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1. Choose a person that you would like to remember the Dia de

los Muertos OR you want to honor their memory. It can be a
relative, loved one, pet or you can choose a famous latino(a)
person that is recognized.
2. Write a biography of the person you chose. You can use the
sample in the next page.
3. Look for pictures or images of things that this person
considered important.
4. Make sure you cite a saying this person used a lot.
Below you will find the sample sentences for you to write about this person.

___ Write his full name and country where he’s from including date of birth.
HIs name was______________ and was born in _________________.
___ Include if his family was rich/poor/working class/ or intelecturals. ncluye si su familia era
___ Include if he went to school, the name of the school.
___ Include about his family and if they were religious.
___ Include why this person was important to you or how this famous person contributed to the world.
___ Include something about his youth.
___ Include something about him/her.
___ Include something about his personal life. Who did he married, how many children he/she had.
___ Include when he died and how we remember him/her today.
___ Include a saying he/she had.
My dad: Jorge Velasco-Salvador

“Necesitas A good
tener un ojo and a
cerrado y un hard
ojo abierto”. man


My dad’s name is Jorge Velasco-Salvador and he is from Oaxaca, Mexico and he was
born on April 23, 1971. My dad came from a middle class family around the
countryside and started working at a young age. I don’t know the school he went to
and my mom probably doesn’t know but all I know is that he went to school and
made it past the 6th and then dropped out. Like most people in Mexico he and his
family are into catholicism and had a lot of faith in guadalupe. He is important to me,
because he was my dad and he helped my mom get out of Mexico.

He did his best to put a house up on our roof and he made me learn a lot of lessons in
life. My dad worked at a ranch when he was a kid and helped around the field
according to him. He was a man who had problems. He was a hard working man who
had a lot of jobs in the past and did his best to be a good man but suffered from
alcoholism. He was an alcoholic and when he drinks he becomes lazy and makes up
excuses on why he is sad and why he deserves to stay home all day.

His mom died when he was around his teen years but he always did his best to be a
dad. He never got married and he had 4 children: my brother, me, and my twin sisters.
He died around the night of April 25, 2020 and we remember as a man who always
tried his best but his drinking problem always set him back and why we should be
careful on what we can get into because it might lead to a life threatening issue. He
always made us listen to our mom every time me and my brother played video games
and our mom was calling for us. He always said “ Siempre escucha a tu mama”. He
was also very aware and said that we need to have one eye open all the time. He
wasn’t the best dad but not the worst, he never abandoned me, he never said that he
never loved or hated me, nor did he want to disown me he was just a dad who did his
best to be a dad he was an ok dad and that’s more than enough for me.

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