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Bid to vilify
BeforeMoscowpact,Indian, Chinesetroops Muslims with
fired100-200roundsonPangongnorthbank untruths, says SC,
Shots were fired by both sides in air on ridgeline where
Fingers 3 and 4 merge before moving north as one ridge
Rajnath in LS: Pullback, peace if stops show on
of Pangong Tso, far more intense
Indian Express has learnt.
A top government officer,
aware of the details, said this in-
China heeds Jaishankar-Wang pact
Rajnath Singh said Tuesday that
‘UPSC jihad’
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 15 than the firing of warning shots cidenttookplaceduringthejock- DEEPTIMAN TIWARY & LIZ theMoscowagreementbetween


in the Chushul sub-sector, The eyingfordominatingtheFingers
on the north bank of the lake.
External Affairs Minister S
Jaishankar and China’s Foreign
Minister S Jaishankar and his THE EDITORIAL PAGE According to the officer, “100 to Minister Wang Yi “if imple- ■ Intent, object and
Chinese counterpart Wang Yi 200 shots” were fired in air by ACKNOWLEDGING THAT “we mented sincerely and faithfully THESUPREMECourtonTuesday purpose... is to vilify the
reached an agreement in bothsidesontheridgelinewhere arefacingachallengeinLadakh” bytheChineseside,couldleadto restrained Sudarshan News Muslim community. An
MoscowonSeptember10todial QUESTION& Finger 3 and Finger 4 merge be- where “the violent conduct of complete disengagement and from broadcasting remaining insidious attempt... to
down tensions along the Line of ANSWER fore moving north as one ridge. Chinese forces has been in com- restorationof peaceandtranquil- episodes of a show that the insinuate that the
Actual Control in Ladakh, the PAGE 6 Both India and China had Rajnath Singh in the Lok plete violation of all mutually ity in the border areas”. channel claims “exposes” the community is involved
heightened tensions led to a fir- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Sabha on Tuesday. LSTV/PTI agreednorms”,DefenceMinister CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 “infiltration of Muslims” in the in a conspiracy to
civil services. infiltrate the civil
Thepurposeof theshow was services. Several
to “vilify the Muslim commu- statements in the
nity”, the court said, and ob- episodes... are not just
WORLD Doval exits SCO meet servedthatithadmadearbitrary
claims “in wanton disregard of
the truth”.
palpably erroneous but
have been made in
wanton disregard of the

in protest over map in “At this stage, prima facie, it

intent, object and purpose of the

■ India is a melting pot

Pak NSA’s backdrop episodes which have been tele-

cast is to vilify the Muslim com-
of civilizations, cultures,
religions and languages.

munity. An insidious attempt Any attempt to vilify a
has been made to insinuate that religious community

UAE, BAHRAIN SEAL SHUBHAJIT ROY the community is involved in a must be viewed with
conspiracy to infiltrate the civil grave disfavour by this
services. Several statements in Court as the custodian of
WHITE HOUSE EVENT A FACE-OFF between India and ● face-offs the episodes, which have been constitutional values. Its
JOHNSON CLEARS Pakistanatameetingof National drawn to the attention of the duty to enforce
HURDLE IN BREXIT Security Advisors of the
Shanghai Cooperation
THE SCO, which is led by
China and Russia, does
Court are not just palpably erro-
neous but have been made in
constitutional values
demands nothing less.
BREACH PAGE 10 Organisation (SCO) Tuesday, not allow bilateral issues wanton disregard of the truth”,
over a map that showed Jammu to be discussed. And yet, a three-judge Bench headed by
WEST BENGAL and Kashmir as Pakistani terri- after SAARC, it has be- Justice D Y Chandrachud said. dayafterthecentralgovernment
tory, led to NSA Ajit Doval leav- come the latest stage for On August 28, the court had gave it the green light on condi-


UP IN ARMS ing the engagement “in protest”.
The map was being used as a
backdrop during the virtual
tensions between India
and Pakistan. Early this
month, India had pulled
tion that there is no “violation of
the programme code”.
On Tuesday, the Bench, also
STARTS EXPORTING Farmers block the Doraha-Ropar highway in Ludhiana on Tuesday during their protest meetingbyMoeedYusuf,Special out of an SCO military sented by its editor-in-chief comprisingJusticesInduMalhotra
1,450 MT HILSA PAGE 3 against recent agri ordinances passed by the Centre. Gurmeet Singh Assistant on National Security to exercise over tensions Suresh Chavhanke. andKMJoseph,saidthatthere“is
Prime Minister Imran Khan. with China. An episode of the show was a change in circumstance”
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 broadcast on September 10, a CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

Tracked: Over 6,000 accused gags media
of financial crime, terror, drugs, on govt FIR
over land
IPL betting, big to very small purchase
Agusta to fodder Cong moves
scam, Satyam to adjournment SREENIVAS JANYALA
Vyapam, Vadra to motion to
Kumaraswamy, discuss matter
all on Zhenhua dernottodisclosedetailsofanFIR


filed by officers at the Anti-
WATCHING NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 15 Stationagainstaformerstatelaw
official and others regarding land
JAY MAZOOMDAAR & THE CONGRESS on Tuesday purchase in Amaravati.
KAUNAIN SHERRIF M moved an adjournment motion “By way of interim relief, it is
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 15 notice in the Lok Sabha over the directed that no coercive steps
“surveillance” of key Indian per- shall be taken in furtherance to
FROM THE accused in the sonalities, including the (the FIR) which has been regis-
AgustaWestlandbriberycasetoa President and Prime Minister, tered after filing of this writ pe-
ring of juveniles who stole mo- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 tition against any of the accused.
bilephones,hundredsaccusedof Theenquiry, investigationis also
financial crime, corruption, ter- stayed. It is further directed that
ror, organised crime, smuggling BUSINESS AS USUAL the news in regard to (the FIR,
of narcotics, gold, and wildlife details withheld as per court or-
formasignificantchunk,asmany BY UNNY der) ... shall not be made public
as6,000,of theIndianindividuals in any electronic, print or social
monitored by Zhenhua Data, an media, to foist the office of a for-
investigation by The Indian mer Advocate General and also
Express has revealed. with respect to the other alleged
Among the high-profile en- (Clockwise from top left) accused persons,’’ said the order
tries logged in Zhenhua's Robert Vadra, H D by Chief Justice J K Maheshwari.
Overseas Key Individual Kumaraswamy, Madhu “The Secretary, Home
DataBase (OKIDB) are income- Koda, Ramalinga Raju Department, Government of AP,
tax evasion cases against 19 Director General of Police, A.P.,
companies founded by friends shall inform through the
or relatives of former Satyam PMO, CHIEF SECYS, InformationandPublicRelations
Group chairman Ramalinga DGPs, A LIST OF 370 Department, Govt. of A.P., to the

Businessman death: Probe indicates

killer may have been in car with him
PAGE 1 investigators suspect that two
ANCHOR other persons were present in-
side the car in which the victim,
Indra Kant Tripathi, was found
with a bullet injury on his neck
MANISH SAHU on September 8. Tripathi suc-
MAHOBA, SEPTEMBER 15 cumbed tothe injuryon Sunday.
"We suspect that the two
UP POLICE suspect the role of an others were seated in the back,
“insider” in the lethal attack on a and one of them shot the victim
44-year-old businessman in who was in the driver's seat.
Mahoba whose killing has led to There was no sign of any scuffle
a senior police officer being sus- or damage inside the car,” said a
pended and named in the FIR, senior police officer.
The Indian Express has learnt. AtIndraKantTripathi’shomeinMahoba. Vishal Srivastav “We have recovered an
According to police sources, CONTINUED ON PAGE 2




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The possibility of life
Indian Express
averagetowardstheanimalfeedalone on Venus
★★★★★ ■4.6
Today on the 3 Things podcast, we talk
TOOK TURN FOR WORSE UPDATES about what has opened up possibility that
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After failing to invest Rajnath says border means for the future of space exploration
SCANTHISQRCODETO his prize money wisely, issue unresolved, missions
Kumar is struggling Cong stages walkout


Rajnath consequently responded to ap- Indian Express on Monday. not a few extracts.

Before Moscow pact, Indian and

propriately.” The notice was moved by Justice Chandrachud said:
Making a statement in Lok He said China violated the Congress leader of the House “Your client is doing a disservice
Sabha after the government, June 6 agreement between Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury and to the nation and is not accept-
duringameetingof theBusiness Corps Commanders on the dis- MP Manickam Tagore. ing India is a melting point of di-
Advisory Committee, turned
down the Congress demand for
a House discussion on the mili-
engagement process and “cre-
ated a violent faceoff on June
15th at Galwan. Our brave sol-
Chinese troops fired 100-200 rounds Calling it “a matter of urgent
importance”, Tagore sought ad-
journment to discuss how
verse cultures. Your client needs
to exercise his freedom with
caution”. Justice Joseph under-
tary standoff saying it is a sensi- diers laid down their lives and issued statements on the firing occupycertainheightsalongthe sions) has gone a little higher. from MEA also,” he said. “China’s agencies (were) watch- lined that “No freedom is ab-
tiveissue,Singhsaid:“Asof now, also inflicted costs including ca- incidentintheChushulsub-sec- LAC, putting India in a position Military commanders will talk According to the officer, be- ing Indian political leaders and solute,notevenjournalisticfree-
the Chinese side has mobilized sualties on the Chinese side”. tor on September 7 which took ofadvantage,therewerecontin- ofcourse,wewillputacrossour fore India occupied the heights over 10,000 Indians, entities dom”. He added that Rule 6 of
a large number of troops and ar- “In these discussions, we place on a feature called uousattemptsbytheChineseto point, they will put across their along the LAC in the Chushul from politics to business, judici- the Programme Code notes that
maments along the LAC as well have maintained the three key MukpariHeights–officialssaid “dislodge” Indian troops from point.ButIdon’tthinktheirmil- sub-sector, China was in a posi- ary to media, even crime-ac- cable TV programmes cannot
as in the depth areas. There are principles that determine our thiswasthefirsttimein45years thesepreviouslyunmannedlo- itary commander will have the tionofadvantage,andatthedis- cused”. show anything that targets a
several friction areas in Eastern approach: (i) both sides should that shots were fired along the cations. mandate to agree to anything cussions at the military and SourcessaidChowdhuryhad particular community.
LadakhincludingGogra,Kongka strictly respect and observe the LAC. At several positions in the beyondaminorconcession,”the diplomatic levels, “they were filed his motion online, calling When Justice Chandrachud
LaandNorthandSouthBanksof LAC; (ii) neither side should at- Tilldate,neithersidehasof- Chushulsub-sector,onPangong officer said. tryingtobargainfortime”as“at for a discussion on the “hybrid said, “This is not a freedom of
Pangong lake.” tempttoalterthestatusquouni- ficially said anything about the Tso’ssouthbank,theIndianand “Ultimately, it will be a top- that particular stage they were warfare waged against India by speech issue. When you say
“In response to China’s ac- laterally;and,(iii)allagreements firing on the north bank which Chinesetroopsarelessthan300 driven thing. That is the impor- betteroff”and“theyhadnorea- (the) Chinese company”. thereisaconspiracybyMuslims
tions,ourarmedforceshavealso and understandings between took place after the Chushul in- metres apart. tance of the dialogue which we son to negotiate”. On Monday, the Opposition to flood the civil services...”,
made appropriate counter-de- the two sides much be fully cident, and was bigger in scale. Over the next week, India are having at the Foreign “The Chinese were trying to had asked the government to Divan responded: “We are not
ployments in these areas.” abided by in their entirety. The While tensions remain on readjusted its positions on the Minister-level and Defence do similar activity on the south stepinandorderaprobeintothe saying that.”
He said “in the past too, we Chineseside,onitspart,tookthe the ground because the next northbankof thelakeaswell-- Minister-level,” he said. bank” of the lake when Indian monitoring of over 10,000 peo- Justice Chandrachud per-
havehadsituationsof prolonged position that the situation round of talks between Corps Chinesetroopshavebeensitting Defence Minister Rajnath forces pre-empted their move. ple in India by the Shenzhen- sisted: “When you say students
standoffs on our border with shouldbehandledinaresponsi- Commandersofthetwosidesis ontheridgeofFinger4,whichis SinghmethisChinesecounter- Now, the heights where Indian based Zhenua Data Information of Jamia are part of a conspiracy
Chinawhichhave beenresolved ble manner and ensure peace awaited,itisnotofthesamelev- 8 km west of Finger 8 which partWeiFengheinMoscowon troops are positioned “are be- Technology Co. Ltd. to infiltrate civil services, that is
peacefully. Even though the sit- and tranquillity.” elsastheywereinthefirstweek India says marks the LAC. September 4. Jaishankar met tween the two lines” of the dif- The Congress said The Indian not permissible. You cannot tar-
uation this year is very different, “Even as these discussions of September, the officer said. It was during these times Wang on September 10. While fering perceptions of LAC of the Express report on the “Chinese get one community and brand
both in terms of scale of troops were going on, the Chinese side “In the first week of that Indian and Chinese troops the meeting of Defence two countries. digital surveillance” was “quite them in a particular manner.”
involvedandthenumberof fric- again engaged in provocative September, there was a lot of firedaround100roundseach,in Ministers did not manage to On current positions on the disturbing”, and that it was im- Justice Joseph added: “That too
tion points, we do remain com- military manoeuvres on the movement” on both the north the air. In this area too, troops breakthestalemate,theForeign Fingers on the north bank, the portant to know the extent of it, with factually incorrect state-
mittedtothepeacefulresolution night of 29th and 30th Augustin andsouthbanksofPangongTso, from two sides are positioned Ministers issued a joint state- officersaidIndiansoldierswere and if there was more to it than ments.”
of the current situation. At the an attempt to change the status the officer said, mentioning less than 500metresfromeach ment to "continue their dia- above the Chinese deployment collating data. It said the devel- Advocate Gautam Bhatia,
same time, the House can be as- quo in the South Bank area of “multiple” incidents of firing in other. logue,quicklydisengage,main- on Finger 4. opment had huge implications whoappearedforagroupof for-
sured that we remain prepared Pangong lake. But yet again, the region in the first week of The situation, however, has tain proper distance and ease Chines troops, he said, are fornational security andprivacy mercivilservantsseekinganau-
to deal with all contingencies”. timely and firm actions by our September. since calmed down, the officer tensions" and work towards “tryingtogofurtherup”but“we of citizens. thoritative ruling on hate
“This is still an ongoing situ- armed forces along the LAC pre- There was, he said, “one said. “Now things have cooled new confidence-building are in a slightly better position, TMC Lok Sabha member speech, said: “Hate speech un-
ation and obviously involves vented such attempts.” smallincident”aboutwhich,he down because of the talks be- measures" between the two thereisalimittohowmuchyou Saugata Roy moved an adjourn- dermines the idea of a free mar-
sensitive operational issues. I “I met my Chinese counter- said,“ourchapsdidn’tevenfeel tweenourDefenceMinisterand sides given the existing trust can keep jockeying” on that ment motion on the issue on ketplace of ideas. The targeted
would, therefore, not be able to part on 4th September in was serious enough to report”. their Defence Minister and the deficit. ridgeline, and that the Chinese Monday itself. community is deprived of the
give more details in public and I Moscow and had an in-depth This, he said, was “the Mukpari ForeignMinisters.Thefocushas Thetwosideshaveagreedto would not be able to sustain opportunity to respond or de-
am confident about the under- discussion with him. I conveyed incident, in which a couple of shifted towards dialogue,” he hold another round of talks be- themselvesatapointhigheron ‘UPSC jihad’ fend.”Hefavouredarestraintor-
standing of the House.” in clear terms our concerns re- rounds were fired, which we said. tween the Corps Commanders theridgethanwheretheIndian from August 28 when it had de- der.”
Singh urged the House to lated to the actions of the came to know one day later”. While the earlier “aggres- though the date is still to be de- soldiers are. clined to stay the broadcast. Earlier in the hearing, Justice
“pass a resolution in support of Chinese side, including amass- “Then on the north bank, sion" and constant “intimida- cided.Theofficerindicatedthat “Logistically,” the officer “The drift, tenor and content Joseph, commenting generally
our armed forces”. ing a large number of troops, 100-200 rounds were fired by tion”byChinesetroops,hesaid, this time, the talks may include said, the Chinese will “not be of the episodes is to bring the on TV shows, said: “I see many
As he made his statement, their aggressive behaviour and bothsides,”theofficersaid.“This had stopped, “they are still an official from the Ministry of abletostay”wheretheywantto community into public hatred channels mute people when
Congress members tried to in- attemptsto unilaterally alterthe was near the ridge of Finger 3 there...Theirpresenceisthere,it External Affairs. go, “especially in another and disrepute,” the court said in they're giving their opinion and
tervenetoseekclarifications.But status quo that were in violation and Finger 4, and from where it doesn’ttakeverylongtostartup “Theyacceptedthatthetalks month” when the peaks start its order. It pointed out that the it goes against the anchor's
Speaker Om Birla did not allow of the bilateral agreements.” starts climbing up.” your tank and start moving will be there. But the date is not gettingsnow.TheIndianside,he ProgrammeCodestipulatesthat views... We need debates where
interruptions. Most Opposition Intheweekafterthenightof again”. yetfixed.Oncetheagendaisalso said,hadashorterconnectionto no programme should be car- others should be allowed to
members, barring the Congress, SCO meet August 29-30, when Indian “Atthemoment,theintimi- received,thedelegationlistisre- their base at Finger 3 than the ried which “contains attack on speak... only.”
satquietly.TheCongresswanted “At the meeting of the troops pre-empted PLA moves dation and aggression have ceived,thenwewillseeifshould Chinese to their base between religions or communities or vi- The court took a dig at the
toknowwhythePrimeMinister National Security Advisors and out-manoeuvred them to stopped. The level (of discus- include somebody from Delhi, Finger 6 and Finger 7. suals or words”, or has content News Broadcasters'
was not speaking on the issue. (NSAs) of member states of the that is defamatory, false, or re- Association, saying: “We need
CongressMPsdisplayedban- Shanghai Cooperation flective of “half-truths and sug- to ask you if you (NBA) exist
ners and their leader Adhir Organisation (SCO), hosted by gestive innuendos”. apart from the letterhead. What
Ranjan Chowdhury wanted to theChairof theSCO(Russia),the “The SCO agreed to local businessmen, Suresh Soni Theoutcomecanthenbepoten- alwaysbeenaprimeconcernfor “The edifice of a democratic do you do when a parallel crim-
speak on Singh’s statement, but Pakistani NSA deliberately pro- Pakistan’s position and Dr. and Brahmdutt, have been tially manipulated to meet dif- China. Traditionally, China and society committed to the rule of inal investigation goes on in
this was not allowed. In protest, jected a fictitious map that MoeedYusuf conductedtheSCO named in the FIR. ferent ends — from asset culti- India have been the world’s ma- law under a regime of constitu- media and reputations are tar-
the Congress staged a walk-out. Pakistanhasrecentlybeenprop- meeting with Pakistan’s new Shukla has also been placed vation and interference in social jor producers of opioid and tional rights, values and duties nished?”
On the Sino-Indian bound- agating,” Ministry of External political map as background for under suspension. Suresh Soni functioning to undermining or ephedrine extracted from is founded on the co-existence SGMehtaargueditwouldbe
ary dispute, Singh said: “Both Affairs’ official spokesperson the discussions,” Khan’s party is Tripathi's neighbour. even delegitimising institu- plants. of communities,” the court said. “disastrous” for any democracy
India and China have formally Anurag Srivastava said. tweeted. tions.” In recent years, the “Indiaisameltingpotof civiliza- to try to control the media. “The
agreed that the boundary ques- “This was in blatant disre- Tracked The crime list logs over 100 Directorate of Revenue tions,cultures,religionsandlan- right of a journalist cannot be
tionisacomplexissuewhichre- gard to the advisory by the host Businessman Raju; the fodder scam corrup- cases of terror. These include Intelligencehas busted multiple guages. Any attempt to vilify a taken away.” Rabid things were
quires patience and have com- against it and in violation of the empty shellfrom inside thecar,” tion scandal where officials and fugitive Dawood Ibrahim, late China-based syndicates in- religious community must be being said from all sides, he said
mitted to seeking a fair, normsof themeeting.Aftercon- saidIG(ChitrakootDhamRange) suppliers conspired to fraudu- Tiger Memon; members of volved in smuggling gold. China viewed with grave disfavour by – “but the question is, can it be
reasonable and mutually ac- sultation with the host, the KSatyaNarayan.Whilenoarrest lentlydraintheJharkhandtreas- Jamat-ul-Mujaheedin of remains a major destination for this Court as the custodian of regulated?”
ceptable solution through dia- Indian side left the meeting,” has been made so far in the case, ury; and the Vyapam scam in- Bangladesh (JMB) investigated contraband wildlife sourced constitutional values. Its duty to
logueandpeacefulnegotiations. Srivastavasaid.Themeetingwas Narayan said that statements of volving Madhya Pradesh by the NIA in the 2014 Burdwan from the Indian wild. enforceconstitutionalvaluesde- Andhra HC
In the interim, the twosidesalso chaired by Russian NSA Nikolai around 18 persons have been ProfessionalExaminationBoard. blast case; operatives of the Traditionally, red sanders (san- mands nothing less”. effect that no electronic or print
agreethatmaintenanceof peace Patrushev. recorded. Congress president Sonia People’sLiberationFrontof India dalwood), big cat derivatives, The court noted that the newsitembepublishedwithre-
andtranquillityintheborderar- The new political map was Police are searching for a lo- Gandhi’s son-in-law Robert (PLFI) held in Chhattisgarh in and ivory have been in high de- show, which the channel had spect (details withheld as per
easisessentialforthefurtherde- releasedbythePakistangovern- cal gangster, Ashu Bhadoria, in Vadra, whose Sky Light 2013 in connection with 28 mand. been promoting with the hash- court order) connected events
velopmentof bilateralrelations.” ment on August 4, a day before the attack for which the then HospitalityPrivateLimited(now cases of kidnapping, murder, The database has granular tag“UPSC_Jihad”,containedfac- untilfurtherordersof thisCourt.
“India and China are yet to the completion of a year since Mahoba SP Mani Lal Patidar is LLP) is being probed by the looting,arsonandextortion;and details of hundreds of cases tually incorrect statements re- Social media posts shall also not
resolvetheirboundaryquestion. special status under Article 370 among those booked following Enforcement Directorate; for- militants of Democratic Front of where arrests were made for garding the upper age limit and be published and, in this regard,
China does not accept the cus- toJ&Kwasrevoked.Themapde- allegations from Tripathi's fam- mer Karnataka Chief Minister Bodoland (Songbijit) arrested in trafficking drugs and gold, be- number of attempts allowed to the Director General of Police,
tomary and traditional align- picts J&K as part of Pakistani ter- ily about the officer's role in the HDKumaraswamy,whowasac- Assam in 2015 with firearms sides thosechargedwithpoach- Muslimsinexamsconductedby A.P., and the Ministry of
ment of the boundary.” ritory, as well as the areas of Sir incident. Patidar had earlier cused of illegally denotifying a and ammunition. ing and smuggling wildlife, the UPSC. Information and Broadcasting,
He said India and China have Creek and Junagadh. been booked in a separate case prime plot to benefit his rela- Since the mid-1990s, Indian across India. These include: The order came at the end of Govt. of India, shall take steps to
concluded a number of agree- On Tuesday, sources said, of extortion filed by another tives, and former Jharkhand intelligence and security agen- * Six arrested in Mumbai in an animated hearing during informtherelevantsocialmedia
mentsandprotocols“tomaintain India made clear its “strong ob- businessman. Chief Minister Madhu Koda, cies detected multiple gun-run- December 2013 on suspicion of which Solicitor General of India platforms/housesinthisregard,’’
peace and tranquillity along the jection”tothe“illegalmap”even Police are, meanwhile, col- who was named in a red corner ningracketssmugglingillegally- trafficking 1.2 tonnes of keta- Tushar Mehta wondered to the order stated.
LACwithoutprejudicetotheirre- as the Russian side “tried very lecting details of those associ- notice in a money laundering procured consignments of mine worth an estimated Rs 118 what extent the media be regu- After the FIR was lodged
spective positions on the align- hard” to persuade Pakistan ated with the victim and verify- case, are also mentioned in the China-made weapons to India crore. lated, and talked of shows on Tuesday, the former law official,
ment of the LACas well as on the against its use. Pakistan’s move ing their location at the time of database. through the Sino-Burmese bor- * Personal security staff of an “Hindu terror” in the past. representedbysenioradvocates
boundary question. It is on this was also a “blatant violation of the attack. The ambit of monitoring fi- der and then via Northern IPS officer during his tenure in JusticeChandrachudsaidthe Mukul Rohatgi and Shyam
basis that our overall relations theSCOCharter”and“againstall However, Tripathi's family nancial crime extends to cases Myanmar and Bangladesh. Chandigarh convicted in 2013 electronic media has extraordi- Divan,movedtheHighCourt,al-
also saw considerable progress its established norms of safe- members claimed that police of corruption, bribery and fraud. Significantly,OKIDBhasover for possessing 12 kg heroin narily broad access, and can be legingthatthestategovernment
since 1988”. guarding the sovereignty and are “trying to divert the investi- Also on the list are over 500 40 bookmakers accused of bet- worth Rs 60 crore. used to target communities. was targeting him and sought
BriefingtheHouseonthede- territorial integrity of SCO gation” by focusing on those entities restrained for various tingandspot-fixingintheIndian * Customs officer charged in “This programme was so insidi- relief from the Hon’ble Court in-
velopmentsthisyear,Singhsaid: Member States”, sources said. close to them. "Instead of ques- reasons by market regulator Premier League (IPL) and the connection with an attempt to ous,” he said. “Citizens from a cluding a gag order. The matter
“Since April, we had noticed a According to sources, tioningthosenamed in thecase, Securities and Exchange Board 2015 Cricket World Cup. What smuggle20kgof gold,worthap- particular community who go wastakenupbyaBenchof Chief
build-up of troops and arma- Patrushev, Secretary of Russia's police are picking up people of India(SEBI).Thegranulardata perhaps explains the close proximatelyRs6crore,intoIndia through the same examinations Justice J K Maheshwari.
ments by the Chinese side in the National Security Council, con- close to us. We suspect that they includes even those arrested for watch on the IPL is the amount through Kochi airport in 2013. andgetinterviewedbythesame The petitioner had alleged
border areas adjacent to Eastern veyed that he was “personally want to give a clean chit to the exchanging demonetised ban- of Chinese investment in the * A Kotdwar resident ar- panel...,” he observed. that the AP ACB was working
Ladakh. In early May, the very grateful” to Doval for at- accused. Police have also been knotes. tournament. Chinese mobile rested in 2012 for allegedly “How do we deal with these with mala fide intentions
Chinese side had taken action to tending the summit. “Russia deployed on all roads leading to Explained a cybersecurity phonemakersVivoacquiredthe smuggling 67 kg of elephant issues? Can this be tolerated in against him and that the whole
hinder the normal, traditional does not support what Pakistan our residence. They are record- expert who has worked with title sponsorship rights for the tusks worth Rs 50 lakh in the afreesociety?...Isthistrulyexer- issue was being given a political
patrolling pattern of our troops has done and hopes that ing details of people visiting our multiple Indian government IPL in 2018 for Rs 2,199 crore for black market. cise of Article 19(1)(a) (the right colour and a media trial.
intheGalwanValleyarea,which Pakistan’s provocative act will house," Tripathi's brother, Ravi agencies: “We are looking at a fiveyears.Whileongoingborder The database includes illegal to freedom of speech and ex- AppearingonbehalfoftheAP
resulted in a faceoff. Even as this notaffect India’sparticipationin Kant, said. crime map that marks the fault issuesforcedVivotoexitthedeal organ donations that were re- pression)?” government, Advocate C Mohan
situation was being addressed the SCO,” sources said. On Monday, police ques- lines in an open democratic sys- last month, its replacement fan- ported from hospitals in Senior Advocate Shyam Reddysubmittedthattheprayer
by the ground commanders as Pakistan's ruling party, how- tioned Tripathi's business part- tem. Much of it may seem to tasy sports firm Dream 11 is Amritsar, Delhi, Mumbai, Divan, who appeared for the foragagorderwasinfructuousas
per the provisions of our bilat- ever,claimed that Doval’s objec- ners, Purushotam Soni and Bal havenorevelatoryvaluebutOS- part-ownedbyChinesetechnol- Gurugram and Nalgonda. channel, said he would oppose the news was already out in the
eral agreementsand protocol, in tions to the map were “over- Kishore. INT (open-source intelligence) ogy major Tencent. Significantly,ChinaandIndiaare any stay on the programme, as electronic media.
mid-MaytheChinesesidemade ruled”. “Today, the Shanghai In the FIR, Ravi Kant had al- needs a massive data analytic The database also focuses on among the most popular desti- it was a question of freedom of After hearing both parties,
several attempts to transgress CooperationOrganisation (SCO) leged that his brother, who was framework leading to a fusion other specific areas of Chinese nations for international pa- speech. He argued that “there is the Court issued notice in the
the LAC in other parts of the held its online meeting of running a mining business, was centre where the leads are fil- interest such as trafficking nar- tientsseekingorgantransplants. a foreign funding issue” that the matter and sought replies from
Western Sector. This included National Security Advisors killed after he refused to meet tered and enriched with other cotics, gold, and wildlife. Due to programme claims to expose, the respondents within four
Kongka La, Gogra and North where India’s spurious claims demands of money made by feeds. That explains the stagger- its proximity to the Golden Adjournment and that the court should come weeks.
Bank of Pangong lake. These at- were rejected,” the Pakistan Patidar. Besides Patidar, Kabrai ing range of names on the list Triangle on its southwestern by a firm linked to the Chinese to any conclusion only after see- FULLREPORTSON
tempts were detected early and Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) tweeted. SHO Devendra Shukla and two and their voluminous records,. border,contrabandnarcoticshas government, as reported by The ing the entire programme, and


CM Mamata
Bengal nets big catch as Bangladesh DAILY RECOVERIES SLIP BELOW 3,000

Active Covid-19 cases

will meet

starts exporting 1,450 MT hilsa to state

from Sep 21
to 24

likely to visit

PADMA’S HILSA has started

climb close to 24,000
north Bengal swimming back
Bangladesh to the West Bengal
from Surjya Kanta Mishra in home quarantine as wife tests +ve
next week markets this monsoon. The
neighbouring country will ex-
portatotalof 1,450metrictonne
below 1,000 and settled at 966.
The Medinipur districts re-
ported five deaths. Paschim
of the silver fish to India, thereby Medinipur’s active caseload rose
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE rekindlinghopeof resumptionof THE DAILY number of recovered 209146 to1,497whilePurbaMedinipur’s
KOLKATA, SEPTEMBER 15 bordertradeonaregularbasisaf- Covid-19patientsonTuesdayfell figure fell to 1,164 after 273 pa-
ter a gap of eight years. below 3,000 for the first time
INCREASE DEATHS tients recovered. Purba
WEST BENGAL Chief Minister After Bangladesh gave spe- since September 9.Withthe dis- 3227 4062 Medinipur’s toll is now 92, just
MamataBanerjeeislikelytovisit cial permission to its traders for charge of 2,919 people, the re- 1,81,142RECOVERED one short of Darjeeling up north,
North Bengal next week for four hilsaexport,thestatehasalready covery rate in West Bengal rose which has recorded the most fa-
daystomeetadministrativeoffi- received 70 metric tonne hilsain to 86.61 per cent. 25,62,821 SAMPLES talities outside the epicentre.
cials and take a stockof develop- the last two days. Packed inside The state added 3,227 cases TESTED TILL SEPT 15 Inaworryingsign,Darjeeling’s
ment work. ice-filled theromocol boxes, the to its load, which pushed up the active caseload rose to 774 while
“TheCMislikelytovisitNorth first consignment of 20 metric totalto2,09,146,while59deaths the number of patients in Malda
Bengal on September 21 and re- tonne of fish reached in three took the toll to 4,062. The active retarySurjyaKantaMishra’swife became502,increasingby69.Four
turn Kolkata on September 24,” trucks on Monday. The 50-met- cases in the state climbed to Usha Mishra, who has been hos- deathsoccurredinAlipurduar.
said a senior official of the state ric-tonne second consignment 23,942. pitalised. The CPI(M) leader has According to the health bul-
secretariat on Tuesday. reached the local markets on Customers buy hilsa at Maniktala market in Kolkata on Tuesday. Partha Paul Keepingwiththetrend,abulk quarantined himself at home on letin, 45,226 tests were con-

According to officials, Tuesday. Nine companies have of the new cases (47.6 per cent) doctor’sadvice,andcancelledhis ducted in 24 hours. The test pos-
Banerjee will stay in Siliguri on been granted permission to ex- werereportedfromthesouthBe- scheduled for the next five days. itivity rate registered a marginal
September 21. The next day she port hilsa and has to be com- “I got one kilo of hilsa at Rs pletelydifferent.Youhavetotaste ngalepicentrecomprisingKolkata, InsouthBengal,thesituation decline, falling to 8.16 per cent.

willholdanadministrativemeet- pleted by October 10, said Whythe 1,200. For a Bengali like me, it’s it to believe it. Bengalis are food its adjoining districts North 24 stabilised somewhat in Paschim The Department of Health
ing with officials of Alipurduar
and Jalpaiguri districts there. On
It is speculated that the
haul is not a big price to pay for ‘opar
hilsa’ (Bangladeshi hilsa). Prices
lovers, we don’t understand
Parganas, South 24 Parganas,
Howrah; and Hooghly. These five
Bardhaman district, which had
become a cause of concern for
said 2,509 people were in gov-
ernment quarantine, while
September 23, she is likely to Bengal and Bangladesh govern- ● depleting may come down later. But if you we live on the mercy of districtsalsorecorded36deaths. health authorities last week af- 72,695peopleremainisolatedat
meet the district officials of ments failed to find a meeting get fresh Bangladeshi hilsa dur- Bangladeshi government to rel- Amongthosewhotestedpos- ter adding 977 cases. On home. There are 1,697 people in
Darjeeling, Kalimpong and ground on the Teesta water- DWINDLING AVAILABIL- ingthemonsoon,thenwhatelse ishourfavouritedelicacy.Ibought itiveinKolkataisCPI(M)statesec- Tuesday, its active caseload fell safe homes.
Cooch Behar at Uttarkanya, the sharing agreement in 2011, ITY of hilsa in West can you ask for," said Koushik a medium-sized hilsa today, for
secretariatofficeinNorthBengal. which was the reason behind Bengal has left a sour taste Ghosh, a customer at Howrah which I shelled out Rs 900," said
The Asssembly elections are
likely to be held during April or
theneighbouringcountry’s ban-
ningof hilsaexportthenextyear.
in the mouths of Bengalis.
The constant practice of
fish market.
Since the ban was imposed,
Supratim Dasgupta, another
buyer at Teghoria fish market. Metro e-passes not mandatory for
May next year.
Sources said, ahead of the
polls, Banerjee wantstomonitor
that low availability of fish was
the reason behind the ban.
netting hilsa while they
are yet to become mature,
coupled with interrup-
it was only twice that
Bangladesh government had al-
lowedhilsa exports,once inMay
According to fish traders, the
biggest problem with local hilsa
is that fishermen catch them
senior citizens during non-rush hour
all the administrative work and “We have always been very tions of fishermen and 2016 and then again last year even before they grow mature.
complete all developmental optimistic.Almosteveryyear,we trawler movements dur- when 500 tonne of fish from the It hampers the reproduction of EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
projectsbeforeDecember.Toex- havewrittenletterstotheSheikh ing the breeding season Padma-Meghnariversweresent fish. KOLKATA, SEPTEMBER 15
pedite the development proj- Hasina government to lift the do not allow fish to grow to Bengal during Durga Puja. “There are certain steps that
ects, Banerjee wanted to start ban. Last year, we received 500 to its natural size. Hence, With the ban, the demand for must be followed if we want to KOLKATA METRO on Tuesday
visiting the districts in the end of metrictonneof Bangladeshihilsa the available fish weighs hilsa has been all-time high in conserve hilsa locally, which we said e-passes for entering sta-
September. as puja gift. This year 1,450 met- only between 250-500 West Bengal, specially Kolkata. fail to do. We hope the tions would not be mandatory
ric tonne will reach the state in a gm. Inadequate rainfall While hilsa is also available Bangadesh government lifts the forseniorcitizensbetween11.30
phase-wise manner. Let’s hope and increasing salinity of in West Bengal, the size and bansomeday.Wehaveregularly am to 4.30 pm from Wednesday
PM’s speech Bangladeshgovernmentliftsthe water have also con- quality is far more superior on written to them and we are still According to sources, the de-
nothing ban on cross-border trade of tributed to its decreasing the other side of the border. hopeful," Anwar added. cisionwastakenafterseveralsen-
more than hilsa," Syed Anwar Maqsood, production. About two years ago when the For 72-year-old Arindam ior citizens complained that they
flowery Secretary of West Bengal Fish hilsa production was relatively Chatterjee, monsoon and hilsa wereunabletogeneratee-passes
words: Importers’ Association, told The high, even then 90 per cent of go hand in hand. online on Monday as services re- E-passes are being generated from the ‘Pathadisha’ mobile
Abhishek Indian Express. 1200 gram. As soon as the con- landing was between 200 and “You can’t enjoy one without sumed after almost six months. application. Partha Paul
Depending on size, the price signments reached Bengal, 300 gram. the other. Now that Bangladeshi Thee-passesarebeinggenerated
of hilsa in local markets varies tradersauctionedthecatchtore- “We can never compare hilsaisfloodingthelocalmarket, fromthe“Pathadisha”mobileapp.
Abhishek slams from Rs 600-1300. The fish gen- tailers, who in return are now Bangladeshi hilsa to what we get we won’t buy other fish at least “Since generating an e-pass 110servicesontheNoapara-Kavi 27,100, while earnings were Rs
erally weighs between 600 and selling it to customers. here locally. The taste is com- for the time being," he said. was a problem for senior citi- Subhash line every day except 10.06 lakh. In the East-West cor-
Centre for ‘no zens, the Metro authorities de- Sundays, when operations will ridor, there were 99 passengers
cided to allow senior citizens to remain shut for the sanitisation and Rs 6,129 was earned.
data on migrant HOOGHLY Driver makes ‘indecent gestures’ travel between 11.30 am and of rakes and coaches. Only a The Kolkata Metro adminis-

Dead BJP worker’s family says at MP Mimi Chakraborty, held

4.30 pm by showing any one of maximum 400 passengers are tration has claimed to have
labourer deaths’ their identity cards, including being allowed at a time in trains utilisedthelockdownperiodup-
Pan card, Aadhaar card, driving to avoid crowding and to main- gradingseveralpassengerameni-
Kolkata: Attacking the Centre for
Trinamool helping it, not party licence, passport and voter ID
card,” the Metro authorities said
tain Covid protocols.
calator was commissioned at
data on the number of migrants timidate the family and convert EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE The incident in their notification. North-South corridor was Chandni Chowk station.
who died during the lockdown, EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE the case of alleged murder into KOLKATA, SEPTEMBER 15 took place After entering the station, the
TrinamoolCongressMPAbhishek KOLKATA, SEPTEMBER 15 one of suicide. The day before, a when Mimi seniorcitizenscanusesmartcards
BanerjeeonTuesdaysaidthespe- familymemberhadtoldtheme- A TAXI driver was arrested here Chakraborty orbuypaperticketsfromcounters.
echesofPrimeMinisterNarendra A DAY after the BJP alleged that dia, “He was murdered and then on Monday night for allegedly was Metro Railway is operating
Modiandhisministersare“noth- the police kidnapped the family hanged.Wewantdetailedinves- making indecent gestures at ac- returning
ing more than flowery words”. members of a party worker tigation.” tor and Trinamool Congress from gym.
Union Labour Minister Sant- found dead in Hooghly district’s State BJP general secretary (TMC)MPMimiChakraborty.The
osh Gangwar told the Lok Sabha GoghatareaonSundaymorning, Sayantan Basu on Tuesday said, driver, identified as 32-year-old
on Monday that the government the family resurfaced on “Led by the SDPO [Sub- Deba Yadav, has also been ac- lice.Hewasdrunk,andhasbeen
does not have data on the num- Tuesday and said the Trinamool DivisionalPoliceOfficer], therel- cusedofmakinglewdcomments. arrested,”theMPtoldthemedia.
berofmigrantswhodiedorwere Congress (TMC) was helping atives were kidnapped by the Theallegedincidentoccurred A case has been registered
injured while returning to their them in all possible manner. police. Today, they are being around 1.30 pm when against Yadav, a resident of Uttar
nativeplacesduetothelockdown. The daughter-in-law of threatened to make false state- Chakrabortywasdrivingtowards Panchanna gram in Anandapur
“Absolutely zilch amount of Ganesh Roy told reporters the ments. Theyarebeing toldto say Gariahat crossing from policestationarea,atGariahatpo-
data with @BJP4India Govt on familywasattheirrelative’shouse the TMC is helpingthem andthe Ballygunge Phari. “I was return- lice station. He has been charged
the countless lives and jobs lost onMonday.“TheBJPdidnothelp BJP is not. Some days later they ing from the gym. It was raining with IPC sections 354 (assault or
among migrant workers! Turns us at all. They did not give us any will be forced to the TMC by the heavily,whensuddenlyatoneof criminalforcetowomanwithin-
out that speeches by @naren- kind of assistance. We went to a police. All of this is scripted.” the signals this taxi driver tent to outrage her modesty),
dramodi Ji & his ministers were relative’s place yesterday. We re- AlocalTMCleaderdismissed showedwronggestures.Initially, 354A (sexual harassment), 354D
nothing more than flowery turnedlastnight.TheTMCishelp- the allegation, and said, “The I ignored him but then he was (stalking)and509(word,gesture
words. Will there ever be an end ingusineverypossibleway.From truth has come out today. We al- again giving a bad gesture. I oractintendedtoinsultthemod-
to your inhumanity?,” Banerjee, groceriestovegetables,allarebe- ways stand by the people. There thought if I leave him alone to- esty of a woman).
alsothenationalpresidentof the ingprovidedbythem,”sheadded. is no politics. The BJP is trying to day, the woman who will board The MP has thanked Kolkata
TMC’s youth wing, said on On Monday, the BJP had ac- politicise the incident. We his taxi at night won’t be safe. So Police for taking prompt action
Twitter. PTI cused the police of trying to in- strongly condemn it.” I decided to take him to the po- against the accused.

BJP files police complaint against TMC worker

TMC leader over ‘hate speech’ killed in
Malda, party Where Practice Meets Theory


allegedly made
blames BJP Indus University is rapidly growing well-reputed private funded university in
Ahmedabad. The university is focused on Engineering, Management, Aviation
Technology, Skill Development, Architecture, Design and Environment, Indology,
THE BJP has lodged a police complaint the speech at
against Trinamool Congress (TMC) Mallarpur in Yoga & Wellness Programmes at UG, PG and Research levels with emphasis on
Birbhum district president Anubrata Birbhum PRESS TRUST OF INDIA niche areas like Aviation, Indic Studies and Environment Studies.
Mondal for making an alleged hate KOLKATA, SEPTEMBER 14 We are looking for a Dynamic and Visionary Leader as:
speech. The complaint was filed on
Monday at Mallarpur police station. attempt to malign Mondal’s image.” A 40-YEAR-OLD Trinamool Executive President
At a party meeting in Mallarpur on On Monday, the TMC district chief Congress worker was found
July 15, Mondal allegedly told TMC sup- courted another controversy by asking dead in Malda district, police (Equivalent to Vice Chancellor)
porters to break the hands and legs of BJP the party’s district vice-president and said on Monday. To take the university to the next level as a Nationally Acclaimed University with an
workers.TheOppositionpartyclaimsthat public prosecutor Moloy Mukhopadhyay The deceased, identified as ambition to be ranked among the top institutions of India. The prospective candidate
attacks on its workers intensified follow- to arrest BJP workers in connection with Subodh Pramanik, was a wood must satisfy all the norms and requirements of minimum qualification and experience
ing the speech. an incident in which bombs were hurled trader. He was a resident of as per University Grants Commission.
BJP Birbhum district general secretary at the house of a party worker. Habibpur village in the district,
Apart from a Doctoral Degree from a nationally / internationally reputed institution,
Atanu Chattopadhyay told reporters on Mondal made the comment at a they said.
preferably in engineering and technology, the candidate should be an accomplished
Tuesday, “Attacks on our workers inten- party meeting in Dubrajpur after the Pramanik’s body was found
academician with a proven track record of higher education management and
sified following the speech of Anubrata TMC worker, identified as Mallika Hazra, near his agricultural land where
experience of not less than ten years at a level of Director / Principal of a reputed
Mondal. Our workers are under a complained to him that no BJP worker he had gone on Sunday evening,
institution. Should be willing to take challenges of a growing institution head-on
tremendous mental pressure after such had been arrested in connection with police said.
with a burning passion for Institution building.
a hate speech. Therefore, we have lodged the incident. Police have launched a probe
a complaint against Mondal. We hope A local BJP leader said, “This is noth- into the matter as the TMC held If you are excited to lead from the fore, this challenging pursuit towards excellence of
the state administration will take action ing new. Earlier, Mondal had asked the the local BJP responsible for the our young University, apply with detailed resume in prescribed format within 15 days
against him.” police to frame false ‘ganja cases’ against killing. on
Mondal was not available for com- our workers. Mondal thinks he can con- The BJP leadership, however, (Your candidature will be kept in strict confidentiality)
ments. A local TMC leader said, “This is a trol the police and administration by us- rubbished the allegations and
baseless allegation. Earlier, they had inghismusclepower.Butpeoplewillgive blamed the Trinamool Indus University, Rancharda, Via: Shilaj, Ahmedabad-382115, Gujarat, India
moved the Supreme Court against him. them a befitting reply in 2021 Assembly Congress’s internal feud as the Telefax: +91-2764260277/78/79/80
The court gave him a clean chit. This is an elections.” reason behind the death.



Govt says no debate in House, may brief Opposition MPs want MPLADS
‘In camera’ briefing may be held with military leadership on ground situation Can’t discuss China; Covid can be restored, suggest
taken up with related Bills: Govt
cer, in violent clashes in the
Galwan Valley, Prime Minister
2019aboutPulwamaattack. bate on Epidemic Diseases
use of Central Vista
funds in Covid fight
the Opposition with a view to Swaraj had also held an all- LIZ MATHEW (Amendment) Bill and for the
ON A day Defence Minister buildadomesticconsensus. party meeting following the NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 15 economy issues, Lok Sabha will

Rajnath Singh made a statement Modi had convened an all- Balakot air strike by the IAF on have a debate on supplementary
inLokSabhaonthemilitarystand- party meeting on June 19 but the February 26, 2019. The meeting THE GOVERNMENT on Tuesday demands for grants and other fi-
offwithChina,thegovernment,it meetingcreatedsomediscordaf- was attended by then Finance rejected the Opposition’s de- nancial bills such as Banking

is learnt, is likely to soon hold an ter the Prime Minister, in his con- Minister Arun Jaitley and Home mandstoraiseseveralcontentious Regulation(Amendment)Bill. LIZ MATHEW Howthe
“in camera” meeting either with
all or select Opposition leaders MPs meet amid masks and
cluding address, told the political
In the UPA government, then
issues, including Chinese aggres-
sion at the LAC, saying the issue is
aboutthesituationalongtheLine screens, in Lok Sabha on trudedintoIndianterritorynorhas PrimeMinisterManmohanSingh sensitiveandathreadbaredebate on Tuesday, with many Congress ON A day when the Lok Sabha ● works
of ActualControl(LAC)inLadakh. Tuesday. PTI anyone captured any military hadalsoreachedoutsimilarly. in Parliament would put the lives MPs giving notices on adjourn- unanimouslybackedthegovern-
The indications came even as posts.TheCongresshassincecrit- In the wake of tension with of thesoldiersthereindanger. ment motion. But Speaker Om ment’s move to slash salaries of UNDER THE MPLAD sche-
main opposition Congress icised the government over that Pakistan along the LoC and be- Sources said Opposition lead- Birla rejected it. MPsby30percenttomeettheex- me, MPs can recommend
slammedthegovernmentfornot era” briefing with them on the statement. headingof LanceNaikHemrajby erswantedtohaveshort-duration At least 10 notices have been igencies arising out of the pan- developmentprogrammes
allowingitsmemberstoaskques- ground situation, and how the Similarly, the NDA govern- Pakistani soldiers in January discussionsonthetensionatLAC, given for adjourning the pro- demic,aunitedOppositionasked involving spending of Rs 5
tionstotheDefenceMinisterafter armedforcesaretacklingit. ment had briefed the Opposition 2013, Singh had spoken to then the pandemic situation, migrant ceedings to discuss “crucial is- the government to restore the croreeveryyearintheirre-
his statement. The Opposition Inthepast,governmentsofthe inthewakeofthePulwamaterror Leaders of Opposition Swaraj workers’issuesandtherisingun- sues”. This includes The Indian Members of Parliament Local spective constituencies.
stagedawalkoutinLokSabha. day had made it a point to reach attack last year, and during the and Jaitley and assured them employment in the Business Express’s report on hybrid war- Area Development Scheme MPs from both Lok Sabha
SourcesintheOppositionsaid out to the Opposition in an at- standoff with China in Doklam in thattheOppositionwouldbein- AdvisoryCommittee(BAC)meet- fare by China. Congress leaders (MPLADS),fundingforwhichhas and Rajya Sabha, including
the government, through various tempt to forge a political consen- 2017.Whiletheall-partymeeting formed about the situation. A ing held at 2 pm Tuesday. But the Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, K been suspended for two years. nominatedones,candoso.
channels, had signaled to them susduringsuchcrises.Inthewake on Doklam on July 14, 2017, was day later, then National Security treasurybenchesarelearnttohave Suresh and Manickam Tagore TheOppositionalsosuggested MPs and MLAs do not re-
thatitwould,alongwiththemili- of the killing of 20 Army person- convenedbythenExternalAffairs AdviserShivshankarMenonhad suggested that the pandemic gave separate notices to take up that the Rs 20,000-crore Central ceive any money under
tary leadership, hold an “in cam- nel, includinga Colonel-rank offi- Minister,lateSushmaSwaraj,then briefed both leaders. couldbediscussedduringthede- the issue. Vista project should be cancelled theseschemes.Thegovern-
toputinthatmoneyforthecoun- menttransfersitdirectlyto
try’sfightagainstCovidpandemic. therespectivelocalauthor-


Kagithapuram - 639 136, Karur Dist. Tamil Nadu
The Lower House passed the
E-mail: , Ph: 04324-277 001 (10 Lines), Extn: 4402/4568 Members of Parliament constituencies based on a
On 16 Sep 1999 No 9420361 Late Rfn Diwakar (Amendment) Bill, 2020 that set of guidelines that focus
Tamang of 3/11 GR had made supreme NOTICE INVITING BIDS
seeks to reduce salaries of law- on the creation of durable
sacrifice during OP VIJAY (Kargil) in Sep 1999. Sl. Bid Issue Bid Due makersby30percentforoneyear community assets like
Material Descripion
Colonel 11 GR & Sikkim Scouts and No Date Date as part of austerity measures in- roads,schoolbuildingsetc.
All Ranks Installaion, Tesing & Commissioning troduced in view of Covid-19.
of Electrical Equipments including While extending support to
1 16.09.2020 30.09.2020
On 16 Sep 1999 No 9418636 Late Nk Darjey supply of miscellaneous accessories for themove,allnon-NDApartiesde- dropintheocean,wearehappyto
Bahadur Tamang of 3/11 GR had made TNPL Unit-II MEP manded that the MPLADS funds, do so because we want to stand
supreme sacrifice during OP VIJAY (Kargil) in Detailed terms & conditions, Tender Fee, EMD, etc. are meant for development work in with the nation. But this amount
Sep 1999. available in tender document at our websites: / constituencies,berestoredimme- is just 12.5 per cent of the money
Colonel 11 GR & Sikkim Scouts and
diately.Somemembersevensaid estimated for the Central Vista
All Ranks DIPR/3443/Tender/2020 TNPL - Maker of bagasse based eco-friendly Paper
it should be increased. The Project. Who wants this project
Congress, DMK, NCP, YSRCP, TRS, now? You can take that money
TDP, BJD and BSP sought restora- and invest in Covid hospitals and
dk;kZy; lgkjuiqj LekVZ flVh fyfeVsM] lgkjuiqj tion of the funding. ventilators,” NCP’s Supriya Sule
l[;k 658 ,l-,l-lh-,y-@lgk-@2020&21 fnukad% 15-09-2020
Tripura Urban Planning and However, Parliamentary said.
AffairsMinisterPralhadJoshi,who TMCleaderSougataRay,who
’kqf) i=
i=kad la[;k 638@,l-,l-lh-,y-@l-iqj-@2020&21 fnukad 08-09-2020 dk bfUM;u
Development Authority (TUDA) replied to the debate, did not moved an amendment to in-
,Dlçsl ds i`"B la 08 ij Nis foKkiu esa fufonk çi= ds dqN fcUnq esa v'kqf);k Ni x;h Fkh Agartala, Tripura- 799001 make any commitment. creasethesalarycutto35percent,
rFkk dN fcUnq Nius ls NwV x;s Fks mä ds Øe esa fuEu 'kqf);k dh tkrh gS%& Congress MP Dean said the government should take
1- fufonk çi= ds fcUnq la[;k 7 esa QeZ dk VuZvksoj foÙkh; o"kZ 2019&20 dk layXu fd;k Ref: DNI-e-RFP No. 08/TUDA/Five Star Kuriackose, who moved a statu- awaytheentiresalaryofMPs,but
tkuk vfuok;Z gksxkA tory resolution against the ordi- retain MPLADs. “You are ready to
2- 'krZ la[;k 01 esa lh-,-th- o"kZ 2020&21 esa bEiSuYM gksuk pkfg,A Hotel/PPP/2020-21 dated 11.09.2020
3- dEiuh }kjk vuqcU/k ds lkFk vadu 01 yk[k dh ijQ‚eZUl xkjUVh ,Q-Mh-@,u-,-lh- ds nance, pointed out that the total spendRs20,000croreforCentral
:i esa lh-bZ-vks- lgkjuiqj LekVZ flVh fyfeVsM lgkjuiqj ds uke cU/kd djkdj dk;kZy; esa Tripura Urban Planning and Development collection from salary deduction Vista and you are taking away
tek djkuh gksxhA Authority, Agartala invites e-Request for would be around Rs 50 crore, petty amounts from the MP,” he
4- p;fur QeZ }kjk dk;kZy; esa rSukr fd;s tkus okys lh-,- dh lh-oh ,aoe lVhZfQdsV v‚Q whichisnominalcomparedtothe said. Ray also asked the govern-
eSEcjf'ki rdfudh fufonk ds lkFk layXu djuk vfuok;Z gksxhA Proposal (e-RFP) for Development of 5 Star
economicpackageannouncedby ment to disclose the cost of the
mä fufonk dh vfUre frfFk fnukad 16-09-2020 ds LFkku ij fnukad 25-09-2020 dks Hotel Cum Shopping Mart on Design, Build,
lka; 04-00 cts rd c<+k;h tkrh gS fufonk rn~fnukad dks gh 04-30 cts dk;kZy; esa [kksyh the government in view of the new aircraft purchased for the
tk;sxh rFkk mä la'kks/ku dks fufonk ds lkFk layXu fd;k tkrk gSA mDrkuqlkj i<+k tk;sA Finance, Operate and Transfer (DBFOT) Basis outbreak. DMK’s Kalanidhi Prime Minister.
vij eq[; dk;Zdkjh vf/kdkjh under Public Private Partnership (PPP) at Veeraswami pointed out there The BJD’s Pinaki Mishra said
lgkjuiqj LekVZ flVh fyfeVsM were other ways to mobilise taking away MPLAD funds
Salbagan, Agartala, Tripura. Interested bidders funds.“Thereisaproposalthatthe would “disempower” members
may participate through online e-tender portal
amount of about Rs 20,000 crore
to be spent on the Central Vista
of Parliament. Congress leader
Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury said
CORPORATION LTD National Health Mission submission of RFP: 12.10.2020 (upto 1500 hrs). project could instead be used to the House was united on the is-
CAD-472 combat Covid-19,” he said. sue and suggested that there
(A Govt. of Odisha Undertaking) Odisha State Health & Family Welfare Sd/- “Even if it (the money saved could be a resolution for restora-
Regd. Office: Odisha State Medical Society Health & FW Department, Odisha Commissioner (TUDA) out of MPs’ salary cut) means a tion of the funds.
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Finding real world solutions

Engineering is a way of thinking! A cut above the rest:
Celebrated in the loving memory of Sir M Visvesvaraya, one of India’s finest Elitte Institute
engineers of all times, National Engineers Day celebrates the noble profession
HE GLOBAL economic scenarios, the rapid
rate of technological advancement, the in-
of engineering and its various contributions to mankind formation revolution, all have initiated new
series of challenges as well as opportunities.Today,
change is so rapid that educational system has

ORN ON September 15, 1861, in kept itself abreast with the latest development.
Muddenahalli village of Kar- The educational institutions thus have to take the
nataka, the Bharat Ratna responsibility of developing and nurturing their
awardee Sir Mokshagundam Visves- students. The requirement of skilled manpower
varaya was a stellar Indian civil engi- has been grown in the Industries not only quanti-
neer of his time. He contributed signifi- tatively. Elitte Institute of Engineering & Man-
cantly to India’s progress and went on to agement established in 2009 under the Pinnac-
become the country’s “most prolific cle Education Trust to serve the society by
civil engineer, dam builder, economist, delivering quality engineering education to pass
statesman, and can be counted among out of schools and transforming them into em-
the last century’s foremost nation- ployable managers,technocrats etc and above all
Director- Academics & HR
builders.” He studied Bachelor of Arts good citizens of India. Elitte Institute of Engineer-
(BA) from the University of Madras and ing & Management (Diploma-2009), Elitte col-
pursued civil engineering at the College lege of Engineering (BTech-2015) & Elitte private
of Engineering, Pune. Among his no- ITI are the three institutes.
table contributions are the construction Elitte College is an institution that aims at com-
of the Krishna Raja Sagara Dam in plete development of the students and its staffs
Mysore as well as the flood protection are hand-picked and trained to ensure that the
system for the city of Hyderabad. While students are given possible support in all their en-
he was the chief engineer for the for- deavours, academic or otherwise. It is a multi-dis-
mer, he was the chief designer for the ciplinary institution which provides student with
latter. an outstanding learning environment and life
It is a given that for growth of our so- changing opportunities that will prepare them for
ciety and its success, engineering as a success.The teaching and training methodology is
profession is of immense importance to aimed not only at improving the academic per-
mankind. Since time immemorial, engi- solutions, every year our country cele- formance of our students in the examinations but
neers have put their efforts in “trans- brates National Engineers Day on 15 also in improving the acceptability of our students
forming the theoretical to the practical September, as a tribute towards his re- in the job market. MR SAJAL GHOSH
Director - Operation
for the betterment of all.” The term en- markable achievements for the better- After 12 years of services, we feel proud that
gineering is derived from the Latin in- ment of our society. “Due to his out- hundreds of our students have established their and wish them a memorable, meaningful and re-
genium, meaning "cleverness" and in- standing contribution to the society, identity in industries, government organisations, warding tenure and emerge as world-class engi-
geniare, meaning "to contrive, devise". Government of India conferred 'Bharat trans-national companies in different capacities, neers,architects or scientists.I would urge them to
Born on September 15, 1861, in Mud- Ratna' on this legend in the year 1955. functional areas and work environments through be good human beings and worthy citizens of this
denahalli village of Karnataka, the He was also awarded the British their technical skill, behavioural features. great country.
Bharat Ratna awardee Sir Mokshagun- knighthood by King George V, and We welcome the newly admitted students to We are located at Sodepur, Ghola,
dam Visvesvaraya was a stellar Indian hence has the honorific ‘sir’”. the portals of this great educational institution Kolkata -700113 ,
civil engineer of his time. He con-
tributed significantly to India’s progress
and went on to become the country’s
“most prolific civil engineer, dam latter.
builder, economist, statesman, and can Sir M Visvesvaraya is cred- IN THIS INCREASINGLY ADVANCED
be counted among the last century’s ited with his contribution to WORLD, ENGINEERS APPLY THE
foremost nation-builders.” Among his harnessing water resources in
notable contributions are the construc- the country and was chiefly
tion of the Krishna Raja Sagara Dam in responsible for the building SCIENCE TO DEVELOP SOLUTIONS TO
Mysore as well as the flood protection and consolidation of dams CONQUER CHALLENGING ISSUES AND
system for the city of Hyderabad. While across the country. Honouring
he was the chief engineer for the for- Sir M Visvesvaraya’s innova- PROBLEMS
mer, he was the chief designer for the tive and novel engineering

Shaping careers:
Ideal Institute of Engineering
A ffiliated to Maulana Abul Kalam
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Ideal Institute of Engineering,
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dergraduate engineering pro-
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neering (ME), Civil Engineering (CE),
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opment of the students in the current
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The library facility with international
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A comprehensive induction pro-
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We have to be vigilant against protectionism
and be constantly making the argument
for free trade. —ANDREW SCHEER

Call is on hold

Strengthening competitionintelecomiskeyto

QUESTION & ANSWER Rajat Kathuria and Isha Suri

PM is right, Parliament has a special responsibility — but that THERE WAS A time in India’s vaunted tele- structure requirements and the policy un- priced markets in the world, raising tariffs
responsibility is not just what the PM says it is com sector when the number of unique certainty combine to produce an entry de- would be an obvious strategy. According to

service providers in lucrative geographical terrence that any strategist would be proud estimates by Jefferies Equity Research, Airtel
EFORE THE START of the truncated Monsoon session of Parliament, Prime locations such as Delhi, Mumbai, Gujarat, of. It is far-fetched to expect a new entrant to will have to increase ARPUs (average rev-
Tamil Nadu and Karnataka were in excess of comeinanddemolisha potential monopoly. enue per user, a surrogate for price) by 10
Minister Narendra Modi said “this Parliament, particularly this session, has a
a dozen. In 2009, for example, Delhi sup- The top three operators by market share Jio, per cent and Vi by 27 per cent to completely
special responsibility”. The PM is absolutely right, this Parliament does have a ported 13 operators in a hyper-competitive AirtelandVi,togetheraccountfor90percent offset the impact of AGR dues. This, how-
greater task — but that task and responsibility is not just what the PM says it is, market in which the dominant policy nar- of the subscriber base. The public sector is ever, is not a one-sided decision and will de-
“… to send out a unanimous message that the entire country stands behind its armed rative revolved around the need for consol- fourth and largely irrelevant to the process pend on its rival response. Given there has
forces… with one voice”. It goes beyond that. Even as Parliament closes ranks behind the idation. Fragmentation of spectrum and of competition, serving captive markets or already been one round of tariff increase,
armed forces on the front, fighting to protect India’s territorial integrity, the House must subscribers, it was argued, increased costs where the private sector is unable or unwill- there is little room for another hike.
to operators because the benefits of scale ing to deliver. From a policy perspective, What other instruments can one con-
were denied without any added advantage strengthening existing competition will be sider to stimulate and fortify competition in
try,includingtheface-off withChina,andtoquestionsthatseektoholdthegovernmentto by way of competitive outcomes for the sub- key to realising India’s digital ambitions. Indiantelecomwithoutwhich our$1trillion
account.Infact,itcouldevenbesaidthatthespecialtaskof thissessionof Parliament,held scriber. What 13 operators could produce The recent judgment of the Supreme digital ambition will remain on paper. The
amidhostilitiesontheborderandapublichealthemergency,istoensurethatspacesfordis- for competition and market outcomes could Court on the licence fee payable by operators foregoing analysis suggests that at least one
agreement and diversity and difference, and for the thrust and parry of politics, are not be generated by less than half the number, to the Department of Telecommunications operatorisindireneedof cash,whileanother
cramped and constrictedbythe invocationof thefigure of thesoldierandtheaccompany- said scholars working on competition issues (DoT), also known as the “AGR” decision, is scraping the bottom. With reports of net-
ingcallsforsubmissionandsilence,orbydemandsof unduedeferencetothepandemic.In in the telecom sector. Three or four effective brings the curtains down on a case that has work quality deteriorating by almost 20 per
rivals could produce outcomes in favour of been under litigation since 2003. The con- cent, the need of the hour is to augment net-
the consumer, they argued. tentiousissuesinvolveddefiningthecompo- work capacity immediately and be future
On Day 2 of the session, Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh made a statement in In the decade since, that wish has been nentsof AGR,thefairnessof chargingpenalty ready when 5G comes along. These invest-
Parliament on the situation in Ladakh. He applauded the armed forces for their patience granted. Consolidation has occurred, merg- and interest on the unpaid AGR dues, and the mentsareunlikelygiventhecurrentfinancial
andresolve,theircourageandvalour,andsaidthatIndiaispreparedtodealwithallcontin- ers have materialised and exits have taken time period to settle accounts with the gov- health of the sector. One option could be to
gencies.Butthereismuchmoretobeaskedandanswered,andtheissue’ssensitivitymust place. But it appears that the pendulum has ernment.Somewherealongtheway,theDoT put some cash in the hands of operators by
not become a cloak or a pretext to ward off questions. The people’s representatives owe it swung far too much in the other direction. recognised the debilitating consequences of abolishing the licence fee based on AGR,
The dominant narrative in telecom today is themonetarydemandbeingplacedonoper- prospectively. This could be the much-
to the people to seek information, and to deepen deliberation on a consequential matter.
how to preserve competition in the market ators, and jointly, with the Indian Banks needed shot in the arm and could be treated
Indeed, there is an important tradition of all-party meetings where the government ad- by way of numbers. The threat of monopo- Association (IBA), pleaded before the SC that as part of the stimulus package for telecom.
dressestheOpposition’squestions,especiallyonissuesof diplomacyandnationalsecurity. lisation is real and palpable as incumbent telcos be given 20 years to pay off dues of In any case, there seems to be little justifica-
Even apart from China, there are discussions that must not be delayed on the economy, private operators, Airtel and Vodafone Idea With reports of network nearlyRs1.47lakhcrore.TheIBA’sinterestwas tion in auctioning spectrum and also levying
whichwasalreadyslowingdownandisnowweigheddownbyarecordcontraction,asurg- (Vi), struggle to keep pace. quality deteriorating by to reduce potential non performing assets additional charges. Having introduced spec-
ingviralloadanddestructionof demand.Theabsenceof safety nets formigrants,whofled Let us begin by examining the “so what” almost 20 per cent, the need of (NPAs),sincebanksareheavilyinvestedintel- trumauctions,thegovernmentcouldforsake
claim.Sowhatif anotherexittakesplaceand cos, while DoT’s interest was to protect com- other forms of licence fee. A nominal admin-
back home because they lost their livelihoods in the lockdown, and who are slowly mak- the hour is to augment
the market is effectively left as a duopoly petition.TheCourtdidconcedethatinthein- istrative fee could be charged instead to ad-
ing their way back to the cities again, needs to be addressed by Parliament, as also the con- with Jio and Airtel. The theory of contestable network capacity immediately terest of saving telcos, and therefore banks, it minister licences as is the practice in other
tinuing spread of the pandemic and the need for a response to it. marketssuggeststhataslongasthereisareal and be future ready when 5G may benecessarytogrant an additional time countries. The National Digital
These are not happy times for legislatures in general. The world over, the outbreak of threat of entry, even monopolies will be comes along. These period,butdeemed20yearsasexcessive.The Communications Policy of 2018 had recom-
COVID-19isstrengtheningexecutivepowerandweakeningcountervailinginstitutionsand compelled to behave as if they are operating final decision gives telcos 10 years to make mended rationalisation of these charges.
in a competitive market place. In other
investments are unlikely given goodthepayment.Thejudgementalsoputsa Protectingcompetitionandnot competi-
checks andbalances. In a time like this, more so when Question Hourhas also fallenvictim
words, competition for the market will dis- the current financial health of lid on reopening any aspect of the case with tors is a repeated refrain in policy circles. Vi
cipline a price setting monopolist. We doubt the sector. One option could an explicit warning of launching contempt through its new advertisement campaign
whether this idea will find much resonance be to put some cash in the proceedings against the errant entity. has announced its intent for the long term.
and across the distance, the Opposition has to make itself heard — and has to be heard. withpolicymakerstodayandfrankly,neither Where does this leave the market? Vi is The subtext reads it will not go down with-
are we persuaded by threats of contestabil-
hands of operators by the most affected. Its liability is nearly Rs out a fight. For the sake of Vi and, more im-
ity in correcting markets. These work in the abolishing the licence fee 54,000 crore and even with a 10-year hori- portantly, for the sake of competition, we
real world only when entry occurs at least based on AGR, prospectively. zon it is unclear whether this will be enough hope it is for real. It is now up to the govern-

WRONG WAY OUT once in a while. Who would wish to invest

in Indian telecom today when the entry bar-
riers in the form of spectrum acquisition
This could be the much
needed shot in the arm and
could be treated as part of the
to prevent a bankruptcy and establish a vir-
tual duopoly. Vi has reported a net loss of
Rs 73,878 crore in FY 2020. Meanwhile,
ment to play its role.

Kathuria is director and chief executive and

costs, the licence fee burden as a percentage Airtel owes approximately Rs 26,000 crore Suri is research associate, ICRIER.
Government must, to ensure credibility of its recent of the Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR), infra- stimulus package for telecom. in licence fee dues. For one of the lowest Views are personal
agricultural reform measures, rescind onion export ban


exported 11.50 lakh tonnes (lt) of the bulb, which fetched Rs 2,320.70 crore.
previousepisodesof priceincrease,thegovernmentusedtonothitthebrakesimmediately.
and then raise this gradually in order to discourage any sales outside the country. An out-
right ban would typically come as a last resort, when domestic prices continued to rise.
This time, any semblance of gradualism has been dispensed with. The trigger seems to Hitesh Jain
be the latest data on consumer price index inflation for August, which, at 6.69 per cent, was
abovetheReserveBankofIndia's(RBI)uppertargetlimitof6percent.Moreover,retailprices JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE goes hand in frameworkresolutionplanfordebtrecovery withcourageandvision.Issuing threatssuch
offood,whichareadisproportionate45.86percentintheoverallindex,areup9.05percent. hand with judicial accountability. However, that was proposed to ease the pains related as impeachment for deemed “misbehav-
Sticky food prices, compounded by uncertainty over the extent of damage to the standing some have confused judicial independence to stranded assets. iour”isaseriousmatterandnottobeusedso
kharifcropfromexcessiveAugustrains,havecomplicatedtheRBI’staskoffurthercuttingin- with the proclivity to strike down legisla- Some people have expressed their grief casually, as it can adversely impact the judi-
tion or executive action in a cavalier fash- at certain Supreme Court judgments or the ciary by questioning the trust of the nation
ion. The job of the judiciary is to be account- lack of appointment of judges of their choice in the institution. Therefore, imputing mo-
“POT” (potato, onion, tomato) complex that is on the boil. Potatoes and tomatoes, too, are able by dispensing justice. But some despite the government having a very lim- tives to judges for their decisions, or refer-
nowretailingatoverRs35andRs50perkg,respectively.That,of course,hasahugebearing self-anointed people feel the judiciary ited role in such appointments. Moreover, ringtotheircaste,orsayingthatthejudiciary
on inflation expectations of households. should be accountable by playing to the gal- we have certainly not witnessed an aggres- was subservient to the government or toe-
The current export ban comes, ironically, even as the Narendra Modi government is set leries. This is understandable, given how sive government, as we did during the dark ing a party line, cannot be construed as le-
topassmajorreformlawsforremovingallmovementandstockholdingrestrictionsonfarm they were disappointed with the nation’s daysof the Emergency.Itwouldbeatravesty gitimate criticism. Seeking recusals on-de-
rejection of a listless political opposition. if anyone denies that during the Emergency, mandasseenintheJudgeLoyacaseoronthe
produce. Onion growers have reasons to feel aggrieved about the government intervening
This does, though, raise questions on the all bail applications were rejected by the PIL on Assam’s detention centres are prime
only on behalf of consumers: The same bulb that is wholesaling today at Rs 28-30/kg in logic behind their covert demand for a re- courts, despite their awareness of the false- examples of wanton politics for ulterior mo-
Maharashtra'sLasalgaonmarketwastradingatRs6.50-7justoveramonthago.Thegovern- mote control on the judiciary. hood of those cases. That is a classic exam- tives and creating doubt where none exists.
ment must, to ensure the credibility of its recent agricultural reform measures, rescind the The people of India have believed that ple of when the courts abdicated their role One must be able to distinguish between
export ban. Farming is a tough job with inherent weather and price-related uncertainties. the venerable judges objectively dispense in enforcing rule of law. a narrative of distrust being peddled for per-
Building export markets takes time and entrepreneurial effort. The government, if it wants justice. Now, there is an ongoing attempt The judiciary has surprisingly been ac- sonal and political gains from reality. The
to browbeat the judiciary manifesting it- cused of being overly aggressive against a Supreme Court is not a political organ of the
to help consumers, should build a buffer stock of all essential foodstuffs. The time has come
self in the uncalled-for attacks on the certain political dispensation when it was in state.Itisnotthedutyof theCourttoappease
to stop forcing producers to bear the burden of inflation targeting. Supreme Court. power. Observing the rule of law and calling the aspirations of political proxies and un-
There are multiple recent examples to Those making deprecating out illegality is not bias. The quashing of a der no circumstances can retributive attacks
demonstrate how the judiciary has stood Central Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) ap- on its integrity and independence be con-
comments about the

contrary to the government of the day. Be it pointment was not a political decision -- it doned. To attack the independence of the
the striking down of the National Judicial judiciary should realise that was a result of procedural illegalities sur- Supreme Court and to continuously attack
Appointments Commission (NJAC) or the an independent judiciary is a rounding the act in question. Similarly, itsauthorityisthetrueunravellingof therule
Goa mining case, the Supreme Court gave quashing the spectrum allocation or striking of the law. Moreover, lawyers and politicians
basic feature of our
Extraterrestrial life could be much nearer than anticipated — on verdictsthatcannotbedeemedasfavourable
Constitution. It is the
down the allocation of coal mines was an act seeking to cast aspersions on the independ-
to the government. Similarly, in the Aadhaar of calling out the loot of India’s resources. enceof thejudiciaryoughttorememberthat
Venus, which has the most hostile surface in the solar system case, although the Supreme Court upheld its guardian and protector of Those making deprecating comments the Supreme Court is not a vessel to navigate

constitutional validity, the judgment went our fundamental rights, a about the judiciary should realise that an in- the seas of their personal ambitions.
ENUS IS HOT. Its surface is so hot that lead melts, and space probes land-
against the government’s policy objective of dependent judiciary is a basic feature of our
ing on it must click pictures quickly and transmit them home before the stemming leakage, while affecting the then-
role which, barring some Constitution. It is the guardian and protec- The writer is a senior lawyer based in
works seize up. And yet, the planet’s atmosphere bears the signature of nascentfintechindustry.TheSupremeCourt exceptions, it has performed tor of our fundamental rights, a role which, Mumbai and managing partner,
life. A paper in ‘Nature Astronomy’ — which is preliminary because the also struck down the Reserve Bank of India’s with courage and vision. barring some exceptions, it has performed Parinam Law Associates
pandemic interrupted research — has found phosphine in the atmosphere, one of the
byproducts of anaerobic respiration.
This is not the same as saying that Venus has life, because phosphine is produced
by several natural processes, including volcanic activity, and the volcanoes of Venus
contribute a little something to the greenhouse effect which keeps the planet hot. SEPTEMBER 16, 1980, FORTY YEARS AGO
Besides, it is surmised that Venus once had a comparatively mild aspect – not quite a
land overflowing with milk and honey, but one on whose surface water could have re- UP CM TO STAY would open the floodgates in other states, NEW PEACE FORCE
mained liquid, and supportive of life. Since the decay time of phosphine is unknown, THECONGRESS-IHighCommandwillnotal- which the ruling party can ill-afford. THE UNION GOVERNMENT has proposed to
lowtheUPChief MinisterVishwanathPratap raise three units of the CRP as a peacekeeping
what has been found could be the signature of life that is long-dead. On the other
Singhtoresignfromoffice.Hehadsoughtthe force,especiallytrainedtocontrolriotsanddis-
hand, it exists in such abundance that physical processes cannot explain it, and the best permission of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi THE GOVERNMENT’S POLICY on labour, turbances.TheCRPisatpresentanintegrated
bet would be airborne microbes, flying high in the clouds rich in sulphuric acid and to quit, citing moral responsibility for the ri- which will be outlined in the Sixth Plan doc- force with about 7 per cent Muslims, 12.5 per
carbonic acid above the hot surface. otsinMoradabadandotherpartsof thestate. ument, lays emphasis on the growth of the centSCsand7percentSTs.Inthesethreeunits,
The mystery can be set to rest only by probes flying in the atmosphere, and Nasa is be- AICC(I)generalsecretaryVasantdadaPatilsaid trade union movement in the country. The thesecommunitieswillbebetterrepresented.
ing castigated for going gaga over Mars and neglecting Venus for decades. The USSR, that while VP Singh had done his duty, “we policyalsounderlinedtheneedtostrengthen
which diligently sent out Venera probes to compensate, cannot do so any more for exis- will do ours”. A similar indication was given theindustrialrelationsmachinerysoastoan- STATUS QUO ON CABINET
by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi when she ticipate labour problems and take prompt PRIME MINISTER INDIRA Gandhi has ruled
tentialreasons.Butinterestingly,Indiaalreadyhasa presenceonVenus.Oneof thepromi-
said that the CM’s resignation will not solve measures to avert work stoppages. It is also out any immediate expansion of the
nent features of the planet is Lakshmi Planum, a plateau of smooth lava flows, named for any problem. The high command’s decision proposed to associate workers with their Cabinet. The PM did not think that one per-
our goddess of wealth. But it was named thus only because the Greek and Roman pan- on V P Singh was regarded as a foregone con- workingconditionsinordertoensurethatrel- son holding more than one portfolio affects
theons were exhausted. Whoever said the universe was fair? clusion for if the UP CM is allowed to go, it evant rules are implemented. the government’s efficiency.




“After decades of incessant hostilities and war, Afghanistan is at a historic
moment that can herald the long-awaited peace. ” — DAWN

A constant irritant to power A panoramic

In ‘Kesavananda Bharati’ case, Supreme Court redefined the relationship between judiciary, executive and
legislature. And set limits — constitutional dismemberment is not allowed in the name of amendment
As Prime Minister Modi turns 70, he will be
conscious of the need to navigate new, unfolding,
complex realities. The horizon lies ahead
ing up of new realms of intelligence. The
Upendra Baxi earththatweoncethoughtofasbeyondour
NOTMANYWHOspeak,write,orthinkabout cations for temperature, rainfall, food and
religionandlawrecognisehowreligiousinsti- watersecurityandbiodiversityamongoth-
tutions have affected the law and shaped in- N K Singh ers.Therapidpaceatwhichwearenowable
terpretation in enduring ways. His Holiness to analyse and influence myriad aspects of
Swami Kesavananda Bharati Sripadagalvaru, society, environment, economy, infrastruc-
thenaseniorheadofEdneerMuttinKasaragod “THE FIRST FORTY years of our life give the ture and even individual lives has offered a
district Kerala, made possible the landmark text, the next thirty furnish the commen- glimpseofthepowersthatwecanusetorise
decision of the Supreme Court (though other tary upon it,” writes Arthur Schopenhauer, to the occasion. Modi is committed to har-
petitions were also bunched together). I call the 19th-century German philosopher nessing the digital revolution in a compre-
thejudgmentthesecondmostimportanttext known for his essays on the role of human hensivesenseandtobuildgreatercollective
after the Constitution of India. will in creating the world that we experi- security. And how do we adjust to a new
The mutt is believed to have been estab- ence — in a sense, a kind of European de- worldwherecybersecuritythreatscanarise
lished by Thotakacharya, among the first four rivative of our concept of the veil of Maya. from literally anywhere? These two trends
disciplesof Adi Shankara. It blossomed under The sum of this experience, at 70, “enables areunfoldingwithin,andinfluencing,atime
his leadership. No mukadamabaz himself, us rightly to understand the true meaning of great change in the relationships that
Kesavananda Bharati protested the validity of and connection of the text with its moral structure and reshape our collaboration.
the 29th amendment which immunised, in and its beauties” — it gives us the Modi’s belief in the PRAGATI (Pro-Active
the Ninth Schedule, Kerala’s takeover of the panoramic view from the peak. Governance and Timely Implementation)
mutt’s property. The seer lost the battle but This is an important perspective. Prime Platform is part of these endeavours.
won the war because the amending power Minister Narendra Modi turns 70 on At the risk of presenting a birthday re-
was made subject to the basic structure. Thursday, at a time when the rate of quest rather than a birthday felicitation,
Thelegendarybarrister,MKNambiar,ana- change, bringing both risks and opportu- whatarethewaysinwhichhecantrulyuse
tiveofKasaragod,andfatherofKKVenugopal, nities,seemstobeacceleratingonallfronts. theperspectiveof his70sinthedecadesto-
nowtheAttorneyGeneralofIndia,persuaded His simple, straightforward style is well ward80andbeyond?Hewillrecognisethe
Kesavananda Bharati to consult Nani known. His memory — for facts large and needforthreequalitiesinleadershipinthe
Palkhivala, who then urged before the small — is legendary. This is equally true of comingyears.One,theabilitytoremember
Supreme Court that the seer’s rights to reli- his acuity in filtering through the noise the past, but see the present very clearly.
giousfreedom,equality,andpropertywerevi- with his legendary capabilities for imple- We are entering a delicate era of shifting
olated. The seer later described the verdict as mentationwhilemicromanagingtoafault, geopolitical sands. Our past alliances and
C R Sasikumar
“God’sdecision”—itwassotomanypeopleof of which examples are many — the interactions matter — friends are friends —
faith. The seer passed away on September 6. Narmada Project pumping water against but navigating new partnerships and ini-
Ahearingfor68daysbythefullcourtof13 destiny”. He poignantly added: “Words Supreme Court has probably said the last gravity to bring relief to the water-starved tiativesthat helpustackleemergingglobal
justices yielded 11 separate opinions com- bandiedaboutinmarbledhallssaymuchbut word.InnullifyingPresidentUhuruKenyatta’s parts of Kutch; and, equally, the construc- challenges will require clear-eyed vision.
monlygroupedtogetherasSikri6(subjecting fail to achieve as much.” election for a second term (while also giving tion of the iconic Statue of Unity. This is true in internal matters as much as
Article 368’s amending power to the implied In Waman Rao, he performed a constitu- 50 days to plan and hold free and fair re-elec- Yet, it is also clear that this 70 is no time externalaffairs:Weneednewformsof col-
limitation) and Ray 6 (conceding all plenary tional miracle by validating all amendments tion,whoseresultsintheincumbent’sfavour for him to rest and assume that the hard- laborativepartnershipbetweentheCentre,
powersofamendmentincludingrepealofthe retrospectively and achieved this feat by in- were later upheld), Justice Maraga said: won understanding of the present will en- the states, and local governments.
Constitution). This made the task of ratio voking the BSEF doctrine. Closely read, the “Howeverburdensome,letthemajestyof the ablewisdomfornavigatingthefuture—the A leader of his stature knows how to
huntersdifficultandtheywerenotenabledby discourse in, and since Kesavananda, insists Constitution reverberate across the lengths pinnacle on the horizon. “Those who stare work within the constraints of reality — fis-
the heroic Justice H R Khanna. Still, the basic that basic structure is the power of judicial andbreadthsof ourmotherland;letitbubble at the past have their backs to the future,” it cal,chemicalorbiological—and,atthesame
structureandessentialfeatures(BSEF)govern review and essential features are what the Theological fervour animates from our rivers and oceans; let it boomerang is said. Our complex world has forks in the time, inspire others to unite in making the
nowthepoliticalandjuristicdestinyof Indian Court identifies as such in exercise of that the BSEF discourse. Justice from our hills and mountains; let it serenade road, not just oscillations around a stable best of the hard choices that these con-
constitutional development. power. For example, Justice Bhagwati re- Y V Chandrachud, while our households from the trees; let it sprout centre. Change is non-linear. straintsdictate.Weareontheedgeof oneof
TheologicalfervouranimatestheBSEFdis- markably enunciated as an essential feature fromourinstitutionsoflearning;letittollfrom Interconnectedness—andinterdependency the greatest economic upheavals that the
course.JusticeYVChandrachud,whileuphold- the “harmony” between fundamental rights upholding the absolute our sanctums of prayer; and to those, who —isafactof life.Thenextpinnaclewillthus worldhasseeninrecentmemory,asCOVID-
ing the absolute amending power, had to in- and directive principles. Similarly, amending power, had to bear the responsibility of leadership, let it be be different from previous peaks. 19andoureffortstohaltthepandemichave
vent a resounding judicial curse: “We have Parliament amended Part III — deleted the invent a resounding judicial a constant irritant.” PrimeMinisterModihasdemonstrated accelerated existing trends to the point of
given you vast powers for the welfare of the right to property under Article 31 and de- curse: ‘We have given you Theseerwouldhaveagreed.Theultimate his capacity for strategic, forward-looking discomfortandexposedhiddenvulnerabil-
country, but woe betide you if you misuse moted it to the status of mere constitutional messageof BSEFdoctrineisnotmerelytoset visiononmultipleoccasionsovertheyears. ities. Prime Minister Modi cannot wish this
thesepowers”.AndJusticeSNDwivedispoke right. The crucial message though is that the vast powers for the welfare of limitstothepowerof themanagersof people, The Swachh Bharat Mission and Pradhan reality away, and must build support for an
ofthe“reverencefortheConstitution”asapub- apex court has, in the rarest of rare cases, the the country, but woe betide but to make little by little the tasks of eman- Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, for example, took a innovative strategy that can mirror the
lic virtue. In the assembly dissolution case, constituent power to pronounce a constitu- you if you misuse these cipation less onerous. The BSEF does not be- creativeandstrategicapproachtoimproving hopes and wishes of his countrymen.
Justice P K Goswami described the Supreme tional amendment invalid. tokenanyarrogantjudicialoverreachorsov- our nation’s health and productivity by di- Finally,weneedavisionarywiththeen-
powers’. And Justice S N
Courtasthe“lastresortfortheoppressedand This scarcely means that the Supreme ereignjudicialdespotismastheCourthasnot rectly addressing issues such as ODF and ergy and freshness of perspective to forge
thebewildered”citizensofIndia.Kesavananda, Court may exercise its power just as it Dwivedi spoke of the obstructedthetasksof justdevelopmentand sanitary pads. With his continuing belief in ahead in a world that is offering both op-
anditsprogeny,hasyettobevisitedasconsti- pleases. The Court is bound by the “golden ‘reverence for the governance. It has shown considerable ac- fiscalrectitude,thePradhanMantriJanDhan portunities and risks. The Prime Minister
tutional secular theology of law. triangle” of rights created by Articles 14, 19, Constitution’ as a public commodation for executive and legislative Yojana and the Insolvency and Bankruptcy will be the first to recognise that, in hind-
Asthechief survivorof Kesavananda,and and 21 of the Constitution. Further, theCourt power. But to be a “constant irritant” to un- Codewereintroducedtotacklethetwochal- sight, joy, beauty, and common humanity
also as the longest-serving CJI, Justice Y V must derive the “spirit” of the Constitution
virtue. In the assembly trammelled power is the very essence of ju- lenging frontiers of the banking system — are at the foundation of all that we have
Chandrachuddevelopedthedoctrineinchis- by scrupulous and meticulous reference to dissolution case, Justice P K dicialduty.TheBSEFrulesthatconstitutional extending access to financial services and tried to do as a nation over the centuries.
elled prose and with the strict discipline of a theprovisionsof theConstitution.Sincel973, Goswami described the dismemberment is not allowed in the name shoringupthefoundationsofbanksolvency. The horizon lies ahead.
constitutional soldier. Cases like Raj Narain, the evidence shows the Apex Court has Supreme Court as the ‘last of an amendment. Permissible remains the Looking forward, Prime Minister Modi Happy Birthday!
WamanRao,MinervaMillsmarkthepilgrim’s shownutmostdemocraticresponsibilityand enhancement of the arcs and arts of gover- is conscious of the need to navigate three
progress to the shrine of basic structure. rectitudeininterpretingthedoctrineof BSEF,
resort for the oppressed and nance,butif onlyexposedtothe“constantir- new, unfolding, complex realities — rapid The writer is chairman,
Boldly questioning Parliament’s plenary perhaps more than can be said of other the bewildered’ citizens of ritant” of constitutional good governance. environmental change; shifting power dy- 15th Finance Commission
power to accord primacy to all Directive branches of co-governance. India. Kesavananda, and its Truly a “God’s decision”, as the seer said.
Principles over Articles 14 and 19, Justice The spirit of the Constitution is a vexed progeny, has yet to be visited
Chandrachud said in Minerva that an eternal question.ButmyfavouritepassageisPara399 The writer is professorof law, Universityof
deferral of constitutional promises invites “a
in Raila Amolo Odinga (2017), where Chief
Justice David Kenai Maraga of Kenya’s
as constitutional secular
theology of law.
Warwick, and former vicechancellorof
Universities of South Gujarat and Delhi
The impossible trilemma
THIS REFERS TO the article, 'Missing
in NEP: Rural youth’ (IE, September
15). The egalitarian and inclusive char- ONLINE
acter of the NEP 2020 needs to be ac-
knowledged. The policy strives to lay ONLY IN THE EXPRESS
the foundations of an education sys-
Withhighinflation,capitalinflows,currencyappreciation,toughdecisionsareneeded tem that is more flexible, inclusive and
sensitive to ground realities. The spe-
cial emphasis on institutionalising NAJMA HEPTULLA
Rajeswari Sengupta early childhood education, the idea of
mainstreaming of co-curricular and ● A COMMITTED
IN A RECENTLY released report, the Reserve oped world have adopted stimulative meas- of $14.4 billion. In June, its net purchase in trillion at one point. extracurricular activities, reimagining SOCIALIST:
Bankof Indiamentionedthatanappreciating ures to revive their economies, creating ex- the forward market was more than $4 bil- For the moment, this injection of liquid- the once rigid streams of learning PREM SINGH
currencywillhelpcontainimportedinflation- cess liquidity in global financial markets. lion. As a result of the RBI’s currency trading, ity may not get readily converted into broad from watertight silos are all aimed at
ary pressures. This has given rise to a fervent Between June and August, Indian capital India’s foreign exchange reserves have in- money because the growth of credit to the giving a level playing field to the sys-
debateastowhethertheRBIisnolongerable markets received a net FPI inflow of close to creased by around $80 billion since January, privatesectorhasbeenweak,depressingthe tematically disadvantaged sections.
to handle the Impossible Trilemma. The $10 billion as foreign investors returned to to reach an all-time high of $540 billion. money multiplier. But if the RBI continues to Sudip Kumar Dey, Kolkata
ImpossibleTrilemma,animportantparadigm the stock market. In September so far, for the WhentheRBIbuysdollarsintheFXmar- ignore the Impossible trilemma, it will even-
of open economy macroeconomics, asserts first time in the last six months, inflows into ket, it sells rupees. This increases the domes- tually fail. There are two main ways this THIS REFERS TO the article, 'Missing in socialist’ (IE, September 15).
thatacountrymaynotbeabletostabilisethe the debt market have turned positive. India tic money supply and is therefore inflation- could happen: It might need to give up on its NEP: Rural youth’ ( IE, September 15). Raghuvansh Prasad Singh stood by so-
exchange rate, and conduct an independent also received close to $17 billion of foreign ary. In order to counter this inflationary exchange rate objective, as the recently re- NEP 2020 has been drafted after a cialist and secular ideals throughout
monetary policy when it is financially inte- direct investment (FDI) during April-July. pressure that is being generated by RBI’s FX leased report hints. Or it might need to give great deal of deliberation and debate his life and had an empathy for the de-
grated with the rest of the world. Capital has also been flowing to India in the interventions, the central bank will ideally up on its inflation objective. among academic experts and it seeks prived and understanding of the
Policymakers in all sophisticated form of external commercial borrowing sterilise its interventions.ThisentailstheRBI Both would be problematic. Exchange to bring about structural changes in grassroots. He was courageous to take
economies face this trilemma, forcing them (ECB) by Indian corporations. selling government bonds to banks and in rateappreciationwillfurtherdamagetheal- the moribund education system. Apart up causes he believed in and opposed
tomakechoicesaboutwhichtargetstheyare At the same time, the combination of the process absorbing excess rupee liquidity ready hard-hit export sector. But allowing from increasing avenues for higher ed- to anything that he felt was wrong. He
going to pursue. The RBI has tried to avoid weak economic growth, lacklustre domes- from the system. high inflation is even more of a problem in a ucation and excellence, it also provides will be remembered for conceptual-
these choices: It has tried to pursue all three tic demand, and low oil prices have shifted But the RBI has not been absorbing the country where the RBI has committed to the enough opportunities for the rural ising and implementing the 100-day
objectivessimultaneouslyinanespeciallyag- the currentaccountbalancefromdeficit into liquidity created through dollar purchases, publicnottoallowarepeatofwhathappened youth for their skill development rural job scheme, MGNREGA, as Union
gressive manner since the pandemic struck. surplus. Imports have fallen more than ex- it has been adding to it by buying govern- after the last global financial crisis, when in- without any hassles. It also seeks to ad- minister.
It has reduced its policy interest rate to nega- ports suggesting that India is doing worse ment securities through its open market op- flation soared to double digits. dress the vital problem of their em- S S Paul, Nadia
tivelevelsinrealterms.Ithasboughtgovern- than its trading partners. These factors have erations and targeted liquidity injection pro- Already, the constraints of the trilemma ployability by making specific provi-
ment securities to push down long-term in-
changed the balance of supply and demand
in the foreign exchange markets as a result
grams such as the T-LTRO. In the last couple
of months, some of these operations have
have tightened. Retail inflation has now
breached the upper limit of 6 per cent for
sions of Special Education Zones in
backward areas. Its main objective is
thenintervenedintheforeignexchangemar- of which the currency has begun to face ap- been neutral, such as the Operation Twist more than three quarters. Core inflation has to develop an equitable and just soci- THIS REFERS TO the article,
ket to prevent the appreciation of the rupee. preciation pressures against the dollar. programmewhereintheRBIbuyslong-term been rising and inflation expectations have ety. It may not be perfect — no policy is 'Establishment's warrior'(IE,
Theseactionsareincompatible,andwilleven- This brings us to another corner of the government securities and sells short-term jumped sharply. And while credit to the pri- — but judgement should be reserved September 15). The article claims that
tually generate a serious policy dilemma. trilemma — currency stability. In the face of bonds in order to lower the yields on the vate sector remains depressed, credit to the until it is implemented. Kangana Ranaut has been engaged in
One of the corners of the trilemma has rising appreciation pressure, the RBI has longer end of the maturity spectrum. But in government has been strong, implying that Ravi Mathur, Noida a toxic campaign. Standing up for jus-
to do with capital inflows. In the first few been actively intervening in the foreign ex- total, the net bond purchase by the RBI has overall broad money is growing rapidly. The tice is no crime and as an outsider in
months of the pandemic and the associated
lockdown, the Indian economy witnessed a
change markets to prevent the rupee from
strengthening further. It has been buying
been positive. This implies that instead of
sterilisingits FX operations,theRBI is adding
time for difficult decisions seems to be ap-
PRINCIPLED POLITICIAN the industry who has exposed the real
face of Bollywood.
net outflow of foreign portfolio investment dollars both in the spot and in the forward further liquidity into the system through its THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘Secular Udita Gupta, via email
(FPI). However, this trend has reversed in re- markets. In May and June, RBI’s net dollar bond market interventions. As a result, liq- The writer is assistant professor, Indira
cent months, as policymakers in the devel- purchase in the spot market was to the tune uidity has soared, reaching as much as Rs 8 Gandhi Institute of Development Research



Haryana farmers pull out of LS: Essential KHALILZAD MEETS JAISHANKAR

talks with Centre, stir to go on

Bill cleared US:Afghansides
amid objections
from Oppn, SAD mustensure
outfits on Tuesday decided to

boycott talks with Union LOK SABHA on Tuesday passed
AgricultureandFarmersWelfare The Essential Commodities
Minister Narendra Singh Tomar (Amendment) Bill, 2020, which
after BJP’s Bhiwani- seeks to replace the ordinance

Mahendragarh MP, Dharambir promulgated on June 5 to dereg-
Singh, made it clear that there ulate agriculture foodstuffs such

was no possibilityof withdrawal as cereals, pulses, oilseeds, edi-
of three contentious Central or- ble oils, onion and potatoes. NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 15 Subtle shift
dinances on agriculture. The Members of Opposition par- in engaging
farmerbodies,whichhadagreed ties opposed the Bill and moved THE US Special envoy on the ● with Taliban
UNITED BY LANGUAGE to talks earlier, have now an-
nounced that they will continue
MEANWHILE, IN LUDHIANA: Farmers block NH-21 during a
protest against the Centre’s farm ordinances. Gurmeet Singh
certain amendments, which
were negated by the House.
Afghanistan peace process,
Zalmay Khalilzad, met External
EXCLUSION OF Punjabi from the list of official languages of their stir. Moving the Bill for the con- Affairs minister S Jaishankar and SIGNALLING A carefully
J&K came up in Lok Sabha on Monday and Tuesday. While In these circumstances, siderationof theHouse,Minister National Security Advisor Ajit calibrated shift in its po-
Congress’s Manish Tewari raised the issue on Monday, NDA Haryana is set to witness a new But we boycotted the talks be- state Agriculture and Farmers of State for Consumer Affairs, Doval on Tuesday and told them sition on engaging with
ally Shiromani Akali Dal’s Sukhbir Singh Badal raised it on round of confrontation between causewhentheordinanceswere Welfare Minister J P Dalal, three Food and Public Distribution that the Afghan sides "should the Taliban, India had
Tuesday, and added that NC leader Farooq Abdullah would farmers and the state’s BJP-JJP not to be withdrawn, what was BJP MPs – Dharambir Singh, Raosaheb Patil Danve said, “This ensure their territory must not participated in the com-
confirm it. At this, Abdullah said Punjabi was included in the government. the point in talks,” said Chaduni. BrijendraSinghandNayabSingh Billisanimportantstepinthedi- be used by any terrorist group mencement ceremony of
list during his tenure as J&K chief minister. Badal then compli- MPDharambirSinghsaidthe The farmers are demanding – along with some farmer lead- rection of the doubling of farm- against any other country". intra-Afghan talks be-
mented Abdullah for his “excellent Punjabi”. The NC leader Bills related to these ordinances that the three agriculture Bills ers met Tomar. ers’ income," Danve said. This was an important state- tween the Afghanistan
added that Punjabi is spoken by many in J&K, and urged the are likely to be passed in should not be tabled and passed After the meeting, Dalal told SupportingtheBill,BJDmem- mentcomingfromthetopUSin- government and the
governmenttoconsiderthesuggestion,andalsoaddingPahari Parliament on September 16. in Parliament before final talks TheIndianExpressthatTomarhas ber Bhartruhari Mahtab said, "I terlocutor, who has stitched to- Taliban — the Intra-
and Gujari as official languages of the UT. “This is a big country. The ordi- with them. The farmers are also made it clear that the system of wouldurgethegovernmentthat getherthereconciliationprocess Afghan Negotiations
nances can’t be withdrawn just demanding a law to ensure as- MSP of crops will continue even while liberalising the regulatory between the Afghan govern- (IAN) — in Doha on
onthe demandof agroupfroma sured Minimum Support Price after introduction of the new environment,ithastoensurethat ment and the Taliban. Saturday. US special en-
TAKING UP THE CUDGELS state,” Dharambir Singh told The
Indian Express.
(MSP) for their crops. When
asked about their next strategy,
laws. “There is no single point in
the proposed laws against the
the interest of farmers and con-
sumers are safeguarded.”
Sources in New Delhi said
Khalilzad had "called on the
voy Khalizad appreciated
India's participation and
ACTORKANGANARanautgotsupportinParliamentonTuesday. On the invitation of the MP, Chaduni said, “Now our strategy farmers,”claimedDalal.Blaming TMC member Sougata Ray External Affairs Minister in the briefed about the US as-
During Zero Hour, Lok Sabha MP from Mandi, BJP's Ram the farmer groups led by will be do or die. We will ask the the agitating farmer leaders of said, “This Bill is in favour of big presence of NSA and Foreign sessment of IAN and
Swaroop,saidthe“daughterof HimachalPradesh”hasbeenill- Gurnam Singh Chaduni had government to accept our de- havinga“politicalagenda”,Dalal capitalists.” Congress member Secretary Harsh Vardhan shared the country’s per-
treated by the Shiv Sena-led Maharashtra government. “Shiv gone to his Delhi residence be- mands or kill us. Now, the oppo- termed their agitation as “spon- Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury said Shringla". spective on the Afghan
SenaisnolongeraSenaof ShivajiMaharajbutof theCongress,” fore moving to meet Tomar. sitionshouldspeakinParliament. sored by Congress.” theBillwillonlybenefithoarders. An official statement issued peace process. The two
he said, pointing to the demolition of Ranaut's Mumbai office “In the beginning of our Ourdharnasatdistrictheadquar- The minister further said a SAD member Sukhbir Singh by the US embassy said, "The sides are learnt to have
last week by the Sena-led civic body. Sharma thanked Prime meeting with Dharambir Singh, ters,whichstartedtodaywillcon- committee headed by sub divi- Badal said the government UnitedStatesandIndiasharethe discussed future steps
MinisterNarendraModiandHomeMinisterAmitShahforpro- he said the ordinances won’t be tinue till September 20, the day sional magistrate (SDM), which should have consulted the polit- viewthatthepeaceprocessmust and possible cooperation
viding security to the “brave lady” from his state. withdrawn and will be passed when the roads will be blocked will have farmers as members, ical parties before promulgating continueuntilthereisagreement between India and the
on Wednesday. He told us that if for three hours in Haryana.” would be formed to resolve the the ordinance, adding that even on a political roadmap and a US in furthering the

we wish for some improve- Meanwhile, Haryana BJP issues faced by the farmers after his party — part of the NDA — comprehensive and permanent Afghan peace process.
ments, then talks can be held. president Om Prakash Dhankar, introduction of new system. was not consulted. ceasefire. The Afghan sides
should ensure their territory
INA writtenstatementplacedbefore Rajya SabhaonTuesday, mustnotbeusedbyanyterrorist and investment for consolidat-
Minority Affairs Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said the min- J&K forms Only 11.9% of groupagainstanyothercountry." ing a peace agreement for the
istry had given scholarships amounting to more than Rs 4 TRACKING INDIA’S COVID CURVE Khalilzad stressed "regional benefit of the people of
crore to minority students from economically weaker sec- committees to Ujjain population and international support is crit- Afghanistan, the region, and be-

197 CASES: RECOVERED: 38,59,399

tions, and that Rs 11,690 crore has been spent on the scholar- icalforthesuccessof thesenego- yond, the statement released by
ships since 2014-15. work on local has developed tiations and the implementation the embassy said.
DAYS SINCE 49,30,236 DEATHS: 80,776 of any agreement. India and the ThiswasKhalilzad'sfifthvisit
bodies bypolls PANDEMIC
BEGAN TESTS: 5,83,12,273 | DOUBLING RATE: 35.30** Covid antibodies, United States will work together to India since January 2019. On
Actor-MPs in key roles, says sero survey in support of this objective".
The US and India expressed
May 7, he had visited India on a
similar mission.

Ayodhya to host Ramlila

EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE similar views on theimportance Khalilzad had met the top
SRINAGAR, SEPTEMBER 15 of long term assistance, trade, brass in Islamabad on Monday.
for TV, online viewers BY-ELECTIONS TO more than
J&K are likely to be conducted in

A MERE 11.9 per cent of Ujjain’s PM launches sewerage,

October. The UT administration
an apex committee with a man-
■ Maharashtra
17,066 2.22% 32.32
population has developed sero-
prevalence of antibodies against
drinking water projects,
date to conduct preparatory
work for by-elections to pan-
■ Andhra
■ Tamil Nadu
to data from a sero survey report
released on Tuesday. praises Nitish-Sushil team
two km from where the Ram chayats and Block Development According to Dr Sarman
temple is being constructed, a Councils (BDCs). A notification ■ Uttar Pradesh 3,17,195 5,159 2.23% 32.31 Singh, director of AIIMS-Bhopal, Bihar,” he said.
star-studded Ramlila has been for the first phase of the by-elec- ■ Delhi 2,21,533 3,229 1.95% 36.93 where the survey was con- EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Modi also inaugurated water
planned for audiences of social A replica of the Ramlila set. tions can be expected in the first ducted, even withinareas which PATNA, SEPTEMBER 15 supply projects for Munger and
* Compounded Daily Growth Rate over last 7 days ** Calculated over 7-day growth
media, satellite television and week of October, sources said. had turned into hotspots, not Jamalpur and laid foundation of
YouTubebetweenOctober17and Besides the apex committee, CASE FATALITY RATIO POSITIVITY RATE DAILY IN, DAILY OUT more than 16 per cent of the PRIME MINISTER Narendra a riverfront development
25. where the adharshila of the Ram divisional committees for population had antibodies for Modi on Tuesday inaugurated scheme. On Sunday, the PM had
“No audience will be allowed Mandirhasbeenlaid,”saysJoshi. Kashmir and Jammu have also the virus. This means that four sewerage treatment plant inaugurated two bottling plants
due to Covid-19 restrictions. All In preparation for their roles, been given approval. The apex 1.70 8.45 83,809 around 88 per cent of Ujjain’s projects,includingtwoforPatna, and LPG pipeline schemes for
episodes will be filmed at the lo- she and Dagar, who is a part of committee, chaired by Principal NOW: NOW: RECOVERED TODAY: population still remains suscep- through the virtual medium the election-bound state.
cation, Lakshman Quila, and Vighnaharta Ganesh on Sony TV, Secretary(Home)ShaleenKabra, 1.64 8.45 79,292 tible to the virus and remains far from New Delhi and said Bihar, In his address through
broadcast like a film so that peo- have started eating simple food and comprising DGP Dilbag Deaths as a ratio of Positives against Becoming sick vs fromdevelopingherdimmunity, in coming years, will be among video-conference, Modi lauded
ple can watch from the safety of and sleeping on the floor. “Ram Singh, Additional DGP (CID) R R positive cases (in %); number tested recovering; more he said. “This is an unfortunate states where every household the efforts of Chief Minister
theirhomes,”saidSubhashMalik, wasmaryadapurushottam,who Swain, along with with four indicator of progress (in %); indicator of recoveries for 14 days trend where we are far from de- will have access to piped drink- Nitish Kumar and his deputy
in averting deaths the spread of disease may signal the peak
founder of Meri Maa Foundation, lived an ordinary life. I am trying othermembers,hasbeentasked veloping herd immunity to- ing water. Sushil Kumar Modi in attempt-
the organiser. Malik adds that BJP tounderstandhislifebetter,”says with drawing a road map and includedatafrompreviousdays.Assuch,trendsbasedondailynumbersareindicative,notdefinitive wards the virus. In many cases,” “Thatwouldbeabigachieve- ing to restore confidence of the
MP Parvesh Sahib Singh is the Dagar. detailed schedule for conduct of Singh said. ment – a matter of pride for weakest sections of society.
mainpatronof theRamlila. Meri Maa Foundation, elections to vacant panchayats

Key PMO officers, state Chief Secys,

In the Ramlila, BJP MP from founded in 2016, has been asso- and BDCs. The panel will submit
NorthEastDelhiManojTiwariwill ciated with a number of promi- its report by September 28.
play Angad, Gorakhpur MP and nentRamlilasinDelhi.Maliksays, Elections to 316 blocks in
Bhojpuri actor Ravi Kishan will “CastingfortheAyodhyaRamlila 4483 panchayat halqas (includ-

DGPs among 370-plus officials tracked

playBharat,VinduDaraSinghwill was based on the experience of ingLadakhatthetime),compris-
reprise his role from TV as theactorsontheRamlilastagein ing35,029panchconstituencies,
Hanuman, actor Raza Murad will Delhi. I have watched them and were conducted after a gap of
portray Ahiravan and Asrani will can vouch for the power of their seven years in
appearasNaradMuni. performance.” November/December 2018.
“One of the highlights is Tiwari had played Department of Rural
Shahbaj Khan, whose powerful Parashuramin2019andAngadin Development and Panchayati ThosetrackedincludebureaucratsinministriesunderPM,InformationCommissioners, 23Chief Secys
voice will bring alive Ravan on 2018 at a Delhi Ramlila. Kishan Raj, Sheetal Nanda, said that be-
stage,” says Malik. Ritu Shivpuri hasbeenParashurama,Bhishma, sides seats where no one had Financial Adviser, Ministry of Kashmir DIG Atul Goel, who ar-
willplayKaikeyiandRakeshBedi Karna, Dronacharya and Angad contested elections in the previ- KAUNAIN SHERIFF M Those tracked by the Health and Family Welfare. rested J&K DSP Davinder Singh,
will play Vibhishan. on the Ramlila stage. ous election, “there have been NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 15 Overseas Key Other serving civil servants suspected to have links with
For the role of Ram and Sita, The Ayodhya Ramlila has a resignations and in some cases in the database include: ISI’s Punjab Militancy Unit;
SonuDagarandKavitaJoshihave budget of Rs 4 crore, much of deaths. So by elections will be KEY BUREAUCRATS in the Information DataBase ■ Archana Varma, Vijay Bhushan, I-G, Uttar
beenselected,respectively.“Icon- which has been used to build a conducted for all such seats.” Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), of Zhenhua Data Additional Secretary, Central Pradesh, who served as SP,
sider it my good fortune to play stage of 90 ft x 25 ft in which a After the erstwhile state was IAS officers in infrastructure Vigilance Commission Shamli, during Muzaffarnagar
include at least half-a-
MataSita.Itisoneof thehappiest granddurbarisflankedbyaspace split intotwo UTs, the number of ministries, Chief Secretaries and CHINA IS ■ T Sreekanth, Personal riots; and Chandra Prakash, DG
moments of my life, especially representing forests. panchayats has been reduced Directors General of Police dozen bureaucrats in WATCHING Secretary to G Kishan Reddy, (Special Inquiries) UP.
since our Ramlila will be staged FULLREPORTON from 4,483 to 4,290, the rest be- (DGPs) of states mark a strong the PMO, or in MoS, Ministry of Home Affairs Serving bureaucrats in the
for the first time on the same soil ing in Ladakh. presence in the Overseas Key (MHA) database from states include
Information DataBase of ministries directly PMO this year; Sumita Misra, ■ Anil Malik, Additional Temjen Toy, Chief Secretary,

Sophisticated network operated to

Zhenhua Data, an IT firm in under the Prime Joint Secretary, PM’s Economic Secretary (Foreigners), MHA Nagaland; P Ravi Kumar,
Shenzhen, in China’s Minister; at least 23 Council; and Ashish Kumar, ■ D Rajkumar, CEO, Bharat Additional Chief Secretary to
Guangdong province, which Private Secretary to Jitendra Petroleum Karnataka CM B S Yediyurappa;

influence Delhi polls: Ex-FB staffer tracks about 2.5 million individ- Chief Secretaries; and Singh, Minister of State in ■ Vivek Bharadwaj, Awanish Kumar Awasthi,
uals across geographies, includ- 15 DGPs. PMO. Additional Secretary (Police Additional Chief Secretary
ing at least 10,000 Indians. Officers in key infrastructure Modernisation), MHA (Home), UP, and the state’s rep-
agetoavoidsigninganon-dispar- news on multiple occasions.” Thereareatleast375bureau- ministries include Bidyut ■ Nidhi Chhibber, Joint resentative in Ram
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE agement agreement. Her revela- Amidstexamplesfromacross crats, most of them serving and iority, in both state and Central Behari Swain, Special Secretary, Secretary & Acquisition Janmabhoomi Tirtha Kshetra
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 15 tion is part of an alleged 6600- the world, the memo allegedly a few retired, in the database. government departments, and Ministry of Commerce, key to Manager (Maritime Systems), Trust; S Siddharth, Principal
word memo obtained and carries a mention of India, with Those tracked include at are largely in key departments, Regional Comprehensive MoD Secretary (Finance), Bihar, and
A FORMER Facebook data scien- reported by Buzzfeed, which al- Zhang alleging that a “politically- least half-a-dozen bureaucrats including natural resources, in- Economic Partnership (RCEP) ■ S Aparna, Executive former Secretary to CM Nitish
tist has claimed that she worked leges that Facebook “ignored” or sophisticated network” was in the PMO, or in ministries di- frastructure and urban develop- negotiations, implementation Director, World Bank, Kumar.
to remove a “politically sophisti- was“slowtoactonevidence”that working to influence the Delhi rectly under the Prime Minister; ment, finance, and law and or- of Foreign Trade Policy Washington DC Among former officers are
cated network of more than a fakeaccountsonitsplatformhave Assembly elections. at least 23 Chief Secretaries; and der. Information commissioners Statement, and matters of trade ■ Anjana Dube, Deputy Sumantha Chaudhuri, former
thousand actors working to in- been“underminingelectionsand A Facebook spokesperson 15 DGPs. These are some of the with power to summon infor- remedies, anti-dumping duties Director-General, Department Coal Secretary; Yudhvir Malik,
fluence” the Delhi Assembly politicalaffairsaroundtheworld”. said, “We’ve built specialised findings of an eight-week inves- mation from the government, and subsidies; Shiv Meena, of Financial Services former Chairman, NHAI; former
elections in February, and that The Buzzfeed report, quoting teams, working with leading ex- tigation by The Indian Express and Chief Election Officers who CMD, Housing & Urban Also in the database are for- CBEC member and finance ex-
the social media firm did not Zhang’smemo,says,“Inthethree perts, to stop bad actors from into a segment of the database oversaw funding and expendi- Development Corporation mer Gujarat DGP P P Pandey, pert with the UN Security
publicly disclosethisnetwork or years I’ve spent at Facebook, I’ve abusing our systems, resulting in made available by an anony- ture of political parties and can- Limited (HUDCO); Rajesh now discharged in the Ishrat Council Lipika Roy Choudhury;
that it had been taken down. found multiple blatant attempts theremovalofmorethan100net- mous source connected to the didates during recent elections Aggarwal, Additional Secretary Jahan alleged fake encounter and Surjit Chaudhary, former
Sophie Zhang, the data scien- by foreign national governments works for coordinated inauthen- company, which has links with are also targets. and Financial Advisor, Ministry case, and former Kerala DGP Secretary, Chemical and
tist, was recently fired by to abuse our platform on vast tic behavior...” the Chinese government. Among bureaucrats work- of Petroleum and Natural Gas; Siby Mathews, who investi- Petrochemicals.
Facebook and reportedly turned scales to mislead their own citi- FULLREPORTON The bureaucrats being mon- ing under the PM are Amarjeet and Dharmendra Gangwar, gated the 1994 ISRO spy case. TOMORROW: Diplomats,
down a $64,000 severance pack- zenry, and caused international itored cut across cadre and sen- Sinha, appointed adviser in the Additional Secretary and The database includes South media & thought leaders

If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to


UAPA in Delhi riots

Students and activists have been charged under provisions of the anti-terror law in the Delhi riots case.
What makes UAPA such a tough law, and how have the police justified invoking it?
SOFIAHSAN specifiespunishmentwithdeathorimprison-
NEWDELHI,SEPTEMBER15 ment for life in case a death has occurred as a
resultof theact.Thelawdefinesaterroristact
DELHI POLICE on Monday got 10 days’cus- asonethatisintendedtothreatenorislikelyto
tody of former Jawaharlal Nehru University threatentheunity,integrity,security,orsover-
(JNU) student Umar Khalid, who had been eignty of India, and causes or is likely to cause
arrested a day previously in a case registered death or injuries, and property damage.
Colourised scanning electron micrograph of a cell infected with under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Section 17 provides for punishment for
SARS-CoV-2 particles (yellow), isolated from a patient. NIDA via NIH Act (UAPA). raising funds for terrorist acts, and Section 18
Khalidisoneofseveralyoungactivistswho deals with conspiracy behind the terrorist act
have been booked in cases relating to the vio- or“anyactpreparatorytothecommissionofa
Substance use disorders lence in Delhi in February. The police have in-
terrorist act”.

linked to Covid vulnerability alleged “larger conspiracy” behind the riots.

While critics have argued that dissenting
A STUDY has found that stance use disorder on The UAPA is primarily an anti-terror law – or protesting peacefully would not amount
people with substance record,theanalysisfound, aimedat“moreeffectivepreventionofcertain to causing “disaffection against India”, the
use disorders are more were more likely to de- unlawfulactivities of individualsandassocia- police have told the court that the riots were
susceptible to Covid-19 velopCovid-19thanthose tions and for dealing with terrorist activities”. a result of a bigger conspiracy to “overawe
anditscomplications.The without such a disorder. It was first promulgated in 1967 to target se- the government machinery”, and that the
research was published This effect was strongest cessionist organisations, and is considered to conspirators had a “specific purpose, object
onMondayinthejournal for opioid use disorder, be the predecessor of laws such as the (now and mandate” to cause “disaffection and re-
Molecular Psychiatry. It PAPER followed by tobacco use repealed) Terrorist and Disruptive Activities volt against the Government of India”.
suggests healthcare
patients with substance
CLIP disorder.Individualswith
a diagnosis of substance
use disorder were also
(Prevention) Act (TADA) and Prevention of
Terrorism Act (POTA).
Amendments from time to time have
the protests was “to destroy, destabilise and
disintegratetheGovernmentof Indiainorder
usedisordersanddevelop NEW RESEARCH morelikelytoexperience made the UAPA more stringent. Following to compel (it) to withdraw the Citizenship
plans to help shield them worse Covid-19 out- the last amendment in 2019, an individual Amendment Act (CAA) and alleged National
from infection and comes (hospitalisation, can be designated a terrorist; only organisa- Register of Citizens.”
severe outcomes. death), than people without. tionscouldbedesignatedearlier.UAPAcases
The researchers analysed the non- The lungs and cardiovascular sys- are tried by special courts. Umar Khalid at a conference in Mumbai in January. Ganesh Shirsekar WhatmakestheUAPAmorestringent
identifiableelectronichealthrecordsof tem are often compromised in peo- Thelawhasbeenusedincasesotherthan thanotherlaws?
millions of patients in the US. They ple with substance use disorder, those of conventional ‘terrorism’ or ‘terrorist Safoora Zargar is the only one among the
foundthatwhileindividualswithasub- which may partially explain their acts’. It has of late been invoked against ac- Thecoreofthepolicecaseisthatthe“com- added to the case subsequently. accused booked under UAPA who has been
stance use disorder constituted 10.3% heightenedsusceptibilitytoCovid-19. tivists,studentleaders,andjournalists.UAPA munalriotincidents”ofFebruary2020inDelhi The Act defines unlawful activity as any given bail. But she was granted relief on hu-
of thetotalstudypopulation,theyrep- cases have been filed against activists in the were“pre-planned”byKhalidandtheothers. action — spoken or written words, signs, or manitariangrounds—hercaseforbailwasnot
resented 15.6% of the Covid-19 cases. Source: National Institute on Drug Bhima-Koregaon case; at least two journal- Khalid is accused of giving provocative visible representation — which is intended dealt with on merits by Delhi High Court.
Those with a recent diagnosis of sub- Abuse, United States ists in Kashmir; Devangana Kalita and speeches and urging people to come out on or supports any claim to bring about seces- ThreeindividualsbelongingtothePopular
Natasha Narwal, members of the women the roads to ensure that the “propaganda of sionof any part of India orwhichincitesany- FrontofIndia(PFI)weregrantedbailinMarch,
students and alumni collective Pinjra Tod; minoritiesinIndiaarebeingpersecuted”may one towardssecession; disclaims,questions, butthatwaspriortotheadditionofUAPApro-
INDIA ACTIVE CASES 990,061 former Congress municipal councillor Ishrat get publicised during the visit of US President disruptsorintendstodisruptthesovereignty visions to the case.
Jahan;KhalidSaifiof theorganisationUnited Donald Trump (on February 24-25). and territorial integrity of India; and “which It is rare for an accused to get bail easily in
Against Hate; Jamia Millia Islamia student Police have also claimed to have gathered causes or is intended to cause disaffection acaseunderUAPA.Thecourtcanrefusebailif
1000,000 Safoora Zargar; and now, Umar Khalid. evidence against the accused in the form of against India”. initsopinionthecaseis“primafacie”true.An
WhatsApp chats that were allegedly used in The word “disaffection” has not been de- accusedcannotseekanticipatorybail,andthe
Whatdopolicesayinthecaseregistered the“executionoftheconspiracy”,allegedwit- fined in the law,andfinds mention only once. periodofinvestigationcanbeextendedto180
990,061 againstKhalidandothers? ness statements, and evidence of the receipt Section 13 (“Punishment for unlawful ac- days from 90 days on the public prosecutor’s
862,320 TheinvestigationisbasedonFIR59of2020, of funds from within India and overseas. tivities”), which has been invoked against request — which means the accused has vir-
inwhichIPCSections302(murder)153A(pro- Khalid and others, provides for up to seven tually no chance of getting bail by default.
900,000 moting enmity between different groups on Whichprovisionsof theUAPAhavebeen years in prison for anyone who “advocates, In UAPA cases, the police custody can also
grounds of religion, etc.), 124A (sedition), and usedintheFIR? abets,advisesorincitesthecommissionofany be extended to 30 days as against the 15 days
others have been included. Sections13,16,17,and18oftheUAPAwere unlawful activity”. allowed in ordinary criminal cases.

Export ban on onions: cause, likely effect

Sep 5 Sep 14

Note: The Sept 14 figure in this graph is based on the government update on Sept 15
appreciated by almost 100%. Prices at this damaged stored onions in Madhya Pradesh, to take place in view of the export ban.
PARTHA SARATHI BISWAS marketsinNiphadtalukaof Nashikdistrictin Gujarat and parts of Maharashtra. At present However, traders feel prices are again going
INDIA TOTAL CASES WORLD TOTAL CASES PUNE, SEPTEMBER 15 Marchwereintherangeof Rs1,500perquin- it’s only the onion growers in Maharashtra to rise in a week or so as overall supplies will
4,930,236 29,335,771 tal and since then have appreciated to Rs who have produce to offload, having stored remain muted. The new crop, they say, will
Source: MinistryofHealth&Family Source:JohnsHopkinsUniversity, ON MONDAY, the Centre issued a notifica- 3,000. At retail markets, onion is now trad- up theirharvest fromMarch-April.The pres- arriveonlypostNovemberandwithdemand
Welfare,updatedat11pmon Sept15 updatedat11pmonSept15 tion prohibiting the export of onion, even as ing between Rs 35-40 per kg as against Rs ent supply disruption is likely to continue expected to rise before the Dussehra season
the average traded price of the bulb crossed 25-30 per kg in June. until the new crop in Maharashtra hits mar- starts, prices are likely to remain high.
the Rs 30-per-kg mark at Maharashtra’s The immediate trigger can also be found kets in early November.
Lasalgaon wholesale market. This ban came in Consumer Price Index (CPI) numbers re- If the domestic supply-demand situation Will the move have any political fallout?
just about three months after the govern- leased by the government on Monday. Retail is heavily tilted towards the later, demand for The political fallout of high onion prices
ment had tweaked the Essential inflation was 6.69%, a tad less than the 6.73% Indian onion is also rising from international can hardly be over-emphasised. With the
Commodities Act, 1955 to make the imposi- of last month but well above the Reserve markets. Indian onions, which are normally Biharelectionsduelaterthisyear,thegovern-
tionof stocklimitandmovementrestrictions Bank of India’s target of 6%. The Consumer shippedouttotheGulfcountries,SriLankaand mentappearstohavebeenwaryof facingthe
on food grains, edible oilseeds, potatoes, Food Price Index (CFPI) for August was 9.05% Bangladesh, usually has a year-round steady electoratewhenonionwascostlierthanusual.
onions and other essential commodities ap- as against 9.27% of last month. demand. However, demand from Sri Lanka, Ironically, the export ban comes
plicable only in extreme conditions like war exporters say, has suddenly picked up after when the government plans to make
or natural calamity. Why are onions costlier in wholesale heavydestructionofcropthere,too,duetorain. ordinances that amended the Essential
markets? ThelandedcostofIndianonionsatDubaiport Commodities Act into law and stop
What led to the export ban? The answer can be found in the excep- at this moment is around Rs 32-35 per kg, knee-jerk reactions like imposition of
There seem to be two main triggers. The tionally heavy rainfall in the country in which has led to many exporters increasing stock limits. Farmer organisations have
first was obviously the steady increase in August. It led to a near-complete washout of their shipments from Nashik. called out what they describe as dou-
wholesalepricesof onionsin urban markets. the almost market-ready onion crop in ble standards. From Tuesday, the farm-
Between March and September, the average Karnatakathatwastohitthemarketsinearly So, will the export ban bring down prices? ers’ union Shetkari Sanghatana em-
price of the bulb at Lasalgaon’s market has September. Along with this, the rain also Asharpdepreciationinpricesisexpected barked on rasta rokos against this move.

Ease of doing business: how states are ranked, what’s different now
The reforms are grouped into 12 broad awards points on a reform to a state only if
NUSHAIBA IQBAL & UDIT MISRA areas like land administration, labour regu- there was an adequate response from users
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 15 lation, obtaining electricity and water sup- TABLE 1: EASE OF DOING BUSINESS TABLE 2: REFORMS, TABLE 3: SHARE (%) IN NEW of that response.
ply permits, environment regulation, etc. RANKS, TOP 10 IN 2019 APPLICABLE/IMPLEMENTED INVESTMENTS ANNOUNCED Ideally, the number of respondents for
THELATESTeaseof doingbusinessrankings States are required to submit proof of im- every state should be decided based on
for Indian states, released by the plementing each reform on the DPIIT’s State 2015 2016 2017 2019 State Applicable Implemented State 2017-18 2018-19 population or number of business clusters
Department for Promotion of Industry and EoDB portal and submit a list of users of AndhraPradesh 2 1 1 1 Andhra 187 187 Andhra 6.56 16.29 to ensure that the sample is representative
InternalTrade(DPIIT),havethrownupsome these reforms. A sample of these users is UttarPradesh 10 14 12 2 of the state. It is not clear if DPIIT used rep-
UP 186 184 Haryana 3.37 15.74
interesting results. The absence of more in- then surveyed to determine the efficacy of resentative samples.
dustrialised states such as Tamil Nadu and these reforms. Each question is assigned a Telangana 13 1 2 3 Telangana 186 184 TamilNadu 4.01 9.32 Also, business owners’ expectations
Maharashtra from the top rungs and the weight.Thefinalscoreisaweightedaverage MadhyaPradesh 5 5 7 4 MP 187 187 Gujarat 6.76 7.74 fromthegovernmentscandiffer.Abusiness
presence of states such as Uttar Pradesh of all the responses applicable to a state. Jharkhand 3 7 4 5 Jharkhand 187 186 owner from Tamil Nadu may assess their
Maharashtra 18.09 6.32
(which was in the past far behind but has state government’s IT portal differently
Chhattisgarh 4 4 6 6 Chhattisgarh 187 186 Karnataka 3.32 6.08
now shot up to all-India number 2) in the What reforms does DPIIT recommend? from one in UP.
toprankshassurprisedmany.Alookatwhat DPIITrecommendsallstateshaveasingle- Himachal 17 17 16 7 Himachal 185 175 Rajasthan 2.01 3.04
went into calculating the final rankings. window system that provides all necessary Rajasthan 6 8 9 8 Rajasthan 186 183 MP 2.87 2.73 How do these reforms affect
informationonpermitsandlicencesrequired WestBengal 11 15 10 9 WBengal 187 187 investments?
How are the rankings arrived at? for starting a business. Permissions required Odisha 8.25 2.43 An analysis by CARE Ratings shows that
TheobjectiveofDPIIT’sreformexerciseis frommunicipalorvillagegovernmentbodies Gujarat 1 3 5 10 Gujarat 187 187 NCTDelhi 1.38 1.76 "the top-ranking states in terms of ease of
to provide a business-friendly environment, or police for activities like filming movies Source: DPIIT Source: DPIIT Source: CMIE doing business have not necessarily been
forwhichtheregulationsinastatehavetobe shouldalsobeexplicitlymentioned. associated with higher shares of new in-
madesimpler.Therefore,itdevisedamethod- To reduce delays further, DPIIT recom- vestments announced during the year".
ologytorankthestatesaccordingtotheease mends that the duration of licences be ex- 2015, the BRAP rankings relied entirely on from last year. Why were these rankings criticised? As Table 3 shows, except for Andhra
of doing business (EoDB) in a state. tended or that they be renewed automati- thefeedbackitreceivedfromthebusinesses DPIIT’S methodology does not consider Pradesh,the top-ranking states asper these
DPIIT provides a set of recommenda- cally based on self-certification or for whom these reforms were intended. How did the states perform? the actual number of reforms implemented rankings do not have high shares in the to-
tions meant to reduce the time and effort third-party verification. A state is also re- Earlier editions computed scores based on AndhraPradeshsecuredthetopspotfor by the states, as shown in Table 2. States like tal investment during the year. This is be-
spent by businesses on compliance with warded if a set of regulations (like labour or the responses of the relevant state govern- thethirdtime sincethe rankingwasfirstre- Haryana and Gujarat have implemented all cause businesses respond to other condi-
regulation called the Business Reform environment laws) are not applicable to it. ment departments. The 2017-18 edition leased in 2015 (Table 1). UP jumped ten the reforms recommended by the DPIIT, but tions like the availability of skilled labour,
Action Plan (BRAP). BRAP 2019 is an 80- usedacombinationofstategovernmentand spotstonumbertwoandTelanganaslipped were ranked low on the EoDB list. infrastructure, finance, etc.
point list of reforms recommended to sim- Are these scores and ranks comparable user feedback to compute the score. tothree.Gujarat,whichwasfirstinthefirst- Gujarat has reportedly attributed thisto Inaddition,theserankingsdonotconsider
plify, rationalise and digitise the regulatory to those from previous years? Therefore, strictly speaking, the 2019 ever edition of the rankings, was ranked 11 poor response from the survey respon- thecostofdoingbusiness,whichiswhatmat-
framework in a state. For the first time since its inception in rankings are not comparable with those this year; Haryana slipped all the way to 17. dents. The methodology used by the DPIIT ters to businesses at the end of the day.


cottisgoingondisplayinItaly.It’s thelateststopforthehouseinayears-longsagathatbegan


BeirutonTuesday. AP

AnotherBeirut US President Donald Trump speaks prior to signing the deals as Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu, UAE Foreign Minister
Abdullah bin Zayed and Bahrain Foreign Minister Abdullatif Al Zayani applaud at the White House on Tuesday. Reuters
A FIRE erupted in a land-
mark building in Beirut’s
UAE,Bahrainsignhistoricpact Alexei Navalny posted a photo on Instagram showing him in his hospital bed with his wife
and children by his side. AP

withIsraelattheWhiteHouse hospital,
commercial district on

Navalny posts photo from

Tuesday, the second blaze
this month to send shud-
ders through a capital still
in shock after a massive

plans Russia return

through the
Mediterranean city. There Trumphostsceremony,saystheUS-brokeredagreementsrepresentmajorstride
were no immediate re-
portsof casualties andthe He called it “a major stride in “Hi, this is Navalny. I miss you erated Tuesday that Moscow
blaze was quickly extin-
guished, but it left resi-
Is this really ‘peace in the Middle East’? which people of all faiths and
backgrounds live together in
Instagram followers. “I can still
was open to clearing up what
happened to Navalny, but
dentsexasperatedinana- WASHINGTON, SEPTEMBER 15 peace and prosperity” and de- hardlydoanything,butyesterday neededaccessto informationon
tion that has been THE TRUMP campaign tion, under the leader- clared thatthe three MiddleEast RUSSIANOPPOSITIONpolitician Icouldbreathealldayonmyown. his case from Berlin. He said
hammeredbyadeepeco- THE UNITED Arab Emirates and has already brought ship of Jared Kushner, countries “are going to work to- Alexei Navalny shared a photo- Actually on my own.” Moscow did not understand
nomic crisis and which is Bahrain signed agreements on out ads saying the failed in a very public gether, they are friends”. graph from a Berlin hospital on The leading opponent of why, if French and Swedish lab-
waitingforitspoliticiansto Tuesday for normalising rela- President “achieved bid to find a solution to The back-to-back agree- Tuesday, sitting up in bed and PresidentVladimirPutin,fellvio- oratories had been able to test
form a new government. tions with Israel, becoming the PEACE in the MIDDLE the conflict. The ments mark an improbable surrounded by his family, and lently sick while campaigning on his medical samples, Russia was
“It’s terrible. It’s unbeliev- latestArabstatestobreakalong- EAST”. While Trump did help Palestinians stopped engag- diplomaticvictoryforTrump.He said he could now breathe inde- Aug.20andwasairliftedtoBerlin. not being given the same access.
able,” said Joe Sayegh, 48, standing taboo in a strategic re- normalise relations between ing with the Trump adminis- has spent his presidency fore- pendently following his sus- Germany says laboratory tests in The case has further strained
who had been on a jog alignment of Middle Eastern two Arab countries and Israel, tration, saying the US only casting deals on such intractable pected poisoning last month. three countries have determined relationsbetweenRussiaandthe
through the city before countries against Iran. the key conflict in the region wanted to dictate terms. It problems as North Korea’s nu- Thephoto—thestrongestev- hewaspoisonedwithaNovichok West, already at a post-Cold War
coming to the scene. US President Donald Trump remains unaddressed. In the was after this setback that the clear program only to find actual idenceyetofNavalny’sadvancing nerveagent,andWesterngovern- low since Moscow’s annexation
hosted the White House cere- US, the term “peace in the administration sought the achievements elusive. recovery after emerging from a ments have demanded an expla- of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014
mony, capping a dramatic Middle East” usually refers to more modest achievement of Bringing Israel, the UAE and comalastweek—wasswiftlyfol- nation from Russia. andtheattemptedpoisoningof a
month when first the UAE and the Israel-Palestine conflict. bringing the Persian Gulf Bahrain together reflects their lowed by confirmation from his Moscow has called the accu- formerRussiandoubleagentwith
USA then Bahrain agreed to reverse And the Trump administra- countries and Israel together. shared concern about Iran’s ris- press spokeswoman that he sations groundless. Kremlin thesameNovichoknerveagentin
Househonours decades of ill will without a res-
olution of Israel’s decades-old
velopment of ballistic missiles.
planned to return to Russia. spokesman Dmitry Peskov reit- England in 2018. REUTERS

slainSikhcop dispute with the Palestinians. Palestinians,makethemthethird cords with Israel. But he did not Iranhasbeencriticalofbothdeals.
THE US House of
of people on the White House
and fourth Arab states to take
name any of the nations in-
volved in such talks.
But in a sign that regional
strife is sure to continue while Boris lashes out at EU, EU top court
lawn, Prime Minister Benjamin Israel signed peace treaties with Speaking from the White the Israeli-Palestinian conflict supports net
clears 1st hurdle for
imously passed a legisla-
tion to name a post office Netanyahu signed accords with Egyptin1979andJordanin1994. House balcony, Trump said: remains unresolved, sirens
in Houston after Indian- Emirati Foreign Minister Sheikh
Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan
the Oval Office, Trump said,
“We’re here this afternoon to
change the course of history.”
warning of rocket fire from
Gaza sounded in southern
neutrality rules
Brexit treaty breach
American police officer
Sandeep Singh Dhaliwal, and Bahrain’s Foreign Minister “We’ll have at least five or six Flags of the United States, Israel on Tuesday as a cere- London: The European Union’s
whowasgunneddownin Abdullatif Al Zayani. countries coming along very Israel, the UAE and Bahrain mony was under way in highest court has given its sup-
the line of duty a year ago. The deals, denounced by the quickly” to forge their own ac- were in abundance. Washington. REUTERS port to the bloc's rules that stop
The bipartisan legislation, internet providers from charg-
ELIZABETH PIPER ing customers for preferential
Deputy Sandeep Singh
Dhaliwal Post Office Act,
ON VISIT TO WILDFIRE-HIT CALIFORNIA US partners with & WILLIAM JAMES access to their networks.

Trump on climate change:

The European Court of Justice
was co-sponsored by the
entire Texas delegation. SE Asian nations onTuesdayissueditsfirstinterpre-
BRITISH PRIME Minister Boris tation of the EU’s net neutrality
“Deputy Dhaliwal repre-
to counter China Johnson lashed out at the rules since they were adopted in

I don’t think science knows

community: he worked EuropeanUniononMondayashe 2015. The rules require telecom-
for equality, connection, Washington: The Trump admin- won initial approval for a plan to Boris Johnson at a Cabinet munications providers to treat all
and community through istrationhasannouncedtheam- breachtheBrexittreaty,sayingthe meeting on Tuesday. AP datatrafficthesame,andprevent
hislifeofservicetoothers,” bitious Mekong-US partnership move was needed because the themfromreservingbetteraccess
said Congresswoman which aims to curb China's bloc had refused to take a “re- for their own services, or selling
Lizzie Fletcher. JONATHAN LEMIRE, growing influence in Southeast volveroff thetable”intradetalks. dermines the country’s image. bandwidth to big companies like
AAMER MADHANI, Asia and promote economic in- Johnsonwontheso-calledsec- Johnson said it was essential GoogleandNetflixwhileleavinga
ALGERIA WILL WEISSERT & dependence of partner nations. ondreadingparliamentaryvoteon to counter“absurd”threatsfrom slowerInternetforeveryoneelse.
ELLEN KNICKMEYER Apart from the US, the coalition theInternalMarketBill340to263. Brussels including that London Thecourtbackedtheprinciple
Journalist SACRAMENTO, SEPTEMBER 15 includes Cambodia, Laos, A wrecking amendment was de- put up trade barriers between of open internet after Hungarian

sentencedto2 WITH THE smell of California

Myanmar, Thailand and
Vietnam from Southeast Asia. It
more will follow as he faces a
impose a food blockade.
firm Telenor Magyarorszag had
sought an interpretation of the
yearsinprison wildfires in the air, President
Donald Trump on Monday ig-
was formally launched after a
virtual meeting on September
The EU says Johnson’s bill
rules. Hungarian regulators had
AN ALGERIAN court on nored the scientific consensus 11. Secretary of State Mike would collapse trade talks and parliament “What we cannot do ingtwo“zerotariff”packagesun-
Tuesday sentenced jour- that climate change is playing a Pompeo said efforts will include propel the UK towards a messy now is tolerate a situation where der which data traffic used by
nalist Khaled Drareni to central role in historic West working closely with Japan, Brexit while former British lead- ourEUcounterpartsseriouslybe- some applications and services
two years in prison on ap- Coast infernos and renewed his Australia,SouthKorea,India,and ers have warned that breaking lieve that they have the power to didn’t count but traffic for others
peal, reducing his original unfounded claim that failure to other like-minded partners. PTI the law is a step too far that un- breakupourcountry.” REUTERS was slowed or blocked. AP
sentence, in a trial that rake forest floors and clear dead
rights group have de-
HK to open bars, pools after mass testing
timber is mostly to blame.
nouncedasviolatingpress Thefiresarethreateningtobe- A satellite image shows the August Complex wildfire, burning Trump says wanted
freedom.Drareni,editorof comeanotherfrontinTrump’sre- near Chico, California, on Monday. Maxar Technologies via Reuters
the Casbah Tribune news election bid, which is already fac- Assad dead in 2017 Chan, comes days after the
siteandAlgeriacorrespon- ing hurdles because of the Washington:USPresidentDonald REUTERS Chinese special administrative
dentofRSFandtheFrench coronavirus pandemic, jobless- andotherstateandfederalofficials. Trumpresponded,“Itwillstart TrumpsaidTuesdayhewantedto HONG KONG, SEPTEMBER 15 region reopened gyms and en-
TV channel TV5 Monde, ness and social unrest. His At one point, state Natural getting cooler, just you watch.” order the assassination of Syrian tertainment venues and in-
playedaprominentrolein Democratic challenger, Joe Biden, ResourcesAgencySecretaryWade Crowfoot politely pushed PresidentBasharal-Assadin2017 HONG KONG will reopen bars, creasedthenumberof peopleal-
coveringthecountry'spro- inhisownspeechMondaysaidthe Crowfoot urged the president to back that he wished the science butwasadvisedagainstitbythen swimming pools and theme lowed to gather to four.
democracymovementlast destruction and mounting death “recognize the changing climate agreed with the president. DefenceSecretaryGen(Rtd)James parks from Friday as it relaxes The ban on gatherings of
year. He was convicted of toll across California, Oregon and andwhatitmeanstoourforests.” Trump countered, “I don’t think Mattis.“Iwouldhaverathertaken coronavirus restrictions after more than four people remains
“inciting an unarmed Washingtonrequirestrongerpres- “If weignorethatscienceand science knows, actually.” him (Assad) out. I had him all set. the testing of nearly two mil- in place as does a ban on people
gathering”and“endanger- idential leadership and labelled sort of put our head in the sand That striking moment came Mattisdidn’twanttodoit,”Trump lion people in a programme or- visiting public beaches as au-
ing national unity” linked Trumpa“climatearsonist.” andthinkit’sallaboutvegetation on a day of dueling campaign toldFoxNewswhenaskedifAssad ganised by the Chinese govern- thorities called for vigilance.
to coverage of the protest Trump traveled to Northern management, we’re notgoing to events, with Trump and Biden had ordered chemical bombs be ment found 42 cases. Disneyland in Hong Kong is “We appeal to the public to
movement. California to be briefed by succeed together protecting dramatically contrasting their droppedontheSyriatownofKhan The announcement by the also set to open. Reuters not be complacent and let down
Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom Californians,” Crowfoot added. outlooks on climate change. AP SheikhouninApril2017. PTI city’s health secretary, Sophia theirguard,”Chansaid. REUTERS


As UN turns 75, the celebration is muted by calamity and conflict

So the marking of the an- shortcomings, the organisation overthepastdecadeto80million. inception to provide a forum in TheSustainableDevelopment
RICK GLADSTONE niversary will be muted, and not thatEleanorRooseveltcalled“our The number suffering acute whichallcountriesbelievedthey Goals, 17 UN objectives aimed at
SEPTEMBER 15 only because world leaders will greatesthopeforfuturepeace”has hungerisexpectedtonearlydou- had a meaningful voice. eliminating inequities that in-
be unable to gather in person to atleasthelpedachievethat. ble by year’s end to more than a Butitsbasicstructuregiveslit- clude poverty, gender bias and il-
WORLDWIDE CONTAGION, the raise a glass — the pandemic has As he looked ahead toward quarter billion, with the first tle real power to the main body, literacy by 2030, are imperiled.
worst economic crisis since the reduced the General Assembly convening this year’s General famines of the coronavirus era the General Assembly, and the UNveteranssaymultilateral-
Great Depression and a warm- beginning this week to virtual Assembly, Secretary-General lurking at the world’s doorstep. most to the World War II victors ism—solvingproblemstogether,
ing planet — not to mention ris- meetings. As the world body AntónioGuterresemphasisedthe Guterres’entreatyforaglobal — Britain, China, France, Russia atenetof theorganisation’schar-
ing hunger, growing legions of turns 75, it also faces profound long view. The values embedded ceasefiretohelpcombatthecoro- andtheUnitedStates—witheach ter — increasingly collides with
refugees, xenophobic bombast questions about its own effec- in the UN Charter, he said, have navirus has gone largely un- wielding a veto on the 15-seat principles in the same charter
from strongmen leaders and a tiveness and even its relevance. prevented“thescourgeof aThird heeded.Hispleaforcontributions Security Council as permanent emphasising national sover-
new cold war between the “The UN is weaker than it World War many had feared”. toa$10billionemergencycoron- members.Thecouncilisempow- eignty and nonintervention in a
United States and China. shouldbe,”saidMaryRobinson,a Still,theorganisationisstrug- avirus response plan to help the ered to impose economic sanc- country’s internal affairs.
TheUnitedNationsisaboutto formerUNhighcommissionerfor gling like perhaps never before. neediesthad,asoflastweek,been tionsandistheonlyUNentityper- Theresultisoftendelaysofaid
celebrateitsbirthin1945fromthe humanrightsandthefirstwoman Whileitistheleadingprovider The UN headquarters in New York. Reuters met with commitments totaling mittedtodeploymilitaryforce.No ordenialof UNaccesstohumani-
ruins of World War II, although to become president of Ireland. of humanitarian aid, and UN just a quarter of the goal. That re- permanent member seems will- tarian crises, whether in deliver-
“celebrate” might seem an odd WhentheUNwasfoundedby peacekeepers operate in more sponse “barely justifies the de- ing to alter the power structure. ing supplies to displaced Syrians,
choice of word amid the long list the Allied victors, the goal was to than dozen unstable areas, the warsinSyria,YemenorLibya.The UN statistics show that the scription of ‘tepid,’ ” said Mark It is not only on questions of investigatingevidenceofRohingya
ofcurrentglobalwoesandtheor- avertanotherdescentintoanother United Nations has been unable Israeli-Palestinianconflictisnearly number of people forcibly dis- Lowcock,thetopUNreliefofficial. warandceasefireswheretheUN massacresinMyanmarorhelping
ganisation’s own challenges. global apocalypse. And for all its to bring an end to the protracted asoldastheUnitedNationsitself. placed worldwide has doubled The UN was intended at its is struggling for results. sickchildreninVenezuela. NYT




`53,019 `73.64 $40.59 `70,743
Note: Gold, silver rates at Delhi spot market; gold per 10 g, silver per 1 kg; Brent crude as of 2300 IST

SENSEX: 39,044.35 ▲ 287.72 NIFTY: 11,521.80 ▲ 81.75 NIKKEI: 23,454.89 ▼ 104.41 HANG SENG: 24,732.76 ▲ 92.48 FTSE: 6,095.29 ▲ 69.04 DAX: 13,238.70 ▲ 45.04
International market data till 1900 IST


EPFO looks at criminal action to by imposing tariffs
Indian Immunologicals
in talks to manufacture recover stressed investments on China, says WTO

quately explained why its meas-
Rs 12,874 crore invested in the ratingagencies.TheFinanceMini- REUTERS ureswereajustifiedexception,the
Russia’s Sputnik V; ‘lot of

AANCHALMAGAZINE& downgraded debt securities. Its stry had also questioned the Fu- GENEVA/BRUSSELS, panel concluded.”This panel re-
SANDEEPSINGH Need to be investment in Reliance Capital is nd’s exposure to IL&FS and other SEPTEMBER15 portconfirmswhattheTrumpad-

parameters to consider’ NEWDELHI,SEPTEMBER15

WITH CONCERNS being raised

● more open
pegged at around Rs 2,500 crore;
about Rs 4,300 crore in Yes Bank;
risky entities before clearing the
interest rate payout for 2018-19.
Due to liquidity concerns, the
THE WORLD Trade Organization
ministration has been saying for
inadequate to stop China’s harm-
“We’re still studying abouttheexposureoftheEmplo- WHILE THE CBT has sh- about Rs 1,700 crore in IDFC; EPFO has opted to split the inter- Stateshadbreachedglobaltrading fultechnologypractices,”USTrade
PRABHARAGHAVAN the information yees’ProvidentFundOrganisation own an intent to recover aboutRs1,300croreinDHFL;and estratepayoutforFY20—8.15per rules by imposing multi-billion Representative Robert Lighthizer
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 15 (EPFO)todowngradeddebtsecu- the money stuck in debt about Rs 574 crore in IL&FS. cent (estimated at Rs 58,000 dollar tariffs in President Donald saidinastatement.
they’ve given us ... it rities,theretirementfundbodyis papers of stressed compa- Investments by exempted firms, crore) based on debt component Trump’stradewarwithChina. China’s Commerce Ministry
RUSSIA’S COVID-19 vaccine might take some time consideringexercisingalllegalop- nies, the fact is that, even which manage EPF accounts on will be paid soon, while the re- Washington says tariffs it im- said Beijing supported the multi-
SputnikVhasgarneredinter- before anything is tions, including criminal action, as the Centre has been their own for their employees, is maining0.35percent(estimated posedtwoyearsagoonmorethan lateral trading system and re-
est from veterinary and hu- finalised, as the againstcompaniesforrecoveryof pushing for transparency over and above this amount. at Rs 2,700 crore) will be subject $200billioninChinesegoodswere spected WTO rulings, and hoped
man vaccine maker Indian exchange of itsstresseddebtinvestmentsam- on all fronts, EPFO’s inves- Responding to an email sent toredemptionoftheEPFO’sunits justified because China was forc- Washingtonwoulddothesame.
ImmunologicalsLtd,whichis information is still ounting to over Rs 12,800 crore. tments remain largely by The Indian Express, Gagan in exchange traded funds before ingcompaniestotransfertechnol- The US could appeal against
currently engaged in talks to At its meeting last week, the opaque. In fact, investm- Banga, vice chairman, MD and December 31. At 8.5 per cent, the ogy and intellectual property. But Tuesday’s ruling. However, that
potentially collaborate to
ongoing.” Central Board of Trustees (CBT) ents in stressed firms only CEOofIndiabullsHousingFinance EPFinterestrateisataseven-year theWTO’sthree-personpanelsaid would put the case into a legal
massmanufactureithere.The K ANAND KUMAR chalked out a plan of action after came to light after rating said, “Indiabulls has repaid Rs low. If the redemption of units the US duties broke trading rules void, because the US has blocked
talks,stillnotfinalised,involve MD, INDIAN IMMUNOLOGICALS discussingthestatusreportsofthe agencies took action 1,000 crore out of Rs 2,500 crore does not come through as antici- becausetheyappliedonlytoChina the appointment of judges to the
an exchange of information risky investments spread across against the borrowers. to EPFO earlier this month.” pated, the 8.15 per cent interest and were above maximum rates WTO’sappellatebody,preventing
on both sides to ascertain the candidate had not been companies including Reliance “IndiabullsHousingFinanceis rate would be the lowest since agreed by the United States. it from convening the minimum
whether the Hyderabad- conducted when Russia ap- Capital, DHFL, IL&FS, Yes Bank, raising additional equity of Rs 1977-78,whentheEPFOpaidout Washington had not then ade- numberrequiredtohearcases.
headquartered firm can suc- proved the vaccine. Post-reg- Indiabulls and IDFC, three CBT deliberateintentofdefault,”aCBT 2,200 crore that will significantly an interest rate of 8 per cent.
cessfully incorporate the istration trials involving members said. Measures for re- member told The Indian Express. raise our capital adequacy ratio. Thereturnsfromtheequityin-
40,000 volunteers are now
pany separately on “priority ba-
A senior EPFO official said all
from AAA to AA, I expect the se-
Exports shrink for 6th mth in
Express has learnt.
“We are in talks. We are
exploring the option of man-
expected to grant approvals
following phase 3 trials.
sis”, they said.
“The Board has flagged con-
cerns about distressed invest-
and due process will be followed
for recovery, adding, “Adequate
time would be provided to such
ing forward,” he added.
While IL&FS said it doesn’t
-8.3 per cent. There have been
concernsaboutthe EPFOinterest
a row on falling shipments of
ufacturing the Sputnik V vac-
cine here after it gets the req-
“We’re still studying the
information they’ve given us
ments of the EPFO, pushing for
rate for 2020-21 financial year,
which would be finalised early
petroleum, gems & jewellery
uisite approvals,” Dr K Anand ...itmighttakesometimebe- mentsasearlyaspossible.Allpos- ments to other companies while The EPFO’s stressed invest- next year, given the volatility in fabrics, leather goods, electronic
Kumar, managing director, fore anything is finalised, as siblelegaloptionswillbeexplored intentionallydefaultingonEPFO’s mentshadsurfacedasearlyaslast stock markets. The EPFO invests ENSECONOMICBUREAU andengineeringgoods.
Indian Immunologicals con- the exchange of information against these companies, includ- repayments,thencriminalaction yearwhen,intheaftermathofthe 85 per cent of its annual accruals NEWDELHI,SEPTEMBER15 Imports, too, dropped 26.04
firmed when contacted. is still ongoing,” said Kumar. ing initiation of criminal action if could also be considered.” NBFCcrisis,manyofthesedebtin- inthedebtmarketand15percent per cent to $29.47 billion in July
“Rightnow,we’veexchanged QueriestoRussia’ssovere- there is prima facie evidence of a The EPFO has approximately vestments were downgraded by in equities through ETFs. THE NATION’S merchandise ex- from the same period last year,
some information that we’re ignwealthfund,theRussiaDi- portscontinuedonitstrajectoryof narrowing the country’s trade
going through and we’ve not rect Investment Fund (RDIF), decline for the sixth consecutive deficitto$6.77billionfrom$13.86
decided on it yet,” he said. whichhasbeencloselyinvol- UNDER GOVT’S PLI SCHEME
‘Indian startups should cut month in August, dropping 12.66 billion in August 2019. Petroleum
are “a lot” of parameters that
ved in discussions with vari-
ous countries for supply of
Housing electronic parts reliance on foreign funding
per cent to $22.70 billion last
month, according to Commerce
Ministry data. The drop was ma-
fore anything is finalised.
“We have to see whether
time Tuesday. manufacturing units: UP, sources like US and China’

Tamil Nadu front-runners

the technology can be suc- Indian Immunologicals gemsandjewellery,garmentsand digitgrowth.
cessfully transferred to our hassofarearmarkedacapac- on Tuesday, also recommended
platform and how much we itytomakearound20million ENSECONOMICBUREAU the Centre to abolish the long-
canproduce.We’relookingat singledosevaccinesforCovid- otherattractiveincentivesforini- NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 15 term capital gains tax for all in-
thecompatibilityofwhatthey 19, which could go up to 200 AASHISHARYAN tial setting up,” an official who vestments in startups made
havedone,whetheritfitswith millionif thevaccineismulti- NEWDELHI,SEPTEMBER15 asked not to be named, said. The SUGGESTING THAT Indian start- throughangelfunds,alternatein-
the equipment we have and dose, Kumar said. availability of trained labour in ups should reduce dependency vestment funds and investment
atwhatscalewecanproduce The Hyderabad firm also TAMIL NADU and Uttar Pradesh these states have also helped on foreign funding sources like LLPs.
this vaccine,” he said. has an agreement with have emerged front-runners for them pitch themselves better to the US and China, the Parliame- “...Ataminimum,thisshould
SputnikVisahumanade- GriffithUniversityinAustralia settingupofnewmobileandelec- companieslookingtoexpandex- ntary Standing Committee on be done for at least the next 2
noviral vector vaccine, which to develop a live attenuated troniccomponentmanufacturing isting units, the official said. Finance called for expansion of years to encourage investments
basically uses a genetically vaccine. Kumar last month units,asmostcompaniesaresaid As many as 22 global and the Small Industries Develo- during the pandemic period.
modified virus to carry the saidinapaneldiscussionwith to have shown more interest in Indianmobilehandsetmakers,in- pment Bank of India (SIDBI) After this 2 year period, the
code for the cells in the hu- Telangana IT Minister KT these two states, according to of- cluding Samsung, Apple’s con- Fund-of-Fundsvehicletoallowit Securities Transaction Tax (STT)
man body to produce the Rama Rao that human trials ficials in know of the develop- tract manufacturers Foxconn, to play an anchor investor role. may be applied to CIVs so that
spiky outer layer (spike pro- forthatvaccinecandidateare ment. Pegatron,andWinston,aswellas The House panel, which revenue neutrality is
tein)of theSARS-CoV-2virus. likelytobegininthefirstcou- While Tamil Nadu, which has Rising Star are among the appli- tableditsreporton“Financingthe maintained,” the panel noted in
This is expected to help the ple of months of 2021. a “well-established” logistical in- cants for the scheme. Apart from StartupEcosystem”inParliament its report.
bodyrecognisethisspikepro- InapressbriefingonSept- frastructureformobileandrelated thephonemakers,nearly40elec-
teinasaforeignsubstanceand ember 8, Niti Aayog Member component manufacturing is troniccomponentmanufacturers
build an immune response (Health) Dr VK Paul had said likely to be preferred by Apple’s had also applied to set up new
against it so that it can tackle that the central government contract manufacturer Pegatron, units or expand existing plants GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA,
the real virus when it tries to hadbeenexploringthepossi- otherProductionLinkedIncentive under the PLI scheme. “e”-PROCUREMENT NOTICE
infect. bility of manufacturing Sput- (PLI)schemeapplicantsarescout- The government, in April, no- OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER,
The vaccine was devel- nik V here when a scale up ing for locations in Noida and tified the new PLI scheme, under KHORDHA (R&B) CIRCLE, KHORDHA
oped by Moscow-based wouldberequired.Ithadalso nearbyareasof UttarPradesh,of- whichcompaniesthatsetupnew B-249 WORKS DEPARTMENT
Gamaleya Research Institute been looking at conducting ficials said. mobile and specified equipment Tender call Notice
of Epidemiology and largescalephase3humantri- “Thesetwostatesalreadyhave manufacturingunitsorexpanded
Bid Identification No. SE-Khordha (R&B) Circle-07/2020-21 Memo
Microbiology and is the first als of the vaccine in India. the basic logistical and other in- their present units would get in-
No- Dt. 04.09.2020
Covid-19 vaccine to be regis- Full report on frastructurenecessaryformobile centives of 4 to 6 per cent on in- The Superintending Engineer, Khordha (R&B) Circle, Khordha on behalf
tered,thoughphase3trialsof manufacturing.Theyhavealsoof- cremental sales from good made of Governor of Odisha inviting percentage rate bid in double cover
fered additional tax breaks and in India. system in ONLINE MODE from eligible contractors for Building works as
detailed in the table below:

BRIEFLY 24x7 OTP-based cash

1. Nature of Work : Building Works
GST taxpayers 2. No. of Work : 4 Nos

AutomateNPA to get more help

withdrawal at SBI ATMs
3. Tender Cost : Rs. 10000.00 (On-Line)

recognition:RBI in filing returns 4. Class of Contractor : Special Class A Class & B Class
5. Available of Bid document : From Dt. 18.09.2020 10.00 AM to
The bank had introduced
in the Website Dt. 28.09.2020 5.00 PM
Mumbai: The Reserve Bank ENSECONOMICBUREAU OTP-based cash withdrawals of ENSECONOMICBUREAU
of India (RBI) has asked MUMBAI, SEPTEMBER 15 above Rs 10,000 from 8 pm to 8 NEWDELHI,SEPTEMBER15 6. Date of opening of Bid : Dt. 29.09.2020 at 11.30 AM
banks to stop manual inter- am through SBI ATMs from
vention and complete the STATEBANKofIndia(SBI)hasde- January 1. SBI debit card holders STARTING THIS month, GST tax- 7. The Bidders have to participate in ONLINE bidding only. Futher
details can be seen from the Website:
automation of bad loan cided to introduce OTP-based will now have to enter OTP sent payers will have the assistance of
Any addendum/ Corrigendum/ Cancellation of tender can also be
(non-performing assets or cashwithdrawalforRs10,000and on their registered mobile num- auto-generateddocumentsdetail- seen in the said website.
NPAs) recognition and pro- above throughout the day across bers along with their debit card ing tax liability and availability of Sd/-
visioning processes by June all SBI ATMs in the country with PIN each time, the state-owned input tax credit (ITC) to make it Superintending Engineer,
30,2021. ENS effect from September 18, 2020. bank said. easier for them to file their Khordha (R&B) Circle, Khordha
monthlysummaryreturns(GSTR- OIPR-34127/11/0011/2021

$1bnFDIfrom Need of the hour: Goyal on India-UK FTA 3B), the Goods and Services Tax
Network(GSTN)said. MGNREGS ODISHA SOCIETY (O/o CE/TS, B-1, Shakti Vihar, Patiala)
Chinain4yrs New Delhi: Commerce Minister
Piyush Goyal on Tuesday said he
India is committed to an FTA
with the UK and it will also be
Till now, taxpayers were re-
quiredtocomputevaluesbutnow PANCHAYATRAJ & DRINKING Regd. Office.: PSEB Head Office, The Mall, Patiala-147001
CIN: U40109PB2010SGC033813; Website:
NewDelhi:Over1,600Indian has proposed to the UK that both good for Commonwealth coun- the system has been upgraded to WATER DEPARTMENT
companiesreceivedforeign thecountriesshouldstartengage- tries, he said, while addressing enablelinkingofsummaryreturns I-15 NOTICE INVITING E-TENDERS
direct investments (FDI) of ment for a free trade agreement CII’s India-UK Economic andtheoutwardsupplyreturnor GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA Tender Enquiry No. 217/SS-II (D)
$1 billion from China from (FTA)as“itistheneedofthehour”. Partnership Summit. PTI GSTR-1. FE S.I.R.D COMPLEX, UNIT-8, BHUBANESWAR-12 Short Description MANUFACTURE, TESTING, SUPPLY & DELIV-
ERY OF 11 KV VCB Panels (SCADA Compatible)
April2016toMarch2020,as Tel. No. 0674-2952205, of assorted types/ratios.
per government data.

Sign of the times, Apple Watch

Quantity Sr. Description NIT Qty.
e-Mail: No. (Nos.)

1 11 KV Incoming VCB Panels 10
17-NREG-11-9170 14336 Date: 11-09-2020
2 11 KV Outgoing VCB Panels 73

Series 6 can monitor blood oxygen

Invitation Of REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (REP) 3 11 KV Capacitor Control VCB Panels 8


11 KV Bus Coupler VCB Panels 9
New Delhi: Toyota Kirloskar indicatorsofaCovid-19infection. Request for proposal is invited by Director, Special Projects- EMD Rs. 7,70,000/- (Maximum)
Motor(TKM)vice-chairman NANDAGOPALRAJAN The new version (Rs 40,900 on- cum-Mission Director, MGNREGS Odisha Society, PR & DW Rs. 1,92,500/- (Minimum)
Vikram Kirloskar said Tues- NEWDELHI,SEPTEMBER15 wards)willbepoweredbythelat- Department for Selection of Human Resource service Provider Start date for Downloading of 16.09.2020
day that the company will est S6 chip which will also let it Agency for engagement of Thematic Experts under Cluster Tender specification
investoverRs2,000crorein FROMTHEfirstframeitwasclear track sleep. But there was more. Facilitation Project, MGNREGS. The details relating to the Last date of downloading of 19.10.2020 upto 1130 Hrs.
tender documents
thenext12months,refuting thiswasnotaregularAppleevent. At Rs 29,900, the Apple Watch SE eligibility criteria, terms & conditions and other information
Last date of Bid submission 19.10.2020 upto 1130 Hrs.
astatementbyaseniorcom- To start with, CEO Tim Cook was is a more affordable model with relating to this RFP can be downloaded from the home page of Bid opening (Part-I & II) 20.10.2020 upto 1130 Hrs.
pany official that it would not on stage at the Steve Jobs similar features and a larger PR & DW Department website (http://odishapanchayat. Tender Documents Detailed Tender documents can only be downloaded
stop further expansion in Theatre. He was downhill at the screen,butaprocessorthatisone from website
India due to high taxes. PTI AppleParkHQ,talkingtothecam- ThenewAppleWatchbeing version older. Proposal may be submitted to the Director, Special Contact No. of e-tendering 0172-2970263, 0172-2970284
era from the iconic circular corri- introducedduringaspecial Apple had stored the big an- Projects-cum- Mission Director on the above mentioned agency (M/s GePNIC)

Economyto dor by the curved glass panels.

Then, a minute or so into his
nouncement for the last though:
address in a sealed envelope.
The last date and time for submission of the RFP through
Contact Person Office Address Dy. CE/SS (Design), C-1, Shakti Vihar, PSPCL, Patiala

In case tender process is not completed due to any reason, no CORRI-

shrink9%:ADB keynote, Cook was talking about
the Apple Watch.
onTuesday. Reuters thatlooksmoreonthelinesofthe
iPad Pro and a larger 10.9-inch
October 2020 up to 5.00 PM.
GENDUM will be published in newspapers. Details regarding corrigen-
dum may be seen on PSPCL website and
New Delhi: India’s economy ThefocusonAppleWatchwas Liquid Retina screen. For the iPad Sd/-
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Chelsea began the new Premier League season with a 3-1 win at Brighton and
Hove Albion, with Timo Werner key to the first goal AP

IPL 2020 S H O RT STO R I E S I DAV I D WA R N E R Should have

talked more
Tik tok, tik tok: How time flies
Tale of a T20 cricketing brat who turned into an all-format batting legend, Warner is an endearing family man and a social media sensation
about taking a
knee: Langer
Australia since World War II. To have a player well. It’s an offshoot of that.”
of his calibre playing for us was quite special,”
Whitney told The Indian Express. Without any
fuss,hemadeaseamlessshifttogradecricket. After a dozen uninterrupted In a sense, Tiktok and Instagram have given
IT’S QUITE a story. A hardened professional “Beforeeverymatch,hepreparedmeticulously, appearances at the IPL, these Warner the opportunity to change his image AUSTRALIA CRICKET coach Justin Langer re-
known for his imperious batting, snarls and asifhewasplayingaTestmatch.Forouryoung regulars boast cent percent andshowcaseacontrastingsidetohisperson- grets there were not more conversations
clashes on field and in stairwells, the vil- blokes,hewasaninspiration,”Whitneysays. attendance and the eternal ality that many didn’t know existed. “His ex- among the squad about taking a knee in sup-
lain in a ball-tampering scandal, moved to Unsurprisingly,hispresencesprinkledstar- promise of a plucky 13th year of ploitsonTiktokandInstagramwerecoveredex- port of the Black Lives Matter movement be-
tears on air, and then the impressive crick- dust rarely seen in those games. More than reinventions. Featuring IPL’s tensively on the news here in Australia during fore matches on the ongoing white-ball tour
eting comeback. David Warner has perhaps 6,000 flocked for a game between Randwick- most prominent mainstays, an thelockdown.Healwayshadthisreputationof of England. While players from the England
finally secured what had proved elusive PetershamandSutherlandCricketClubthatin- Express countdown to India’s big being a ferocious competitor. But these videos and West Indies teams took the symbolic po-
throughout his career, at times even in his cluded players such as Shane Watson, Steve sports reopening Saturday night. have shown a funnier side of him. He has ma- sition on the field before the start of every
homeland: genuine love from fans. SmithandSteveWaugh’ssonAustin. turedalot,andhisthreedaughtersandwifehave matchintheirthree-testseriesinJuly,thesame
Far away from Australia, he has unexpect- Looking back, Whitney says Warner was a playedakeyroleinhisevolution.Thisvirushas has not happened during Australia’s tour.
edly gained adulation in India, especially in a revelation. “Throughthecourseofthatseason opposition bowlers. From posting videos that alsogivenhimanextendedtimetobewithhis Australia captain Aaron Finch previously
bifurcatedTelugu-speakingregionunitedinits — in two-day games, ODIs and T20s — he av- showhimgroovingwithhiswifeanddaughters familyinmorethanadecade,whichhehasused said his team decided against taking a knee
lovefortheirAussieTiktokhero. eraged over 80. Off the field, he relentlessly to lip-syncing popular Bollywood and Telugu tohisadvantage,”Whitneyelaborates. after raising the matter with England skip-
It was the Indian Premier League ecosys- signedautographs.Neversaidnotoanything, songs and dressing up in a Bahubali costume, TherearescepticswhoviewWarner’sforay perEoinMorganbecause“educationaround
tem that not only introduced Warner to the interacted with kids and offered valuable ad- Warnerhassentsocialmediaintoameltdown. into social media as an attempt at an image it is more important than the protest.”
cricketing world at large but also made him vice to the juniors in the team. It’s something Social media analyst Gurudutt Biswal be- makeover. There are others like SRH bowling ThatbroughtastingingrebukefromWest
aware of his own strengths. that never gets talked about. As the president lievesWarnerwassmartinhiscontentcreation. coachMuttiahMuralitharan,whosuggestedin IndiesgreatMichaelHolding,whohas called
Ironically, it was IPL that turned a bats- of theclub,Icouldn’thaveaskedformore,”he “He is quite popular with the Sunrisers half-jestthatWarnerwasdoingitforattention. the response from England and Australia
man who seemed custom-built for the says.Inthedressingroom,Warnerwouldnar- Hyderabad, which is the reason why he has “Hewantstobeinthelimelight.That’swhyhe “lame.” Asked on Tuesday about Australia’s
shortest format into a Test batsman through rate stories from his international tours and been generating so much content catering to is dancing at Tiktok. If I dance, entire India will stance on the Black Lives Matter movement,
his association with Virender Sehwag, who the IPL that kept his team-mates captivated. thatparticularregion.” laugh,”hesaidonRAshwin’sYoutubechannel. Langeracknowledgeditcouldhavebeendis-
was Jambavana to Warner’s Hanuman, AccordingtoWhitney,“Warner’spresenceen- Since his Tiktok debut on April 18, @david- Whitney,though,seesitdifferently.“Evenif cussed more upon the squad’s arrival in
making him aware of what he was really ca- ergised our team”. warner31’s growth has been nothing short of he has done it for an image makeover, he is England as the first sports team from
pable of. And it’s the IPL now that’s made David Warner’s presence has energised phenomenal — racing from 0 followers to 4.6 showingtheworldthatthere’sanothersideto Australia to travel overseas since the COVID-
him an object of endearment among fans SRH’s man for all seasons Sunrisers Hyderabad. SRH/Twitter millioninthreemonths. hispersonality.Whenhelooksback,hewould 19 pandemic broke.
who can’t have enough of the dancing Overtheyears,Warnerhashadasimilaref- Overall, his videos were viewed over 90 haverealisedthemistakethathehadcommit- “In terms of taking a knee, to be com-
champion. They love the smiles of his kids fect on his IPL franchise, Sunrisers Hyderabad. million times and garnered 65.7 million likes ted. But when it’s all washed up and done, pletely honest, we could have talked more
who prance with him and call his wife Hehasturnedthemintoaforcetobereckoned Rose. “There’s no doubt in my mind that the during this period. Even a ban on Tiktok im- you’relookingatoneofthegreatestAustralian aboutitperhapsleadinguptothefirstgame,”
Vadhina, sister-in-law, in comments. The with,throughindividualactsof brilliance. daughters have mellowed him down. I think posed by the Indian government in late June cricketers to have played the game across all Langer said. “There was so much going on
Warner brand is well established, at least in Sample this. Warner scored over 500 runs fatherhood changes people in different ways. didn’t hurt Warner’s popularity. formats. It (the social media foray) may have leading up to us getting here, maybe we
the Telugu-speaking cricketing world. in each of his five seasons with SRH, and won You’vegottowork,providethemthebestoffa- His popularity on Tiktok has resulted in an started with a bit of fun and then it went viral. should have talked more about it.
It didn’t seem possible in March 2018 theOrangeCaponthreeoccasions.Overall,he cilities, better than what you ever had experi- increased fan following on Instagram. His fol- Therewillalwaysbecriticswhowillsaynega- “What we do talk about within the team,
when he stepped away from cricket in tears. has scored close to 25 per cent of the team’s encedinyourlife.Davidhasgotabeautifulwife. lowers there numbered 4.1 million on tivethingsnomatterwhatyoudo.” was that we want to have a response that is
Two months after he was handed a 12- runs,andledthemtothetitlein2016. Shegrewupinthesameneighbourhoodashe September7.WarnerjoinedInstagramin2016 Biswal provides an interesting take. “There sustained and powerful, and that it can go
month ban by Cricket Australia for his role in Nevertheless, success on the field can’t re- did, and I dare say that she has been the rock,” and till April 2020, had around 2.3 million fol- hasn’tbeenasinglenegativepostfromthat(ball- not just in one action but a sustained period
the ball-tampering fiasco, former Australia move the stains of past misdemeanours. The Whitneynotes. lowers.However,sinceApril18(coincidingwith tampering)scandal.Sincemostofhisfollowers not just throughout this series and the sum-
pacerMikeWhitneymetWarneratSydney’s ball-tamperingincidentwasnotjustaone-off. his Tiktok debut), his followers have increased are Indians, they don’t really care about what mer but throughout time.”
Coogee Oval. He was not there to offer a pep Overtheyears,Warnerhadbuiltareputationof Social media superstar by close to two million. Out of his 4.1 million happened two years ago in South Africa. Had Langer described Holding, who has been
talk or lecture him on morality. As president beingabrashbully,whowouldgetintouglyal- Fivemonthsago,whentheworldwentinto Instagramfollowers,3.1 millionarefromIndia. theincidenthappenedinIndia,itcouldstillhave avocaladvocateof BlackLivesMatter,as“one
of Randwick-Petersham, Whitney was ex- tercations—likethestaircaseexplosionhehad lockdown, Warner tweeted: “Me and Kane Biswal attributes Warner’s rise in pop- madeadifference.ButinIndia,Warnerhascre- of the great people in world sport, and cer-
cited to have the left-hander playing grade withQuintondeKockduringthatill-fatedtour, WilliamsonwillbedoingTiktokvideosduring ularity on Instagram to his sensational foray atedanameforhimself withtheIPL,”hesays. tainly our game.”
cricket for his club in the upcoming season. orpunchingJoeRootatapubinBirmingham. quarantine”. And a fortnight later, he followed into Tiktok. “There’s a lot of cross-posting of Whitneyconcludesonaphilosophicalvein. “I just hope,” Langer said, “if it looked like
Warner has been part of the club since 2013, Following his suspension and the subse- itupwithanothertweet:“zeroideawhat’sgo- content that’s taking place with regard to “If people are enjoying watching Warner and there was a lack of respect, it wasn’t the in-
but rarely found time to play given his inter- quentbacklash,itcouldhavegonedownhillfor ingonbuthavebeentoldtodotiktokbymy5- Warner. Since Tiktok gives you that flexibil- his kids dancing to Bollywood numbers, he is tention of our team. We were very aware of
national and IPL commitments. Warner,butforthesupportofwifeCandiceand yr old”. From then on, it’s been an all-out bar- ity to repost it on other platforms, we’re see- doing a great service because there’s not a lot it. When Mikey says what he says, it’s cer-
“Davidisoneofthefinestplayerstoplayfor histhreedaughters—IvyMae,IndiRaeandIsla rage, much like the opener’s assault on ing a surge in his followers on Instagram as tosmileaboutcurrently.” tainly worth listening to.”

OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis

ARIES(Mar21-Apr20) LIBRA(Sep24-Oct23)
Youmaybe feeling Jupiter isplayinga
perturbedbyrecent beneficialroleinthe
clashesathomeorat active sectorof your
work,thereismuch solarchart,andhas
youcandotoensurethat good beenforsometime.Seeingthat
feelingisrestored soonerrather thisplanet’spresenceisbeing
thanlater.Partnerswillthankyou reinforcedbyVenus,itis clear
foryourpatience and thattheprospectsfora
consideration.You’llcashinyour pleasurableholidayorlong-
rewardsnextyear. distanceadventurehave never
beenbrighter. Makeplansnow!
Therestillseems tobe SCORPIO(Oct24-Nov23)
solidsupport coming Somepeopleare
fromthehelpful undoubtedly well-
relationship between disposedtowards
theSunandVenus,yourruler. you. Othersarenot.In
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson What youshouldrealisenowis eithercaseyourmaintaskisto
thateverything,includingevents managepersonalrelationships
which arefranklyunwelcome, withtactandwisdom,giving
hasapurpose.Keepaneyeon creditwhereitisdue.Whena
yourpurse,asyoucould be trickychoicecomesupyoucan
misledorotherwiseovercharged. probablybothhave yourcakeand
GEMINI(May22-June21) optionatthesametime.
If colleaguesand
1 He gets some people down (9) 2 A flower that could be open
associateshavebeen SAGITTARIUS(Nov24-Dec22)
8 Any about to depart may give before the end of February
attemptingto TheMoon’s
pain (5) (5)
discourageyoufrom relationshipwith
9 The loss-making 3 In turn it’s consumed with
takingtheplungeoracceptinga yourhouseof
accommodation for students decay (6)
temptingoffer,thereasonisnot marriageisa
(7) 4 A place where lots go
becausetheywishto holdyou welcomesignthatpartnerships
10 Work on a nervous complaint (8)
back,but thateventshave left willmovetoahigherlevel.There
(6) 5 One who deserts a woman for
thembehind.TheMoon’s are anumberof issueswhich
11 Storey renovated for one preference
occupation of yourchartsets you needto be handledwithkid
spending life in bed (6) (6)
upforthetopjob.Can youtake gloves,especiallyasemotional
12 Unusual doctrine of deferred 6 Gradually destroy a stick in
theplunge? undercurrentscouldleadto
payment (2,6) the middle (7)
enforcedchangesbefore very
15 Train chaps to be drivers 7 Ruling lines CANCER(June22-July23)
(8) (9) MARVIN by Tom Armstrong Makethemost of all
long.Tread carefullyandwith
regard foreveryone’s feelings.
18 Many lights used in the 11 Bound to go wrong? thosedeep,colourful
theatre (6) (3,6) andtransformative CAPRICORN(Dec23-Jan20)
20 Render a quiet duet in a 13 Finally decide (8) experiences which Thereisstillachance
modern style (6) 14 Model lass and her footwear aretakingplaceinyourpersonal thatsensational
21 Putting on sound preparation (7) lifeandpartnerships.However, planetaryaspectswill
for leather (7) 16 He deals in capital someof youmaycurrentlyfeel fire yourimagination
22 Save a ship and rescue about investments (6) ratherreserved andsuspicious of andenableyoutomake
fifty (5) 17 He works with locks otherpeople’s motives.Yet if enormousstrides.Youstillhave
23 A course designed to be (6) someone elsehasundermined somewaytocatchupif youareto
rapidly taken 19 Be fearfully disorganised you,theyprobablydidso makeupforlost ground. Don’t
(9) (5) unintentionally. worryif partnersarestressedout.
Lifewillbe morerelaxedsoon.
SolutionsCrossword4224:Across:1Nickels,4Susan,7Mine,8Pavement,10 Taking a short-term AQUARIUS(Jan21-Feb19)
Doublebeds,12Scotch,13Divine,15Impenitent,18Brougham,19Diva,20Ethic,21 perspective on SinceMarsandVenus
Thicken.Down:1Named,2Conjuror,3Shabby,4Speedlimit,5Stew,6Notable,9 current trends, it aresendingamixture
Blackmagic,11Limerick,12Sizable,14Pedant,16Train,17Posh. seems clear that lady of challenging and
luck is smiling on you. The only helpfulaspectsto
problems arise from your own yoursign,youmustexpect
failure to control your passions partnerstokeepyouonyourtoes.
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel1s
or take responsibility for your
own intense emotions. You will
Forthoseof youin search of
pleasurableexperiences, there
Instructions soon discover just how much arenolimits.And,if youare

Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, a close partner has been hopingtofallinlove,hangon;it

therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 helping you without your couldjustbeyourturnnext.

theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe even knowing.

Loveistheoutreachofselftoward____.-RalphWashingtonSockman(10) PISCES(Feb20-Mar20)
nineverticalcolumns,in VIRGO(Aug24-Sep Allthesignsarethat professional
eachoftheninehorizontal 23) pursuitsarecentred
DREOO EIQUCN rowsandineachofthe You’reinanambitious onmonetaryhopes
nineboxes. mood,anxioustodo andambitions. Thisis
yourbestandeagertotakefirst perhapsnot
place. Muchdepends onyour surprisinginviewof theneedto
UPTIL UPTIME DifficultyLevel
generalapproachtopartnerships. dealwithwhatcanonlybe
Youshouldnowbe preparedto described,withno
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; openupandacknowledgethe understatementwhatsoever,as
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; powerfulrolethatotherpeople, anemergency!Andplease
5s=VeryHard;6s= notjustclosefriends,have toplay remember theoldsaying,
Answer: Love is the outreach of self toward completion. - Ralph Washington Sockman Genius inyouraffairs. forewarnedisforearmed.

R.N.I. No. WBENG/2005/20789 VOL. XVI No.153 Printed by V.Srinivasan and Published by V.Srinivasan on behalf of The Indian Express (P) Ltd and Printed at Saraswati Print Factory Pvt.Ltd, 789, Chowbhaga (West), Kolkata-700105 and Published at The Indian Express (P) Ltd JL No.29 & 30, N.H.-6, Mouza -
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