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Ethics 1 Answer

1. Why are rules important?
People view rules as a general direction. It is essential to social being
because it may guide us in doing what is right and help us create a setting that is secure
and tranquil for all. Our society would be in disarray if there were no regulations.

2. Reflect on your attitude towards rules. Do your welcome rules? Or are you
allergic to rules? What if there were no rules?
To know the limits of their lives and where the borders are, people require
rules. Anarchy would result from a lack of regulations, but many rules are created by
those with little power who abuse it to feel important.
I so abide by some laws while disobeying others, but I never breach the law.
Our expectations of consistency and predictability are the foundation of "rules".
It's comforting to know things like a man will always hold the door open for a woman or
that the motorist to my left will definitely stop at the "STOP" sign on the octagonal sign
in front of me. How comforting to know that people will always put things away when
they’re done with them; that everyone will say “Please” and “Thank you;” that the
cream will pour out of the pitcher and down into the cup, as opposed to occasionally
soaring toward the ceiling.
The basic tenet of the "Golden Rule" (and its opposite, the "Silver Rule*") is that
we shall be treated with respect in return, and that harmony in the community is
attained by abiding by "the rules."
Unfortunately, life is not steady or predictable. The "rules" of social interaction
are very different from the "rules" of gravity, motion, etc. Youngsters pick up on gravity
very quickly, but "nice behavior" takes more time. Rules are not designed to be broken,
yet there are occasions when doing so is necessary or even advantageous.
* "Do not do to others what you would not have done to yourself."

1. Classify the following into groups: moral standard and non-moral standard.
 No talking while your mouth is full.
 Do not lie
 Wear black or white for mourning; never red
 The males should be the one to propose marriage not females
 Don’t steal
 Don’t cheat other
 Don’t kill
 Focus the microscope properly
 Maintain a 36-24-36 body figure
 Observe correct grammar when writing and speaking in English

Moral standards
 No talking while your mouth is full.
 Don't lie.
 Wear black or white for mourning; never red.
 Don't steal.
 Don't cheat others.
 Don't kill.

Non-moral standards

 The males should be the one to propose marriage not females.

 Observe correct grammar when writing and speaking English.
 Focus the microscope properly
 Maintain a 36-24-36 body figure.

1. Analyze your groupings. Why do you classify one group as moral

standard and another as non-moral standard?
Doing what is morally right is the philosophy of morality. The essential
guidelines for behavior are morals. Many works have been written about how to pick
what is right. The term "moral behavior" describes actions that go against moral
standards or moral convictions.
Some people hold the belief that morality is objective (true even if you
disagree with it), and they frequently believe that it was established by God (that
what is good or bad is a choice in society).
Religion, ethical customs, parents, friends, schools, and books are all good
places to learn morals. Those who promote or support moral values are known as
moralists. Moreover, it might be a lesson learned via reading a book or a work of
Moral standards have an impact on matters that are deemed to be either
extremely detrimental or really beneficial to humanity. Resistance against crimes
such as theft, rape, enslavement, murder, and lawlessness are examples of moral
norms that are acceptable.
Non-moral values are connected to what a person desires or finds
enjoyable. Things like enjoying a specific kind of music or other things that do not
demand or force others to have the same preferences are examples of non-moral

2. What is common to those listed under moral standard?

Values serve to shape a person's morals. A person's values provide the
basis of their ability to discriminate between good and wrong. This forms the basis of
morality, which grows into specific, contextual laws that regulate behavior. They are
fashioned by a person's life experiences and susceptible to interpretation.

3. What is common to the list of non-moral standard.

Standards that are not moral include etiquette standards, which we use to
judge if behavior is proper or impolite, legal standards, which determine if an action is
legal or unlawful, and aesthetic criteria, which determine whether art is of high quality
or poor quality.

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