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The 25 Healthiest Fruits You Can Eat,

According to a Nutritionist
When it comes to eating more produce, you can't go wrong. Long story short:
Every single fruit (and vegetable!) is a great option. Research has shown eating a
minimum of four to five servings per day helps to boost mood and reduce your
risk of heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes. Yet according to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), only 10% of Americans eat enough fruit —
about 1½ to 2 cups daily. Many of us also miss out on sufficient dietary fiber,
calcium, potassium and magnesium, all of which are found in abundance in
produce. Potassium, for example, helps maintain a healthy blood pressure and
you'll get it easily in bananas, prunes and cantaloupe. The fiber in fruit also
supports better digestion and fills you up for fewer calories, making it a smart
choice for your health overall and can help if you're trying to lose weight.

Whether you choose fresh or frozen, make it your goal to get more fruit into every
meal. Sprinkle mixed berries into morning oatmeal or onto toast with nut butter,
carry a banana or a bunch of grapes for a mid-afternoon snack, or toss avocado
into a heart-healthy salad at dinner. No matter how you slice it, eating more fruit
can benefit your body and your mind — starting with these ideas.


Watermelon is 92% water, making it a great choice for hydration. Your

food provides about 20% of your fluid intake, and eating water-packed
snacks like watermelon can help you avoid subtle, headache-spurring
dehydration. Because fruit is high in water, potassium and magnesium,
it helps to offset excess sodium in your diet, too. Try it in a salad with
feta and mint — or grill it for a summery dessert!


An apple a day may in fact keep your cardiologist away. Evidence has

shown that frequent apple consumption may reduce total cholesterol,
which can help reduce your risk of heart disease. That’s thanks to the
phenolic compounds — antioxidant compounds that help to promote
healthy cellular function and proper blood flow — found in apple skins.
The combo of vitamin C, fiber (about 5 grams per medium apple) and
phytochemicals makes them a smart household staple for your whole
family. And there are so many ways to eat them, from simple slices
dipped in nut butter or yogurt, to stuffed with nuts and raisins and

Munch on mango for a summery, delicious tropical treat filled

with vitamin C, potassium- and beta-carotene. We love making a big
batch of mango-filled skewers and loading up the fridge or freezer, so
they’re always on hand when you need a nosh. Plus, the prep gets your
little ones involved in the kitchen, and that kabob adds an extra layer of
fun! Diced mango is wonderful in a salad, or freeze chunks to throw
into smoothies.


In addition to the vitamin C, potassium and antioxidants you’ll get from

kiwi, the combination of folate, magnesium and B-vitamins also found
in this fruit can help you chill out. Some (early) research has linked
eating kiwi as a pre-bedtime snack with an easier time falling asleep!
Mix some into a slaw, or slice some for a cooling side dish.


Feeling stressed? Grab a handful of cherries. In addition to their

multitude of antioxidant benefits, these little stone fruits contain
quercetin, a type of antioxidant linked to promoting feelings of


Rich in soluble fiber, bananas are an easy grab-and-go snack that can

help lower cholesterol. For an extra heart-healthy boost, slice bananas
on top of morning oats with a tablespoon of chia seeds and walnuts. It's
a hearty, energy-packed breakfast loaded with fiber, vitamin B6,
potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and manganese.


You already knew that oranges came packed with vitamin C, but get this:
Citrus fruits have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidative
and anti-cancer properties, according to research published
in Chemistry Central Journal. Oranges are wonderful on their own,
sliced into a salad, or used in cooking or baking.

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