions al ai.Oal al ai.O ai.O al
daSend da&s Answer Keys to our
dasemail id -
das das
sa lai. la i. alai
ada asa
a d ada
a d a s
a d a
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w3w.P
w w w w w

la i .Org la i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org

d a sa a sa
d 2 CURRENT d a saELECTRICITY dasa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
Short Answer gQuestions (Book Back):
i . O r i . O rg i . O rg i . O rg
l a l a l a l a l
1. Why
a d asacurrent
a d asa
is a scalar? (Pg-88)
a d asa a d asa a d asa
.PDistinguish between
w2. P velocity and mobility.
w.drift w.P (Pg-85,86) ww.P w.P
ww ww ww w ww
3. State microscopic form of Ohm’s law. (Pg-87)
g rg .Org .Org
l a i.Or
4. State amacroscopic form of Ohm’s l a i .Olaw. (Pg-89) l a i l a i
d a s d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
5. aWhat are ohmic and .non-ohmic a devices? (Pg-89) a a a
w w.P w wP w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 6. Define electricalw resistivity. (Pg-90) w w w

l a .Org
7. Define temperature
i coefficient of
l a i rg
.Oresistance. (Pg- 97) i.Org
l a l a i .Org
8. a asais superconductivity?
d d a a
s(Pg-99) d a sa d a sa d a sal
.P a Pa a a
w w9. What is electric w w.P and electric energy?
power w w.(Pg-100) w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
10. Define current rg density. (Pg-87)i.Org
l a i . O l a l a i .Org l a i .Org
d sa the expression for
11. Derive
a d a sa
power P=VI in electrical
d a sacircuit. (Pg- 99,100) d a sa d a sal
.PaWrite down the various
w.P forms of expression
w.Pfor power in electrical
w.Pcircuit. (Pg-100) ww.P
w w w w w w w w w
13. State Kirchhoff’s current rule. (Pg-107)
i . O rg i .O rg i . O rg i . O rg
14. State Kirchhoff’s
l a voltage rule.l a (Pg-108) l a l a l

a d asa a d asa a d asa a d asa a d asa
.P State the principlewof
w15. .Ppotentiometer. (Pg-113) w.P w.P w.P
ww 16. What do you mean ww by internal resistance ww of a cell? (Pg-103)ww ww
17. State lJoule’s
a i .Org law of heating. l(Pg- a i
.Or115) l a i .Org l a i .Org
18. d a
What sa is Seebeck effect?da(Pg-117) sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
a a a a a
w w .P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 19. What is Thomson w effect? (Pg-118) w w w
20. What is Peltier
l a i .Org effect? (Pg- 118) l a i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org
21. State
d a sathe applications ofdaSeebeck sa effect. (Pg-117)
d a sa d a sa d a sal
wAdditional Questions: w.P
w w w w w w w w w w
1. Define current rg electricity.(Pg-82)
l a i . O l a i .Org la i .Org l a i .Org
2. Define
d a sa electric current. (Pg-84)
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
3. aDefine one ampere (1.PA) a (Pg-84) a a a
w w.P w w w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 4. What is called conventionalw current? (Pg-84)w w w
5. What are called rg free electrons and positive
rg ions? (Pg-83) rg rg
a i . O a i . O a i . O a i . O
6. What isl carbon resistors? (Pg-96) l l l l
a d asa a d asa a d asa a d asa a d asa
.PDefine resistance ofwthe
w7. .P conductor. (Pg-89)w.P w.P w.P
ww 8. What are the factors ww that the resistancewdepend w on? (Pg-90) w w w w

.Org .Org .Org .Org

9. Define conductivity of the material. (Pg-90)
l a i l a i l a i la i
d a sa
10. Repairing
d a sa
the electrical connection
d sa is always dangerous.Why?
with the wetaskin
d a sa (Pg-91)
d a sal
.PaWhat is called electric
w.P cell (battery)? (Pg-102) w.P
w 12. Define electromotive w w force. (Pg-103)w
w w w w w
13. Give the.O sign
rg convention followed .Orgby the Kirchoff’slacurrent.Org rule. (Pg-107)lai.Org
l a i l a i i l
14. Giveasathe sign conventionafollowed sa by the Kirchoff’s
asa voltage rule. (Pg-108) asa asa
.P ad .Pa
.P ad ad
ww w w ww ww w.P
w w w w ww
B.Arokiaraj,rgM.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
rg Township, Cell:9487380576,8667656700
rg rg
sal Your Questions al ai.O al alai.O ai.O al
daSend da&s Answer Keys to our
dasemail id -
das das
sa lai. la i. alai
ada a d asa
a d a s
a d a
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w4w.P
w w w w w

la i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org

asa is called Galvanometer.
d d a sa (Pg-110) d a sa d asa d a sal
.P What is called Joule’s a a a a
w w16. w w.P heating effect ofwcurrent?
w.P (Pg-114) w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
17. What are the properties of the substance used as heating element. (Pg-115)
.Orgon electric
18. Writelaa inote i .Org l a i . O rg
l a i . O rg
d asa a note on circuitabreakers
19.aWrite d asa (trippers). (Pg-116)
a d asa a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P bulb or lamp. (Pg-117)w.P w.P w.P
ww 20. Write a note on wwelectric ww ww ww
21. What is thermo electric effect? (Pg-117)
g rg .Org .Org
l a i.Or
22. WhyaNichrome used as heating la i .O device? (Pg-115) l a i l a i
23. d a
Whats is called thermistor? d a a
s(Pg-98) d a sa d a sa d a sal
.P a
w24. w .Pa w .Pa w.P
w w Define critical w w
or transition temperature. w w (Pg-99) w w w w
25. How the resistivity of materials aregrelated to number density(n) and 𝜏? (Pg-99) g
i . O rg i . O r i . O rg i .Or
26. Write
sa l a note on multimeter.
sa l a
sa l a sa l a sal
d a d a d a d a d a
.PaDistinguish between
w28. w .PPeltier
a effect and Joule’s
w .Pa effect. (Pg-118*) w.Pa w .Pa
w w w
What is calledwpositive Thomson effect? w
w (Pg-118) w w w w
29. What is called rg negative Thomson reffect?
g (Pg-118)
l a i . O l a i . O l a i .Org l a i .Org
30. Why
d a sacopper wire is not
a sa in potentiometer?
a sa d a sa d a sal
a Answer Questions
Long a(Book Back): a a a
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 1. Describe the microscopic w model of current w and obtain generalwform of Ohm’s law.(Pg-87) w
2. Obtain theOmacroscopic
rg form of Ohm’s O rg law from its microscopic O rg form and discuss O rgits
l a i . a i . a i . a i .
(Pg-88,89) asal l l l

a asa
d a d a d asa a d asa a d asa
.PExplain the equivalent
w3. w.Presistance of a series P parallel resistor network.
.and .P (Pg-92,93) w.P
ww 4. Explain the determinationww w ww w ww ww
of the internal resistance of a cell using voltmeter. (Pg-103)
Org Kirchhoff’s lrules.
5. State andi.explain i .Org(Pg-107) i .Org i .Org
6. Obtain l a
sa the condition for dbridge a
sa balance in Wheatstone’s l a
sa bridge. (Pg-109) sa l a sal
d a a d a d a d a
w7. Explain the determination
w.P of unknown resistance
w.P using meter bridge.
w.P (Pg-111) w.P
w w w w w w w w w w
8. How the emf of two cells are compared using potentiometer? (Pg-113)
l a i Org
.Questions: l a i .Org la i .Org l a i .Org
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
w1. Obtain an expression a
w.Pfor drift velocity. How
w.Pit is related with the .Pa
wmobility?(Pg-85,86) w.P
w 2. Derive the relation w
w between the drift velocity w w w w
and the current. w(Pg-87) w
3. Explain the g
.Orequivalent emf of electric .Org cells in .Org .Org
l a i l a i i l a i
d sa the equivalent emf
4. Explain
a d a sofa electric cells in parallel.
d a sa (Pg-106) d a sa d a sal
w5. Explain the principle w.P
of potentiometer. (Pg-112) w.P
w 6. Explain the temperature w w w w w
dependence ofwresistivity. (Pg-97) w w
7. Explain Seebeck
i . O rg effect. Give itsi.applications.
O rg (Pg-117)i.Org i . O rg
l a l a l a l a l
a asa Peltier effect. (Pg-118)
8. Explain
d a d asa a d asa a d asa a d asa
.P w.P (Pg-118) .P .P .P
w ww9. Explain Thomsonweffect. w www w ww w ww
10. Explain the method of measurement of internal resistance of a cell using potentiometer.(Pg-114)
i.O rg i.O rg i.O rg i.O rg
a sala a sala da sala asala as al
w. Pad w. Pad w .Pa w. Pad w. Pad
ww ww ww ww ww
i.Org i.Org i .Or g
i.O rg
a l a a l a sa l a a la l
s a s a a s asa
w .P w. Pad w.Pad w.Pad w. P a d
ww ww ww ww ww
B.Arokiaraj,rgM.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
rg Township, Cell:9487380576,8667656700
rg rg
sal Your Questions al ai.Oal al ai.O ai.O al
daSend da&s Answer Keys to our
dasemail id -
das das
sa lai. la i. alai
ada a asa
d ada
a d a s
a d a
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w5w.P
w w w w w

la i .Org la i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org

d a sa d a sa d a sa d asa d a sal
a a a a a
w w w w w
Short Answer Questions (Book Back):
1. What islameant
i .Org by magnetic induction?
l a i . O rg (Pg-150)
l a i . O rg
l a i . O rg
2. a d asa magnetic flux. (Pg-136)
Define a d asa a d asa a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P moment. (Pg-132) w.P w.P w.P
ww 3. Define magneticww dipole ww ww ww
4. State Coulomb’s inverse law. (Pg-140)
i .Org susceptibility?
5. What islamagnetic l a i .O rg
(Pg-151) l a i .Org l a i .Org
das Biot-Savart’s law. d a sa
(Pg-162) d a sa d a sa d a sal
a a a a
w7. What is magnetic w w.P
permeability? (Pg-149) w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
8. State Ampere’s circuital law. (Pg-169)
9. Compare l a i Orgpara and ferro-magnetism.
.dia, l a i .Org (Pg-156) lai.Org l a i .Org
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
.PaWhat is meant bywhysteresis? .Pa (Pg-157) .Pa .Pa .Pa
w wAdditional Questions:w w w w w w w
w w w w w
1. Define magnetism. rg Give its applications.(Pg-129)
2. Define l a i . O
Geomagnetism or a i
l .Orgmagnetism. (Pg-130) l a i .Org l a i .Org
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
3. What are the elements .Pof
a the Earth’s magnetic .Pafield? (Pg-130) w.Pa .Pa
w w4. w w w w w w w
w Define geographic w meridian and magnetic w meridian. (Pg-131)w w
5. Define magnetic rg declination. (Pg-131) rg rg rg
l a i . O l a i . O angle is − 𝟏°8 ′a i . O
l . Why it is negative?sa(Pg-131)
l a i . O l

6. For Chennai, the magnetic declination
a d asa a d asa a d asa a d a a d asa
.PDefine horizontal component w.P of Earth’s magnetic
w.P field. (Pg-131) .P
w w.P
ww 8. Calculate the tangent ww of magnetic inclination ww or angle of dip. w w
(Pg-131) w w
9. Define pol strength of the magnet. (Pg-132)
l a i . Org l a i . Org l a i . Org l a i . Org
d sa magnetic field. (Pg-133)
10. Define
a d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
.PaWhat are the typeswof
w11. .Pamagnet? (Pg-134) w.Pa w.P
w 12. Define magnetic w
w flux density. (Pg-137) w w w w w w

.Org .Org .Org .Org

13. Distinguish between uniform and non-uniform magnetic field. (Pg-138)
l a i l a i l a i l a i
d a sa the types of force
14. Discuss
d a a
sbetween two magnetic
d a a strength. (Pg-139)
spole d a sa d a sal
.PaWhat happens when
w.Pa bar magnet is freely Pa
w.suspended .Pa non-uniform magnetic
in uniformwand w.P
w w w w w w
field? (Pg-144)w w w w
16. State tangent
l a i .Org law. (Pg-147) lai.Org l a i .Org l a i .Org
d sa magnetizing field.
17. Define
a d a a
s(Pg-149) d a sa d a sa d a sal
.PaDefine magnetic permeability.
w18. w.P
a (Pg-149)ww.Pa w.P
w w
w 19. Define relativewpermeability. (Pg-149)w w w w w
20. Define intensity
i . O rg of magnetization. i . O rg(Pg-150) i . O rg i . O rg
l a l a l a l a l
a asa magnetic induction
21. Define
d a d asaor total magnetic field. a d asa(Pg-150) a d asa a d asa
.P What are the classification
w22. w.P w.P
of magnetic materials? (Pg-152) ww.P w.P
ww 23. Define Meissner wweffect. (Pg-152) ww w ww
24. Define Curie’s
l a i .Org law. (Pg-153)lai.Org l a i .Org l a i .Org
d sa curie temperature.
25. Define
a d a a
s(Pg-155) d a sa d a sa d a sal
.PaState Curie - Weiss
w26. Pa (Pg-155) w.P
w w w w w w w w w w
27. What are the types of ferromagnetic materials? (Pg-157)
28. State right g thumb rule for .current
.Orhand Org carrying conductor. .Org (Pg-161) .Org
l a i l a i l ai la i
29.aState a
das Maxwell’s right ahand
das cork screw rule. (Pg-161) da sa d a sa da sal
a a a
w.P w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww ww ww ww ww
B.Arokiaraj,rgM.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
rg Township, Cell:9487380576,8667656700
rg rg
sal Your Questions al ai.O al alai.O ai.O al
daSend da&s Answer Keys to our
dasemail id -
das das
sa lai. la i. alai
ada a d asa
a d a s
a da
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w6w.P
w w w w w

l .Org
30. Defineamagnetic
i dipole moment
la i .Oofrgcurrent loop. (Pg-167)
l a i .Org ai .Org
asaright hand thumbadrule
d asafor direction of magnetic
d a sa moment in a current d a
saloop. (Pg-167) dasal
.P Define gyro-magnetic a a a
w w32. w w.P ratio. (Pg-168) ww.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
33. Define Bohr magneton. (Pg-169)
34. Define . O rg force. (Pg-175)i.Org
i i . O rg i . O rg
l a l a l a l a l
d asa one tesla. (Pg-175)
35.aDefine a d asa a d asa a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P of cyclotron? (Pg-183) w.P w.P w.P
ww 36. What are the limitations
ww ww ww ww
37. Write a note on fast-neutron cancer therapy. (Pg-183)
g rg rg .Org
a i.Or
38. StatealFlemming’s left handarulel a i.O (FLHR). (Pg-184)alai.O l a i
39. d a s one ampere. (Pg-186)
Define d a s d a s d a sa d a sal
.P a
w.P of a galvanometer. .Pa
w(Pg-192) w.P
w w Define figure of
w wmerit w w w w w w
41. Define current sensitivity of a galvanometer. (Pg-192)
i.O rg i.Or
g rg
42. Howathel a current sensitivity aoflagalvanometer can bealincreased?
a (Pg-192) alai.O
d a s d a s d a s d a s d a sal
.PaWhy Phosphor - bronze .Pa is used as suspension .Pawire? (Pg-192) w.Pa .Pa
w w44. w w
Define voltagewsensitivity of the galvanometer. w w (Pg-192) w w w w
w w w
45. How galvanometer rg can be converted rg in to ammeter? (Pg-193)
la i . O l a i . O l a i .Org l a i .Org
46. How
d a sagalvanometer can
a saconverted in to voltmeter?
d a sa (Pg-195)
d a sa d a sal
.PaWhy ammeter should
w48. w .Paalways connected in w Pa to the circuit? w
.series .Pa
w .Pa
w w w
Why voltmeterwshould always connected w
w in parallel to the circuit? w w (Pg-194) w w
49. Define geographic rg equator and magnetic rg equator. (Pg-131) rg rg
a i . O
lis called reduction factor? a i . O
l (Pg-149) l a i . O l a i . O l

50. What
a d asa a d asa a d asa a d asa a d asa
.P Define saturation w magnetization.
.P (Pg-156) .P
w w.P w.P
ww 52. What is calledwretentivity?
w (Pg-157) w w w w w w
53. What is called coercivity? (Pg-157)
l a i . Org l a i . Org l a i . Org l a i . Org
54. Write
d a sa a note on soft anddahard sa magnetic materials. d a s(Pg-158)
d a sa d a sal
.PaMention the similarities
w.P between Coulomb’s
w.P law and Biot-Savart’s
w.Plaw. (Pg-162) ww.P
w 56. Define End rule. w
w (Pg-167) w w w w w
.Org .Org .Org .Org
57. What is meant by solenoid?(Pg-170)
l a i l a i l a i l a i
58. Write
d a sa a note on MRI. (Pg-173) d asa d a sa d a sa d a sal
.PaWhat is called Toroid?
w.P (Pg-173) w.P
w 60. State the principle w
w of Cyclotron. (Pg-181) w w w w w w
61. What is .the
l a i Orgprinciple of moving l a i rg galvanometer? (Pg-190)
.Ocoil l a i .Org l a i .Org
62. What
d a sa is meant by sensitivity d a sa of a galvanometer? d a sa
d a sa d a sal
Pa Answer Questions
w.P (Book Back): ww.P
w w
w 1. Discuss Earth’swmagnetic field in detail. w (Pg-130) w w w w
2. Deduce the i . O rg
relation for the magnetic i . O rginduction at a point i . O rg to an infinitely long
due i . O g
l a al a l a l a l
a asa carrying current.
d a d as(Pg-164) a d asa a d asa a d asa
.PObtain a relation for
w3. .P .P w.Pof a circular coil carrying .P
ww w ww the magnetic induction w ww at a point along the w waxis w ww
current. (Pg-166)
4. Computei.the
l a Orgtorque experienced l a i .Obyrga magnetic needle iin
l a .Oarguniform magneticlafield.i .Org (Pg-143)
d sa the magnetic induction
5. Calculate
a d a sa at a point on the d a a line of a bar magnet.
saxial d a sa (Pg- 140) d a sal
w6. Obtain the magnetic Pa
w.induction at a pointwon Pa equatorial line of w
w.the Pa magnet. (Pg-141)w.Pa
a .bar
w w w w w w w ww
7. Find the magnetic induction due to a long straight conductor using Ampere’s circuital law.
l a i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org la i .Org
8. a asa the working ofacyclotron
d d asa in detail. (Pg-181) da sa d a sa d a sal
.PWhat is tangent law? a a a
w w9. w w.P Discuss in detail. w.P
w w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
B.Arokiaraj,rgM.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
rg Township, Cell:9487380576,8667656700
rg rg
sal Your Questions al ai.O al al ai.O ai.O al
daSend da&s Answer Keys to our
dasemail id -
das das
sa lai. la i. alai
ada a d asa
a d a s
a d a
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w7w.P
w w w w w
10. Explain
la i Orgprinciple and working
.the la i .Orgof a moving coil lgalvanometer.
a i .Org (Pg- 190)ai.Org
asa the conversionadofasgalvanometer
a sa
into aandaammeter asa
and also a avoltmeter.
d (Pg-193,194) d a sal
.P Calculate the magnetic a
w w12. w w.P field inside andwoutside
w.P of the long solenoid w w.Pusing w w.P
w w w w w
Ampere’s circuital law. (Pg- 171)
Additional i . O rg
Questions: i . O rg i . O rg i . O rg
l a a
sal magnet? (Pg-134)dasal a l a l
1. a d asaare the propertiesaof
What d abar a a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww 2. Give the properties ww of magnetic field lines. ww (Pg-136) ww ww
3. Explain Coulomb’s inverse square law in magnetism. (Pg-139)
4. Obtain ani .O rg
expression for potential i rg
.Oenergy of a bar magnet i
.Orplaced in an uniform i .O rg
magnetic field. al
s a l a s a la s a l a s a l a s
P a da
(Pg-145) P ada P ada P ada P ada
w . w . w . w . w .
ww 5. Calculate the torque ww acting on a bar magnet ww in uniform magnetic ww field. (Pg-143) ww
6. What are thegprecausions taken wilegusing tangent galvanometer g (TG). (Pg-147) g
i O r
. magnetism. (Pg-152) i . O r i . O r i .Or
7. Explain l adia l a l a l a
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
.Pa Explain paramagnetism. .Pa (Pg-153) .Pa .Pa .Pa
w w9. Explain ferro magnetism. w w (Pg-154) w w w w w w w
w w w w
10. List the properties rg of Diamagneticrgmaterials. (Pg152
i . O
la properties of paramagnetic l a i .O materials. (Pg-153) l a i .Org l a i .Org
11. Listsathe
d a d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
.PaList the propertieswof
.Pferromagnetic .Pa (Pg-155)
w w .Pa w .Pa
w w w
Explain the applications w w
of hysteresiswloop. (Pg-158) w w w w
14. Explain thergmagnetic field aroundrg a straight current carrying rg conductor. (Pg-160) rg
a i . O
l the magnetic fieldsaround l a i . O a i . O
l circular loop. (Pg-160) l a i . O l

15. Explain the current carrying
a d asa a d a a a d asa a d asa a d asa
.P State and explain w Biot-Savart
.P law. (Pg-162)
w.P w.P w.P
ww 17. Give the difference ww between Coulomb’s wwlaw and Biot-Savart’s wwlaw. (Pg-163) ww
18. Explain current carrying solenoid rbehaves like a bar magnet. (Pg-170)
l a i . Org l a i . Og l a i . Org l a i . Org
19. Define
d a sa Lorentz force. Give d a sathe properties of Lorentz d a sa magnetic force. d(Pg-175) a sa d a sal
.PaWrite a note on velocity
w.P selector. (Pg-181) w.P
w 21. Differentiate Scalar, w w Vector and Tensor. w
w (Pg-150) w w w w

.Org .Org .Org .Org

22. Define Hysterisis. Explain it with help of diagram. (Pg-157)
l a i l a i l a i l ai
d a sa
23. Compute the magnetic dipole
d a sa moment of revolving d a sa electron. And hence d a a
sdefine Bohr
d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P magneton. (Pg-168) w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 24. Obtain the magnetic w fields at various w points on the toroid. (Pg-173) w w
25. Obtain the g
.Orexpression for force.on Orga moving charge lin rg
.aOmagnetic field. (Pg-177) .Org
l a i l a i a i l a i
26. Obtain
d a sa an expression for d a sa force on a currentdcarrying
the a sa conductor placed
d a sain a magnetic d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P field. (Pg-183) ww.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 27. Obtain a force between w two long parallelwcurrent carrying conductors. w Hence define ampere. w (Pg-185)
28. O g
rexpression for torque . O rg a current loop placed
on . O rgin magnetic field when . O rgunit vector
l a l a i l a i l a i l
d aissaperpendicular to magnetica d asa field. (Pg-187)adasa a d asa a d asa
.P Deduce an expression
w29. .P .P .P field when unit vector .P
ww w ww for torque on awcurrent ww loop placed in w magnetic
ww w ww
𝒏̂ is at an angle 𝜃 with the magnetic field. (Pg-188)
30. Explaini.O rgmotion of a charged
the i rg
.Oparticle under crossed i rg
.Oelectric and magnetici.O rg (Pg-180)
l a l a l a l a sal
asa current loop behaves
d d a sa like a magnetic dipole.(Pg-167)
d a sa d a sa d a
.P .Pa .Pa .Pa .Pa
w ww32. Write the difference w ww between soft and hard w ww ferromagnetic materials.(Pg-158)
w ww w ww

i.Org i.O rg i .Or g

i.O rg
a l a a l a sa l a a la l
s a s a a s asa
w .P w. Pad w. Pad w. Pad w. P a d
ww ww ww ww ww
B.Arokiaraj,rgM.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
rg Township, Cell:9487380576,8667656700
rg rg
sal Your Questions al ai.O
al al ai.O ai.O al
daSend da&s Answer Keys to our
dasemail id -
das das
sa lai. la i. alai
ada a dasa
a d a s
a d a
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w8w.P
w w w w w

la i .Org la i .Org l a i .Org l ai .Org

d a sa d a sa d a sa d asa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P w w.P
w w.P
w w w w w
Short Answer gQuestions (Book Back):
i . O r i . O r i . O rg i . O rg
l a l a l a l a l
1. What
a d asais meant by electromagnetic
a d asa a d asa
induction? (Pg-210)
a d asa a d asa
.PState Faraday’s laws
w2. P electromagnetic induction.
w.of w.P (Pg-212) ww.P w.P
ww ww ww w ww
3. State Lenz’s law. (Pg-214)
g Org .Org .Org
l i.Or right hand rule.
4. State aFleming’s
a la i .(Pg-216) l a i l a i
d a s d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
.P a
w5. How is Eddy current Pa
w.produced? How do they a
w.Pflow in a conductor? Pa
w.(Pg-221) w.P
w 6. Mention the ways w
w of producing induced w
w emf. (Pg-233) w w w w
7. What for .an g
Orinductor is used? Give g
.Orsome examples. (Pg-225) .Org .Org
l a i l a i l a i l a i
das do you mean byPself-induction?
d a sa (Pg-225) d a sa d a sa d a sal
w9. w . a w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa
w w What is meant by w
w mutual induction? (Pg-229) w w w w w w

. rg .Org .Org .Org

10. Give the O principle of AC generator. (Pg-237)
la i la i l a i l a i
11. List
d a saout the advantages dofasstationary
d a sa field system ofdAC
armature-rotating a sagenerator. (Pg-240) d a sal
.PaWhat are step-up w
w12. .Pastep-down transformers?
w.P (Pg-244) w.P
w w w w w w w w w w
13. Define average value of an alternating current. (Pg-250)
i . O rg i .O rg i . O rg i . O rg
l you define RMSsvalue l a l a l a l

14. How will of an alternatingscurrent? (Pg-250)
a d asa a d a a a d a a a dasa a d asa
.P What are phasors?w(Pg-252)
w15. .P .P .P .P
ww 16. Define electricwresonance.w w ww w ww w ww
r mean by resonanti.frequency?Org g .Org
17. What ldo a i .Oyou l a (Pg-261)lai.Or l a i
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
18.aHow will you define.PQ-factor? a (Pg-263) .Pa a a
w w .P w w w w w w.P w w.P
w 19. What is meantwby wattles current? (Pg-265) w w w
20. What are i rg active and reactive
.Ocalled i .Orgcomponent in RLC i .O rg
circuit?(Pg-265) i .Org
l a l a l a l a sal
d asaany one definition
21.aGive a d a
of a
spower factor. (Pg-266)
a d a sa
a d a sa
a d a
.P What are LC oscillations?
w22. w.P w.P w.P w.P
w w w w (Pg-267) w w w w w w
23. What is meant rg by undamped oscillations? rg (Pg-269)
l a i . O l a i . O la i .Org l a i .Org
d a sa
24. Tabulate energy in two
d a sa
oscillatory systems (i) LC
d a sa
oscillator (ii) sa
d a system.(Pg-270)
d a sal
wAdditional Questions: w.P
w w w w w w w w w w
1. Define magnetic flux. (Pg-207)
g rg rg rg
2. Whataislathe i.Orimportance of electromagnetic
l a i . O induction? l a i . O
(Pg-212) l a i . O l
3. d
a as are called Eddy currentsa d asa (Foucault currents)? a d asa(Pg-221) a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww 4. A spherical stone wwand a spherical metallic ww ball of same size and wwmass are dropped from wwthe
same height.rgWhich one will reach rearth’s g surface first? Justify rg your answer. (Pg-223)
l a i . O l a i . O l a i . O l a i .Org
5. Define
d a sa self inductance ordcoefficient
a sa of self induction.
d a sa (Pg-226) d a sa d a sal
w6. Define the unit of self a
w.Pinductance (one henry).
w.P (Pg-226) w.P
w 7. Define mutual inductance w w or coefficient
w of mutual induction. w w
(Pg-230) w w
8. How an emf
l a i .Orgis induced by changingl a i .Orgthe magnetic field? l a i .O rg
la i .Org
9. What
d a sais called AC generator d a saor alternator? (Pg-237) da sa d a sa d a sal
.Pa .Pa .Pa .Pa .Pa
w ww10. State single phase w wwAC generator. (Pg-240) w ww w ww w ww
B.Arokiaraj,rgM.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
rg Township, Cell:9487380576,8667656700
rg rg
sal Your Questions al ai.O al al ai.O ai.O al
daSend da&s Answer Keys to our
dasemail id -
das das
sa lai. la i. alai
ada a dasa
a d a s
a d a
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w9w.P
w w w w w
11. State three g
.Orphase AC generators. rg
.O(Pg-242) .Org .Org
l a i la i l a i l a i
asa are the advantages
d d a
ofsathree phase AC generators?
d a sa (Pg-243) d asa d a sal
.P What is called transformer?a a a a
w w13. w w.P (Pg-243) w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
14. Distinguish between step up and step down transformer. (Pg-245)
15. State lthei .O rg
principle of transformer. i . O g
r(Pg-244) i . O rg i . O rg
a l a l a l a l
16.a d asa the efficiency of
Define a d asatransformer. (Pg-245)
the a d asa a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P ww
.P w.P w.P
ww 17. Define Sinusoidal ww alternating voltage.w(Pg-249) ww ww
18. Define mean rg value or average ivalue rg of AC. (Pg-250) i.Org
l a i . O la . O l a l a i . Org
19. Define
d a sa effective value of d a
sa current. (Pg-251)
d a sa d a sa d a sal
.PaThe common house
w20. w.P
a appliances, the voltage
hold w.P
a rating is specified.Pas
a 230 V, 50 Hz. What a
w w The meaning of
w it? (Pg-252) w w w w w w
21. Define phasor
l a i .Org and phasor diagram. l a i .Org(Pg-252,253) lai.Org l a i .Org
22. Draw
d a sa the phasor diagram d a sa an alternating voltage
for d a sa 𝒗 = 𝑽𝒎 𝒔𝒊𝒏 𝝎𝒕. (Pg-253) d a sa d a sal
.PaDefine inductive reactance.
w23. w.P
a (Pg-255) ww.Pa w.P
w 24. An inductor blocks w
w AC but it allows DC. w Why? (Pg-256*) w w w w

l .Org
25. Defineacapacitive
i reactance. (Pg-257)
l a i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org
d sa
acapacitor blocks DCadbut asait allows AC. Why? d a sa
(Pg-259*) d a sa d a sal
.P What are the applications a a a
w w27. w w.P of series RLC w w.P
resonant circuit? w.P
w w w.P
w w w w w
28. Resonance will occur only in LC circuits. Why? (Pg-262)
29. Define i . O
power rg in an AC circuits. i .O rg
(Pg-264) i . O rg i . O rg
l a l a l a l a l

30.a d asa power factor. (Pg-266)
Define a d asa a d asa a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww 31. Define wattless wwand wattful current. (Pg-265)ww ww ww
32. Define Flux rglinkage. (Pg-226) i.Org
l a i . O l a l a i .Org l a i .Org
33. Define
d a sa impedance of RLC
d a sacircuit. (Pg-260)
d a sa d a sa d a sal
.PaWhat is called motional
w.P emf ? (Pg-218)ww.P
w 35. What is alternating w
w current? (Pg-248)w w w w w
Long AnswerrgQuestions (Book Back):
l a i . O l a i . Org l a i .Org l a i . Org
1. Establish
d a sa the fact that thedarelative sa motion betweenasthe
a coil and the magnet
d a sainduces an emf in the d a sal
a a a a a
w w.Pcoil of a closed circuit. w w.P (Pg-208) w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 2. Give an illustration w of determining direction w of induced current w by using Lenz’s law.w(Pg- 214)
3. Show thatOLenz’s law is in accordance with the law of conservation of energy. (Pg-219)
l a i . rg l a i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org
4. Obtain
d a sa an expression fordmotional a sa emf from Lorentz
d a sa force. (Pg-217) dasa d a sal
Using Faraday’s lawwof.Pelectromagnetic a
w.P derive an equation
induction, a
wfor.Pmotional emf.(Pg-218) w.P
w w
w 6. Give the uses ofwFoucault current. (Pg-223) w w w w w w

i . rg
7. Define self-inductance
O of a coil interms
i . O rg of (i) magnetici.flux O rg and (ii) induced emf. i . O rg(Pg-226)
l a l a l a l a l
8. How
a d asawill you define theadunit asaof inductance? (Pg-226) a d asa a d asa a d asa
.PWhat do you understand
w9. .P by self-inductance .P .P significance. (Pg-226) .P
ww 10. Assuming thatwthe ww w ww of a coil? Give itswphysical ww w ww
length of the solenoid is large when compared to its diameter,
find thei.equation g for its inductance. .Org (Pg-227) .Org .Org
l a l a i l a i a i
11. An
d a a
sinductor of inductanced a sLa carries an electricdcurrenta sa i. How much energy d a
sa is stored while dasal
a a a a a
w w.P establishing the w w.P in it? (Pg-228) ww.P
current w w.P w w.P
w 12. Show that the w mutual inductance between w a pair of coils is same w (M = M ). (Pg-229,230) w
12 21
13. How will i rg induce an emf byi.O
.Oyou rg
changing the area enclosed
i .Org by the coil? (Pg-233) i .Org
l a
sa mathematically that l a
a rotation of a coil in
sthe l a
saa magnetic field over la
sa rotation inducesdasal
14. Show
d a d a d a d aone
.Pa .Pa .Pa .Pa .Pa
w ww an alternating emf w wwof one cycle. (Pg-235) w ww w ww w ww
B.Arokiaraj,rgM.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
rg Township, Cell:9487380576,8667656700
rg rg
sal Your Questions al ai.O al al ai.O ai.O al
daSend da&s Answer Keys to our
dasemail id -
das das
sa lai. la i. alai
ada a d asa
a d a s
a d a
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
15. Elaborate
i rg standard construction
.Othe i .Orgdetails of AC generator.
i .Org (Pg-237) i .Org
la la l a l a sal
asa the working ofadaasingle-phase
d sa a
AC generator
a d sa with necessary diagram.
d asa (Pg-240) d a
.P How are the threewdifferent
w17. .P emfs w.Pin a three-phase AC
generated w .Pa
generator? Show the w.P
w w w w w w w w w w
representation of these three emfs. (Pg-242)
18. Explain i . O
the rgconstruction and working i . O rg of transformer. i(Pg-243) . O rg i . O rg
l a l a l a l a l
d asa the various energy
19.aMention a d asalosses in a transformer. a d asa (Pg-245) a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww 20. Give the advantage ww of AC in long distance ww power transmission wwwith an example. (Pg-246) ww
21. Find out the phase relationship between voltage and current in a pure inductive circuit. (Pg-255)
22. Derive i
.Oexpression for phase i Org between the applied
.angle i .Orgvoltage and current i .Oin
rga series
l a
sacircuit. (Pg-260) dasa l a sa l a sa l a sal
RLCa d a d a d a
.P a
w.Pcapacitive reactance. Pa
w.Give w.P
w w Define inductive w wand w w their units. w
w w w
24. Obtain an expressiong for average power of AC over a cycle. Discuss its special cases. (Pg-264)
25. Show l a i .Orthe
that total energy is l i .Org during LC oscillations.
a l a i .Org (Pg-269) l a i .Org
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
.PaProve that energywis.Pconserved a during electromagnetic
.Pa induction. .(Pg-215)
Pa .Pa
w w27. w
Compare the electromagnetic oscillations w w w w w w
w w w of LC circuit with wthe mechanical oscillations w of
block-spring rg system to find thei.expressionrg for angular frequency rg of LC oscillators
l a i . O l a O l a i . O l a i .Org
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
Additional Questions:.Pa a a a
w w.P w w w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 1. Prove that experimentally w if the currentwin a one closed circuitwchanges, an emf is induced w in
another circuit.
i . O rg (Pg-211) i . O rg i . O rg i . O rg
l a l a l a l a l

2. How
a d asawe understood thead asa
conclusions obtained from
a d asaFaraday’s experiment. a d asa(Pg-210) a d asa
.PExplain energy conservation.
w3. w.P (Pg-215) ww.P .P .P
ww 4. Define eddy currents. ww Demonstrate thewproduction w ww w ww
of eddy currents. (Pg-221)
5. What arei.the g
Or drawbacks of Eddy .O rg
currents. How it is minimized? .Org (Pg-222) .Org
l a l a i l a i a i
d a sa mutual induction.
6. Explain d a sa
Define coefficient ofdmutual
a sa induction on the d basis
sa of (i) magnetic dasal
a Pa (Pg-229,230) w.Pa a a
w w.Pflux and (ii) induced w w.emf. w w w.P w w.P
w 7. Discuss the advantages w w
of AC in long distance power transmission. (Pg-246)
w w
8. Obtain a the
i rg
.Oexpression for average i rg of alternating current.
.Ovalue i .Org (Pg-250) i .Org
l l a l a l a sal
9. a asa an expression for
d a d a
RMSsa value of alternating
a d a a
scurrent. (Pg-250,251) d a sa d a
.P Draw the phasor diagram
w10. w.P and wave w.Pfor that current ‘𝒊’ww
diagram .Pa the voltage ‘V’ bywphase
leads .Pa
w w w w w w w w w
angle of ‘𝝓’. (Pg-253)
11. Find out i .O rgphase relationshipi.between
the Org voltage andlacurrenti .Org in a pure resistive i rg
l a l a l a
sacircuit. (Pg-256) dasal
asaout the phase relationship
d a d a sa between voltage and d a sa
current in a pure d a
.P Explain resonancewin
w13. .Pseries RLC circuit. w .Pa
(Pg-261) w.P
w w w w w w w w w w
14. Define quality factor. Obtain an expression for it. (Pg-262)
15. Writelaa inote.Orgon wattful current l a i . O
andrgwattles current. (Pg-265)
a i . O rg
a i . O rg
asa power factor in asa ways. Give some al
asa (Pg-266) asa
16.a d
Define a dvarious a d for power a dfactor. a d
w.P w.P and disadvantages w.P ww
.P w.P
ww 17. What are the advantages ww ww of AC over DC?w(Pg-266) ww
18. Explain thegapplications of eddy currents (or) Foucault currents. (Pg-223)
i . O r i . O rg i . O rg i .Org
19. What a lare
a called LC oscillations?
a l a Explain the generation
a la of LC oscillations. a la(Pg-267) al
20. d a s d a s d a s d a s d a s
.PaExplain the effects of
w w.Paseries resonant circuit. w .Pa(Pg-262) w .Pa w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
i.Org i.O rg i .Or g
i.O rg
a l a a l a sa l a a la l
s a s a a s asa
w .P w. Pad w. Pad w. Pad w. P a d
ww ww ww ww ww
B.Arokiaraj,rgM.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
rg Township, Cell:9487380576,8667656700
rg rg
sal Your Questions al ai.Oal al ai.O ai.O al
daSend da&s Answer Keys to our
dasemail id -
das das
sa lai. la i. alai
ada asa
a d ada
a d a s
a d a
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w

la i .Org la i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org

d a sa d a sa d a sa d asa d a sal
a Pa a a a
w w.P w w.LESSON-5 w w.P
w w w w w
Short answer i . O rgQuestions (Book Back):i . O rg i . O rg i . O rg
al a al a l a l a l
1.Pa das is displacementPcurrent?
What a das (Pg-286) a d asa a d asa a d asa
w. w. w.P w.P w.P
ww 2. What are electromagneticww waves? (Pg-288) ww ww ww
3. Write down the integral form of modified Ampere’s circuital law. (Pg-286)
i . O rg i. O rg i . O rg i .Org
4. Explain l athe concept of intensityla of electromagnetic waves.
l a (Pg-290) l a
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
.P a
5. What is meant by Fraunhofer
wAdditional w .Pa lines? (Pg-296)
w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa
w w Questions:
w w w w w w w w

l a .Org pressure. (Pg-291)

1. Define radiation
i l a i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org
2. What
d a sais called pointing vector?d a sa Give its unit. (Pg-291)d a sa d a sa d a sal
w3. Define electromagnetic a
w.P spectrum. (Pg-292) w.P
w 4. Define dispersion. w
w (Pg-295) w w w w w w
5. Define emission
l a i .Org spectra. (Pg-295) l a i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org
6. Define
d a sa absorption spectra. d a sa
(Pg-296) d a sa d a sa d a sal
w7. What are the useswof Pa
w.Fraunhofer w.P
lines? (Pg-296) w.P
w 8. Why electromagnetic w w
w in nature? (Pg-289) w w w w
waves are transverse
9. Write a note i . O rgon Infrared radiation. i .O rg
(Pg-293) i . O rg i . O rg
l a al a l a l a l

a asa a note on UV-rays.
10. Write
d a d as(Pg-293) a d asa a d asa a d asa
.P Write a note on X-rays.
w11. w.P (Pg-294) w.P w.P w.P
ww ww ww ww ww
Long answer Questions (Book Back):
1. Write down g
.OrMaxwell equationsaiin rg
.Ointegral form. (Pg-287) .Org .Org
l a i l l a i l a i
2. a asashort notes on (a)amicrowave
d d asa (b) X-ray a
d sa waves (d) visible
aradio d a sa
spectrum (Pg-292) d a sal
.PDiscuss briefly the wexperiment
w3. .P conducted w
by.PHertz to produce andw.detect Pa w.P
w w w w w w w w w w
electromagnetic spectrum. (Pg-288)
4. Explainlathe
.OrMaxwell’s modification .Orgof Ampere’s circuital g (Pg-284)
.Orlaw. .Org
i l a i l a i l a i
5. a asadown the properties
d d a saelectromagnetic waves.
of d a sa (Pg-289) d a sa d a sal
.PDiscuss the source w a
.Pelectromagnetic a a a
w w6. w of w w.P(Pg-291)
waves. w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
7. What is emission spectra? Give their types. (Pg-295)
i .Org
8. What islaabsorption spectra? Givel a i rg types. (Pg-296) i.Org
.Otheir la l a i .Org
d a sa Questions: dasa
Additional d a sa d a sa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 1. Explain in detailwthe emission spectra and w absorption spectra. w(Pg-295) w
g g rg rg
2. Explain electromagnetic
ala i.Or(Pg-292)
spectrum. i.O i.O
as da sala da sala sala sal
. P ad .Pa .Pa .P ada
Prepared by . Pada
w w w w w
ww ww ww wwB.Arokiaraj, M.Sc., ww B.Ed.,

l a i .Org l a i .Org la i .Org PGT in i .Org

d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
a a a a Township, .Pa
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
Neyveli w
w w w w ww
rg rg rg 9487380576, 866765 rg 6700
i . O i . O i . O i . O
d a sala d a sala da sala d a sala da sal
a a a a a
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P ww.P
w w w w w
B.Arokiaraj,rgM.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli rg Township, Cell:9487380576,8667656700
rg rg
sal Your Questions al ai.O al ai.O
al ai.O al
daSend da&s Answer Keys to our
dasemail id -
das das
sa lai. la i. alai
ada a d asa
a d a s 1
a da
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w PLUS TWO w w

la i .Org UNIT-6 i.OrgOPTICS

la l a i .Org l ai .Org
d saAnswer Questions d a sa Back):
(Book d a sa d asa d a sal
a .Pa a a a
w w.P1. State the laws of w w
reflection. (Pg-2) w w.P w w.P ww.P
w w w w w
2. What is angle of deviation due to reflection? (Pg-2)
3. Give the i . O rg
characteristics of image i . O g
rformed by a planeamirror.
i . O rg (Pg-4) i . O rg
l a l a l l a l
asa the relation between
4.adDerive a d asa f and R for a spherical a d asa mirror. (Pg-7) adasa a d asa
w.P w.P sign conventions w.P w.P w.P
ww 5. What are the Cartesian ww ww for a spherical mirror? ww (Pg-8) ww
6. What is optical path? Obtain the equation for optical path of a medium of thickness d and
refractive g
.Orindex n. (Pg-14) lai.Org .Org .Org
l a i l a i l a i
asa the laws of refraction.
7.adState d a sa (Pg-15) d a sa d a sa d a sal
w.P8. What is angle ofww .Pa
deviation due to refraction?
w.P (Pg-16) w.P
w w w w w w w w w
9. What is principle of reversibility? (Pg-17)
10. What i is rg
.Orelative refractive index? i .Org(Pg-18) i .Org i .Org
l a
sa the equation for sa l a sa l a sa l a sal
a d aObtain a d aapparent depth. d
a a a d a a d a
w w.P12. Why do stars twinkle? w w.P (Pg-20) w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
13. What is critical angle and total internal reflection? (Pg-20)
i .O rg i rg
.Oangle. i .Org i .Org
14. Obtainla the equation for critical
l a (Pg-20) l a l a
15.d a sa
Explain the reason ford a sa
glittering of diamond. d a sa
(Pg-21) d a sa d a sal
a .Pa a a a
w w.P16. What are mirage w wand looming? (Pg-22)w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
17. Write a short rg notes on the prisms rg making use of total internal
rg reflection. (Pg-22) rg
18. What a i .
is OSnell’s window or a i .
RadiusO of illumination? a i . O
(Pg-23) a i . O
sal sal l l l

19.d aWrite a note on a
opticald afibre. (Pg-25) a d asa a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P of an endoscope.w(Pg-27) w.P w.P w.P
ww 20. Explain the working ww w ww ww
21. What arerg primary focus and secondary rg focus of convexrg and concave lens? (Pg-32)
l a i . O l a i . O l a i . O l a i .Org
22. What
d a sa are the sign conventions
d a sa followed for lenses?
d a sa (Pg-32)
d a sa d a sal
a Arrive at lens equation
23. a from lens maker’s.Pformula. a (Pg-32) a a
w w .P w w.P w w w w.P w w.P
w 24. Obtain the equation w w
for lateral magnification for thin lens. w (Pg-33) w
25. What is power rg of a lens? (Pg-36)rg
l a i . O l a i .O focal length for lenses l a i .Orgin contact. (Pg-36) l a i .Org
26. Derive
d a sa the equation for
d a
sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
a .Pa a a a
w w.P27. What is angle w ofwminimum deviation? (Pg-42)
w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 28. What is dispersion? w (Pg-43) w w w
29. How are
. O g
rrainbows formed? (Pg-46)
.Org .Org .Org
l a i l a i l a i l a i
30. aWhat
d sa is Rayleigh’s scattering?
d a sa (Pg-46)
d a sa d a sa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P31. Why does skywappear w.P blue? (Pg-46) ww.P w w.P w w.P
w 32. What is the reason w for reddish appearance w of sky during sunset w and sunrise? (Pg-46) w
33. Why do
i . O rg
clouds appear white?.O
i rg
i . O rg i . O rg
sal are the salient features l a l a l a l
34. aWhat
a d a d asa of corpuscularatheory d asa of light? (Pg-47) a d asa a d asa
w.P35. What is wave w w.P of light? (Pg-48)ww.P
ww 36. What is electromagnetic w w
wave theory of light? (Pg-48) w w
37. Writei.aOshort g
r note on quantum rg
.Otheory of light. (Pg-48) .Org .Org
l a l a i la i la i
sa is a wavefront?d(Pg-49)
38.daWhat a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P39. What is Huygen’s w w.PPrinciple? (Pg-49)ww.P w w.P w w.P
w 40. What is interference w of light? (Pg-52) w w w
41. What iis rg of a wave? (Pg-54)
.Ophase i.Or
d a sala d a sala da sala d a sala da sal
a a .Pa a a
w w.PB.Arokiaraj, M.Sc., w w.P B.Ed., Neyveliww Township, w.P
Cell: 9487380576,8667656700
w ww.P
w w w w w

l a i .Org l ai .Org la i .Org l a i .Org

sa Your Questions a a a al
daSend da&s Answer Keys to ourdasemail id -
das das
sa lai. la i. alai
ada a d asa
a d a s 2
a da
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w
42. Obtain the relation w
between phase difference w
and path difference. (Pg-54) w

la .Org
43. What iare
la .Org
coherent sources? (Pg-55)
i l a i .Org l a i .Org
sa is intensity division
44.daWhat d a saor amplitude division.?d a sa (Pg-55) d asa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P45. How does wavefront
w w.P division providewcoherentw.P sources? (Pg-56)
w w.P ww.P
w w w w w
46. How do source and images behave as coherent sources? (Pg-56)
47. Whataiis
. O rg
bandwidth of interference
i . O rg pattern? (Pg-59) i.Org i . O rg
sal is diffraction? (Pg-63) l a l a l a l
a d aWhat a d asa a d asa a d asa a d asa
w.P ww
.P Fresnel and Fraunhofer w.P diffraction. (Pg-63) w.P w.P
ww 49. Differentiatewbetween ww ww ww
50. Discuss the special cases on first minimum in Fraunhofer diffraction. (Pg-67)
51. What iis rg
.OFresnel’s distance?laObtain
i .Org the equation for i .Org
Fresnel’s distance. (Pg-67) i .Org
sa l a a
sbetween l a
sa diffraction. (Pg-68) sa l a sal
a d aMention the differences
a d a interferencea d a
and a d a a d a
w w.P53. What is a diffraction w w.P grating? (Pg-68)ww.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
54. What are resolution and resolving power?(Pg-71,72)
55. What iis rg
.ORayleigh’s criterion? i .O rg
(Pg-72) i .Org i .Org
l a
sa is polarisation?d(Pg-73) sa l a sa l a sa l a sal
a d aWhat a a a d a a d a a d a
w w.P57. Differentiate between w w.P polarised and unpolarised w w.P Light w
(Pg-74) w.P w w.P
w w w w w
58. Discuss polarisation by selective absorption.(Pg-74)
59. What l a i .Org
are polariser and analyser?
l a i .Org(Pg-75) l a i .Org l a i .Org
60.d a sa are plane polarised,
What d a saunpolarised and partially d a sa polarised light? d(Pg-73,75)
a sa d a sal
a .Pa a a a
w w.P61. State and obtain w wMalus’ law. (Pg-76) w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
62. List the uses rg of polaroids. (Pg-78) rg rg rg
63. State a i . O
Brewster’s law. (Pg-78) a i .O a i . O a i . O
sal l l l l

64.d aWhat is angle of a d asa and obtain theaequation
polarisation d asa for angle of polarisation.
a d asa (Pg-78,79) a d asa
w.P w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww 65. Discuss about wwpile of plates. (Pg-79)ww ww ww
66. What is double rg refraction? (Pg-80) rg
l a i . O l a i .Oactive l a i .Org (Pg-80) l a i .Org
67. Mention
d a sa the types of optically
d a sa crystals
a sa example.
d a sa d a sal
a Discuss about Nicol
68. aprism. (Pg-81) a a a
w w .P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 69. How is polarisation w of light obtained w by scattering of light?w(Pg-81) w
70. Discuss about rg simple microscope rgand obtain the equations rg for magnification for
rg near
i . O i . O i . O i . O
d a sala focusing and normal
d a
salfocusing. (Pg-82) sala
d a d a sala d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P71. What are nearwpoint w.P and normal focusing? w w.P(Pg-82) w w.P w w.P
w 72. Why is oil immersed w objective preferred w in a microscope? w (Pg-84) w
73. What are
i . O rgthe advantages and disadvantages
i . O rg i . rg
of using aOreflecting
i .Org
telescope? (Pg-87)
74. aWhat l a is the use of an sa
erectingl a lens in a terrestrialsa l a
telescope? (Pg-87) sa l a sal
a d a d a d a d a d a
w.P75. What is the use of.P
w collimator? (Pg-87) w.Pa w.P
w w w
76. What are thewuses of spectrometer? w
(Pg-87) w w w w
77. What is
i . O rg
myopia? What is its remedy?
i . O rg (Pg-90)
i . O rg i . O rg
sal is hypermetropia? a
al is its remedy? (Pg-91) l a l a l
78. aWhat
a d a d asWhat a d asa a d asa a d asa
w.P79. What is presbyopia? w.P (Pg-91) ww
ww 80. What is astigmatism? ww (Pg-92) w w w
Additional r g
.OQuestions: .Org .Org .Org
l a i l a i la i la i
asa a note on Ray optics
1.adWrite d a saand Wave optics. (Pg-1) d a sa d a sa d a sal
w.P2. Define reflection. .Pa
w(Pg-1) w.P
w w w w w w w w w w
3. Write a note rg on real and virtuali.Oimages rg formed by a plane rgmirror. (Pg-4,5) i.Org
i . O i . O
4. What
d a salaare the conditionsdafor la
sanature of objects and
da ala
simages regarding plane
d a
samirror. (Pg-5)
d a sal
a a .Pa (Pg-6) a a
w.P5. Distinguish convex w.Pmirror and concave w mirror? w.P w.P
ww ww ww ww ww
M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
Township, Cell:
sal Your Questions al ai.O al al ai.O ai.O al
daSend da&s Answer Keys to our
dasemail id -
das das
sa lai. la i. alai
ada a d asa
a d a s 3
a da
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w of curvature, (ii) Radius
6. Define (i) Centre w w (iv) principal axis,w
of curvature (iii) pole,
(v) focus
i rgfocal point, (vi) focal
.Oor i .Orglength, (vii) focallaplane
i .Org(Pg-6) i .Org
sa paraxial rays and sa la l a sal
7. dDefine
a d amarginal rays. (Pg-7)dasa d asa d a
a Pa formation in spherical a a a
w w.P8. How we locate w w.image
the w w.P mirrors? (Pg-8)w w.P ww.P
w w w w w
9. Define lateral or transverse magnification. (Pg-10)
10. Define i . O rg
refractive index. (Pg-14) i . O rg i . O rg i . O rg
sal is called refraction? l a l a l a l
a d aWhat a d asa(Pg-15) a d asa a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww 12. Write the characteristicsww of refraction. ww(Pg-16) ww ww
13. What is meant by simultaneous reflection or simultaneous refraction. (Pg-16)
14. What l a i .Org
are the conditions to lachieve
a i .Org total internal reflection?
l a i .Org (Pg-20) l a i .Org
15.d a sa is core and cladding
What d a saor sleeving of optical d a safibres? (Pg-25) dasa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P16. What is acceptance w w.Pangle in optical fibre? w w.P(Pg-25) w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
17. What is acceptance cone in optical fibre? (Pg-26)
18. What i is rg
.Onumerical aperturela(NA)i .Orgof the optical fibre? i rg
.O(Pg-26) i .Org
l a
sa a note on an endoscope. sa sa l a sa l a sal
a d aWrite a d a (Pg-27) a d a d a d a
w.P20. List out assumptions w.P are made while w w.P w .Pa w.P
w w w w w considering refraction w w
at spherical surfaces. w
21. Write a note on prism. (Pg-40)
i rg
.Oangle i .O rg i .Org i .Org
22. What l a is of deviation (d)
l a of the prism? (Pg-41) l a l a
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
a What are the factors aangle of deviation (d) of
a the prism depends? (Pg-41)
a a
w w.P24. What is calledwspectrum? w.P (Pg-43) w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
25. What is called rg angular dispersion? rg (Pg-45) rg rg
26. Define a i . Odispersive power. a i
(Pg-45). O a i . O a i . O
sal l l l l

27.d aWhat is known as a d asa of light. (Pg-46)
scattering a d asa a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww 28. State Rayleigh’s ww scattering law. (Pg-46) ww ww ww
29. Why skyrappears g dark for the astronauts
rg who could seerg the sky from above therg
la i . O (Pg-47) sala i . O la i . O lai.O
d a
s a
d a d a s a
d a s a
d a sal
a What is called corpuscles?
30. a (Pg-47) a a a
w w .P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 31. How are rainbows w formed? (Pg-46)w w w
32. What is Dual rg nature of light ?i.O (Pg-48)
la i . O l a l a i . Org l a i . Org
33. Write
d a sa a note on wavednature a sa of light. (Pg-48)dasa d a sa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P34. What are the factors w w.P shape of the wavefront w w.P depends? (Pg-49) w w.P w w.P
w w
35. List out the wavefronts produced based w on shape of the source w and distance? (Pg-49) w
.Org .Org . rg .Org
36. What happens if light of particular frequency travels O through different media? (Pg-52)
l a i l a i l a i l a i
d sa is meant by superposition
37. aWhat
d a sa of waves? (Pg-52)
d a sa d a sa d a sal
a a a .Pa a
w w.P38. Can two independent w w.P monochromaticwsources w.P acts as coherent w wsources? (Pg-55)
w w.P
w 39. Give the methods w to obtain coherentwlight waves. (Pg-55) w w
40. What are
i . O rg
called constructive and
i . O rgdestructive interference?i . O rg (Pg-57) i . O rg
sal is called interference l a sal a l a (Pg-57) dasal
a a d asa fringes or bandsain d ayoung’s d asa
double slit experiment.
w .P42. What are the conditions w .P for obtaining .P and broad interference
w w
.P bands? (Pg-59) w.Pa
ww 43. Why the central ww fringe or 0th fringe w w
will always be bright and wwwhite in colour, when ww

l a .Org with polychromatic

i l a i .Orglight. (Pg-60) lai.Org a i .Org
44.daBrilliant sa by the surfacedof
colours are exhibited
d a a a films and soap bubbles.
soil d a
sa Why? (Pg-61) dasal
a a a a a
w w.P45. Give the condition w w.Pfor nth order minimum w w.Pin diffraction at single w w.Pslit. (Pg-65) w w.P
w w w w w
46. Give the condition for nth order maximum in diffraction at single slit. (Pg-65)
47. Define i .O rg
grating .Org
element andacorresponding
i points. (Pg-68)
i .Org i .Org
l a
sa the condition forda l
sa order maximum l a
sadiffraction in grating. a la
s(Pg-69) sal
48.d aGive higher d a in d a d a
.Pa .Pa .Pa .Pa .Pa
w ww 49. Give the reason w wwfor colourful appearance w ww of the compact disc. w ww (Pg-70)
w ww
M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
Township, Cell:
sal Your Questions al ai.O al al ai.O ai.O al
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sa lai. la i. alai
ada a d asa
a d a s 4
a da
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 50. What are calledw Airy’s discs? (Pg-71,72)
w w w

la .Org
51. Why Rayleigh’s
i la .Orgto be limit of resolution?
criterion is isaid
l a i .Org (Pg-72) l a i .Org
sa is angular resolution
52.daWhat d a sa ? Give its unit. (Pg-72)
d a sa d asa d a sal
a .Pa a a a
w w.P53. What is spacialwwresolution ? (Pg-72) ww.P w w.P ww.P
w w w w w
54. What is resolving power of the instrument? (Pg-72)
55. Whataiis . O rg by unpolarisedi.O
meant rg (Pg-73)
light? i . O rg i . O rg
sal is meant by polarised l a a
sal (Pg-73) l a l
a d aWhat a d asa or plane polariseda d alight? a d asa a d asa
w.P ww
.P and planewofww .P w.P w.P
ww 57. Define planewof vibration polarization. (Pg-)(Pg-74)
ww ww
58. How an unpolarized light can be polarized? (Pg-74)
59. Discuss i rg
.Opolarization by selective
i .Orgabsorption. (Pg-74) i .Org i .Org
sa l a sa la sa l a l a
sa using sal
a d aDiscuss how a plane ad a
polarized and partiallya d a
polarized light will be a a
d a d a
w w.P analyser? (Pg-75) w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
61. Explain polarization by reflection. (Pg-78)
62. State l a i .Orgprove Brewster’slalaw.
and i
.Or(Pg-78,79) l a i .Org l a i .Org
63.d a sa is birefringence?
What d a sa
(Pg-80) d a sa d a sa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P64. Distinguish between w w.P ordinary ray andwextra w.P ordinary ray. (Pg-80) w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
65. Define Optic axis. (Pg-80)
i rg
.Opolarization i rg
.Orefraction. i .Org i .Org
66. Explain
l a by double
l a (Pg-80) l a l a
67.d a sa uniaxial crystal
Define d a sa biaxial crystal. (Pg-80)
and d a sa d a sa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P68. What are the uses w w.Pand drawbacks of w w.Pprism? (Pg-81) ww.P
Nicol w w.P
w w w w w
69. Write a note rg on Simple microscope. rg (Pg-82) rg rg
70. Define a i . Oangular magnification a i .Oof simple microscope. a i . O
(Pg-83) a i . O
sal l l l l

71.d aWrite a note on a d
Resolvingasa power of microscope. a d asa(Pg-84) a d asa a d asa
w.P ww
.P w.P w.P w.P
ww 72. Write a notewon Astronomical telescope. ww (Pg-86) ww ww
73. What is called rg reflecting telescope? rg (Pg-87)
l a i . O l a i . O l a i .Org l a i .Org
74. Explain
d a sa angle of minimum
d a sa deviation with angle
d a sa of incidence. (Pg-42)
d a sa d a sal
a Explain Huygen’s.Pprinciple. a (Pg-49,50) .Pa a a
w w .P w w w w w w.P w w.P
w Long Answer Questions w (Book Back): w w w
1. Derive the
i .Orgmirror equation and i .O rgequation for laterali.Omagnification.
the rg (Pg-9) Org
2. Describe
a s a la the Fizeau’s methoda s l a
a to determine speed a s aof light. (Pg-12) asalai
l a
a sal
a d a d a d a d a d
w w.P3. Obtain the equation w w.Pfor radius of illumination w w.P (or) Snell’s window. w w.P (Pg-23) w w.P
w 4. Derive the equation w for acceptance angle w and numerical aperture, w of optical fiber. (Pg-25)w
5. Obtain .the
l a i Orgequation for lateral l a i Org
.displacement of light passing
l a i .Org through a glass l a i .Org (Pg-27)
a sa the equation fordrefraction
6. dDerive a sa d a sa surface. (Pg-28)dasa
at single spherical d a sal
a a Pasignificance. (Pg-32) a a
w w.P7. Obtain lens maker’s w w.Pformula and mention w w.its w w.P w w.P
w 8. Derive the equation w for thin lens andwobtain its magnification. w (Pg-33) w
9. Derive ithe . O rgequation for effective i . O g length for lenses
rfocal i . O rg out of contact. (Pg-37)
in i . O rg
sal the equation for a
sal of deviation produced l a l a l
a a d aangle a d asa by a prism andadthus asaobtain the a d asa
w.P equation for refractive w.P index of material .P
ww of the prism. (Pg-40,41,43) ww
ww 11. What is dispersion? ww w w
Obtain the equation for dispersive power of a medium. (Pg-44,45) w
12. Provei.laws g
Or of reflection using rg
.OHuygens principle. (Pg-50) .Org .Org
l a l a i l a i l a i
sa laws of refraction
13.daProve d a a Huygens principle.
susing d a sa (Pg-51) d a sa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P14. Obtain the equation w w.P for resultant intensity w w.Pdue to interferencewof w.Plight. (Pg-52,53) ww.P
w w w w w
15. Explain the Young’s double slit experimental setup and obtain the equation for path
l a i .Org (Pg-57,58) l a i .Org l a i .Org la i .Org
16.d a sa the equation for
Obtain d a sa
bandwidth in Young’s da sa
double slit experiment.d a a
s(Pg-58,59) d a sal
a a a a a
w.P w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww ww ww ww ww
M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
Township, Cell:
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sa lai. la i. alai
ada a d asa
a d a s 5
a da
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w
17. Obtain the equations for constructive w and destructive interference
w for transmitted w and
reflected r g r g
waves in thin films.i.(Pg-61,62) r g r g
s a lai.O s a la O s al ai.O th s a l ai.O sal
18.daDiscuss diffraction atdsingle
a slit and obtain the
d acondition for n minimum. d a (Pg-64,65) d a
a a .Pa the condition forwthe .Pamth maximum.(Pg-68) a
w w.P19. Discuss the diffraction
w w.P at a grating and w wobtain w ww.P
w w w w w
20. Discuss the experiment to determine the wavelength of monochromatic light using
i . O rg grating. (Pg-70) i.Org i . O rg i . O rg
sal a l a
sadetermine l a l a l
a d aDiscuss the experimenta d ato a d asa of different colours
the wavelength a d asa using a d asa
w.P diffraction grating w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww ww (Pg-71) ww ww ww
22. Obtain the equation for resolving power of optical instrument. (Pg-71,72)
23. Discuss i rg simple microscope
.Oabout i.Organd obtain the equations i .Org for magnification i rg near
l a
sa focusing and normal l a
sa focusing. (Pg-82,83) sa l a sa l a sal
a d apoint a d a a d a a d a a d a
w w.P24. Explain aboutwcompound w.P microscope w w.Pobtain the equationww
and .Pmagnification.
for w.P
w w w w w
25. Obtain the equation for resolving power of microscope. (Pg-84)
26. Discuss i rg astronomical telescope.
.Oabout i .Org (Pg-86) lai.Or
i .Org
sa l a l a
saspectrometer and explain sa the preliminarydaadjustments. sa l a sal
a d aMention different parts
a d aof a d a (Pg-88) d a
w.P28. Explain the experimental w.P w.P w .Pa spectrometer.(Pg-88) w.P
w w w w determination w w of material of the prism
w w using w w
Additional Questions:
1. Discuss i .O rg
diffraction at singlela i
slit rg obtain the condition
.Oand i .Orgfor nth,65)
i .Org
l a
sa the focusing ofdanormal sa eye. (Pg-89,90) sa l a sa sal
a d a
Explain a d a d a d a
w w UNIT-7
w w w w RADIATION w w
AND w w
Short Answer Questions (Book Back):
i . O rg i .O rg i . O rg i . O rg
1. Why ldo
a metals have a large lnumber
a of free electrons? a (Pg-106) a
sal l l

a d asa work functionaof
Define d aasa
metal. Give its unit.
a d a
(Pg-106) a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P effect? (Pg-109)ww.P w.P w.P
ww 3. What is photoelectric ww w ww ww
4. How doesrphotocurrent
g vary withrgthe intensity of the incident rg light? (Pg-111)
5. Give l a
thei . Odefinition of intensity
l a i . O
of light and its unit. l a i . O
(Pg-116) Note l a i .Org
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
6.a How will you define a
threshold frequency?.P a
(Pg-117) .Pa a
w w.P7. What is a photowcell? w.P Mention the different w w types of photocells. w w(Pg-118) w w.P
w w w w w
8. Write the expression
rg for the de Broglie rg wavelength associated rg with a charged particle rg of
i . O i . O i . O i . O
d sala q and mass m, dwhen
a a salait is accelerated through d a sala a potential V. (Pg-122) d a sala d a sal
9.a State de Broglie hypothesis. a (Pg-121) a a a
w w .P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 10. Why we do not w see the wave properties w of a baseball? (Pg-121*) w w
 The dergBroglie wavelength ofrgmatter is 𝝀=𝒉/𝒎 𝒗 rg
a i .O a i .O a i .O a i .Org
asaThus the de Broglie awavelength
l sa l a l
is inverselyasproportional to the mass.
a sa l
a sal
a d a d a d a d a d
w w.P  Since the mass w w.Pof base ball is toowlarge w.P as compared withwthe w.Pelectron, the de Broglie w w.P
w wavelength w of base ball is negligibly w small. So we do not w see the wave propertywof the
i . O rg i . O rg i . O rg i . O rg
l a
11.daAsaproton l a l a l a l
and an electron
a d asahave same kineticaenergy. d asa Which one hasadgreater asa de Broglie adasa
w.P wavelength. Justify. w.P (Pg-122*) w.P w.P w.P
ww ww ww ww ww
 de Broglei wavelength of proton ; 𝝀𝒑=𝒉/√𝟐 𝒎𝒑 𝑲
 de l a i .Org wavelength oflaelectron
Broglei i .Org ; 𝝀𝒆=𝒉/√𝟐 𝒎la𝒆i.𝑲 Org l a i .Org
da saHere the mass of the d a sa
proton is greater than d a samass of the electron
the d a sa 𝑷>𝒎𝒆)
(𝒎 d a sal
a .Pa .Pa .Pa .Pa
w w.P  Hence the de w wBroglei wavelength w
of welectron is greater w
than wthat of proton (𝝀 > 𝝀w)w
w w w w 𝒆 w𝑷
12. Write the grelationship of de Broglie g wavelength λ associated
g with a particle of mass
g m in
. O r O r O r O r
alaiof its kinetic energyaK.
terms lai.(Pg-122) alai
ad as ada
s das das das
w.P w . P .Pa w.P
ww ww w ww ww w w
M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
Township, Cell:
sal Your Questions al ai.Oal al ai.O ai.O al
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sa lai. la i. alai
ada a dasa
a d a s 6
a da
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w
13. Name an experiment which shows wave w nature of the electron. w Which phenomenon w was
observed g this experiment using
.Orin .Org an electron beam? rg
.O .Org
la i la i l a i l ai
d a sa The wave nature d a a electron (i.e) de Broglie
sof d a sa hypothesis of matterd a sa waves was d a sal
a .Pa .Pa Germer experiment. a a
w w.P experimentally w w
confirmed by Davisson w wand w w.PDiffraction is the ww.P
w w w w w
important property of waves. So in this experiment, diffraction of electron beam was
observedi . O rgwhen they fall on crystalline
i . O rg solids. i . O rg i . O rg
salelectron and an alpha l a l a a
salde Broglie l
a d aAn a d asaparticle have sameadkinetic asa energy. How are a d athe a d asa
w.P wavelengths associated w.P with them related? w.P (Pg-122*) w.P w.P
ww ww ww ww ww
Additional Questions:
1. Define l a i .Org barrier. (Pg-106)
surface l a i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org
asa electron emission.
2.adDefine d a a
s(Pg-106) d a sa d a sa d a sal
a a a a
w w.P3. Define electronwvolt w.P(eV) (Pg-106) ww.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
4. What is thermionicrg emission? (Pg-107) g
l a i . O l a i .Or(Pg-108) l a i .Org l a i .Org
5. What
d a sa is photo electric
a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P6. What are calledwphoto w.P sensitive materials? w w.P(Pg-110) w w.P w w.P
w 7. Define stopping w potential. (Pg-112) w w w
8. Explain.O Einstein’s
rg explanation.O forrgthe particle nature (quanta).Org of light. (Pg-115) .Org
l a i l a i l a i l a i
9. What
d a sa is the nature of light? d a sa(Pg-118) d a sa d a sa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P10. Give the applications w w.P of photocells. (Pg-119) w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 11. What is called w matter waves or de Broglie w waves? (Pg-121)w w
12. Derive a i . Oanrgexpression for deaBrogliei . O rg wavelength of matter
a i . O rg waves. (Pg-121) i.Org
al are called X - rays? l al (Pg-126) ala l

12. a s
What a s aWhy are they so a s
called? a s asa
a d a d a d a d a d
w.P w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww 13. List the properties ww of X - rays. (Pg-126) ww ww ww
14. What factor does the quality and intensity of X - rays were depends? (Pg-126)
15. Write i rg on the production
.aOnote i .OofrgX - rays. (Pg-126)i.Org i .Org
l a
sa is X -ray spectra? a l
sGive a sa l a sa l a sal
a d aWhat d a its types. d
(Pg-127) a d a d a
w.P17. Write a note on w .Pa a
w.P (Pg-128) w.P
w w w w continuous X - ray w
w w w w w
18. What is called Bremsstrahlung or braking radiation. (Pg-128)
.O rg .Oinrgcontinuous X-raylaspectra. .Org (Pg-128) .Org
19. Obtainl a i Duane – Hunt formulal a i i l a i
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
a Write a note on characteristic
a X - ray spectra.
a (Pg-128,129) a a
w w.P21. Write the applications w w.P of X -rays. (Pg-129) w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
Long Answer rg Questions (Booki.Back): rg
1. What l a i
do . O you mean by electronl a O
emission? Explain a i .Orgvarious methodslaofi.O
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
a emission. (Pg-106,107,108) .Pa .Pa .Pa .Pa
w w.P2. Briefly discuss w w w w w w w w
w w the observations of Hertz, w Hallwachs and Lenard. w (Pg-108,109) w
3. Explain the rgeffect of potential idifferencerg on photoelectricrgcurrent. (Pg-111,112)rg
a i . O
l how frequency ofsaincident l a . O i.O
lastopping lai.O
4. Explain
d a s a
d a
light varies with
d a s a potential. s(Pg-112,113)
d a a
d a sal
a a a a a
w.P5. List out the laws of.P
w photoelectric effect. (Pg-113)
w.P w.P w.P
ww 6. Explain why photoelectric ww w w w w
effect cannot be explained on the basis of wave nature of light. w w
l a i . Org l a i . Org l a i . Org l a i .Org
7. Explain
d a sa the quantum concept d a sa of light. (Pg-115) d a sa d a sa d a sal
a .Pa .Pa necessary explanation. a a
w w.P8. Obtain Einstein’s w wphotoelectric equationwwith
w w w.P (Pg-116,117) ww.P
w 9. Explain experimentallyw observed facts w of photoelectric effect w with the help of Einstein’s w
.Org .Org .Org .Org
explanation. (Pg-117,118)
l a i l a i l a i la i
d sa the constructiondand
10. aGive a saworking of photo d sa cell. (Pg-118)dasa
a da sal
a a a a a
w.P11. Derive an expression w.P for de Broglie wavelength w.P w.P
of electrons. (Pg-121) w.P
ww ww ww ww ww
M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
Township, Cell:
sal Your Questions al ai.O al al ai.O ai.O al
daSend da&s Answer Keys to our
dasemail id -
das das
sa lai. la i. alai
ada a asa
d ada
a d a s 7
a d a
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 12. Briefly explain w the principle and working
w w
of electron microscope. (Pg-123,124) w
13. Describe g
.Orbriefly Davisson – Germer.Org experiment which g
.Ordemonstrated the wave .Orgnature of
la i la i l a i l ai
d sa
a (Pg-122,123)d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.PAdditional Questions: w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w
1. Explain the experimental set up for study of photo electric effect. (Pg-110)
2. Explain i . O rgparticle nature of light.
the i . O rg List the characteristics i . O rg of photons. (Pg-115,116)
i . O rg
l a l a l a l a l
asa are X-rays? Explain
3.adWhat a d asa the production of aX-rays. d asa (Pg-126,127) adasa a d asa
w.P ww
.P with (i) Continuous w.P x-ray spectra (ii)wCharacteristic
w.P x – ray ww.P
ww 4. Explain X-raywspectrum ww w w
Spectra. (Pg-127,128)
l a i .Org UNIT-8 laiATOMIC .Org AND NUCLEAR l a i .Org PHYSICS lai.Org
d saAnswer Questions d a sa Back):
(Book d a sa d a sa d a sal
a .Pa (Pg-140) a a a
w w.P1. What are cathode w wrays? w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
2. Write the properties of cathode rays. (Pg-140)
3. Give lthe i rg of Rutherfordi.alpha
.Oresults Org scattering experiment. i .Org (Pg-146) i .Org
a l a l a l a sal
asa down the postulates
4.adWrite d a saof Bohr atom model.(Pg-148)d a sa d a sa d a
w.P5. What is meant by .Pa
wexcitation w.P
w w w w energy. w
w w w w w
6. Define the ionization energy and ionization potential. (Pg-155)
7. Write l a i .Org the draw backs lof
down a i Org atom model. (Pg-160)
.Bohr l a i .Org l a i .Org
8. d a sa is distance of closest
What d a saapproach? (Pg-147) d a sa d a sa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P9. Define impact parameter.
w w.P (Pg-147) w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
10. Write a general notation of nucleus of element X. What each term denotes? (Pg-160)
i . O rg i . O rg i . O rg i . O rg
11. What a is isotope? Give an example.
a (Pg-161) a a
sal sal l l l

12.d aWhat is isotone? a
Give d a
an example. (Pg-161) a d asa a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww 13. What is isobar? ww Give an example. (Pg-161) ww ww ww
14. Define atomic rg mass unit u. (Pg-161)
l a i . O l a i .Org constant for nuclei l a i
.Orwith l a i .Org
15. Show
d a sa that nuclear density
d a sa is almost
d a sa Z > 10.
a sa d a sal
a What is mass defect?
16. .Pa (Pg-163) .Pa .Pa .Pa
w w.P17. What is binding w wenergy w w w w w w
w w of a nucleus? w Give its expression. w (Pg-163) w
18. Calculatergthe energy equivalent rof g 1 atomic mass unit. r(Pg-164)
g Note
l a i . O l a i . O l a i . O l a i .Org
19. Give
d a sa the physical meaning
d a sa of binding energy
a sa nucleon. (Pg-164)
d a sa d a sal
a Pa (Pg-166).Pa a a
w w.P20. What is meantwby w.radioactivity? w w w w.P w w.P
w 21. Give the symbolic w representation ofwalpha decay, beta decay w and gamma decay. w
lai.Odecay, why the sunstable l a i .Orgnucleus emits He la 4i.O
l a i
22. aInsaalpha
d d a a
d a s2 a nucleus? Why it
d adoes
sa not four
d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P separate nucleons? w w.P(Pg-167) w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 23. What is mean w life of nucleus? Givewthe expression. (Pg-173) w w
i . rg
24. What isOhalf-life of nucleus? Give
i . O rg the expression. (Pg-172) i . O rg i . O rg
sal is meant by activity l a l a (Pg-171,172) asal a l
25. aWhat
a d a d asaor decay rate? Give a d saunit.
aits a d a d asa
w.P26. Define curie. (Pg-172)
ww 27. What are thewconstituent w
particles of neutron and proton? (Pg-182) w w
i i .Org i .Org i .Org
1. What l a
sa is known as atom? sa l a
(Pg-139) sa l a sa l a sal
a d a d a d a d a d a
w.P2. What is known waswgas .Padischarge tube. (Pg-139) w.P
w w w
w as positive column inwa gas discharge tube. (Pg-140) w w w w
3. What is known
l a .Org charge. (Pg-140)
4. Defineispecific
l a i .Org l a i .Org la i .Org
sa the principle of Millikan’s
5. dWrite
a d a sa d a sa (Pg-143)
oil drop experiment. d a sa d a sal
.Pa w.P
a .Pa .Pa .Pa
w ww 6. Write a note onwThomson’s
atom model.
w ww(Pg-145) w ww w ww
M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
Township, Cell:
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sa lai. la i. alai
ada a dasa
a d a s 8
a da
w w.P w w.P w w.P ww.P w w.P
w 7. Explain scattering w of alpha particles w experiment by Rutherford. w (Pg-145) w
8. What are i rg conclusion
.Othe Org Rutherford from thei.O rg of alpha scattering
results i .Org
sa la la l a l a sal
a (Pg-147)dasa d a sa d asa d a
a a a .Pa a
w w.P9. What is distanceww of.P
closest approach? Obtain
w w.P expression for it.ww (Pg-147) ww.P
w w w w w
10. Explain impact parameter. (Pg-147)
11. Whataiare . O rg
the drawbacks of a O rg
i . atom model? i . O rg
(Pg-148) i . O rg
sal is angular momentum l l a l a l
a d aWhat a d asa quantization condition.
a d asa (Pg-149) a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P w.P of atom? (Pg-149) w.P w.P
ww 13. Explain de Broglie ww wave mechanical wwconcept ww ww
14. Deduce the relation between Velocity of the electron and principal quantum number
based g theory. (Pg-151)
.on .Org .Org .Org
l a i la i l a i l a i
15.d a sa the Energy levels
Draw d a sofa a hydrogen atom. d(Pg-153) a sa d a sa d a sal
a Pa a a a
w w.P16. Define excitation w w.potential. (Pg-155) w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
17. What is hydrogen emission spectrum? (Pg-158)
18. Define i .O rg number? Give iits
Wave rg (Pg-159)
.Ounit. i .Org i .Org
l a
sa atomic numberdaand l a
sa mass number. (Pg-160) sa l a sa l a sal
a d aDefine d a d a d a
w.P20. What are called .Pa
wnucleons? w.P
w w w w (Pg-160) w w w w w w
21. What is the g charge of nucleus? (Pg-161)
i .Orisotopes i .O rg i
.Orsame i .O rg
22. Why la the of the samel a element are placed in
l a the location in the
l a periodic
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
a table. (Pg-161) a .Pa a a
w w.P23. Give the empirical w w.Pformula for nuclear w wradius. (Pg-162) w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
24. Define nuclear rg density. (Pg-163) rg rg rg
a i . O a i .O a i . O a i . O
25. Define average binding sal
energy per nucleon? l
(Pg-164) l l

26.d aWhat is nuclear force?a d aList out the a d asa of nuclear force.a(Pg-165)
characteristics d asa a d asa
w.P w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww 27. What is radioactive ww w w
elements and radioisotopes? Give example. (Pg-166) w w w w
28. What is meant by disintegrationrenergy (Q). (Pg-167) rg
a i . Org a i . O +g a i . O a i . Org
sa is meant by β decay
l sa and β decay. (Pg-168)
l l l sal
29. What sa sa
a d a d a d a d a d a
w.P30. Write a note on w .Pa
positron? (Pg-168) w.P
w w w
31. Write a notewon smoke detector. (Pg-169) w w w w w w

.Org .Org .Org .Org

32. State the law of radioactive decay. (Pg-171)
l a i l a i l a i l a i
d sa one bequerel. d(Pg-172)
33. aDefine a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P34. Write a note on w w .Pdiscovery
the w.P(Pg-176)
of neutrons.
w w w.P w w.P
w 35. List the properties w of neutrons. (Pg-176) w w w
36. What is
i rg carbon dating?i.(Pg-174)
.Oradio Org i .Org i .Org
37.daHow l a
sa will you classifydneutrons sa l a based on their sa l a
kinetic energy. (Pg-176) sa l a sal
a a d a d a d a
w.P38. What is meantwby Pa
w.nuclear fission? (Pg-176) w.P
w w w w w
39. Calculate thewenergy released per fission. w (Pg-177) w w
40. What iis . O rg chain reaction.i.O
called rg its types. (Pg-177)
Give i . O rg i . O rg
sal a l a l a l a l
41.daExplain chain reactiondainsadetail. (Pg-177,178) d asa d asa d asa
a a a a a
w.P42. What is calledwnuclear w.P reactor? (Pg-179) w.P w.P w.P
ww w ww ww ww
43. What is nuclear fusion? (Pg-181)
44. Whataiis rg by thermo nuclear
.Omean i .Orgreactions? (Pg-181) i .Org i .Org
sa is the source of dstellar l a
sa energy? (Pg-181) sa la sa la sal
a d aWhat a d a d a d a
w.P46. Write a note on w .Pa - proton cycle. (Pg-181)
proton w.P
w w w w w w w w w w
47. Explain Energy generation in stars. (Pg-181)
i.Org i.O rg i .Or g
i.O rg
a l a a l a sa l a a la l
s as a a s asa
w .P w. Pad w. Pad w. Pad w. P a d
ww ww ww ww ww
M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
Township, Cell:
sal Your Questions al ai.O al al ai.O ai.O al
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sa lai. la i. alai
ada a d asa
a d a s 9
a da
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w
Long Answer Questions (Book Back): w w w
1. Explaini.O rgJ.J. Thomson experiment
the i .Org to determine the i rg
.O .Org
charge of electron.(Pg-140)
sa the Millikan’s doil la
a experiment to determine
sal a l a
saelectron.(Pg-143) dasal
2. dDiscuss
a a sdrop d a the charge ofdaan
a .Pa a a a
w w.P3. Derive the energyw wexpression w.Patom using Bohr w
for hydrogen
w w.Pmodel. (Pg-152) ww.P
w w w w w
4. Discuss the spectral series of hydrogen atom. (Pg-159)
5. Explain i . O rgvariation of average
the i . O rg
binding energy withaithe . O rgmass number by graph i . O rgand
l a l a l l a l
a d asa its features. (Pg-164,165)
discuss a d asa a d asa a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww 6. Explain in detail ww the nuclear force. (Pg-165) ww ww ww
7. Discuss the alpha decay process with example. (Pg-166)
8. Discuss i .O rgbeta decay processi.O
the rg examples. (Pg-168)
with i .Org i .Org
l a l a l a l a sal
asa the gamma decay
9.adDiscuss d a a
sprocess with example. d a a
s(Pg-170) d a sa d a
w.P10. Obtain the lawwof Pa
w.radioactivity. w.P
w w w (Pg-170,171)
w w w w w w
11. Discuss the properties of neutrino and its role in beta decay. (Pg-170)
12. Explain i rg idea of carbon dating.
.Othe i .Org (Pg-174) i .Org i .Org
sa l a sa l a sa l a sa l a sal
a d aDiscuss the process a d
of a
nuclear fission and its
a d a
properties. (Pg-176-178)
a d a a d a
w w.P14. Discuss the process w w.P of nuclear fusionwand w.Phow energy is generated w w.P in stars? (Pg-181) w w.P
w w w w w
15. Describe the working of nuclear reactor with a block diagram. (Pg-179,180)
i .Oinrg i .Org i .Org i .Org
16. Explain
l a detail the four fundamental
l a forces. (Pg-182)
l a l a
17.d a sa explain the elementary
Briefly d a sa particles of d a sa (Pg-181,182) dasa
nature. d a sal
a a a a a
w w.PAdditional Questions: w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
1. Derive the gexpression for Radius of the n orbit of the electron based on Bohr theory.
i . O r i . O rg i . O rg i . O rg
l a l a l a l a l

a d asa a
UNIT-9 d asa SEMICONDUCTOR a d asa ELECTRONICS a d asa a d asa
w.PShort Answer Questions w.P (Book Back):ww.P w.P w.P
ww ww w ww ww
1. Define electron rg motion in a semiconductor. rg (Pg-*)
l a i . O l a i . O l a i .Org band due to P-type l a i .Orgdoping. It
d a sa The hole in the absence
d a sa of an elecltron
sa valence
d a sa d a sal
a has localized positive a charge. To move the a in a given direction,
hole .Pa the valence electros .Pa
w w.P move in the opposite w w.P direction. An N-type w w.Psemiconductor with w welectrons w w
w w w w moving left w to
right through rg the crystal lattice.
l a i . O l a i .Orgextrinsic semiconductors. l a i .Org (Pg-195,197*)lai.Org
2. Distinguish
d a sa between intrinsic
d a sa and
d a sa d a sa d a sal
a bya doping? (Pg-197) .Pa a a
w w.P3. What do you mean w w.P w w w w.P w w.P
w 4. How electron-hole w pairs are created in w a semiconductor material? w (Pg-196) w
5. A diode isrcalled g as a unidirectional rg device. Explain?i.(Pg-204*) rg Note
l a i . O l a i . O l a O l a i .Org
6. What
d a sa do you mean by leakage
d a sa current in a diode?
d a sa(Pg-203)
d a sa d a sal
a a Pa (Pg-205) w.Pa a
w w.P7. Draw the outputwwaveform w.P of a full wave
w w.rectifier. w w w.P
w 8. Distinguish between w avalanche and zener w breakdown. (Pg-206,207) w w
9. Discuss O
i . rgbiasing polarities in
i . O rg NPN and PNP transistors.
i . O rg (Pg-213) i . O rg
sal a a
al a NPN transistor. (Pg-214,215) l a l a l
10. aExplain
a d
the current flow
a d asin a d asa a d asa a d asa
w.P11. What is the phase ww
relationship betweenwthe .P AC input and output
voltages in a common
ww w w w
emitter amplifier? What is the reason for the phase reversal? (Pg-221) w w
12. Explain
i rg need for a feedback
.Othe i
.Orcircuit in a transistor.O
i rg
oscillator. (Pg-222) .Org
13. aGive l a
a circuit symbol, logical sa l aoperation, truth s a l
table,anda Boolean s
expressiona laof AND, OR, asal
d d a d a d a d
w .Pa NOT,NAND, NOR, w .Paand EX-OR gates(Pg-224-226) w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa
ww 14. State De Morgan’s ww first and secondwtheorems. w
(Pg-228) w
w ww
i.Org i.O rg i .Or g
i.O rg
a l a a l a sa l a a la l
s a s a a s asa
w .P w. Pad w. Pad w. Pad w. P a d
ww ww ww ww ww
M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
Township, Cell:
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sa lai. la i. alai
ada aasa
d ada
a d a s 10
a da
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
Additional Questions:
1. Whatlaisi.O rg electronics? (Pg-193)
called i .Org i .Org i .Org
la l a l a sal
asa are passive components
2.adWhat a d a sa and active components?
a d a sa (Pg-193)
a d asa
a d a
w w.P3. What is energywband? w.P (Pg-194) w w.P w w.P ww.P
w w w w w
4. What is valance band, conduction band and forbidden energy gap? (Pg-194)
i . O rg i . O rg i . O rg i . O rg
5. Writel aa note on insulators. (Pg-195)
l a l a l a l
a d asa a note on conductors.
Write a d asa (Pg-195) a d asa a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww 7. Write a note on wwsemiconductors. (Pg-195) ww ww ww
8. What is called rg intrinsic semiconductor? rg (Pg-195)
9. What l a
isi . O
extrinsic a
l i . O (Pg-197*) l a i .Org l a i .Org
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
a Define hole. (Pg-197)
10. a a a a
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 11. What is called w P-type semiconductor? w (Pg-198*) w w
12. What is N-type rg semiconductor? r(Pg-197)
l a i . O l a i .O g (Pg-197,198) lai.Org l a i .Org
13. What
d a sa is called donor energy
d a sa level.
d a sa d a sa d a sal
a a energy level. (Pg-198,199) a a a
w w.P14. What is calledwacceptor w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 15. What is called w depletion region. (Pg-200) w w w
16. DefineO
i rg
. junction .Org potential. (Pg-200)
potential or barrier
i i .Org i .Org
l a
sa is P-N junction ddiode?
17. aWhat l a
sa Give its symbol.da(Pg-200) sa l a sa l a sal
a d a a d a d a
w.P18. What is calledwbiasing? w.P Give its types.ww .Pa
(Pg-201) w.P
w w w w
19. Differentiatewforward bias and reverse w bias. (Pg-201) w w
20. Definei.O rg
reverse saturation current.i .O rg(Pg-202) i . O rg i . O rg
sal is called the forward l a l a l a l

a a d asa V-I characteristics a d aofsathe p-n junction diode.
a d asa(Pg-202) a d asa
w.P22. What is knownwas w.Pthreshold voltage or .P voltage or knee voltage
w ww
.P (Vth). (Pg-202) w.P
ww 23. What is called w the reverse V-I characteristics ww w
of the p-n junction diode. (Pg-203) w
24. What iis rg by rectification?
.Omeant i
.Or(Pg-204) i .Org i .Org
l a
sa rectifier efficiency? l a
sa (Pg-205) sa l a sa l a sal
25.daDefine d a d a d a d a
a .Pa tap transformer.w(Pg-206) .Pa a a
w w.P26. Write a note on w wcentre w w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
27. What is mean by break down voltage? (Pg-206)
28. Write i rg on Zener breakdown.
.aOnote i .Org (Pg-206) i .Org i .Org
l a
sa is known as internal l a
safield emission or field l a
saionization. (Pg-207) sa l a sal
a d aWhat d a d a d a d a
w.P30. Write a note on w .Pa
avalanche break down. .Pa
w(Pg-206) w.P
w w w w w w w w w w
31. What is called Zener diode? Give its circuit symbol. (Pg-207)
32. What iis rg Zener dynamici.Oimpedance.
.Ocalled rg (Pg-208) i .Org i .Org
l a
sa is called Peak inverse l a
sa voltage. (Pg-208) sa l a sa l a sal
a d aWhat a d a a d a a d a a d a
w w.P34. Give the applications w w.P of Zener diode.w(Pg-208) w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
35. What is Opto electronic devices? (Pg-209)
36. What i .
is O rg emitting diode (LED)?
light i . O rg (Pg-209) i . O rg i . O rg
sal the applications dofasLEDs. al a l a l a l
a d aGive a (Pg-210) a d asa a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P w.P (Pg-210) w.P w.P
ww 38. What is photo wwdiode? Give its circuit wwsymbol. ww ww
39. What is meant rg by dark current inrga photo diode? (Pg-211)
40. Give l a i
the. O applications of photo
l a i . O
diode. (Pg-211) l a i .Org l a i .Org
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
a What is photovoltaic
41. .Pa effect? (Pg-211) w.Pa .Pa .Pa
w w.P42. What are called w wsolar w w w w w
w w cells? (Pg-211) w w w
43. Give the rapplications
g of solar cells. rg (Pg-212)
l a i . O l a i . O l ai .Org la i .Org
44. Write
d a sa a note on bipolar
d a
sa transistor(BJT).
da sa (Pg-212)
d a sa da sal
a .Pa base and collector a a a
w.P45. Write a note on w emitter, w.P of a transistor. (Pg-212,213)
w.P w.P
ww ww ww ww ww
M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
Township, Cell:
sal Your Questions al ai.O al alai.O ai.O al
daSend da&s Answer Keys to our
dasemail id -
das das
sa lai. la i. alai
ada a d asa
a d a s 11
a da
w w.P w w.P w w.P ww.P w w.P
w w
46. What is transistor biasing? (Pg-213)w w w

la .Org be the polaritylagiven

47. What ishould i .Org to PNP and NPN l a i .Org
transistors. (Pg-213) Note
l ai .Org
sa the circuit diagram
48.daDraw d a saof common base configurations
d a sa d a sa (Pg-213)
of NPN transistor. d a sal
a .Pa a .Pa transistor. (Pg-214) a
w w.P49. Draw the circuit
w wdiagram w.P configurations wofwNPN
of commonwemitter ww.P
w w w w w
50. Draw the circuit diagram of common emitter configurations of NPN transistor. (Pg-214)
51. Write i . rg on direction of conventional
aOnote i . O rg O rg
current inaitransistors?
. (Pg-215) ai.Org
sal is called the forward l a l l l
a d aWhat a d asa current gain (αdca)dofasaatransistor. (Pg-215) a d asa a d asa
w.P ww
.P of transistor. Give w.P w.P w.P
ww 53. Define inputwresistance ww its unit. (Pg-217)ww ww
54. Define output resistance of transistor. (Pg-218)
55. Write i rg on (i) Saturationi.O
.aOnote rg (ii) Cut-off region
region i
g Active region .Org
s a l a s a la s a l a s alai sal
a d a(iv) Breakdown regiond aoutput characteristics d a
curve of NPN d
transistor.a d a
w.P56. Define forward w .Pa gain. (Pg-218) w.Pa w.P
w w w w current w w w w w w
57. Give the relation between 𝜶 and 𝜷. (Pg-218)
i rg
.Oknown i rg
.Oquiescent i .Org characteristics lcurve i .Orgof NPN
58. What l a is as Q points l aor points of l a output a
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
a transistor. (Pg-219) a a a a
w w.P59. What is calledwtransistorw.P amplifier? w w.P
(Pg-220) w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
60. What is called rg transistor oscillator? rg (Pg-222)
l a i . O l a i . O l a i .Org l a i .Org
61. Give
d a sa the types of an oscillator.
d a sa (Pg-)
d a sa d a sa d a sal
a What is meant by.damped
62. a a
and undamped.Poscillations. (Pg-222) .Pa a
w w.P w wP w w w w w w.P
w 63. Draw the block w diagram of an oscillator. w (Pg-) w w
64. Give the rBarkhausen
g conditionsrfor g sustained oscillations. rg (Pg-223) rg
a i . O
l the applications of soscillator.
l a i . O a i . O a i . O
(Pg-223) sal l l

65. Give
a d asa a d a a a d a a d asa a d asa
w.P66. Write a note on ww
.P circuit? (Pg-222) w.P
tank w.P w.P
ww 67. Write a notewon digital electronics? (Pg-223) w w w w w w

.Org .Org .Org .Org

68. Distinguish between analog and digital signal. (Pg-223)
l a i l a i l a i l a i
d sa
69. aDistinguish
d sa and negative logic.
between positive
a d a sa(Pg-224) da sa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P70. Why digital signals w w.P are preferred thanwanalog w.P signals? (Pg-223) w w.P w w.P
w 71. What are called w logic gates? (Pg-224) w w w
72. What is
i rg truth table in logic
.Ocalled i .Orggates? (Pg-224) .Org i i .Org
salathe circuit symbol, dBoolean
73. Give
a asala expression, logical a sala
operation la gate.(Pg-224) sal
and truth tableaofsaAND
. P d
a Give the circuit symbol,
74. . P a Boolean expression, logical
.P d
a operation and truth.P a of OR gate.(Pg-225).Pada
w w w ww table of NOT gate.(Pg-225) w
ww 75. Give the circuitww symbol, Boolean expression,ww logical operation andwtruth ww
76. Give the circuit
i . O rg symbol, Boolean expression,
i . O rg logical operation andgtruth table of NAND gate.(Pg-225)
i.Or and truth table of NOR i rg
77. Give l a
the circuit symbol,
sa the circuit symbol, Boolean la
Boolean expression, logical a
sa expression, logicaldoperation
sa and truth table ofdaEX-OR l a
sa gate. (Pg-226) dasal
a d a
Give ad a a a a a
w w.P79. Write a note on
w w.P
w w.P w .P w .P
w w Boolean algebra? (Pg-227)
w ww ww
80. Explain the laws of Boolean algebra? (Pg-227)
O g
rMorgan’s O rg O rg O rg
81. State a i
De. theorems. a i . (Pg-228) a i . a i .
82.d sal is an integrateddcircuit?
asa (Pg-229) adasa
d asa
d asa
a a a a
w.P ww
.P w.P w.P w.P
ww 83. What are thewapplication of integrated wwcircuits (ICs). (Pg-229,230)
ww ww
84. Distinguish rg between digital IC and
rg analog IC. (Pg-230)
Long a i
l . O Questions (Bookl a i . O
Back): l a i .Org la i .Org
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
1.a Elucidate the formation a of a N-type and P-type a semiconductors. (Pg-197,198)
a a
w w.P2. Explain the formation w w.P of PN junction diode. ww.P Discuss its V–I characteristics.
w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
l a i .Ocircuit l a i .Orgwave rectifier and l ai .Org its working. (Pg-204)
l a i .Org
3. Draw
d a sa the diagram
d a
sa a half
d a sa explain
d a sa d a sal
w.P4.a Explain the construction.Pa and working of a.P
a wave rectifier. (Pg-205)
w .Pa w .Paw
ww ww ww ww ww
M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
Township, Cell:
sal Your Questions al ai.O al al ai.O ai.O al
daSend da&s Answer Keys to our
dasemail id -
das das
sa lai. la i. alai
ada a d asa
a d a s 12
a da
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 5. What is an LED? w Give the principle w w
of operation with a diagram. (Pg-209) w
6. Write notes
la i .Orgon Photodiode. (Pg-210,211)
la i .Org l a i .Org l ai .Org
sa the working principle
7. dExplain
a d a sa of a solar cell. Mention
d a sa its applications. d a sa
(Pg-211,212) d a sal
a a a .Pabring out the essence a
w w.P8. Sketch the staticwcharacteristics
w.P w.P emitter transistor
of a common
w w w
and ww.P
w w w w w
of input and output characteristics. (Pg-216,217)
9. Describe i . O rg function of a transistor
the i . O rg as an amplifier with i . O rgthe neat circuit diagram.i . O rg Sketch
l a l a l a l a l
a d asainput and output awave
the d asaform. (Pg-220,221) a d asa a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P as a switch.Explain. w.P w.P w.P
ww 10. Transistor functions ww ww (Pg-219) ww ww
11. State Boolean laws. Elucidate how they are used to simplify Boolean expressions with
suitablei rg
.Oexample. (Pg-227)lai.Org i .Org i .Org
l a
sa and prove De Morgan’s sa First and Second a l a
stheorems. sa l a sal
a d aState a d a a d a (Pg-228) a d a a d a
w w.PAdditional Questions: w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
1. Explain the classification of solids on the basis of energy band theory. (Pg-195)
g .Org .Org .Org
2. Explainl a i .O inrdetail the intrinsiclasemiconductor.
i (Pg-195,196)
l a i l a i
asa a note on Zeneradiode.
3.adWrite d asa Explain the V-Iacharacteristics
d asa of Zener d a sa (Pg-207)
diode. d a sal
a a
w w.P4. Explain the working w w.Pof Zener diode aswawvoltage .P regulator. w w.P
(Pg-208) w w.P
w w w w w
5. What is meant by light emitting diode? Explain its working principle with diagram.
l a i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org
6. d a sa in detail aboutdthe
Explain a saphoto diode. (Pg-210) d a sa d a sa d a sal
a .Pa Pa a a
w w.P7. Explain transistor w waction in common w
basew.configuration. w
(Pg-214)w.P w w.P
w w w w w
8. Explain thegaction transistor as an goscillator. (Pg-221) g
i . O r i . O r i . O r i . O rg
l a UNIT-10

a d asaAnswer Questions
Short a d a(Book Back): a d asa a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P ww
.P w.P(Pg-243) w.P
ww 1. Give the factors wwthat are responsible w for transmission impairments. ww ww
The threerdifferent
g causes of impairment rg are attenuation,rgdistortion, and noise. rg
la i . O i . O
laand wireless communication? lai.O lai.Oof
2. Distinguish
d a s a between wireline
d a s a
d a s a Specify thesarange
d a d a sal
a electromagnetic waves a in which it is used..P(Pg-243) a .Pa .Pa
w w.P3. Explain centre frequencyw w.P w w w w w w
w w w
or resting frequency in frequency w modulation. (Pg-240) w
4. What doesrgRADAR stand for? (Pg-249) g
la i .Oyou mean by Internet l a i OrThings?
.of l a i .Org l a i .Org
5. What
d a sa do
d a sa (Pg-250)
d a sa d a sa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.PAdditional Questions: w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 1. What is the necessity w of modulation.w(Pg-238,239*) w w
2. Define modulation.rg (Pg-239)
l a i . O l a i Org
.(Pg-239) l a i .Org l a i .Org
3. Define
d a sa amplitude modulation.
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P4. Give the advantages w w.Pand limitations ofwamplitude w.P modulation. (Pg-239)
w w.P w w.P
w 5. Define frequency w modulation. (Pg-240) w w w
i . rg
6. Give theOadvantages and limitations
i . O rg of frequency modulation.i . O rg (Pg-240)
i . O rg
l a a
al give its advantages. l a l a l
a asa phase modulation
7. Define
d a d asand a d asa(Pg-240,241) adasa a d asa
w.P8. Write comparison P
w.between FM and PM.w(Pg-241) .P w.P w.P
ww 9. Define bandwidth. ww (Pg-243) ww ww ww
10. Define.O
i rg
channel width or bandwidth
i .Org of the transmission i
.Orsystem. (Pg-244) .Org
l a
a a note on antennaassize.
11. aWrite
s l a
a (Pg-244) s a la s a lai sal
a d a d ad a a d a a d a
w w.P12. What are the different w w.P modes of propagation w w.P EM waves? (Pg-245) w w.P w w.P
w 12. Define Ground w wave propagation (or) w surface wave propagation. w (Pg-245) w
13. Mention .Ortheg uses of Ground wave .Org propagation (or)lasurface .Org wave propagation. g
l a i l a i i l a i
sa Sky wave propagation
14.daDefine d a sa (or) Ionospheric d a a
sPropagation. (Pg-246)
d a sa d a sal
.Pa .Pa (Pg-246) .Pa .Pa .Pa
w ww 15. Define skip distance. w ww w ww w ww w ww
M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
Township, Cell:
sal Your Questions al ai.O al al ai.O ai.O al
daSend da&s Answer Keys to our
dasemail id -
das das
sa lai. la i. alai
ada a dasa
a d a s 13
a da
w w.P w w.P w w.P ww.P w w.P
w 16. Define skip w zone or skip area. (Pg-246) w w w
17. Definei.O rg wave propagation.
Space i .Org(Pg-247) i .Org i .Org
sa is fiber optic communication.
sa la l a l a sal
18.daWhat d a (Pg-248)dasa d asa d a
a a a a a
w w.P19. Write the applications
w w.P of Satellite communication.
w w.P (Pg-248) ww.P ww.P
w w w w w
20. Give the merits and demerits of fibre optics communication. (Pg-249)
21. Write i . rg on RADAR. (Pg-249)
aOnote i . O rg i . O rg i . O rg
sal the applicationsdof l a l a l a l
a d aWrite a asaINTERNET. (Pg-251) a d asa a d asa a d asa
w.P ww
.P w.P w.P w.P
ww 23. Mention thewapplications of RADAR. ww(Pg-249,250) ww ww
24. Write the applications of mobile communication. (Pg-250)
Long Answerl a i .Org Questions (Book l a i Org
.Back): l a i .Org l a i .Org
asa is modulation? aExplain
1.adWhat d asa the types of modulation d a sa with necessaryddiagrams. a sa d a sal
a a a
w w.P (Pg-238-241) ww.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
2. Elaborate on the basic elements of communication system with the necessary block
diagram. i rg
.O(Pg-241-243) i .Org i .Org i .Org
l a
sa the three modes l a
sapropagation of electromagnetic sa l a l a
sa space. sal
a d a
Explain a d aof a d a waves d a
a a d a
w w.P (Pg-244-247) ww.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
4. What do you know about GPS? Write a few applications of GPS. (Pg-251)
i rg
.Oapplications i .O rg i rg
.Osectors. i .Org
5. Give lthe
a of ICT l ain mining and agriculturel a (Pg-251,252) l a
6. d a sa
Modulation helps to d a
sathe antenna size indawireless sa communication d a a
s–Explain.(Pg-244) d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P7. Fiber optic communicationw w.P is gaining w w.P
popularity among the w w.P transmission media
various w w.–P
w w w w w
justify. (Pg-248)rg rg rg rg
Additional l a i . OQuestions: l a i . O l a i . O l a i . O l

1. d asa Satellite communication
Explain a d asa also give a
its d asa
applications. (Pg-248) a d asa a d asa
w.P .P
ww communication also w.P ww
(Pg-248) www
ww 2. Explain fibre w optic ww write the merits andwdemerits.
3. Explain Mobile rg communication also
rg give its applications. rg(Pg-250)
l a i . O l a i. O l a i . O l a i .Org
4. Give
d a sa the applications of
a sa in Fisheries, mining
d a saand agriculture sectors.
d a sa (Pg-251,252)
d a sal
w w .P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w Short Answer w Questions (Book Back): w w w
1. Distinguish rgbetween Nanoscience rgand Nanotechnology. r(Pg-258)
l a i . O l a i . O l a i . O l a i .Org
2. What
d a sa is the difference between
d a sa Nano materials
a sa Bulk materials? (Pg-258)
d a sa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P3. Give any two examples w w.P for “Nano” in w nature.
w.P (Pg-259,260) ww.P w w.P
w 4. Mention any two w advantages and disadvantages w of Robotics.w(Pg-270) w
5. Why steelris g preferred in making rRobots?
g (Pg-270)
l a i . O l a i . O l a i .Org l a i .Org
6. What
d a sa are black holes? (Pg-279)
d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P7. What are sub atomic w w.Pparticles? (Pg-278*) w w.P w w.P w w.P
w Additional Questions: w w w w
1. What is O
i . rg
nanoparticles? (Pg-258)Org
i . i . O rg i . O rg
l the Interdisciplinary l a l a l a l
a asa
2. Mention
d a d asa nature of Nanotechnology.a d asa (Pg-258)
a d asa a d asa
w.P3. Explain the waywof w.P preparing the Nanomaterials. w.P (Pg-262) w.P w.P
ww 4. What is the Mimic w w w w w
in laboratories for the (i) single strand DNA (ii) morpho butterfly w w

l a .Org feathers (iv) Parrot

(iii) Peacock
i l a i
g and (v) Lotus leaf
.Orfish la i
.Orsurface (Pg-259,260).Org
5. What
d a s a is Robotics? (Pg-266)
d a sa
d a s a
d a s a
d a sal
a .Pa of industrial Robots. a a a
w w.P6. List out different w wtypes w w.P (Pg-266) w w.P w w.P
w 7. Write a note on w Artificial Intelligencewof Robots. (Pg-266) w w
8. Mentions i rg applications of Robots.
.Othe i .Org (Pg-267) i .Org i .Org
l a
sa a note on Nano robots.
9. dWrite l a
sa (Pg-267) sa l a sa l a sal
a d a da d a d a
.Pa .Pa and disadvantages .Pa .Pa .Pa
w ww 10. Mention the advantages w ww w ww of Robots. (Pg-268) w ww w ww
M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
Township, Cell:
sal Your Questions al ai.O
al al ai.O ai.O al
daSend da&s Answer Keys to our
dasemail id -
das das
sa lai. la i. alai
ada a d asa
a d a s 14
a d a
w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w 11. Write a notewon the recent advancement w in medical technology w includes w

la i .Orgreality (ii) Precision

(i) Virtual
la i
.Ormedicine (iii) Healthi.O
l a
wearables (iv) Artificial
l ai
d a sa3D printing (vi) Wireless
(v) d a sa brain sensors (vii) d a a
sRobotic surgery (viii)
d a a
sSmart inhalers d a sal
a a a a a
w w.P (Pg- 274-277)ww.P w w.P w w.P w w.P
w w w w w
12. What is particle physics? (Pg-278)
13. Whataiis . O rg
Cosmology? (Pg-279) i . O rg i . O rg i . O rg
sal a note on Gravitational l a l a l a l
a d aWrite a d asa waves. (Pg-279) a d asa a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww 15. What is Sagittarius ww A*? (Pg-279) ww ww ww
Long Answer Questions (Book Back):
1. Discuss i .O rgapplications of Nanomaterials
the i .Org in various .Org (Pg-263)
i i .Org
l a l a l a l a sal
asa are the possibleaharmful
2.adWhat d asa effects of usage d a saNanoparticles? Why?
of da a
s(Pg-264) d a
w.P3. Discuss the functions w.P of key components .Pa
win Robots? (Pg-267) w.P
w w w w w w w w w w
4. Elaborate any two types of Robots with relevant examples. (Pg-268)
.Oron .Org in medical diagnosis .Org and therapy. (Pg-273-277).Org
5. Commentl a i l a i
the recent advancement l a i l a i
d a sa
Additional Questions: d a sa d a sa d a sa d a sal
a Pa .Pa long before scientists a a
w w.P1. Explain Nanoscale w w.structures existed w
in w
nature w w.P began studying ww.P
w w w w w
them in laboratories. (Pg-259,260)
i .O rg i .Org i .Org i.Org
2. Explain
a l a Particle physics and
a l a
Cosmology. (Pg-278,279)
al a a l a al
ad as ada
s d as das ad as
w.P w . P w .Pa w. P a
ww ww ww ww ww
i.O rg i.O rg i.O rg i.Or
sala sala sala l a sal

s a
da da da da da
w.Pa w.Pa w .Pa w .Pa w.Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
i.O rg i.O rg i .Org i.O rg
a sala a sala a sa l a
a sala as al
w . Pad w. Pad w. Pad w. Pad w. Pad
ww ww ww ww ww
i.O rg i.O rg i .Org i .Or g
s a la s a l a sa la sa l a s al
a ada ada a ada
w. Pad w.P w .P w. Pad w .P
ww ww ww ww ww
i.O rg rg rg .Org
sala s a lai.O sala
sa l a i al
a ada a a as
w . Pad w.P w. Pad w. Pad w. Pad
ww w w ww ww ww
rg rg rg rg
s a lai.O sala
ada .Pa
da ada
w.P w w w w . P
ww ww ww ww ww
i.O rg i.O rg i.O rg i.O rg
a sala a sala da sala a sala as al
w. Pad w. Pad w .Pa w. Pad w. Pad
ww ww ww ww ww
i.O rg i.Org i .Or g
i.O rg
a l a a l a sa l a a la l
s a s a a s asa
w .P w. Pad w. Pad w. Pad w. P a d
ww ww ww ww ww
M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
Township, Cell:
sal Your Questions al ai.O
al al ai.O ai.O al
daSend da&s Answer Keys to our
dasemail id -
das das
ala i. la i. lai. lai. lai.
a d a s asa
a d ada
sa 1 das a
w.P w.P w. P w .P w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
IMPORTANT .O r g FIVE MARKS .O r g .O gr .Org
s a l a i
s a la i
s a l a i
s a l a i
s a lai.
da ada UNIT-6 GRAVITATION ada ada ada
.P1.aState and explain w . P . P . P . P
ww Kepler’s law. (Pg-2,3)
w w w w
ww ww ww ww
2. Discuss thegimportant features of the law of gravitation. (Pg-5,6)
i . O r i . O rg i rg
.O(Pg-13) i .Org .
3. Derive
a s a l a the expression for
a s a l a
gravitational potential
l a
s a a s a l a
a s alai
d Padthe surface of thewEarth, d d d
w .P4.aProve that at points w .near .Pa the gravitationalwpotential .Pa .Pa
energy of thewobject
ww is U = mgh w
(Pg-15) ww ww ww
5. Explain i Orgvariation of g with
.the i Org
.latitude, altitude, depth i .O rg the Earth’s surface.
from i
.Or(Pg-19-21) .
a s a l a
a s a l a
a s a l a
a s a l a
a s alai
6. Derive an expression for d escape speed. (Pg-22) d d d
w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa
ww 7. Derive the time wwperiod of satellite orbiting ww the Earth. (Pg-24)ww ww
. rg
8. Derive an expression
O for energy ofrgsatellite. (Pg-25)
. O . O rg . O rg
s a
9. Discuss a i
l the apparent weight s a a i
lof man standing inside s a a i
lthe elevators. (Pg-28) s a l a i
s a lai.
. P ada . P ada . P ada . P ada . P ada
w ww w w ww
ww 10. Explain howwgeocentric theory is replaced
ww by heliocentric theory ww using the idea of wretrograde
motion of planets. (Pg-31)
.Otherg measurement of Earth’s .Org shadow (umbra) .Org during total lunar Org (Pg-35)
11. Describe
s a l a i
s a l a i
s a l a iradius
s a l a i
s a lai.
da da da OF MATTERPada da
w .Pa w .Pa UNIT-7 PROPERTIES w .Pa w . w .Pa
ww 1. State Hooke’swlaw w and verify it with the wwhelp of an experiment. ww (Pg-54) ww

.Orgdifferent types oflamodulus .Org of elasticity. la .Org .Org
2. Explain the (Pg-55,57)
i i i i .
3. Derive
l a
a an expression forathe s a elastic energy stored a s a unit volume of a awire.
per s l a
a (Pg-59) a s alai
d d d Paadhigh viscous fluidw.using Pad
w .P4.aDerive the expression w .Pafor the terminal velocity w .Pa of a sphere moving w .in
ww ww ww ww ww
stokes force.g (Pg-69)
a i .Or a i Org
.the a i .Org per second through a i .Orga pipe under lai.
5. Derivea l Poiseuille’s formula a for
l volume of a liquid
a l flowing a l a
P a das P a das P a das P a das P a das
w. streamlined flow. .
w(Pg-70) w. w. w.
ww ww ww ww ww
6. What is capillarity? Obtain an expression for the surface tension of a liquid by capillary rise
. O rg . O rg . O rg . O rg
s a l a i (Pg-80)
s a l a i
s a l a i
s a l a i
s a lai.
a and prove Bernoulli’s
7.adState ada theorem for a .flow adaof incompressible,.Pnon-viscous,
ada and ada
w . P w . P w P w w .P
ww streamlined flow ww of fluid. (Pg-83) ww ww ww
1. Explain l a i . O
in detail the thermal l a i . O
expansion. (Pg-102) l a i .Org l a i .Org lai.
s a s a s a s a s a
da adaderive an expression da ada two thermodynamic da
w .P2.aExplain Calorimetry w .Pand w .Pa for final temperature w .Pwhen w .Pa
ww systems are w w
mixed. (Pg-106) ww ww ww
3. Discuss various rg modes of heatitransfer. rg (Pg-107)
i . O . O i .Org i .Org .
4. Explain
a s a l a in detail Newton’s
a s law
a l a of cooling. (Pg-109)
a s a la
a s a l a
a s alai
d d d d d
w .P5.aDerive the work done w .Pain an isothermal process. w .Pa (Pg-126) w .Pa w .Pa
ww 6. Derive the work wwdone in an adiabatic wprocess. w (Pg-130) ww ww
7. Explain in
. O g
rdetail Carnot heat engine.
. O rg (Pg-144) .Org .Org
l a i l a i l a i l a i lai.
8. Explain in detail the asa
of a refrigerator.
ad asa
ad asa asa
.P .P w.P .P .P
w ww w ww w w w ww w ww

i O rg M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
i .O rg Township, i . O
Cell:rg 9487380576,8667656700
i . O rg i.
al a al a al a ala ala
a das das
a & Answer Keys .toa a das a das da s
w.P w.P
Send Your Questions w P our email id -
w.P w.P
ala i. la i. lai. lai. lai.
a d a s asa
a d ada
sa 2 das a
w.P w.P w. P w .P w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
i.O rg UNIT-9 rg
.OOF .Org
sala s a la i
s a l a i
s a l a i
s a lai.
1. Derive the expressionaof dapressure exerted by dagas on the walls of
athe dacontainer. (Pg-165)
athe ada
w .P2.aDescribe the totalwdegrees .P of freedomwfor w . P w . P w . P
ww ww w monoatomic molecule, ww diatomic moleculewand w
triatomic molecule. (Pg-174)
3. Explain .in g
Ordetail .Org
the MaxwelllaBoltzmann distribution .Org
function. (Pg-172) lai.Or
g .
a l a i a i a l a i a alai
d a s a s
d mean free path ofPthe a s a s a s
4. Derive
the expressionafor
.P . ad gas. (Pg-177) . Pad . Pad
w w w w w
UNIT-10 ww
1. Discuss the simple pendulum in detail. (Pg-207)
i rg vertical oscillations
.Othe i rg a spring. (Pg-201)i.Org
.Oof i .Org .
2. Describe
a s a l a
a s a l a
a sa l a
a s a l a
a s alai
3. Discuss d in simple harmonic
in detail thePenergy d motion. (Pg-210) Pad d
w .Pa w . a w .Pa w . w .Pa
ww ww ww
UNIT-11 WAVES ww ww
g g g g T
i.Orthe velocity of a travelling
1. Show that
ala i.Or wave produced in
ala i.Oar string is v = √μ (Pg-232)
ala i.Or ala ala i.
d a s d a s d a s d a s d a s
.P 2.aDerive an expression .Pafor Velocity of longitudinal
.Pa .Pa medium. (Pg-233)
waves in an elastic .Pa
w ww 3. Discuss the Factors
ww affecting speed ofwsoundw w
in gases. ww
(a) Effect rof
g pressure (b) Effect ofrgtemperature (c) Effectrgof density rg
l ai.O
saEffect sal ai.O ai.O
sal (Pg-237) ai.O
sal salai.
a of moisture (humidity)
da (e) Effect ofdwind
a d a d a
a a .Pa Pa sound waves. (Pg-248) a
w w.P4. Obtain the equations w w.Pfor constructive and w wdestructive interferencew w.for w w.P
w w w w w

5. Explain how overtones are produced in a (a) Closed organ pipe (b) Open organ pipe (Pg-261)
6. What is i Org by Doppler effect?
.meant i
.OrDiscuss the following i
.Orcases i .Org .
a s
l a
a Source in motion and a s l a
aObserver at rest asa l a
a s a l a
a s alai
d ad ad d d
w .Pa (a) Source moves w .Ptowards observer w .PSource
(b) moves away w .Pa the observer
from w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
(2) Observer in motion and Source at rest.
.Org moves towards
(a) lObserver
i i .Org (b) Observer lresides
Source i .Org away from the Source i .Org .
a s
a Both are in motion a(a) s l a
aSource and Observerasapproach a a
each other a
(b) s a l a
Source and Observer a s alai
d d d d d
w .Pa resides from w .Pa other (c) Source chases
each w .Pa Observer (d) Observer w .Pa chases Source (Pg-267) w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
. O rg . O rg . O rg . O rg
s a la i
s a l a i
s a l a i
s a lai.
1.adExplain how Newtonaarrivedda ada
at his law of gravitation from Kepler’s adathird law or Newton’s ada
w . P w . P w . P w . P w .P
ww inverse square wwlaw? (Pg-6) ww ww ww
2. Explain how Newton verified his law of gravitation. (Pg-*)
.in .Org .Oanrg example. (Pg-29)i.Org
3. Explain
s a l a i the idea of
s a l i
a using
a l a i
s a la s a lai.
da adga with latitude. (Pg-21) da da da
w .P4.aExplain the variation w .Pof w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa
ww 5. Explain the variation ww of g with altitude. ww(Pg-19) ww ww
6. Explain thegvariation of g with depth
i . O r i . O rg from the Earth’si.surface. O rg (Pg-20) i .Org .
7. Derive
a s a l aan expression for
s a l a velocity of satellite.
a s a l a(Pg-24)
a s a l a
a s alai
d d PadEarth. (Pg-24) w.Pad d
w .P8.aDerive the time period w .Paof satellite orbiting w .the w .Pa
ww 9. Derive an expression ww for energy of satellite.ww (Pg-25) ww ww
10. Explain inrgdetail the geostationary rg and polar satellites. (Pg-26)
i . O i . O i . O i.Org .
11. Explain
a s a l a in detail the
a s a l
Eratosthenesa method of finding
a s a la the radius of Earth.
a s a l a
a s alai
adDescribe the measurement
.P12. .Pa
d of Earth’s shadow d
.Pa (umbra) radius during
.Pa total lunar eclipsew.Pa
w w w w
ww (Pg-35) ww ww ww ww
i O rg M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
i .O rg Township, i . O
Cell:rg 9487380576,8667656700
i . O rg i.
al a al a al a ala ala
a das das
a & Answer Keys .toa a das a das da s
w.P w.P
Send Your Questions w P our email id -
w.P w.P
ala i. la i. lai. lai. lai.
a d a s asa
a d ada
sa 3 das a
w.P w.P w. P w .P w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
la i .Org law and verifylaiti.O
1. State Hooke’s rg the help of an experiment.
l a i .Org (Pg-54)
l ai .Org lai.
s a s a s a s a s a
2. Derive an equation for a total pressure at a adepth
dthe da ‘h’ below the liquid dasurface. (Pg-61) Pada
w .Pa w .Pa w .P w .Pa w.
ww 3. State and prove ww w
Pascal’s law in fluids.w(Pg-63) ww ww
i . rg Archimedes lprinciple.
4. State andOprove
i .Org (Pg-64) i .Org i .Org .
5. Explain
l a
a coefficient of viscosity. a s a
a (Pg-66) a s a l a
a s a l a
a s alai
d d d d d
w .P6.a Write stoke’s lawwand .Paits applications. (Pg-70) w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
7. How is surface g tension related to surface g energy? (Pg-75)g
i O r
. between cohesivelaand i O r
. adhesive forces. (Pg-72) i .Or i .Org .
a s l a
8. Distinguish
a a s a a s a l a
a s a l a
a s alai
d ad the excess of pressure d d d
w .P9.aObtain an expression w .Pfor w .Pa inside a i) liquidwdrop .Pa ii) liquid bubble w.Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
iii) air bubble. (Pg-77)
. O g
requation . O rg a flow of fluid on ithe . O g of conservation.Oofrgmass.(Pg-82)
10. Obtain
s a l a i an of continuity
s a l a i for
s a l a s a lai s a lai.
11. the applications ada of Bernoulli’s theorem. ada (Pg-84) ada ada
w . P . P . P . P . P
ww 12. Describe the w ww
construction and working w
wwof venturimeter and w ww an equation for the
obtain w
of liquid flowing per second through a wider entry of the tube. (Pg-85)
l a i .Org UNIT-8 l a i Org AND THERMODYNAMICS
.HEAT l a i .Org l a i .Org lai.
s a s a s a s a s a
da da of the mechanical da Pad
a da
w .P1.aExplain Joule’s Experiment w .Pa w .Pa equivalent of heat. w .(Pg-117) w .Pa
ww 2. Derive the expression ww for the work done ww
in a volume change inwaw ww
thermodynamic system.(Pg-121)

3. Derive Mayer’s rg relation for ani.ideal rg gas. (Pg-124) i.Org
i . O O i .Org .
4. Explain
a s a l a in detail the isothermal
a s a l a process. (Pg-124)
a s a l a
a s a l a
a s alai
d ad d d d
w .P5.aExplain in detail an w .Padiabatic process. (Pg-128)
w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa
ww 6. Explain the isobaric ww process and derive wwthe work done in thiswprocess. w (Pg-132) ww
7. Explain in rdetail g the isochoric process. rg (Pg-134)
i . O i . O i .Org (Pg-140) i .Org .
8. What
a s a l a
are the limitations of
a s a l
the a first law of l
a s a a
a s a l a
a s alai
d d d d d
w .P9.aExplain the heat engine w .Pa and obtain its efficiency. w .Pa (Pg-143) w .Pa w .Pa
ww 10. Derive the expression ww for Carnot engine ww efficiency. (Pg-148) ww ww
11. ExplainOthe
. rg second law of thermodynamics. O rg rg
in terms ofOentropy.
(Pg-149) Org
s a l a i UNIT-9
s a l a i KINETIC THEORYs a l a i OF GASES s a lai. s a lai.
P da down the postulates
aWrite P ada of kinetic theory.Pofadgases. a
P ada P ada
w . 1. w . w (Pg-164) w . w .
ww 2. Explain in detail wwthe kinetic interpretation ww of temperature. (Pg-167) ww ww
3. Explain .rms
l a i Orgspeed, average speed l a i .Orandg most probable speed
l a i .Org of a gas molecule. l a i rg
.O(Pg-169) lai.
4. Derive
s a an expression for thes arelation between the a
s kinetic energy ands apressure? (Pg-168) s a
da da da da da
w .P5.aState and Explainwthe .Palaw of equipartitionwof .Paenergy. (Pg-175) w.Pa w .Pa
ww 6. Deduce Charles’ wwlaw based on kineticwtheory. w
(Pg-169) ww ww
7. Deducei.Boyle’s Org law based onlakinetic i .Org theory. (Pg-169) i .Org i .Org .
8. Deduce
a s l a
a Avogadro’s law abased s a on kinetic a l a
a s a l a
a salai
d d d d d
w .P9.aDerive the ratio ofwtwo .Pa specific heat capacities w .Pa of monoatomic, diatomic w .Pa and triatomic w.Pa
ww molecules. (Pg-176) ww ww ww ww
g rg g g
10. Describe
ala i.Orthe Brownian motion. ala i.O(Pg-179) ala i.Or ala i.Or ala i.
as as das as as
w. Pad w. Pad w . P a
w. Pad w. Pad
ww ww ww ww ww
i O rg M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
i .O rg Township, i . O
Cell:rg 9487380576,8667656700
i . O rg i.
al a al a al a ala ala
a das das
a & Answer Keys .toa a das a das da s
w.P w.P
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w.P w.P
ala i. la i. lai. lai. lai.
a d a s asa
a d ada
sa 4 das a
w.P w.P w. P w .P w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
1. What is
la i Org by angular harmonic
.meant la i .Orgoscillation?. Compute
l a i .Orgthe time period oflaangular
i .Org harmonic lai.
a asa
d (Pg-198) adasa ad asa a d asa a d asa
w.P w.P w.P .P
wwangular simple harmonicw.P
ww 2. Write down the difference
ww between simple
ww harmonic motionwand ww
motion. (Pg-199)
3. Explain i Orghorizontal oscillations
.the i .Orgof a spring. (Pg-200) i .Org i .Org .
a s a l a
a sa l a
a s a l a
a s a l a
a s alai
4. dExplain (i) Springs connected
Pad Pad Pad Pad
in series (ii) Springs connected in parallel (Pg-203,205)
w .P5.aWrite short notes w . w . w . w .
ww ww on the oscillations of wwliquid column in U-tube. ww (Pg-210) ww
6. Explain in detail the four different types of oscillations. (Pg-213)
i .Org i.OrgUNIT-11 WAVES i .Org i .Org .
a s a l a
a s a l a
a sa l a
a s a l a
a s alai
1. Discuss how ripplesPare dformed in still water. d
(Pg-225) d d
w .Pa w . a w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa
ww 2. Describe the formation ww of beats. (Pg-252) ww ww ww
3. What are stationary g waves? Explain g the formation of stationary g waves and also write g down
. O r . O r . O r . O r
s lai
the acharacteristics of stationary
s a lai waves. (Pg-255) salai s a lai s a lai.
P da
4.aDiscuss ada vibrations in .stretched
the law of transverse
P P ada strings. (Pg-259) P ada P ada
w . w . w w . .
ww 5. What is a sonometer ww ? Give its construction ww and working. Explain ww how to determinewthe ww
frequency of rg tuning fork usingi.sonometer.rg (Pg-256)
6. Explain l a i . O
intensity and loudness.l a O
(Pg-260) l a i .Org l a i .Org lai.
s a s a s a s a s a
da da da da da
w .P7.aExplain end correction w .Pa in resonance air column w .Pa apparatus? (Pg-265) w .Pa w .Pa
ww 8. Briefly explainwthe w difference between wwtravelling waves and w w
standing waves. (Pg-256) ww

9. Describe Newton’s rg formula for velocity rg of sound waves ring air and also discuss the rg Laplace’s
i . O i . O i . O i . O i.
sala (Pg-236)
correction. sala sala sala sala
Pada a da a da a da a da
w . w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww w w ww ww ww

a i .Org i.O rg i .Org lai.O

a l sala sa l a s a sa
.Pa .P ada .P ada Pad
a ada
w w w w . w.P
ww ww ww ww w w
rg rg rg i.Or
s a lai.O sal a i . O
s a l a s a lai.
ada .Pa
da a da a da ada
w.P w w.P w.P ww
ww ww ww ww w
i.O rg i.Or
i.O rg i .Org i.
sala s a l a sala sa l a
.P ada ada ada ada .Pa
ww w.P ww
.P w
w ww w w ww
i.Org i.Org i .Org i.Org .
s a l a s a l a sa la s a l a salai
ada ada ada ada .Pa
d a
w.P w.P w.P w.P w
ww ww ww ww ww
i.O rg i.O rg i.O rg i.O rg .
sala sala sala sala s alai
.P ada .P ada ada ada ad a
w w w.P w .P w .P
ww ww w w ww ww
i O rg M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
i .O rg Township, i . O
Cell:rg 9487380576,8667656700
i . O rg i.
al a al a al a ala ala
a das das
a & Answer Keys .toa a das a das da s
w.P w.P
Send Your Questions w P our email id -
w.P w.P
ala i. la i. lai. lai. lai.
a d a s asa
a d ada
sa 5 das a
w.P w.P w. P w .P w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
i.O rg .O rg
sala s a la i
s a l a i
s a l a i
s a lai.
1. dState
a Kepler’s three laws.
.P2.aState Newton’s Universal
.Pa law of gravitation. ada
.P(Pg-4) .Pa
w w w w w
ww ww ww ww ww
3. Define the gravitational
g field. Give its g unit. (Pg-10)
i . O r i . Or i .Org i .Org .
4. Define
a s a l agravitational potential
a sa l a
energy. (Pg-14)
a s a l a
a s a l a
a s alai
d Pad d d d
w .P5.aDefine gravitational w .potential. (Pg-16)
w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa
ww 6. What is the difference ww between gravitationalww potential and gravitationalww potential energy? ww
i .O i.Org i .Org i .Org .
7. What
a s l a
a is meant by escape speed a s l a
a in the case of the Earth? a s l a
a (Pg-22) a s a l a
a s alai
d d ad negative? (Pg-26) d d
w .P8.aWhy is the energywof.Paasatellite (or any other w .Pplanet) w .Pa w .Pa
ww 9. What are geostationary ww and polar satellites? ww (Pg-26,27) ww ww
10. Definei.weight.
O rg (Pg-27) . O rg . O rg . O rg
s a l a s a l a i
s a l a i
s a l a i
s a lai.
. P ada
Additional Questions: ada
. P . P ada . P ada . P ada
w w w ww answer. (Pg-6) www
ww 11. Will the angular wwmomentum of a planet wwbe conserved? Justifywyour
12. What is meant by superposition of ggravitational field? (Pg-12)
. O rg .O r .Org(Pg-*) .Org
a l a i
13. Isspotential energy the l
s a a i of a single object? s l a i
a s a l a i
s a lai.
da da da da da
w .Pa Potential energy
w .Pa is a property of a wsystem .Pa rational than of w .Pa object due to itsw.Pa
a single
ww physical position. ww Because gravitational wwpotential energy depends ww on relative position.ww

So, a reference rg level at which toi.O setrgthe potential energy equal rg to zero.
i . O i . O i .Org .
14. Why
a s a l a
is there no lunar eclipse
a s a l aand solar eclipse every
a s a l a
month? (Pg-37)
a s a l a
a s alai
adHow will you prove.Pthat
.P15. ad Earth itself is spinning? d
.Pa (Pg-38) .Pa
w w w w w
ww 16. What is acceleration ww due to gravity. (Pg-19) ww ww ww
17. What is called
i . O rg Geo-centric theory? i . O rg(Pg-2) i .Org i .Org .
18. What
a s a l ais Heliocentric theory?
a s a l a
(Pg-2) a s a l a
a s a l a
a s alai
adDefine orbital velocity
.Pa of a satellite. (Pg-24) .Pa
w w w w w
ww 20. Define Time w w of a satellite. (Pg-24)
period ww ww ww
21. Write a O
. rg on weightlessness?
. O rg
. O rg . O rg
22. Thes a l a i
astronauts in space a
s a i
l experience weightlessness. s a l a i
Why? (Pg-29) s a l a i
s a lai.
adWhat ada motion” of planets. a
ad(Pg-31) ada ada
w . P
23. is called w . P
“retrograde w . P w . P w .P
1. Define stress
l a i .Org and strain. (Pg-52,53) l a i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org lai.
2. State
s aHooke’s law of a
s (Pg-54) s a s a s a
da da da da da
w .P3.aDefine Poisson’s ratio. w .Pa(Pg-58) w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
4. Which one of g these is more elastic, steel g or rubber? Why? (Pg-60)
5. State Pascal’s
i . O r law in fluids. (Pg-63) i . O r i .Org i .Org .
a s a l a
a s a l a
a s a la
a s a l a
a s alai
d d (Pg-64) d d d
w .P6.aState Archimedes principle.w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa
ww 7. State the law ofwfloatation.w (Pg-64) ww ww ww
8. Define coefficient
i . O rg of viscosity of a rliquid.
i . O g (Pg-66)
i .Org i .Org .
a s a l a
coefficient of viscosity a s l a l a
isadefined as the forceaofsaviscosity acting between a s l a
a two layers per a s alai
d d d ad d
w .Paunit area and unit velocity w .Pa gradient of the liquid. w .Pa Its unit is Nsm-2 and w .Pdimension is [ML-1Tw-1.].Pa
ww 9. Distinguish between ww streamlined flow w w
and turbulent flow. (Pg-67) ww ww
i O rg M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
i .O rg Township, i . O
Cell:rg 9487380576,8667656700
i . O rg i.
al a al a al a ala ala
a das das
a & Answer Keys .toa a das a das da s
w.P w.P
Send Your Questions w P our email id -
w.P w.P
ala i. la i. lai. lai. lai.
a d a s asa
a d ada
sa 6 das a
w.P w.P w. P w .P w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
10. What is Reynold’s number? Give its significance. (Pg-68)
11. Define a i Org
.terminal velocity. (Pg-69) a i .Org a i .Org a i .Org i.
asa Bernoulli’s theorem. a l
as(Pg-83) asa
l ala
a d State a d a d a d a das
w.P w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww 13. Two streamlines ww cannot cross each other. ww Why? (Pg-67) ww ww
14. Define surface rg tension of a liquid. rgMention its S.I unit andrgdimension. (Pg-74) rg
l a i . O l a i . O l a i.O l a i.O lai.
15. Define
a viscosity. (Pg-65) a a a sa
adDefine as
adfor ada
w . P
16. angle of w . P
contact a given pair of
w P
. and liquid. (Pg-76)
w . P w.P
ww 17. Distinguish between ww cohesive and adhesive ww forces. (Pg-72) ww ww
18. What are rg factors affecting the
.Othe g
.Orsurface tension of a liquid?.Org (Pg-73,74) lai.Org
l a i l a i l a i lai.
asa do you mean byacapillarity
a das
a or capillary action?
das (Pg-79) a das
w. P . P w. P w. P .P
ww 20. What is calledwdeformingww force? (Pg-51) ww ww ww
21. Define elasticity. (Pg-51)
22. Whatlaisi.O rg restoring force?i.(Pg-52)
called O rg i . O rg i . O rg i.
l a l a l a ala
a d asa plasticity. (Pg-51)
Define a d asa a d asa a d asa a d a s
w.P .P
ww (Pg-53) w.P w.P ww
ww 24. Define elasticwlimit. ww ww w
25. Define modulus of elasticity. (Pg-55)
. O rg .Org .Org .Org i.
26. Definel a i Young’s modulus. (Pg-55)
l a i l a i l a i ala
a d asa Bulk modulus.a(Pg-56) d asa a d asa a d asa das
27. Define
w.P w.P w.P w .Pa
ww 28. Define Rigidity wwmodulus. (Pg-57) ww ww ww

29. Define compressibility.
rg (Pg-56) rg
30. Give l a i
the . Oapplications of l a i
elasticity. .O (Pg-59) l a i .Org l a i .Org lai.
31. d asa Relative density
Define a d asa
(specific gravity). a d
(Pg-60) asa a d asa ada
w.P w.P w.P w.P w.P
ww 32. Give the applications ww of viscosity. (Pg-71) ww ww ww
33. Give somergexamples for surface tension. rg (Pg-72,73)
34. Give l a i
the . O
practical application l a i
of . O
angle of contact. l a
(Pg-76)i .Org l a i .Org lai.
a asa
dGive a
das of capillarity.P(Pg-80) a das
a das
w. P
35. the practical P
w. w. w. P w.P
ww 36. Give the applications ww of surface tension. ww(Pg-81) ww w w
Additional O
. rg
. O rg . O rg . O rg
l a i al a i l a i l a i lai.
a asa longitudinal stress.
a d as(Pg-52) a d asa a d asa ada s a
w.P38. Define shearingwstress. w.P (Pg-52) w.P w.P ww
ww 39. Define bulk stress w or volume stress. (Pg-53) ww ww w

a Org
40. Definei.longitudinal strain. Give
a i .Oitsrgtypes. (Pg-53) lai.Org a i .Org i.
asa shearing asa
asa asa
l ala
a a d a d das
w.P42. Define bulk strain .Pvolume strain. (Pg-53)
wor w.P w.P w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
43. What is the importance of Young’s modulus. (Pg-56)
44. Whatlaisi.O rgimportance of Bulki.O
the rg
modulus. (Pg-56) lai.Org i .Org .
45. asa is the importance
What a l a
of modulus. a asa
(Pg-57) asa
l a
a salai
a d a d d a d d
w.P .P w.P w.P .Pa
ww 46. What is calledwfluids. ww (Pg-60) ww ww ww
47. Define pressure of fluids. (Pg-60)
i Org
.atmospheric i .Org i .Org i .Org .
48. Definel a
asa density of fluids.
sa a la a l a alai
P a dDefine P a da(Pg-60) P adas P a das ad a s
w. . . w. .P
ww 50. Define spherewof ww influence. (Pg-72) www ww ww

i O rg M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
i .O rg Township, i . O
Cell:rg 9487380576,8667656700
i . O rg i.
al a al a al a ala ala
a das das
a & Answer Keys .toa a das a das da s
w.P w.P
Send Your Questions w P our email id -
w.P w.P
ala i. la i. lai. lai. lai.
a d a s asa
a d ada
sa 7 das a
w.P w.P w. P w .P w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
51. Define capillarity. (Pg-79)
52. Why athe rg of hut or house isi.O
.Oroof rg off during windi.storm?
blown Org (Pg-84) .Org
s a l i
s a la s a l a s a l a i
s a lai.
a a
is the principle da
involved in the
.Pa burner. (Pg-85) w.Pa
Aerofoil da
lift. (Pg-85)
w Write a note on w
Bunsen w w
ww 55. What is calledwVenturimeter?
ww ww ww
56. Explaini.O rg
elasticity using intermolecular
i .Org forces. (Pg-51) i .Org i .Org .
a a l a
sspring balance showsda wrong l a
sa readings after using a s l a
afor a long time. Why? a s a l a
(Pg-*) a s alai
w .Pa When the springwbalances .Pa have been w
used Pada long time they develop
.for w
.Pa elastic fatigue inwn.Pa
ww them and therefore ww the reading shownwby w
such balances will be wwwrong. ww
58. What isi.O rgeffect of temperature
the i .Oon rg elasticity? (Pg-*) i.Org i .Org .
a sthel a
a temperature of theasubstance s a l a increases, its s a l a
a decreases. a s a l a
a s alai
adWrite down the expression
.P59. .Pa
for the elastic .Pa
potential energy of a stretched
.Pa wire. (Pg-59) w.Pa
w w w w
ww 60. What do you w w
mean by upthrust or buoyancy? ww (Pg-64) ww ww
61. Write down . O rg the expression fori.the O rgStoke’s force and explain . O rg the symbols involved .O rgin it. (Pg-70)
s a a i
l are the energies possessed s a a
l by a liquid? Writesadown l a i
s a l a i
s a lai.
. P a a
. Pada . P ada their
. P ada
equations. (Pg-82)
. P ada
w ww ww bubble when air iswblown ww into it? (Pg-*) www
ww 63. What happenswto the pressure inside awsoap
When air is blown in to the soap bubble, the radius of the bubble is increased. So that the
excess l a i .Org inside it decreases.
pressure l a i .Org l a i .Org l a i.Org lai.
s a
a drop of oil placed on s a
a surface of water spreads s a s a s a
64.dA dthe da out. But a dropPofadwater a place on oil da
w .Pa contracts to a spherical w .Pa shape. Why? (Pg-*) w .Pa w . w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
 A drop of oil placed on the surface of water spreads because the force of adhesion



d a

d a




.Org water and oillamolecules
a On the other hand,ascohesive
between ww

.P2. Obtain an ideal gaswlaw

4. Defineaspecific O
3. Define one mole. (Pg-98)

aobject contains more aheat’-
d s

l a

.Org dominates the
.Paand oil molecules. So
65. State the principle and usage of Venturimeter. (Pg-85)
.Org .O
.Pafrom Boyle’s and w

rg heat capacity and O

force of water

a is it a right statement?
d a

a l



ad molecules dominates
.Pdrop of water

on oil

a If not why? (Pg-96)

.Pa law. (Pg-97) w.Pa

rg its unit. (Pg-100)i.Org







force of oil molecules.
dthe adhesive force Pad
.Pa to a spherical shape.


O rg


w .Pa


a lai.


l i . l a i . l a l a i . lai.
s a s a s a s a s a
P da
5.aDefine molar specific heat
P ada capacity. (Pg-101) P ada P ada P ada
w 6. What is a thermalww .
expansion? (Pg-102) ww . w . w .
ww w w ww ww
7. Give the expressions for linear, area and volume thermal expansions. (Pg-103)
8. Define latent
l a i .Org heat capacity. Give l a i .Oitsrgunit. (Pg-105)
l a i .Org l a i .Org lai.
9. State a Stefan-Boltzmann s
law. a(Pg-111) s a s a s a
.Pa(Pg-111) .Pa
w What is Wien’s law?
w w w w
ww 11. Define thermal wwconductivity. Give itswunit. w
(Pg-107) ww ww
12. What isi.O g body? (Pg-*) .OArgsurface that absorbs .all
a rblack g
Orradiant energy falling rgit.
.Oon .
l a
a term arises becauseaincident a l a i l a i
a absorbed rather thanareflected,a l a i alai
d a s
The d s visible light will
d a s
be d s and therefored a s
w .Pa the surface will wappear .Pa black. The concept w .Paof such a perfect absorber w .Pa of energy is extremely w .Pa
ww w
useful in thewstudy of radiation phenomena. ww ww ww
13. What isi.O g
a rthermodynamic system? .OrgGive examples. (Pg-113) .Org .Org .
l a
a are the different types l a i
aof thermodynamic systems? a la i a l a i alai
14. a s
What a s a s (Pg-113,114) a s a s
.P15. . Pad . Pad . Pad . Pad
w What is meantwby w
w ‘thermal equilibrium’? w w w
ww ww (Pg-113) ww ww
i O rg M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
i .O rg Township, i . O
Cell:rg 9487380576,8667656700
i . O rg i.
al a al a al a ala ala
a das das
a & Answer Keys .toa a das a das da s
w.P w.P
Send Your Questions w P our email id -
w.P w.P
ala i. la i. lai. lai. lai.
a d a s asa
a d ada
sa 8 das a
w.P w.P w. P w .P w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
16. What is mean by state variable? Give example. (Pg-114)
.Ointensive rg
.Ovariables? .Org (Pg-114) .Org
17. Whatlaare
s a i and extensive
s a l a i Give examples.
s a l a i
s a l a i
s a lai.
adWhat a Give an example.
is an equation.Pofadstate? da da da
w .P18. w w .Pa (Pg-114) w .Pa w .Pa
ww 19. State Zeroth law ww of thermodynamics.w(Pg-115) w ww ww
20. Define the
i .Orginternal energy oflathe i rg
.Osystem. (Pg-116)
i .Org i .Org .
l a
sainternal energy andda sa energy the same? dExplain.
heat a
l a
sa (Pg-117) Notedasa l a
a s alai
a a d
w .P22. Define one w
calorie. .P(Pg-118) w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
23. Did joule converted mechanical energy to heat energy? Explain. (Pg-118)
i rg
.Ofirst i .Org (Pg-119) i .Org i .Org .
24. State
a s a l athe law of
a s a l a
a s a l a
a s a l a
a s alai
adCan we measure the.Ptemperature
.P25. ad d
.Paby touching it? (Pg-116)
of the object d
.Pa Activity .Pa
w w w w w
ww 26. Give the signwconvention w
for Q and W. ww (Pg-119) ww ww
27. Definei.the O rgquasi-static process.i.O rg
(Pg-120) . O rg .O rg
s a l a s a l a s a l a i
s a l a i
s a lai.
28. a the expression for
adGive a done by the gas.a(Pg-121)
adwork da ada ada
w . P . P
w (Pg-122) w . P w . P w . P
ww 29. What is PV diagram? ww ww ww ww
30. Explain why rg the specific heati.Ocapacity rg at constant pressure rg is greater thani.the rgspecific heat
capacity i . O
la at constant volume. la(Pg-123) la i . O la O lai.
a s a s a s a s a s a
.P31. the equationwof ada for an isothermal.Pprocess.
.Pstate ada (Pg-125) .Pa
w w w w
ww 32. Give an expression ww for work done in an wwisothermal process. (Pg-126) ww ww

33. Express i rgchange in internal ienergy
.Othe .Org in terms of molar i .O rg
specific heat capacity. i Org
.(Pg-124) .
a s a l a
a s a l a
a s a l a
a s al a
a s alai
34.dApply first law for (a)aan d isothermal (b) adiabatic d (c) isobaric processes. d (Pg-125,128,135) Pad
w .Pa w .P w .Pa w .Pa w.
ww 35. Give the equation ww of state for an adiabatic ww process. (Pg-129) ww ww
36. Give an equation rg state for an isochoric rg process. (Pg-135)
a i . O a i . O a i .Org a i .Org i.
37. If
a s l
a piston of a container
the a s l
a is pushed fast inward. a s l
a Will the ideal gas equation
a s a l be valid in theasala
d d d d d
w .Pa intermediate stage? w .PIfa not, why? (Pg-120*) w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa
ww 38. Draw the PV w w
diagram for a) Isothermal wwprocess (Pg-125) b) wwAdiabatic process(Pg-129) ww
. O rg c) isobaric
. O rg process (Pg-132) . O rg d) Isochoric process . O rg
s a la i
s al a i
s a l a i
s a l a i
s a lai.
39. is a cyclic process? ada (Pg-138) ada ada ada
w . P . P . P . P . P
ww 40. What is meantwby wwa reversible and irreversibleww
w processes? (Pg-141)
41. State Clausius form of the second rlaw of thermodynamics.rg(Pg-141)
l a i .Org l ai .O g l a i .O l a i .Org lai.
42. State
s a Kelvin-Planck statement
s a of second law of a
s (Pg-144) s a s a
.P43. ada
.P(Pg-142) .Pa
w Define heat w
engine. w w w
ww ww ww ww ww
44. What are processes involves in a Carnot engine? (Pg-145)
i.O rg .Org .Orgin a cyclic process? .O rg
45. Canalthe a given heat energy be a l a i
completely converted ato
l a i
work a l a i If not, when can alai.
a s a s a s a s s
. P ad the heat can completely . P ad converted to work? . P d
a Note
.P ad . Pada
w w w ww w
ww 46. State the second wwlaw of thermodynamics ww in terms of entropy. w (Pg-150) ww
47. Why doesrheat
. O g flow from a hot.O rg to a cold object?i.(Pg-150)
Org .Org
l a i l a i la l a i lai.
asa the coefficient ofaperformance.
48. Define
ad ad
sa (Pg-151) asa
ad ad asa asa
.P .P w.P .P .P
w ww w ww w w w ww w ww

i O rg M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
i .O rg Township, i . O
Cell:rg 9487380576,8667656700
i . O rg i.
al a al a al a ala ala
a das das
a & Answer Keys .toa a das a das da s
w.P w.P
Send Your Questions w P our email id -
w.P w.P
ala i. la i. lai. lai. lai.
a d a s asa
a d ada
sa 9 das a
w.P w.P w. P w .P w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
Additional Questions:
49. Whatlaisi.O rg .Org .Org .Org
s a
s a i
l a s a l a i
s a l a i
s a lai.
adWhat da da da da
w .P50. .Pa (Pg-95)
is meant by heating.
w w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa
ww 51. What is meantwby w work? Explain withwexample. w (Pg-96) ww ww
52. What is meant rg by Temperature.i.O Give
rg its unit. (Pg-96) i.Org
i . O i .Org .
53. Define
a s a l a Avogadro’s number.
a sa l a
a s a l a
a s a l a
a s alai
adDefine heat capacity.
.Pa(Pg-100) .Pa
w w w w w
ww 55. What is anomalous ww expansion of water. ww(Pg-104) ww ww
56. Define Latent rg heat of fusion. (Pg-105)
i . O i.Org(Pg-105) i .Org i .Org .
57. Define
a s a l a Latent heat of
a s a l a
a s a l a
a s a l a
a s alai
adDefine Latent heat .of
Pasublimation. (Pg-105).Pad .Pa
w w w w w
ww 59. Define triple w w substance. (Pg-105)
point ww ww ww
60. What is Steady rg state? (Pg-108)i.Org rg rg
61. State a i . O
l Prevost theory of heat l a
exchange. (Pg-111) sal a i . O l a i . O lai.
a s a s a s a s a
. P adDefine
62. emissivity of . P ada (Pg-111)
surface. . P ada . P ada . P ada
w w w w w
1. What is therg microscopic origin of pressure? rg (Pg-165)
l a i . O l a i . O l a i .Org l a i .Org lai.
2. What
s a is the microscopic a
s of temperature? a
s s a s a
da da da da da
w .P3.aWhy moon has nowatmosphere? .Pa (Pg-170) w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww

4. Write the expression for rms speed, average speed and most probable speed of a gas molecule.
l a i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org lai.
a sa a s a a s a a s a a s a
5. What is the relation between d the average kinetic denergy and pressure?Pa(Pg-168)d d
w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa w . w .Pa
ww 6. Define the termwdegrees w of freedom. (Pg-173) ww ww ww
7. State the law rg of equipartition rg (Pg-175)
i . O O i .Org i .Org .
8. Define
a s l a
a mean free path andaswrite l a
a down its expression. a s l a
a (Pg-177,178) a s a l a
a s alai
d ad on kinetic theory. ad d d
w .P9.aDeduce Charles’ law w .Pbased w .P(Pg-169) w .Pa w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
10. Deduce Boyle’s law based on kinetic theory. (Pg-169)
11. Deduce . O rg
Avogadro’s law based on
. O g
rkinetic theory. . O rg . O rg
s a la i
s a l a i (Pg-169)
s a l a i
s a l a i
s a lai.
a the factors affecting
12. adathe mean free path. ada
(Pg-178) ada ada
w . P w . P w . P w . P w .P
ww 13. What is the reason ww for Brownian motion? ww (Pg-179) ww ww
Additional.O rg
Questions: .Org .Org .Org
s a
14.dDefine l a i
root mean square s a l
a i
(Pg-169) s a l a i
s a l a i
s a lai.
a Define da da da da
w .P15. mean or .Pa speed. (Pg-171) w.Pa
w w .Pa w .Pa
ww 16. Define most probable ww speed. (Pg-171)w
w ww ww
17. Why there i .Orgis no hydrogen inlaEarth’s i .Org atmosphere? (Pg-170) i .Org i .Org .
l a
sa Brownian motion. a s a
(Pg-179) a s a l a
a s a l a
a s alai
a List the factors affecting d d d d
w .P19. w .Pa the Brownian motion? w .Pa (Pg-179) w .Pa w .Pa
ww ww UNIT-10 ww OSCILLATIONSww ww
1. What is imeant.Org by periodic andlanon-periodic
i .Org motion? Give i rg examples,for eachi.O
.Otwo rg
motion.(Pg-189) .
2. What
a s l a
a is meant by force constant a s a of a spring? (Pg-190) a s a la
a s a l a
a s alai
d ad harmonic motion. d d d
w .P3.aDefine time periodwof .Psimple w .Pa(Pg-196) w .Pa w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
4. Define frequency of simple harmonic motion. (Pg-196)
i O rg M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
i .O rg Township, i . O
Cell:rg 9487380576,8667656700
i . O rg i.
al a al a al a ala ala
a das das
a & Answer Keys .toa a das a das da s
w.P w.P
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w.P w.P
ala i. la i. lai. lai. lai.
a d a s asa
a d ada
sa 10 das a
w.P w.P w. P w .P w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
5. What is an epoch? (Pg-196)
.Ornotes .O rg .Org .Org
6. Writelshort
s a a i on two springs
s a la i connected
s a l i
in series. (Pg-203)
a s a l a i
s a lai.
da a
adsprings da (Pg-205) .Pada da
w .P7.aWrite short notes on w .Ptwo
w .Pa
connected in parallel.
w w .Pa
ww 8. Write down thewtime w period of simple pendulum. ww (Pg-208) ww ww
9. State the O
i rg of simple pendulum?
. laws i .Org(Pg-208) i .Org i .Org .
l a
sa down the equation a s
of l a
atime period for linearasharmonica l a oscillator. s a
l a
a s alai
a d d d d
w .P11. What is meant by w .Paoscillation? (Pg-213)
free w .Pa w .Pa w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
12. Explain damped oscillation. Give an example. (Pg-213)
i Org oscillation. Give
.forced i .an g
Orexample. i .Org i .Org .
13. Define
a s a l a
a s a l a (Pg-214)
a s a l a
a s a l a
a s alai
adWhat is meant by maintained
.P14. .Pa
d d
.Pa an example. (Pg-214)
oscillation?wGive .Pa
w w w w
ww 15. Explain resonance. ww Give an example.w(Pg-214) w ww ww
Additional . O rg
Questions: . O rg . O rg . O rg
s a l a i
s a l a i
s a l a i
s a l a i
s a lai.
16. a
adDefine ada (Pg-188)
oscillatory motion. ada ada ada
w . P w . P w . P . P . P
ww 17. All the oscillatory ww motions are periodic, wwwhereas all periodic w ww need not be www
oscillatory. Explain. (Pg-189)
18. Definel a i Org harmonic motion
.simple l a i rg
.O(SHM). (Pg-190) lai.Org l a i .Org lai.
a s a s a
a vibrating particle.a(Pg-193) s a s a s a
adDefine displacement of adthe da ada ada
w .P20. Define amplitude w . P w . P w . P w . P
ww ww of the vibrating particle. ww (Pg-194) ww ww

21. Define velocity. (Pg-194)
i Org
.acceleration. (Pg-194)lai.Or
i .Org i .Org .
22. Definel a l a l a
a s a a s a a s a a s a a s
adDefine angular frequency.
.P24. . Pad Give its unit. (Pg-196) . Pad . Pad . Pad
w w w w w
ww Define phase.wGive w its unit. (Pg-196) ww ww ww
25. What is phase difference? (Pg-196)
.Org is cut in to two pieces,
26. If thelaspring
i i .Orgwhat is the springlaconstant
i .Org of that two species? i .Org(Pg-206) .
27. a sa
Soldiers are not allowed a
tos l a
amarch on a hanging bridge. a s a Why? (Pg-215) asa l a
a s alai
.Pafor Pendulum lengthw.due Padto effect of temperature. d
.Pa (Pg-209) .Pa
w Derive an w
expression w w
ww ww ww ww ww
1. What lis a i .Org by waves? (Pg-224)
meant l a i . O rg
l a i . O rg
l a i . O rg
s a s a s a s a s a
da down the typesPof
adwaves. (Pg-227) Pada P ada P ada
w . w . . . .
ww 3. What are transverse ww waves?. Give one w ww
example. (Pg-227) ww

waves?. Givergone example. (Pg-227)rg
4. What are longitudinal
l a i l a i .O l a i .O l a i lai.
5. Definea wavelength. (Pg-228) s a s a s a s a
da da Pad
a da da
w .P6.aWrite down the relation w .Pa between frequency, w .wavelength and w
velocity.Pofa a wave. (Pg-230) w.Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
7. What is meant by interference of waves? (Pg-249)
.Org by the beats and
imeant i Orgfrequency?. (Pg-252)
.beat i .Org i .Org .
8. Whatalis
a s a
a s a l a
a s a l a
a s a l a
a salai
d d d d d
w .P9.aDefine intensity ofwsound .Pa and loudness of w .Pa (Pg-260)
w .Pa w .Pa
ww 10. Define Doppler wwEffect. (Pg-267) ww ww ww
11. What isi.Ored rg shift and blue shifti.O inrg
Doppler Effect. (Pg-271)i .Org i.Org .
12. a s
l a
a is meant by end correction a s a l a
in resonance a
air s a la
column apparatus? a s
(Pg-265)a l a
a s alai
.P13. . Pad . Pad . Pad . Pad
w w w w w
ww Sketch the function ww y = x + a. Explainwyour w sketch. (Pg-244*)wline w shifts towards left w w

i O rg M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
i .O rg Township, i . O
Cell:rg 9487380576,8667656700
i . O rg i.
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a das das
a & Answer Keys .toa a das a das da s
w.P w.P
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w.P w.P
ala i. la i. lai. lai. lai.
a d a s asa
a d ada
sa 11 das a
w.P w.P w. P w .P w .Pa
ww ww ww ww ww
14. Write down the factors affecting velocity of sound in gases. (Pg-237,238)
15. Whatlaisi.O rg by an echo? Explain. .Org (Pg-242) .Org .Org
s a
s a la i
s a l a i
s a l a i
s a lai.
.PAdditional Questions: .Pa
w w w w w
ww 16. What are the w w
properties of wave motion. ww(Pg-226) ww ww
17. Define time period. (Pg-229)
i . Org i . Org i . Org i . Org .
18. Define
a s l a
a frequency. (Pg-229) a s a l a
a s a l a
a s a l a
a s alai
adDefine angular frequency.
.Pa (Pg-230) .Pa
w w w w w
ww 20. Define wave w w
number. (Pg-230) ww ww ww
21. Define .wave
i Org velocity. (Pg-230) i .Org i .Org i .Org .
22. Define
l a
a wave vector. (Pg-230) a s a l a
a s a l a
a s a l a
a s alai
adGive the relation between
.Pa velocity (𝒗), angular
.Pa velocity (𝝎) and w
.Pa number (k). (Pg-230)
wave .Pa
w w w w
ww 24. Give the velocity ww of transverse waveswinwstretched string. (Pg-233) ww ww
25. Give the . O rg
velocity of longitudinal . O rg in an elastic medium.
waves . O rg (Pg-234) . O rg
26.dHow a a i
l does the pressure affect s a a i a i
l the velocity of soundsainl air? (Pg-237) s a l a i
s a lai.
. P a a . P ada . P ada . P ada . P ada
w 27. How does the ww
temperature affect the w
velocity of sound in air? w
(Pg-237) w
ww 28. How does thewdensity affect the velocity wwof sound in air? (Pg-238) ww ww
29. How does g humidity affect the
.Orthe g
.Orvelocity of sound in iair? .Org(Pg-238) .Org
30.dHow a l a i
does the wind affect s a
l a i
velocity of sound? s a l a
(Pg-238) s a l a i
s a lai.
a a
.P31. ada
.Pa (Pg-243) .Pa
w What is w
progressive (or) travelling w
wave? w w
ww ww ww ww ww

32. Define linear waves and non-linear waves. (Pg-248)
33. Define i Org
.interference. (Pg-249)ai.Org i .Org i .Org .
34. a s
l a
a is called constructive a s l
ainterference? (Pg-249) a s a l a
a s a l a
a s alai
.P35. . P ad . P ad . P ad . P ad
w w
What is calledwdestructive interference? w w w
ww w ww(Pg-250) ww ww
36. Give the relation between phase difference and path difference. (Pg-251)
i rg stationary waves?
.Ocalled i .Org(Pg-254) i .Org i .Org .
37. Whatlaare l a l a l a
a s a a s a a s a a s a a s
adGive the properties.P
waves. (Pg-225)
. . Pad . Pad
w w w w w
ww Define intensity wwof sound. (Pg-259) ww ww ww
40. Define loudness of sound. (Pg-260)
.Oapplications . O rg . O rg . O rg
41. Givelathe
s a i of Doppler
s a l a i Effect. (Pg-270)
s a l a i
s a l a i
s a lai.
42. da
harmonics andaovertones. (Pg-258) ada ada ada
w . P . P
w and reverberation wtime. . P
w (Pg-242) w . P w . P
ww 43. Define reverberation ww w ww ww
44. Define Supersonic speed. (Pg-243)
45. Definel a i Org number. (Pg-243)
.Mach l a i .Org l a i .Org l a i .Org lai.
a s a a s a s a s a s a
adDefine (Pg-248) ada a a
.P47. w Pad
principle of superposition.
. w . P w . Pad w .Pad
ww Define inverse wwsquare law of sound intensity. ww (Pg-260) ww ww
48. Write a note on SONAR. (Pg-242)
i rg
.Oclassification i .O rg (Pg-242) i .Org i .Org .
49. Givelathe
a s a of sound
a s a l a waves.
a s a la
a s a l a
a s alai
adState Weber-Fechner’s
.P51. w . Padlaw. (Pg-261) w.Pad w .Pad w . Pad
ww Define wave w w
number. (Pg-230) ww ww ww
52. What is reflection of sound? State the laws of reflection of sound waves. (Pg-240)
53. Define Org
lai.specular lai.O
reflection. (Pg-240) rg
ad asa ad asa adas
ad asa ad asa
w.P w.P w. P w.P w.P
ww ww ww ww ww
i O rg M.Sc., B.Ed., Neyveli
i .O rg Township, i . O
Cell:rg 9487380576,8667656700
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a & Answer Keys .toa a das a das da s
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