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1. What is the topic of the movie? Who and what are in the image? What is the image
 The movie talks about happiness which is being judged as both tangible and non-
materialistic. There are two main figures that dwell in the movie. One, are the Trolls
which has natural happiness inside them and could pass it on their fellow race
through dancing, singing, and even by tiny gestures. Second, are Bergens which
they believe that in order to attain happiness, they should eat Trolls thus it became
their tradition to gather every year in the tree home of the trolls to have a taste of
them, until the trolls find their way to escape.

2. How is color used in the image? What effect do the colors chosen have on the
 Color, from the very essence of art plays a vital role in accommodating its emotions,
visual style, and mood. This is very evident on how the troll are perceived to be
positive creatures because of their dynamic colors and how Branch, a troll whose
childhood got destroyed by a trauma was wearing darker shades of color (close to
gray and black). These aspect is observable also to the Berkens.

3. Are we looking from above or below? What is the camera angle? How does this
affect what we see and how we feel about it?
 In the movie, it took so many angles to show the whole duration of the movie. It
mainly focuses on princess Poppin. It can be seen in the movie that the angle
sometimes change in front, middle, sides, backs, above, and even as first point of
view. This just shows the various perspective of the characters and the scenes. The
changing of angles enable the audience to view different perspective and also for
the movie not to get boring

4. What symbols are used in this image? What do you think they represent? Are the
colors that were chosen symbolic?
 I haven’t seen any significant symbols in the movie aside from the footprint of the
chef berken after it took some trolls and went away. The footprints can be viewed as
the pathway of someone who walked on that land. I think the color can be also
symbolic because you can easily distinguish if a troll is not happy if their color turns
into greyscale.

5. Can you see the major lines in the image? Are they broken or unbroken? How do
the lines create reading paths for our eyes?
 The images are created using many interconnected lines that forms the figure. The
first thing I noticed is that the fabric which the plants, the animals, the clothes, and

even their hairs are actually made of tiny strands of threads that are woven together.
With those threads interacting together and the colors they put, it creates figures that
are perceived by the mind.

6. Can you describe the lighting used in the movie. How does it affect the mood of the
 Lighting in the movies shows specific mood. For example, the community of the tolls
in their tree home and in the forest has bright lighting with different colors which
makes the audience perceive it as being a happy community whereas in the Bergen
Town, the lighting was a bit darker which shows gloomy effects.

7. What type of look is the character giving? Where is their gaze directed? What does
this say?
 There are many characters present in the movie and each have their own gazes
towards others. I think it is true to say that their gazes were actually same with how
we look into others. Their brows wrinkled when their curious or angry and their eyes
glows and gets big when happy or surprised. I think there is no significant form of
gaze that makes it unique other than how branch would look at princess Poppy.

8. What type of gestures is the character giving? What is communicated by these

 Watching the movie, I have observed and realized three gestures that actually
tugged my heart. First is their Hug Time, which they hug every hour as a sign of
being happy and caring for their fellow trolls. Second is they sing when they are
happy. Third is how Branch reassembled the invitations that he destroyed in front of
princess Poppy, which actually shows that he really cared for them but it is just that
his trauma weighs more that time.

9. What geometric shapes can you recognize in the image? Do they repeat? Is there a
pattern? Is order or chaos conveyed?
 The movie consists of pictures compressed together so the shapes in the image is
evidently repeating. The geometric shapes helped to form the plants and the animals
like the circles in the plants, and the squares in the posters and newspaper. This
various shapes somehow arranged randomly and sometimes balanced so the order
and chaos are actually conveyed.

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