Guidelines HICOSPOS 2021

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Post Pandemic Society: Governance, Democracy, and Human Security

Makassar- Indonesia, October 18th – 19th, 2021


HICOSPOS 2021 Date and Venue

Date : 18-19 October 2021
Venue : Novotel, Makassar, Indonesia (Hybrid)

HICOSPOS 2021 Participants (Presenters)

● Participants should confirm his/ her online attendance and participation by
submitting the Confirmation of Attendance and Participation form and return
the form back to the HICOSPOS 2021 via online form
( no later than 5 October 2021.
● Participants should pay conference fee to the Committee’s Bank Account no
later than 4 October 2021.
● Participants are obliged to attend all sessions of the two days HICOSPOS
2021 (18-19 October 2021). For those who cannot attend the HICOSPOS
2021 session fully, shall in advance inform the committee.
● HICOSPOS 2021 committee NOT provides any payment or reimbursement
for air ticket, transportation fee, and accommodation for participants.
Participants are encouraged to arrange his/ her round trip and book the
accommodation by him/herself, and be responsible for his/ her travel
expenses and accommodation cost.

HICOSPOS 2021 Full Paper Guidelines

● Full papers should be based on the accepted submitted paper summary.
● Due date for full paper submission: 20 October 2021
● Failure to submit the full paper on the deadline may mean a cancellation of
participation in HICOSPOS 2021.
● Participant should follow all the instructions in the HICOSPOS 2021 Technical
Requirements for Full Paper Writing. Papers that do not follow the format will
be rejected.
● All authors of submitted full papers should be aware of the danger of
plagiarism. The Committee will use plagiarism check applications and all
papers which are plagiarism detected can be canceled to be published in the
proceeding and will get fined. Proper citation and acknowledgement of
sources should be observed.
Post Pandemic Society: Governance, Democracy, and Human Security
Makassar- Indonesia, October 18th – 19th, 2021

● Participants must revise their full papers according to the comments of their
reviewer. Full papers that have not been revised will not be published in the
Scopus indexed proceedings (SCIENDO).

HICOSPOS 2021 Technical Requirements for Full Paper

1. Please use the template provided and save it in .doc/.docx
2. Please use the IMRAD + CAR format (Introduction, Method, Result and
Discussion + Conclusion, Acknowledgement, and Reference).
3. Don't write the Academic title on the author's name
4. Please write your E-Mail as correspondence author
5. Please write the abstract no more than 300 Words and contained in a single
6. paragraph.
7. Reference only from journal, book, report and maximum 20 % from text book.
8. No longer using literature review and theoretical framework.
9. Result and Discussion, Minimum 60 %.
10. Please Follow Reference template Format (IEEE Style)
11. Please use a primary reference material and avoid references from the mass
media, blogs, and Wikipedia.

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